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Page 1: The Retained Placenta - University of Toronto T-Space · The retained placenta is a significantcause of maternal mortalityand morbiditythroughout the developingworld. It complicates

The Retained PlacentaAndrew D Weeks

Visiting Lecturer, Makerere University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

AbstractThe retained placenta is a significant cause of maternal mortality and morbiditythroughout the developing world. It complicates2% of all deliveries and has a case mortality rate of nearly 10% in rural areas.

Ultrasound ~tudies have provided fresh insights into the mechanism of the third stage of labour and the aetiology of the retainedplacenta. Following delivery of the baby, the retro-placental myometrium is initially relaxed. It is only when it contracts that theplacenta shears away from the placental bed and is detached. This leads to its spontaneous expulsion. Retained placenta occurswhen the retro-placental myometrium fails to contract. There is evidence that this may also occur during labour leading todysfunctional labour. It is likely that this Is caused by the persistence of one of the placental inhibitory factors that are normallyreduced prior to the onset of labour, possibly progesterone or nitric oxide.

Presently, the only effective treatment is manual removal of placenta (MROP) under anaesthetic. This needs to be carried outwithin a few hours of delivery to avoid haemorrhage. For women in rural Africa, facilities for MROPare scarce, leading to highmortality rates. Injection of oxytocin Into the umbilical vein has been suggested as an alternative. This method relies on theinjected oxytocin passing through the placenta to contract the retro-p lace ntal myometrium and cause its detachment. Despiteseveral placebo controlled trials of this technique, no firm conclusion have been reached regarding its efficacy. This may be dueto inadequate delivery of the oxytocin to the placenta. Further trials are in progress to assess the optimal dose of oxytocin aswell as the efficacy of a new technique designed to improve delivery of the oxytocin to the placental bed.African Health Sci. 2001; 1(1): 36-42

INTRODUCTIONPost-partum haemorrhage (PPH) is a significant causeof maternal mortality in the developing world. Manycases of PPH are associated with retained placenta, acondition that affects between 0.6 and 3.3% of normaldeliveries.1,2,3 Where there is easy access to hospitalcare and transfusion, mortality from this condition is verylow. In the last triennial review from the UK there wereno deaths from retained placenta in over 2 million deliv-eries4. In many parts of the developing world, however,the case fatality rate is high. In an observational studyfrom rural India in which the majority of women weredelivered at home by traditional birth attendants, therewere 2 deaths (9%) from the 22 women who had pla-cental retention of over 60 minutes2. In a large northernNigerian hospital the mortality was 3% amongst 894women treated for retained placenta over a 3 Y2 yearperiod.s The cause of death is usually haemorrhage.This is more frequent when manual removal is not im-mediately available or when travelling times to hospitalare long. Clearly, an effective medical treatment couldhave major implications for the reduction of maternalmortality.


'r. Andrew Weeks'akerere Universityacuity of Medicinelepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology'. O. Box 7072:ampala, Uganda

ITelephone 256 077 615410ax: 256 041 533451'-mail: [email protected]

African Health Sciences Vol 1 No 1 August 2001

The importance of the retro-placental myometriumAs long ago as 1933, Brandt described the necessity ofa uterine contraction to cause detachment of the pla-centa from the decidual bed.6 This has recently beenconfirmed using ultrasound where examination of theimmediate post-partum uterus has clarified the processof both the normal and abnormal third stage of labour.Herman? first demonstrated ultrasonographically that aretro-placental myometrial contraction is mandatory inorder to produce shearing forces upon the interface be-tween the placenta and myometrium and lead to itsdetachment. He divided the third stage into 4 phasesaccording to the ultrasound appearances.In the latent phase, which immediately follows deliveryof the fetus, all the myometrium contracts except forthat behind the placenta which remains relaxed. In thecontraction phase the retro-placental myometrium con-tracts leading to the detachment phase where the pla-centa is sheared away from the decidua. In the expul-sion phase the placenta is expelled from the uterus byuterine contraction. Contractions occurring prior to de-livery are insufficient to cause placental detachment asin the presence of the fetus, the myometrium is unableto achieve the necessary strain for detachment;8 Some'later authors have suggested that there is no distinc-tion between the contraction and detachment phasesand have dropped the contraction phase from the clas-sification.9 The same group have further elaborated theprocess using Doppler. They demonstrated that theblood flow through the arcuate and radial arteries isreduced during the latent phase and then ceases com-pletely at the onset of the contraction phase9. This oc-clusion occurs as a result of the myometrial 'physiologi-cal ligature'. The timing of this neat mechanism ensuresthat maternal blood flow to the placenta ceases prior to'placental detachment. In this way, the only maternalblood lost is that from the intervillous spaces.


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These ultrasound studies also shed light on the aetiol-ogy of the retained placenta. They demonstrate thatthe duration of the third stage of labour is dependanton the length of the latent phase and a prolonged thirdstage is due to contractile failure in the retro-placentalarea'. In the 5 cases of retained placenta in which theyconducted serial ultrasonographic myometrial thicknessmeasurements, they found a universal failure of retr.o-placental contraction. Doppler studies confirm that.: inthese women blood flow continues through the myo-metrium to the placenta irrespective of whether thecause is placenta accreta or prolongation of the latentphase9. This provides a scientific explanation for the in-creased rates of haemorrhage during manual removalof placenta when compared with spontaneous deliverylo.It also explains why partial or forced detachment of theplacenta prior to onset of the contraction phase is as-sociated with high rates of haemorrha~~-

The finding that the basic abnormality in womenwith non-accreta retained placenta (or placentaadherans) is a failure of the contraction phase raises anumber of issues. It is unlikely that this retro-placentalcontractile failure is limited to the post partum period.It is likely to have occurred throughout labour. This mayexplain the fact that retained placenta and dysfunctionallabour have been shown to be closely associated,I eventhough all women with severe dysfunctional labour aredelivered by caesarean section. Indeed, in a small studyfrom the UK, the need for manual removal of placenta atthe time of caesarean section was found to be higher inwomen having caesareans section for 'failure toprogress' than for other reasonsll. An attempt has alsobe!!n made to compare the 'retro-placental' and 'extra-placental' myometrial contractility during labour using theincrease in myometrial thickness during contractions(measured using ultrasound) as a measure of contrac-tility. In 10 women in whom labour was progressingnormally there was no difference in contractility betweenthe two sites. In the 10 women with slowly progress-ing labour, however, whilst the extra-placental myo-metrium showed normal thickening, the retro-placentalmyometrium thinned during contractions. This suggestsa localised failure of contracti"lity.u The thinning isthought to occur as a result of stretching of theuncontracted myometrium by the raised intrauterinepressure.

The relative lack of contractile strength in the retro-placental myometrium may make evolutionary sense forboth the mother and fetus. During strong contractionsit not only prevents inadvertent placental detachment,but also allows good blood flow to the placenta to bemaintained.

The second issue raised is the nature of the bio-chemical abnormality that produces the failure of retro-placental contractility. The localised nature of the con-tractile failure suggests that it is the placenta which isresponsible, rather than an underlying myometrial ab-normality. The placenta has been known for many yearsto be an important determinant of the onset of labourand it is likely that this occurs as a result of the loss ofan inhibitory factor of placental origin. The associationof retained placenta with both preterm delivery and theneed for inductionl,12suggests that it may be the samefactor which is responsible for both. The role of the feto-

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placental unit in the regulation of uterine contractility iscomplex with a finely controlled balance between stimu-latory and inhibitory factors.13 This balance can be lik-ened to a set of scales with inhibitory and stimulatoryfactors on either side. Loss of inhibition may result inthe onset of labour (as with the administration of anti-progesterones) as' may an increase in the stimulatoryfactors (as with the administration of exogenous oxyto-cin or prostaglandins). It could be hypothesi sed that ifthe pro-contractile stimuli were strong enough, thensuccessful labour could occur even in the presence ofpersisting, localised placental inhibition. In this situa-tion there would be a high risk of retained placenta dueto the strong persistent placental inhibition of retro-pla-cental myometrial contractility.

There are a number of candidates for the identityof this localised inhibitor. The placenta has a role in in-hibiting myometrial contractions through the productionof progesterone and possibly nitric oxide (NO). Proges-terone is an important inhibitor of myometrial contractil-ity in many animals, but the situation in humans is yetto be fully clarified. The anti-progesterone mifepristoneis a powerful sensitisor of the myometrium to exogenousprostaglandins, and it is effective for induction of hu-man labour in all trimesters of pregnancy.14,IS,16Attemptsto identify the mechanism for this, however, have so farbeen unsuccessful as, unlike in animal models, a reduc-tion in serum progesterone is not seen prior to labourYRecent evidence, however, suggests that its effect mayoccur through a reduction in progesterone metabolites.IS

Nitric oxide is also a powerful smooth muscle re-laxant which is produced in large quantities by nitricoxide synthase (NOS) in the placenta.19 As it is rapidlyoxidised following its production, its effect is verylocalised. Ramsay et aFo showed decreases in villoustrophoblast NOS activity through pregnancy, but Thomp-son et aFt showed no change in placental NOS activitybefore and after labour. However, all the placentas stud-ied came from women who had caesarean sections. Theindication for most of these operations in the labouringgroup was 'failure to progress' and this is the very groupwho may have excessive NOS activity. This study there-fore does not disprove the hypothesis that a reductionin placental NO is necessary for the onset of normallabour. Indeed, a change in the production of placentalNO could explain the fact that exogenous NO appearsto relax myometrium, but that infusion of NOS inhibitors(which may not reach the placenta) have no effect ofmyometrial quiescence in animal models.22 The detail ofhow these various factors combine to initiate and sus-tain labour, as well as the pathological mechanisms thatcause dysfunctional contractions and post-partum myo-metrial contractile dysfunction are not known. The studyof this group of women with retained placenta in whichthere is a clear inhibitory effect of the placenta on myo-metrium may allow some of the mechanisms underlyingdysfunctional labour as well as retained placenta to beelucidated.

The final implication of the discovery that the per-sistent latent phase is a cause of retained placenta isthat contraction of this area would resolve the problemof dysfunctional labour and retained placenta. This couldbe either achieved through removing the inhibitor ( treatment with an anti-progesterone) or by stimula-tion with oxytocics. Umbilical vein oxytocin has been


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suggested as a way of delivering a localised stimulus tothe retro-placental myometrium.

Managementof Retained Placenta

1. Manual removalPresently, the r:1ost common treatment for a retainedplacenta is its manual removal under anaesthetic. Dur-ing this procedure the woman is exposed to anaestheticrisks as well as the infective risk that comes from insert-ing a hand into the uterus. Both risks are higher in de-veloping countries where the prevalence of infections ishigh and personnel. skilled in obstetrics anaesthesia arein short supply. The time that is allowed to lapse beforemanual removal varies, but many authorities suggest adelay of 30-60 minutes in the absence of haemorrhage.This is because there is no increase in haemorrhage untilat least 30 minutes post-partum,1 and because of thefinding that between 30 and 60 minutes a further 40%of placentas will spontaneously deliver with the loss ofan average of only 300ml of blood.23

If the placenta is found to be accreta when manualremoval is attempted then there are a number of man-agement options. Often a partial removal is achievedmanually and curettage is used to remove as much aspossible of the remaining tissue. So long ashaemorrhage is controlled with this method and theuterus remains well contracted, then this is usually ad-equate to prevent continued haemorrhage. The remain-ing trophoblast is usually reabsorbed spontaneously,although levels of B-HCG take longer to return to nor-mal.24 A further curettage may be needed if haemorrhagecontinues. In the case of placenta percreta, blood willcontinue to flow through the area of invasion when thebulk of the placenta is removed due to the absence ofthe myometrial physiological ligature which would nor-mally stem the flow.9 If discovered at caesarean sec-tion then haemostasis may be achieved through the useof sutures placed deep into the myometrial bed, orthrough ligation of the uterine or internal iliac arteries.25However, a hysterectomy is usually required. If the di-agnosis of placenta percreta can be made before any ofthe placental tissue is removed (as may be achievedantenatally using ultrasound9) then the patient may betreated conservatively. This involves delivering the babyas normal but leaving the placenta in situ. The levels ofB-HCG are followed and manual removal and curettageperformed when they become undetectable.26 Methotr-exate may be beneficial in this situation.27

2. Systemic oxytocicsThe role of systemic oxytocics in the management ofretained placentas is controversial. Oxytocics given pro-phylactically at the time of delivery increase the numberof placental deliveries at 20 and 40 minutes, but haveno effect on the number of placentas that eventuallyneed manual removal.28 The only randomised trial toassess the use of intravenous ergometrine showed anincrease in the rate of retained placenta.29 This mayhave occurred as a result of myometrial spasm distal toa fundally-placed placenta leading to its forced reten-tion.

The finding that prophylactic oxytocin injections(which last in the circulation for only 10 min) increasethe number of placentas delivered in the first half hour

African Health Sciences Vol 1 No.1 August 2001

following. delivery, provides the theoretical basis for theuse of oxytocics to try and deliver the remainder. Mid-wives have recommended nipple stimulation for manyyears to stimulate the production of endogenous oxy-tocin, but this has never been formally evaluated forthis indication. The use of an intravenous infusion ofoxytocin has never been subjected to a randomised trial,but it has been suggested that it (or intra-muscularergometrine) may prevent haemorrhage during trans-fer or preparation for theatre.30,3! Its use is widespreadthroughout the world in this situation. Oxytocin is givenin the form of a continuous infusion of 5 i.u./hr as thisincreases the overall tone of the myometrium as well asstimulating strong phasic contractions. Ergometrine,which produces a long continuous contraction for up to90 minutes, is less frequently used. However, becauseit is widely available and does not require an intrave-nous infusion, it is often used in rural areas whilst trans-fer is arranged. Misoprostol, an orally active prostag-landin E1 analogue, has an effect similar to that of anoxytocin infusion, producing increases in both backgroundtone and contraction strength for around 90 minutes.32Results of trials in which it was being tested as a pro-phylactic agent to prevent post-partum haemorrhagefound that there were significantly fewer retained pla-centas after its use than when syntometrine had beengiven.33 Its cost, tolerance to heat and oral availabilitymake it an excellent drug for rural African use whereelectricity and trained health workers may be scarce. Itis therefore a promising drug for use for preventing com-plications of retained placenta and the results of furthertrials are awaited.

Umbilical vein oxytocin injectionMuch interest has been aroused by the notion that oxy-tocin may be delivered directly to the retro-placentalmyometrium by injecting it into the placental bed via theumbilical vein. This allows the treatment to be directedspecifically at the area with the contractile failure, whilstsparing the remainder. Results from trials of this treat-ment have been mixed. A recent Cochrane review34con-cludes that the use of umbilical oxytocin is effective inthe management of retained placenta, despite the factthat their meta-analysis showed the reduction in retainedplacenta rates not to be significantly different to thatobtained with expectant management (peto odds ratio0.70, 95% confidence intervals 0.48 to 1.02). The basisfor this conclusion was additional data from placebo-con-trolled randomised trials of umbilical oxytocin whichshowed a significant reduction in need for manual re-moval of placenta with umbilical oxytocin injection (OR0.59, 95% C.!. 0.43 to 0.82). .

The inconclusive results from randomised trialsmay be due to inadequate delivery of the oxytocin tothe retro-placental myometrium. Pipingas et ap5 com-pared various methods of intra-umbilical injection, us-ing injections of radio-opaque dye into the delivered pla-centa to enable radiological comparisons. They, foundthat the method of injection used in most trials (injec-tion of oxytocin diluted in 20-30 mls saline and ft1jecteddirectly into the umbilical vein) only resulted in capillaryfilling in 60% of cases. As a result of their studies theyproposed that the oxytocin should be diluted in 30mlsof saline and injected down an infant naso-gastric feed-ing tube which has been passed along the umbilical


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v.ein. They suggest that after re-cutting the cord (inorder to achieve a clean end for insertion of the tube) asize 10 naso-gastic tube is passed along the vein untilresistance is felt. The tube is then withdrawn by 5 cmto allow for any divisions of the vein prior to its insertioninto the placenta. This method resulted in complete fill-ing of the placental bed capillaries in all patients stud-ied.

Another problem with the previous trials has beenan inconsistency regarding the dose of oxytocin. Thereare no comparative studies that assess different dosesof oxytocin and the choice of dosage has thereforelargely been empirical. Trials to date have mainly useda dose of 10-20 i.u. oxytocin, although doses of up to100 i.u. have been reported.36 The published trials thathave used higher dosages of oxytocin have, on thewhole, found higher success rates. Clinicians are waryof using high doses, however, as a dose of as little as 5i.u. when given to the mother intravenously can pro-duce significant changes in maternal blood pressure.37Although oxytocin can clearly pass through the placenta,the data is unclear as to how quickly this occurs orwhether it is complete.38 Sub-group meta-analysis ofthe randomised trials from the Cochrane review34 sug-gests that doses of over 20 i.u. may reduce the needfor manual removal of placenta by over 75%. This isshown in Table 1, where the trials are listed and analysedaccording to the dosage of oxytocin.

Further evidence for the efficacy of higher dosescomes from a recent observational study of 30 womenwith retained placenta for over 1 hour who were injectedwith 100 i.u of oxytocin diluted in 30mls of saline via aninfant feeding tube as suggested by Pipingas. In thisgroup, a 93% delivery rate of retained placentas wasachieved within 5 minutes of injection.48 Clearly there isa need for further randomised trials. In addition, a dose-finding study is needed in order to find the lowest dosethat results in retro-placental contraction without sig-nificant hypotension. It is likely that different doses willbe required depending on the gestational age of thepregnancy. A full randomised trial of the appropriatedosages is then required to assess the efficacy of thetechnique. The 'Release Study' is such a trial and ispresently being conducted by Makerere University inKampala, Uganda.

CONCLUSIONRecent ultrasound studies have demonstrated the cru-cial role that the retro-placental myometrium has to playin placental detachment in the third stage of labour. Thefinding that retained placentas are associated with alocalised retro-placental contractile failure has promotedspeculation into the significance of this contractile fail-ure for the progress of labour. Initial studies suggestthat this area fails to contract throughout labour in manywomen with dysfunctional labours.

The use of umbilical vein injections of oxytocin toovercome this contractile failure may allow retained pla-centas to be treated medically. If an improvement inthe delivery of the oxytocin to the placenta can beachieved, then medical management of the retained pla-centa will become the treatment of choice, even wheretheatre facilities are available. This could have impor-tant public health implications in rural Africa where facili-ties for manual removal are scarce..

African Health Sciences Vol 1 No 1 August 2001

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Table 1.Success rates of umbilical vein injection when injected with various doses of oxytocin comparedwith control. As the injection of saline solution alone appears to have no effect on manual removalrates, the data shown combines the trials in which either expectant management or saline solutionwere used as controls. Where published trials included both, the data from expectant manage-ment is quoted. An asterix indicates that the control group was injected with saline alone.

Number requiring Number requiring Odds ration (95% CI)manual removal manual removalof placenta in of placenta inoxytocin group control group

Huber 199139 27/72 25/69Kristiansen 198740 10/19 9/16Thiery 200041 9/19 10/13Calderdale 199442 1/22 9/20*Frappell 198843 14/22 15/19*Hansen 198744 14/32 20/28*Selinger 198645 9/15 8/15*Total 84/201 96/180 0.63 (0.42-0.94)Oxvtocin 20 i.u.Carroli 199823 57/98 59/93Gazvani 199846 14/26 26/29Total 71/124 85/122 0.58 (0.34-0.99)Oxytocin> 20 i.u.Bider 199647(30 i.u.) 5/11 7/7*Wilken-Jensen 198936

(100 i.u.) 5/18 11/19*

Total 10/29 18/26 0.2 (0.08-0.73)