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  • 8/8/2019 The Soul Feeds the Mind - Ernest Angley (1992)


    March 1992

    Topics:Your Mind

    Volume 3 The Ke eping Powe r for the Mind

    by Ernest An gley

    The peace of God, which passeth all unde rstanding, shall

    keep you r hearts and minds through Christ Jesus

    (Philippians 4:7). Since the decline of the Early Church, most ofGod's people have not understood how to find peace for the

    mind. Many, in fact, have come to the conclusion that peace of

    mind was an impossibility. They were just grateful for the peace

    in their souls. But in this final hour, the Lord wants His Children

    to have great peace in their minds as well as in their souls.

    Jesus became the bridge between us and God, making

    reconciliation. But another bridge was needed, that between the

    soul and mind. The soul and mind are very different. The mind

    travels fast, changing from one thought to another in a flash.

    Many things fill the mind. Duties, responsibilities have a space in

    the mind, but not in the soul.

    The soul of a born-again Christian is the keeper of the greatness of God, storing it up, a reservoir

    filled at all times by the Lord. God's blessings flow into the soul. As you let the Holy Spirit bridge

    the gulf between soul and mind, He flows the love and peace of God from your soul into your mind


    Many search for the peace of God anywhere but within. Looking for heaven to send peace, theydon't realize that Calvary has already brought more peace than they could ever need, and placed it

    in their souls. God puts His peace and joy of salvation into the souls of each of His Children, but all

    too often these benefits remain unused. Like a person with millions of dollars in the bank who

    starves to death because the money is never withdrawn and used, the mind often is starving for the

    things of God when all the time they are in the soul. Not using the greatness of God in the soul

    makes life seem dreary, breeds depression and oppression. In this hour, God wants His people to

    be the happiest people on planet Earth.

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    The soul feeds the mind. Out of the abu ndance of the heart the mou th speaketh (Matthew

    12:34). A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things:

    and an evil man ou t of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things (verse 35). For the

    Child of God, the soul is a treasure house holding the blessings of God, a place to store your most

    valuable possessions. Salvation is in your soul, the love of God, peace, joy of the Lord and all thefruits of the Spirit. The Child of God treasures the things of God.

    But the soul can also be the treasure house for evil. A devil-possessed person has nothing good in

    the soul to draw from. Demons not only have the mind, but also the soul. Jesus saidan evil man

    out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. Evil treasures, destructive things in the

    soul enter the mind and evil is the result.

    Man with his evil heart and mind has left God out of his plan. An empty shell, man without God

    has nothing in the soul that is good, only continual evil. The soul lacks that which will really satisfy;

    it has no life only death. Like a desert that produces no fruit, the lost soul produces no happiness,

    nothing of value. All the unsaved person has is what is in the mind; the soul is a pauper, missing

    out on God's blessings.

    Men, women, boys and girls hug evil treasures to their bosoms day after day, year after year until

    they finally die lost. Never having really lived, they never tasted true life, for there is no life outside

    God. People claim to have life, to live it to its fullest, but without God, they are empty shells

    experiencing a living death right here on Earth and facing a future in hell.

    On the other hand, Children of God have let the enemy cheat them many, many times as theysought help from vain sources. Not knowing their help was within, they kept trying to see heaven

    with the eyes of self. When you are in great distress and trouble you can rarely see all the way to

    heaven. It's imperative to know that you have God right inside of you, that Jesus and the Holy

    Spirit dwell there and you can draw from all the treasures of heaven. You are within reach of

    drawing. The soul of each born-again Child of God carries the goodness, mercy of God, the power

    of Calvary and Pentecost. That's the reason the Bible says that the just will live by faith.

    Never check your salvation by your feelings; use faith. Checking your salvation by your feelings

    requires using your mind. Mind-searching what feelings mean, mind-searching for your salvation

    can bring many false conclusions. Faith goes to the source of supply: the soul, your innermost

    being. The answer registers at once, but you can only truly go into your soul by using the faith of


    What is contained in the soul of everyone who receives salvation? Jesus, God the Father, God the

    Holy Ghost. Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the w orld (I John 4:4). Although

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    the Spirit of God is in your soul, He operates through the mind. The mind is the great tool that the

    Spirit manifests Himself through. If the soul is sanctified, the mind is sanctified. A holy soul

    means a holy mind. You can't have an ungodly mind and a holy soul; you can't have an ungodly

    soul and a holy mind. The godly mind and godly soul go together, and the ungodly mind and the

    ungodly soul go together.

    For as he thinke th in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Not as a man thinketh in his mind,

    but in his heart determines how he operates. Doubt or fear in your heart influences your mind,

    your words, your actions. That's the reason it's a necessity to have your heart always full of the

    greatness of God so it can spill over into the mind. Man, woman needed help. They were victims of

    Satan. But Jesus came so that people could have new hearts and minds for God to live in, new

    hearts and minds fit for heaven to move into, new holy hearts, holy minds, holy as heaven itself.

    The treasures of heaven are yours when you become born new. But if you have only signed a

    church membership, or been baptized in water without true repentance, you don't have the

    treasures of heaven in your soul to draw from. You're trying to claim salvation by mental assent

    alone, by your feelings or by the words of misguided people.

    Search beyond man's opinions. Go to the Word of God. Salvation is of the heart. From the heart

    the confession must come. Confess salvation with your mouth, and believe it in your heart. If

    thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that

    God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man

    believeth un to righteou sness; and with the mou th confession is made u nto salvation

    (Romans 10:9,10). The soul must believe; believing for salvation with the mind alone will not bringsalvation to the soul. In other words, the person remains a sinner and will not spend his eternity in

    heaven. The soul is the part of you that is eternal; it can never die. Neither is there such a thing as

    "soul sleep" after death.

    Consider what you feed your soul. Rather than feeding the mind destructive thoughts, feed it the

    Word of God. Let the Word in your soul flood into your mind.

    When you do not use the Word of God in your soul, you are limited to using what is in the mind.

    The mind can select the right food for the stomach, or the proper clothes to wear, but it cannot

    reason out the Word of God. Through His Holy Word, the Lord tells us thatmy thoughts are not

    your thou ghts, neither are your w ays my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are

    higher than the earth, so are m y ways higher than you r w ays, and m y thoughts than

    your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8,9). For strength to overcome the devil beyond the thoughts of the

    mind, you need to go into the soul. But if God's overcoming power is not in the soul, you will be

    defeated. You cannot be an overcomer unless the Lord is in the soul. Without the Lord possessing

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    the soul, you have no overcoming power and strength, nothing with which to trample the devil

    underfoot, and you become a victim of Lucifer. As long as you are not free from sin, you can't

    trample devils underfoot. One devil cannot cast out another devil. The only defense the unsaved

    have against him is the mind of self-control. You can't live the victorious life when you are not free

    from sin.

    Jesus was accused of having a devil in Him, but His response was:Every kingdom divided

    against itself is brou ght to desolation; and e very city or house d ivided against itself

    shall not stand: And if Satan cast out S atan, he is divided against himself; how shall

    then his kingdom stand? And if I by Beelzeb ub cast out devils, by whom do your

    children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. Bu t if I cast out devils by

    the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come un to you. Or else how can one

    enter into a strong man's hou se, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong

    man? and then he w ill spoil his house. He that is not with me is against me; and hethat gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. Whe refore I say un to you, All mann er

    of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven u nto me n: bu t the blasphemy against the Holy

    Ghost shall not be forgiven unto me n. And wh osever speaketh a word against the Son

    of man, it shall be forgiven him: bu t whosoev er speake th against the Holy Ghost, it

    shall not be forgiven him, ne ither in this world, ne ither in the world to com e (Matthew

    12:25-32). Jesus let them know that identifying the Holy Ghost in Him as the devil was blasphemy.

    The unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. When one has blasphemed the Holy

    Ghost, the Spirit lifts from that life forever. No more will that one feel the draw of the Holy Spirit.

    We must be careful what we say.

    But for the born again, much is offered. I Corinthians 2:16, For who hath known the m ind of

    the Lord, that he may instruct him? Bu t we have the m ind of Christ. The mind of

    Christwhat a promise! How can you have the mind of Christ without Christ being in your soul?

    It's impossible. To have the mind of Christ there must first be a takeover of the soul by the Lord.

    The mind cannot yield to the Lord unless Jesus is in the heart.

    Hearts that beat in rhythm with God's heart, in harmony and unity with the Holy Ghost are made

    possible because of Jesus. How marvelous to have that connection! Every true Child of God has

    that connection, but some don't recognize it.

    Finally, be ye all of one mind, having com passion on e of another, love as bre thren, be

    pitiful, be courteou s (I Peter 3:8). Again, how can people be of one mind? By all having Jesus

    in their hearts. Not one mind in the human, but one mind in Christ with His Spirit in the heart. He

    then gives us His thoughts, feeds us words to say.

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    Jesus told the disciples that when they were brought before their persecutors totake no thought

    beforehand what ye shall speak, ne ither do ye prem editate: but w hatsoever shall be

    given you in that hou r, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, bu t the Holy Ghost

    (Mark 13:11). Depend on the Holy Spirit. You have His knowledge in your soul. He will give you

    what to say in the hour of trial. Recognize your dependence on God. The alternative is to be in thebondage of Lucifer.

    You're either free or in bondage. You may vacillate between thinking you are free and thinking you

    are bound: that's mind work. If you are saved, never pass up that which is in your heart.

    Search your heart with the Spirit of God. The Lord knows what is in your heart; only through Him

    can you know, too. Search me, O God, and know m y heart: try me, and know mythoughts: And see if there be an y wicked way in me, and lead me in the way

    everlasting (Psalm 139:23,24). God must search the heart because the heart is deceitful

    above all things, and despe rately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the

    heart, I try the reins, even to give ev ery man according to his ways, and according to

    the fru it of his doings (Jeremiah 17:9,10). Ask God to search your heart to see if what you think

    is there is really there. The Holy Spirit will bear witness if your spirit is cleansed, if all is well in

    that soul, if you have made the Lord an Eden in your soul.

    God made an Eden, a beautiful, blessed place, so glorious that the Lord Himself would leave

    heaven to come down. The souls of you who have been born again present a glorious Eden for the

    Lord to dwell in. You have taken in so much of His grace, power, peace and love that He lives

    inside you all the time. Jesus promised, Lo, I am w ith you alway, even u nto the end of the

    world (Matthew 28:20). He didn't promise to be with you only in mind, but in personal living

    reality. The Lord is here to walk with you all the way, calling on His people to do a great work in

    this final hour.

    We don't have time to struggle with the things of the world, fighting fear, frustration, oppression,

    depression and despair. Glorious hope dwells inside those looking for Jesus to come, glorious hope

    in the treasure house of the soul. Rejoice over the hour of Rapture when our Lord will appear in

    midair! Look up, redemption draweth nigh!

    You will not be able to hide as much of the Word as you need in your mind. It must be in your

    soul. Everyday living may crowd in on the mind until the Scripture is pushed aside, but never can

    the Word be crowded out of the soul of a born again Christian. The shock of losing a loved one may

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    bring such grief that your mind can't think clearly; but the Word is in your soul. That cry of the

    Holy Spirit from the soul is saying, Child, you'll see your loved one again! Child, don't be as one

    who has no hope. When the Lord comes He will bring your loved one with Him. God's faith

    rolling in from the soul begins to soften a little of the sorrow of the mind, brushing aside, for a time,

    some of the torment.

    Each day learn to yield your mind more and more to the storehouse of treasures in the soul. What

    valuable treasures they are! More valuable than all the silver and gold in the world. The soul holds

    God's strength, power and greatness; through Calvary it is done.

    After that ye be lieved, ye w ere sealed w ith that holy Spirit of prom ise (Ephesians 1:13).

    Your soul has a seal the devil cannot break when you are a true believer in Christ's atonement.

    Only willful sin can break that seal of the Holy Spirit upon your soul. It's the seal of the blood of

    Jesus. Thank God for Calvary! Thank God that we are blood-washed, blood-bought and on our

    way to heaven!

    Be per fect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in pe ace; and the God of love and

    peace shall be w ith you (II Corinthians 13:11). Your mind tells you instantly that you can't be

    perfect. But that which is in your soul is perfect, for it is of God, sealed with the Holy Spirit. Your

    soul carries God's plan for you. The treasure of it is in your soul, not your mind. Although evil

    thoughts may enter the mind, you have the power to draw on the resources of your soul at once

    before those thoughts are put into action. Where did those thoughts come from? Perhaps your

    childhood, from past experiences or from self. Self is the playground of the devil. Your mind alone

    will not deny self. That's why we must draw on the love of God to take us out of our self-love: denyself. The love of God will cast the devil down, bar his access to your mind.

    The treasure house of the soul possesses the fruits of the Spirit, and one of those fruits is

    self-control, supernatural self-control, but you must draw on it. Miraculous is the way you can

    draw on the treasure of the soul! Jesus said, I am com e that they might have life, and that

    they might have it more abu ndan tly(John 10:10). Many are wealthy and don't know it,

    depressed when they should be rejoicing.

    When you are born new, you have the treasures of heaven, the treasures of Almighty God in your

    soul, an Eden greater than Adam's. Fruit in the first Eden was just for the body and it came from

    the earth. Your fruit comes from the Almighty; it's eternal, beyond price. People long for

    something to keep them happy, to give them peace and strength beyond the human, power over all

    the powers of darkness, power that takes away fear and sheds light into the darkest night. If you

    have the treasure house of God in your soul, you have that power.

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    Do you have the treasure of Calvary? Have you knelt at the Cross? Have you carried away the gift

    of redemption, the greatest treasure that God has ever offered mankind? I have, but for a time in

    my youth I was reluctant to embrace that treasure. I thought salvation would make me miserable,

    that it meant going to my death. I was, but the dying was different than I had imagined: I died out

    to self. Self had wanted desperately to live. I was just eighteen, and full of life. I thought the worldoffered everything I wantedpeace, joy, fun. I had never felt I needed to live for God in order to

    have happiness. When I came out of bed in the morning, everyone in the house knew I was awake.

    I had a lot of laughter. Mom would prophesy over me: Young man, you're going to get a whipping

    before the sun goes down. She was always right.

    I heard Christians testify as though the devil almost had them: they were depressed, fearful and

    begging for prayer. I was much happier than they sounded; in fact, I wasn't even conscious of the

    devil. I loved dancing and the world's music. I didn't know what God's music really meant. I was

    having a good timeuntil the Lord started dealing with me.

    I thought God was doing me a grave injustice by putting me under conviction for my sins. He

    wouldn't leave me alone. Everywhere I went I felt like someone was looking over my shoulder

    saying,What if the Lord would come when you're in a place like this? I would go somewhere else.

    What if the Lord would come while you're here? that voice would whisper. Night and day the

    Lord was after me. What if you don't wake up in the morning? Just as I was about to go to sleep,

    that thought would bring me wide awake:What if I don't wake up? I'll be in hell! The Lord wanted

    me to know where I'd be if I died. I was filled with such fear that I thought God would drop me

    into hell just anytime, and so I made a covenant with Him. I bargained with God because I couldn't

    get away from Him. God, I said, if you'll leave me alone for a week, let me do anything I want, I'll

    get saved. I planned a lifetime of fun in one week.

    God had done His part: He didn't bother me at all that week. He let me go anywhere, do anything I

    wanted. Not one time did that voice say,What if the Lord would come when you a re in a place like

    this? Not one night when I placed my head on the pillow did He say,What if you never wake up?

    I didn't want that week to ever end. Had I been able to have stopped the clock, I would still be in

    that week. If anyone ever hated to see Saturday night come to an end it was me. On Sunday, I had

    an appointment with God, and not enough sense to be happy about it. I didn't have the mind of

    Christ. There was no treasure house in my soul. But I was sincere about my promise. I placed my

    life on the line when I made that covenant with God. I knew I had to get saved on Sunday night, or

    that was the end of me.

    Oh, the human mind! The evil in my soul was feeding my mind; I was drawing from that evil as

    well as from all that was around me. Hugging the world to me, I loved it; to me it was life. I felt

    that after I was saved I would never laugh again, that by the time I got through with all the "thou

    shalt not's" in the Bible I would be dead. That's the kind of mind I had without God. I didn't know

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    what living really was. When you feed the mind from an evil soul, the devil is the chef. He was

    making me think I would have no life after salvation. I was so convinced, I couldn't have felt any

    worse had I been on my way to the electric chair. It was the end of Ernest Angleythe end of the

    old creature. I didn't know the Lord was about to make my cup run over with joyI didn't see any


    That Sunday night I kept my promise. Forcing myself, I staggered down to the altar. It was the

    longest aisle I ever walked. People seemed to swim before my eyes. They said later that I looked

    like a drunken person. Under great conviction, I fell at the altar, into the arms of God. He saved

    me and poured great joy like a tub of honey over me.

    Never has there been a person reared in salvation more shocked to receive it. All those Sunday

    School teachers, all the preachers, all the family prayers never prepared me for what salvation was

    really like. Salvation was in their souls and I hadn't understood what they carried. I thought I

    would have to live above desire for the things of the world, but that desire was suddenly gone. The

    world meant nothing to me now.

    When the Lord took over my soul, I withheld nothing. He cleaned it up and moved in. Jesus made

    the difference, and the Holy Spirit filled me to the brim. My mind was now being fed not by the

    devil, but by the Lord.

    For about six weeks after the Lord took me over I was like one in a trance. Salvation is not like this

    for everyone, but the Lord wanted to show me what it meant to be saved. I had found a different

    life, a glorious life. The Lord was with me night and day and I just wanted to be with Him. I livedfor the services at church. In-between times I just wanted to be shut away with God. The Bible had

    become my love book. I yearned to learn everything I could that God had said to me in His Holy


    The Holy Spirit called me to preach. Oh God, I said, I can't preachbut I will. Holding me in His

    arms of love, the Lord dealt with me night and day, lifting me into a heavenly place. I was willing to

    do whatever He wanted whether I thought I could or not. Lord, I said, I'll preach, but I don't knowhow.

    Out of the thousands and thousands of sermons I had sat through growing up, I couldn't remember

    one. Where would I ever get my first sermon! I didn't understand how God would preach through

    me. Then one night only days after I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I was called on to read

    scripture in a cottage prayer meeting in place of the person originally scheduled to read it. I had

    planned to read a particular passage, but as I stood up a voice seemed to sayLook up. When I did,

    I went into a cloud of glory from my waist up. The Holy Spirit took me to a different scripture from

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    the one I had in mind, the one of Paul and Silas in prison. After I sat down the Lord told me that

    was my first sermon. I've been preaching ever since.

    The Lord can take you over if you let Him. Some people don't draw on the treasures of God in the

    soul; they let the mind interfere. They listen to others. Friends and loved ones worry them to

    distraction. They become nervous wrecks because loved ones prefer sin to God. If people don't

    want to serve God, it's their decision. God gave man free choice. Your responsibility is to live the

    Christ life before them. You love their souls, not their wicked ways. When the opportunity comes

    to lead them to the Lord, be ready.

    My brother and I shared a room, ran around together, but when I received salvation, it was

    separating time. I didn't want to go anywhere at all with him. I let him go his way and I went

    mine. I didn't criticize him; he didn't criticize me. I prayed in our room whether he was there or

    not. If I wanted to pray aloud I did. I felt at liberty; I was with God. I had left the world, given my

    mind over to Jesus, and other people didn't bother me, what they were saying, how they

    persecuted. It didn't matter that I lost friends; I didn't miss them at all.

    My mind was completely different, and I needed to be around different people, God's people,

    people who loved Jesus the way I loved Him. Changed completely, I wasn't the same person. I

    needed people with the mind of Jesus like the Lord had given to me, a mind to serve God, a mind

    of courage, strength and peace in the Holy Ghost. Let this mind b e in you, w hich was also in

    Christ Jesu s (Philippians 2:5).

    The Lord took me to the Word of God, pointed out to me each thing that made up the mind ofJesus. He had given me His mind, and I needed to know what made it up.

    Great joy was mine, a joy that came from my soul. I was drawing from my soul the joy of the Word

    of God, and pouring it into my system. Whenever I had a few moments I spent them with the Word

    of God. I carried part of the Bible with me. I didn't' care who saw me reading it. If they wanted to

    talk about Jesus, I talked about Jesus. It didn't matter whether they believed or not. Looking them

    straight in the eye, I told them the truth. I had a mind to serve the Lord, a mind to be a witness forHim. Leaving sin behind, I was en route to glory and happy about it.

    I'd sing choruses that blessed me, and the Holy Spirit would take me over and sing in different

    tongues and languages. My soul was filled with songs that glorified the Lord. He thrilled me

    beyond words. I spent much time with Him, a most precious, sacred, holy time with the Holy Spirit

    speaking and the Lord talking to me, letting me know that I was to carry His Gospel, His love and

    power to the people.

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    How wonderful to have all the ingredients in one's soul that made up the mind of Jesus, and to

    have the Holy Spirit flow all those wonderful things from the soul to the mind! The treasures of

    heaven keep the mind of Jesus operating in the yielded Children of God. Only through the

    treasures of heaven can it be done. When you begin to draw on other sources, you fail to draw on

    the Word of God, on your salvation, the way you should.

    Think again what is in your soul. You who have received salvation have Calvary there. You who

    have been baptized in the Holy Spiritthe Upper Room experiencehave the nine fruits of the

    Holy Spirit to draw from. The happiness of God is in the treasure house of your soul. Money can't

    buy that kind of treasure.

    The soul is never locked away from you. Draw from its storehouse any time. God's provisions are

    unbelievable and yet real, great and wonderful. Out of the good treasure of the soul you can draw,

    you can find what you need day or night. You don't have to go outside; go inside the treasure chest:

    your soul.

    Some people just can't conceive that God can give happinessremember, I once had that kind of

    mind. When they find God's great happiness, they will discover what life really is.

    The bright shining promises of God have the life of heaven in them. In that treasure house, God's

    promises are carefully placed year after year. Nothing compares to that glorious store of God's


    Traveling through the country, Jesus came to the site of Jacob's well. Being weary, He sat down.

    While He rested, there cometh a w oman of Samaria to draw w ater: Jesus saith unto her,

    Give me to drink. Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou,

    being a Jew, askest drink of me, w hich am a woman of Sam aria? for the Jew s have no

    dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answer ed and said unto her, If thou kne we st the

    gift of God, and w ho it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wou ldest have

    asked of him, and he wou ld have given thee living water. The woman saith unto him,

    Sir, thou hast nothing to draw w ith, and the w ell is deep: from w hence then hast thouthat living water? Jesus answe red and said unto her, Whosoeve r drinketh of this

    water shall thirst again: Bu t whosoe ver drinke th of the w ater that I shall give him

    shall neve r thirst; but the w ater that I shall give him shall be in him a w ell of water

    springing u p into ever lasting life (John 4:7,9-11,13,14). People looking at us think we have

    nothing to draw with either, but we have the Holy Ghost to draw the water of life flowing in our

    souls. Rejoice in the fact!

    From the treasure house we take the beautiful promise of the soon coming of Jesus, and it fills our

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    hearts with gladness. No need to explain to those who don't want to believebe happy in the

    promises of your Lord; it's a testimony that will reach souls who otherwise could never be reached.

    Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man com eth un to the Father, bu t by

    me (John 14:6). Walking the shores of Galilee, Jesus taught the truth. Do you want to know thetruth about heaven, about yourself, about what you can have?

    If the Son there fore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36). You who are

    born again: Aren't you glad He set you free? Aren't you glad you dropped your nets at the Lord's

    command? You decided you wanted that joy, peace, and so you turned to follow the Lord. When

    you used the mind of Jesus, those nets helped you to be a fisher of men, bringing in the lost.

    Joy and peace abound in the Kingdom of the Lord, and the Lord gives His blessings abundantly.

    Why let the enemy rob you any longer? Why, as a Child of God, will you look elsewhere for the

    peace you need when you have it right inside? Why search for joy when it flourishes in your soul?If the storm rages all around, churning the waters into a boil, you, like Jesus, can be at peace.

    Why? You have the same treasure of heaven inside that He had, the treasures of heaven.And he

    said u nto them, W hy are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? (Mark 4:40).

    What kind of mind do you have? What are you feeding it? What treasures do you have in your

    soul? Think of everything that belongs to you through the Word of God. What have you taken from

    the Word with your mind and delivered to your soul so the soul could feed it back to the mind?

    The mind lifts God's promises out of His Word, puts them into the soul and then the soul feeds the

    mind the gracious treasures of heaven.

    In this final hour the Bride will be filled with joy because of her storehouse of treasures. The Bride

    of Christ in this final hour is to be a happy Bride, contented, strong. She will not walk in

    oppression, depression, fear, frustration and despair. The world will see her looking forth as the

    morn ing, fair as the moon , clear as the sun , and terrible as an army with banne rs

    (Song Of Solomon 6:10). The Bride will walk with such faith and power it will sound like mighty

    armies ready for war. She will be ready, wearing the whole armor of God. The Bride will be thedelight of her Groom Jesus, and He will be her delight. Filled not with the treasures of this world,

    her soul will be filled with the treasures of heaven.

    In Genesis 24 we read of Rebekah, a type of the Bride; the servant, Eliezer, a type of the Holy

    Ghost. As Eliezer was a servant sent after a bride, the Holy Ghost has come as a servant for the

    Bride of Christ. Waiting, waiting for the bride, Rebekah, by the well of salvation, Eliezer had rare

    and beautiful gifts for her, treasures from Abraham who is a type of God the Father. How thrilled

    she must have been when she was given the best that Father Abraham had sent from the Groom

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    With great joy the Bride of Christ today can sing about the soon coming of her Groom Jesus. Yet

    some haven't drawn from the treasure of the soul; God's promises are not reality to them. They

    want to stay on the Earth forever. But those who are ready long for the Rapture to take place, forJesus to come. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which

    sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say un to you by the wo rd of the

    Lord, that we w hich are alive and rem ain un to the coming of the Lord shall not

    preven t them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with

    a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and w ith the tru mp of God: and the dead in

    Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive an d rem ain shall be caught u p together

    with them in the clouds, to mee t the Lord in the air: and so shall we eve r be with the

    Lord (I Thessalonians 4:14-17). The way of the grave is cruel, but Jesus came, conquered death,

    hell and the grave. Because of it we can be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, caughtaway to be with the Lord forever. In this final hour, "Rapture ground just ahead" should be ever in

    our minds.

    What is the soul feeding your mind? Bad thoughts? God has a remedy for them. I told you part of

    my personal story, how God turned me around. Some of you are running away from God the way I

    was. I knew better, and perhaps you do, too. I wanted to wait to get saved until I was about

    ninety-four or so. I thought all the pleasure was in sin. That isn't true. Why don't you come homebefore it's too late? This could be your last chance to make the decision of where you will spend


    You who are without God, pray this prayer with me now: Oh, God: Save my soul. Forgive me of

    my sins. I'm sorry, Lord, that I sinned against you. But I've come home. I'm going to serve you,

    Lord, the rest of my life. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all of my sins, all of my sins.

    Come on in, Jesus! Come into my heart!

    If you meant that prayer, He has come. Start reading your Bible, pray. Bible fasting will help you.

    Do you need a healing? In time of sickness you find among your treasures the faith needed for

    healing. Don't ask the opinions of others; go to the treasure chest. Open it up and use God's gifts.

    Bring out the promises of God: I am the Lord that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26). W ith God all

    things are possible (Matthew 19:26). God's promises are a part of you when you take them from

    the Bible and place them in your heart; they take on the life of God. God's promises have the same

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    strength as when Jesus spoke them, the same power, same greatness. Place His promises in your

    soul through the Holy Spirit. They're treasures. It's wonderful to speak from the treasure house of

    your soul! The treasures of heaven are freely given to you.

    You who are sick and afflicted, let the Holy Spirit feed your mind and soul so you can accept God's

    miracles of healing in all faith believing. It's hard to tell how many have been healed through this

    Jesus ministry. This is His ministry. I am not a healer; I never feel that way at all. I know better.

    God is the healer. I am His believer. The Bible says thatHe sent his word, and healed them

    (Psalm 107:20). He w as wou nded for ou r transgressions, he w as bruised for ou r

    iniquities: the chastisemen t of our peace was u pon him; and w ith his stripes we are

    healed (Isaiah 53:5).

    Lord: Here they are, the diabetics, the cancer victims, the heart patients, the crippled, the blind,

    the retarded. Whatever their disease or affliction, I bring them all to you, dear Jesus, because you

    are the healer. Heal them! Heal! Heal, in the holy, holy name of Jesus!

    The healing power is flowing, going into sick bodies. You can keep that power with you and watchyourself get well. It's the promise of our Lord. He keeps His promises; but He said if you doubt, if

    you let your faith waver, to not think you will receive anything from Him. Don't let your faith

    waver. Use His faith and His Spirit. Who his own self bare ou r sins in his own b ody on the

    tree, that we , being dead to sins, should live un to righteou sness: by whose stripes ye

    we re healed (I Peter 2:24).

    The Lord is seeking to give you the joy and happiness the Early Church knew. The Lord has takenme into all of this, teaching me what they had and how it worked. I found it by giving everything to

    God, by living right in His presence in fastings, prayers and dedications to Him.

    I've been amazed how the Lord has spent so much time with me to teach me what He wants you to

    have. Down through the years I've had to fast my way through to the deepness of God. It's hard to

    tell how many fasts of forty days it took before I learned how to give my mind over to the Spirit just

    like I give my hand to a person, to be able to turn my mind over.

    Now the Lord is bringing you in. You must understand how to give your mind over like that. God

    doesn't have the time with you that He spent with me. Again and again, the Lord is letting youknow that you are endtime people; your time is limited. The Early Church came into the reality of

    the mind of Christ on the day of Pentecostquickly. The converts stepped right on into that reality

    because there was such a pouring out of the Spirit. Now it's a pouring of the Spirit again, and you,

    too, can step into the mind of Christ.

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    When I received salvation, altar workers would spend much time praying just one person through

    to the Holy Ghost. They would pray until an early morning hour. Many received the Holy Ghost

    after midnight. Those seeking the Holy Ghost had to be determined, had to want the Holy Ghost. I

    never heard of anyone being taught to speak in tongues at will. One by one people were prayed

    through to the Holy Ghost, and what rejoicing went up! The saints of God were jubilant to see the

    real baptism from heaven.

    Some ministers on television today talk about a prayer tongue, claiming they can speak in tongues

    whenever they want. It's a trick of the devil to try to destroy the real baptism in the Holy Ghost.

    God isn't allowing it. He has a people who are receiving the real Holy Ghost. They don't try to

    control the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost controls them just like He controlled the Early Church.

    They are edified, blessed, lifted up in a most gracious way.

    We're endtime people, I say again. Let God open your ears and eyes, take you over the way He took

    over the Early Church.

    Dare to be different. Because Daniel dared to be different God used him in a great way. The Lord

    is soon coming, and He wants to use you. Take a lesson from the life of Daniel. Close all doors of

    the world behind you and don't look back. If you have failed God in the past decide right now to

    never fail Him again. Go all the way with Him. Please Him the rest of the journey. Carry the

    glorious promise of Jesus' soon appearing in your heart. Keep it there to draw on. It will steer you

    away, for example, from worldly music, from rock so you won't be swept downstream to the

    Tribulation Period. The Bride will sing the songs of Zion. The Bride will make music to God,

    rejoicing in her spirit, music that the Lord will listen to. Be filled with the Spirit; Speaking toyourselves in psalms an d hymn s and spiritual songs, singing and m aking melody in

    your he art to the Lord (Ephesians 5:18,19).

    I rejoice that we have entered the time of the pouring-out of the Holy Spirit! I have lived through

    the time of desolation when the Spirit wasn't raining down like it is today. Now we're standing in

    the rain of the Spirit, and we belong to Him. Give yourself to the Lord; you don't own yourself

    anymore. For ye are bou ght with a price: therefore glorify God in your b ody, and in

    your spirit, which are God 's (I Corinthians 6:20). Jesus bought us. We belong to Him.

    Thus saith the Lord: I have brought you to this great hour. I am giving my servant that which I

    wa nt you to have. Accept it. Believe it, and it will work for you in this your last hour.

    You must have my power a nd my strength and my greatness to do the work that I have for you to

    do. You must not fail me. I cannot use you unless you take my instructions and abide by wha t I

    tell you, saith the Lord.

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    If you will bathe in my anointing dailyand as you bathe in my anointing, my Word will come to

    life, all of it, and my promises will take on all the power and strength of your Lord. You will not

    be weak, but you will be strong in my holy name. You will go forth in the power of my Spirit.

    That means in the Spirit of my love, in the Spirit of my grace, in the Spirit of my goodness, in the

    Spirit of my compassion, in the Spirit of my mercy, in the Spirit of my wisdom, in the Spirit of my


    You will do great and wonderful works for me, saith the Lord. I will open the eyes of those who

    want to see, and they will behold my works, and they will come to me, saith the Lord. The day is

    far spent, and I say to my people: Hurry, my people! Reach out and embrace all that I am giving

    you. Eat, eat, eat, eat my Word. Eat my instructions and let them become a part of you. They

    will be your strength. They w ill be your greatness, and no power will be able to defeat you.

    You will find my great joy and my great happiness just like my servant told you. I instructed him

    so that he could instruct youand it's thus saith the Lord. Oh, draw, draw , draw , draw from my

    wells of salva tion. You have all that you need, everything. Ye are complete, saith the Lord. You

    have everything that's needed for the journey. Draw, draw , draw on me. I have everything thatyou need. I will be everything daily that you need. I will supply that which is needed at all times.

    You need not be afra id. You need not be troubled. You need not be afra id of that hour when your

    Lord will appear because my miraculous power that works in you will do the work, saith the

    Lord. My people will be changed, they will be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye,

    caught up to meet their Lord in the air, saith the Lord.

    Let His miracle greatness flow over you, bathe in it. Fill your soul to the brim with it, nothing

    doubting. Only believe, saith the Lord. Let the soul feed the mind with the greatness of God.

    THE SOUL FEEDS THE MIND, All rights reserved. Copyright 1992 Ernest Angley.

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    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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