

The technique I think David is referring to is a term used to describe where defensive linemen align in respect to the offensive line. the 'techniques' ("tech" for short) are as follows (in order going from center to outside, not numerical):

0 tech: head up on the center 1 tech: inside shoulder of guard 2 tech: head up on guard 3 tech: outside shoulder of guard 4 tech: head up on tackle 5 tech: outside shoulder of tackle 7 tech: inside shoulder of TE 6 tech: head up on TE 9 tech: outside shoulder of TE 8 tech: out in space past TE's alignment

2i, 4i, 6i. These techniques are for playing the inside shoulder of the guard, tackle, and end, respectively.

The reason the numbers aren't in order going to the outside is because all 'head-up' alignments are EVEN numbers. All shade alignments are ODD numbers. Obviously if the DE is in a 9 tech by rule, if there's no tight end, he'd slide down to a 5 tech. The most common example of this terminology is the increasingly used term "3-tech" for the DT that lines up in the B gap. This is being used more and more, calling the two DT's a NT and a "3-tech"

The terms are used on offense to help teach offensive linemen where to make their sets or where their blocking assignments are. On defensive its obviously used to teach where the defensive linemen should line up depending on formation, motion etc.


Gaps in the Offensive Line

When they say he is using a 3 technique, they are talking about the specify alignment and responsibilities of that lineman.

In a 3 technique the defensive lineman is align in an outside shade of the offensive lineman. He is responsible for maintaining outside leverage and not letting himself get hook or reached blocked.

Here is a list of some of the techniques used by the linemen;

A (zero technique) would mean a nose tackle aligned nose-to-nose with a center.

(1 technique) the defensive lineman is line up in the middle of the A gap.

(2 technique) defensive lineman is nose-to-nose with the offensive guard.

(3 technique) defensive lineman is line up in the middle of the B gap or outside shade of the guard. He is responsible for maintaining outside leverage and not letting himself get


hook or reached blocked by the offense.

(4 technique) defensive lineman is line up nose-to-nose with the offensive tackle.

(5 technique) meant that the defensive lineman had his nose on the outside shoulder of the offensive tackle.

(6 technique) was nose-to-nose with the offensive tight end.

(7 technique) meant the defensive lineman had his nose on the inside shoulder of the offensive tight end.

(8 technique) meant that the defensive lineman was aligned on air outside the outside shoulder of the offensive tight end.

(9 technique) meant that the defensive lineman has his nose on the outside shoulder of the offensive tight end.

(10 technique) definition same as 1 technique only at linebacker depth.

(20 technique) definition same as 2 technique only at linebacker.

(30 technique) definition same as 3 technique only at linebacker.

(40 technique) definition same as 4 technique only at linebacker.

(50 technique) definition same as 5 technique only at linebacker depth.

(60 technique) definition same as 6 technique only at linebacker depth.


(70 technique) definition same as 7 technique only at linebacker depth.

(80 technique) definition same as 8 technique only at linebacker depth.

(90 technique) definition same as 9 technique only at linebacker depth.

Defensive Line Play Versus the Pass

The major part of any defensive lineman's job on game day in the National Football League is pass rushing. As a rule, the professional defensive lineman will face pass protection schemes on more snaps from center than all of the other run blocking schemes combined. In reality, regardless of the competitive level at which he plays, a defensive lineman should never be surprised by a pass read. He must anticipate that he will have to be a pass rusher on every snap. He should play the pass and react to the run. In order to play the pass, a defensive lineman should constantly be aware of the coaching points for the numerous pass rush techniques. For example, a defensive lineman should address the following guidelines involving his role as a pass rusher.

* Have a plan. An effective pass rusher predetermines his move. Pre-snap planning the move increases the quickness factor of the move.

* Maintain a consistent stance. Prior to the snap of the ball, a defensive lineman should crowd the ball and take a good stance, but he shouldn't tip his stance and alert the offensive lineman as to where he is going or what move he is going to make.


* Pass rush from a shade alignment. A defensive lineman should align in an inside or outside shade. Such an alignment enables a defensive lineman to attack only half the man (his opponent). Forcing an offensive lineman to commit to one side is of ten the initial step in making a good move. A shade alignment not only allows the defensive lineman to get his hat in the crack and penetrate, it forces an offensive lineman to commit to one side.

* Recognize the pass blocker's set. The depth of the quarterbacks drop is a factor that determines the type of pass rushing technique that is most effective in a particular situation. For example, a short quarterback drop mandates that the defensive lineman execute a quicker pass rush move (e.g., grab and rip)

* Keep in mind the precept "same hand, same foot." The primary key to finishing all pass rushing moves (e.g., slaps, swims, rips, etc.) is to have the defensive lineman adhere to the "same hand, same foot" precept. Whenever a move is finished, the defensive lineman should use the same foot as his primary hand to finish the move. For example, when punching his right hand over to perform a swim technique, the defensive lineman should swing his right foot across to gain upfield position on the blocker.

* Use his hands with sharp movements. A pass rusher should visualize his hands as those of a martial arts master. Accordingly, he should use his hands in sharp movements to stun and jerk the offensive lineman. The defender's hands should be wielding a razor, not a sledgehammer.

* Use a counter move when caught (i.e., when your original move did not work). A defensive lineman should have a counter move to every base pass rushing move. For


example, the counter move for the rip is the re-rip or swim.

* Spin or club the blocker when being carried past the quarterback. A pass rusher should never "give up" on his pass rush and allow himself to be carried past the quarterback.

* Keep his weight and momentum going forward. Above all else, a pass rusher should keep his feet moving and avoid dancing.

* Know the quarterback. The best pass rushers familiarize themselves with a particular quarterback's escape mechanisms. As such, a defensive lineman should use film study (to the extent possible, depending on the specific resources available) to identify the opposing quarterback's escape moves.

* Run through the sack. A pass rusher shouldn't jump or leave his feet to sack the quarterback. He should run through the sack and land on the quarterback, using the quarterback's body to cushion his fall.

The pass rushing ability of a defensive lineman is enhanced by his practice of the proper get off technique. Getting off on the snap with a big step enables a defensive lineman to gain a jump on up field penetration. All factors considered, drop back pass protection is normally easily recognized by a defender who reads on the run. As the defender replaces his up-hand with his back foot in taking a big step, he reads the screws of the offensive lineman's headgear. If the screws pop up and the offensive lineman shows a "high hat," the defensive lineman should read drop back pass. An offensive lineman showing a high hat should face a defensive lineman who gets his hat in the crack and attacks the pass rush lane.


Since an attacking read-on-the-run lineman focuses on his get off and on gaining penetration on every snap, he should never be surprised by a high hat read. He must maintain the mentality of a pass rusher on every down.

Essentials of Defensive Line Play

Whether the emphasis is on reading, penetrating or blitzing, the defensive player is taught sound, basic defensive fundamentals. These are namely a good stance, a strong attack - or effective neutralizing blow, an escape technique, and a persistent pursuit angle.

The Baltimore Ravens believe in the following five essentials of good defensive line play:

1. Stance Somewhat Neutral2. Attack Defensive Disposition3. Neutralize Control4. Escape Quickness Strength5. Pursuit Get Your Shot

Regardless of what type of defense we may use, we will always emphasize five cardinal points.


Breakdown of the essentials of good defensive line play vs. The Running Game:

1. Stance - the proper body position and weight distribution a lineman must have to enable him to make quick powerful movements in any direction with ease.

2. Attack - a players ability to meet the charge of the blocker in good fundamental position.

3. Neutralize - the defensive blow delivered to stop an opponents charge in order to maintain control.

4. Escape - the ability with which you control and/or shed the blocker.

5. Pursuit - the proper path and effort made in intercepting the ball carrier.

Principles of rushing the passer

1. A pass defense is only as good as its pass rush2. The ability to apply devastative power to blockers, to get them out of control and to throw them aside is essential to a good pass rush.3. Only second efforts will do the job4. At last instant, raise arms high and force passer to throw out of well5. Get reputation for being hard throw over knock at least one pass down per game.

Basic fundamentalsRegardless of the technique you use, there are basic fundamentals that are vital in order to be effective:

1. Anticipation of a pass determined by field position and down and distance.2. Immediate pass recognition predicated on offensive


movement.3. Quickness and decisiveness on your initial move.4. Coordination of the hands, feet and head movements.5. Try to pin the blocker down quickly and free yourself to get to the passer (exception: shoulder drive).6. Keeping your momentum towards the passer without lost motion. We must get penetration into the throwing zone and force the passer to move from the pocket divert his attention.7. Keeping your shoulder forward of the feet to prevent blocker from getting under you.8. Keep your eyes on the passer while your hands, head and feet get you there.9. If you have not reached the passer, get the hands up as he starts to throw to block the ball, force elevation of throw or make him pull it down.10. Once the ball is thrown, sprint in direction of throw to block for an interception return; in case of short pass, get in on a clean up tackle or recover a fumble.11. If you are blocked out of your lane, stop and work back through your lane.

Note: Working on strengthening the hands and arms daily. This will make you more effective with your hand grabs, swipes, pulls, and throws. Whatever your physical traits may be mental toughness, pride and desire to excel have no peers.

Techniques of pass blocking

1. Rider:

Blocking uses the rushers reactions and momentum to keep him out of the pocket. He relies on his balance, maneuverability and use of his hands to ward off hand grabs. He is most susceptible to the shoulder and quick drive, with a counter move off of each.

2. Pop & recoil:


This technique is used to stop the overpowering type player. It is an aggressive head block from the numbers up under the chin and recoiling back to position for a follow up, pop, cut or ride. He is susceptible to the pull and swipe. Quickness in getting by this type blocker before he can regain his recoil position is important.

3. Set & cut:Generally employed by shorter players often used on short passes and as a change of pace for the overpowering type rusher and arm swiper. The use of the hands in pulling this blocker aside or head faking with a pull is effective. A rusher should jump or limp-leg this blocker occasionally. Always strive to get one leg over the cut block to insure maximum recoverability.

4. Aggressive:This is a butt block used on play action passes. The fake of a run to disguise the pass holds the defender momentarily; however, the blocker generally is over extended and easily pulled or thrown off balance.

5. Quick action:An aggressive head block through the groin designed to tie up the legs and keep the hands down on short passes. This technique is susceptible to quick pull or jumping over blocker.

Pass rush techniques

1. Shoulder drive:

Strong surge over outside shoulder of offensive lineman. It is designed to defeat the rider type blocker that lacks strength or sets inside too much. This is an all-out assault to whip your man physically, and must your first technique because it sets your man for all other escape moves.

1. No head fakes, pull or throw, but simply a Power thrust at


the point where the QB sets up.

2. Force the blocker back into the QB.

3. Once you have been successful you have forced the blocker to commit his strength to stop you. He is ready for the fake shoulder drive and throw off-shoulder, arm and hand swipe.

4. It is vital that the inside shoulder is forward and under the blocker and hold your leverage and momentum throughout the drive.

2. Quick drive:This is the speed escape designed to outrun the blocker that sets inside too much, has slow footwork or crosses over to engage the rusher. Should also be used when QB does not step back into the pocket to give blocker advantage.

1. It is to your advantage to widen your position slightly or drive directly upfield to avoid immediate contact with blocker. You are sprinting to a point and attempting to defeat your opponents poor footwork and quickness. The ideal time to exploit this is on an inside blitz.

2. Jerk blocker towards l.o.s. simultaneously stepping away from him on the side you intend to escape.

3. A quick head fake inside your initial move is often effective.

3. CounterThis move is opposite the throw. You are faking a rush and pulling the blocker that sets towards you or to l.o.s. it is good against pop and recoil type, aggressive control or one who gets his head down and his weight committed forward.

1. Fake an inside or out rush with a strong hand grab n the shoulder pads good head fake important.


2. Jerk blocker towards l.o.s simultaneously stepping away form him on side you intend to escape.

4. SwimCharge the blockers outside and grand pull his shoulders with your outside hand. Simultaneously with this pull, reach over his shoulder with your inside arm and catapult yourself free from his block in the direction of the passer.

1. An inside head fake is a good combination as it is an even more effective technique if the blocker is leading away form your move.

2. Along with the reaching technique, the rusher should combine a quick thrust.