Download - THE RECORDER The H. L. BOUGHTON 7/Catskill NY Recorder...ter of hydrants was also taken up. The cotnmitteo of A. J. Raymond, Prcd L. Anderson. T.

Page 1: THE RECORDER The H. L. BOUGHTON 7/Catskill NY Recorder...ter of hydrants was also taken up. The cotnmitteo of A. J. Raymond, Prcd L. Anderson. T.



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= A luid prophet is a loss. _ = L i f e Isn't all t h a t I t ' s vrisecrackeil

Up to be. = T h e horn of plenty Btar ' s m a n y a

m a n on a toot with a siren. .-= I t ' s seldom t h a t a m a n who shoots

s t r a igh t Is annoyed by a wolf a t the door. ?)

= T h e r ights of t h e minor i ty a r e pro­tected by near ly all .states except t he s t a t e of matr imony.

:=Sup€rvLsor Trav i s a s k s u s to Rive no t ice . to school t rus tees tha t the s t a t e funds have been received.

= Oblivion Is full of men who per­m i t t e d - t h e opinion of other folks to overrule their belief in themselves.

= T h e Catskill Monday O u b meets on March 31st with Mrs . P . I I . Osborn, Wil l iam street , whose subject Is "Mas­sachuse t t s . "

= M l s s Anna May Giffonl Kanp very sweet ly lust Sunday morn ing in St. Luko ' s Church, a s a n offertory solo, " G r a n t Us T h y Tcace."

=Obsorve a man ' s ac t ions : .scrutinize h i s motives, take- note of t h e th ings t ha t g ive hhii pleasure. How then can he hide f iom you w h a t he really is?—Con­fucius.

= T h e olllco of Charles T. Beach, local i n su rance agen t on Main s t ree t . Is being a l tered and completely redecorated, nnd •when completed will present a very a t ­t r ac t i ve appearance .

==Charles Hamil ton, "West Bridge s t reet , is hav ing a small building erect­ed udjolning hi3 residence, where h e plans the sale of refreshments , c i sa rs , c igarets , ice cream, e tc . H e expects to open for business ea r ly in May.

= A t a meet ing of. Catskill Post . 110. Amer ican Legion, on "Wednesday even­i n g threo t rus tees w e r e elected, a s fol­lows : Dr . L. I) . Honeyford for th r ee yea r s , J . Lewis Malcolm for two years , and Clifford A. Overbaugh for one year .

:=Catskill'.s fire d e p a r t m e n t was called ou t last Sa tu rday n igh t to extinguish a ch imney blaze in the home of H a r r y Snyder , on Thomson s t reet , while on Monday afternoon the t n i c k s were s u m ­moned to Jefferson, w h e r e a g ras s fire on Fai rv iew avenue was p u t out .

= O n ano ther page of this issuue will be found the annua l financial report of t h e Village Board of Trus tees , which g ives the taxpayer a n unders tandable conception of where t h e village fuunds a r e disbursed, in addition t o the i t en i r^d s t a t e m e n t s that—have been published

_ th roughou t_ lhc r "ea r .

—At" the regu la r mee t ing of the Cats -kill Ro ta ry Club on Tuesday afternoon the se candidates were submit ted by the nomina t ing commit tee and duly elected to office: Champlin Clarke , .pres ident ; J o h n T. Knmmerlen , vice-president; "Willis P . Goldin, fiecretary; Roscoc C. Lacy, t r ea su re r ; O. T. H e a t h and How­a r d Aust in, directors.

= A musical appreciat ion p r o g r a m by t h e Boston Concert Co. is to be given th i s af ternoon a t 2:15 in the audi tor ium of t h e High School, t o which pa ren t s of t h e s tudents may a t t end . The program will be presented by Edi th Marshal l Clark and Maude T u r n e r of Boston, a n d will include vocal, 'cello a n d xylophone solos, a s well a s several o the r novelties. N o admission is charged, bu t a silver:; offering will be taken .

= J u n e Bar re t t , a r r e s t ed recent ly in a raid on the Old King ' s Road, -was a r ­ra igned again before Jus t i ce O. Gates POrter of Athens o n Wednesday, and held to awai t act ion of the Grand J u r y on a charge of conduct ing a dipjrderly liouse. May Rogers , t aken in i n e same raid, was committed -by Jus t i ce Por t e r to the women's reformatory a t Bedford Hil ls . T h e y had concluded serving- a th i r ty -day te rm in t h e county jail on Wednesday.

= A n o t h o r meeting- of the Jefferson He igh t s Improvement Association was held on Monday evening for the of discuss*-jg t h e instal lat ion of village w a t e r through t h a t section. Many resi­den ts there wan t the" water , providing t h e ra tes a r e not too high, and the ma t ­t e r of hydran t s was also t aken up. The cotnmitteo of A. J . Raymond , Prcd L. Anderson. T. H. Craw, Louis Saulpaugh a n d R a y L. DeXyse repor ted Its findings, and will cont inue its invest igat ions, r e ­por t ing from t ime to t ime to the Asso­ciation.

= T h e regula r mee t ing of Catskill Chapter , Order of Kas te rn Star , will t a k e place next Tuesday evening in the Masonic Temple., and a very large t u r n ­ou t of members is expected, for a t th is t ime the local organizat ion will wel­come Right W o r t h y Blanche L. Miller, district deputy g rand mat ron , and Right W o r t h y Ulster Palmer , district g rand lec tu re r of t h e Greene-Uls ter district. Fol lowing the uaual ceremonial period, a reception will be tendered to these

^visiting officials, t he re will be special music for the occasion and refreshments will be served.

srBecause so m a n y citizens subject to Income taxat ion a r e careless in mak ing the i r r e tu rns to the Sta te Depar tmen t of Taxation, t h a t bu reau sends out a plea to taxpayers to m a k e su re t ha t in the i r reports they deduct the correct amoun t of exemption, which r.ow is $2,500 for single persons nnd $4,000 for mar r ied persons nnd heads of families: a lso $400 additional for each dependent unde r eighteen years of age , ei ther menia l ly or physically defective. A re tu rn mus t bo filed where the gross income; exceeds JG.500, a l though s t a t u ­to ry deductions may n:. ikc-i t unneces­s a r y to pay a tax .

— Christ ian Kndcavor followers in this neighborhood a ro interested in the a n ­nouncement of the th i r ty -n in th Empi re S!:-te Convrnlion, which will be held from J a n e 26th to 20th in Rochester , nnd i! ).-• j V:,';:!.!L t h a t .some fions (his section will a t tend the .sessions. Among the speakers will be Dr. Daniel 1'olinc. Fr<vicrick A. Wallist, the. R e v . W m . ('. Toole of London. Carlton M. Sherwood. extension secre tary of the internat ional society, W i l l m i !•', Hire, general state, secretary , Dr. C. Wallace Betty of P i t t s ­burgh , the Rev. H a r r y Thomas Stock of Hoston. the licv. Wal t e r Van Kirk of N"e\v York, and m a n y others \vho:;e no . ccp'.erTp to address this great ga ther ­ing is pending.

-Ar• <"hevro:«"t .;>'<t.i;i owned by Mi.-s Harr ie t Spalding of Greenville and op-cr.-ited by her brother . Miller Spalding. rind ,n Kord toads t r r owned rind operated hy Wilbur IT. Ray of Saugert ies col­lided or; Monday evening at the intersec­tion or Br idge ' and W a t e r street , both veiii. V .-: stiff'-rim: .-• v f r< ly f: <-,n the ini-j-i.v.l. The Chevrolet, came out of W a t e r street and made a li ft-hand turn to go up Bridge street as the Vord ratne down , the Inf («••!• thorn ? :\< '•••'.•' '5 to :';• ;. ft. ! , ; , :•;; t. ... :!:•!-. V,;;; . . , f ( h e ,-

injured, al though the v< hk Piderahly damaged, a s wr> of H.'-rry S. .-»;< came onto tin

a re I

'a lb,del w h e n !!. "idewalk.

> ui an t s v.a.-i a v.i re c o n -

a l s o a

= Soft wordu tu rne th away black eye«.

= A cac tus is worth a thousand r y e s —in a desert .

— Her f a the r never gets a chance to give he r away if her small b ro the r does.

=: Leave t h e car in reverse gear if the machine is first on a ferryboat, and in second if last. „ -" - r^ . .

=Ne.xt Wednesday a clam choWder supper will bo served in t h e Hall a t Lime Street , a t GOc. a plate . _

= It Is r a t h e r difficult to Judge the so­cial s t a t u s of the new neighbors until you i?mell the i r d inners cooking.

= T I m o wai ts for no man, bu t h a s little choice in the m a t t e r when the average woman approaches th i r ty years .

= Tho Sunday School evening sched­uled for to-night in the par lors of t h e Firs t Bapt is t Church has been post­poned for a fortnight .

= Thero is a chap who believes t ha t capital pun i shment should not be abol­ished because w h a t was good enough for his f a the r is good enough for him.

= T h e first t ime Grovcr/Cleveland was Inaugura ted president he took the oa th of office on the pocket Bible h is mo the r gave h im when he was a little boy. — _ —A cafeteria supper is to be given next Wednesday evening by members of the K, 6 . Club in the Jeflterson school house, to which the public is invited. Servings will begin a t 6 o'clock.

=Ca t sk i l l ' s brick industry seems to bo th r iv ing ngnin after a poor season last year , a n d v i t h i n the past few weeks several ba rges loaded with brick from the Mayonne and W a s h b u r n ya rds were shipped to tho metropolis. ,,

= A ca rd pa r ty to which the public is invited is to be held this evening in the Westside^fire house under the a u s ­pices of t h e - L a d l e s ' Auxiliary. P i n ­ochle nnd bridge will be played, prizes awarded and ref reshments served.

= In dr iving a n automobilo where traffic is controlled by lights, don' t be a c reeper a n d don'tL be a sleeper—in other words, avoid creeping forward before tho l ights have actual ly changed, or h a n g i n g back af ter they have changed. ; :> tT

^ A p p e a r i n g in last Sa turday ' s edition of the Albany Even ing News was a pic­ture of I rv ing Heald, one of the out ­s t and ing s t a r s of the"Hudson Indust r ia l Baseball League last year, who is r e ­ceiving a t ryout with the Albany Sen­a to rs a t the i r Spr ing t r a in ing camp a t Durham, N . C.

= N e w l e r s ' Store Inc . formally opened for business las t F r i d a y morn ing in i ts new location a t 417 Main s t reet , with a complete new line of wear ing apparel for men, women and children. New show-cases, l ight ing fixtures, etc., were installed, and tho place presents a mod­ern and up- to-da te appearance . The business w a s formerly located opposite tho banks . c

= R e s i d e n t s who wero in the vicinity of Bridge and Main s t ree t s on Monday afternoon were considerably surpr ised a t the appea rance of a rabbit , the little animal seeming to bo na tura l ly quite s tar t led by t h e activities ho found on Catskill 's main thoroughfare, for af te r a few inquisi t ive da r t s into the door­ways of t h a t vicinity he headed u p Bridge s t r ee t and tha t was the last seen of h im.

= T h e Kings ton Police School closed its ten weeks* session last Sa turday, and the following members of t h e Catskill depa r tmen t were gran ted diplomas for complet ing t h e course : Chief Andrew Speenburgh, Donald Cairns, George Klein, J a m e s Fi tzs immons, J o h n Fi tz s immons a n d J o h n Haley. Members a t t end ing t h e school from the var ious communit ies showed their appreciat ion to, tho ins t ruc tors . Sergeants Ph inney and Simpson, by present ing each with a gold wa tch .

= T h e Spr ing rally of the Hudson River Chris t ian Endeavor Union will be held nex t F r i d a y evening. April 4th, in the Reformed Church a t New Balt i ­more,- Willi Pres ident F r a n k A. Gallt j r . presiding, and an interest ing p rogram has been a r r anged for this occasion. Willard" E. Rice, general secre ta ry for New York, will be the principal speak­er, while gree t ings will be brought from the "CatsKill Mountain Union and from tho Albany area . A large delegation from Catskill is expected to m a k e the trip.

ss Pres ident Pe te r Goldberg of the Catskill Chamber of Commerce a n ­nounces t h a t he and a commit tee con­sist ing of Edwin J . Thomas . M. E . 311-berstein, H e r m a n C. Cowen. Clarence F . Travis , B. G. Dewell ant! E. C. Barlow, working with a similar commit tee from the Hudson Chamber of Commerce, will go to Albany within the next few days and "wait ui>on the Governor when the vehicular br idge bill is submit ted to him for h is s igna ture , u ig ing him to affix h is n a m e so tha t this project may become a reali ty.

= W o r k is progressing rapidly on tile remodeling of the interior of the Meth­odist Church, and the congregation will hold i ts first, service in the now edifice on P a l m Sunday. Instal lat ion of the $10,000 o rgan has been completed,-and an organ recital is planned for next Friday evening. April 4<h. a t S:15 o'clock, by E lmer A. Tidmarsh of Albany, the well-known musician who is heard weekly over t he radio. Mr. T idmarsh has a r r anged a diversified program that will thoroughly br ing out the fine quali­ties of the new organ, and t ickets for

| this event can be procured from a n y of the members of the Methodist choir it 50c. v = A s soon a s the necessary legisla­

tion is secured, Catskill and vicinity will be tho scene of operat ions for the building of a new road on Highway D-W, connect ing this village and Cor-saekle, according to present plans and specifications. This proposed new high­way will follow tho Old King 's Road to W e s t Coxsackie, and will ca r ry out the s ta te ' s p lans designed to avoid traffic congest ion in cities and vil lages. T h e proposed new road will be wider and will be so constructed as to for heavy traffic. Meanwhile the pres­en t rend runn ing through Catskill. Athens and Coxsackie la to be kept in a s t a t e (,: repair and after the open­ing of t h e proposed new highway the old si te will be rebuilt .

--A meet ing of '.he members in Cats-kill of the Pioneer Infant ry was held on Tuesday evening in tho Armory, uh'-n p'an-;ave> e. .-•.._.....-.,-ri -mr T'T" an­nual reunion of this organization, which is to take pi ,ee m Catskill on Sunday. .\Uk-ust K>th. Percy Roe, deie-ati ic pres- nt ing Co. K. <iu>\v th<- Ho'.vi!.-< r s ) . ie act ing as chai rman of the local com-mitte... a n ! other meetings will bo held in iho near future to far ther n r r a r . w for this event. The els! Pioneer In­fantry war: originally made up of men in tho Hudson valley, and this coming gailKving will be the seventh annual teuaion. More than two hunorrd

re ! \ ' i „ , ;. 1 f,.r the ;,,,, ting.


Items from Thrnccotrtcr, March 28,1S00. = A t h e n s h a s a-"ncw physician—Dr.

Van Buren. ^ D e l a w a r e shad a r c in m a r k e t a t

prices from 50c. to 30c. = J o h n Whi tmore of Urlton h a s failed

to vote but once since 1828. = J o h n Duncan jr . of South Cairo h a s

gona„to rSeatt le , Washing ton . - = E K . » ^ liro' one dollar a hundred and

bu t t e r i G c / a pound in Prat tsvi l lc . = B o r n . in New Balt imore, March 24th.

to Mr. and Mrs . Augus tus She rman , a son.

= T h o s . E . Fer r ic r , who h a s been "under the wea the r " of lute, is about the s t ree ts again.

r rAugus t F r a n z of Wes t Catskill , in his new q u a r t e r s has tho finest ba rbe r shop in town.

= Boxes of t h e new electric fire a l a r m sys tem jus t Introduced have been placed about t he village.

= T h e Sopcrs a re pu t t ing a 40-hp. t u r ­bine water-wheel in the i r shop above Windham village.

= T h e Building & Loan Association, a t i ts mee t ing on Tuesday, loaned $1,200 a t fifteen per cent , premium.

=Mar r i ed , in Hudson, March 18th. by the Rev. J . C. Tebbets . David M. Pos t of Catskill and Marga re t Wilson of Hudson . '

=Alex . Cummlng of Coxsackie will go out of the hotel business if the r igh t m a n comes a long a n d takes tho p roper ty off h is hands .

= L a m o n t Miller of W i n d h a m lost a r ing last Fal l , and a J e w days ago i t was found in the hoof of ono of T o w n -send's livery horses .

=Gloversvil!e h a s become a city, and our former townsman, J . H. Van Gordon, and the rest of the go-ahead Glovers-villians a re immensely pleased.

= C a p t . G. W . Post is again In c h a r g e of freight" of t h e Catskil l-Albany line a t th is end of the route . H e fills t he place a s if he were made for it. _

= A t t h e Pra t t sv i i l e c h a r t e r cTection last week, J . H . Chalfield w a s elected president, Char les Fowler t rus tee , C. A. P la tne r t reasurer , a n d Will iam R a n ­dolph collector. -

= S . B. Howe. Ph . D. of Union Col­lege, and Miss E m m a W. Crain of Cro-ton, N. Y., wero marr ied on March 17th. Both were formerly much-loved teachers In the Catskill Academy.

= O u r Athenian neighbors las t week elected H a r m o n s v a n \yoertT president . William P a g e and Hami l ton Smi th t rustees , A. P . Allen t reasure r , a n d Severinc p a r l e y collector. -

= W . R. Vcdder-of the College of Civil Engineers , Cornell, Is spending his va ­cation a t his home in Leeds. Mr. Ved-der h a s been handicapped in h i s s tudies by a n a t t ack of la grippe. "i

=Ca lv in Hollenbeck h a s t aken t h e ! s tore on Alain s t ree t nea r Church, la te ly! occupied by T h o m a s Low (who Is now proprietor of t h e up- town livery s table) and will open it on April 1st wi th a stock of boots and shoes.

= D i e d , in Wes t 'Ca t sk i l l , March 24th, Grace M. Pa lmer , aged sixteen yea r s ; - i n Windham, M a r c h 13th, Mrs. -Lydia Lee , aged eighty-five y e a r s ; in Cairo, Feb . 25th, Mrs. El iza Greene, aged seven ty -two y e a r s ; in Ashland, Feb . 25th, Mrs . Prudence V a n Hoesen, aged n ine ty - two years .

= P o s t &Deane have secured the se rv ­ices of J . H e n r y Deane a t the i r fu rn i tu re store." Mr. Deane is a g radua t e of t h e New York College of Embalming , a n d is versed in all t h e la tes t methods of t h a t work.; Ho will ass is t Mr, Pos t in t h e furni ture s tore and Mr. Keeler in under ­tak ing , and when requested will have en t i re charge of funerals .

m« »

B A S K E T B A L L B R I E F S .

= R a v c n a High t r immed Glynn High a t Valatio las t Fr iday , 29 t o 14.

- T w o crack American League teams . the Brooklyn Visi tat ions and Chicago, a r » £ t o clash next Monday a t P o u g h -keepsie, t h e contes t being promoted b y "Chief" Mueller. - -" -

= S t . J o h n ' s Academy of Rensse laer , represent ing th i s section, was eliminated from the Nat ional Catholic High School Basketball T o u r n a m e n t last week a t Chicago by DoLaSallc Ins t i tu te of t h a t city, the defending champions, 22 to 11, and the la t t e r school has since been crowned champions aga in by going tlfrough the t o u r n a m e n t undefeated.

= B y defeat ing F rank l in Academy of Malone last Fr iday, 31 to 12, and on the following, day upse t t ing Yonkers High, 2S to 22, Cohoes High School earned for itself the a l l -Eas te rn championsh ip of New Ycr!:. and to-night the team will oppose the H'ttle-J 'sifo' .quintet a t Syra ­cuse for the s t a t e title. Li t t le Fa l l s , while located in central New York, earned the a l l -Wes te rn title by downing Kenmore" High of Buffalo, n s well a s the leading contender in Syracuse .

= T h e Kelly F ive of Catskill, consist­ing of Joe Kelly, Pa t Cummings , Ko-turo. Simmons" and Huestcd, were de­feated last Sa tu rday night by the Clav-erack Granger s on the Salter's cour t , 32 to 23. Both sides scored the s a m e number of field goals (e ight ) , so t h a t the deciding factor came from the foul-'ine, with the home squad tal lying six­teen to Catskil l 's seven. This was the third clash between the two ehjb" h rm. ors going to t h e Clavcrack bunch wi th | two wins .

—By defeating t h e Roches ter Cen­trals four, out of five game- , the Ca ' - c -land Ro3cnbIums again earned for them­selves the ti t lo of- world basketball champions. Cleveland was winner of the first half of tho American Leaguue schedule, and Roches ter of the second half, the playoff resul t ing in a sweep­ing victory for the Weste rners . Ro­chester won the first clash of tho title |>lay on March 20th on its own court , 20 to 16, but Cleveland swept thr next four gam'.;; by ccorcc of IS to 17. 1.. to 13, 23 to 16 and 21 to 15.


Favorable Action for I t h e r Bridge.

According to word sent to Catskill on Tuesday by Assemblyman ..-Ellis W. Bcntlcy of this county, the bill (a i l ing for a vehicular bridge across the Hud­son River between Catskill and Hud­son \sas passed that morn ing by the Senate, and on Iho preceding evening


Catskill, N. Y., March 25. 1930. Special meet ing ; present . T rus tees

Hagglubotham, Hitchcock, Decker, Love-land and Kochendoerfer.

Meeting called to order by Village Clerk Edwards .

On motion, Will iam K. Haggln!>otham was unanimously elected Pres ident for tho ensuing year .

On motion, Wil ton O. Edwards .waA unanimous ly appointed Village Clerk for tho ensu ing year .

On motion, J . Lewis Malcolm was u n a n ­imously appointed Corporat ion Counsel for t he ensuing year.

On motion, M. E d w a r d SUberstein was unanimously appointed a member of the Loard of W a t e r Commissioners for the full t e rm of th ree years .

On motion. H e n r y Shea r w a s unan i ­mously appointed St ree t Super in tendent for t he ensuing year.

On motion, Howard C. Smith was unanimously appointed a member of t?ie Citizens' Advisory Commit tee for t h e new wa te r supply project.

On motion. Resolved, T h a t George Klein, J a m e s Fi tzs immons, Donald Cnirn3 and J o h n D. Haley be and hereby a r e appointed Police Constables wi th full power for the t e r m . ending March 31, 1931, and tha t said George Klein be and hereby is designated u s Capta in of P o ­lice in charge a t a sa la ry of $150 per month .

On motion, ' l lcsoiccd. T h a t Herber t G. Bates , Roy H. F ree r nnd Anthony Ba t -tagl lno be and hereby a r e appointed Special Police for the t e r m ending March 31. 1913. and tha t I s aac Deyo be and hereby is appointed SpsckU Police for the t e r m ending J u n e 30. 1930.

On motion. Resolved, T h a t salar ies of tho c rew of tho ferryboat be fixed a s follows:

Captain—April 1st to October 1st, $2G0 per m o n t h ; October 1st to April 1st, $240 per month .

Engineer—Apri l 1st to October 1st, $195 per m o n t h : October 1st to April 1st. $175 pe r month .

Collector—April 1st to October 1st. $150 per m o n t h : October 1st to April 1st, $130-per mon th . .

Fi reman—Apri l 1st to October 1st. $150 per months October 1st to April 1st. $130 per month .

Pres ident Hagg lnbo tham announced t h e appo in tmen t of t h e following corn-mot toes : -

Roads , G u t t e r s a n d Sewerd—Hoggin-bo tham and Decker .

L igh t s and Cemetery—Kochendoerfer. Fer ry—Loveland. F i r e Department—Hitv.hcock. Police^—Hag'ginbotham. Parks—Decker . On motion, t h e Board adjourned, i

W . O. EDWARDS, Village Clerk.

Graphic Outlines of History By Deane & Deane


Theodore Roosevelt , belonging to one of the old Du tch families, w a s born in this building a t 28 E a s t Twent ie th Street , New York City. H i s career w a s mos t ve rs ­ati le, being a cat t le raiser , au thor , police commissioner, leader of the "Rough Riders'," a s s i s t a n t secre­t a r y of the navy, governor of New York, vice-president , and finally, 2Gth president of t h e U. S.

Reliability is tho essence of ou r service. W e shoulder t h e bnrden of details and ca r ry out a r r a n g e ­m e n t s with t he unders tand ing t h a t comes with experience.

QeaneandQeane FUNERAL $Z%lo% d . .PHONE 54 - c .

%rfi/-9our ^/ears experience 439-441 MAIN ST. J.HEHRY DEANE PHONE 378




Xo. 30-2 Main Mrcet, CntskilJ, N. Y. TIU'.KE-STOKY FRAME

Must tie removed between April 1 nnd CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INS. CO.,

Apply to Dr. E. A. Dennett.


! • r ; : will !•

iil-l a - i l

id in the Armory, the Ivasi-ness .M.v.inn to be held at \2 r.'clock. and v.ill be followed i>y a dinner !•< t ueen 2 and .". nVlock :.' a place to be decided up-m later.

had been approved by the Assembly. Iving : • ; ' a : ' : : . d ;o tho Governor with­out .-. e; .i a-:;-;: vote.

It is said thai the la t ter had. signified V •- . ; . « , . • - * : , . , . .«" : , - a , . ,-• 11- e ' e , • e M » - e . i . . . . • * . . . ' 1 1 ' , .- t I . M i I i l , ( 1 . ' n . S W ; '.

should it be passed hy Iv,!'a bouses, so that the seem- deMitied to be­come a-reality. The ( 'handlers of Com­merce In Catskill are! Hudson worked hard {.. a d \ a n e e t h e measure , a s did many prominent men in both communi ­ties, aiid considerable credit is due to \ s .vmblyman I 'entiey of Gn • "r~ • ouniy. As.-ejnbl;. man .T.i.711's of Columbia eo' in-:;. and S p.dors Wieks and W. \,\, in iV.d' -.;;-;: the move. As :-••> >n as the bill

; sif .aei stir eya b a a m several yearn. n;o will be tin; d a d and work on the project pushed lorward as quickly a s possible.

BABY CHICKENS FOR SALE. Parrcd Hock. Ithoite Island Hod, White

Wyandotte, White I.tKhorn, from free i-uiKe: nc.iituy stuck; old bens.-large cjtss. strong chickens, nc, weakling*. Twelve dollars per hundred after May 13th; mixed chickens. $10 per hundred and up. A few hnndrcd -tato-tcstcd rthode Island Ucds. AI<o Siarnd t'li ekon* two and tliree week-old. Custom Hatching.

GEORGE BRAY. Phone g»tM. Cntsklll. X. Y.

HATCHING EGGS. White Wyandotte llatrhlnR KjtC« for

> lie.' ee. eaeli. M b S . EDWIN li l iNDET.L.

Greenville. N. Y.

FOR SALE. I'nre-Ilred White Mu«c<ivy l)urk«., either

I-I. .«:. each. Hairhlnc r<C«. ?i."/) for 1" postpaid.

UROOKSIDE POTT.TKY FARM. Rielitnoiulville. N. Y.

RESIDENCE FOR SALE. f»tm«.o ami Lot In Oak Hill f i l ia te , for

*nlc cheap to settle estate. Inquire of (Miss) \ N N . \ MAE S I T T T .

(freenvllK\ N". Y.


Will :ei <Jood for Farm or Read Werk. r . a - ' i naMy after middle ef April.

WAl.TP.R H. HIRKETT. 1 \ K. ]>. 1, Ire . d.l .

FOR SALE. t"ortv F o n l s , Plvi

Island Ited. 'Three Mnwq Ha\",

etl .y. ,,;-e Lowland. c . . \ i ; n n

i Rock .-


r.d r.v.


r.. •:.. :

APARTMENT TO RENT. I l l : ROOM U ' U i i M i:.\ r




LSVIN6 UP TO A REPUTAT30N ••-:• . -•' — r ^

HIS STORE w a s founded on right principle, and a desire to establish a reputation for fair dealing, plus good merchandise at reason* able prices. W e a r e constantly on the alert to protect and pre­serve our reputation, and it takes unremitting care t o se l ec t only that quality of ready-to-wear apparel that will give our c u s ­tomers the best in style.



The New Dress Styles are truly captivating, with their many new and fetching variations of mode. The new neck line, sleeve treatment, waist line and richness of fabric used in these dresses are distinctly different and above the ordinary in beauty and smartness.



Georgette with Crepe de Chine Coats, or Combination of Printed Crepe de Chine

with Coats of Plain Colors.


Dresses of Georgette in Printed and Plain Colors.



Three-Piece Ensembles of

Tweed Jerseys -


All Shades of Crepe de Chine and Printed Silks.



$10.00 $15.00 $16.50 $17.50

SPRING MILLINERY A Full Line_of All the New Shades and Materia^ including the*

Smart Bakous and Bangkoks.

. ! . • ' ' •

| . 1


W h e n your feet a r e t i red a n d j o u r

a rches feel a s though thev were break­

ing? down—when each step you taJke Is

painful—giro y o u r feet t he joy of relief

by stepping: in to a pa i r of Eni ia J e t t i c k

Shoes, They suppor t tho arcl i ffently

b u t firmly a n d allow ample room for

tho toes giving comfort t h a t yon n e v e r

believed possible In shoes of such m a n i ­

fest s tyle .

H a r r o w Heel Fi t t ings—AAA to E E E .

Exclusively a t

Smith's Shoe Store W E S T C A T S K I L L


Dairy Stock and Poultry

Delivered and Sold Ont ol tbe Car

E. J . V a n V a l k e n b u r g h West Catskill Phone 408

Rip Van Winkle Sweet Stioppe TRY OUR NEW LINE



Double-Dipped Chocolates 60c. p e r Found

S P E C I A L T H I S W E E K - E N D !


39c. per Pound, Regula r COc.

Mtuis'-in St'-i't. West Cox5.1 < :.!



Her Cross LitUe Boy Wouldn't Eai or Sleep

"My little pan li;ul poor n.r>petile, oouliln't pkop nnd w a s c ioss . I Knv<» him Vinol .trul it ended the'so t roubles like mngic."—Mrs. I... DuCr,\-;t.

Vinci supplies tho body impor t an t mineral e lements at iron, calcium with cod liver peptone. This Is Just w h a t thin, nervous ch*hlren or adu l t s need, nnd the QUICK rcsultn a r e surpr i s ing . Th^ very F I R S T bottle- hrlnfrs sound sleep and a BIG fippetitc. Vinol t as tes delicious'. J . M. Dul 'olc . Druggis t .

SPRING IS HERE^ Time to Graft Your Trees



Garden and Flower Seeds fv We Carry a Splendid Variety of Rice's, Mandeville

and King's Seeds.



Sole Agent for Vinol and Huyton's Candies'

T r


•:,•?< M y ^ ^ ^ r ^ a ^ B

I Cl

Farm Drain Tile • • U L i.rr.Tii- w ana, — g — —i i. —•• IIL, -^ IL I I ^ — K O M M M O L U M M I I H • i mi i • • • • • • —

GEOc W . HOLDRIDGE & CO.. Phone 27 98 West Bridge St.. Oatsiai:

Builders' Supplies Feed and Grain


DAY & HOLT DO. 'We have It, will get it or it isn't made'

%•- - t i

HOUSE TO RENT. Mn:ill llmiNr nriir I.redi, $^ f-cr nionill.

Al'Plt M U S . j . A. nn.vNF,

!•:.•>!).• .-.:.v .( c,7 Main s ; . Cat-Vlll.

DWELLING FOR RENT. Uriel; l lon .p C " Miln St.. Cl!.<Vlll. Hot-

«nlcr !'..:it-fli;'1 lr.ipi«vrivi' ,nt«. Iminlrc A i r r m i : S I O N K I . I N " .

v. . ' M :;: St . C-i!ci;l:;.

ATTENTI0N FRUIT-GROWERS! (nlonlr« f<t Tire* nv.-iilnlde f4.r iiiri'. il;;r-

i n : ,-"lllH.i|i...i s.Mvon. Apply to (JMOK'li: I t l tAY.

Phono -!."l-M. Catskill, N. Y.



GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS IN BILK Rice's Tested and Well Known Seeds; we are quite

sure no better seeds can be procured anywhere.

PEAS—Thomas Laxton, Nott 's Excelsior, Telephone, Little Gem.

BEANS—Wardwell's Kidney, Golden Wax, Kentucky Wonder, Burpee Stringlcss, White Kidney.

CORN- Golden Bantam, Early Evergreen, Bantam Evergreen.

A FUll ASSORTMENT OF 0T0ER SEEDS Cucumber Beets Cauliflower Cabbage Lettuce

Onion Parsnip Pepper Pumpkin Radish Spinach Squash Tomato Turnip

Ulro's VclvPl \ \ \

Lawn fjcfd \ \ ,J I.awn Seed


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069