Download - The Reproductive Systems Male and Female. The Male.


The Reproductive Systems

Male and Female

The Male

Testosterone Hormone released by the _______

gland that causes the testes to produce __________.

Enlargement of the external reproductive organs and ________ sex characteristics.

Secondary Sex Characteristics

Broad __________ facial, pubic, underarm

______ deep voice _________ development

The Male Reproductive Organs

Function is to produce ______ and transfer it during _____________.

The Testes Also known as the _________. 2 small glands that produce sperm,

located in a sac called the ____________. Scrotum-protects sperm by keeping the

testes at a temp slightly ________ normal body temp (98.6)

____________ muscles


A _______ ______, located at the outer surface of the testes, stores sperm temporarily

Sperm __________ here

Vas Deferens

__________________ the epididymus to the urethra

sperm is mixed w/fluid from _________ _________ for nourishment and mobility

mixture forms ______

Semen/Seminal Fluid

Def. Combination of fluids from _________ vesicles, _________ gland, and ________ gland along with the sperm.

Sperm - Male reproductive _____ Seminal vesicle - add fluid Prostate - Also ____________

Semen Cont.

_______ gland/bulbourethral gland - secrete fluid just prior to ejaculation which lubricates the urethra and ____________ acidic content (also referred to as pre-ejaculatory fluid)

Does pre-ejaculatory fluid have sperm in it? Why is this important?


Small tube that extends from the _________ & each ______ _______ to the outside of body

semen & urine ______ the body through here

The Penis

The __________ reproductive organ composed of spongy tissue that contains many ____ ___________

_________________ causes enlargement & erection


At birth the tip of the penis is covered with a fold of skin called foreskin

______________ -surgical removal of foreskin

The Female

Estrogen and Progesterone The ovaries produce these hormones

that are responsible for ________________ sex characteristics:

breast development, _____ _______, pubic and underarm ________ appear

The Female Reproductive Organs

Production of egg cells, or ___ ____________ of sperm for

fertilization to occur nourishment & ___________

necessary for a fertilized ovum to develop until birth

The Ovaries Female __________ that house the

ova & produce female sex hormones almond-shaped and located on each

side of the body ovaries release 1 mature ovum each

month - __________

The Fallopian Tubes at the ovary end of each tube are

____________ projections that, with a waving motion, draw the ____ into the tube

tiny hairlike structures and contractions move the ovum along to the uterus

____________ can occur here

The Uterus

A small, muscular, pear-shaped organ, about the ___________

hormone _________ causes the lining of the walls to thicken for fertilized ovum

The Cervix

The neck of the _________ The lining of the uterus breaks

down and passes through the the ________ to the ________

The Vagina/Birth Canal

A muscular, very _______ tube that is a passageway from the ____________ to the outside

Self Exams - Men

Effects men age _________!! 1 in 10,000 What to look for:

• • •

Usually no future problems if detected early!

Self Exams - Women

Start self exams at about ___ Should have a clinical breast exam every

___________ starting at 20 _____________ are the best way to check

(Usually after 40 - every year) Look for:

• ____________________________ or changes.

Where do I get more information?

The American Cancer Society @ 1-800-ACS-2345

Teen Pregnancy


Def. - union of _______________________ Occurs in fallopian tube (______________) Once ovum is fertilized it becomes a _____

• Protective Covering

Zygote begins to divide

Implantation Zygote divides many times and becomes a

______________ (hollow cluster of cells) by the time it gets to the Uterus

Then attaches itself to the lining of the uterus (________________ tissue)

Now called a ____________ Pencil point Will the egg only attach if it has been fertilized?

Development of the Placenta and Umbilical Cord Three layers form from the dividing cells 1. Develops into the __________ 2. ______________

• fluid filled and acts as shock absorber

3. ________________________• part from mother/part from embryo• nutrients and O2 thru __ arteries• waste and CO2 thru __ vein

Embryo/Fetal Development

Week 1-8 called an _______ Week 9-birth called a _______ See overhead/handout for developmental



30 Hours

4 Weeks

7 Weeks

14 Weeks

24 Weeks

30 Weeks

3 Stages of Birth

_______ - Stretching of the cervix (10cm)• Contractions to shorten the uterus• Longest most difficult part of labor

__________ - muscles of the uterus contract and push baby out of the body• umbilical cord is clamped and cut

________________ - Contractions continue and push placenta out of the mother


Test to determine baby’s condition at birth Judges:

• ______________ or coloring• Pulse• _______________ or reflex irritability• Activity or muscle tone• _______________ or breathing

Alcohol and Pregnancy

Can cause FAS (_________________) Causes Physical, Mental and Behavior Probs. FAS babies are:

• Shorter & Lighter - poor coordination• Speech Probs - _____________• slow growth - mental reterdation• ________ abnomalities - other probs

Tobacco and Pregnancy

Greater chance of being ______________ Low birth weight (leading cause of infant in

first year of life) As with FAS, these problems are


When can I/she get pregnant?

Menstrual Cycle is ___ days long Ovum in Fall. Tube for _______ hours after

release (2 days) Ovulation occurs between day _________ Life span of sperm is ______ hours (3 days) Between what two times could intercourse

result in a pregnancy? Day ________ (___ of the 28 days)

Prenatal Care

Watch for signs of potential probs. Calculate the _______ Discuss Classes for childbirth Instruction of proper __________ practices Amount of _______ vs. the amount and

types of ________________

Signs of pregnancyAppear a few weeks or 1-2 months after conception/fertilization “__________________” Breasts become _________ and more tender Nipples darken Increased _______________ Menstruation usually stops PMS - type symptoms Increased ________________

3 weeks after missed period, Pelvic exam reveals: Vaginal opening turns ____________ Uterus ____________ Pelvic tissue softens

Pregnancy Test

Reveals hormone ______ in urine about 2 weeks after missed period - about ____% accurate

Blood test also detects ______ Home tests give false ________________

_____________. Should be followed up by a Dr.s visit


A deadly Virus:

What do you know?

HIV and AIDS are the same thing. T/F ______ – Human Immunodeficiency Virus

• The virus that causes AIDS

_______ – Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome• Result of HIV infection. Damage has already

been done to the _________ system.

Human Immoundeficiency


Everyone that is HIV+ has AIDS. T/F Has to do with T-cell

count. Specific kind of t-cell

is attacked (CD4 Cells)• < _____ cd4-cells/mL

of blood or 1 of 26 O.I.’s = AIDS

• Healthy people can have up to ______

Immune Cells

How it works!

HIV can be transmitted in breast milk. T/F Present in:

Not transmitted by:• Shaking hands

• Sharing utensils

• Hugging

• ____________

• Swimming

• ____________

• Coughing

• Etc.

Mosquitoes can transmit HIV/AIDS. T/F The 4 most common ways that HIV can be

transmitted:• Having unprotected _____________________

intercourse• Sharing __________________• _____________________________ contact• Mother to __________

• Passed on during pregnancy or birth

• Passed on through _________________

All condoms provide the same amount of protection from HIV. T/F Latex condoms vs. Lamb Skin New – ____________________ Condoms Spermicide

If I contract HIV, I will test positive the next day. T/F Takes 3-6 months

• “________________”

Tests detect ____________, not the ______ 99% accurate _____________ test – Enzyme Linked

Immunosorbent Assay ________________ – given if 2 of 3 ELISA are ‘+’

• More $, but more accurate

People with AIDS do not usually die from the HIV virus. T/F People usually die from “Opportunistic

Infections”• _____ – Pneumonia with fever and cough• _________ – Wasting Syndrome – gradual

deterioration of all body systems• AIDS ______________ Complex – progressive

disorder that destroys brain tissue. From confusion to loss of muscular control

• _______________ Sarcoma – Type of skin cancer. Purplish lesions on the skin. (Philadelphia – movie)

KS Lesions

“Wasting” from


AIDS can now be cured. T/F Four things have been

proven helpful in treatment:• Drugs – ____________ –

mixture of drugs to treat a single illness.

• Usually 3 different drugs• AZT – slows HIV mult.,

delays opp. Inf.

• __________

• ____________

• Positive Attitude AZT

Being HIV positive does not have many symptoms or side effects. T/F

First signs: _________, diarrhea, swollen glands, weight _________

Later stages: __________ to fight off colds, opportunistic infections

Can take years for severe symptoms to show

You can contract HIV by donating blood. T/F ___________ needles used every time. Receiving blood – all blood is tested for

HIV antibodies. _______________________?

People who are HIV+, but do not show symptoms, cannot transmit the virus. T/F Do not have to show signs or symptoms to

transmit the virus.

There are people in all 50 states with AIDS. T/F

Philadelphia is # 8 among cities in the U.S.

Only certain nationalities, races, sexual orientations, etc. can get HIV/AIDS. T/F

No one is _________________. Risky behavior is the reason behind certain

groups of people having higher incidence of HIV/AIDS.

Women are at a greater risk of contracting HIV during heterosexual intercourse than men. T/F Three reasons

• More __________________ tears in the vaginal lining than on the penis

• More of the virus present in ____________• Semen is present for a longer ___________

There is a vaccine currently available to the general public to prevent HIV infection. T/F

Several are being worked on and being tested on primates. About ready to be tested on humans.

Ethical issues• Who should vaccines be allowed to be tested
