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The Internet Wealth Report

There's no mystery about it. It's not magic.

Would you like to be able to make money on the Internet?

You can... if you have the right information.

Finally! A Simple, Easy-To-Understand Report That Brings Everything Together!

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you please as long as no contents is modified. Only members of Online

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report, all others can and will be prosecuted. Copyright © 2009 by Dave

Gray – SEO and Admin of Online Business Alliance. All rights reserved.

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The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 2

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 The Internet Is Not Magic

Chapter 2 Stop Thinking Like A Consumer

Chapter 3 What Causes Most People To Fail

Chapter 4 You Can Have The Best Of Both Worlds

Chapter 5 A Real Business For Just Five Dollars?

Chapter 6 Automatic, Hands-Free, Passive Residual


Chapter 7 Your Choices Create Your Future

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 3

Chapter 1.

There's no mystery about it. It's not magic.

That's the first thing we need to discuss... the Internet is NOT magic!

Why do so many people struggle (and fail) at making money on the Internet?

One reason is because they think the Internet can do things that are impossible.

They've been told again and again that all they need to do is join this program or sign up for that program... and send in some money... and they'll make tons of money while they sleep... because someone else is doing all the work!

They've been told they can earn 12% interest PER DAY... when some of the world's most highly-skilled fund managers struggle to maintain average returns of 12% PER YEAR... so they send in hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars and then they're shocked when the program collapses and they lose their "investment"!

They're told that they'll make money as a result of the "spillover" they get from their upline... who also signed up with the promise that they'd get spillover from their upline... and nobody does anything so nobody gets anything except the owner of the program. He gets the money you sent in.

Why do so many people believe that impossible things can somehow happen because of the Internet? Because they don't really understand what the Internet is and what it can and can't do.

Here's what the Internet is and what it can do...

The Internet is a vast network of specialized computers called "servers" that have the ability to communicate with your computer and my computer and millions of other computers all over the world.

To better understand the Internet, you might want to think of your computer as a telephone... and the servers as the switchboard at the telephone company.

When you click a link or enter a url in your browser window, it's a lot like dialing a telephone number... but instead of you talking to your brother in Baltimore, your computer is talking to a server in a climate-controlled room somewhere. It's

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 4

asking that server for a website or an email or a picture or a song... or whatever. The server's job is to store whatever is placed on it, wait until some computer makes a request... and then "serve" that website or song or whatever to the computer that made the request.

So the report that you're reading right now is being "served" to your computer by my servers in Orlando, Florida. How did it get on my servers? I put it there, so you could read it whenever it's convenient for you. That way I don't have to be there to answer the phone when you call... I can let my servers do that for me. They'll process your computer's request and "serve" what your computer has asked for.

Because so many things can be converted into a digital file and uploaded onto a server... and because your computer is so good at communicating with servers all over the world... it's easy to see why you might begin to think that your computer is capable of doing things it can't do.

After all, it's no exaggeration to say that the Internet is by far the most powerful tool ever invented by mankind for communicating and for storing, processing, and delivering information.

Yes, the Internet is capable of doing some pretty amazing things!

But the Internet can't do everything. Even the Internet has limits.

Here's what the Internet can't do...

The Internet can't create money out of nothing. The Internet can't cause money to flow into your bank account unless you do something to actually EARN that money.

Why? Because all of the money in the world already belongs to someone... and they're doing their best to hold on to it. They're not going to send it to you unless they have a good reason!

So if you're going to make money on the Internet, the first thing you need to do is give a lot of people a very good reason to send their money to you.

What kind of a reason?

Basically, there are only two ways to get people to voluntarily send money to you.

• You can trick people... fool them into sending you money by telling them something that isn't true.

• Or you can provide people with something they want... something of value... something they're happy to pay for.

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 5

If your choice is to fool people... to cheat them out of their money using lies and deception... then you're wasting your time reading this Report. I have nothing to say that will help you.

But if you're the kind of person who values honesty, if your personal integrity is worth more to you than a few dollars, if you understand that in every legitimate business transaction BOTH parties benefit, then this Report is going to help you in ways that you can't even begin to imagine.

There are a few things I want you to understand...


1. ) Although the Internet is an amazing tool, it owns no money. When someone tells you that you can put up a website and it will "suck money from the Internet like a giant vacuum on steroids"... they're hoping to fool you into forgetting that money doesn't come from the Internet. Money comes from people.


2.) Dishonest people tell the truth most of the time, but honest people don't lie. If someone tells you they can guarantee you'll make a million dollars in six months... you know they're lying, don't you? So why bother to believe anything else they tell you? Honest people don't lie.


3.) You can make money honestly... or you can make money dishonestly... but you can't build a successful business on dishonesty. Don't fool yourself. You can't build a successful business in a few weeks or a few months. It takes time to build a highly profitable business. During that time, everything you say will have to stand the test of honesty. Don't lie, don't exaggerate, don't stretch the truth, and don't promote a website that isn't 100% honest.


4.) Honesty, integrity, and providing a valuable product and/or service are the foundation of every successful business. If you've had enough of the liars and scammers, and you're ready to see a real business that you can be proud of, Click HERE.


The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 6

Chapter 2.

Stop thinking like a consumer

Thinking like a consumer will destroy your business before you even begin.

In Chapter 1... you agree that you need to offer people something of value.

The next thing we need to consider is your customer.

But wait! You don't even have your business started yet! How can you consider your customer when you don't even know what your business will offer and you haven't even made your first sale?

This is one of the first areas where most people stumble... they go about their business backwards. They choose a product that they like, assign a price to their product, and then look for buyers.

That's exactly the opposite of what they should be doing.

That's thinking from the viewpoint of a consumer... a person who buys things.

To succeed in business, you must begin to think from the viewpoint of a businessperson... a person who sells things.

The way to succeed in business is to identify a large group of potential customers, determine what they can afford to pay, then find a product that they want that falls within that price range.

Here's what I mean...

Bill decides he wants to have his own business. He's always liked expensive watches so he decides to go into the luxury wristwatch business. He's thrilled to learn that he can make thousands of dollars each time a customer buys one of his expensive watches... and they certainly are beautiful... so, using his home as collateral he borrows a few hundred thousand dollars, quits his job, and opens a store selling top-of-the-line watches.

Then he advertises and waits... and waits... and advertises... and puts his watches on sale... and waits.

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 7

But Bill lives in a medium-sized city and not many people can afford his watches... although they certainly are beautiful.

Then the local factory shuts down... and a few hundred people lose their jobs. Some of them are forced to move to another town in order to find employment. Suddenly there are a lot of homes for sale in Bill's town, and the price of real estate is falling. There are fewer people buying groceries, fewer people buying new cars, and fewer people going to the doctor's office.

Three of Bill's most likely customers... the man who owns the local grocery store, the local new car dealer, and the doctor in town... have all decided to wait a while before they buy that fancy new watch they've been thinking about... so Bill waits.

Meanwhile Bill's neighbor, Joe, also decides he wants to have a business of his own.

Joe looks around at the rising unemployment in his town. He sees people struggling for lack of income. He sees his friends working two jobs, spending more and more time away from their families. On television he sees the same things happening around the world... the cost of living going up and incomes going down.

Joe realizes that if there was some kind of business where he could help people make money... he could have a very successful business! He also realizes that if he can keep the price of his product or service VERY low... so that practically anyone could afford it, finding new customers would be easy!

Joe has found his potential customer base... people who need (or just want) to make more money. He has determined some general pricing guidelines... the less expensive his prices, the better. Now all he needs is a product!

See the difference?

Bill was thinking like a consumer. "I'd buy that expensive watch, so other people will too!"

Joe's thinking like a businessman. "I need to find a product or a service that lots of people want at a price they can easily afford."

So who do you think is going to succeed? My money's on Joe, but let's see what he does next. After all, he's not there yet!

Joe and the Internet.

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 8

Joe looks around town and doesn't find what he's looking for... so he turns to the Internet. (Side note: Joe's not alone! According to search engine results, "making money" is the single fastest-growing area of interest online! Millions of people are literally searching for a legitimate way to make money on the Internet!)

Joe finds lots of ways to make money on the Internet... supposedly. He sees hundreds of flashy websites promising to make him rich overnight. They all say pretty much the same thing. "Join NOW and we'll flood your PayPal account as you sleep!"

Do any of those programs really work?

It doesn't matter, because that's not what Joe is looking for.

Joe's not looking for something he can BUY... remember, Joe stopped thinking like a consumer... he's looking for a product or a service that he can use to build his own business.

He's looking for something that OTHER PEOPLE will want to buy!

Joe's not looking for a way that HE can get rich overnight! He's looking for something that will help OTHER PEOPLE... because he understands that as a businessman, the more people he can help, the more money he'll be able to earn!

You can have everything in life that you want if you will just

help enough other people get what they want. ~Zig Ziglar

So Joe keeps looking... and reading... and learning.

Then one day he finds a free report called the "Internet Wealth Report"... this report... and he begins to read.

Immediately he notices a distinct difference... there's no fluff... no hype... no silly claims or outlandish promises.

The Report talks about reality and common sense and having a profitable business by providing products and services that actually help other people... products and services that people can afford to buy... and that they'll be happy to buy!

The Report doesn't promise to make Joe a millionaire by next Tuesday... it explains how Joe can start and run a business of his own... and make money... by providing valuable products to millions of people all around the world... with practically no risk at all!

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 9

The Report makes a lot of sense to Joe. He agrees with the philosophy of building a successful business based on products and services that other people want and need, so now it's just a matter of finding the right products and setting up his business the right way.

Is there such a thing as "the perfect business"?

Joe starts by making a "wish list" of everything he could possibly ask for in a business.

Let's see what Joe's looking for... his idea of the perfect business.

• He wants a business that's completely set up and ready to run... 99% automated... simple to start and simple to operate.

• He wants a business with a growing catalog of products that he can offer... valuable products that people want and need. They need to be high quality so that more people will want them, and low price, so that more people can afford them.

• He would prefer to sell digital products. He understands the advantages of having products that can be delivered to his customers over the Internet... immediately and at no cost... keeping his expenses low and his profits high.

• He wants a business with an unlimited inventory of products available for him to sell. That way he can sell millions of products and never have to re-order (or pay for) more.

• He wants a business with a generous commission rate (is a 100% commission rate asking too much?) on all sales generated by his website. And he would like it if his website could be supplied, hosted, and maintained at no cost to him.

• He wants a business with a system already in place for his customers to pay him directly for their purchases. As a businessman, he knows how important cash flow is, and real-time payments on every order is the best it gets!

• He wants a business with an amazing support structure already in place and hundreds of real people all around the world waiting to answer his questions any time of the day or night... within minutes... at no cost to him.

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 10

• He wants to be able to expand his business whenever he's ready... so that he can grow his profits by offering his customers an ever-expanding array of products and services... and build solid, passive, recurring income automatically... providing him with the security he wants for his family now and in the years to come.

• He wants a business where he's in complete control... he can build his business as fast or as slow as he wants... and always be assured of getting all the help he needs... from real people who honestly care about him and his success.

That's quite a list! I think you'll agree that Joe pretty much wants it all.

What he has described would be the perfect business... if it was even possible.

And if it were possible... could Joe ever be able to afford such a business?

Let's suppose for a moment that Joe actually finds a business that meets every one of his criteria for the perfect business... and discovers that he can actually afford it.

He can have an unlimited supply of digital products... and a full 100% commission on all sales... and real-time payments from customers... and 24/7/365 live support... and a complete Internet commerce suite... at a price that he can afford!

Obviously Joe's research has paid off! He's not only found a good business, he's found the perfect business!

And since it's already set up and waiting for him, within a few minutes he's up and running!


Bill has used up his business loan on advertising, the rent for his store, product inventory and insurance, his own salary... and payments on the loan itself... and he's still waiting for his first customer. Nobody's bought a watch yet because nobody can afford his watches... although they certainly are beautiful.

Bill is beginning to wonder if he'll be able to keep from losing his home.

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 11

Joe, on the other hand, is beginning to see a few sales trickle in. He's learning all about how to promote his business on the Internet, and is amazed to see his website generating sales in other countries. Soon, he's already recovered the money he invested to get his business started... plus some profit.

Since he has no business expenses and didn't have to quit his job, his profits are actually ADDING to his family's income... and not going out to replace a lost income or pay for expenses.

As Joe's profits increase, he decides it's time to expand his business and create an additional income source... so he clicks a link in his back office and finds another business ready and waiting for him!

Joe finds that for a small one-time fee he can have another business with another unlimited supply of products that his customers will want to buy also... and each time a customer makes a purchase, Joe will earn more money... instantly and automatically... without having to do anything at all!

For Joe it's a completely hand-free source of income that will continue... and continue to GROW... as he continues to promote his main business.

There are a few things I want you to understand...


1. ) Bill's business is failing because Bill made a business decision from the viewpoint of a consumer... product, price, customer.

Joe's business is growing... slowly but steadily... and succeeding because Joe made a business decision from the viewpoint of a businessman... customer, price, product.


2.) Bill and Joe are real people. Their names might not be Bill and Joe... they might be Sally and Jane... or Ralph and Jerry. The names aren't important... but it's VERY important that you understand what happened to Bill and why... and what happened to Joe and why.


3.) Bill's watch store isn't real (as far as I know)... but Joe's business IS real. That's right. You can go right back to Joe's wish list and read it again and have everything on his list for a one-time $5 product purchase.

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 12


4.) If you've been searching for the perfect business... and spending too much money for too little return... and wasting your time instead of making progress... then you owe it to yourself to see the business that Joe found... the one he's succeeding at... the perfect business! Click HERE.


The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 13

Chapter 3.

Why so many people fail... and why you don't have to.

This will completely change the way you do business online.

You're about to learn what causes most people to fail... and why.

In Chapter 3 we're going to look at the one thing that will absolutely, without question, cause you to fail... and how you're constantly being encouraged to do that one thing... and why you've been given such bad advice by so many people who know better!

So here it is...

If you're trying to become successful by promoting more than one program, you're working against yourself.

Why? Because you only have a certain amount of time, energy, and money that you can commit to promoting any program or business. These are your "advertising resources", and they're limited.

That means if you're splitting your advertising resources by advertising two different programs, the results for each of those programs will be reduced by half.

That would be like opening a restaurant... but closing for two weeks every month. What would your chances be for success if you did that?

About zero.

And it gets worse if you're advertising more programs!

If you're advertising three programs, each program will have only 33% of your advertising resources... and lose the other 67%. That's a 67% reduction in new customers, sign-ups, affiliates, or whatever you're trying to achieve in that program.

That's like having your restaurant open just ten days a month!

It's hard to imagine, but I've seen some people trying to build four or five or even six different programs at once! They were desperately trying everything they

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could think of... but nothing was working. They were falling farther and farther behind in monthly fees for all those programs... and they were all failing.

But wait a minute! All the experts and gurus say that you need "multiple streams of income" to be successful! They say that you shouldn't count on just one program or just one business in case it goes under. Isn't that good advice?

Let's put it this way... if you were the owner of a program, and you knew that 99% of the people who see your website have already paid to join at least one other program, what would your advice to those people be?

Would you tell them that their best chance for success is to focus on the program they've already joined?

Probably not.

You'd probably tell them that they need to join your program too... so they'll have a "safety net" in case the other program should fail. And even if it doesn't fail, if they join your program also, they'll have that wonderful phenomenon called "multiple streams of income".

So is it any wonder that all the experts and gurus (who own the programs) are so enthusiastic in their endorsement of the "multiple streams of income" approach?

Not really.

But what they don't tell you is that by trying to advertise both programs, you're causing your own failure in both programs.

They don't tell you because it's not important... to them. What's important to them is that you click that "Join Now!" button and send in your money. That's what they're interested in!

So do yourself a HUGE favor and forget about trying to advertise more than one program.

Choose ONE business and commit yourself to building that one business.

You can FAIL at LOTS of businesses... or you can SUCCEED at ONE business... but you'll NEVER succeed by dividing your efforts and trying to build more than one business at a time.

Success requires focus.

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 15

If you don't believe me, just ask any successful person you can find whether you should concentrate all your efforts on building one business... or scatter your efforts among a bunch of different programs.

I think we both already know the answer to that one!

Success requires focus.

So if you're trying to promote more than one program, you can take a giant step forward right now.

Choose one and get rid of the rest.

Remember... success requires focus.

There are a few things I want you to understand...


1. ) Trying to promote more than one program at a time will cause you to fail.

Program owners advise you to join (and promote) multiple programs because it's easier than proving why their program is better than someone else's.


2.) The ONLY way to succeed is to pick ONE business and commit all of your efforts and resources to building THAT business to a successful level.


3.) It's YOUR responsibility to choose the best business for you. Don't rely on what you read on the website. Spend as much time as necessary to learn all you can about a business BEFORE you make your decision.


4.) If someone can't explain WHY their business is better than the others, then it's probably not... and why would you want to waste your time and money on that business?

I'll tell you why so many people have decided to focus their efforts on this one particular business... and then you can decide if it's also the right business for you. Click HERE.

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 16

Chapter 4.

How you can have the best of both worlds.

Most people don't know this is even possible, but it is.

You're about to learn how it works... and why it works.

In Chapter 4 we're going to look at how you can have "multiple streams of income" while still focusing 100% of your available resources on just one business.

Why is that important?

Remember Chapter 3? Success requires focus.

You will always achieve greater results if you focus all your efforts on promoting just one program rather than splitting your efforts trying to promote two or more programs at once.

That's not an opinion... that's a mathematical certainty.

But it also raises a question.

How can you focus 100% of your attention and available resources on just ONE business... and still have the security and additional income that comes from building incomes in multiple programs?

Think about this...

Every day millions of people search the Internet for some way to earn an income.

They spend millions of dollars joining thousands or programs and it's entirely random.

What if there was a way for you to get all those people to line up and follow you into one program?

And then another?

And another?

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 17

Do you suppose you could make money doing that?


In fact, if there was some way for you to get lots of people to follow you into one program after another... again and again and again... it would be impossible for you NOT to make money.

So how can you do that?

How can you get lots of people to follow you into program after program after program?

It's easy! All you have to do is show them how they can get lots of people to follow them into program after program after program!

But you don't know how to do that, do you? How can you show other people how to do something if you don't know how?

That's easy too! I'll show you!

You see, in my business I teach people how to focus all of their advertising resources on just ONE very simple business... and then I show them how they can create "multiple streams of income" by having people line up and follow them into one program after another after another... automatically... without ever promoting any of those other programs.

The results are predictable.

Since they're able to focus 100% of their available resources on just ONE business, they can succeed in that business!

And they make money.

And as they make money in that business, they are provided with another program they can join to increase their income.

Not dozens of different programs... just one.

As they continue to build their original business, that program will grow automatically... without any time or money or effort spent promoting it.

Soon they're making money in both their primary business AND the second program that's growing automatically... but they're only promoting their primary business!

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 18

Now that they have more income from two income sources, they are provided with another program they can join... to increase their income even more.

Not dozens of different programs... just one.

As they continue to promote their original business, that program will grow automatically... just like the first one... without any time or money or effort spent promoting it.

See what's happening here?

Since they can focus all of their efforts on promoting just ONE business, they can succeed at that business.

And since the other programs grow automatically, their income also grows automatically, and they automatically create "multiple streams of income".

But wait a minute.

How do those programs "grow automatically" without anyone promoting them?

That's a fair question. Here's the answer.

Tell me, would you join a program if you knew that 10 or 15 or maybe 100 other people would join under you, and you knew you would make money by joining that program?

Sure you would! If you knew without question that you could spend $10 and earn $50, you'd jump at the chance.

Anyone would!

That's how those programs grow automatically without anyone promoting them.

Using our proprietary software, those programs will grow automatically as people line up to follow you into those program... because they KNOW people will line up to follow THEM!

It may sound complicated at first, but it's really an amazingly simple system that allows you to start your own Internet business for a total cost of just $5 (yes, just five dollars) and then use a portion of your profits to create additional incomes that grow automatically... as you focus 100% of your available resources on just ONE business.

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 19

There are a few things I want you to understand...


1. ) Trying to promote more than one program at a time will cause you to fail.


2.) There's no NEED for you to waste your time trying!

Now there's a way to focus all of your efforts and resources on building just ONE business to a successful level... and create MANY additional incomes AUTOMATICALLY!


3.) This is NOT just a theory... we're doing it NOW.

We're teaching others and we can teach YOU as well!


4.) You can get everything you need just by making a simple one-time $5 ebook purchase. Click HERE.


The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 20

Chapter 5

The Foundation for YOUR Automatic, Hands- Free, Passive Residual Income...

A Real Business for Just $5

Not all incomes are alike!

What exactly is "automatic, hands-free, passive residual income"?

Just so there's no misunderstanding... let's break it down one word at a time.

• automatic having the capability of starting, operating, moving, etc., independently

• hands-free not requiring the hands for operation

• passive not involving active participation

• residual of, relating to, or being something that remains

• income the money received for goods or services, or from other sources

So... "automatic, hands-free, passive residual income" is money that you did nothing to receive, yet you receive it over and over and over again, whether you do anything or not, even if you don't want it.

Is That Really Possible?

Yes. It happens all the time.

If you had a few million dollars in good, solid, high-yield investments, you would have an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income.

If you owned a lot of real estate that produced a steady flow of income... or if you had written a book that went to the top of the New York Times Bestseller List... or if you were a very successful musician or song writer... you would have an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income.

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 21

Personally, I earn automatic, hands-free, passive residual income every day... and it's not from stocks or real estate. I'm not a well known author or song writer. And believe me... nobody's going to pay money to hear me sing!

My automatic, hands-free, passive residual income is from my Internet business. I get paid every day whether I do anything or not.

That's right. Every day someone sends money into one of my online pay processors without me doing anything at all. I wasn't expecting it, I didn't ask for it, I did nothing to cause it to happen, and I couldn't stop it if I wanted to.

Oh... and one other thing... it grows.

Yes, my automatic, hands-free, passive residual income grows each month.

Is That Something You Might Be Interested In?

If you said "No"... you need to go back to the top of this page and read it again because you missed something important.

Take it from me, there are very few things as much fun as receiving money every day for doing nothing.

If you said "YES!"... then you're in the right place because I'm going to tell you exactly how YOU can have automatic, hands-free, passive residual income that grows every month... doing exactly the same things I do.

Keep reading...

Ready? Let's begin.

The first thing you'll need is a LOT of very specific computer programming... but don't worry about that. I've got you covered.

In fact, I've already paid many thousands of dollars to some of the best computer programmers available to produce a highly-specialized collection of code that makes all of this possible... and it's yours to use at no cost.

Wait... did I say "no cost"? I meant to say that it's included when you spend $5 to purchase an ebook. You buy the ebook for $5 and there's no additional charge for the computer programming that's cost me thousands of dollars and years of my time.

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 22

This amazing collection of computer code enables my servers to communicate with computers all over the world, and it's the key to YOUR automatic, hands-free, passive residual income that grows each month.

You'll also need a product that people want and are willing to pay money for... but don't worry about that. I've got you covered.

In fact, I've already secured a product that people want and are willing to pay money for and you'll have an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of product inventory... and it's yours at no cost.

Wait... did I say "no cost"? I meant to say that it's included when you spend $5 to purchase an ebook. You buy the ebook for $5 (the same one as above) and there's no additional charge for an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of product inventory. You can sell ten or ten thousand and it won't cost you another dime.

Not only that, but every time we add another new product, you'll receive an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of the new product as well... at no additional cost!

Having access to an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of product inventory that doesn't cost you anything makes it that much easier for you to create an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income that grows each month.

You'll also need a way to show your products to prospective customers... but don't worry about that. I've got you covered.

In fact, I've already created all the sales pages and presentation pages you'll need... and they're yours at no cost.

Wait... did I say "no cost"? I meant to say that they're included when you spend $5 to purchase an ebook. You buy the ebook for $5 (the same one as above) and there's no additional charge for all the sales pages and presentation pages you'll need, including the Internet Wealth Report that you're reading right now!

Not only that, but every time we add another new product, you'll receive all the sales pages and presentation pages for the new product as well... at no additional cost!

Obviously, having all the sales pages and presentation pages you'll need is vital if you want to have an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income that grows each month.

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 23

You'll also need a way to deliver your products to prospective customers... but don't worry about that. I've got you covered.

In fact, I've already arranged to have all of your products delivered to your customers instantly anywhere in the world... and instant worldwide delivery for your products is yours at no cost.

Wait... did I say "no cost"? I meant to say that it's included when you spend $5 to purchase an ebook. You buy the ebook for $5 (the same one as above) and there's no additional charge to have all of your products delivered to your customers instantly anywhere in the world.

Not only that, but there's no additional charge to your customers either! And you'll never have to worry about normal delivery problems like having products get lost or damaged in delivery. Your products can't break or leak or dent or rust or spill or spoil or melt or freeze... and it all happens without you doing anything!

Instant, zero-cost, worldwide delivery is another important element for having an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income that grows each month.

You'll also need a way for your customers to pay you... but don't worry about that. I've got you covered.

In fact, I've already arranged for you to specify as many as seven different methods of payment for your customers to use to send you money... and the choice of pay methods is yours at no cost.

Wait... did I say "no cost"? I meant to say that it's included when you spend $5 to purchase an ebook. You buy the ebook for $5 (the same one as above) and there's no additional charge for the programming that allows you to specify as many as seven different methods of payment that you'll accept.

Not only that, but YOU GET PAID INSTANTLY and YOU GET 100% of the SALES PRICE! When someone buys a product from one of your websites, 100% of the price is deposited instantly to one of your chosen payment accounts! We keep nothing and you get everything immediately. No waiting weeks or months to get paid. No minimum payment amounts or charges to send you what's yours. You get 100% of the sale price and you get paid instantly to one of seven different pay methods that you select!

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 24

With complete control of your pay methods, 100% commissions, and instant payments, you're well on your way to having an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income that grows each month.

You'll also need someone to help you along and answer your questions... but don't worry about that. I've got you covered.

In fact, I've already assembled the most user-friendly, reliable support structure available anywhere... and you'll have unlimited 24/7 access at no cost.

Wait... did I say "no cost"? I meant to say that it's included when you spend $5 to purchase an ebook. You buy the ebook for $5 (the same one as above) and there's no additional charge for unlimited 24/7 access to the most user-friendly and reliable support structure available anywhere.

I'm NOT talking about some half-baked "help desk" where you turn in a trouble ticket and then wait for days (or weeks)... only to get a generic answer that someone copied and pasted from the FAQ page. I'm talking about an extensive network of real people from all around the world... real people who really care about you and your success... real people who want to help you and usually answer questions within minutes, not days of weeks. If you've ever been left wondering what to do or who to ask... you can kiss those days good-bye!

With unlimited 24/7 access to the most user-friendly and reliable support structure available anywhere, an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income that grows each month is finally within your reach.

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 25

Let's pause for a moment and review.

Up to this point here's what you've got... ...and what you've spent.

An ebook. $5 one time

Thousands of dollars worth of highly-specific computer programming. included

An UNLIMITED product inventory. You'll never spend another dime buying more products! included

All the sales pages and presentation pages you'll need. included

Instant, zero-cost, worldwide delivery. included

Let your customers choose from as many as seven different methods of payment. included

You get 100% of the sale price. included

You get paid instantly. included

Unlimited 24/7 access to the most user-friendly and reliable support structure available anywhere. included

Total: $5 one time

That's a start...

Yes, that's a start... and a pretty good start at that!

That will help you make some money, and that's your first step, but it won't get you an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income... yet.

You need to put a few more things in place before that can happen.

Surprised? You shouldn't be. Having a business that can provide an income is one thing. Having a business that's profitable enough to pay you more and more each month... even after you stop working... is another matter altogether!

What I just described for you is designed to be the foundation for your automatic, hands-free, passive residual income.

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 26

There are a few things I want you to understand...


1. ) You've heard it all your life... "It takes money to make money"... but did you realize that you can get everything you need to make money online for just five dollars?

You can.


2.) You can make money using those tools... but you'll never become wealthy selling $5 ebooks, even at 100% commission.

The BEST thing you can do with the money you earn from your ebook business is use it to create an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income that grows every month.

I'll show you how in Chapter 6. You'll get that tomorrow.


3.) This is NOT just a theory... we're doing it NOW.

We're teaching others and we can teach YOU as well!


4.) You can learn more now if you want. Click HERE.


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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 27

Chapter 6.

Automatic, Hands-Free, Passive Residual Income

A Quick Review

One more time... What exactly is "automatic, hands-free, passive residual income"?

• automatic having the capability of starting, operating, moving, etc., independently

• hands-free not requiring the hands for operation

• passive not involving active participation

• residual of, relating to, or being something that remains

• income the money received for goods or services, or from other sources

So... "automatic, hands-free, passive residual income" is money that you did nothing to receive, yet you receive it over and over and over again, whether you do anything or not, even if you don't want it.

You have your foundation in place...

Up to this point here's what you've got... ...and what you've spent.

An ebook. $5 one time

Thousands of dollars worth of highly-specific computer programming. included

An UNLIMITED product inventory. You'll never spend another dime buying more products! included

All the sales pages and presentation pages you'll need. included

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 28

Instant, zero-cost, worldwide delivery. included

Let your customers choose from as many as seven different methods of payment. included

You get 100% of the sale price. included

You get paid instantly. included

Unlimited 24/7 access to the most user-friendly and reliable support structure available anywhere. included

Total: $5 one time

What else do you need?

Think about every extremely successful business that you're familiar with... and what they all have in common.

Every highly profitable business... the kind of business that can provide an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income... has lots of people working to keep that business moving forward and generating revenue.

If you want a business that can provide you with an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income, you need lots of people working in your business... but don't worry about that. I've got you covered.

It works like this...

1.) The products we sell are designed to appeal to people who are trying to make money on the Internet. These people are your prospective customers... and there are millions of them and more coming online every second of every day.

2.) As you advertise your websites, some of these people will buy an ebook from your website. We keep the price VERY low to make it easy for anyone to buy your products.

3.) Everyone who buys one of your ebooks will also receive everything on the list above (the list with the red check marks) just like you will. That's right... now you'll be able to offer that entire list of benefits to your customers for only $5... and you'll get to keep 100% of the price!

4.) Some of your customers will decide that they want to have an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income too, and they'll decide to start advertising their websites. Each time that happens, your business grows.

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 29

So far there's nothing new... Now You Need To Pay Close Attention.

5.) In your back office... you'll have an opportunity to do something that you probably never thought possible. You'll be able to acquire something for $30 one-time... plus one customer... and that item will create an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income.

What "item" that you could get for just $30... plus one customer... could possibly be capable of creating an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income?

It's called an AdSpace™ and you've never seen one before. They're not available anywhere else.

I invented the AdSpace™ and I use it to help people like you create an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income.

How? Like this...

Welcome to the Internet Advertising Industry!

If you're like most people, you've spent money on advertising before. But have you ever EARNED money on advertising?

Advertising is by far the biggest industry on the Internet... and one of the biggest industries in the world. Every time you do anything or go anywhere online, there are ads. Billions of dollars are spent on Internet advertising.

Tell me, how much of that is going to you?

If you said, "None of it"... that's about to change.

In your back office (which also comes with your $5 ebook purchase), you'll be able to lease an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of AdSpaces™ for a one-time cost of just $30... plus one customer.

When one of your ebook customers decides to lease an AdSpace™, he'll pay you $20... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer.

That customer will also pay you $20... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer.

That customer will also pay you $20... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer.

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 30

That customer will also pay you $20... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer.

That customer will also pay you $20... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer.

See what's happening? You get another $20 plus another paying customer each time!

And guess what! That happens automatically!

It's a 100% automatic, hands-free, passive residual income.

Once you get that started, you will receive "money that you did nothing to receive, yet you receive it over and over and over again, whether you do anything or not, even if you don't want it"... just like I do now!

But it doesn't stop there!

Once you see how easy it is to create your own automatic, hands-free, passive residual income, you're going to want to do it again!

And so you shall!

Because every time another one of your ebook customers decides that he or she wants to have an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income, they'll lease an AdSpace™ from you and pay you $20... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer.

That customer will also pay you $20... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer.

That customer will also pay you $20... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer.

That customer will also pay you $20... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer.

That customer will also pay you $20... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer.

You'll have not just ONE, but MANY automatic, hands-free, passive residual incomes!!!

But it doesn't stop there!

The Internet Wealth Report

Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 31

As soon as you fulfill the terms of your lease ($30 plus one AdSpace™ lease customer), you'll automatically become eligible to lease ANOTHER AdSpace™.

The second AdSpace™ costs $50 one time... plus one AdSpace™ lease customer... and you'll earn $30 plus one AdSpace™ lease customer every time someone leases that AdSpace™ from you!

As soon as you fulfill the terms of that lease ($50 plus one AdSpace™ lease customer), you'll automatically become eligible to lease ANOTHER AdSpace™.

The third AdSpace™ costs $70 one time... plus TWO AdSpace™ lease customers... and you'll earn $50 plus TWO AdSpace™ lease customers every time someone leases that AdSpace™ from you!

Whoa! Wait! Time OUT!!!

Do you realize what you just read???

When someone leases one of THOSE AdSpaces™ from you... you'll earn $50 plus TWO AdSpace™ lease customers!

BOTH of them will pay you $50 plus TWO AdSpace™ lease customers! That's $100 plus FOUR AdSpace™ lease customers!

All four of them will pay you $50 plus TWO AdSpace™ lease customers! That's $200 plus EIGHT AdSpace™ lease customers!

All eight of them will pay you $50 plus TWO AdSpace™ lease customers! That's $400 plus SIXTEEN AdSpace™ lease customers!

All sixteen of them will pay you $50 plus TWO AdSpace™ lease customers! That's $800 plus THIRTY-TWO AdSpace™ lease customers!

And that just keeps going and expanding and going and expanding and your automatic, hands-free, passive residual income just keeps GROWING!!!

And every time another one of your customers leases that AdSpace™ from you, the same thing starts all over again!

You'll have not just ONE, but MANY automatic, hands-free, passive GROWING residual incomes!!!

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Well? NOW do you believe that YOU can have your own automatic, hands-free, passive residual income

that grows every month?

I hope so, because you CAN!

In fact, there are lots MORE ways to make even MORE money... but I'm not going to explain those here.

After all, if what you've read up to this point isn't enough to make you DETERMINED to buy a $5 ebook and get your own AdSpace™... then I guess I'm just wasting your time.

So here's the bottom line.

I don't know how many different ways you've tried to make money on the Internet, and frankly I don't care. You've NEVER seen anything like this before and if you're serious about creating a brighter future for yourself and your family, this is what you've been searching for.


Click HERE and let's get started!

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 33

Chapter 7.

Your Choices Create Your Future

This is YOUR life!

If you're not 100% satisfied with your life... then DO SOMETHING about it!

Yesterday, in Chapter 6, when I explained how you can create an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income, did you decide to DO SOMETHING to create a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones?

The purpose of this Report is to help you see something that you didn't know was available... to educate you so that you can get started making solid progress toward a brighter tomorrow.

The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life. Plato (427 BC - 347 BC), The Republic

If you did, good for you! I look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your goals!

If you didn't... why not? Is it because you don't believe it's possible? Is it because you've been fooled before?

If that's the case, I'd like to caution you about letting past disappointments prevent you from taking advantage of what many people consider the greatest opportunity they have ever found.

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)

OBA is a very young company with an incredibly bright future... a future that you can learn about and share simply by purchasing a $5 ebook and then following our simple yet powerful OBA Business Plan.

As an OBA Affiliate, you'll be able to create your own future... no matter where you are today.

If you have a computer with an Internet connection, time to invest in your own future, a burning desire to own a successful, profitable Internet business, and the

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Copyright by Dave Gray – Online Business Alliance 34

ability to ask questions and follow instructions... then we have everything else you'll need to create a future that includes the comfort, freedom, and security that you and your family deserve.

The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.

Leonard I. Sweet

The only thing that can provide you with a life of complete and total financial independence is an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income.

If you want an automatic, hands-free, passive residual income here's your chance.

I don't know any other way to say it.


Click HERE and let's get started!

Your friend and partner,

Dave Gray Dave Gray Dave Gray Dave Gray