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The Science of Balance and Hearing

The ears may appear to be just a dangling appendage on your head but

they are actually intricate organs

responsible for both hearing and balance.

The ear has three major sections:

1) the outer ear, which includes the earlobe and ear canal

2) the middle ear, comprised of the eardrum and the little ear

bones and muscles beyond the drum

3) the inner ear, which is where things get really interesting

This inner ear portion has a bony structure that is divided into the cochlea, the semicircular canals and the vestibule. Together, the

latter two are constantly working with the rest of your body to

adjust and sense your orientation in relation to the pull of gravity

on earth. This is what's known as balance.

The cochlea transmits the sound vibrations from the ear canal

and middle ear into pitches when the sound travels over tiny

"hair" cells inside of it. The pitches are then converted into

electrical impulses that travel to the brain via the cochlear nerve.

This branch of science that studies how humans perceive and use sound is called audiology. Since it deals with the body, the field is

largely focused in the health care industry where professionals

are involved with identifying, diagnosing, treating and evaluating

hearing disorders. Some of these professionals have a Doctor

title, as 18 states require a Doctor of Audiology (Au.D) degree to practice.

All are licensed in the state where he or she practices and must

complete coursework at an institution accredited by the Council

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on Academic Accreditation (CAA), a division of the American

Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

There are many other career tracks people in this field of study

find rewarding. Some are involved in developing and designing

listening devices while others focus solely on dispensing or selling

said technologies. Researchers in this field are always in need in

order to study and test decibel levels that are potentially damaging to the ears. In a world that's increasingly noisy,

qualified audiology specialists will always be needed.




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