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Page 1: The Roadmap to Community Evangelism...The Roadmap to Community Evangelism Followers, Families, Friends and Neighbors for Jesus Christ: A Strategy to Reach Our Country and World for

The Roadmap to

Community Evangelism

Followers, Families, Friends and

Neighbors for Jesus Christ:

A Strategy to Reach Our Country

and World for Jesus Christ

By Donn Laudermilch

Page 2: The Roadmap to Community Evangelism...The Roadmap to Community Evangelism Followers, Families, Friends and Neighbors for Jesus Christ: A Strategy to Reach Our Country and World for

What is the Evangelism Roadmap, Inc.:

The Roadmap offers a Biblical approach to reach your local mission

area for Jesus Christ. It brings the body of believers together for

evangelism through:

➢ Prayer

➢ Loving One Another

➢ Studying God's Word together

➢ Spiritual gifts test

➢ Identifying and mapping all the unbelievers in your local

mission area

➢ Helping your church to find ways to reach your unique


➢ Discipleship

➢ Home groups

➢ Changing to reach our community

➢ Money management Servant leadership

➢ Celebration and thanks to God

The Roadmap study guide will help you in many ways to reach your

community for Christ.

1. It will help identify the non-Christians living next to you.

2. It will help your local church to develop a plan to reach the

unsaved locally.

3. Individual spiritual gifts in your church will be recognized and

utilized to the Glory of God

4. Fulfilling the "Great Commission" will begin with individual

believers at the local church level.

5. Some people in your church may want to volunteer to

be facilitators for other churches locally, regionally or


Page 3: The Roadmap to Community Evangelism...The Roadmap to Community Evangelism Followers, Families, Friends and Neighbors for Jesus Christ: A Strategy to Reach Our Country and World for

Whether you live in the country, suburbs, or

the city, you are probably realizing that

America is changing and moving away from

God. You may also be saying it is too late to

bring the country back to God, too late for

revival. Solving our problems may be

impossible politically. However, “if my people

who are called by My name will humble

themselves and pray and seek My face, and

turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear

from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal

their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV)

Evangelism Roadmap, Inc.

Page 4: The Roadmap to Community Evangelism...The Roadmap to Community Evangelism Followers, Families, Friends and Neighbors for Jesus Christ: A Strategy to Reach Our Country and World for

Loving, caring and sharing Jesus Christ

with your local church’s mission area.

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The Roadmap to Community Evangelism

As a church, have you ever wondered why it seems hard to reach your community for

Christ? Do you ever wonder what is going on in your community and world in that wrong

seems right and right seems wrong? Do you think that it is too late to reach your friends

and neighbors with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Is it too LATE for a revival that will impact

our country and our world?

Do you believe the burden of sins, the immorality in our country, the increasing trillions of

dollars of national debt, and the mounting antagonism against Christianity can be

overcome by the work of the Holy Spirit or is it too late for our country? For revival?

The Roadmap to Community Evangelism is a Biblical approach with which the church

might engage our culture. With the use of the spiritual gifts given to us by God, and

reliance upon the Holy Spirit revival can yet be brought to our nation.

My belief is that it is not too late for revival. The ultimate battle has been won at the cross.

It is our responsibility to work together as the body of Christ; to use the SPIRITUAL GIFTS

God has given us individually and collectively to reach the goal of presenting Christ to all

our friends and neighbors living in our local mission area. Everyone must be afforded the

opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and to become mature Christians in the Lord

Jesus Christ. This roadmap will present a step by step method to help all believers in your

local church to be able collectively to reach your unsaved community for Christ; to

evangelize, to preach, to disciple, to instruct, and to help to bring to Christian maturity

those who at this time do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Is your church, staff, and pastor really desirous of seeing people transformed by the power

of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Or are you content with the status quo? Do you want to be a

follower of Jesus who puts it ALL on the line or are you content to watch a few, if any,

people accept the Lord every year? Is your church satisfied with being only a social

organization or does it consider itself to be a living organism in which its members must

put their faith on the line for Jesus?

When Joshua came to the Jordan River, he needed to cross over to the other side. As the

local church, we too need to reach souls on the other side of the river of life with the life-

changing gospel of Jesus Christ. God says He will give us strength and courage. Strength is

who you (we) are and courage is what you (we) are going to do for Jesus to reach our world.

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It just occurred to me that there is no love in hell and there never will be love in hell. Can

you imagine what the world we live in today would be without LOVE? Can you even imagine

eternity with no love, eternally separated from the author of LOVE our Lord Jesus Christ?

All this talk about prayer, studying God's Word (which by the way will never pass away)

and spiritual gifts without LOVE really means nothing. In John 15:10 Jesus says, "If you

keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's

commandments and abide in His love." In John 15:12, 14-17 Jesus says, "This is My

commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 14 You are My friends if you

do whatever I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not

know what his master is doing, but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard

from My father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and

appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that

whatever you ask the Father in My Name He may give you. 17 These things I command you

that you LOVE one another."

What is our obligation to God? To love the Lord Jesus with ALL our hearts, mind, soul and

strength. And what is our obligation to humankind? To LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS


In John 13:34-35, Jesus made it very clear "A new commandment I give to you, that you

love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know

that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

We need to love those believers in our church as well as the people on the streets,

highways, and byways regardless of race or religious preferences. We need to stay true to

the gospel message even when we approach those who are antagonistic to that message.

And we need to do it with a spirit of love and forgiveness guided by the Holy Spirit.

Associated with love we certainly need to have faith and hope, because without faith, hope

and love we cannot be disciples of Jesus. 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, "And now abide faith,

hope and love, but the greatest of these is love."

We need to love these people in our communities that do not have the faith in Jesus Christ,

who have no hope for a future with Jesus Christ, and have no love for Jesus Christ. We

cannot wait for them to come to church; we have been waiting for years for them to come.

Let's use our love given to us by Jesus Christ to reach them with the everlasting Word of

Salvation. List all the people in your local church family you need to love.

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

List all the people that you need to love and present the gospel message to in your

community [List all those under the shaded mission area; See Chapter 2 on Prayer.]. There

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may also be family and friends outside of this area you need to tell about Jesus. Please list

them now.

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

I presented this plan on community evangelism to a Monday night Bible study and they

insisted that the chapter on LOVE should be the very first chapter. If we are going to reach

our communities, really reach them, we will need to love them genuinely. That means there

are some of your neighbors who you currently tolerate but do you love them as yourself? I

don't think I do; you know I wave to them, talk to them and somewhat tolerate them, but

do I really love them? Enough to talk to them about Jesus? Enough to bring them into my

house and show them real hospitality? I challenge your church as you read on to really love

those in your community; even those you don't agree with morally or politically. Even those

of different background or race. Even those of a different religious point of view. I challenge

you to read the next chapter on prayer and try, with God's help, to love your neighbor as


I am convinced that there is no point to continuing with community outreach if we do not

truly love people who need Jesus. Jesus came to earth from the beauty of heaven because

He loved us. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten

Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

God wants us to truly love the unsaved in our hometown. If we do not love them, we must

ask God to give us love for them. This is going to be hard work. Yet, the reward will last into

eternity. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says, "4 Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy,

love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its

own, is not provoked, thinks no evil, 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. 7 Love bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

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Chapter 2: PRAYER

We cannot rely only on the people in our church for prayer. We also must be praying for the

unsaved. In Ephesians 6:14-20 we are told by the Apostle Paul how to defend ourselves

from the devil. The defense always includes girding ourselves with the belt of truth, the

breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith and the helmet of


Interestingly enough, there are only two offensive weapons: one being the sword of the

Spirit, which is the Word of God, and the second being Prayer. Ephesians 6:18-20 says, 18

“in praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end

with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. 19 And for me that utterance may

be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains that I may speak boldly, as I ought also to


There needs to be persistence in prayer because there is power in prayer. Prayer with God

should become to us as a good conversation with our best friend. Talking to God on a daily

basis, as we would our best friend, should be our goal so that we can become like God.

Prayer empowers us to witness to our unsaved world. In addition to praying for the lost, we

need to be praying for the “saints” in our church family. Make a list of the people in your

church or home group who need prayer as well those who have the Spiritual gift of prayer.

People who need prayer in your local church community:

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

People in the local church who have the spiritual gift of prayer:

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

Now make another list of the unsaved people in your local mission area (community). This

list or area is determined by drawing a circle on the outside perimeter of where your church

attendees live. Every unsaved person within the community inside the circle should be

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listed. This is your “local mission area”. Then list the “top 10” people out of this list you

would like to pray for that they might come to accept Jesus personally.

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

I am not a betting man but if I was, I would bet that there are some people living in your

community who are not Christians. In fact, I've never met anyone who said their entire

church local mission area was entirely saved. List all unsaved people under the shaded

area where your local church attendees live. Plot all the houses on your map where all the

unsaved people in your community live. Now encourage all the people coming to your

church who are Christians to pray for these people. The “circle” that surrounds your

members and attendees defines “your local mission area”. See figure below. Other churches

in your area will have a “circle” also. We need to pray for our “local mission area” asking

God to send us revival that results in the salvation of the unsaved. Of course, the desire is

that the circles will eventually overlap and cover the whole community. Plot on your

community map, inside your “local mission area”, where believers and non-believers live

(see figure below).

In this chapter on prayer, we have determined who will be praying, who they will be praying

for specifically, and how many people they will be praying for, and where all the people not

saved in the community are residing.

Plot the homes of believers, either from

your local church or others in the

community, with a cross . Plot the

unbelievers in your local church mission

area, who need love and prayer from your

local church believers, with a heart .



+ of your local church


Local Mission Area

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Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-

edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and

is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

In the last chapter on prayer, I mentioned the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God

(Ephesians 6:17.) This sword of the Spirit is an offensive weapon as is prayer. The Bible is

an armory containing hundreds of thousands of verses that we can study as being "swords

of the Spirit" to be used as offensive and defensive weapons against the evil one. When

Jesus was tempted in the desert by Satan, he used swords of the Spirit from the Book of

Deuteronomy to fight off temptation. We can only resist the devil if we are filled by the Holy

Spirit and have Jesus in our lives to fight the battle. We can only produce fruit if we study

the Word and remain in Christ Jesus. John 15:4 says, “Abide in Me and I in you. As the

branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you

abide in Me."

Jesus wants all His followers to be fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Then He (Jesus) said to

them "follow me and I will make you fishers of men."

What does the verse say? You cannot be a follower of Jesus if you do not fish for men!

Really? Do you mean I am not a Christian, a true follower of Jesus if I do not fish for men?

YES, that is correct! Yet remember God has given different gifts to different people for

fishing for men, some people are the eyes, hands, feet, ears, touch of Jesus. You might say

“I really don't have the gift of evangelism, but I like to teach and disciple new converts; I like

to administer, I like to preach, or sing, encourage, or worship or help or show hospitality or

discern or lead.

My point is that you do not have to have the specific gift of evangelism to share your faith

with others. In fact, God used the "weak" of the world to confound the strong (and the rich).

As you use your spiritual gifts to bring new converts to a knowledge of Jesus Christ or

toward Christian maturity, then they can use their spiritual gifts to bring others to Christ

as well. In so doing, you are helping to fulfill the Great Commission and doing Christ's will.

You are being an evangelist! As we move on to the Spiritual Gifts test in Chapter 4, please

realize that God is calling you to reach your local community for Christ, with the Spiritual

gifts He gave you when you were saved. The church needs you. It needs everybody to reach

this lost world; everybody in your local fellowship. We need to have all our spiritual gifts

working together to be successful in reaching lost people—we must go to them, and we

must bring them in our homes so that they realize we are not boring, out of touch with

reality, and certainly not hypocrites. As we look at this next chapter of the church working

together, we need to know what our spiritual gifts are. We cannot afford to lose the gift of

sight, hearing, touch, taste, motor skills or compassion as we seek to complete the Great

Commission. We cannot afford to lose any of the spiritual gifts God has given us in the

church to reach our unsaved community. In this chapter list how you personally engage to

launch a study of God's Word and how your local church is going to study God's Word to

reach your community.

List your plan and your local churches plan to study God’s word in a planned, organized

and daily manner.

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Your individual plan:

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

Your local church plan:

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

In accordance with 1 Peter 3:15; how will you personally be prepared to answer the hard

questions unbelievers might ask? List some of the hardest questions you anticipate and

then list your answers.

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

Resistance to the Gospel message changes with the culture. Accordingly, this would be a

good topic to revisit as a study group from time to time.

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“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23.

When each of us accepted Jesus into our hearts we each had a unique set of abilities given

to us by God. After accepting Christ as Lord and Savior, some of these abilities in our life

became apparent. Spiritual gifts are God-given abilities beyond the physical abilities we had

before accepting the Lord Jesus. List some abilities you had before accepting Christ and

then list some of the Spiritual gifts you have been given since accepting Christ.

List of Abilities:

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

Lists of Spiritual Gifts:

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

One of the issues with evangelism, I believe, is that some followers of Christ cannot identify

or have not identified their spiritual gift(s) and do not know how to use them for the

ultimate glory of God to reach those lost in their community for Christ.

A spiritual gifts test helps rectify this problem by allowing you to identify what your

spiritual gift is. Our Spiritual Gifts were given to us by God. And He expects us to use them

for His glory.

After taking a spiritual gifts test, list your strongest gifts in order.

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

You may discover that you have more than one spiritual gift. After taking the spiritual gifts

test, talk with your pastor about how you might use your primary gift(s) in serving the

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church. With service comes accountability. The whole body of believers will be able to work

together to bring new converts to a mature, spirit filled relationship with Jesus Christ.

When was the last time you had an assignment that was due at a certain time? If your term

paper was due at the end of semester, most of you would finish it by the end of the

semester. Do you have the gift of teaching? Volunteer and ask your pastor where you are

needed. Do you have the gift of discipleship? Form a home group and start discipling new

converts. Do you have the gift of hospitality? Bring people home from church and share

Sunday dinner. Is your gift singing? Use this gift to worship God in a worship service. Do

you have the gift of helps? Help someone cut wood or take them to a doctor's appointment.

The list goes on.

Retry Your Spiritual Gifts Tests

Everybody's in, all in. Everybody who has accepted Christ is in to help to get this person or

these people to Christian Maturity. We cannot and must not drop the ball. We all need to

use our spiritual gifts to help bring those people to spiritual maturity and fruitfulness. We

must use all our spiritual gifts with the Holy Spirit's help to prepare the soil, plant the seed,

help to keep the weeds out of the garden, and to bring this person to fruitfulness. And we

might actually have to go outside the church's circle to meet, evangelize, pray with, disciple,

eat with, cry with, sympathize with these individuals in order to bring some into the

Kingdom of God.

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Chapter 5: "Let's Go Fishing"

Matthew 4:19, "Then He said to them, 'Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."

I remember studying John Maxwell's plan for evangelism. John Maxwell said everyone

needed a definite time to go, a definite plan to know, a definite seed to sow, to reach the

country with the gospel message. I was also in Campus Crusade for Christ in veterinary

school and used Bill Bright's, The Four Spiritual Laws to lead some to Christ. I have used

Billy Graham's Steps to Peace with God to lead others to a saving knowledge of the Lord

Jesus. I remember listening to a seminar by Don Sonshine who said everybody we talk to

should be someone to witness to as soon as we can change the subject to evangelism. I

studied D. J. Kennedy's Explosion Evangelism. I studied Bill Bright's approach to reach the

entire world, namely, one teaches two, two teach four, four teach eight, eight teach sixteen

etc., but why are we struggling so much in this culture in the United States where we may

be one generation away from post-Christianity, or in Eastern Europe, where the culture can

be termed "pre-pagan?" Warning books, like Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman, or All In by Mark

Batterson point to the need to change our approach to personal evangelism.

I believe that the fishing process needs to be looked at differently in order to "catch" our

culture for Jesus Christ. I agree with Steve Wingfield when he states that you cannot be a

follower of Jesus Christ unless you go fishing for men. However, to go fishing for men, it

cannot be just the evangelist, it needs to be everyone in the local church putting all their

spiritual gifts together to make a beautiful, wonderful army working together. All our

available gifts and weapons of spiritual warfare must be engaged to defend ourselves and

attack our enemy Satan to reach the world for Jesus Christ.

People and well-meaning evangelists have isolated some of their gifts and not included

other essential gifts necessary to bring a new believer to Christian maturity. For example,

many people can be saved at a large public crusade, but without follow-up many are lost in

the shuffle and never get discipleship follow-up. I am suggesting let the church be the

church. Programs that have been independent like evangelism need to be incorporated with

all the spiritual gifts the church has been given: Evangelism, praying, preaching, teaching,

home care groups, discipleship follow-up, encouragement, helps, hospitality, discernment,

leadership, etc. A discipleship program like "The Healing Journey" may be an appropriate

follow-up discipleship program for new believers. After crusade meetings when our

neighbor has been presented the gospel, we all need to work together to keep from losing

new converts. When planting seeds, one can protect the seed from falling in the wrong

places, springing up and dying, and weed them so that weeds do not destroy the crop. We,

as the church of Jesus Christ, need to nurture new converts when they are young and

vulnerable. Believe it or not, the gift of evangelism may not be the most important spiritual

gift in the church. Nurturing, or discipleship, or some seemingly weaker gift, may be more

important, depending on what the new convert needs at the time. I like evangelism because

I can say "Look this person got saved". Discipleship is hard work and takes a lot of patience

and work.

Have you ever actually gone fishing? Catching the fish is actually very exciting and a lot of

fun. But it is hard work to keep many fish alive for a long time. It takes work to clean and

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change the water/tank to keep the fish alive. In fact, many people want the fish but don't

want to keep the fish alive and certainly don't want to clean them to get them ready to eat.

If you're gifted in evangelism, it is fairly easy to catch the sinner, at least temporarily.

However, discipleship and "cleaning" the sinner takes hard work and a lot of discipline. In

fact, we know that, apart from the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, no one can be

saved and changed to become a born-again, Spirit-filled man or woman of God. To the

evangelists in the group: please consider we need the entire body of believers in our church

to help these new converts. This is one reason we are not being successful in the church.

The evangelist can measure how many converts are converted by one to one evangelism,

but many of these people do not have the follow-up of the church that they need. In

addition, there needs to be a measure of how many new converts actually stay in the

church to become mature in the faith.

I suppose this chapter on "Let's Go Fishing" relates very closely to the next on discipleship

and mentoring. The manner in which people get saved, with or without follow-up from

people in the church, with the appropriate spiritual gifts, certainly will be critical to keeping

the new Christian growing. Now I am not saying that some cannot grow without follow-up

and discipleship. Sometimes I plant corn in my garden and individual stalks do seem to

yield fairly well, but the majority of the individual stalks get choked out by weeds or

drought and do not yield at all if not attended to. There have been a lot of evangelism plans

over the years. I am going to give your church the opportunity to select a plan you would

like to use for evangelism.

Here are some fishing plans:

Four Spiritual Laws

Romans Road

ABC Plan

Steps to Peace with God

Area-wide Crusades



1:1 Evangelism

Street Evangelism

Friendship Evangelism

NASCAR Evangelism

Bringing neighbors into our homes for evangelism

Fishing Derby

Home groups, Care groups, or other Shepherd —groups


Block Party

Book of John

Explosion Evangelism

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One thing I do know about fishing for souls is this: do not make the plan too easy. Don't

tell people all their troubles are going to go away after they've received Jesus in their hearts.

Sometimes life after accepting Jesus is wonderful, sometimes it is harder. After Jesus fed

the crowd, everyone was ecstatic, but then, many left Him when the free meals went away

and they were expected to commit to serving Jesus every day. Eleven of the twelve disciples

were martyred for their faith. John 15:20 says, "Remember the word that I said to you, 'A

servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.

If they kept My word, they will keep yours also."

To end this chapter, let me say, "Let's go fishing for the souls of men." Stop sitting around

talking about it— go fishing! I take a gang of guys bear hunting every year. Sitting around

and talking about last year's hunts is very satisfying. However we need to get out and try to

hunt and kill a bear every year. When I take my children and grandchildren fishing, then

we are able to catch fish, not when we are talking about going fishing. Keep in mind, the

way you go fishing will depend upon the culture in the area in which you live. Fishing for

men in Harlem or Manhattan, N.Y. will be very different than in churches in upstate N.Y. or

rural Pennsylvania. Fishing in Northern California is different than in Southern California.

Fishing for men in rural Kansas will be different than fishing in Chicago. My 7 year old

granddaughter, Gracelyn, took me aside the other night and told me she was training

Nellie, her golden retriever, to be able to go to nursing homes with her to present the gospel

to residents. Name some ways your church may be able to "Go Fishing" in the community

you live in.

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

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How is the best way to make disciples— to best mentor men and women to become great

servants of Jesus? In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus said, All authority has been given to Me in

heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in

the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all

things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the

age." Amen.

All authority has been given to Jesus; that means He is in control of all things. Jesus also

leads us to make disciples and to baptize them. When people accept Jesus, they should be

baptized and they should be taught to observe all things that Christ has commanded us to

do. A discipleship plan that teaches a new believer to observe all things Christ has taught

us is going to take a lot of prayer and studying of God's word in order to equip a person or

persons with a great deal of Biblical knowledge. Therefore, it is my opinion that the pastors

and people in the church gifted with gifts of teaching and the best knowledge of God's word

should be the mentors to do the discipleship. Also, these teachers should be of high moral

standards and be familiar with God's word.

Now discipleship is not my spiritual gift, but at times I have been in the situation that God

has placed people in my life to disciple, after they have received Christ as personal Lord

and Savior. Truthfully, it was hard work, and I thank God for the opportunity so that I

would be able to have had the chance to see how hard discipleship of a new believer really

is. Even Peter denied the Lord three times because the pressure of following Jesus was so


There are many follow up discipleship programs in various churches. Perhaps your pastor

or board could pick one out for you as a new believer or as a mentor for new believers. It is

my opinion that either reading through the book of John or having a study through the

book of John would be helpful. Earlier I mentioned the 29 week "Healing Journey" also. In

order to be able to study Jesus' words the gospels are a good place to start, but the entire

Bible, including Revelation, helps to explain the words of Jesus very well. However, it will

take a lifetime of study in order to learn "all things that I have commanded you." Make a

list of discipleship material your church provides for new converts. Then make a list of

people in your church who are equipped or could be equipped for the task of bringing a new

convert to observe "all things I have commanded you" (Jesus) to become a mature Spirit-

filled Christian sharing the gospel message to unbelievers.

Jesus said that a disciple is not above his teacher, nor is a servant above his teacher. "No

one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will

be loyal to the one and despise the other. ... " Matthew 6:24

I stated earlier that the gift of teaching and discipleship may be one of the most important

spiritual gifts even though it is not one of my strong areas. I love sharing the gospel to the

unsaved and seeing them receive Jesus and if they don't, the time has not yet come for the

harvest. I look to the time when they will receive Jesus. Yet, so many times we in the

church, do not have a follow up plan for those who come to the Lord.

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Perhaps we do not have strong churches because we do not have strong men and women

committed to discipling new believers in our churches. I remember Bill Bright's idea of

discipleship/ mentoring in the Campus Crusade organization when I was in veterinary

school. One person strong in the Lord, dedicated to learning and teaching the word of God,

would hopefully meet 3-5 times a week, or as much as possible, to put their life into new

believers in order to disciple/mentor them to be able in turn, to share their faith with

unbelievers who do not know Christ. A teacher/disciple who is only lukewarm in their faith

will probably only produce a lukewarm disciple. (A disciple is not above his teacher.) "Dr.

Bill Bright probably had more influence for Christ in his generation than any other man

even Billy Graham." —Steve Wingfield, Chambers Camp.

Make a list of the people in your church with the gifts of teaching, mentoring and


1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

These people should include you pastor and assistant pastor and probably a majority of the

elder and deacon board. Both men and women need to be included in this list as well as

couples. It is my suggestion that men do not individually discipleship women, nor women

disciple men alone. My suggestion is also to include those with the gift of evangelism into

the work of discipleship. The main reason is that those with the gift of evangelism need to

work at the hard work of discipleship to be able to relate to the challenges presented to a

mentor/disciple in order to bring an immature, carnal Christian, or a new convert to a

mature Spirit-filled believer. In fact, everyone is called to "Go therefore and make disciples

of all nations."

Let's go back to Dr. Bill Bright's plan for discipleship multiplication. At the time I learned

about how to multiply myself I wondered and still do, why the church did not grasp the

concept of multiplication. Dr. Bright's plan would have reached the whole world easily in

one generation. This is how the multiplication discipleship plan works: One spirit-filled,

born again Christian teaches, mentors, disciples just two individual converts. These two

people in turn witness to and teach, mentor, discipleship and instruct two more new

converts/new believers. The first person of course, could and should find two more people

to disciple. But let's just suppose everybody continues to do their job and works with just

two people. How long would it take to reach the whole world for Jesus? 220 (2 multiplied

times itself 20 times) would account for one million converts. Of course, the length of the

interval of time required for one person to teach and disciple two new disciples would

determine how long it would take to reach the whole world for Jesus Christ. There are

about 8.5 billion people in the world today and about 1 billion Christians are dispersed

among the nations. Yet the concept will hold true that exponential growth can occur when

this discipleship plan is instituted. 233 would reach the whole world for Jesus. If each

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person disciples two other people for a year, in 33 years the whole world could be discipled

for Jesus Christ.

Discipleship and being a disciple will cost you a lot. In Luke 14 (Luke 14:26, 27, 33) Jesus

says, 26 "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children,

brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. 27 And whoever

does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. 33 So likewise, whoever of

you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple."

The discipleship plan will vary from church to church. After presenting the plan of salvation

and having one accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, I would suggest the

discipling going through the book of John and a little booklet called "My Heart-Christ's

Home" by Robert Boyd Munger. Discipleship of 4 days a week for a two-month intensive

training period should prepare the disciple to disciple new converts.

Make a list of discipleship programs your church might use to help new converts to become

mature Christians.

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

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The Lighthouse Movement was started on the premise that people in a small group are

more likely to share their most intimate feelings in a small group, than in a larger group

like the Sunday morning church service. Growing a huge body of believers is certainly a

great accomplishment and yet the sharing and testimonies of individual Christians makes

up the cumulative body of believers— the church. More intimate sharing and therefore

growth can more easily occur in a small group. In fact, Matthew 18:20 says: "For where two

or three are gathered together in My name (Jesus), I am there in the midst of them." The

teaching materials of the home groups should be amenable to the local church's discipline.

By this I mean accountability of leadership of homegroups should have a check and

balance to the local church. I Timothy 3:12 says: "Let deacons be the husbands of one wife,

ruling their children and their own houses well."

The home group, Sunday school group, under-shepherd group, or care groups should also

be accountable to one another and to the local church. Prayer, evangelism and discipleship

materials should be shared under the direction of the local church, board, and pastor.

Leaders of the homegroups should be spiritually mature leaders with leadership abilities as

well as having their family living in a godly manner. Men should not individually mentor

women and women should not individually mentor men. Material in homegroups should

include prayer, study of God's word, ways to develop Christian maturity as well as helping

new believers to share their newfound faith with unbelievers.

List the people that live in your geographical area who attend your church who you would

like to have in your homegroup.

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

Personal testimonies should be encouraged in the small group setting as well as the

personal testimonies at morning worship service so that the smaller homegroups and the

whole body of believers will be able to celebrate together the individual new converts being

brought into the church. Testimonies throughout the Bible were very important; our

testimonies about Christ's love in our lives are very important and need to be shared. Psalm

119:119 says: “You put away all the wicked of the earth like dross; Therefore I love your

testimonies." 1 John 5: 11-12 states: 11 “And this is the testimony: that God has given us

eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have

the Son of God does not have life." Revelation 19:10 says: "And I fell at his feet to worship

Him. But he said to me, 'See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your

brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the

spirit of prophecy."

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Homegroups can be used mightily by God, but be careful to study and follow the word of

God so you will not be deceived. Ephesians 5:6-7 warns us: 6 “Let no one deceive you with

empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of

disobedience. 7 Therefore do not be partakers with them."

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Well, local church, here is your opportunity to shine! You know your community! Do not

hide your Light under a bushel! There are people in your local mission area who do not

know the Lord Jesus! There are the poor who will always be with you. There are widows

and orphans whom the Lord loves more than we can realize. There are nice people living

next door who are not saved and headed for hell. There are probably atheists, alcoholics,

those addicted to prescription drugs, drug addicts, and child molesters living in your

community. There are divorced couples and children suffering from the effects of mom and

dad being separated. Physical disabilities, pain, suffering and cancer are commonplace in

your local mission area also. There are probably "churches" representing the cults in your

local mission area. There are possibly Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims, and many others

including agnostics living in your local mission area. The question really is, “How do we

reach the unsaved in our local community for Jesus?” Let us come up with unique

outreaches for your church right here at My Church, USA.

Possibilities include: teaching ministries, visitation, meeting needs, disaster relief, meeting

new residents, community picnics, Vacation Bible School, Harvest Dinners, Community

Dinners, Community events, Parade floats, Booths at local fairs or other events,

Evangelistic meetings, and so forth. Be specific as to what your church can accomplish.

Also, consider working together with other churches to reach your community for Jesus


List some specific outreaches your local church can do:

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

If you pick up your local paper and you see an unsaved person's obituary who lived under

the shaded area of your local mission area and they have never been contacted by your

church, I would consider it a failure on the part of your local church not to have reached

this individual. In our local mission area, we do not know everyone, but we do know many

individuals who profess to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, and these individuals may go to

our church or another local church in the area. The tough part of this plan is how to

strategize to reach those in your local community who have never accepted Jesus as Savior

and Lord, those who have never stepped inside a church, those who think things are ok.

In their life, those who do not feel they need God, are those who we may consider to be

immoral, incompetent, slanderers, murderers, and possibly plain evil. As expressed in

Chapter 1, we need to ask God for love, agape love, for these individuals because God loves

them and does not want any to perish, no not one. 2 Peter 3:9 says: "The Lord is not slack

concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not

willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."

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Identify the individuals that may not be Christians or at least do not attend church on a

regular basis. Hebrews 10:24, 25 says: 24 “And let us consider one another in order to stir

up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, 25 as is the

manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day


I am not in your local church: your opportunities to reach your local community are

definitely unique! Perhaps a welcome basket to your new neighbors in your area would be

appreciated and helpful to new families moving in. You may be able to reach your local

mission area with a strategic outreach plan.

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Money—Wait a minute! We can talk about love, evangelism, and discipleship but wait a

minute— how does my money fit in here? Even Jesus Christ in His ministry needed money

and a treasurer so that the disciples could travel, eat, drink and have a ministry to the

masses. The amount of money believers have is obviously different, but where to apportion

that money is a question for every believer. Matthew 6:19-21 one of my life verses (the other

is Jeremiah 9:23-24) says: 19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth

and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves

treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break

in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is; there your heart will be also.”

Obviously, reaching your community for Christ through the Roadmap to Community

Evangelism, will require funding from your local church. Local church missions will need to

be funded by the local church. Follow-up material after conversions to Christ as well as

discipleship and homegroup materials will also be required to be funded. Miscellaneous

expenses with the ministry will also need to be budgeted. Have your finance committee of

your local church consider possible future expenses.

I mentioned contentment also after the money. Remember that in order to be content with

our financial situation, that three principles of God are in place. First of all, God owns it all.

Secondly, God controls it, and thirdly God provides for all our needs [Jehovah Jireh]. Keep

in mind: "Now godliness with contentment is great gain." (1 Timothy 6:6.) Remember

possessions and riches are really a spiritual test from God. Not having riches is a test and

having riches is a test. Rich people in the Bible are not condemned for being rich, they are

condemned with what they do with their riches and what they do with Jesus Christ. On the

other side poor people are not condemned for being poor, they are only condemned for

doing ungodly acts because they are poor, and for rejecting Jesus Christ.

As you attempt to reach your community for Christ, you may be faced with decisions of

where to put your money for the most good of the unsaved in the community. For example,

James 1:27 says: "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit

orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."

If you really love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor

as yourself, you will find times when God will lead you to donate to a worthy cause to help

people in your community with spiritual and financial needs. Keep in mind, God continues

to provide for all our needs while He is allowing us to provide for the needs of others.

(Philippians 4:10-20) List local outreach ministries your local church supports and/or

might begin to support:

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

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Change is a necessity for your church to present the gospel message to the unsaved in your

community. The old way of doing evangelism like inviting an unsaved person on a Friday

night to a mass evangelism service, may not be as effective as it once was, possibly due to

the fact that most people have so many things to do besides going to church, or the

mindset that they do not need God. God is a God of change; but the changes need to be

defined, and the change needs to have a Biblical basis. In Daniel 2: 20-22 after Daniel

received the secret of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, Daniel answered and said:

20 "Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,

For wisdom and might are His. 21 And He changes the times and the seasons;

He removes kings and raises up kings;

He gives wisdom to the wise

And knowledge to those who have understanding. 22 He reveals deep and secret things;

He knows what is in the darkness,

And light dwells with Him."

In Joshua 1:1-11 the people of Israel were in for some big changes. Changes they had been

waiting for forty years. Change to give them a land flowing with milk and honey. The first

change is that Moses is dead. God said change from wandering and said, "Let's Go." No

longer did the people of Israel follow Moses— Moses had gone to be with God. The second

change was that in verse 2 the people were to get ready to cross the Jordan. The change of

crossing the Jordan relates to us as the church, beginning to GET READY to reach our

community as we never have before in our Christian lives. In the third change God says,

"I'm Here" if you are available. In Joshua 1:5: "No man shall be able to stand before you all

the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor

forsake you."

Then God tells Joshua: “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you

shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is

written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good

success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor

be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (verses 8 and 9)

The fourth change comes when we follow God's Word in our lives. If we do, we need not be

afraid and we will be prosperous and successful, including in the work of evangelism and

discipleship. Define change number four as “LET'S DO THIS” with God's help through the

Holy Spirit. Let's reach our local community for Jesus Christ!

List the ways your church can change from the status quo from a Biblical perspective to

reach your local community for Jesus Christ!

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

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3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

List the ways your church can have a better relationship with God the Father and His Son

Jesus Christ under the leadership of the Holy Spirit so that you can accomplish the task

implied in Mark 12:29-31: Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The

Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and

with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is

this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater

than these.”

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

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Jesus Christ in His ministry was at the same time God and man. Jesus was and is a

member of the eternal trinity yet took on the form of a man, so that He could experience

every human emotion and temptation to understand what is was like to be a man.

Philippians 2:5-8 says: "5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who,

being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made

Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8

And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the

point of death, even the death of the cross."

If we can humble ourselves in the local church and realize that we are nothing without

Jesus Christ in our lives, we might be able to keep from sinning against God while we are

celebrating lost souls coming into the kingdom of God; while we have crossed the Jordan

River into the land flowing with milk and honey. Let us not forget the desert of our own

lives before we were saved. Let us not go into the land, possess it, and turn away from our

God. Let us always be sensitive and humble to those who do not know Jesus as Lord and

Savior, those who are going to go to eternal damnation if they should die in the next

moment of time. We need to abide in Christ in order to bear much fruit. Recall John 15:5

says: "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much

fruit, for without Me you can do nothing."

List ways for your local church to abide in Jesus Christ so that you can bear much fruit;

that you can reach and continue to reach your community for Christ. Also make a list of

ways to be humble servants to your community. What are the ways to humbly and meekly

[strength under control] reach your community?

How can we better abide in Christ?

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

How can we be better humble servants in our community?

1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

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At the last supper, Jesus, the Maker and Sustainer of the universe: "rose from supper and

laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a

basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel, with which He

has girded." (John 13:4-5) Humbly, very humbly the God of the universe Who loves us and

keeps us became a humble servant to become the Servant of all.

We have a community in spiritual need; it is obvious that our local community and country

are not going in a spiritual direction that is honoring to God. Living our lives to shine and

be light to our community is not enough. We need to reach those who have no hope of

reaching heaven aside from accepting the Person of Jesus Christ. You, local church, know

your community best and have been given the assignment of The Great Commission to

reach them. Let us use our spiritual gifts, talents, time, abilities, resources, and funds

under the direction of the Holy Spirit to reach friends, relatives, co-workers and neighbors

for Jesus Christ.

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There are times in our lives when we need to rest, reflect, celebrate, give thanks and enjoy

the fruits of our labors. In Christ's ministry, He took time to rest, to get away from the

crowd, and get close to His Heavenly Father in prayer.

In each individual church, these times may be different. Keep in mind that God set aside

time [one day out of seven], to have as a day of rest for the human race. Prayer, evangelism,

discipleship, using our spiritual gifts as the body of Christ [the church] are very hard work.

My suggestion for your church is to set aside times during the year to celebrate the harvest

of souls that have been coming to your church as a result of the hard work of evangelism

and discipleship. Perhaps the Christmas [Advent] and Easter [Lent] seasons would be times

for celebration and reflection on what God is doing in your church. Perhaps summer

vacation season might also be a time when home groups might take some time off. List the

times of the year when your church plans to rest from the labors of evangelism and


1. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said "28 Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and

I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly

in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is


As your local church rests and reflects on blessings over the last months or year, this

would be a good time to celebrate within the church. Perhaps a white rose in the front of

your church representing each new convert, would be appropriate following their

conversion and baptism during the year. I also think that the church should have a

memorial for remembering those who accept the Lord. A plaque in the church or an

engraved memorial rock or flagstone could possibly be used. These memorials can be

remembered by every generation in your church until Christ returns.

Thanksgiving and thankfulness also need to be part of our rest, reflection, and celebration.

Let us be thankful for what God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit have done for us and

our church. Psalm 95:2 says "Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us

shout joyfully to Him with psalms." 2 Corinthians 9:15 says "Thanks be to God for His

indiscernible gift." Let us thank God and not be complaining or have a critical spirit. Take

time in church to praise and worship God thanking Him for what He has done in your

community, convicting lost souls to come to Jesus, and what He has done sustaining and

loving us.

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SUMMARY of Roadmap to Community Evangelism

Step 1: The local church determines the local geographical mission area. This is simply the

circle that includes the current members and regular attendees. This circle of

influence includes all the ministries of the local church. Please see Diagram.

Your Local Church

Step 2: The circle that includes all believers also includes members of other churches and

the unsaved in your community. Members of other bible believing churches are not

potential contacts. Plot the unchurched and potential unbelievers on your map. Use

a cross for those who are already following Jesus Christ and use a heart for those

who are not. Those people represented by a heart are the people for whom you are

praying and to whom you need to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please see

Diagram included at end. (Please see chapters 1 and 2)

Step 3: Prepare to reach your community by studying God’s word (so that you will be ready

to give an answer for the hope within you – 1 Peter 3:15) and by using a spiritual gifts

test to determine the gifts of the congregation so that you can employ your people

with discernment and efficacy. Plan for budgeting expenses as necessary and

indicated. (Please see Chapters 3, 4 and 9.)

Step 4: Evangelize your community and attempt to reach the unsaved with various

programs and outreach events. As the individual local church circles intersect and

Love Prayer Believers in area

Preaching Pastor Board

Local Missions

Small and Home


Sunday School

Benevolence Programs

Home Hospitality Programs

Global Missions

Youth Programs

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~ 27 ~

overlap the opportunities for revival increases. The goal is nothing less than reviving

the free world and beyond. (Please see Chapters 5, 8 and 10)

Step 5: Disciple new converts to maturity in Christ, so that they too will be able to disciple

others. For example, one reaches and disciples two, two reach and disciple four, four

reach and disciple eight. (Please see Chapter 6 and 7.)

Step 6: Put on the mind of Christ and the heart of Jesus as your church reaches the lost

for Jesus Christ. (Please see Chapter 11)

Step 7: Give thanks to God and worship Him for He is good. Celebrate, rest, reflect and

begin to start reaching your unsaved neighbors, friends, relatives and co-workers.

(Please see Chapter 12)

Step 2 Diagram

Local Mission Area




Unsaved Neighbors

Unsaved Co-


Unsaved Friends

Unsaved Relatives

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Step 4 Diagram: As the number of churches evangelizing their community

overlaps the area of coverage grows and becomes more comprehensive.

Your Church

Church A

Church B

Church C

Church D