Download - The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    It has been a while, has it not, since the beginning of the Interlude Saga

    f Doom that was Emma? Remember how before that we were

    eaking out over our heir and his obnoxious dilemma over a Simself and

    s lovely wife? No? Maybe I was the only one freaking out details

    Anyway, before we get back to our um wonderful heir and

    is family there are some things that you really ought to see. Thing

    o wrap up, to finish off, to explain

    So! If youve got your tea and biscuits, let us get to it!

    Top: Frank, Lark, AliceMiddle: Marian, John, Henry, William

    Bottom: Robert, Isabella, Lucas

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    Once returned from their honeymoon in Simbrighton Francis and Mar

    ne settled into their new lives as husband and wife quite easily, spending

    uch of their time in the suite newly decorated for Mary Janes use.

    appy though they were, they had no luck whatsoever in conceiving a


    Of coursethey were more than happy to try again and again.

    Mary Jane often visited her father, and though she loved her new homeBertram Hall, she was still homesick. She and Francis were so often at

    lickling for dinner that the servants had taken to setting their places at th

    ble every night out of habit.

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    The servants (and cook) of Blickling Hall also adopted a habit of

    nsuring that the new Mrs. Blackthorne always had a variety of things to

    hoose from at dinner, for as her ever expanding belly grew, she was

    creasingly ravenous and progressively more picky.

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    Not a day after Francis and Mary Janes wedding, Requiem Bohemian-

    itzhugh became Requiem Howard. She married her beloved Fulwar in a

    mall ceremony with his family, her father Rhys Fitzhugh, and her

    uardians Jamie and Marina Simself in attendance.

    About a week later, Requiem and Fulwar set off for the Simcaribbean,

    mmaica, and Smith Plantation. The family has not yet had word as to

    heir arrival, but expect it daily.

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    George Haggerty II married Lucy Munster at St. Catherines Church

    ot long after announcing their engagement.

    It was whispered amongst the family that George had inherited some o

    s parents romantic habits, and had behaved most improperly with his

    uture wife, albeit with her consent.

    As such, the wedding was rushed to avoid people muttering about how

    ucy seemed to be rather more round than she had been, and how thexpansion was all concentrated on her middle.

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    Benjamin and Raphaelle Howard got on as well as a couple only half in

    ve could. Raphaelle continued to shower her husband with obnoxious

    raise but he became more and more distant, choosing instead to focus on

    s sermons. They had the son and heir that was needed in Ezra and

    enjamin seemed content enough with that to not worry about giving his

    ife another child. As Raphaelle was so concerned with her waistline, she

    as not overly bothered with this. Either way, she was not of the

    othering sort, and as soon as Ezra was born she begged one of the

    mselves to come and work for her as Ezras governess until such a timehe needed gentleman tutors. Lily Simself obliged, liking the chances sh

    ad of both annoying Raphaelle and impressing Thomas, one of the

    reeminent judges in Simdon, and moved in forthwith. Also, the

    pportunity to spend time with so adorable a child as Ezra certainly did

    ot hinder her opinion of the situation.

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    It was not long after his mother pushed him in the direction of

    polline OLeery that Vaughn Fitzhugh fell in love with the young lady.

    Wishing to waste no more time without her, he proposed marriage and

    ed her almost immediately, but not before securing for them a place to

    ve. As former tenant Abe Munster had relocated to Simfield, and his

    artner Oswald Legacina had plans to vacate the premises of Darcy Mano

    arm, the property was left open. Being the intended husband of the

    ece of Henry Blackthorne, owner of the farm, Vaughn had little trouble

    renting the land from the Blackthornes.

    Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh chose to spend the entirety of their honeymoon

    their new home, but they certainly found enough to entertain


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    Kitty, or Mrs. Legacina as she was now called, did not have the

    mmediate happy ending that her friends and cousins had. Though shed

    otten to know her half-brother George during their time at school in

    mdon she was resistant to having any sort of relationship with her

    other . It was only natural; shed gone so long without a mother and did

    ot know how to deal with having one, let alone having one as enthusiastic

    Georgiana Haggerty.

    For twenty-one years, Catherine Fitz had assumed that her mother andther were dead. It was done, there was nothing she could ever hope to

    o about it, and anyway shed always had Anne. She could deal with he

    arents dying, too, for it was not of their choosing. But to know that her

    other had given her up? Of course she understood why; it was not

    roper at allfor an unmarried lady to have a child.

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    Then again, she could not understand why her mother had not simply

    arried her father. She met Garrett once in the first few weeks after her

    arriage, and could see nothing wrong with him at all other than his odd

    oloring and his odor, but she knew that had not always been the case.

    ertainly, it was explained to her that he had once been a very, very bad

    an, and had tried to extort her grandfather Fitzwilliam Austen out of

    omewhere around fifty thousand pounds; she was told that he had teased

    er mother with the idea of marriage and tempted her with it, forcing her

    let him into her bed, but Kitty still could not come to terms with any of

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    If she were not still grieving for her beloved Anne perhaps she would

    ave seen it all differently, and seen Garrett Surilie for the man he used to

    e, but her mind was clouded by her disappointment in her mother, and

    he new fondness she felt for her father.

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    Nobody had yet had the heart to tell her that Garrett was the reason

    nne was dead, and it seemed that that bit of information would never

    ach Kittys ears.

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    Indeed, the Austens knew all about lying for the greater good, and

    veryone felt that this certainly qualified.

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    Therefore, in the beginning, Kitty and her new husband Oswald

    egacina spent their time at their home of Darcy Manor Farm, simply

    njoying being husband and wife, and trying not to think about Kittys


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    Of course, things could not remain so simple or happy for long. Abe

    Munster, Mr. Legacinas long time business partner, had been invited (or

    ther instructed) to stay with the Simselves for unreleased reasons.

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    As such, Mr. and Mrs. Legacina could not easily remain at the farm, for

    he price paid each month to the landowner Henry Blackthorne was a bit

    eyond their means at the time. Indeed, unless Mrs. Legacina decided to

    uddenly dispose of her stubbornness and accept the dowry her mother

    sisted she should have, the Legacinas would have extraordinarily little to

    ve on, and may be reduced to living in some rented room somewhere.

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    Lord and Lady Darcy would have been more than willing to lower the

    nt for their newfound niece had Vaughn Fitzhugh not made a better

    ffer to rent the farm for himself and the Blackthornes otherniece,

    ompletely unaware of the Legacinas predicament.

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    A solution was found not long after in the last person anyone would

    ave guessed. One afternoon, just as Kitty was packing her books into a

    unk, her husband knocked on the bedroom door and explained that

    eorge Haggerty I was calling and that would like to speak to her alone.

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    Kitty was so surprised at his coming that she had not had time to think

    p an excuse as to why she would not see him, and soon found herself

    ated in her small parlor across from her stepfather. Shed listened,

    umbstruck almost, as he explained that he loved his wife, and that he

    ould do anything for her, and if that meant coming to Kitty and relaying

    he entire, truthful history of her birth in the hopes that Kitty may be

    wayed, it would be done.

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    She cried for days after giving you up, I still remember. It was awful and for a

    hile I thought she may do harm to herself, but she merely sat in her room and cried,

    reeching at me or anyone else when she was interrupted.

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    I take the blame for much of it, George sighed. He did not pause when he heard

    ittys gasp, but he noted that he would have to beg her forgiveness later. I was a youn

    an then, and stubborn as you can imagine, and it did not suit me at the time to raise

    nother mans baschild. I was angry! Not only was I being forced to marry a

    oman I did not particularly like, though I learned later that I loved her deeply, but sh

    as with child, and it was by another man! How could a proud, insolent youth like m

    cept that? Curse me, but I did not want you.

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    I told Georgiana that I would not take the child, and so my father and your

    andfather Fitzwilliam came up with the plan that you would go to stay with your

    unt Anne in Simdon and live as an orphan. Though it was not my idea to give you

    to the care of your Aunt Anne, if I was to be forced to marry Gee I was certainly

    illing to accept any situation which did not bring you into my house.

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    All I could think of was what would happen if you would turn out to be a boy. I

    uld not claim you as my own, and I would not have had I been able to, and you know

    w that would have looked. Looking back I may say that I agreed for you to be sent

    way thinking it would be better for you, but really I was thinking only of myself and

    y familys reputation. My uncle Fitzwilliam put such a terrible stain on his family,

    nd I was not about to let his daughter do the same to my branch of it. Not that you

    re a stain, not at all! Not any part of this is your fault, and I hope you know that w

    not think so.

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    Im sorry. I know words mean little, but believe me when I say I hope

    ne day you may forgive my unkindness toward you and toward my wife.

    he says she never blamed me, but she should have. I think she did, then,

    ut she does not wish to hurt me in admitting it.

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    George looked at Kitty, waiting for a response, but he got nothing. He

    new there was much more to tell her, but hed hoped that perhaps he

    ouldnt have to.

    Though Georgiana came close to weeping any time she saw one of he

    sters daughters, she lived on. She could almost accept that you would be

    appy in Simdon, that you would get an excellent education, and that you

    ould be provided for. That was my gift, however.

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    Your mother came to me with an excellent dowry, something that would have

    lowed me to expand my land had I wished it. It was a great help to my accepting her

    a wife, I assure you


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    I gave it to you. It is amazing, really, how quickly I fell in love with your mother.

    efore your first birthday we had fallen into a sort of peaceful normality, arguing one

    inute and well, spending a good deal of time in her bedchamber the next.

    ccasionally in the drawing roomsorry. At any rate, by the time you were toddling

    bout I had secured the small fortune on you.

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    I when I found out about all of this I thought perhaps Anne had

    one something to help me, but never you!

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    George laughed and smiled. Oh, she did. She never was the marrying

    ort, always too interested in reading and numbers to pay attention to a

    an, you know. Smart woman, that Anne. She managed to work it out so

    hat on her death, the inheritance she received from her father would pass

    you. You will remember coming into rather more money around your

    hirteenth birthday.

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    Kittynodded slowly. So that is when she died, is it? I cannot

    nderstand why nobody will tell me the details! She was the closest thing

    a mother I ever had and yet the cause for her death is hidden from me!

    do not I am not a child!

    Nobody wished to burden you, dear.

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    I insist that you tell me. You have been so honest thus far; can you no

    xtend that honesty to this event?

    George twisted his hands together, fretting., before sighing resignedly.

    Georgiana is going to have my hide.

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    Mrs. Legacina, I assume you remember the night your aunt put you into a carriag

    the middle of the night and sent you across Simdon to M.Bennets?


    Do you know why she did that?

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    I remember exactly what she said, but she was brief. She said, You must leave at

    nce. There is a very bad man after you, and I will not let you come to harm. I promise

    ur mother. And then I interrupted and asked about her knowing my mother.

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    George bowed his head. The night Anne helped you get away, shed had word

    at a man was after you with the intention to either kill or kidnap. That night

    He took a breath to prepare himself. That night, your father, Garrett Surilie, shot

    r in the back just as she was running away from him. She would not tell him where

    e had sent you, and he responded the only way he knew how.

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    Oh my Plumbob, Kitty said weakly. She was not a fainter, but this

    as a lot to process.

    Ill take my leave,George said, about to bow.

    No! No, finish. Tell me the rest of it, I am well.

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    My cousins and brothers-in-law found him later that night, for of course the

    oundrel had run off. We held him, I may have punched him in the face for insulting

    ur mother, and the Simselves arrived and took him into custody.

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    Nobody knows exactly what happened in the dungeons at Simfield, but apparently

    went through a great ordeal at the hands of his jailors, and it is thought that he

    ffered a mental breakdown over all his guilt. To make matters worse for himself, he

    ntracted some horrible and rare illness that nobody understands which is the cause for

    s present state.

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    He is a much different person now, and truly repentant says Mrs. Simself, so it is

    o surprise that you took an immediate liking to him. In addition to his time at

    imfield, it is generally agreed that raising his son Tristan (though nobody knows quite

    here he came from) and taking care of Austen Cottage did marvelous things for his

    rsonality. Your mother still cannot be around him but that is because she truly loved

    m as a young woman; to know what he did to her sister, and to see him so kind

    ow it confuses and hurts her greatly.

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    I can imagine

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    Your mother loves you, as Iand we hope that someday you will

    orgive us for what she was forced to do, and for what I, in my horrid

    anity, did. When Anne died we looked for you, and looked for a long

    me. Had we found you, we would have welcomed you home and given

    ou the life you deserve. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your

    ew, Anne did such a fine job of hiding you that we could not!

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    We would like to extend that same offer to you now.

    You want me to live with you?

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    Yes. Temporarily, if you wish. If you do not wish to stay with us

    ermanently, which you are welcome to do, we have a cottage in our

    ossession that is in poor repair. We could have it fixed with the

    tention of renting it to Mr. Legacina for a reasonable price. I know

    here is little money between you at present, but with the dowry your

    other and I wish to bestow upon you, I think things could turn out

    uite well, all considered.

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    Is this to ease your guilt?

    Not at all.

    Then why would you help us?

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    Is that not what family is for, my dear? I have told you that your

    other loves you, and as I love her, well I have come to care for you as


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    Kittystared at the old man. He wasnt her biological father, and they

    ardly knew each other, but she felt connected to him. She did not

    nderstand it but there was an odd kindness in his eyes that she trusted.

    range, she felt, as he explained himself as being horrid and selfish as a

    ounger man.

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    Perhaps age really does improve people, she thought.

    Thank you. I am sure my husband would be very grateful for that. I

    hink perhaps he might prefer to live in Simdon, but

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    But he would do anything to make you happy.

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    Kitty laughed. Yes, she agreed.

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    Something I understand most clearly, George replied, lowering his

    ead in a quick bow.

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    Kitty and Oz spent a short while living at Martin Hall with her family,

    nd by the time they left to move into Martin Cottage, they were as close a

    hey might have been without the long separation of Kittys entire


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    With the acceptance of the money Georgiana had so long put aside for

    er daughter, Oz and Kitty hoped to soon go into business, beginning with

    shop in Simyton.

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    Georgiana was extraordinarily grateful to her husband for bringing

    itty closer to the family, and she showed her gratitude with enthusiasm.


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    Mrs. Simself was sitting at her desk in her study at Simfield House as

    er husband was looking and reading over her shoulder. Mrs. Simself

    ever was a patient woman, and when she tries to concentrate, she cannot

    ountenance having someone watch over her in such a way. As such, she

    as just about to scold Mr. Simself when they were interrupted by a gaggl

    f ladies.

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    Three Simselves, Marina, Di, and Katy, burst into the room with faces

    f sheer glee.

    Theyve had them! they all shouted at the same time.

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    Cee raised an eyebrow and looked at Jeremy, who shrugged. Pardon

    e, ladies. Would you mind terribly if I asked you to repeat what youve

    st said? Or perhaps notrepeat it, and instead say something that is a little

    t more informative?

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    The three newly-entered Simselves looked at each other for half a

    oment before all speaking very quickly, and at once.

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    Ladies! Cee interrupted. I am really rather busy, so could you

    ease She gestured for them to get to their respective points, and


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    But Cee, there are new babies!

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    Di chose to begin. Mrs. Leonora Legacy has given birth to twin sons this

    orning. They are called um well the names are long so blame Leonora if Ive got

    is quite wrong. But the elder is James Henry Leigh Hunt Legacy and his brother is

    eopold George Christian Frederick Legacy. The both of them have their mothers

    ark brown hair, and their fathers greenish-brown eyes. Leigh, as James is to be called

    slightly fairer in skin than Leopold, who is to be referred to as Leo.

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    Katy nodded vigorously. Yes. Lucy, well, she had hers too. Today,

    bviously, since we sort of barged in and said never mind. Twins!

    Jeremy laughed and patted his wife on the shoulder as her jaw fell open

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    Katy smirked. She had a girl and a boy. The older one, the boy, is to be named

    eorge Austen Haggerty the Third, and referred to as Gordy on a day to day basis.

    he girl is to be called GraceGrace Elliot Haggerty. Both children have darker ski

    an their father but not quite as dark as Lucy, and they have dark blue eyes and red

    air. My research shows that the red hair comes from either George the Seconds father

    eorge the First, or Lucys father, Liam Munster. I would like to add that they have

    eir fathers nose as well, and Gordy's distinguished brow clearly comes from my

    Munsters, and Graces mouth

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    Katy, Di whispered, poking the other Simself in the ribs.

    Oh. Yeah, be quiet, I get it.

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    Cee inclined her head to Katy to indicate that shed gotten it all, sighed

    ankily, and turned to Marina.

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    Marina went red. Now, Cee, do not freak out.

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    Cee set her pen down and stared at the other redheaded lady. Do you

    ean to tell me, dearest of dear Marinas, that Mrs. Blackthorne has had

    wins as well?


    Go on.

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    The Blackthornes were blessed with a girl and a boy, like the Haggertys. The son

    called Carlisle Fitzhugh Blackthorne and he has his fathers black hair and brown

    es, and his mothers skin tone. The daughter, Miss Victoria Charlotte Blackthorne,

    so has her mothers skin tone and fathers eyes, but shows off her mothers brown hair


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    Oh good heavens Cee said, fanning herself, once the ladies

    nished. So many babies Three sets of twins, and in one day! All

    day! Good heavens. Mrs. Simself leaned back in her chair and, after a

    ood shake of her head at the ceiling as if it was the ceilings fault that

    usten men and women were as fertile as rabbits, turned back to the

    mselves. Is there anything else?

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    Marina nodded. Jamie received a letter from Requiem; theyve arrived

    fely in Simmaica


    and theyre expecting a child.

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    The Simselves shrugged and nodded. Marina added, Mrs. Apolline

    itzhugh is expecting as well, and so, well she should be delivered

    f the child around the same time as Requiem. Either De or I will bring

    ou word immediately when that happens.

    Thank you, good, good. Are any of the other newlywed couples expecting?

    Di shook her head. Not as yet, no. Mrs. Legacina and Mrs. Howard

    ave not yet had good luck in that respect.

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    Oh. How very disappointing Cee sighed. Well. All in good time

    suppose. Erm... what else? Has anyone heard from Miss Lily? I do

    onder how she gets on out there in Simdon. I must say it is unorthodox

    or a Simself to offer her services as a governess, but I suppose Lily could

    ot resist. I dare say she is trying to talk Thomas into attempting to pass a

    w allowing female lawyers. What nonsense, do not you all why the

    evil do the three of you look guiltynow?

    Marina and Di shared a look while Katy snickered quietly.

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    Jeremy groaned; hed been here long enough to know what that sort of

    hing meant where a Simself was concerned.

    Cee glared. Whats happened?

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    Di and Marina had a silent argument over who would be the one to

    reak the news, but Katy saved them from it. Lily is pregnant, Cee. I

    hink Cait probably knew, but decided not to tell you.

    Wow, talk about throwing someone under the bus.

    Youre welcome!

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    Um. Please dont yell.

    Do not yell? I swear you just let these things happen so you have to

    atch me clean up the mess.

    This is the part where I whistle innocently. Right?

    Ugh! So, Cee said, turning back to the others. Miss Lily finds

    erself in a delicate situation.

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    Yes, Di nodded.

    I am going to hazard a guess and state that the child is Benjamins?

    Di sighed. Correct.

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    Hm. Well. That shall have to be dealt with for I dare say Raphaelle is

    ot taking this well at all.

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    Marina looked uncomfortable. Actually she has been rather odd about it

    spite the early and understandable anger and slapping. She has now insisted that

    ily is, well at any rate she declares that Benjamin is innocent and that Lily had

    meone else get her into such a predicament. She is allowing Lily to remain at the

    use due towhat did she say, Di?

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    Di narrowed her eyes. Due to her immense generosity in kindness fo

    he less fortunate, and for those poor misguided sheep of Reverend

    owards holy flock is what Lilytells us she said. What a load of


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    That absolute cow! Cee was furious, and when Cee was furious

    ropriety was thrown quite to the wind. What is she attempting to do,

    ake herself and her horrid husband look like saints?

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    Katy shrugged. She would.

    Im not entirely sure she is all there, Marina said awkwardly

    Di sighed. I really doubt that she isall there, at this point. Certainly in

    er view, twisted though it may be, the fact that she as a vicars wife is

    king pity upon her unfortunate employee who was beset by an

    nscrupulous man fixes the entire situation. It directs the blame away

    om her perfect husband, and makes her out to be a good Boolpropianoman.

    Cee shook her head. She is in denial.

    I think so, yes, Di agreed.

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    It is unfortunate. And I suppose Benjamin will not acknowledge the

    hild, which leaves Lily in an awkward position. What in Plumbobs name

    ven posessed her to entertain that mans desires?

    She refuses to speak aboutthat.

    Of course she does. The situation must be highly embarrassing. Is

    he going to come home, or will she stay with the Howards andgood

    ORD what must Thomas think of all this?

    Disappointed in his heir and son-in-law, but sympathetic toward Lily

    ue to his mother, of course, and therefore generally staying out of the

    hole mess.

    Right, right.

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    Rhys is really excited about sharing, Marina added.

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    CEE! Jamie yelled as she burst in through the side door. You four,


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    Oh, dear, Cee sighed as the other Simselves and Jeremy exited the

    oom. Is this about the vampire situation again? Jamie, really, I thought

    ou would be happy.

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    It was somewhere around eight in the evening. Thomas, Philadelphia,

    wendolen, and Olivet had been summoned to the Simfield palace, and

    one of them were very pleased with the hour.

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    What I do not understand is why Mrs. Simself wished to see us at

    HIS time, Thomas grumbled, picking at his new jacket.

    Philadelphia patted her husbands arm comfortingly. I do not

    nderstand either, my dear, but I am sure it is important if she has decided

    inconvenience us so.

    Gwendolen and Olivet largely ignored the other two, and went on with

    heir snuggling, improper though it was.

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    Finally, twenty minutes later, Cee entered the room. As she looked

    ound at Jamies children and their spouses, she announced simply, The

    ountess of Simfordshire.

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    Philadelphia screamed and fainted into her husbands lap. Even the

    Leerys, generally unflappable people, sat up a good deal straighter, but

    hey none of them could remember themselves enough to rise and curtsey

    om, who was usually very punctual about propriety, could only sit and

    ave his handkerchief weakly at his wifes face as he stared into the

    ountesss blood-red eyes.

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    The elegant woman looked over Philadelphia Austens unconscious

    orm and a wry smile decorated her features. She did so love it when

    eople had that reaction.

    Good evening, she said softly. Olivet raised an eyebrow at her perfec

    mlish accent; hed been expecting something a la Simsylvania. Thank

    ou all for being here this night. I suppose Mrs. Simself told you not the

    ason as to the hour nor that you would be meeting me.

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    Olivet looked at Cee. Nope, no, she seems to have forgotten that


    The Countess laughed softly. As I thought! For would you have come, had

    u known? Do not bother to answer that, young man. Well, what matters is that we

    re all here, no?

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    And whyarewe here? Tom demanded. The Countess raised an

    yebrow. Ah, why are we here, your ladyship?

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    Cee raised her hand just as Gwendolens eyes widened.

    Erm, perhaps I ought to bring in their mother.

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    A few minutes later Jamie Simself joined everyone in the small sitting


    What is this about, Cee? Oh! she said upon realizing her children

    ere before her. Tom, Gwen? I did not know you were coming how

    e you?

    We are well, mama,Gwen lied.

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    Tom stared at his mother uselessly; hed shifted Philadelphia into a

    ightly more manageable position..

    Idont exactly knowPhilly! His wifes eyes had finally opened,

    nd she was moaning softly.

    Did I faint? she mumbled.

    Poor girlthe Countess said quietly.

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    Jamie raised her eyebrows at the pale woman as she belatedly noticed

    er presence. Her eyes flashed with recognition. Cee. Why is she?

    Cee thought it was probably best to speak quickly before anyone else

    inted so she interrupted, Jamie, it was a long time ago, but I wonder if

    ou remember a conversation we had on the topic of your childrens


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    Jamie sighed. Yes, and you said Id have to watch them die because

    hey are not immortal like me.

    Indeed, that is what I said. However, I was not entirely honest with

    ou. That is, I thought I was honest, but I did not understand it myself at

    he time. Your children are not immortal

    Yes, and?

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    Jamie stared. After a long minute she asked the Countess, Shouldnt I

    e sort of dead, then?

    No, but you ARE about slightly older than I am, Cee said.

    Jamies eyes narrowed. Explain. Now.

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    Cee swallowed. Erm, heh ahlet me fetch Fire and Fuzzy. They

    nderstand this sort of thing far more than I do.

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    It was a groggy Fuzzy and mumbling Fire that entered the room in the

    ghtgowns a while later. They squeaked when they realized there were

    en in the house.

    CEE! Warn us next time, please! Fire yelled, covering her chest


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    Fire sighed and looked at Fuzzy. You start?

    Sure. Okay look heres the thing. The Simselves are not inherently

    mmortal in this existence. They are human, just like everyone else, and

    ay live, hoo, breed, and die, just like everyone else. The magic, therefore

    in the houses. Fuzzy said, rubbing her hands together simply to incite


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    Fire nodded. Simfield, where we are now, er obviously is under

    n enchantment. The other Simself home at Simton Court, too, is

    nchanted. While a person resides at one of the two Simself palaces, they

    e in a sort of stasis and yet, again, we remain human. Children may b

    onceived, carried, and borne, but once the child reaches an adult state,

    hey will no longer age.

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    Yeah. However, when someone decides its a great idea to LEAVE

    S, Fuzzy said with emphasis directed at Jamie, and move out of one of

    he enchanted houses, the enchantment leaves them, and they begin to age

    his, obviously, would explain why Miss Jamie is practically ancient when

    ompared to the rest of us.

    Fuzzy shes not that much old


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    For a moment after their explanations were complete, the assembly

    ared at Fuzzy and Fire with absolutely blank expressions.

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    Yeah. Okay, can we go back to bed now? Fire asked, taking in

    veryones expressions, which clearly said that the group aside from Cee

    sumed the good witch and the evil witch were both eternally crazed.

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    Thats it then? Thats all there is to it? Olivet asked. He was

    xtremely intrigued indeed.

    Yes. Well no, not even close, but that is the gist, definitely. Sort of.

    But how does that work? And how did you find out?

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    Fire looked disappointed. What do you think I do all day? Sew? I

    search. And, if youll recall, I used to live at Simton Court, with Gin and

    very large library. Amazing, really, the things youll find in a library.

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    Mhm. Also the fact that Lark is sprouting more grey hairs every five

    inutes over at Austen Park solidifies the theory, Fuzzy added.

    That too.

    But how?

    Caits the real reason it happened, Fuzzy concluded. If you think

    m bad ass, you should see the kind of power Cait wields.

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    Is she some sort of god?

    Sort of.

    Cee scoffed. Hardly!

    Thank you so much, Cee.

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    We did not KNOW! It was only a theory! It wasnt until Fuzzy

    rived and could collaborate with Gin and Fire that we were almost sure

    f it. Jamie, Im sorry! I did not know what to do! I promise, had I know

    hen your children were born, I would have told you immediately! But

    fter Im so sorry.

    Cee was actually crying then, and Fuzzy poked her head out of the

    oom to call for Jeremy.

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    I cant believe this, Cee. I cant believe this of you either, Cait! Youre

    oing to make me watch my babies die while Lark gets to live out a norma


    Jamie, Cee is not so good with emotional things, especially when they

    oncern ouryour children. We havent told you because we wanted you

    have the chance to be happy. To find a man you truly love, one who

    uly loves you in return. When Will did what he did, rotten man, we knew

    broke you. We knew that it hurt you extremely deeply, but we thoughtou would heal eventually, and all would be well. We wanted to give you

    he chance to live out a normal life with him. I still hope you can.

    Youre telling me this was all for my own good. Is that right?

    Have you not realized that we are in the presence of a vampire, one tha

    ou know very well, even, and that weve summoned your children beforeou?

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    While Jamie stared furiously at the wall Jeremy came in, followed by Di

    nd a cup of strong tea. He hugged his wife to his side and she sniffed

    opefully at the tea.

    Sugar? she mumbled at Di through her hands.

    Yes, Cee. Cream too.

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    Jamie looked at the Countess, who bowed her head gently, threw her

    ands in the air, and plopped rather ungracefully into a chair.

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    Cee, who had regained her self-control thanks to Dis tea and Jeremys

    m, smiled weakly. Countess, if you do not mind, would you please

    xplain what we are proposing?

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    Yes, thank you Mrs. Simself. Children, I do not think it is a secret that

    ou are all human. Indeed, you live and breathe as humans. It is somethin

    envy, for I have not lived as such for quite some time.

    Youre a vampire, is that what Cait said?Gwendolen asked.


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    Tom snorted, and the noise made the still-shocked Philadelphia jump.

    But vampires are not real! They are things of fairy stories and


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    Yes, the vampire agreed. Now Before she went on, she looked

    every face in the room for a full second. The life of the eternal is

    othing to enter into lightly, or at the very least the life of the eternal

    arkness. There will be benefits, surely, for just as your mother will remain

    oung for so long as she remains in this house, and you will remain so for

    long as you will. You shall have eternal beauty and youth, your senses

    ill be made far more sensitive, multiplied in their effectiveness by at least

    fty times. Again the woman paused and looked into everyones eyes

    arefully, even the Simselves who had stayed merely to listen.

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    But there are downsides, she continued. Very serious disadvantages

    life as one of us. You will need to feed, and I do not mean on tea and

    scuits. Certainly, you will be able to enjoy those things still, but your

    alate will not necessarily be interested in such morsels. Instead, you will

    ish for blood above all else.

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    Gwendolen, the eternally cheerful and brave daughter of a willful

    mself and a careless father, actually paled at that.

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    Yes, you will feed on human blood, though there are ways in which to

    et it that do not involve killing others. Drones are certainly an option, bu

    encourage you not to try animal blood. There are all these rumors flying

    bout that such things will keep you strong, but that is utter nonsense. It

    oes not work. Not in this existence, at the very least.

    Would the sun cause us to go up in flames?

    Do not be ridiculous.

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    Gwen blinked. But I thought all vampires slept in coffins and only

    ame out at night? Is that not why were here, so very late in the evening?

    o you will not be harmed?

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    The Countess explained, Yes and no. The sun can kill you, but not

    uite so easily as legend would have us believe. It does sap our strength,

    nd if we are too long touched by its rays, it will steal our lives from us

    rop by agonizing drop. The farther removed we are from the sun each

    ay, the more comfortable we remain, and this is why most vampires

    hoose to sleep in, ah, confinedspaces during the daylight hours. And so,

    hile you may survive a few hours together in direct sunlight, I do not

    ncourage you to try it. Even as old as I am, the sun makes me dreadfully

    thargic, and very quickly.

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    How old ARE you? Olie had to ask.

    The Countess looked at him levelly. She sighed. That is hardly polite.

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    There is more, the Countess sighed. Much more. You should know

    hat you ladies will not be able to bear children. You will, essentially, be

    ying an unnatural death in order to avoid a natural death, but you will stil

    e, for all intents and purposes, not among the living. You will be frozen.

    lady must make great changes within her body in order to carry a child,

    nd that is not possible, obviously, if a woman is a block of unchanging

    e. However a man, from birth to death, changes very little internally.

    ou will be frozen in your current state, but your well, you would still be

    ble to father children.

    wen looked at her husband, and Philly at Thomas.

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    The Countess backtracked Of course, as you are all happily married I

    ghly doubt that is here or there. It is of no importance. Have you any

    uestions for me?

    The OLeerys and the Austens traded looks. Philadelphia was still quit

    int, and not at all looking as if she was enjoying the idea of immortality.

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    She wasnt.

    Tom, I do not that is I do not think I could do this. Think of the

    rls, of Ezra? She turned to Cee. Would they be given this choice, if

    e chose it?


    Philadelphia nodded. And yet I do not think Raphaelle would take it,or Josephine.

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    I do not either, and I do not think I could bear living and watching my

    hildren no. I have seen what it has done for mama

    Tom and Philly looked at each other for a good five minutes, carrying

    n one of those silent conversations married couples sometimes do.

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    Eventually, Tom nodded and turned to look at the vampire. My wife

    nd I will decline the offer.

    Very well, she said, closing her eyes and nodding slowly. I am not

    urprised, and saying no to immortality because of the consequences may

    e the wiser thing to do in your situation.

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    Tom nodded, and his wife rested her head on his shoulder. Worried fo

    er health, Tom asked, May we leave, Mrs. Simself ?

    Cee looked at Jamie apologetic and full of empathy. Certainly,she

    id quietly.

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    Jamie tried to hold in her emotion as she watched her son walk out the

    oor, but she was shaking. She sat back down and turned to Gwendolen

    nd Olivet, hoping against hope that they would have a different answer.

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    Olie? Gwen prompted.

    Olivet grinned. Well I think it sounds great! I cant really understand

    he idea of drinking blood gross but as you say I will want it more

    han anything else? And there are ways to get it which do not involve

    king lives?

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    Indeed and yes.

    What do you think, my freaky little Gwen? That earned him a sharp

    okfrom both her mother and Mrs. Simself. He ignored them. Want to

    e freaky in all senses of the word? Want to spend forever with me? Um,

    ort of literally, this time?

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    Gwendolen pursed her lips. She knew none of her children would

    ind; indeed, they were all such independent people and so happy in their

    wn lives at the moment, she doubted they would notice much of a

    fference. She looked at her mother, and thought of the pain she must b

    cing, knowing her children are nearly old, and will die not all that far

    om now. At the idea of her own death, at being parted from Olie, Gwen

    huddered. Would it be so horrible, living the life of the damned?

    Wait,she thought. Will we be damned? To hell?

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    The Countess laughed. Nobody quite knows, dear girl. However I

    hould think it quite unlikely. What are we but half dead? We do tryvery

    ard not to kill anyone to feed our thirst, and we do not worship the devil

    r the reaper. Though I must say the reaper in this dimension is an

    xcellentcricket player.

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    Gwen nodded, showing her understanding. I think Olie do you

    hink the girls would choose it as well, when the time came?

    I do not think so, love. Maybe Story? She is the only one I can think

    f that may be up for doing this, but I doubt it. Bleu probably wouldnt b

    interested, if at all.

    Can you bear letting them leave us?

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    Olivet shrugged. Well leave them, if we dont do this, and it will have

    be their decision, just as it is ours now, when the time comes. Anyway,

    hink about the possibilities! We can hoo ALL the time and not worry

    bout more kids he trailed off as he caught the expression on the

    ountesss face. Lets do this. If anyone can rock the undead world, it

    ould be us.

    Gwen giggled. Yes.

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    Anne rolled her vibrant eyes. I am told you do not have much time

    ft before it is too late. Let us do this now.

    Now?! shouted at least four voices at once.

    You have until six o clock tomorrow evening to make the decision,

    Mr. and Mrs. OLeery, but I must say I will not exactly be pleased if I have

    be out and about during the day simply to change you.

    Olivet and Gwendolen nodded to each other and then to the vampire.

    he Countess smiled sadly and motioned for everyone to leave.

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    Jamie was outraged once again and had jumped up from her chair and

    to the Countesss face. But theyre my children! Or Gwen is! Olie is

    good as!

    Hey, thanks!Olie beamed.

    Madam I hardly think this is something you would like to witness.

    But they may need me!

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    The Countess gave her a wry smile. I do not think they will need the

    elp of anyone ever again, if I am quite honest with you, madam. I am

    ery sorry for the bluntness, but here we are. Do please exit with the


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    Jamie frowned, glared after Dis retreating figure, shouted YOUR

    eation to her, and stomped out.

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    As Cee shut the door behind her, the Countess grinned.

    This may hurt a bit.

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    Outside, Jamie was pacing; Cee and Di were trying to calm her.

    Really it is for the best Jamie, Di soothed.

    I know! I know I get to keep my Gwen, but Tom! He doesnt want to


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    We knew that was likely, and it is part of why we did not tell you

    eforehand. Cait thought you would try to persuade him, and Anne

    fused to do it unless she was certain it was their decision alone.

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    Also, Jamie, Thomas and Philadelphia are not the sort of people to

    ve up their normal lives simply to live forever. I think they are very

    ontent, where they are, Di added.

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    Jamie slumped against the wall. I want to move out.

    Excuse me?

    I want to move out so I can age too.

    Jamie your daughter is becoming a vampire to be with you, Cee

    minded her.

    No! She is doing it because her husband thinks it will be interesting,

    nd Gwen is always up for anything she thinks could be fun!

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    Perhaps, but think of what it means. She knows she will have to watc

    er children leave her just as you will watch Tom. You should focus on th

    ct that you will have your daughter, albeit in darkness, for the rest of you


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    Jamie was quiet for a minute before she turned to Cee with a sad smile

    This was really selfish, wasnt it?

    Cee whimpered and laid her cool hand against her face. No, I think it

    only natural to want to keep ones children around.

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    Di was an intelligent woman, and she knew exactly what had had Cee s

    straught that night. Deciding it was time to ask the question Cee didnt

    ant to answer, just to get it over with, she looked at Jeremy and noted his

    od before asking his wife, What are you going to do about your son and


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    Cecilia Legacy and Carew Simself had become officially betrothed very

    cently. As it turned out they got on extremely well, and the arrangement

    st like all of the arrangements Cee and Di put forth, ended up being a

    ve match. As soon as Cecilia was finished studying at M. Bennets and

    arew had his degree from Pemberley, they would marry.

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  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    I know! I know. I I told him no. His father and I are giving him

    hat would be the equivalent of his inheritance were we to die, and setting

    m up with a home in Simyton. He has he has already declined

    ampirism. My girls, my babiestheySophie and Phoebe agree with

    m on this.

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    Oh, Cee. I am sorry, Jamie murmured.

    The door to the small sitting room opened at the least opportune

    oment; Olivet and Gwendolen OLeery stepped out of the sitting room.

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    They were white, and smiling.

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    Happy? Of course! I am to keep my Gwendolen! But that is not

    mportant now!


    No, this is far more pressing: Gin has stolen my anteater pendant and

    fuses to give it back, for she says it is HERS and I must have lost mine!

    ut I havent!

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    Cee blinked. Is that all?

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    Well, Ive alsoAll?! This is very important!

    Oh for the love of Cee leaned back in her chair, exhausted. It was

    nly three in the afternoon.

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    Marian? Are you awake? Robert Austen whispered loudly, therefore

    efeating the purpose of his whispering. He peered in the small but

    egant room his sister inhabited and waited for an answer. He heard an

    delicate snort come from the bed.

    Clearly not as I am sitting here reading, said a young ladys extremely

    rcastic and muffled voice.

    Robert rolled dark blue eyes. You do have the bed curtains shut,earest sister of mine.

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    Behind the creamy curtains, Marian blinked.

    Oh. Right. She placed a ribbon between the pages of her book,

    arking her place, and threw open the curtains.

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    Her eyes found her brother in the door, and as she got a good look at

    m, she sighed. Oh, Robert. You look much worse today, she said.

    Robert looked away and rubbed his cheek self-consciously. It is

    othing. Now do please get up, Wills and Lucas are being quite horrid, I

    o not know what to do with them, and we have party guests arriving in

    tle more than six hours.

  • 8/7/2019 The Regacy Chapter 5.1 the End of Effortless


    Oh come now, Robert! Our brothers are, what, nearly thirteen years

    d and still you cannot manage them. Whoever said you were family

    riented was clearly mistaken.

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    Robert frowned. I love my family, Marian. I just get nervous with

    hem, and it does not help that they are usually messy, and covered in

    hings. It is just that I get nervous!

    His sister looked at him levelly. Youd think your situation would mak

    ildcare second nature for you.

    Robert glared. Marian, he warned. I said not to bring it up again!

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    Marian was immediately penitent. As much as she enjoyed teasing her

    rother, this particular thing was probably not the best topic to tease him

    bout. Alright, I am sorry! Truly I apologize, but Robert

    Hn,Robert grunted.

    Really, I didnt mean any harm. Now why can Mama and Alice not

    are for the twins? I was just getting into my book, you know. It is the

    ewest novel by Robert are you quite all right?

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    Robert didnt answer. His face was pale, gaunt but that is how it

    sually was. Now it was green.

    Marian sighed. What is it?

    A grimace covered Roberts sickly face. You do not wish to know,

    elieve you me.

    Yes, I do.

    No, really, Marian.

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    Tell me!

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    I dont think I can. Follow me.

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    Ugh, Marian groaned. She quickly checked herself in her mirror,

    rushed down her dress, and then followed her blonde brother out of her

    oom and down the hall.

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    Alices room? she asked when they reached the door nearest Roberts

    uite. She and Robert entered the first room, Alices sitting room, and

    Marian looked around curiously. Where are they?

    Robert pointed to the glass doors to Alices bedchamber.

    Marian looked puzzled. Theyre all in there? Is everything

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    When Robert pulled her to the glass doors Marian gave up speaking in

    xchange for an ear-piercing shriek.

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