Download - The Presidents of the United States. Every four years, the people of the United States choose a President. An election takes place on the first Tuesday.

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  • The Presidents of the United States
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  • Every four years, the people of the United States choose a President. An election takes place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The job of President is a very important one. The President picks many of the people who help run the country, including judges. He or she is in charge of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. He or she represents the United States and decides how we work with other countries. The President suggests laws and signs laws. Sometimes he or she even rejects laws. He or she works to help other countries get along. All About Electing a President of the United States
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  • Not just anyone can be President. You have to be born in the United States and be at least 35 years old. You can only be President for eight years (that's two four-year terms.) Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only person to be President for more than two terms. He was elected four times. The President can be a man or a woman of any race or any religion. The political parties choose a candidate at their conventions. Then the candidate picks their Vice Presidential running mate. The members of the party choose the ideas they think are important and the candidates begin to campaign. All About Electing a President of the United States
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  • After the election, the President elect picks many of the people who help run the country. He or she has to choose the people who would help the President run their office at the White House. They help plan who will be nominated for Cabinet positions. On January 20, the President is sworn in, in Washington, D.C. He recites an oath: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." All About Electing a President of the United States
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  • After the inauguration, the President nominates people to be in charge of the different departments of the federal government. The heads of the departments of the federal government make up the President's cabinet. There are many jobs to be filled and they are all important. The Senate must approve each nominee. The new President and his family move into the White House, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. That's when the hard work really starts. They will live there and work there for the next four years. All About Electing a President of the United States
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  • George Washington 1 st President Birthday: February 22, 1732 Death: December 14, 1799 Cause Of Death: Throat Infection Political Party: Federalist Quote: Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. (Unknown Date) Other facts: President from 1789-1797. He was the commander of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary war from 1775 to 1783. signature---------------------->
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  • John Adams 2 nd President Birthday: October 30, 1735 Death: July 4, 1826 Cause Of Death: He died of old age at 91 years of age Political Party: Federalist Quote: In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress. (Unknown Date) Other facts: President from 1797-1801 after being the first Vice President of The U.S. DC became the capital while he was president. Signature--------------->
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  • Thomas Jefferson 3 rd President Birthday: April 13, 1743 Death: July 4, 1826 Cause Of Death: At 83 years old, it was believed that he died of natural causes. Political Party: Democratic-Republican Quote: Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper Other Facts: Was president from 1801-1809 The Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition both took place during his presidency. Signature ----------------------- >
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  • James Madison 4 th President Birthday: March 16, 1751 Death: June 28, 1836 Cause Of Death: He died of heart failure. Political Party: Democratic-Republican Quote: All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree. Other Facts: Was president from 1809-1817 First president to serve in the United States Congress. He was responsible for the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. Signature---------------------->
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  • James Monroe 5 th President Birthday: April 28, 1758 Death: July 4, 1831 Cause Of Death: He also died from heart failure. Political Party: Democratic-Republican Quote: The best form of government is that which is most likely to prevent the greatest sum of evil. Other Facts: Was president from 1817-1825 The last Founding Father of The United States. Signature-->
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  • John Quincy Adams 6 th President Birthday: July 11, 1767 Death: February 23, 1848 Cause Of Death: Stroke Political Party: Democratic-Republican Quote: All men profess honesty as long as they can. To believe all men honest would be folly. To believe none so is something worse. Other Facts: Was president from 1825-1829 Only served a single term in presidency John Adams was his father. Signature----------->
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  • Andrew Jackson 7 th President Birthday: March 15, 1767 Death: June 8, 1845 Cause Of Death: It is said that he died of heart failure. Political Party: Democratic Quote: Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge and without reservation that he is in error. Other Facts: Was president from 1829-1837 Battle of the Alamo took place during his presidency. Signature------------>
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  • Martin Van Buren 8 th President Birthday: December 5, 1782 Death: July 24, 1862 Cause Of Death: Asthmatic suffocation Political Party: Democratic Quote: No evil can result from its inhibition more pernicious than its toleration. Other Facts: Was president from 1837-1841 He was Andrew Jacksons vice president. Signature---------------->
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  • William Henry Harrison 9 th President Birthday: February 9, 1773 Death: April 4, 1841 Cause Of Death: Pneumonia Political Party: the Whig Party Quote: I contend that the strongest of all governments is that which is most free. Other Facts: Was only president for 32 days, falling ill after his inaugural speech, and dying from that illness. He was the first president to die in office. Signature--------->
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  • John Tyler 10 th President Birthday: March 29, 1790 Death: January 18, 1862 Cause Of Death: Bilious fever and respiratory failure. Political Party: The Whig Party Quote: So far as it depends on the course of this government, our relations of good will and friendship will be sedulously cultivated with all nations. Other Facts: Was president from 1841-1845 He had fifteen children. Signature------------>
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  • James K. Polk 11 th President Birthday: November 2, 1795 Death: June 15, 1849 Cause Of Death: Cholera Morbus Political Party: Democrat Quote: With me, it is exceptionally true that Presidency is no bed of roses. Other Facts: Was president from 1845-1849 During his presidency, the Mexican war began and ended, and the U.S. acquired California from Mexico. Signature------------>
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  • Zachary Taylor 12 th President Birthday: November 24, 1784 Death: July 9, 1850 Cause Of Death: Throat infection Political Party: The Whig Party Quote: I have always done my duty. I am ready to die. My only regret is for the friends I leave behind me. Other Facts: Was president from 1849-1850 Signature-------------->
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  • Millard Fillmore 13 th President Birthday: January 7, 1800 Death: March 8, 1874 Cause Of Death: Paralysis from a stroke Political Party: The Whig Party Quote: May God save the country, for it is evident that the people will not. Other Facts: Was president from 1850-1853 Signature--------------->
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  • Franklin Pierce 14 th President Birthday: November 23, 1804 Death: October 8, 1869 Cause Of Death: Stomach inflammation caused by drinking too much alcohol over the years Political Party: Democrat Quote: A Republic without parties is a complete anomaly. The histories of all popular governments show absurd is the idea of their attempting to exist without parties. Other Facts: Was president from 1853-1857 Signature-------------->
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  • James Buchanan 15 th President Birthday: April 23, 1791 Death: June 1, 1868 Cause Of Death: Respiratory failure Political Party: Democrat Quote: The test of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit if, for the greatness is already there. Other Facts: Was president from 1857-1861 Was the last president to be born in the 18th century Signature------------- ->
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  • Abraham Lincoln 16 th Presiden t Birthday: February 12, 1809 Death: April 15, 1865 Cause Of Death: Assassinated Political Party: Republican Quote: A house divided against itself cannot stand. Other Facts: Was president from 1861-1865 Led the USA through the Civil War The First Republican president. Signature------------->
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  • Andrew Johnson 17 th President Birthday: December 29, 1808 Death: July 31, 1875 Cause Of Death: Paralysis from stroke Political Party: Democrat Quote: If I am shot at, I want no man to be in the way of the bullet. Other Facts: Was president from 1865-1869 Was vice president to Abraham Lincoln, but Johnson was a Democrat, and Lincoln being a Republican Signature------------->
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  • Ulysses S. Grant 18 th President Birthday: April 27, 1822 Death: July 23, 1885 Cause Of Death: Cancer of the tongue and tonsils Political Party: Republican Quote: I appreciate the fact, and am proud of it, that the attentions that I am receiving are intended more for our country than for me personally. Other Facts: Was president from 1869-1877 Signature---------------->
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  • Rutherford B. Hayes 19 th President Birthday: October 4, 1822 Death: January 17, 1893 Cause Of Death: Heart Disease Political Party: Republican Quote: Conscience is the authentic voice of God to you. Other Facts: Was president from 1877-1881 Signature---------------->
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  • James Garfield 20 th President Birthday: November 19, 1831 Death: September 19, 1881 Cause Of Death: Assassinated (he would have recovered, but the when the Doctors were probing for the bullet, they created infections that eventually killed him.) Political Party: Republican Quote: A brave man is a man who dares to look the Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil. Other Facts: Was president from March 4, 1881- September 19, 1881 Signature---------------->
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  • Chester A. Arthur 21 st President Birthday: October 5, 1829 Death: November 18, 1886 Cause Of Death: Brights Disease Political Party: Republican Quote: Men may die, but the fabrics of free institutions remains unshaken. Other Facts: Was president from 1881-1885 Signature-------------->
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  • Grover Cleveland 22 nd President Birthday: March 18, 1837 Death: June 24, 1908 Cause Of Death: Stroke Political Party: Democrat Quote: A government for the people must depend for its success on the intelligence, the morality, the justice, and the interest of the people themselves. Other Facts: Was president from 1885-1889 Signature----------->
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  • Benjamin Harrison 23 rd President Birthday: August 20, 1833 Death: March 13, 1901 Cause Of Death: Pneumonia Political Party: Republican Quote: Great lives never go out; they go on. Other Facts: Was president from 1889-1893 Signature------------>
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  • Grover Cleveland 24 th President Birthday: March 18, 1837 Death: June 24, 1908 Cause Of Death: Stroke Political Party: Democrat Quote: A government for the people must depend for its success on the intelligence, the morality, the justice, and the interest of the people themselves. Other Facts: Was president from 1885-1889 Signature----------->
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  • William McKinley 25 th President Birthday: January 29, 1843 Death: September 14, 1901 Cause Of Death: Assassinated. He would have been saved if the Doctors could have located the bullet. Political Party: Republican Quote: Expositions are the timekeepers of progress. Other Facts: Was president from 1897-1901 Signature----------->
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  • Theodore Roosevelt 26 th President Birthday: October 27, 1858 Death: January 6, 1919 Cause Of Death: Coronary Embolism Political Party: Republican Quote: A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user. Other Facts: Was president from 1901-1909 Signature---------->
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  • William Howard Taft 27 th President Birthday: September 15, 1857 Death: March 8, 1930 Cause Of Death: Heart Attack Political Party: Republican Quote: A government is for benefit of all the people. Other Facts: Was president from 1909-1913 Signature---------->
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  • Woodrow Wilson 28 th President Birthday: December 28, 1856 Death: February 3, 1924 Cause Of Death: Paralysis from stroke Political Party: Democrat Quote: America is not anything if it consists of each of us. It is something only if it consists of all of us. Other Facts: Was president from 1902-1910 Signature---------->
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  • Warren G. Harding 29 th President Birthday: November 2, 1865 Death: August 2, 1923 Cause Of Death: multiple illnesses brought on by high blood pressure Political Party: Republican Quote: Only solitary men know the full joys of friendship. Others have their family; but to a solitary and an exile his friends are everything. Other Facts: Was president from 1921-1923 Signature----------->
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  • Calvin Coolidge 30 th President Birthday: July 4, 1872 Death: January 5, 1933 Cause Of Death: Heart failure Political Party: Republican Quote: Dont expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong. Other Facts: Was president from 1923-1929 Signature----------->
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  • Herbert Hoover 31 st President Birthday: August 10, 1874 Death: October 20, 1964 Cause Of Death: strained vascular system Political Party: Republican Quote: About the time we can make the ends meet, somebody moves the ends. Other Facts: Was president from 1929-1933 Signature------------>
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  • Franklin D. Roosevelt 32 nd President Birthday: January 30, 1882 Death: April 12, 1945 Cause Of Death: Stroke Political Party: Democrat Quote: A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. Other Facts: Was president from 1933-1945 Signature----------->
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  • Harry S. Truman 33 rd President Birthday: May 8, 1884 Death: December 26, 1972 Cause Of Death: lung congestion, complexity of organic failures, collapse of cardiovascular system Political Party: Democrat Quote: A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties. Other Facts: Was president from 1945-1953 Signature---------->
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  • Dwight D. Eisenhower 34 th President Birthday: October 14, 1890 Death: March 28, 1969 Cause Of Death: Heart disease Political Party: Republican Quote: Any man who wants to be president is either an egomaniac or crazy. Other Facts: Was president from 1953-1961 Signature------------->
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  • John F. Kennedy 35 th President Birthday: May 29, 1917 Death: November 22, 1963 Cause Of Death: Assassinated Political Party: Democrat Quote: A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Other Facts: Was president from 1961-1963 Signature--------------->
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  • Lyndon B. Johnson 36 th President Birthday: August 27, 1908 Death: January 22, 1973 Cause Of Death: Heart Failure Political Party: Democrat Quote: A presidents hardest task is not to do what is right, but to know what is right. Other Facts: Was president from 1963-1969 Signature---------->
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  • Richard M. Nixon 37 th President Birthday: January 9, 1913 Death: April 22, 1994 Cause Of Death: stroke and swelling of the brain Political Party: Republican Quote: A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits. Other Facts: Was president from 1969-1974 Signature----------->
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  • Gerald R. Ford 38 th President Birthday: July 14, 1913 Death: December 26, 2006 Cause Of Death: cerebrovascular disease Political Party: Republican Quote: A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have. Other Facts: Was president from 1974-1977 Signature------->
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  • James Carter 39 th President Birthday: October 1, 1924 Death: --------- Cause Of Death: ---------- Political Party: Democrat Quote: Aggression unopposed becomes a contagious disease. Other Facts: Was president from 1977-1981 Signature--------->
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  • Ronald Reagan 40 th President Birthday: February 6, 1911 Death: June 5, 2004 Cause Of Death: Pneumonia Political Party: Republican Quote: But there are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret. Other Facts: Was president from 1981-1989 Signature--------->
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  • George H. W. Bush 41 st President Birthday: June 12, 1924 Death: ------- Cause Of Death: ------- Political Party: Republican Quote: I can tell you this: If Im ever in a position to call the shots, Im not going to rush to send somebody elses kids into a war. Other Facts: Was president from 1989-1993 Signature-------->
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  • William J. Clinton 42 nd President Birthday: August 19, 1946 Death: --------- Cause Of Death: --------- Political Party: Democrat Quote: A lot of presidential memoirs, they say, are dull and self-serving. I hope mine is interesting and self- serving. Other Facts: Was president from 1993-2001 Signature----------->
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  • George W. Bush 43 rd President Birthday: July 6, 1946 Death: --------- Cause Of Death: --------- Political Party: Republican Quote: After the chaos and carnage of September 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers. Other Facts: Was president from 2001-200 Signature--------->
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  • Barack Obama 44 th President Birthday: August 4, 1961 Death: --------- Cause Of Death: --------- Political Party: Democrat Quote: Americans still believe in an America where anythings possible - they just dont think their leaders do. Other Facts: Has been president since 2009 Signature-------->