Download - THE PLATTSBURGH › lccn › sn83031979 › 1894-04-14 › ed-1 › s… · tven a better course for utxt season, to fulfill which, however, there

Page 1: THE PLATTSBURGH › lccn › sn83031979 › 1894-04-14 › ed-1 › s… · tven a better course for utxt season, to fulfill which, however, there

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:• t . i [.ruent indications Platts-wi ,i d b-.j H I with visitors

•niinj- M,-*s'nn nf the Catholic

«>c». .ram Creek, four mile* above For t I»cprisif. on the Atlantic coast, a grey e n e r the ..thcr day pounced down on a r.-fkfi«ih m a w n ten feet or water, and tunk hi* d a w * into his prey. Then he tried to rue. but 1m load was too henry, ami he was dragged under and drowned, and wb n the bodies were recovered it wag f.uinl the bird measured siK feet ncr.iss his wings, and tbe fish weighed sixteen pounds.

True rinsing entertainment of the High Scorn.1 c.-urse—a concert by tbe Amherst Musical iciation—last Monday even­ing, wa«i a fine success in every respect. Tin- singing- wa? exr-cllent, and the play­ing «.f the guitars, banjos and mandolins fed little if any short of professional staniianK The addition of the violon­cello t.i the combined orchestra Is a happy thought, for it gives j m the background needed for the other instruments. Super­intendent Riggs in his felicitous introduc­tion to the entertainment thanked the public for their patronage, and promised tven a better course for u t x t season, to fulfill which, however, there will have to be some stirring v.-ork, for these enter­tainments have all been good.

IT I= said to be a fixed fact that the great Ferris Wheel will be set up in N e w York city next summer. This was one of the wonders of the World's Fair, and it ' may be ranked also as one of the wonders ', of tbe whole world, which at the present rate will soon have risen from the original seven to at least seventy times seven. For instance: it lifts p issengers 26* feet up io tbe air in thirty six cars, each larger than a railroad coach, and sealing 70 persons;

Inlawfiil l>tt«T Writing. Mrs. Emma flobbs of Ellenburgh WPS

ha'ed before U. 8. Commission*r Whee ler Ian Tuesday charged with violating tbe U. 8. postal law which prohibits the send­ing of obscene matter through the mails. Mrs. Hobbs is accused of writing and


Mi*. Rhnd* Steams of Rich**!*, cele­brated her 101st birthday. April 10.

It. is said that Dr. Webb e ipend* over •300,000 yearly ietyrovlag Sbelhnrae

T , „ . „ , T. Farms and bettering bis large stud, which mailing letters to John Campbell of Bos - . jready comprises many high bred and ton, in which vile charges were made costly animal*.

against Mist A«hline, to whom he waa engaged to be nmrrkd. Several witnesses, i n c l u d n g Miss Ashline, swore to the iden­tity of the handwriting of the letters with that of Mrs. Hobbs, who positively denied it under oath. A witness named Alex­ander Merrill was sworn, and testified that he did Dot direct tbe letters, but that he could not positively identify his own autograph. The case waa adjourned to April 24th. Judge L. L. Sbeddin appear­ed aa counsel for the prosecution and W . W. Cantwcll E--q , for the d. fence.

C i r c u i t C o u r t .

At the April Term of Circuit Court tbe following cases were disposed of in ad­dition to those recorded last week :

Joseph D. Lafayette, vs. Jacob Par-merter. Action to recover value of a canal boat sold on foreclosure of a chattel mortgage. Yet diet, no cause of action.

Frank Desourdi vs. Joseph Laval!y. Action to recover for false imprisonment. Verdict, no cause of action.

Coutt adjourned, April 8.

TNEATfltCU MTS. There was a gang of them, small ones ,

clattering homi fronV'-A Trip to China­town," Saturday night. "I say fellers, I drutber

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• w vi u : tt at the for the Stake - t 'I.I t i-r-iti Count} - Agricultural

\ . tin purifs. f ir which amount to

•>•< ontht l s t h of April, next

go ter one show like that th in the axle of the wheel is 454 feet long, 33 the hull time ter them other kind." And



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• .v- m d iif.waul, and d i them in ' t ' i i n , o . G t r .

' o _'<• mi ms are being made by Rev. V- rry • f K'ttUnd for his b o \ s ' and

• in.p tt > nth Hero the coming sum. . t itv pn.speet is good for a larger : i-j e th in evi. r. , i . . \"^ ^penal Rile of new spring

- J V I » } i .u an i.pp .rtuuity for good

-. with a chance to get a .*2-30 f i" n iilt-nj. See new ad.

»• wl." k t q . s Lis e_H-s well open pre-Mtvt th- irrowth of towns and cities

f ."ire will depend largely upon the ;• \\< r tt their command.

• - -1 1 tii.-it high rates for freight rttTi .a will prevail on the lake

- i- ti. TI account of inability to • 11 : «r f <r b mts returning south.

. <TT. it Ii.ii k Buy of L i k e Cham-

.- •' i e ir f ire l i s t Monday, so that ('trttemig-iy m u l e her ii st •t-,.n to North I-land City,

run there regularly uenee-

incbes in diameter and weighs seventy tons and is the largest piece of steel ever forged; each car weighs 19 tons, and tbe cost of the whole was .$400,000.

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I I E - t . ( » E l > r i . t C A R E .

Iti" dull Cure' 1 i>rithee lie gime from me:

Hi tforie. (lull (are . \ "U anil I sliull never affree.

I..-!irf time ha-t tlmn be-u tarrrinjr here, An.t fain rh..u w<>ul(l-t j i e kill."

tint l fai th. dull Care, TI,. .u net ,-r .-halt have thy will. T. >. • mm-ii eare

u ill make a y..iing- man tarn grev, And tun much eare

Will ruru an old man to elav. My \\ ife -hah donee and 1 will sing, x,, merrily pa.— the day.

F.-r I hold it one uf the wisest things To drive dull eare away,

17ih (ttttury Song.

FEtSMAL. Kev. E P. Stevens, pastor of the P i t t s ­

burgh M. E . church has bsea appointed one of tbe secretaries of the Troy Confer­ence.

Mr. J. E Pinckney, Secretary of the Troy T. M. 0 . A. , made a flying visit on Thursday to old friendi herd, where he formerly held the same offi ie.

Smith F. Henry h i s biuirht a summ r c n t a g e lot on Cumoerlaad t lsad, of C. W. H i g i r .

litv. Hobirt C>)ke, Rector of Trinity cbureh has received from hid parish an offeror a f >dr mmthis' Vioit loa, aatl Will leave in May for a tour abroid, during which he will attend the great summer meeting at Ciimbri Ige, of c ldrgymej of the church of England.

Rev. A. D. Biracr of WillUton wa i one of the attend tats of sessions of tbe Cham-plaio Presbytery here this week. Mr. B trber has served in tbe ministry forty s ix ye irs , m istly on V*rm>nt charges, but commencing in Peru, and has of late da-voted a large share of his attention t> lit­er try work, adding m)st valuable di ta to

] tbe history of the rise and progress of the t m ivement for the elevation of woman. ' .\[i-is L-iella W. Htthaway, daughter of

ft-c >rder Hathaway of this V^MJIJ, has recently returned from abroad, where she

, h is b;en eng iged in stu ly ing the violin, ' flrdt in the Frankfort Conservatory, and

liter at K .m» and :r Signor Penelli, R o y a l . Violinist at the Court of King Humtxrt ,

f.'um whom she has received fl ittering c immendatinns for her diligence and pro­ficiency. It is hoped that the musical people of P i t t s b u r g h will have tbe pleas­ure of hearing Miss Hathaway in public at some time not too far distant.

with a general whoop of approbation they scampered on to analyze their experience in the parental presence.

The gross receipts of Henry Irving'* American tour, which closed at Boston, March 17, were 120,000 pounds, #600,000, and he ia coming b.tck in 1895.

The "Mascot" next Wednesday night, will g ive Piattsburgb theatre goers an opportunity to see bow they d> it over in St. Lawrence and Franklin counties. Much care has been exercised in rehears­ing and mounting this brilliant opera, and with forty-two of the fairest women and bravest men of two counties, and a complete orchestra, the presentation can­not of being a success, with tbe com­p u t e staging which Piattsburgb Theatre can give it.

Tbe "Trip to Chinatown" filled the hou^e. Yes , and pleased it too, notwith­standing the fact that tbe play is encum­bered somewhat by "dead wood," with two or three "sticks" in tbe cast.

"Midsummer Night's Dream" waa given by tbe students of St. Francis X*vier Col­lege in New York city last Tuesday night, and tbe Herald says it was worth a long journey and infinite troub e to see . The uoys were drilled for their parts by Father Fink and Prof. Dare, of tbe college.

j P l f t t t s l m r j j l i I n s t i t u t e .

The P i t t s b u r g h Institute meets Mon­day evening, April 16.h, 1894. at 7.30 o'clock, in the High School building. Papers will'be read on "Some events con­nected with tbe Battle of Plattsburgh," with manuscript journal of H. K. Averitl, illustrated by a large map, wbicb has been especially prepared for tbis purpose by i i . K. Averill, Jr. Also a paper on "Tbe Welsb People in History," by Rev. N . Richards.

All gentlemen are cordially invited to be present. B Y OKDBB.

Church Notices. F A R K W B I X S U P P B B .

There will be a supper given at the res­idence of W. L. Hayes, West Piattsburgb, jt mile south of Wesleyan church, on Friday evening, April 2 j , 1894, as a pres­ent for Rev. Wm. Rist. This is to be a farewell testimonial of our appreciation of Brother Rist's five years' lab3rs on tbis charge, and no pains will be spared to m»ke tbis the best and moat enjoyable gathering yet held on ibis charge. Come one, come all. Music by West Piattsburgb band. By ORDBK, Chairman Com.


A supper on the European plan be serv­ed at tbe W. M. Parsonage, West Piatts­burgb, next Tuesday evening, Apri 1 17th forth benefit of the pastor W. M. Rist.

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C' l ia in i» la i I I P r c s l i y t e r y .

The annual meeting of the Presbytery of Champlain Was held on Tuesday and W( dnt inlay of this week, in the First Pres­byterian church of this village.

Rtv. J. J. VVoIf was elected Moderator. Kev. P. J. H. Myers, who for thirteen years has faithfully and efficiently served tne Presbytery as Stated Clerk, was at his ..wn urgent request relieved of that office. Kev. J iseph Gimble was elected to fill the oftic - of Seated Clerk. The programme ..[ Presbytery previously published in these columns was followed in detail.

The Committee of Bills and Overtures rffomui'-ndtd that no action he taken upon Mie K. ipiest teat by the Cleve'ani Con-lerence. through K-v . Dr. R. Service, of Detroit. Their recommendation was

adopled. The following ministers and elders were

e l i d e d Commissioners to the General A--emr>'y at Saratoga ;

PKINI ii'.v .s- — Minister, Rev. Joseph (rtrritile: JB iter, Peter Gardiner.

AiTEi:XAT£rf — Minister, Rev. S. D . Anst i ; E l l e r , H. W. Stetson.

The m u t i n g of the Woman's Presby-t< Sockty was one of unusual interest. M •-. J, II. Pratt gave an address on •s Tk among the "Poor Whites of the So.ltii," and mad.- a special appeal for the A-t.i'Viile wliool , at Ashe vil l i , N . 0 .

Rev. Dr. J. S. Dennis also addressed the l tdies on '• Woman's work forWomen" mi P .reiirn Pield-..

Tne Pof ular meeting in the interests of Mis-ions Wednei-d iy evening, was not as p ipuLir in the attendance of people as it wa- in the para mi UQt interests presented.

| Dr. Dermis tkliverul an earnest and I in-trudive address on "Missions at Short ; Ku .ge ." l ie is a "sharp-shooter." Were i the people afraid of being hit I)y bis piece .r

j Dr. J. IV. Crocker's address was the j -'boiil of wit;" bis late arrival necessi­

tating a "brevity" greatly to be regretted for the importance of bis subject: "Home Mt-sionsin tbe State of New York."

T w o wild dogs have been roaming in the woods of Dununereton, near Marlboropond and last week they chased and attacked a child who was in a sugar lot, and would hare kt'led it if the father had not beaten them off.

Mrs. Alfred Fournier, tbe widow of a well-to do business man of Burlington, who died suddenly Oct. 14, 1893, has bee* arrested, charred with poisoning her aus-hsnd to get prsiession of a legacy. Mrs. Effle Whalon was arrested as an accom­plice.

Windsor is suffering from an epidemic of typhoid fever—100 cases in a popula­tion of 1,800—caused by contamination of the water supply of the village, the drain­age of a bouse where there was a case of that disease bavins? been diverted from its own cesspool to a brook which supplied the village with water.

The slate workers of Granville, West Pawlet and South Poultney held a great meeting in Granville. Ia*t Saturday, to pro­tect tbe interests -of slate workers, by hav­ing the price of labor corresponl with the price of slate. A Union wa< organised with by-laws which were read in Welsb and English and approved.

The rate of taxation, per capita, on each #100 of assessed valuation ia sosae of the principal towns of the State, s « * w d i u t o 4 Yi tlw> last e e w s saw awlblta wav WamutMm, 4 2 01; R o c k l n g h M , # 1 7 3 ; Colefeester, •1 .73; Bennington. 91», St. Albans. • 1 64; Rutland, t l 53; Brattleboro, fl.48-, Burlington and Barre, each, 91.39; and St . Johnsbury, f l 94.

Tbe George E. Lyons Granite eneapaay was re-orgaoixed at Barre, Ayril 10, with a capital stock of #75,000, and the follow­ing officers: president, W. H. Flynt; vice-president; E . F . Brooks; clerk aad treasurer, George 8 . Dowley; directors, W. N . Flynt, George C. Flynt , Lyman C. Flynt. Henry A. King, E . F . Brooks, George S . Dowley, Charles R. Lowell , A. H. Wright. The company also o w n s quarries at West Dummerstoa.

M A l e


r.'.-t i- in inz waged in the . . ver the u n c t i o n whether

i i t 'ge p n entaje of the sur-i 'he -tockholders or reserve

will pro'iioly b: th* mtin issue aft'iut1 e l e ' d e m i n t h e i j ' 1 o f

.us ler- of tbe oiajoriry of the , b r- ire pte-i lentO y:>hani, b ick-tne V.inderbilt interest, while the

riot. .My is heidt i l by vice president L:-tr , , 1 I! Cinnon. Tuii: «'jrplus amounts \ . t.eiYH-en seven and ten aiilli-ms.

I . reply to our esteemed Eilf-nburgb f rr.-f./i-.deDt, Chapter 1*^ of the laws of '.-'•i provides that "where an act is j r mbited between certain d a u s , it is not upon the dale first named, and is OCA f ii ur.ou ibe cliate lait Dimed, but when - t m last date shall fall upon Sunday it M.uii be lawful to shoot, hunt or flab o # u •• precediog Saturday as if that day waa u.i date so named ia this set ." i •liy falls on tbe 15tb tbis year, it i.oui i f a . i S . t u r d . y U t d M l e W I fiKhlDg,

It it estimated that I of tne available water anac river ia utilized I when the rest is I uted ibere will ha sail kousee, aad tare all lbs) i aaae Lake to Plstlsbnigfc WMt

l i t g h Fatia

MIMU SCNO0L mitt. Principal Jones and Prof. Hawkins

have a<-si3ted during the present week' at an I n s t i n c t held in Saratoga Sprinca.

Miss Alice O'Brien gave an evening of readings at Port Henry, on Friday, under the auspices of the Catholic' church of that village.

Prof. Hudson met the teachers of Ma-lone on Friday afternoon and evening, a t tbe request of SupC Sarah L. Perry, for tbe purpose of g iv ing mstractios) ia ele­mentary natural science.

Arrangements are ia progress for • fleas day contest •b'Mit J U M 1, Athletic Unions, of the Schools .

The ttrst half o f the f f s l a f • « • > completed aaat Taaawaw.- Jaasv

• i l l be orgaai ied I t and Trigoaoeaetry.

N i a s B e l e w M . I W s t , # M « f wttl

ksy a f tt» l a

W o m a n S u i t r a g e C o n v e n t i o n , P l a t t s l M i r j r l i , A p r i l 2 « & 2 7 .

In preparation for a Woman Suffrage Convention, at wbicb Miss Susan B. An­thony will b3 one of tbe speakers, to be held at the Court House in thiacity, April 26th and 27th, 1894, Miss Sara Winthrop Smith, State Lecturer in tbe N e w York Constitutional Convention Campaign tor Women Suffrage, will speak at the follow­ing towns in tbis county and ia E t s e x county:

West Chazy, Friday, 13A April. Champlain, Saturday, 14th April. Rouses Point, Monday, Kith April. Mooers, Tuesday, I7ch April. Peru, Wednesday, 18th April. Keeseville Thursday, 19th April. Willsboro, Friday, 23ih April. Crown Point, Saturday, S l i t April.

T e a c h e r s ' I n s t i t u t e a t M o o e r s .

Tbe Teachers' Institute for the Second Commissioner District of Clinton county will be held in the school building, Mooers, N . Y. , from April 30 to M i y 4, inclusive.

Prof. Welland Hendricit has been se­cured as conductor, with Mrs. B. El len Burke and Miss Florence Hines as assis­tant instructors.

Prof. E N J -nes. Prof. D . A. Lockwood, Prof. Geo. K. Hawkins, and Miss E ' Z i Kellas of tbe Piattsburgb NormU School will also give instruction during tbe week.

Drawing w.ll be made a special feature of tue institute work.


are reminded of the law requiring the closing of the schools and che attendance of the teachers a t the Institute.

£v*erv persons who intends to teach in the coun­ty (luring the coming year, is expected to be present at every session of the Institute.

All persons over sixteen years of age, who In­tend lo tench within a year, and no others, may register as members.

A report will lie sent to trustees as a basis for wastes for the week.

Trustees and others interested in educational work itre cordially invited to attend both day and evening sessions.

O o l d e n W e d d i n & T . At West Plattsburgh, March 8, J 991, Mr. and

Mrs. William Ostrander, havuitf walked heart sa4 hand together for fifty yean, their childrea aaa other kindred friends esteemed it a pleasure ia honor of the eveut to make for them a "GoMan Wedding." Their sons and their families with a large number of friends of the above-menUoaad couple gathered at their home, bringing with them a goodly number of beautiful presents. A few kind remarks were made by their pastor. Wnv Rirt in regard to the goodness of God ia Me—lay them with such a long walk together while other family ties have been broken.

I*rayer wan then offered, thanking God far naif and present blessings and praying the lili—lags to continue until God shall see I t to remove them to their heavenly home for which they started yean ago.

The relatives aad friends wars then Unties te aad partook of a samptaoas

Iy pray that the • sa t i s of tat* family aaa be aaaisaHswa tothssr

Mass* be aatsaf at* ta«* we**)* • tawKaitf."

VICl-ITY M V I . The semi annual convention of tbe

Franklin County W. C. T . U. will be held at Chateaugiy, M i y 16.

The Morgan Lumber Co . , are building a new steam sawmill about 400 feet above their preseat one at Glens Falls.

A post office called Axton has beea established at Dodge <fc Meigs lumber camp on Saranac L i k e with C. N . Corey as postmaster.

Log drives on tbe three branches .of the Grasse River in St. Lawrence are hung up on account of low water occasioaed by cold weather.

Frank Perkins of Rainbow F a i n OS tbe Racket river captured two bear cube, April 1st, and kill, d the mother. Thin gives him #30 bounty.

Tbe vault of tbe bank of St. Hyacinthe. Que., was blown open l*st Monday night by burglars aad •12,000 stolen. The rob­bers escaped, stealing their tools.

A 7 year old daughter of Wm. A. Foaea of Saratoga was playing n e a r a b o n n r e , April 7, wnea ner clothing e v i g b t Ore and she waa burned so that she died next day.

It ia claimed that a new base ball league ia being orgaoiz;tl, to include Ottawa, Montreal and Paraham, ia Canadt, and St. Albans, Rouses Point, aad O l d e n s -burg in the States.

The Patrons of Industry will open a co­operative store at North Bangor, stock shares to be sold to Patrons at #10 each, all goods to be marked at 124 percent , advance a cost price.

Timothy Sbeehan, aged 28 y e a n , aad a native of Ireland, was drowned ia Tupper Lake, March 16th. His b>dy was recov­ered last week and taken "to Norfolk, were an uncle resides, for burial.

Witberbee, Sherman A Co., tbe Port Henry iron ore company, have posted no tices that their mines will c lose on May 1 and all work will cease for the present. Fbree hundred awn will be thrown out of employment by tbe shutdown.

The utf th bound D. • * fcV tgaia-af-Aaeil-5 was wrecked by a misplaced switch, at Rouses Point, by tbe carelesaaeas of Thomas Rivet a section band, who turned the train upon a aiding. The engineer and fireman jumped, and escaped with bruises, and tbe mail agent bad t w o ribs brokea.

An extensive revival has beea ia pro­gress ia Alburgh, the notthera part of Dickinson, through the work of Rev. Mr. Heath and Matt Cheney, the Blue Mono-tain revivalist. Between 4 ) aad 50 per­sons have already experienced a ehaage of heart aad the old church h i e been re­opened for Sunday services.

Tbe S t Ltwrence International Modcal Union held their annual meeting T o e i d e y evening. The treasurers repjrt sh »wed a balance on baud or #300.88. The libra­rian reported that the association owaed #907 40 worth of music. The old offlsera were unanimously re-elected and a new of­fice created, that of recording secretary to which H. F . James was elected.

A bad washout occurred April 10, o a the Adirondack & St. L iwreaee rai r o e *, at the Black Ki ver bridge, north of R e a-sen, carrying away about 400 feet of track. The washout is 40 feet deep, leaving the track suspended in the air, and it ia said to have beea canned by back­water from the State d « a at Forrestport. Passenger* are transferred around tbe break.

8 . H. Kennedy o f Johnstown, with an expert front Youngstowo, O., visited the natural gas artesian well drilled last fall on the land o f the Rev. Mr. MeChesney of Malta Ridge, four miles east of Ballstoa, April 10. The fl iw of the well was meas­ured, and it waa found that it had not diminished. Mr. Kennedy is now prepar­ing to sink another well on the lands that be baa leased in that vicinity, aad will begin work next week.

shit*, S a g . , April 7, aad s ix of her crew were drowaed. Tne vessel is a total wreck.

I a Syracuse April 7 was celebrated the twenty- i f ty anniversary of the consecr* ton Rigbt Kev. Frederic Daniel Hunting-toa. S. T. D . , LL. IX, Bishop of Central New York.

A dwell ing bouse in William djirgh, which was being raised for the addition of another story, collapsed last Tuesday night, killing two inmates aud injuring £ V o o d e d maay mote. j

One of tbe worst storms of the year prevailed at Halifax, April 8, aad all over tbe maritime provinces. A violent east­erly wind blew, accompanied by a heavy fall of snow.

Tbe scarlet fever epidemic, which had Its run at Asaesbury, Mass., several months ago, with 80 cases, has broken out agaia. N e w cases are reported ia several sections.

Tbe prolonged drought in Austria, Germany, and France threatens to injure tbe crops greatly. The dust in tbe streets and parks of tbe cities of all thre? coun­tries is cooking.

William Faber, a German, aged 61, shot and instantly killed his wife, Martha, aad then killed himself in his home at Chicago, April 9. He had beea out of work some time.

L-Graad Chapman, eight years old, i whose parents reside at O i e i d a Ltke , waa I tramp'ed to d-tath by a horse April 8 Tne , boy's b i d y waa found in the stall of the :

horn? literally tramp! d to pieces. ,

Cornelius Yanderbilt and Ciiauneey M. Depew It ft H e w York last Tuesday af ter . ! Boon in Mr. Vaaderbilt'a private e v on their aanual tour over the roads in tbe

ligaili spin • i iw i i l

nted. Water will also be furni ' l iH for fire protection, an»1, if wanted, f^r drink­ing pnrp >ses. Thi« ptoi»vt which rivals the Niagara F»ll« p i w e r n t i t T i t s w . i« welt matured, has the con««*nt of the War Department controlling the Ti»er, *n<1 also of the saw mdling icterosls at ('••»-qnet. It is Mated that th" mitifT npfil-d tor the project, some #3.500,000, is «e-cured. A large share of the Fond du Lao reservation, which is . h iwever . v»luelc«« for timber or agricultural purpose?, will

The United States Supresae Court de­cided, April 8, that lager beer was aot a "spirituous Hq'tor" withia the m^aai ig of tbe atatate prohibiting the iatrodoction or spiritaoua hquors or wiae iato the Indian Territory.

Tfala robbera alaaaasaal haw Mnnaaaw aight to hold a p Rock lamed train N o . 1, four mires below Pond creek, ia Okmhoasa territory, but ware npnJsed by the traia-men, one being shot dead, the others ereapiag.

A corps o t Health Departmeat phvsi-c iaas . including Ave woasea, begaa last Mond »y vaccination of the Brooklyn pub­lic school childrea. Their task will take nearly t w o weeks . T e a new eases of small pox were reported.

Mrs; Dannie H o a t o f Garaerriile, N . Y . , had a straggle wi th a bargtar i a her house last Saturday aight. She flred three pistol shot* a t Mat, while her hua-

• still ia bod. T h e bargtar laaviag bundles o f goods behiad

O o l e r a o f a most asaligaaat type h a s beeoaae s o prevaleat Uroaghowt Coaataw-U a o p l e a s t o eaase general alarm. T b e disease has hitherto beea eoaflaed to the poorer districts, but it has n o w found i ts way iato the portion* of the c i ty w h e t * the batter classes reside.

A terrinc flght has occurred ia the dis­trict of Malabar between a rorM of Madras mounted police aad a bead of Malabar Moslems, ia which 33 of the latter wefe hilled. The latter had committed many depredation* aad among their criaaesit was charged they aturdered a number of Hindoos.

Gov. Nelson of Minn., has received a telegram from the State Department at Washington informing him that word bad been received by the departmeat, from an Aaterieaa Coaeal ia Geatemala, t h a t L . F . Menaer, the guaranty loan defaulter, had sailed from a Guatemalan port f o r Belixe. ^

Four prisoners escaped from the Brie e-Minty jail i a Buffalo at 7 o'clock April 8. The escaped men a n Otto Sosdorf. con­victed of highway robbery; John Stem-bach, w h o slabbed a pol lcemia, and Fred Campbell aad William Burn*. B a n s and Steinbjch were reenptured i a Bast Buf­falo.

Charles Arnold committed suicide i a Rock Island, III., by shooting April 8 . He was 50 years of age and u n m t r r i e l . H e recently visited Europe and there fljatj in love. H e bad sent his sf f i tasM money to come to America to marry h im, and, believing she had proven false, h e committed the a c t H e left aa estate val­ued at ##110,000.

Juniaa P . Drake of N e w York city, a travemwr inwa rtprwaiaUag ihw N e w York sales agents of the Roekford Watch Company, dropped dead ia the lobby of Rathbun House at Klnsira at 3 30 o 'doek p. a . , April 11. H e w a s about s ix ty year* of age, and waa well k a o w a commercial awn. Death resulted fi heart disease.

Tbe stage ruaaiag betweea 0*K« aad and Watoss ia , Oklahoma waa held up on Monday by three awn erased with rifles. T w o passengers, aaased Silas Coogen and Dwight Gillespie w e n n l i e v . ed of over #900 aad two gold watches. T h e United States sftail was aot disturbed. The robbera Were well amounted, and a t* betag p u n a e d by vigilaal*.

Martin A . Reardoa, a HaewMa, wa* iawtaatlr killad ia April0. Reardoa was atwwkoathe roof of the Laraed baiMiag, whan he stepped upon a plaak to cross to aaother portion of the roof. The plaak broke, and he fell t o t h e pave meat below, a distance of s ix stories. Ranxdon w a s SO y e a n of age and unmarried.

N".ee flremea perished in the burning of the Davison Theatre ia Milwaukee, which caught Ore at 4 30 a. m, April ». They were oa the roof over Use stage where the Are was hottest, when it suddenly gave w a y aad they fell 80 feet iato the Are, aad could not be rescued. T h e Are probably origiaated o a the stage. T h e buildiag, part of which was used aa a hotel, cost #300,000.


The Young WomenV Christian Associa­tion has a brstioh in Jerusalem nn«nbcring about eighty memberi.

Mrs. Jaoe G. Ati«tin. tbe aulhor of Standisb, of S u n d i s h . acd other historical aovels. died in Boston, March 30.

Emily A. Bruce, M D., declares that more women d e annually in England be­cause of faulty dress than from all con­tagious diseases combined.

The Eq tal Suffrage Association of Memphis, Teen., has grown from twenty to fifty members since February, and is receiving new accessions almost daily.

Mrs. Gottheil, wife of Professor Rich­ard Gottbeil, of Coiumb'a College, has beea decorated by the French minister of foreign affairs with the title of Officer of the French Academy for her services in founding the Franco Jewish schools.

Mrs. Rantona Wolfe, whose first name has become famous by reason of Mrs. Helen Hunt Jtckson'a romance has just died. San Diego visitors take much inter­est in the little adobe church there where Ramoaa and Allesandro were married.

The South Ktnsas Conference of tbe M. It- Caere*,, with betweea o e e an.l two hundred minister* preseat, voted unani mously, "Resolved, that we give our aid and support to the pending constitutional ameadment granting equal political r.ghta to women."

This wiater a clever young New York girl of nineteen ha* been coaching a nu n-b i r of Coteaabia a tadeau who were con­ditioned in their chemistry examinations They try to chaff "the little Profes*oress„n

as they call her, but they say privately that they have learned more chemistry t i a a all the learned professors ever taught them.

Congressmen Bryan, of Nebraska, spoke on "Tariff Reform a n l Free Coinage," at the Broadway Theatre, M trch 13, under the auspice* of the Greystone Club (O^m.) Nearly half of tbe immease audience were woasea, and a significant feature of tbe occasion waa that boxea were reserved f/w the Officers of the State Suffrage asso-eiattoa aad for those of the Colorado Woasea'* Politic U d a b .

Mr*. Hobbs Lewsoa i* the iaveator o f Boston Practical Freedom Skirt," a

a o t eoaapicuoualy different in from the ordinary dreaa of

woasea. bat allowing much more freedom and comfort to the wetrer. Mrs. Lawsoa has devised three o t t e r kinds of saits . ia additioa to this street costume—a bicycle aait, n riding habit, aad what she call* a "tramping costume" tor long walks. All have distiaet advantages over the ordinary suits . S lowly but surely, dress reform i s mahiag its way.

A recent letter from N e w Z.-alaad say*: " I have travelled ia s s t a y countries, but in no other band have I seen tbe courtesy aad uaootruaive chivalry habitually ex ­hibited t o woasea, wbetrer y o u a g or o ld , by N e w Zadaad young men of every con­dition and rank. Tne- status of a N e w "'aland woman is considerably higher

.i that of her sister in Australia or jbuglaad, oad *he is a o t likely to forget that the gained the political franehise, ao t by inadvertence or by party scheming, but as a deliberate act of justice ao leas than chivalry oa the part of her couatry-

With her eoUege course completed. She wa* just a bit omeehed.

Believing she owned the universe aad all it could contain;

Her airs were somewhat fricbtfuL . ^ j ^ ^ w s * q»«»e delhJhtfnL

AUd ' ^ h n ^ a n J S i X ^ tW" *°°* And yet bar cheeks were rosy

,,-fe tne prettiest dew-ktaMrip^aey. ^Sden'Sfat- tow**taP*TSr hair like

Her form bad carves artistic. Her charms were realistic

Her word* sweet muaie. though she knew not when she could desist.

Of course they criticise ber, Meetingto deapW her.

Call ner a giddy hussy and a modern maiden •Polled;

Bat I notice there are Mimas In tass Httle rebel's khaes

And nooses made by Cupid in her golden tresses ooued:

1 think she'll ripen later. To confound each present hater.

And the seers predicting failure will be badly fooled aad foiled.

—Boston Transcript.

T h e devil has trouble ia ia lrrduciag hisjtvalf t o people w h o are b-isy.

I t often baamea* that the man w h o pavs th* preacher the least wants to boss him

MkKsMi i f VS. Camdsn, M e , was blockaded wi th

snow, April 9, the drifts being. 4 to 6 feet deep.

T w o feet of snow fell at Achlaad, W l a , April 9 and 10. tbe storm being the w o n t of tbe sesaoa.

The Shiner! colliery at Kurategnn, J a ­pan, caught fire 4>n M u c h 24 and eighteen nven were burned to death.

Ira M i v b e w , the well known bnsiaess college educator aad text bonk author, dropped dead ia Detroit April 8 .

A tornado did #50,000 to #100,005 dam­age in Coff ;e county, BT«a., h a t Saad*y aight to buildings and orchard*.

From a i a e t o twelve inches o f MOW fell along the l ie* o f the Ceatrat Mas**-ebaastts RaUraad April T aad a

Xleven peranae were hiUed by aa expaV stoa ia the flrework* faetorr o f ftomaiaa • Brother at Petarawarg, 7 a . , April 7 .

n r a s M f f s e h o o a e i * war* n r n i h i d on the N e w Jersey e o a s t i * the avaat of April 11, and a w anttot* ed.

Alex. 9. Cattell n f Mew Jersey, whs) w e d that 8>aas for twelve year* t * "

United AprUS


A #4x5,000 cottoa-mill p lu i t will b e erected at Jaekaoa, T e a a .

Tbe Maekenxie woolen mill at Bridge-water, T t . , ia now operatiag full t ime.

A company will be orgaaix d to estab­lish cotton-seed oil mi l l ' at Gatesville, Tex .

The Laud nburg woolen mills, Laodea-burg. Pa . , h a v e resumed operatioo* o a full time.

O. * E . MorrieoB's shod l y milto at Til-ton, Me., are operatiag to their fullest capacity.

T h e Algoaqo ia priat iag mill at Fall River i s operatiag; evenings t o keep up with order*.

The Wait* Felt ing eompaay o f Freak-lin, Mam., i* opmiiaf full USM, with

The King Phill ip Mills of Pall River, Mm*. , have declared a quarterly dividend of 1 | per cent.

jAqoarterly divtdead of 1 j p ° r c e a t . has beea cleetarad by th* Cha^m MUi eoaapaay of Fall River.

G. S. R Matras and other* sr* *a l eav-oriag to •atabHah a t Swaiasboie , Oa. , a

T h * CoraeO Mdl* Corporatioa of Pall River, Ma**., has dedared a quarterly dividend of 1 , par aaat.

' sa jha ia t hwydaaviu*,

The s ixty fourth aanual coaveatioa o f the ehnrch of Jeans Christ of Lttter D«v Smato e M v e a e d In the taberaacle ia Salt Lake City, A p r i l « .

The fl at teeular aar»kaa ever held hy a Rieaaa OathoHe priest at Harvard Univer­sity waa celebrated ia Appletoa Chapel lastSaaaaey evea iag;

At a meeting of the Syracuse Presby­tery ia Baidwiasville, N . Y. , April 10. tbe llherala, w h o had been outspoken in favor of Dr. Briggs, secured a maj >ri»y of 13 over the coaaervative element, aad elect­ing their delegates t o the General A s ­sembly.

Rev. Dr. Maitbie D . Babcoek. who de-etiaea the call to the West Presbyterian < hurch i a N e w York, ia to have his salary iacreased from #6,000 to #10.000 * year. Thi* i s t h e third call to N e w York D r . Babcoek has declined.

Tbe People's church (Methodist), o f Boston, is the largest church of that de­nomination in the world, and has tbe largest congregations in Methodism. Tbe pastor, Uev . Dr. J . Boyd Brady, preaches t o from 7,000 to 10,000 weekly.

T h e service of tbe Greek Orthodox Church wa* conducted in the native lan­guage of the Russians for tbe ttrst time in N e w York, on Sunday, the 18th of March. A congregation of 400 Itusat&ns listened to Rev. A k x Tooutk, of Wilkes-barre. Pa.

The first instance of a negro being ad­mitted to a vested choir of a white parish is the esse of St. George's P . E church in

I N e w Yerh , where tbe place of the bari-| tone was filled a short time asrn by Htrry

T . Burleigh, a negro, about 26 years of age. having a fine voice.

T h e next semi-annual meeting of the bishop* of the Methodist Episcopal church, i s to be held ia Albany beginning tbe K>th of tbis month and la«tng a week. Th re are eighteen bishops, two of whom, Wil­liam Taylor, ia Afne i , and J . M- Tnoburn. ia lad le , are ka->wn as missnaary bishoos aad will be abaen' from tbe meeting. T b e other sixteen in the United States, are located as fo l low* Bishop Merrill, Chi­cago; Bishop Newman, Onahs ; Bishop Pouter- Boston; Bishop Andrews. New Y»rk; Bishop Warren, Denver; Bishop Pa**, Philadelphia; Bishop Ma'leleu, Ituf-falo; Bishop Fowler, Dutroit; Bish ip Wal-dea, Cincinnati; Bishop Hurst, Was'iing-toaei ty; Bishop J jyce, Chattanooga, Tenn; Bishop Bowman. St. Lmis ; Bishop Vm eeat Iadianapoli<; Bishop Ninde. Topeka, C a n ; B:s*iop Gwdaei l , San Francisco; Bishop P u x ^ r a l d , New Orleans.

eb'TPn wpfks ** J'nr- - ' ReV'i V «*"•! i-s it y i i i r \ ijng.-«ti?™

W i ' i c . y c l man liimraf a '*-x f rsi p«ii« >T '

t'i<-rk >n«r;i-i i j K - D> a i r f \ . - i r rfi'!il> r« s i - g "After the Bii "

«Xo.* *H>rp y.tjt V P , «i-% twrn'j-fivo cm**

p ' o s c . '

Patent H d i c i n e Mtn t i K i i t ' T ' T-". made a nice mes« . f ihnt testimonial ad vertiiKTricnt "

E l « ' > r - " H » w r ",I>hn Hardliake w r i t e — ' V u i r r.tvr

F »r E»-cr Pif's are d^tna TOP a err»t .ic^ ofg . iod . S e n d a n U b e r IMX*. a n l I t ' . l yon to gm< u a pTomment place."

"T diii, inirardwti'ly prcr idmgIho dYalh notii-es."

"Yes , an.l the fi-st death . n the list was that of"

J f n l^'»*.> j«l l l . n i i f t K i i n .

Fr " \ . ' - :-X - : .'

I'll1 a . - K »))• n T ' l M i T i El'»u TU« k i'i k i ^ w win t , t . iVt» Vn-1 tt-.- <-im«' -t.-t-i n-l'.-i

-?«• I* i«.- ft. TI t . ' i i..r.. r . \n-l J IK 'ur»liT.-i,T>»-r»'i.«i

(>f tl.T \ •'!. -• Will W:lk«-tl|. TH»:..T|. .^IIP .-,m .lr»w .-\ rt.njn,ir)Ti..Ti

F'T tl*. > Sik»- l.» h.-r V-KIT

WhiTr I liv,- I .J . Ti..t f.-nr l)«T. Vn.t I o f t m ^ii t. . hear Iicr. But when .l.-i.1 ib-n't i,ikf irn- li.-r. niv ,i>ln>«ri'^i in i«'a<-«'. For my itr\- ilt-ad* w«»M ritt'i" I.Ike tln> ilrum« iM-f.irf a 1««11P At tli.» ••arth-ili-'tiirMiiffpnitfli-

o f that Mary Ellen I^ase.

swEEPiaat. Sure bind, sure liud. Wake not a sleeping lion. Sue a beggar, a t d get a louse-Too much consulting confounds. The best fish swim near tbe bottom. The highest tree bath the greatest fall. The applause of tbe people is a blast of


The hand tomest il»wer is not tbe sweet­est .

Wise and good is better than rich aad great.

The worth of a thing ia what it will bring.

The sweetest wine makes the sharpest vinegar.

Talk of tbe devil, and he'll either come or send.

Take a man by his word, and a c o w by ber horns.

The dog wags his tail not for you , but for the bread.

The stone that l ielh not ia your way , need not offend y o u .

Tbe way to B tbylon will never bring you to Jerusalem.

Manion's livery stable ia Baltimore, April 9. Loss #300,000.

Klassorgan Pipe aed Iroa works at Gyachburg. Va. , April 0 . Loss #330,000.

St . Augustine Catholic churc l ia N . Y . city, April 7. L>ss, #30,000, iasuraace, #11,000.

Tbe famous old hotel oa Poiat Lookout, the extrease and of Long Branch- April 9. Loss #35,000.

Frotbiagham's arcade, one of the finest four story business blocks ia Scranlon, Pa . , April 10. L o s * #100,000,

The fire losses ia the United State* and Canada for the month of March aggregate only #8,147.100, a remarkably gratifying decrease from tbe showing ot March, 18 t t , which waa #1«.**3,359. The total for the year so far ia lighter than for the ***** period ia either of th* two preceding years. During March there were 30 fires of a greater deMructiyeaee* than #10,000 each.

Football "play" ia Beglaad siare the year 18M came ia has resulted ia flfteea

T h e 100-mile relay bicycle race at San Francisco, waa won. April 9, by Gjren , of S*a Jose , ia 5b. 33 a. 21s.

Gov. Wait* of Colorado, says he will on no consideration allow the Corbett Jackson fight to come off in that Stat*.

Joseph Parker, aa Englishman, with Barauai A Bailey's circus, now exhibit iag ia N e w York, does some great jnmpiag . He jumps over a cross bar 5 fu « i a e a e s high, with bis ankles bound together; j'laapa over a 1$ head horse from the e a d uf a brick with bis ankle* hound together, aad makes two backward jumps of 31 ft. seve* inches, with weights .

wMT TM FA T b e root with the russet shoe is puttiag'

itself prominently forward agaia. They are of a lighter color thaa last season, with square or sharp toes.

A lUiputia* serpent c u r l i n g around a pearl or a turq'i.>i*e serves a* * he11 f J r a scarf or hat pia.

Satia aad moire ribbons are much used for hats, bonnets and gowns for wrap dec­orations, for sashes, in all colors and designs.

Awning cloth for upholstery is a popular material. I t is tbe very thing for tbe wide seat of a bay window, and for cush­ions and hammock pillows, and whatever gets bard usage. It comes in all colors.

The correct slipper is of patent leather, with a high vamp, and a big black moire bow at tbe Instep. Brocz a slippers are also much in demand.

The spring millinery is modified by t t e change in hair dressing.

The toque, j-tunty and trim, is a lways fashionable. With the "Puritan bonnet" ia worn again the full fluffy bang.

A little hat, suitable for any occasion, baa io front a fl tring bow of black moiie ribbon f tslened by pins of jet . There is no crown, coils of hair are in its place, and fl)wer3 grow luxuriantly at the bitck of the hat.

The seam from the neck to tbe shoulder has considerably lengthened this year , tUc slccvu Itself being gathered fully into tbe armhole.

There is a new r«d l -shbrown eoler known as "Capuehin "

PUBLIC opraroH. [This column is open t o the freedlst-os^inn nf

all topics of public interest.]

A howling; swell—a baby mumps.

people, who are too honest to steal, will borrow aad never pay back.

When *• man help* his wife with ber as to atop what she is doing

Doctor—Yon cough

Paatsat—I oaght t o ;

lily this

I practised all

P l u t r s l H i r g l i f n * t i m i r .

It is earnestly hoped that the papers read at the Piattsburgb Institute will all be preserved and publish* tl in annual vol­umes, so that men and womt-a in P.a'U-b u r g n a n d o u t m a r b e beuet i t ed b y t h e m .

If those treasures are gathered and not allowed to be lost nor bidden from public view, tbe Piattsburgb Institute may tn.-come, l ike the Smithsonian, a power "fur the increase and d Jlusiou of knowltdge among men."

James Smithfon gave half a million dol­lars and his name to the Institute »t Washington, and Joseph Henry, its tirst Secretary, gave his genius, his wisdom, and bis labor to make it a success.

X wise selection of officers was matte at the first meeting of the Plattsburgh Insti­tute, and if now seme public spirited citizen or citizens will furni-U a building t h a t wi l l g i v e i t a h m u e , ai d als > c o n t a i n

a room for tbe free public libtary and mu­seum lhat are sure to count-, it will b - a great blessing not only io Platisb . rgh, but to Climou county, the Empire State, America, and tbe world. U-

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lriv>-«-<."vn«-n--"I t IT"'| -\ - . - ' l , . t » . - i . ' . ' i i ' . - ' • ' M - ' -»>-.»• ' . . - r V . ' t - t " . - T •-• • . « i.» >•> 1 " t t t s ' > i r ^ - i ' "^ • i in r .1 .1% T | . ; » , r \ I w . ' • W i t h - » ' | - l l " i . t ^ l ' A ' I ' I - ' ' i- ' I T . > n . i m - J . - r " . . - m . » ' . « j > -* • - ' v " I-,v i'->. i< i « i ' i ; TI'T.NJ i|. ,r . , r v, liusinesst tW ti»t ,.f M »t . Mv tV •-.•hrt-sr> miker W>- WKTI T*i»-im c«-»l »•• w** -wn* 3*r«* ail \»-rt f . inl --f^ - - ! • ' ---^ *H-hl : i lN l } m r t - r s i U»t ) i . j ' . ' \ i» i-•'I. . m l all prt-o-it th<«'u'i' IT .V t^ ^ » - l l..)H-tlur<' . Mrs \ M. k.-- tr - . 1 ... iv in t.»t\n, t!r-^.i«-vt »l i'»-r*-v ' - M' V Th«-w

t l « \ l t l . K . Tne«tlavevi'iilu.'. \j>nl il . .i'«<xt t> .•|».i> t

larut" tir.-- w;ts set-ii m tli«- »lin>« tl.-*. ..f l*--rn '.t pi>iip|pi]i t h U t i m u . aTi . l . i l s«'o «.•»• i l"ift» lmrirH. Hut prt»t»it-•-'aim t«»k'.nv T-TJ m ; i'« .' it. Wlw <an trfl I B u - l i w »n.l w l a i it w iv V « auction sa le mvnti<»m"<l 1 »*t %v»-.-k > :wii' >-it 'i -~ t unlay as advertised. »linuj;h*.Tiic • f t'-i -JT» [» rtv was *>M n n j e r ivnrtf.1- T)i>- Tinj.:.-s-i^-i.r«.« i at Nelson Qnarters'\\.vx.i M U I ^ « , «. \<T :" '".»_ in attoiKlawv . . . I j%\T«-ni-i" Q'lartir* <-f I-iV. riaeiil, i< in IO«TI thl< v\«t k M>-.-= \»." •>- M Baker 1M>J»II her lir-t .-!j<ml l i s t i\,•*.). i . 1> -<r•• i No. 4. S-bnvler Falls llarri<i>n \rni-M II 1 RaktT, W. IT ( arpenter. and l'.-r.-r 1- ... ar. paper!iissind'.binjiuu!theirnH»rs Kir I n k f material fnnn which tj) makc..ffi<tr< f.»r tl.f Ha' Uvk Hill Mit^ *<(K-irl j - . one w•. irt h\ nicmlicr 1J.T.< r • serve as prp»ident. * «wret»rv. ti-c-u-urcr a i d *i uatu* cxtminitUf. One i< rcmlmlrtl of tl.c «H«' -r wlio after eating all his shipmates. m u M ^ i t i s i n s :

"Oh: I am tbe < "<><>k and the < 'aptaui'"»! 1. And OH? Mate of tiu* Nancy bng.

And the Bo'sarn tildit. and the 'MidsMptiiite. And the i t e « of the Captain's s i j . '

KLLtcxttreu: JtKrcvr. Krwin Jf. Slielleps.- who has l>een for s.>n»'

montlis i»a»t attendiiur the Troy Busing's i .»llt>i»«-. is home with his diploma Iinpn«\t*mentsi an> being madeiin-arious Jiarts of our little \ill.ur»-S. H. Marshall is havinu a new piar/a added l o tlK" fnmt of his store. l>r. 11. 11 Uc>n»!.Ni* buildinir a fine new dwelling on the lot tn-t \\ )-*) of John Crabtree's... .l>. M. smith, our popular Hotel proprie&ir. is lo erect a lanre new hotel Ju*t east <>f the railroad-tm t h e s i t e o f the old \ I I U T iean IToiise. M. J. Brooks, of MIKMTS. is . l,i, f i.-.-«riHMiter on all above jotis A. D. Boomlnv» <T is lM>giiiniiiir work, atriiin on his new but ter f.».«>v. J. W. Jloyt. IUU-I.H- of Fr<v Baptist ehureh, gave the riarht hand of fellowship to three new members last Sunday \ l \ A. ( tiriir-trom has gone to llaxerhill. Mass , to accept a juKition asbookkenier Daniel Corliss, o f s t . Vllians. is here visiting his UTOIIHT. O. J. I'orllss i .eorge Dandrow is in town There is to be a .sugar social at Mrs. Wra. Uwkertiy's TimMlay evenmg. A| ir i l l7 -Wiu. A. Jloy is irouifc to move back from Itenroont, onto liis farm awl 3Sr. J)amas, its occupant the past year has gone back to t liam-KSCMTOStSa.

An entertainment of a sacred character was given In the M. S . church on Sunday evening: *Hb. inst.. by the members of tlie choir and Minda$ School. Tbe choir sang beautiful selections from "Epworth Hymnal." "Triumphant sungs," "Fin­est of the wheat ," -Meaaic*"s First Prayer," "Alone in London." slolos. duetts and trios were sung by Misses Flora Wilson. S. Cora Wilson. Maggie J. l>owney, Dt>ra Wilson, and little girl from Kutland. V t , iltobinsoin. smis a solo, and Leda Wilson s a n y a touchinc pietie from "Jessica's First rrayer. tdTnuiist, "Miss K Wll son. Jtecitations w e r e wel l spoken bv Caleb I-a-ware, 1-. Hooey. Misses M. and I.. Brine and L. laware . Mr. Booth rcvite<l --Eleiry Written in a Country Churchyard." Jteadinrs. mu-rest inc pathetic atMl lierok- were given by Miss Ansen. Messrs. Booth and W. McCaslaiid. Three di­alogues were well delivered >libv Magaie J. Dow­ney and May Wll xix rii L. and IL WIIMIII. It Hooey and L. jLaware i.3t D. and C \t tlson. xad C- WilcoK. A silver collection was taken to­wards the expense* of the church. A I m a - m w r d assembled, l>oth_ Protestant and Catlioltc. Itajit attention was j^iven and a very pleasant evening a-as spent and enjoyed by all. .Mr. liooth U-lt here o»rly on Monday to attend the meetings of the Troy Conference, which is beimr held at (•,»-bom. X. T Mrs. Stoddard wa* a t church nl) Sunday morning. The young iivotde were t -iKi.-ially glad to see her. ]{n ii.\«i> Ki -TU

PKRIT. The Chief of Police celelwaled his first term of

ofttee on Thursday last by uniting in mamairc with Miss Olive Trombly. It is saitl. :uid Willi some truth, that the bride's lijw were seriouslv "eliapped." A ball folloWiitl the festh Hies and wasafitl inirwind uptotheocc:u.ion. Main l«-au tiful presents aud some useful one> were rec< n»-.l by tile happy couple Tuesilay eve of this \%e,-k the long postponed entertainment <:une..ff Tin house was tilled and the receipts were s?<K>il. -«>im thinitovrT twenty-two dollars IM-IUS- rlearetl i'Ju children in the chorus from Wans cot i-r«l them selves with glury. One who rrtisl to kcepii]twil l i tlie older ones by srcm>ing l o i y was loinllv m< plauded. The duet "Matrimonial sweats" ttas very a-ell perfurtned and reflects lnucb.-nibt on the actors. The drama iiassed off very pleasatith eonsklerin» the breaks that, hapjieued in pnn-tiw-The duet "My Brother, o My Brother" elicited m u c h . . a p p l a u s e . T b e s o l . > " S w e e t > k t r i e " w . t s T t . e finest event of the evening and the <mlv rc^n-t «.t the audience was xliat mure encores were u.-T prepared Mr. Geo. 1» HUISIBK h;ts g i . w 1-.

Burlinjrton to meet pliv--ii-iaiis from N. ,v Y->rk eity....I>r. Kinsley left Wednes.lav of ibis ,\><it for Burlington to nicer tbe New Vork. pln»% I.UJ-in regard to Mr. HaH.M-k's c ase I l i e - . k i i i town, are rii-o\erin^ --lowly .u,.l tt,- !,. )M - .r. :.

Our s t a t e Ulirary has IHI-II t e n \\;.t.-H r. >i ;ui»lit is approacliim: time t o return it \ \ , - !...[. the next assorrmi-m will be as i?oi«l as T1»:N \\ . are sorry to learn that Mr. i;«>r;.- i.r.-.u it..-«_-i iuiprovine lxHlily is n..t as u . l t m e m i l l t l Mason A Sons have m their new .-iwn.e tirl u-now able to do ,-Uino^t unlintiTol I. i»ir,.-»» Faxmersure ptotviiur and ttertiii^ ri,*-ir .a!, l r. t l . f o r g r a i n — W e are- . i rr>scn l i c i s m,ai:i • ' . . • . tribute his .juoUt. Ue l -u- ~ . em^ r.-l.l n~ A > \ . were doing that wc liaiill> lut...\ ..ur _»-. •.-without him.

I A 11 I I . •

II •



boy. aad When the the rule of three

wan, seat a* didn't haow aaless it atight B * h t o a W * ) * j 4 stank.

" I «aavH S I I I S S I i< h o w Mr*. Saa i l ey

K r . i . K X i i r K « ; n . The Holt real e-tat - w t- -< I n M •' ! . .

Referee I5i/.el, Welc;u-ii tliat tin- Mu>tj;.'.r. , l. were the pun-hax-i--. the li..':i.- l a i n - . : *1.*IO. audthi - lot t>.r *l'Ji< .l-t~T .v.. A " rrrn-K AS said- --< itch Tr>.'iT .. i r, t i f . , \ lolh." WuUtJ tin « la . . r h-tv.- -;- n . ... , the sab!j.ith • T ' i . - r . ' » j s . . . « ; . . ,. ..».\ . - | M > r t M l i e l l U p l e . r t l i t . i . i t . -I. Tr . . . t . ' , , 1 , . • , o ' l a c . - . . ' U l t o t s . i i . . t t \ . i i . . - .. .r i - . 1 . Dem... rai". W...U.I--. HI ' • r.-,.,ir. r. . - ,• t h e , - X . i . n - r i . - i e ^ • • ! T! .- f >i,, > 1 - . _

vices, at --r Kin n. i« i; i . . . . . . . W e . - l v . - l . w . 1 . « ( t \ • I- - 1 , . I • - -

w.-r. l.irgi iv .ut. . . I I ' ' , . I •s. I i - i t i l i t - _ ' . . ; t . ! • • l> • i *. u v . . .1 I . . . d M - . . . H 1. . A I - • • . , \ Mrs \\ II s ! , , , , „ t M I ' H i r i~'> i~ . i i - t - . ' i i i .

W i l l I H . . 1 J . . t l , . M . | , • • . . - • ! ! - . I — | . , \ 1 » . ,: \ t - I T . n g I t i l l - l - , , i ' t i

s , . , i » r . i — i i « . , | - , . - i ' i , . - l i ' i ST.-- I'I-- • i • .

w - . - : s t . . r l - i l .- I ' . T h a i t l . . - . .- 1.1 . i - , . I ,

.-r> -linn ir> -'.'I. ..ft i;. f. .ir i ••••ii. r . .• . >i \ l i , . l t - U l - i-U . . ,T. t 11- . , '

i int. r. Kite-i- -n t ! M.-L f l l . . . \ \ l . c ~ i t IA I . Il l l o A l l 111--- A . • -- \1 , - ' . I l . l - T.e "I l IT . - - , I, ,_- -

I t . . . . . . \ \ . . i . t . . r -Ttt. I ' , i t . i l . i T ,-r- » M. ' • • i t ^ i t e . - t . ' i g , ' , s , , _- ,• . J I „ .^ ---- u t f ^ ' . t l y • . . . i . . l - . u t - i l , Tl . , . , I . ' ,,

T ' i l l l l l [ . j H e " ! - . I t i . * fc-ve .tT" - l i - , - • - • . • I , - .

AJI.1 a IJ.MHI l i v e r is a'—..l.i'.- \ t for a p p r e c i a t i n g a rfiil 1 . en-r . B v r i n k a c * i t n ' .t-s w e . i t-> t, U l l e i l f b i s i r L l t c s l r . - _ • ! t s X t -

we-tk--t.ini.itti ""titl. nut l i s w n i l i i l k i ) , " * l i » d i u i . . l ie of ' ..-> ual doctors in v. ut » i.v r nn-.l i u-

B i r o t l W o u l d U e V i r t l t t e t - a .

i|iii-sti'in were ne now l n i >j. \S ', cause he a'nui<l lia\'e IM-I-U u-, P l t - r c ' s l-'.casailt P . 1 1-, au.l V, f u r e c u r e P>r C'itiSU|.-tH "ii J i l l b l t ous a'tocis.^, au 1 .til .1. t t i j j . l iver , st . i iu . tcb a e l <<•>* s I j , g r i p i n g o r V M e m e a'i . it l u e - ,-Uit-y'ic g u i r . t u i t t . 1 to 4 i v c s t t .^t i -yuur tn m-y H refmi 1. 1. 1) • i . i b e s t o m a , a w e » k , A l i n i t u v . t r m y o u r reach f r Si < Is.

I . • i

' . t

i f . T

AIHIN4* «»t* Che Cu«-ur4>.

EOITOK PLArrsBititoii REITHI.ICA.N', Jitur ijir:—A* a ci neen of Plattsburgh,

and one desiring that the reputation ot our beautiful town should appe tr at i u very best, esptcwl'y to "the airan^er wituin our gau-s." 1 wish to etcprcss my disgust, and testify lo the hutuiliatiou 1 felt, while atie idem at the e n t e r t d n i v u t , ia Academy Hall, last Monday night. 1 refer to tbe superabundance of eitort* in­dulged in on that occtaioa. 1 am sure

not one person present but who was delighted with the exceptionally ti ie

_ read red, aud who felt as though they could clap tueir hands to a blister iu

to show their appreciation! But it fair to isaiaf upon those young gen an r — p o a d i o ^ taro a a d l i t r e s l i m e s ,

and o n one occasion I think the fourth time, after they had already g ive* wh4t

" to , aad what th* price of the ' Who would

of going into one of our dry g >od. of which the p opiiat.>ra h a i pre • danrli *d aoJeiai hnrgaia- in a >a»-

Isae, aad aftar cuonaiag and " qaaatsiy. ead bei**-

ash, ia

. i i u t '

i i ' i l r .

a > .

- T I

-. ... I •a. r

Tb)U>anils uf i-iin-s i.-Huv t i n - u - I Dr. .Sage's ( V u r r t i K< m !y . I s -j • • ' rcwar- i tor a u l u c i r t l i l e t ts,-.

m/h.t w i l l «a i t? M r . . P at i u , ' - - .

*l\ l ' - \ i t i * A* I << • .

• • I i j ; • .• t* • ••! i ' , 1

r> • t - - ' U v l ' i t " « 1 * ' • 1 *

t ^ . ^ r t ^ t - . T I . .ii *f m-

•itt»- r « - ? « o i » U A . " • • •. OULtl t i**i l lis K ' * - * ' {'.r«*.M*.t t* 'U» •!» '< i*

•-i. ** U*«» «>**"'' . t i r i i U i r o * t > • ' » i kt*t*i« i t

. I * »

-* .» . . i i- '

1 1



i . -• 1


D o \ .1 Wiiil to c u j i> g > 1 t.-tltU, i' r. , U*3 Wrlgtll"* Lu-lua \ egeUU •• 1M s. wu . U will cure iu>->l ot our ail a - i t

nuuji.'sn * »


i t - t

I - . ' ^ • t

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i t ' "

J" ' M J : s l ; t t - t V v , t t l l % ,

"I r.imiiit'rii-iii its ust- ar ' t-n :tv- •» ' • *ay that the r.-s'iIts m st j»»-i^-»nt,v *• r-orwt'd m>\ I r.ceiv.- i to-4i f r . «'T.t>. t»-st • i > s e m t h e .1'gi-iti .t .f m , f. 1 T'i.« I know surely, f <r I 'eft it ?T f >r >ne roeai ar,d plainly tl tie< ,\ ib»< l »I. r m e e

'•After tak'ng tt»n*»- »}«>tt ,-s mv Iigutt .n was even belter than >»<-f .r.< J n*.J tri«» gnppe, and my ti«rv«t were i n t i r . y re­storer! tt> their u trin*1 f.tndi'l'U My rheumat'*ni left i«. « n j i b i l n i m »rv pains at all.

"I wan entirely «tire I • .f *'l my tr.. i> le«, and all lbr<»i>;h tti • 1 I .«f I)r *«>'i« Jfervura bio. .1 and nern* rem -»ly Ii is a wonderful medicini*, ijni i a.ivis-< rv< ry-one who is w . k ..r MI!T fna: fr m any cause to t i k e i». V f itt- . i me rtn I 1 am confident it will i-nte i'b»r» "

What a remarkal-'c tr >l lecrat nt t > lake this medicine. It m the most certain >*'ire known ft-r wcukness, nei v,»iisn»'*«. TO-gestion, c o m ' i p s O m and a'i l.l 111 and nerve d seases. !• i« the In st Hung f >r k dney aud hver c>>mp!am*s. Take it n »w, tn the spring, when- you pan ?)»» rurnl quickest. Your Wood demands a sprintr medicine, and Dr. <Jrei*nt>*s Nervara bi ><»<! aad oerre remt-tlv j» the bent because it is purely vegetable and hannlesa and always curea.

I t is the di<<- iv.-ry of our tn•»** s i r c H s -ful specialist in caring n«-rv.t«< und chronic diseases, I)- Oreene of »r» West U'h Street, N e w York t'lty. Ue marge-* nothing for c«>n«uitati»n. either p>ri>ti*l'y or by letter. If y. .n live t.»» fur to tal l write him.

"Hood's \ eg. t i»•'. I', e«t an.l w iit r. .;• . • - (.. a-iJates, N \


Wi.ct.ct.-rt.-i ,r. t, j . i A 11, 1 . ,-< t.-t.r api»-ntc tli„-•>. au l , -1»••> 1 ' i-t ge-.trt v ' tkc .lli-W doses . | l>i JI. , , I . ! .» . 1 , Mn ' , ,k ' l i ­ter-, and l..'i . t i l ».- - .i-jr -«-l at tj,. •• 5 r- . . mc'it HI f.-t ling" i . n r . f. »».• \ »rtt' '.-l'•• i ; . u - - u l , - f j t t | ; i -

Sitid ari-.fe.! • 1 >m . . »ne D o w i i s h i a i t I r» • I_I a h o } . "

lUieumarlsm Is . j . : K, Oil l-umnciit

\ 1 , •

. 1 . . t- . . i

' , t . » l l . t » . -

1 A -

• r « i*Ais«rHl; >'.,rr.stln« llt^atl. :»CIH> ro»<ters l ia itic 1 i».l is 11 tuliiates. I eurea lots.

Watreatiaa BIlilH«r a n l M a l a r i a C u r e pnr . -Bea t h e Mlood 1 l irough tbe Liver a n d a i l i e y s . l eav ing t b e s k i n soft a n d sut >oth- O t h e r It loo.! Pur.rters ,1a u it .

D s a t Diet. I f V--.I > . t f l> - , . . - , • . .

• • « . | C t i | n t e . . i <r - . ' • , t u e i - . l t h . - ' • - . • _ i , • , • . - ! • -• . -AlKltCer \ - l , \ i ' f ,T I , , * .

l)\»|n-ps i l'r , , • ! , , . , arei-i i . -t ij . tt . 1 „- t i-.n . s ... , . • W i s e w i t h t . j .


In • a d .. • \, , -«i , Mr- J-itKn i;t I i

l n i ; - u n , i j . \ . 1 - , ^ M r - • H X-- i l i i p i . i . -

> l \ I C I C I V t . l l N .

V i . . • ' • , , . - , , I l . . t - < „ . , . . 1 -• ', u. . Mr ... i n \ r n VII .I ,

1 . M e • - • • . -1- . " • i i l , v " . , . ,

"'. '.'.li,"' "' " ' " " V 1. -• - ,

u l i . t i i . . . . . . ,


• 1 " .

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in: v rus .

l l . I I M H . i l | J , I J . i


Specitlist for all Chronic Dise.t^,

ItitiM-t I'.ilni, I j i fu l i , , M u ' g . i u i t , 1 1 I l l s * - .

I'Uitsii og i \tnii i; i v i , .i, t , , i ll»U<M .

k - r s r ) l l l r , l ] . t | j 1 1,1 Li 1. 1 . i U 11

W c s t p t t t , Vpri l _'•!. i . v . - H . . . .

I'.itl 11. n i l . Vptn .'1 • ». I , u ... m

I Itiilltli H i g a , \ j , t i l .* 1. liui 1. i^'i II , , . , .

Now .-bte- «-'iT'-.l

m u t i i t «>

I t

i t i n i'.

" 1 f c r - l l i t . . - ^ i w I « - O . J : » . . r . » • .- 11 Vegetable PiU* a', I U-»-ts - . t - ^ - u ^ M.,-Jjt-.Mii M-t iiactt \ l j t s j> i s V

a t e t a t e e * * • • « Tavta-

There has IHH-U r « t-iiT,> j -u » 11 • t • • ,r it .g -' . • -i,itiHorc» \r<-in.tti. t\,..-- rr. • -m it •. t. I i ..

I I l H H l U a t WM i . H i s 111 t l» , W . s T , IU ^ , 1 1 . 1 I - , .

to IHUIIC iK-sit ri-gaU!iug I. .a I -i ,i-i .- .w .». -wtucli l it i l io are su'.lts £ t>. \ . « r l , t n . • u< i .

I N o n . n u llebllU) lll.l.gestl<.ii an.l l i .wai . lW, tx I IHSM. auii a vviuiral rt-^; t-,t tt„ x»t«-m~*-1<

aud buarula. TU- JM-UV U f I tw i» i IK-HI,

All e*ra*j. * • « • • w a a h a r e u»a4 Or. Kit'*** S e w Ills .

• o v a r y k n o w It* v e l a e , aati ihtM* * u o u*v« I aoa , hava • • • t a o o»|>oTtaaUy t o try i t tr«a.

wait •»• law m t v e w i a a * WrUagtat a u * g « ( a tshat * j M l a . * i a * . Baa* s o a r aaaaa a a a ad «a*a*aaSf. It- naehlin A Oa., Chtanao, aua •BSaaasanto h*a af ne. King's BWw tJi« fiiia beaav a* emu as a aawv at wate* t* st*****

mawaaaawAj»aB*-v*a*aehMae. aalalwaaah

M E ( U K K s D l S l A s l M i l i l U KVfc KAK. C t r ^ h K H K t O \ < H 1 T i s f o l t . l j s i s . H M , 1 ' O l . t l ' r s . K \ t . A s i . l i l . l o N M . s

i H t h D M ^ N D r VI N f c S s l t , . i s - s [ K V t h , l » \ s l ' K r s t \ U i N \ i \ ,

K A KB. M.' Hub I L A I ' l t i s c 1» I l \u I l>i i ' t h , l-»m.|.> H M I H i * \

C'KILS, i l M«»U- t . i » ItiH 1.1V K H , K l l ' N n - " Ml i l i D K l

si'ivte,sivi^ d t - h i s r i i i u a l i E X K K A i n f D U V N s l o S S i O r S i » i \ U » L , I M U K K s ,4u.i rr_\ tA. l .rI UlSiKAtir:-* f t K K t i

ull L l t l « » \ i s t i t * I H ' S I k u t ' w a

wcienufic^ntvulist in ihe^UU*, n/ith stu expeneuce ut' iifarlj tarty yaxtn ami »i piieixouieuai nueoeae iii ourmg ail okrouic dlaet twcm w l l t j u n i l O i l i e r t r « * A -

nat fUt Ihtw f a u U s i