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Anthony Schwab

Chapter One – The Demon Within

My name is Kaiser Aussif, I’m nineteen years old and ever since I was

young I always knew I was different. I was born an orphan and I was

eventually adopted by a wealthy family called the Ostro’s. For a little whilethey treated me as one of their own, but I came to find out one day, when I

overheard their conversation, that they had only been treating me like that

to look good in front of the neighbors and other family members that would

come by from time to time. They were really only using me to gain more

money, so I was told by my older brother, Aldrich Ostro, he was the one who

was going to take over the family business when our father retired, he never

really liked me very much, he must have found me to be a threat to his goal

since we were the same age, though technically he was older. I could never

understand why the family hated me so much, I was always so nice to them

and treated them all with respect despite the fact that they had treated me

so poorly.

Among all them, though, was a beautiful young girl by the name of 

Esmeralda Ostro, she was the youngest of the family, she was only three

years old when I was adopted at seven, and she always treated me kindly

and looked up to me as if I was her true brother. I called her Esme for short

but whenever our parents caught me calling her that they would scold me,

but I could tell she liked that nickname. She was always so kind and smart,

sometimes it seemed as if she was even smarter than me, and for somereason I can’t help but think she was. One day I was standing at my window

and staring up at the stars and crying about what had happened that day,

when Esme walked in the room with such an elegant, innocent and

concerned look on her face, she came up to me and gave me a hug and told


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me “Don’t cry big brother, everything’s going to be okay.” With a cheerful

disposition. Her smile could light up the room, she always had a way to stop

the tears and put a smile on my face.

There was one day when our father had witnessed Esme trip and fall

with a stack of antique Chinaware that shattered in many pieces when they

hit the floor. In a rage our father screamed at her and took off his belt and

beat her vigorously, she cried in pain as I watched this happen. I couldn’t

control myself any longer, the elicit thoughts that filled my head went

rampant and I blacked out. When I came to, I was standing next to Esme,

holding her unconscious body and our father’s body was pinned up against

the wall by forks and knives from his clothing. I was in such awe that all I

could do was run to my room and lock the door. I placed Esme on the bedand I tried to comfort her just as she had done for me in the past so many

times before.

I checked her wounds and I found lashes that looked as if they were

indented into her flesh by some sort of monster, of course, a man who could

have done this wouldn’t be a man at all. I contemplated on what I should do,

I’ve been wanting to run away for so long, but now I had my answer, I

couldn’t leave Esme here any longer for fear of knowing that this could very

well happen again. I took her and jumped out my window in the garden

below and ran for miles on end without cease until my legs could carry meno farther. We eventually took shelter in an abandoned cave that looked like

it was once used by the homeless. I set Esme down against the wall closest

to the entrance and set out to find some wood and flint to create a fire for

warmth. I may have only been seventeen at the time but I knew we could

survive. When I returned Esme was awake and acted as if she knew this was

going to happen, but she remained silent as I prepared the fire. “Esme, are

you okay?” I asked her. “I’ll be fine; don’t worry about me, big brother.” She

smiled faintly. I knew she was still in terrible pain, but she was strong, even

when she was younger she always had hidden the pain she was feeling.

My concern for her injuries had me forget of the rage I still had for

what our father had done. I had no plan in mind of what I was going to do,

when suddenly Esme arose from where she was sitting and came over to me


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and laid her head softly on my lap. She could tell that I was scared but knew

that I would be able to protect her, of course, she was able to see what I did

to our father, while I on the other hand had no recollection of the act I hadjust committed. “Esme?” I said to her. “Hmm?” she hummed. “Am I a good

person?” I asked. “Of course you are, you’re my big brother so you’d have to

be a good person.” She said innocently. I just smiled and looked up at the

stars as the night slowly turned to day.


Chapter Two - Gramora

The next morning came almost too fast, it seemed as if our lives had just

begun and then suddenly a new one was given to us right out of the blue. Esme

was still asleep and I, myself, was getting hungry so I figured she would be too

when she awoke, so I went out in search of food. I searched for a while and

eventually I found some fruit-bearing trees and berries scattered around the forest.

On my way back I noticed a trail of blood leading to the cave entrance. I thought to

myself, “I hope this isn’t Esme’s blood!” and my heart stopped as I hoped it wasn’t

true. When I entered the cave there Esme sat eating a boar she had just freshly

cooked. I was relieved yet astonished by her survival skills. “Wow, Esme! Did you

do this?” I asked her. “Of course I did, big brother, Esme’s a big girl now.” She said

with, yet again, a cheerful disposition. I laughed at her cute, innocent ways. Seeing

her like this made me want to protect her more and more, I knew I would die beforeI let any harm come to her again.

“What’s wrong big brother?” she asked. “Hmm? Oh nothing, I was just

thinking about what we are going to do. I mean I’m sure father is out looking for us,


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for all we know he could have sent his henchman or something.” I said. “You know

for someone who has a scary power you sure do worry a lot.” She said. That’s when

she told me, so she did witness what I did. “What was that Esme? Did you say scary

power? What do you mean?” I questioned her. “When father was about to attack

me, you jumped in front of him and all of a sudden he flew up against the wall and

then the forks and knives on the table flew at him and stuck him to the wall

somehow, it was really cool but scary.” She told me.

So now it all makes sense now, I must have some sort of telekinetic ability

like in those old folk tales. I knew I was different, I just knew it. “Don’t worry Esme, I

won’t ever hurt you, and no one ever will again, I won’t let them, you have my

promise.” I told her. She just looked up at me and smiled and we continued to eat

until our stomachs were full.

It was getting close to noon and I was starting to think that we should head

for the nearest town; I figured we could hide out there until I scrapped up enough

money for us to leave. “Esme, we should head to the nearest town, it’s not safe

here, I’m sure father’s henchmen will find us soon enough if we don’t keep

moving.” I said. “Okay big brother, I’ll follow you, ready when you are.” She said

cheerfully. Esme this isn’t the life I wanted for you, I’m sure we’ll make it through

and these hardships will eventually pay off, I thought to myself.

We traveled along a long windy river that led up to the industrial town of 

Gramora. There we took shelter , I scrapped up the little change we had in our

pockets and we only had enough for a week’s stay at the local Inn, luckily in townyou get paid every day. I applied for a job at the local blacksmith and I was able to

start immediately, turns out the previous helper left on a yearlong journey. The

boy’s name was Sothe Reinhart, but I wouldn’t be able to meet him until later. “So,

why did this Sothe guy leave anyways?” I asked the blacksmith. “He didn’t tell me

all the details but he did mention he was looking for some girl. Kind of seemed

strange how he would just up and leave like that. He was a great student though,

every sword he forged was damn near a masterpiece, and he was my greatest

pupil. But, that’s all over and done with now, you have some high expectations to

live up to. Your training starts bright and early tomorrow morning, but for now,

you’re going to cool those blades I hand you and I’ll do the rest. Oh, and before I

forget, no pay until the training is over, so the faster you finish the faster you get

paid, understand? Good. Now let’s get to work.” Said the blacksmith. Great no pay

and vigorous training, I thought, what else could happen?”


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When I got back to the Inn I was so tired I could barely move. “Welcome

home big brother!” said Esme cheerfully as she sat on the edge of her bed. “I’m so

tired, who would have thought cooling blades would be so hard?” I said in an

exasperated tone. No kidding, I can still hear his voice running through my head, so

forceful and energetic, he kept moving me faster and faster and I didn’t even get

paid. Then again, I wondered who this Sothe guy was, for some reason, just the

sound of his voice gave me a chill down my spine and it was for a good reason too,

because the events leading up two years from now hold true to that feeling I had.

The next day at dawn I headed to the shop and I looked around, the

blacksmith was nowhere to be found, so I left the shop and I bumped into him as

was leaving. There he stood the burly blacksmith of Gramora. “You’re late!” he

said. “But, I was just in there, how could I be late?” I asked in confusion. “I’m only

joking, you did the right thing, you passed the first test, get here before me. You’veproven that you’re willing to learn, now you need to prove that you are worthy to

learn.” He told me. I thought to myself, This is going to be a nightmare isn’t it?.

Sure enough, I got the hang of it though, and after a week I was doing it like a pro.

“Wonderful, pure wonderful, you’ve made me proud my boy, you learned faster

than even my latest pupil, but can you forge a better sword then he could?” he

asked. I concentrated deeply and put my soul into the forging process and out

came a sword that looked as if it were crafted by a God. “There it is my boy, your

first sword, that sword will forever be an extension of you. Use it to protect and

never slaughter the innocent and one day you too, may be remembered as a great

warrior.” Said the blacksmith.

When I was finished I ran home and I found Esme outside, she seemed upset.

“ Esme, what happened?” I asked in concern. “The Inn kicked us out, they said we

overstayed our welcome.” Said Esme in distress. That’s right, I thought, it’s already

been a week. “ Oh no, I forgot, and I don’t even get paid until tomorrow. What are

we going to do?” I asked myself, looking up at the sky. I searched around and I

eventually found the blacksmith. “ Sir, my sister and I have run into a bit of a

problem, due to my training taking too long I was unable to pay the tab at the Inn

and now we have nowhere to stay….” “Stop right there boy, you needn’t say any

more, Come with me, you’ll stay at my place, I have an extra room I haven’t been

using for a long time now.” He said. “Really? Oh thank you sir, you have no ideawhat this means to us!” I said happily. “Alright, alright don’t be getting all soft on

me now.” He said.

We followed him back to his house and we entered. On the wall there was a

giant sword at least 8ft in length and 2ft wide, with a slightly curved blade. “Wow,


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is that what you call a Katana?” I asked. “Yes that was forged by my great

grandfather, it’s been with me since I was your age and I polish it every day.” He

told me with pride. Below the katana were various pictures, one was an elderly

man, who obviously had to be his great grandfather, one was a young boy, looked

as if he could have been his son, and the other was the blacksmith with some

young man. “Who’s the young man in this photo with you?” I asked. “ That man

there is Sothe, come to think of it, he looks kind of like you, of course a different

hair color, but the face looks as if he could be your brother or something.” He said. I

thought to myself, What if there was someone out there like me?, someone with the

same powers, same features, I should search for this man, maybe he could help

me. Until that day comes, I guess I’ll never know, but as the night went on the

blacksmith started to open up to me a bit more, we ate, we laughed, and I even

shared with him the story of what happened a few weeks ago with our father.

“What! That man did what? To his own daughter! That bastard! Don’t worry;

you guys can take refuge here until things cool down. Damn! I always knew that

Ostro was a corrupt asshole! “The blacksmith said angrily. It was good to know that

there was someone who cared for us in this world, the strangest part being, we had

just me. I guess the lesson is, you can find good people in this world, and you just

need to know where to look.


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Chapter Three – The Prophecy 

The next few weeks were rigorous, every day I had back-breaking work to

do, but it left me feeling good about myself all the time. “Master, are done

for the day?” I asked. “We sure are, that was a long day of work, it’s

amazing, after a few short weeks you’ve managed to keep up with me. “He

said proudly. “Well, I was taught by the best, but for all I know it could also

be in my blood, I mean, I never knew who my real parents were.” I said.

“What’d you say you say your name was, Kaiser Ausif (Awsif)?” he asked.“No sir, it’s pronounced Aussif (Owsef). The Au makes an Ow sound and the I

makes an e sound. “I corrected him. “Aussif huh? Sounds sort of outlandish

to me, I never heard of anyone by that name in my entire life. Well, I guess

that’s all for today, let’s head on home, I hope your sister cleaned the house

up like I asked her to.” He said. I just nodded and we continued on our way.

When we got home the house was all spic and span, as clean as a whistle,

almost too clean. When we walked into the room upstairs, there she was, as

innocent as can be, playing with her stuffed teddy bear.

“Esme?” I said to get her attention. “What is it big brother?” shewondered. “I’m home, and I have to say, you did a wonderful job cleaning up

today.” I said to her gratefully. “Yes, you sure did and I figure tomorrow,

since the both of you have been such a big help, I’ll treat you to whatever

you like.” Said the blacksmith. I didn’t have to think hard, there was

something I’ve wanted to do for a while now. Ever since I saw that katana on

that wall I knew I wanted to forge one. I wondered what Esme wanted

though, she always seemed so content with her lifestyle and never

complained about anything, so for her to want something would surprise me.

“Master?” I asked. “Yes, my boy, what is it? Have you figured out what youwanted already?” he asked. “Yes, sir, I want to learn how to forge a katana.”

I said. He smiled and laughed, and then said “I was wondering when you

were going to ask me that. Very well, but know this, a katana isn’t your

average sword, once you’ve forged one, I can’t have you use it without


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proper training, but for now I’ll teach you the skills, bright and early

tomorrow, make sure you’ve gotten plenty of rest, you’ll need it.”

I was very happy and excited, but I kept my cool. My determination to

be a Master Blacksmith was as hard as the steel I made the blades with. I

just nodded with eyes burning with determination. “And you Esme? What is

it you want?” he asked her. “Oh nothing, but when I think of something, you

owe it to me, alright?” she answered. “Alright sweetheart, you got your wish,

whatever you want.” He said laughing.

For the last few hours of the day we ate and had a wonderful time, it

was as if we were a family, something I never truly got to experience before.

I shared with him even more of my past, when suddenly he brought up the

story of how I protected Esme. “So, how did you do it, how did happen?” he

asked. Then Esme said “Big brother has a scary power, he flew up at the

wall really hard and then knives and forks stuck him to wall and….” “Yes,

yes, I’m sure he did sweetheart, but Kaiser, how did it really happen?” he

interrupted. “No sir, she’s telling the truth, from what she told me, it seems

to make sense. I said.

“But that power you speak of, it hasn’t been used for over five

thousand years, I’ve only heard about it in old folk tales. Here, let me share

with the prophecy in which was foretold, it’s a tale my great grandfathershared with me, shortly before passing away, it’s a story I could never

forget.” He said seriously. The look on his face as he described every waking

detail had me wonder, who am I really? “There once was a tribe of strong

warrior who came from a distant land called the Dracolithes. They were a

fierce people, but honored our human code and dwelled here with us for a

while. Then one day, the king got worried, he found the Dracolithes to be a

threat to his reign and he sent his armies to destroy them, but it was as if 

they knew this was going to happen and both forces met on the battlefield

and a bloody war broke out. The humans barely stood a chance, but there

was one warrior who stood among them, a man who was both human andDracolithe, a hybrid that could resist their telekinesis and also use his own, a

skilled swordsman that was bested by no other, his name was Amadeus

Aussif. He killed every last one of them, but for some reason I can’t help but


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think some survived, the women and children had to of escaped. Eventually,

the king had Amadeus thrown into jail and later beheaded for a so-called

treason. Turns out, the king was just using him to destroy the Dracolithes forgood; it was all just a sick form of genocide. He left behind a wife and child

who took shelter and were never heard from again.” He told us. This had me

confused, I thought he told me he never heard of anyone named Aussif 

before, and did he lie? I though. “But, Master, I thought you never heard of 

anyone named Aussif before? I asked. “I lied, I did know, I just….didn’t want

to believe it was true, there was once a prophecy that one day the

Dracolithes would return to get their revenge on the king for his sins against

humanity. One of the signs was, an ancestor of Amadeus Aussif will rise to

battle the forces of the Dracolithes.” He told me.

So, there I had it, I wasn’t only special, I was a reincarnation of one of 

the greatest heroes to have ever lived, this was almost too much to bear, I

couldn’t wrap my mind around what my future was, or even the present for

that matter, but then I saw her face, she looked up at me with beautiful blue

eyes and said “Don’t worry big brother, I know you can do it.” And smiled

cheerfully.” My thoughts slowly started to recollect and I calmed down.

“Master! I exclaimed. “Hmm? He hummed. What is it?” “Are you still willing

to teach me how to forge a katana?” I asked. “Well yeah, if you’re willing to

learn that is.” He said. “Then I’ll do it, I’m going to face my destiny and train

to become a fierce warrior, just like my ancestor!” I shouted. From that day

forward my life would never be the same again.


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Chapter Four – Esme

My next day started out like normal, I mean despite a burly man bossing me

around left and right so fast I nearly went cross-eyed, but besides that it was

rather normal, well, until later that was.

Last night was inspiring, not just for me, figuring out how special I

really was, but for the blacksmith, getting to train someone destined for

greatness. I’m sure he was way more stressed than I was, or at least you

could hear it in his voice. His training would depend on if civilization as weknow it, survived or not. I knew I wouldn’t let that happen even if I died

trying, at least I knew I tried.


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My katana forging was coming along good towards the end of the day,

or so I thought. “You call that a Katana, that thing is a butter knife compared

to what my great grandfather could reproduce, said the blacksmith bluntly,give it another go tomorrow, for now, clean up for the day, I’m sure you’re

tired.” You bet I was, and disappointed too, but I guess I got my hopes up

too quickly, I mean this was one of the greatest swords known to man.

When we got home, it was quiet, too quiet, my heart was racing, and it

seems as if my paranoia had gotten the best of me yet again, but this time it

was right. “Esme? Esme where are you? “I called for her, but she didn’t

answer; now I was really starting to worry. I quickly hurried up stairs to find

the window wide open and wind blowing in from outside. On the nightstand

by the light there was a note, from Esme, it read: “Big brother, I’m sorry, butI have to go, I can’t tell you why, but I want you to know it’s not you it’s

something I have to do, so don’t worry. Esme’s a big girl now, so don’t come

looking for me. Hope to see you soon, love Esme.” My sister had run away,

what do I do? I thought to myself. “Kaiser is she here?” yelled the

blacksmith. “No, but she left a note, she went somewhere, but she didn’t say

where.” I said. I tried thinking of where she could have gone. There wasn’t

much I could do, I didn’t have any leads, just a note and it didn’t even give

me a clue. “What about the cave you two spent the night in when you first

ran away? Could she have gone there? He asked. Now that I thought about

it, that could be the only place she could have possibly gone, I have to check

there, and it couldn’t hurt. I thought to myself. “I have to go sir, I have to

find my Esme, and she’s all I have left.” I told him. “Go my boy, but before

you do, you don’t know what lies ahead, take your sword with you.” He said.

“Right, I already have it, it never leaves my side.” I said. “Then go, run like

the wind. Godspeed, my boy, Godspeed!” he shouted as I ran into the night.


I ran as fast as I could hoping that Esme would be okay, a part of me

told me she was, but there was always a chance. Thoughts would run

through my mind like, I told her I would protect her or No harm would come

to her again. My thoughts continued to race and suddenly my legs started to

feel lighter and they started to carry farther at a faster rate. Before I knew it,

I was at the cave, I was starting to come to terms with my powers, it seems


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Esme was the foundation of my powers. If she never existed in my life then

my powers would have never evolved this fast, without her, my powers

would be nothing.

When I entered the cave it seemed like there was something different

about it, it seemed as if the cave were larger than I remembered somehow.

As I started to go deeper into the cave, I started to hear a woman’s voice

singing, the sound was so alluring and beautiful, it was as if I was being put

under a spell, I felt ensnared slightly. At the end of the cave there was a pool

of water surrounding a circular giant rock-like structure in the middle of it. I

found the source of the singing, it was Esme. She was floating above the

rock magically, I watched for a little while longer and I noticed that sprits

from within the water were starting to collect above her in a giant spherethat slowly started to compress into a tiny marble. As she neared the ending

of her song, the marble fused to her earring and she fell to the ground.

“Esme!” I yelled as I ran to her body. She was unconscious, but I was still

worried, I took her back to town.

With my new found strength I was able to arrive in town in no time at

all. I laid her down on the bed and tucked her in, hoping she was okay; she

hit the ground pretty hard when she fell. “Don’t worry my boy, she’ll be

okay.” He said. “I know, I just can’t help it, she’s all I have left.” I told him. “I

know the feeling, more than you think, my boy.” He said. “Sir, I have to tellyou something.” I continued to tell him the story of what happened. “Wow

that sure is something. There is only one type of people I know with that

power. They are called Sirens, in ancient times they were described as

beautiful mermaids that lured sailors with their voices and then ate them,

but she doesn’t seem like that type, we’ll have to look into it. You should get

some rest. Tomorrow, we’ll talk about it and maybe we can figure out just

why she ran off.” He said. “You’re right; tomorrow’s going to be a big day. All

right sir, good night for now.” I said. Of course, I couldn’t go to sleep; I had

too much on my mind to be able to sleep. As the hours went on I became

more and more restless, so I decided to go check on Esme. She was still

asleep, I didn’t want to wake her but I did still go over to her and kiss her on

the forehead and said “ I love you Esme.”, and as I walked out the room I

heard her faintly say “ I love you too big brother.”, but when I went back in


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she was sound asleep. I knew she that she wasn’t really sleeping, but I let

her have her fun and I left the room and headed to bed.


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Chapter Five – Nightmare

The next morning I awoke in what seemed like a daze, I felt as if 

someone had knocked me out, like I was hit by some sort of force. Come to

think of it, I don’t even remember going to bed last night. To recap on what

happened, after I left Esme’s bedroom I noticed that the blacksmith’s door

was wide open, which was unusual because he locks it every night. When I

noticed this I got suspicious and decided to check it out. I remember seeing

a shadowy figure in the living room then suddenly I was in bed, as if it wereall just a weird dream, but I came to find out it wasn’t, or so I thought.

Someone broke in last night. “Ow, my head, what happened?” I said in pain.

“Oh no, Esme!” I went to check in on her and there she lied, sound asleep. I

checked the blacksmith’s room and he was asleep as well. Something was

going on, and I aimed to find out what.

I wandered downstairs and yet again I was hit by some force. “Ah,

what the hell!” I yelled. Something was there, but I couldn’t see what, as if it

were some sort of invisible force field placed at the steps leading down to

the living room. “So you can resist my telekinesis, it seems you are a strongas they said you would be. “A voice called out to me. “Who’s there? Show

yourself!” I commanded the voice. “I guess I could do that, maybe you

should know who’s going to kill you!” the voice said. Then suddenly a man

about 5 ½ feet tall descended through the ceiling and placed his feet firmly

on the ground. “Greetings, my name is Victor, Captain of the 10 th squadron

of the Dracolithe Military Force, but you can call me “Nightmare”.” He said. “

What do you want?” I asked. “I thought I made myself clear, I’m here to kill

you and destroy the prophecy!” he told me.

There I had it, there were no negotiations, this would be my first

true battle and with an Elite member of the enemy as well. I knew this

wasn’t a dream, it was a nightmare. I thought. “There are impenetrable walls

scattered around this hallway, you have no chance of escape.” He said. This


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isn’t good, I thought, I don’t even have a sword! “Give me your best shot” he

taunted. I tried thinking of what I could do when suddenly visions of Esme

popped in my mind, her laughs, her smile, her innocence and then fatherbeating her and her cries. The happiness quickly turned to rage and this

time I didn’t black out. I shot a shockwave from my palms and directed it

towards Nightmare and he disappeared. “Too slow! You won’t be able to hit

me when you’re in my domain! He yelled and laughed maniacally. “Damn!

Where did he go? I said. I couldn’t see where he was when suddenly a force

knocked me back and I flew to the ground. “Ahhh!” I yelled as I struggled to

get back up. First I couldn’t hit him, now I couldn’t see him! I thought to

myself. Then I remembered that he said his name was “Nightmare”. It all

makes sense now, I thought, I’m under some sort of spell, I’m trapped in a


“This is my world, how can you hope to defeat me when you’re

playing by my rules?” he said. I slowly got up and stood my ground as I said

“By using them against you!” “What? What are you talking about? Speak up

you fool!” he said. I started to concentrate and imagine myself holding a

katana, then suddenly, there it was, in my hand I held what I had just

imagined. “Where did you get that from? How did you….Grrrr….No matter I’ll

kill you either way!” he yelled stammering as he got angrier. He lunged at

me with his palm and placed it on my chest, he let out a shockwave, but as

he did that I had plans of my own. I curved the blade that it was wrapped

around his wrist slightly. As I flew back, off flew his hand, and he screamed

in agony. “Ahhh! You bastard! How dare you! I’m going to kill you!” he

yelled in pain. Of course, I was in immense pain as well, I felt as if my bones

were broken in so many places, I could barely stand. Then with a fierce roar,

I charged at him, sword drawn and aimed for the pit of his chest, when

suddenly he jumped just as I was about to connect and he got away with a

mere gash on his right shoulder. “Hmm! You’re stronger than I thought. I’ll

take my leave for now, but know this, there are nine other captains ahead of 

me, each stronger than the last. You best train or you will never survive!Good luck boy, you’ll need it! “He said as he ascended through the ceiling

and drifted away, laughing maniacally.


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Suddenly, the nightmare was over, it slowly faded away and I

returned to reality, but I was struck by the immense light of day that blinded

me at the first sight of it. When my eyes refocused Esme was hovering overme, I had collapsed. I couldn’t believe it, I was bleeding, I had gashes on my

left arm and shoulder as well as a slash across my stomach and a gash on

my right leg. So the damage he dealt wasn’t internal after all it was external,

I realized. “Esme, I don’t feel like I’ll be able to make it!” I told her as I laid

there in pain. The light that was once glistening in the day, slowly started to

fade away as I entered into what seemed like the world of the dead.

Chapter Six- Training

Hours later, I came to. When I awoke, Esme was hovering over me at my left

side with her eyes closed, whispering some sort of ancient tongue, and as

she continued I started to fell rejuvenated, as if my wounds were healing. Itwas such an amazing feeling, but how could this be possible, I thought to

myself. There was no answer except that Esme, in addition to what I

witnessed the other night, had the power to heal wounds as well. “Esme?” I

said as I slowly struggled to move my limbs. She then gasped in surprise,

“Big brother, don’t move, you’re not completely healed yet!” she screamed

at me in concern. She was right, I was in no condition to be moving just yet,

not like I could though, and I was still in so much pain, even if I tried to fight

it. “Esme what happened?” I asked, even though I knew what happened, I

wanted to know what she saw. “I don’t know, I just walked into the room thismorning and you were lying there on the ground talking to yourself. Then

out of nowhere you started to gush blood out of cuts that appeared

randomly. It was so scary, I didn’t know what to do.” She cried. “Esme, its

okay, I’ll survive, there’s something, I have to tell you.” I told her. “What is


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it? What’s wrong? She asked. “They’ve already begun; they’re coming for

me Esme! They’re trying to kill me before I have a chance to get too

powerful.” I told her.

“Who, big brother, who is after you?” she asked me. “The Dracolithes,

last night what you witnessed was me fighting one of them. He was one of 

the captains of their elite military force. His name was Nightmare, and as

you noticed I was trapped in a nightmare, but its okay, I defeated him just as

badly as he did to me.” The blacksmith then walked into the room and threw

the katana I had forged not too long ago on the bed and said to me, “So, it’s

begun has it? Then you’re training starts immediately.” “But mister, he’ll get

hurt if he trains in this condition…” she said. “ It’s okay Esme, I can do it.”I

interrupted her as I struggled to get up. The pain was unrelenting, but Ipulled through somehow and managed to make my way down into the

training grounds in the backyard.

I looked up at the window on the top floor and there she was, looking

down on me with a concerned look. She was worried for me just as much as I

did for her. “Alright, for your first lesson I’m going to test both mind and

body, for they must be one in order to get the full effect out of your powers.”

He said. Makes sense, to be a true warrior your body should listen and

reflect every command you issue it. “Today, I’m going to test your reflexes,

here in my hands I have apples, I’m going to throw them at you, try yourbest to cut them in half.” He instructed. Alright, this didn’t seem to hard, I

mean how hard could it be, they’re only apples. I thought. Then he started to

throw them at me at incredible speeds I could barely see him throw them.

“Woah, Woah, Woah! Take it easy! Owww! “I yelled as they hit me.

“Concentrate, keep your eyes on the apples!” he yelled. He’s right, I took

the training too lightly, this was the blacksmith issuing the training I

remembered. I should have figured his training would be just as bad for

combat as it was for forging.

He trained me for hours on end without a break and I eventually gotthe hang of it. “Good, good, your skills are developing along fine, and now,

we eat. Thanks for cutting those apples up for me.” He said. I thought to

myself, what? Did I just train or did I make him a snack? Of course, I know


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now the answer to that question is both. There’s something I learned that

day, it’s that training is only as beneficial as you make it, if you’re not willing

to learn, you never will.

Chapter Seven – The Tragedy 

So, I passed the first test, but the worst was yet to come. The next day could have

gone better, but I was new to this and the blacksmith knew that, so, of course, he

cut me a break. “Okay kid, today I will teach you how to effectively take down your

opponent if you happen to become disarmed.” He said. It sounded cool, but at the


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same time it sounded like it would be hard to perform. “Okay, so how do I do it?” I

asked. “Hold your horses, I was just getting to that.” He said. It may have seemed

like I was being impatient but truly he was just being slow. “Good things take time.”

He said. “What?” I asked. “If you’re patient, good things will come your way, but

being impatient will only bring about disasters and you’ll miss half of your life.” He

told me. At first I didn’t understand, I was young and ignorant, mind you, but now I

understand that he meant that I shouldn’t rush things, being impatient will ever so

surely end up in your demise.

“Anyways, back to training.” He ordered. Of course, I was a little more

patient after hearing that, but I couldn’t control how antsy I was on the inside, I

mean I didn’t have a lifetime to train, the next captain could show up to ambush me

at any moment. We trained for hours and what he was teaching me seemed rather

unorthodox, I never thought doing regular yard work would be used to train me forbattle. For my final piece of training he even had me thrusting my palm into a tree,

back then I didn’t get one bit of it, but today, well, you could probably get the gist

of it, but you probably won’t until later.

“Kaiser, sit down, let me share with you a story, take a break for a moment.”

He instructed. I stopped what I was doing and immediately went over to where he

sitting and sat in front of him. “What is it Master?” I asked. “I want to share with

you a story of my childhood, seeing you train today made me remember a piece of 

my past.” He said. I sat patiently and listened to him tell me a life lesson that to this

day would help me. “ When I was a young boy, I was training with my father, he

was trying to teach me how to be the fighter I am today. I failed and failed at thesame point every time, it seemed so hopeless for me at times, but I kept on going,

until eventually, I broke. I couldn’t take the continuous failures anymore so I gave

up and started to walk away, when suddenly, my father grabbed me by the arm

and punched me to the ground and he told me a phrase to this day I will never

forget.” He said. “What is it? What did he tell you?” I asked impatiently. “ Even

when times get rough, even unbearable, never give up, never give in, stay patient

and work at your failures and eventually those failures will turn into achievements.”

He said. That phrase was not just inspiring, it was a strong moral that everyone

should live up to. “He was right of course, I kept at it, tried again and again and

eventually I pulled through in the end. “he said. “Wow, master, you’re fathersounds like a great man.” I said. “He was, he was as tough as nails, but to me, the

greatest father who ever lived….I just wish the same could be said about me.” He

said. “What do you mean Master?” I asked. “Don’t worry about it!” he said angrily.


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There I knew something was up, so many thoughts were going through my

mind when he said that; Who is he talking about? Could it be the young boy in the

picture? Why does he think he’s a bad father? That and so much more rushed

through. I later found out that what he was talking about was his son, he passed

away a few years ago, and his name was Argyle. He didn’t seem to want to tell me

why, but I respected that and decided not to bother him about it any longer.

When I finished training for the day, I decided to go out with Esme for a walk

about town. It had been while since Esme and I were able to spend some time

together, come to think about it, it wasn’t since we came to Gramora that I was

able to be with her. Knowing that made me feel even worse, but I eventually got

over it, just seeing her smile at the very sight of me made that worrying go away.

“So, Esme, what do you want to shop for?” I asked her. “Oh nothing, I’m just glad I

get to be with you big brother.” She said cheerfully. Her personality was soinnocent, even in this cold, barren, wasteland of a world, I often pondered on how

she kept it over the years.

We eventually walked by a stand with an oracle’s tent. “Oooo, big brother,

let’s get our fortune told!” she said excitedly. “Oh, okay, but it has to be quick.” I

said. We entered the tent and a woman was sitting in the back with a crystal ball.

She welcomed us with open arms. “Come in, Come in children, let me share with

you the secrets of this world.” She said. “Miss, what is my fortune?” I asked her

bluntly. “Hmmm? Let’s see, give me your palm.” She said. Then suddenly her eyes

lit up and she was speechless, she stammered as she murmured the next few

words. “You…..You’re….You’re the keeper of the prophecy! I have to go…I have togo alert the…..I got to get out of here.” She said as she rushed out the door and

headed out of town without grabbing any of her things. “What was that all about?” I

said confused. “ I don’t know, but she sure looked scared big brother.” She said.

We exited the tent and walked home, but we were stopped by the smell of 

the freshly baked pies and pastries that were on sale at the bakery just a few feet

away. Esme looked even hungrier than I was, so I figured I’d treat her to a pie and

some cinnamon buns. I bought one of the most mouth-watering apple pies and

three cinnamon buns, one for each of us, that I ever tasted. I figured the blacksmith

would be in the mood for a pie so I decided to get him one. Maybe it would compel

him to open up to me a bit more and share more of his past, particularly the past

involving his son. When we got home, I opened the door and there he lied in a

puddle of his own blood.


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Chapter Eight –The Secrets of the Blacksmith

There he lied, cold, dead, and lifeless, as if the life had left his body

almost immediately after being attacked. I couldn’t think of anything to do, I

was still frozen from shock when I heard Esme scream. The guards came

running and saw his body and checked it for a pulse, it was true, he was

dead, my master, the person I found to be the definition of a true father,

even if technically he wasn’t ours, he seemed like one to me. I was broken,

as if I’d seen a ghost, but I came too eventually.

When the coroners had taken the body away I locked myself in my

room, the loss of someone so important to me was almost too much to bear.

So much was happening too fast, first I have paranoia over father coming to

find us, then we gain love and friendship for the blacksmith, then Esme has a

mysterious power, people are after her and me and my destiny is putting a

stronger hold on my mentality every waking moment. I could die tomorrow

for all I know, but it’s not the death that frightens me, it’s leaving Esme

alone in this world to fend for herself. I couldn’t picture a life for her worse

than that, I won’t let that happen, I won’t. I kept telling myself that over andover again until I came to terms with my objective, to protect Esme, to

protect the world.

I left the room and checked on Esme, she too had locked herself up in

her room, but she wasn’t crying, I could hear it from the hallway, she was

singing. It sounded like a tune I heard when I was a child, at the orphanage.

The matron there would always sing that tune; I remember her calling it

“The Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven. But why would she be singing that

tune I thought, the melody was usually played on a piano, traditionally

anyways, but they both transformed it into a song, words and all.

Esme was in pain; some people hide it and express it in other forms

such as singing or laughing. I knew her better than anyone else, just as she

had me, she was in pain and it hurt to know that. I know she felt just as


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deeply for the blacksmith as I did and there was no way she wouldn’t be

upset over the matter. I walked over to Esme, but slowly and quietly so I

wouldn’t interrupt her. When she neared the end of it, she stopped abruptlyand said “Did you enjoy that big brother?” I couldn’t say anything but, “Of 

course I did, you have a beautiful voice Esme. But, why didn’t you sing the

entire time we were with father? I would have liked to hear it then.” She

then replied happily with, “Because I didn’t have a reason to, but now I do. I

have to sing for you, for everyone. I was told my voice would draw the

attention of many and I would soothe their pains with my gift, and so I sing.”

“Who told you that?” I asked. A tear then came to her eye when I asked her

that and she replied, “Mother….she told me that…on her death bed.”

That was right, I never got to meet our mother, she died before I wasadopted, and it must have been horrible to have seen that when she was

just so young, she was only three when I came along so she had to be

traumatized more than anyone, losing a mother you had just only met. I bet

it was father who was the death of her, if he was abusive to Esme then I

wouldn’t want to imagine how he was to his wife, Damn woman beater! I

thought to myself. “Well, big brother, what are going to do now?” Esme

asked me. “There’s nothing we can do. But wait until the funeral, it’s on

Tuesday, two days from now, so until then, I don’t think there’s anything we

can do.” I told her frankly; she just sighed and then went back to her same

old self, as if she was stripped of her feelings from earlier, but I could tell she

was still in pain on the inside.

Tuesday came quick, it was something I didn’t really want to look

forward to, to see someone you cared for in a casket before you. At the

viewing there weren’t many people, I guess the blacksmith must have really

kept to himself before we came along, not many people knew him as a

person, more so as a blacksmith then anything. I went to pray at his body

and then suddenly the tears just wouldn’t stop flowing, I felt a flood of pain

rush through my heart as I kneeled before his cold, lifeless body. I wish it

wasn’t true, I thought and hoped it was a dream, but as I came to realize it

wasn’t the pain grew greater. Esme wasn’t much better, we both cried

together, I tried to hold back the tears and be strong for Esme but I figured

this was no time to be unemotional; a loved one had just passed. I couldn’t


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help but think it was my fault, I mean if I was there I could have protected

him, or maybe I couldn’t have, maybe he was assassinated and didn’t have

a chance to defend himself, there had to be a logical explanation for this, hewas a strong man, taking him down couldn’t have been an easy feat.

After we were done praying, a man came up to us to explain his will

and said “It’s strange, the guy came to me not too long ago to issue this and

now he’s gone, I’m sorry for your loss, please sit down.” He explained that

the blacksmith was gone now and because of that we were granted all of his

estates, he left it all to us, he knew that this was going to happen, and he

cared for us enough to not let us rot on the streets. When I heard the good

news, I was so happy that the tears started to flow again. “Why are you

crying, you should be happy.” He said. “I am, these are tears of joy, but atthe same time, I’d rather have the blacksmith then his property. Nothing can

replace a family member, no form of properties or any sum of money,

nothing can replace the feelings and times you shared., but are we going to

take the will, yes we are, but my point still stands, good day sir.” I said to

him as we walked out of the church and headed home.

When we got home, Esme was still worse for wear and I was mad that

all people care about in this world are money and possessions. I paced back

and forth trying to get the rage out of my mind and eventually something

caught my eye, there was a trail of blood leading from the carpet where theblacksmith was leading down into the basement. “What the hell.” I thought.

Something wasn’t right, what could the blood be from? I headed down into

the basement and the blood disappeared, and the trail behind me was gone

as well. It kept getting stranger and stranger by the moment.

There was a bookcase on the far wall that seemed to hold books that

looked of an alchemical nature; they seemed conspicuous by the very look

of them. Suddenly, a chill went up my spine, like a rush of incredible energy,

and it seemed to be telling me, in my gut, that I should pick up the red book

next to a bunch of green ones. I moved the red book and the bookcaseturned and revealed a secret passageway with a stairway leading downward

into a cave-like structure. I followed it down and I eventually came to a dead

end, filled with an alchemical laboratory and a load of forging books. What is


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this place, I thought. It didn’t make any sense, why would there be all this

down here instead of in his shop. All the information that resided in the

laboratory was used to create a legendary sword, called “Hrunting”, onceused by the legendary swordsman Beowulf. It seems he was trying to

recreate one of history’s lost artifacts by the combination of alchemy and


Esme seemed to have followed me into the cave because I could sense

her presence was near. “Esme? You can come out now, I know you’re there.”

I said. She came out from behind a rock and creeped towards me as if she

was in trouble. “Big brother, what is this place?” she asked. “I don’t know, I

just recently discovered it myself. Hmmm?” I said. I noticed there was a note

near the forge on the table that said: To my two new family members, if you’re reading this then it probably means I’m gone now, but don’t worry, I

have faith that you two will make it just fine. Kaiser I know this doesn’t

sound easy but you’re gonna have to be a big man now and take care of 

everything, of course Esme can help to but you are going to have to run the

blacksmith shop as well as tend to the house from time to time and don’t

forget about your training, I don’t want you dying too, the world depends on

you, ya know. I left instructions in the laboratory on how to create

“Hrunting”, if you manage to recreate that sword, the Dracolithes should

stand no chance against you. I know you can do it kid, you better than my

last pupil, you’re even better than me. Good luck Kid – Blacksmith.

Wow, so the blacksmith had left this all up to me. I had my answer, I

was the hope for this world and he had just given me the tools to shape my

destiny to how I see fit, because of him I would be able to save the world,

because of him I would be able to do that and protect my own existence as

well. He had sacrificed himself to protect us, I know that’s what happened,

there’s no other explanation. It turns out; even the most hidden of secrets

are meant to be found out sooner or later.


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Chapter Nine – Trial and Error 

Hours passed, I was still in shock but dealing with that fact that the

blacksmith had passed, I wasn’t as angry at the world anymore, but they still

needed to get their priorities straight. I thought I had just got a descent

blade going but the magic wasn’t there. The blacksmith once told me thatyou’ll know when you’ve forged a good blade because you can feel a magic

radiating within it, the term used for that magical feeling is Reishi. Reishi is

what once was used to defeat many strong warriors of the past; it had slain


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dynasties and prevented some of the most astronomical monsters from

taking over cities.

I tried and tried again, but I knew that even if I tried for a lifetime

without cease it wouldn’t happen, I would have to be clear of mind, body and

spirit before I’d be able to create a masterpiece such as the Hrunting. So, I

decided to go out for a walk, it was somewhere close to dawn and Esme was

still sleeping so I figured I could leave her unattended for a little while. I

walked around the forge downstairs and read some more books the

blacksmith had written from his earlier days, some even dated back during

the last war, fifteen years ago. To think that the blacksmith would be at the

same project with the same results after fifteen years and still had not given

up was truly inspiring, it made me realize that I should never give up, just ashe had taught me not too long ago.

I read some more of his articles and various trials and found some very

interesting alchemical combinations that he had tried. Various spices and

animal parts, bones and fecal matter, who would have thought of these

things? None other than the blacksmith of course, then again after fifteen

years straight he had to have been getting desperate. I guess once you’ve

gone that far anything would be possible. It turns out his closest

reincarnation of the sword was a combination of sage and cumin along with

the fang of a timber wolf and the spine of a turkey, the sword had to bedipped in the combination to cool. It said that once he had finished doing

that, the sword illuminated with a red hue then dissipated.

“I guess he got the right combination but maybe the timing was

wrong, or maybe the wrong dosage was applied. I’ll have to experiment and

find out, but for now…..i guess I’ll take a break.” I thought out loud. I went

straight from there to the nearest stall that had been open for business.

There were only a few open, not many people open until after noon so for

me to find was I was looking for would surprise me, but I looked just in case.

To no avail I found an old medicine woman, she had a few fangs that wereconstructed into earrings and some sage and cumin but she didn’t have the

spine of a turkey. “Mam, you wouldn’t happen to have a turkey’s spine

would you? I asked her politely. “Hmm, I have heard of your quest young


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man, I do have a spine, but it’s not what you’re looking for.” She told me.

“Wait, who told you, the blacksmith?” I asked. “No, the earth, it speaks to

me, it told me of your destiny and it asked me to help. I will help you in anyway I can. To the east there is a griffon, one of the four legendary monsters

that plague this world. If you are able to defeat such a beast and take from it

its spine then you will be able to forge your sword.” She said. I knew what I

had to do, but to defeat one of the four legendary monsters would not be an

easy task. “Are you certain? That is the task I must complete in order to

forge Hrunting? Then I will do it, thank you very much, I must take my leave

now and prepare for the journey and the fight.” I said. “Please child, come to

me if you are ever in need of my help.” She said lovingly. I just shook my

head and ran back home and grabbed my sword, on my way out I looked up

the katana on the wall and I saw a small message etched near it. It read: Kid,if you find yourself in need of some extra oomph use this, but if I find out you

broke it, I’ll make sure to kick your ass when you get up here. PS: Make sure

you polish it too. “Well, I guess that’s a sign, I should take this with me just

in case.” I said out loud. Just as I grabbed the sword off the wall I felt an

intense burst of energy rush through me, was this Reishi? Is this what it feels

like? I thought. To make sure no energy would escape it, I wrapped it in a

cloth, well, just in case, I didn’t know the physical or magical properties of 

Reishi so it was best for me to take precautions. I headed out the door and

started my journey up the mountainside where the beast had resided. It feltlike hours, but it was just the toll of rough terrain taking to my body, of 

course it had only been about an hour. “Geez, I need to get in better

shape…..or take less equipment with me next time, either way, this is

ridiculous.” I complained to myself.

As I got closer to my destination I could start to smell what seemed

like sulphur, which was strange because there weren’t any volcanoes near

here or active ones at least. I moved cautiously and I heard a woman scream

out of nowhere, sounded like she was in distress. I hurried in hopes that I

could save her and I found a woman riding around on a broom flying awayfrom the Griffon, but she was barely escaping each attack by a mere hair

length. Without hesitation I rushed to her defense and slashed the beast

across the face. “Take that! You stay away from her foul beast!” I screamed

at the griffon. She was surprised to see me, and I too, she looked like a


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younger version of the fortune teller from the other day. “Hey you…you’re…

from the other day…” she said. “No time for pleasantries, run!” I said as we

dodged a head on attack from the griffon. “Is that the Griffon?” I asked heras we hid behind a boulder. “Yes, it is, but what do you want from it? Don’t

you know that thing can eat you alive if it wanted to?” she asked. I just

smiled and said in a cocky way, “Yeah? Well it can try.” And I ran off after it.

“You know you’re a big dummy, you know that?!” she yelled at me as I

chased after the griffon. “So, any final words beast?” I asked it. “I have

nothing to say to you human!” it talked back. “What the hell, it actually

talked!” I said in surprise. “Surprised are you human? You fools wouldn’t

dare bother with us for we are over a thousand times smarter than you, you

best watch your back boy!” it told me. “Yeah, whatever you say bird-brain.” I

mocked and ran towards it with my improved skills due to long hours of nearly endless training. I kept hitting it over and over again, but it blocked

each one of my hits with amazing accuracy.

“Give it up human, I’ve studied all your moves!” it said. “Yeah, well

study this!” I said as I accelerated my attack speed within my legs. I slashed

it across the chest and it screamed it agony and then entered into a

bloodlust rage. “You will die human! You and that annoying bitch too!” it

yelled. “Who me? Hey, I am no bitch, you jerk!” the witch pouted. “You may

sound tough Griffon, but you’re all talk. After I’m through with you, your

spine will be in my next creation.” I shouted back at it. The fight went on for

a while and I eventually started to get tired, the dang thing didn’t know

when to give up, then again I guess the same could be said for me from its

standpoint. I could tell it was getting exhausted as well. We were both

running short of any fight left in us. I fell to the ground just as it did

moments later. We were both still hoping for a fight, one to the death and

yet we just started laughing. Out of nowhere we just started laughing, I

didn’t even know what, but we couldn’t stop, it started to hurt after a while,

that’s how you could tell it was a good laugh, one that leaves you hurting.

“You’re all right human you know that? I never met a human that could outlast me in a battle.” The griffon said. “Yeah? Well, for the record you’re a

pretty good fighter yourself.” I said. Then I quickly rose to my feet and

pointed my sword at its face with a grin, then put it back in my sheathe and


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helped the beast up. “What! You’re helping it out! Man, boys make no

sense.” Said the witch in an angry confused tone.

I know, it may have not seemed right, but I could see a better ally than

an enemy when I saw one and the griffon was definitely a formidable ally,

that’s for sure. “Human, since you have clearly bested me in combat I am

obliged to offer you one thing in return, tell me what you wish.” It told me.

Of course, I came up there for his spine, but I couldn’t do that I cold blood, I

have strong morals against that stuff, couldn’t bring myself to do something

so horrid even if I tried. “Griffon, I’m in search of a spine, but I would have to

kill you to obtain such a rare item, however, I cannot bring myself to kill

you.” I told it. “My spine? Is that all you wanted? We Griffon’s shed our

spines every new century; my cave here is filled with them. Please take one

with you.” It said. I had no idea; I should have done my homework before

coming up there. “Griffon, what is your name?” I asked. “We griffon have no

names, we are born as a Griffon and have no such title.” It said. “Well, then

I’ll have to fix that, How does Alabaster sound to you?” I asked. “Alabaster?

Yes, that has a good ring to it, Alabaster? Yes, I like it.” It said in excitement

while pondering the fact of acquiring a name. “I’m glad you like it. Well then,

I’ll take my leave, hey you over there, let’s go.” I told it. “Who do you think

you are ordering me around, I’m not some little girl!” she yelled. “Wait,human, you never told me your name.” “Kaiser, Kaiser Aussif…..and I am

gone save this world one day.” I told him as I walked off into the bright


As we arrived back in town, I was starting to get annoyed at the

witch’s constant pestering of how I should have dealt with the Griffon. She

just wouldn’t let up, but I ignored her, she wasn’t worth making a scene

over. “Hey are you ignoring me? You are aren’t you? Answer me! Pfft…fine I

don’t need you anyway.” She said and then walked off. “Finally, I was

wondering when she would leave.” I said “Hey! I heard that!” she said,reappearing behind me. “I thought you didn’t need me.” I said. “I don’t, it’s

you who needs me. My mother sent me here, she said you would be here

working on some sort of legendary blade.” “Is my business all the rage these


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days, because it seems everyone knows that I’m trying to make Hrunting?” I

said angrily. “No, she’s a witch too, wiccans have powers, and we can see

the future.” “Oh okay, so that fortune teller lady, she was your mother? Iguess that makes sense then, well can you help me?” “Alchemical research

was my specialty at the university where I was taught magic.” “I see, so that

explains why you didn’t attack the Griffon?” “Yes, I’m not fitted for combat,

I’m a book worm, but I can still cast a spell or two, just nothing like my

mother can.” We conversed. I eventually found out her name which took a

lot of talking about her life that I didn’t necessarily want to hear just to get it

out of her. “Oh my name? Where are my manners? I got so tied up in our

conversation that I forgot to tell you. My name is Kasumi Deite, pleased to

meet you.” “The pleasure is all mine. Please, let’s head back to my lab so we

can discuss how to prepare this blade, I’m new to alchemical properties, sowith you here I should be able to reproduce it eventually.” I said.

We headed back to the house and Esme had finally awoken, she came

down the stairs rubbing her eyes as if she had just gotten out of bed. “Good

morning sleepyhead.” I said to her. “Good morning big brother.” she came

over and hugged me with still a half-asleep disposition. “She’s your sister I

presume.” Kasumi asked. “Yeah, that’s her.” I said. She seemed suspicious,

but didn’t bring up what she was feeling. “Let’s head down to the lab.” I

said. She just nodded her head and followed me, it was strange, and she was

as quiet as ever, just a little while ago she was talking up a storm, even

when I made it obvious I didn’t want to hear it. She was acting strange.

“Well, here it is the lab.” I said. “This is it, this little hovel is your

lab…….this won’t do, you must expand, and you have plenty of room.

I’ll never be able to fit my vat down here.” She said. “Your vat? Wait you

don’t mean…?” “Yes, I’m moving in, tomorrow. Why? Is that a problem?”

“No, it’s not that, it’s just strange, I only just met you today and you’re

already planning on sleeping in the same home as me.” “What’s so strange

about it, this house could use another woman’s touch anyways.” She said.

The night went on and Kasumi and I were starting to become more

acquainted, I swear she must have multiple personalities of something, one

time she’s angry, one jealous….i think, and the other time she’s nice and

innocent, kind of like Esme. It didn’t make any sense, but I dealt with it, the


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diversity made it rather nice. To give you a feel on what she looked like, she

had blue hair, with sparkling purple eyes and well, a very nice body….but I

wasn’t checking her out or anything, but hey a man has to look sometimesdoesn’t he? Esme seemed particularly fond of her, I hope she didn’t find her

to be some sort of girlfriend or anything, I mean that would be my first

assumption if I saw her walking in with a boy, but I probably have a while

until I have to worry about that.

It was nearing around midnight and I was getting tired, so I decided to call it

a night, I thought that in the morning I would start the process, if Kasumi

was ready that is, to make the Hrunting. I sat in my room and looked out into

the dark, star-lit skies and suddenly, my world was taken over by darkness.

Chapter Ten – Darkness and the Archangel 

The world around me seemed to vanish, the feeling seemed to remind

me somewhat of what happened when Nightmare attacked, but it was

different, it wasn't a dream or a nightmare, it was just complete darkness.Then suddenly a man with jet black hair, eyes as evil as a heart plagued with

hatred, with an enormous claymore, appeared before me. He seemed to

appear out of thin air, like he compressed him and I into this world or

darkness. "Darkness." He said to me. I was confused, what did he mean?


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"What? Who are you?" I asked. "Darkness. I am Darkness, for that is my

name, and what you shall see when I remove you from this world." He told

me. "Yeah, just try and see if you can!" I yelled. "Just what the hell do youwant from me anyways?" I asked. "Nightmare has failed to exterminate you,

he let you live, I am here to finish what he started." He told me. "What about

Nightmare? What happened to him?" I asked. "Dead. He failed his mission,

he was executed upon return. It pained me so, he was a brother to me, but

my duty comes before all things." He said. "You considered him a brother

yet you didn't try to save him, I'd do anything for my family no matter the

circumstance, how could you do that?" I yelled. "I didn't do anything, I had

no part in his execution." He said. "Not doing anything, is just as bad as

doing something, if you watch someone get killed and you don't do anything

to stop it then you might as well have killed him yourself!" I yelled. "That'swhere you and I are different human, we share common goals, revenge, but

that is where the ties end. Enough talk. Prepare yourself." He said.

This guy was crazy, his beliefs were so farfetched I couldn't stand to

listen to it, but I was in his world, same as with Nightmare's, only difference

is there is no imagining what's not there. I had to fight him with just raw

power alone, not much I could do other than that. He came at me and just as

he was about to strike, disappeared into a shade of darkness, for there was

no light in this world. There was nothing more overwhelming then the

unknown being able to strike you from any angle, at any time. I hoped for

the best and prepared for the worst, for it was just about to happen.

Darkness came and attacked me from various points at once and it felt like

millions of knives coursing through my body at once, I was left nearly

paralyzed. "Eridian!" he screamed. "That is the name of my sword, and the

name that has ended the lives of thousands!" I got up and managed to say,

"Why…..Why so many, just because these are the king's people….doesn't

mean…they deserve to die! They live under no command any longer! The

days of kingship are over…" I said. "Over? They have only just begun mortal,

our king shall rise again and you all will bow before him." He said.

What could this mean, a king, within their ranks? This can't be

possible; I don't remember this being in the prophecy! There must be so

much more the blacksmith left out, there was no time to think about it in too


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much detail, so I left it at that. "A King huh? Fine by me, bring your king, see

who bows when I behead him before you." I boasted. "You talk as if you

stand a chance, not even I can best such an immovable force, his power is10x the captain before him, and so on, if you hope to best him then you will

have to defeat me first, which I assure you will never happen." He said. "The

Prophecy spoke of me and I am going to ensure it goes according to plan." I

said. "Don't let it get to your head, just because an old folk tale says you are

who you are doesn't mean it can't be obstructed." He said as he came at me


There was no reason for this to continue on any longer, I had my

answers, it was time to finish this, my injuries were starting to get the best

of me, and it did and I blacked out, but I do remember a voice calling on me."This Darkness will consume you no longer child, I shall protect you!" it said

to me. "What? Who…What are you?" "I am Michael, the Archangel, forgive

me for intruding, but God has other plans for you, you will not fall this night."

He said.

Before I knew it, I had regained control of my body, but I was wielding

something….it was different….it was…no It couldn't be….it was…a sword

crafted by Michael himself. "That is Oddessa…take care of her…I crafted her

from the tears of the souls lost during the last purge of humans. Make God

proud and make sure another purge doesn't have to happen. I will grant youall the power I can, just call on me when I am needed." He told me. "I will!

God I will be your warrior, grant me your strength, MICHAEL!" I screamed.

The darkness faded and turned into immense light and I was….I was

flying….I had wings…but they weren't mine own. It seemed Michael had lent

them to me for the time being, but I still couldn't believe it. Something I've

wanted for such a long time was given to me at last, for a short while.

Darkness was surprised, he didn't know what to say, he looked around

in confusion. "What! What's going on?" he said in a scared and confused

tone. Suddenly, he spoke through me, using my vessel as a connectionbetween him and I. " I am Michael, Archangel of Heaven and destroyer of the

defilers of Earth, you have outlived your existence demon, prepare for your

death!" he yelled, slashing diagonally from the top of Darkness' left shoulder


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down to his right hip. "Ahhh!" he screamed as he fell to ground, writhing in

pain. "How? How could you? Why is he on your side?" he asked in confusion

and shock. "In the name of Jesus Christ I cast you out of this world and backto hell in whence you came. Begone!" screamed Michael.

Suddenly, Darkness' eyes went blank and lifeless, when he started

coughing. He was alive. "He's alive?" I said. "Yes, I merely disposed of the

demon controlling him, could you not tell? He even called you human." Said

Michael. "Oh I guess that makes sense then, but what do we do now?" I

asked. "You're the human it's your decision, just don't kill him or our

contract's over." He said. "Don't worry; my morals are far to advanced to do

something so heartless." I said. "You, what's your name?" I asked Darkness.

"My…my name? My name is….Rain….Rain Silman. Where…Where am I? "Heasked. "You're in my house, that's where you are. Do you remember what

happened?" "I remember hearing a voice and then darkness took over; it

took advantage over me when I let my guard down….he called himself "The

Harbinger of Darkness"." He said. "Hmm, makes sense why he would use the

codename "Darkness" then." Michael said. "Please, you must stop them…the

other Dracolithe's are possessed, just as I was, it's a cult I tell you, the

demons are revolting….with their king….soon…he will come…his power is

nearly…..restored." he said as he passed out. "What? Talk to me Rain! Rain!

No, answer me! Don't die, stay with me!" I yelled, hoping to get something

out of his now lifeless body.

The wounds were too deep for his human form to sustain; he died

shortly after revealing a turn of events for my now "gifted" life. I had not just

my earthly powers, but the assistance of a high ranking angel in heaven to

help guide me through my trials and tribulations. This was just a beginning,

the beginning to the end that was going to befall this world, maybe even

mankind as we know it, I knew that I wouldn't let that happen, but how far

would that determination get me? I learned a lot that night, more of the

prophecy and even gained a new ally. The moral for that is this: Believe in

him and he will grant you happiness and strength, live for him, die for him

and he will offer you his shield and sword. I'm just glad he offered it at the

right moment.


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