Download - The publication of the Watkins Family to Costa Rica PRAYER ... … · The publication of the Watkins Family to Costa Rica PRAYER REQUESTS •Opportunities to share the Gospel •Health

Page 1: The publication of the Watkins Family to Costa Rica PRAYER ... … · The publication of the Watkins Family to Costa Rica PRAYER REQUESTS •Opportunities to share the Gospel •Health

Dear Praying Friends,

We would like to take a moment and thank God for His love and provision for us over the past month. We have been able to get Conner enrolled in school and purchase a vehicle! God has provided for us every step of the way! And we know that the next month will not be any different! God is so good to us!!

Getting settled in a new home or city is an ordeal, but getting settled in a new country where you do not know the language or culture is something altogether different! But we have taken it on as an adventure! Culture shock has been minimal for Jodi and Clayton, but is still a factor with Conner and Eva. We are attending International Baptist Church in our area, and it has been a blessing to have a church to attend for more than just a few services. Conner is really enjoying Sunday School and being in Children’s Church. Eva, however is not real keen on going to class just yet, so she is staying with us during services. This is understandable after being in over 100 churches in 17 months. She just wants stability and conti-nuity and at age 2, we are willing to give it to her until she is ready! Conner has had two days of school so far and is loving being in Kindergarten! He is going half days but will transition to full day in the Spring semester.

We already have several people who are ready to begin a Bible Study as soon as we can facilitate one! We will be keeping this simple and low key for a while as we still need to acclimate and as we are beginning language training next week. God has joined us with 2 missionary families so far that we are developing what looks to be long lasting friendships as we are likeminded in both our ministry and personal per-spectives. We thank God for His love toward us in providing these relationships!

Satan has really been fighting us in many ways, for instance; Clayton’s dad, Tony is undergoing a mitral valve repair/replacement at Baylor Heart Hospital in Plano, TX on Friday, and Clayton would love nothing more than to be there. But it is God that always shows up and gets us through the hard times with peace and comfort knowing He is in control. We thank each of you for your prayers and love toward us! We could not be here doing what God has called us to without you and your collective prayers and support! Also, we know God has big things in store for Costa Rica, and we feel blessed to be called by Him to have a part in His plan! We are reminded in Ephesians 3:19-21 that it is God who goes before us and loves us through all that we are going to face!

“And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”


The publication of the Watkins Family to Costa Rica PRAYER REQUESTS•Opportunities to share the Gospel•Health•Our personal belongings to arrive, and the funds to pay customs fees. (7 weeks waiting so far and looking to be WAY above budget)•Language study•Contacts and friends

August 2017

In His Service,Clayton, Jodi, Conner, Eva“The Watkins to Costa Rica”Sent by: Ramseur Baptist Church-Paris, Texas

Sent Through: WBFI Mission Agency P.O. Box 13459 Arlington, TX 76094Email:[email protected] Virtual Phone: 903-401-8074 FB: