Download - The Road

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Have you ever wished you could just begin life all over again with a fresh, new start?

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In our journey through life, we are uncertain much of the time what road we’re really traveling.

Where are you now? Are you on the road to despair, doubt and unhappiness? Or, are you on the upward road that gives you a truly abundant life now and a heavenly home to come? Or maybe you are like many who just don’t know.

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At times you feel very happy and life seems great; then at other times you are very uncertain about life and your relationship with God. Let me put it this way – if something should happen to you this very day to end your life here on earth, do you know for certain that you would go to heaven?

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If you are uncertain about your relationship with God, there are some words from the Bible, in the book of Romans, that will show you more clearly the “NEW LIFE” that can be yours. Different books from the Bible have different purposes and in Romans, we find out about the new life that one has in Jesus Christ. So, let’s take a trip down that old Roman Road seeking the true way to a “NEW LIFE” . . .

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ROMANS 1:16 tells us “I am proud of the Good News, because it is the power God uses to save everyone who believes” We learn here the

importance of the written word of God – it’s God’s power to save us and it only has that power. Salvation is not found in any denominational creed book or merely in our own feelings, but rather we are dependent on the Bible for true assurance that we have done God’s will.

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The word “gospel” means “good news” and truly it is the book of the most wonderful news that a person could hear. But, as you look at the next verse in Romans, you will find that some news turns to “bad news”.

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ROMANS 3:10, 23 tells us“There is no one doing what is right, not even one. . . all have sinned and are not good enough to share God’s divine greatness.”

“All” includes you and me both, doesn’t it?It may be that you have lived a pretty good life, perhaps even better than some church members, but we all still carry the burden of sin. Since that is true for all of us, note carefully in the next verse what the penalty for sin is.

ROMANS 5:12 tells us“Sin came into the world because of what one man (Adam) did. And with sin came death. So this is why people must die - because all people have sinned.”

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When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, the penalty God pronounced upon them and all mankind was death. But this was more than just physical death, for you remember how they were driven from the Garden of Eden and were separated from the blessings of God. Today, our sins will also separate us from God in this life and result in eternal death, or separation from God, forever in Hell. This is the penalty all men and women must pay for sin. Since all have sinned, all must suffer. This certainly is the worst news a person could hear, but listen to what Jesus did for us in our predicament of sin.

ROMANS 5:6 says“Christ died for us when we were unable to help ourselves.”

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God loved us so much that he sent His only Son to die for us, to take our place and receive the penalty for us. Jesus went to the cross, bearing the burden of all our sins, paying a penalty He didn’t deserve. Because of our sins, we all deserve that penalty, but God loves us so much that He arranged a way for that debt to be paid. Aren’t you glad this verse shows us the remedy for sin and reveals the Good News? But, sadly, many people do not take advantage of His death and receive the forgiveness offered through the blood of Jesus. Consider in the following verses how YOU can receive the benefits of His saving blood.

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Listen to ROMANS 5:1 We have been made right with God because of our faith. So we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Outside of Christ, and a right relationship with God, there is no peace and genuine happiness. But if you will put your faith and trust in Him, you will have a wonderful joy and peace that money can’t buy. Salvation is based upon this important first step – believing in Christ with all your heart.

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If you believe in Christ with all your heart, this will bring a trust and confidence in Him that will prompt you to complete your obedience. So, faith leads you to the next step.

ROMANS 6:3, 4 “Did you forget that all of us (Christians) became part of Jesus Christ when we were baptized? In our baptism we shared in His death. So when we were baptized, we were buried with Christ and took part in His death. And just as Christ was raised from death by the wonderful power of the Father, so we can now live a new life.”

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“Live a new life”—that’s what so many are searching for, and here it is connected with baptism. Baptism is confusing to some and practiced wrongly by many. But notice here how simple this act of obedience is. It is like the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.So when we come to the point in our life when we learn about Jesus and put our trust in Him we must turn from our old life. This turn from our “old” life is called repentance. It is a change of mind and direction as we decide to turn to the Lord and “die” to our old life, just as Jesus died.What do you do with a “dead” person? You bury them. So, we are buried in the waters of baptism. Not that there is any magical power in the water, but it is in this act of obedience to Christ’s command to be baptized, that we come into contact with His blood , which has the power to take away our sins. Note, “…when we were baptized we were buried with Christ and took part in His death”.


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Then just as Jesus was raised from the dead, we come up out of the water a new person, born again into God’s family (“…and we became a part of Christ”) having all our sins washed away by the blood of Christ. This is precisely the point in our obedience that we are born again and begin to “live a new life”. Baptism is the transition point that stands between the old life and the new life. Faith begins the salvation process and baptism completes it.As one is saved and lives the new life, he/she then takes on new responsibilities as seen in the next verse.

ROMANS 7:4 “In the same way, brothers and sisters, your old selves died and you became free from the law through the body of Christ. Now you belong to someone else. You belong to the one who was raised from death. We belong to Christ so that we can be used in service to God.”

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Let’s look at four things here:First: As we are baptized into Christ, we are dead to the Law of

Moses. We are then alive to the new law of Christ revealed in the New Testament. Through His death, He fulfilled the old law and, following His death, His will (or “new” testament) is binding on us today. That is why, for example, wanting to do Jesus’ new will, we simply try to obey what is found in the New Testament. This does not mean that we do not study the Old Testament, for we learn many lessons from its inspired pages, but as a law to guide our lives, we are under the new law.

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Second: Note the phrase “through the body of Christ”. Just as Jesus’ body was offered on the cross to take away our sins and to put into effect His new law, it was also added to establish His spiritual “body” here on earth, which is His church. As one is saved through baptism, he/she is added to the body, the church of Jesus Christ. That church is not a denomination, but rather the simple body of Christians who are worshipping and serving God according to the New Testament pattern. You don’t have to “join” some denomination, but you can be simply a New Testament Christian in the church of Christ.

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Third: We belong to Christ as a new person. In a spiritual sense, we are added to His church, His body, which is the bride of Christ. This being true, we will want to wear His name. Just as a woman honors her husband and shows her love for him by wearing his name, so we honor Christ by wearing His name. You can wear the God-given name “Christian” and be a part of the church that wears His name.

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Lastly: We are saved so that we can be used in God’s service. Salvation in Christ involves dedication and a desire to serve the Lord. We must serve God faithfully all the days of our life: winning others to Christ, helping people in need, worshipping regularly, studying the Bible, praying, etc. With this service to God comes the most wonderful joy in the world!

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ROMANS 6:23 reveals“When people sin they earn what sin pays- death. But God gives His people a free gift- eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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Some want to make a decision to follow Christ a difficult one. Really it is a simple choice between two roads – the one that leads to eternal death and the one that leads to eternal life. In a sense, we are all working for wages and the payday is coming. The wages of sin is eternal death. But the good news is that, even though we don’t deserve it, by the grace of God, He wants to give us eternal life. To do this He simply asks us to obey His word, the Bible.

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Which road have you chosen? Where will you spend eternity? What would happen to you if death should come today?

Don’t you want to make the greatest decision a person could ever make – to become a true Christian by being baptized into Christ this very hour?

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We pray that you don’t let traditions, friends or family keep you from your wonderful NEW LIFE. Are you interested in this new life, or not? If your answer is “YES”, and you feel led to go forward , to began to experience all the wonderful joy, peace and happiness that God has planned for YOU, simply write to this email address: [email protected] . Someone will contact you to help you complete your obedience to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God bless you in your decision.


Won’t you accept that “gift” NOW?

ROMANS 6:23 “When people sin, they earn what sin pays- death. But God gives His people a free gift- eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.”