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1. The Stages Of Construction Of My Music Magazine 2. Front Cover: Background As you can see by the NME magazine it has a black background, through research on rock music magazines I decided I was going to have a dark background. I didnt just want a boring background so I used a background of some stars that I helped my dad take. I used this background because I wanted to intrigue my target audience with both the main image and the background of my magazine. I then put a border around the image so it would stand out to my audience because some music magazines dont have borders around them. Layout: My layout is different from my flatplan because I realised while I was positioning things how my flatplan design didnt work so in the end I changed it for the better so everything I wanted could go on the page. 3. Front Cover: Masthead And Image For my masthead, I stuck conventionally with a big bold font which is often seen on rock magazines. I used the font Impact but I also put a brick effect on the text which made my masthead stand out even more to my audience to draw them to my magazine. The next layer that I did was a cut out my main image that I wanted to use and place in position on my background. I kept the image more to the left of the page to create a space for adding more information. The red and black t-shirt my model was wearing complimented my colour scheme and I was pleased with the overall effect. The image of my model is in front of the masthead and the background frame so after I apply some text across the front of the main image it will give a more three dimensional look to the cover. 4. Building Up Of My Front Cover After I positioned my main image how I wanted it. I added the price and barcode to the bottom right hand side. You must have these on a magazine since they are conventional because the price tells the audience how much the issue will cost. I put the price in a white font so it stands out from the other cover lines and things going on. I choose the colour white because its works well on a black background. The barcode is a machine-readable code in the form of numbers and a pattern of parallel lines of varying widths, printed on a commodity and used especially for stock control. The selling point From Stage To The Page is short, catchy and my audience are easily going to remember this if they cant remember the masthead name when they go and buy the magazine. I have put this in the same colour as the masthead to let the audience know they are connected but used a different font so it would stand out on my front cover. The Skyline is above the masthead, this gets an audience interested in buying the magazine by offering them something free but they still have to buy the magazine. I used a yellow font to make sure my magazine is bright and attractive on a dark background. 5. Building Up Of My Front Cover I placed the website address of my magazine and issue date in the top left and right hand corners of my magazine. I used the same font and colour as I did my date. I placed my second image of a guitar so it stands out on its on own and I positioned it to the right hand side because I didnt want to take my audiences eyes off the main image. For my cover lines I used a yellow font that worked well against the gold font of my main cover story! I positioned them to the right because I wanted to work them around my layout which is around my main image. 6. Finished Front Cover After putting everything I needed on my front cover and positioning everything. This is the finished product of my magazine which I am happy with! 7. Content Page Layout: My layout is different from my flatplan because I realised while I was positioning things how my flatplan design didnt work so in the end I changed it for the better so everything I wanted could go on the page. Fonts and Colours: I used the same font but without the brick effect for my content page which is Impact. I kept all the colours that were on my front page, the reason I did is so the house style of my magazine would come across in my content Page. Overall I used three different fonts for my content page because conventionally you only use two of three fonts otherwise it might look unattractive with too many different colours competing on the same page. 8. Content Page Images: I used three different images ranging from a close-up to a mid shot and a long shot this allows my audience to look at something different. I have also chosen these images because they link directly to my cover stories. Background: The Background is the same as my front cover to bring over the house style. Cover Stories: The colour of my cover stories for my regulars and features are in white while the page numbers are in yellow. The headings of regulars and features are in a red font to show that its a title, like the masthead is the title of the magazine. I angled the words cover story near the image of the main artist because I wanted to show people that this is the most important story in the magazine. I have also used a different colour of yellow to show this so it stands out from the regulars and feature articles. 9. Final Content Page 10. DPS Images: I used the same image for my background and main image on my double page spread. I copied the original image and I faded down the transparency and I flipped the image so you are looking at it differently to the original image. I wanted to use this as a background image because it telling the artists story. Layout: The layout is exactly how I planned it from my flat plan so that is a positive. The only draw back is I had to take some of my text out of my article because I couldnt fit it all in. At the bottom of the page it has conventional page numbers in a green font, the reason I used this because the background of my double page spread is that colour. Conventionally I 11. DPS House Style: I have kept to the same three colours over the construction of my magazine. I have used two different ones when It came to Sam Wests name, I wanted it to stand out more so I used a blue and white font Lucida Handwriting font. I had to overlay both blue and white in the same font then slightly offset the top layer to achieve the effect I was looking for. I used a pull quote from the interview page to add a point of interest to the main image and attract the readers attention to the type of story this was. 12. Double Page Spread: Final