


1. The results of the research ---- that, presently, several East Asian countries ---- rapidly.

A) have indicated / were developingB) indicate / are developingC) are indicated / have been developingD) were indicated / had developedE) had indicated / developed

2. Understandably, her friends ---- when Julia married someone else after being engaged to John for two years.

A) are surprisingB) were surprisedC) surprisedD) will be surprisedE) had surprised

3. The facsimile ---- when the secretary returns from lunch.

A) will be sentB) is going to sendC) should have sentD) was being sentE) has been sent

4. Because James ---- to physical work, he ---- after he had spent a week on the farm.

A) isn’t accustomed / might be exhaustedB) hadn’t accustomed / had exhaustedC) won’t be accustomed / will be exhaustedD) hasn’t accustomed / has exhaustedE) wasn’t accustomed / was exhausted

5. Animals ---- to survive in the wild, rather than kept in captivity.

A) are helpingB) have been helpingC) should be helpedD) could be helpingE) ought to have helped

6. Films of violence ---- on television until after 9.30 at night, the time when the majority of children ---- to bed.

A) cannot be shown / wentB) aren’t being shown / had goneC) didn’t use to be shown / are goingD) shouldn’t be shown / goE) needn’t be shown / have gone

7. Normal climbing boots slip in icy conditions, so climbers ---- iron plates with spikes, known as crampons, to their boots.

A) should be fixedB) have to fixC) have been fixedD) used to fixE) must be fixed

8. “Fragile, handle with care” ---- on the package, but still the contents of the parcel ---- when it arrived.

A) had written / would be brokenB) is being written / will be brokenC) was written / were brokenD) would have written / had brokenE) has been written / could break

9. An apple tree ---- fruit until it is five to eight years old.

A) did not bearB) was not bearingC) has not been borneD) does not bearE) will not be borne

10. The hill where Jane Austen set one of her romances ---- Box Hill because of the box trees which ---- there.

A) calls / are grownB) has been calling / grewC) used to call / used to growD) are calling / were growingE) is called / grow

11. Your chances of success in an examination ---- if you ---- the course work thoroughly.

A) enhance / are revisedB) were enhancing / revisedC) had enhanced / were revisingD) could be enhanced / would reviseE) are enhanced / revise

12. When he ---- an essay in on time for once, his professor ---- him a look of surprise.

A) handed / gaveB) was handed / was givingC) is handed / will be givenD) has handed / would giveE) hands / is given

13. You ---- plenty of time in case the bus ----; otherwise, you’ll risk missing your ferry.

A) must have allowed / delaysB) used to allow / delayedC) ought to be allowed / has delayedD) had better allow / is delayedE) were allowed / was delayed

14. It’s true that happiness ---- with money, but some money ---- life easier.

A) mustn’t be bought / madeB) shouldn’t buy / has madeC) can’t be bought / makesD) doesn’t buy / is makingE) hasn’t been bought / is made

15. Cells ---- for the first time by the English scientist Robert Hooke, who, in 1665, ---- a book about his findings.

A) were described / publishedB) had described / would have publishedC) could be described / was publishedD) has described / had publishedE) would be described / could be published

16. Portland cement, when it ........... with water, ---- a paste that binds sand, gravel and stone into a rock-like mass called concrete.

A) will be combined / formedB) has combined / is formedC) was combined / was formedD) combines / has been formedE) is combined / forms

17. The twentieth century, now nearing its end, ---- the century when mankind ---- to realise that the Earth’s resources are limited.

A) was / was comingB) will be / had comeC) has been / has comeD) had been / came E) will have been coming / is coming

18. Up to now, the equipment ---- regularly, but from now on, we ---- it before every outing.

A) wasn’t checked / are checkingB) hasn’t checked / will be checkingC) isn’t being checked / should be checkedD)hasn’t been checked / are going to checkE) hadn’t checked / have to be checked

19. Judging from the speed of mechanization, it ---- that very few things in the world ---- by hand in the twenty-first century.

A) has been predicted / will be makingB) can be predicted / will be madeC) will be predicted / were madeD) is being predicted / have been madeE) is predicting / will have been made

20. Considering the meager resources we ---- with for the project, we ---- a wonderful job.

A) had been provided / didB) were provided / can doC) have been provided / used to doD) will be provided / have doneE) provided / will be doing

21. Solutions to the problem of unemployment ---- , but none of the measures that ---- so far has been very successful.

A) have sought / will be tiredB) will be sought / have been tryingC) had been seeking / were tryingD) are being sought / have been triedE) have been seeking / are tried

22. Africa’s population growth rate is much higher than the world average and it ---- that, by the year 2050 Africa ---- for twenty-one percent of the world’s population.

A) has estimated / accountsB) was estimating / had been accountingC) will be estimated / accountedD) will have estimated / is accountingE) is estimated / will account

23. Following stricter “drink driving” regulations, the number of accidents which ---- drunk drivers ---- significantly.

A) have been involved / is reducedB) involve / has been reducedC) were involved / was reducingD) are involved / is reducingE) involved / has been reducing

24. I managed to translate most of the letter for you, but I ----- stuck on one or two sentences.

A) am gettingB) getC) gotD) was gettingE) will get

25. The world’s first dental school, Baltimore Collage of Dental Surgery, ---- by two Americans, Horace Hayden and Chapin Harris, in 1839.

A) would have foundedB) was foundingC) was foundedD) had foundedE) would be founding

26. The works of Shakespeare ---- into every major language in the world.

A) are going to translateB) have been translatedC) had translatedD) had been translatingE) will have translated

27. He ---- about this meeting for weeks, so I don’t know why he ---- anything for it yet.

A) is known / isn’t preparingB) was known / doesn’t prepareC) knows / didn’t prepareD) has known / hasn’t preparedE) knew / hadn’t prepared

28. There were such a lot of different things to do at the resort where we ---- our holiday that none of us ---- .

A) spent / was boredB) were spending / boredC) were spent / had boredD) have spent / could be boredE) spend / are bored

29. A place ---- for you, Madam, as soon as you ---- the deposit.

A) has been reserved / will payB) reserved / had paidC) is reserving / are paidD) is reserved / were paidE) will be reserved / have paid

30. There is no way you ---- all of your project in an hour, so you ---- the most important points and talk about those.

A) should be covered / ought to chooseB) used to cover / can chooseC) must cover / will be chosenD) ought to cover / have chosenE) can cover / had better choose

31. If a person ---- in more food than required to meet the body’s needs, the excess calories ---- to fat.

A) will take / have convertedB) takes / are convertedC) is taken / convertD) has taken / were convertedE) was taken / had converted

32. Because I ….. up in a house next to a main railway line, I rarely get disturbed by noises during the night.

A) was broughtB) had broughtC) have been bringingD) used to bringE) am bringing

33. Women ---- dress design until the last half of the 19th century.

A) were dominatedB) have dominatedC) dominatedD) are dominatingE) would be dominated

34. Luckily, he realised that he had forgotten his passport in time to return to the hotel and collect it; otherwise, we ---- the hovercraft.

A) must not have caughtB) ought not to be caughtC) hadn’t been caughtD) couldn’t have caughtE) needn’t have caught

35. Everybody was very concerned when one of the representatives ---- half way through the main course.

A) will collapseB) is collapsingC) has collapsedD) collapsesE) collapsed

SET 21. I hope the new timetable ---- by Friday as I

want to start a driving course next week, but I need to know which afternoon I will be off before I can enroll on it.

A) has been announcedB) is going to announceC) will have been announcedD) has been announcingE) is being announced

2. Obviously, the management ---- that we ---- the new conditions without questioning the consequences.

A) have assumed / are acceptedB) assume / will acceptC) were assumed / have acceptedD) will be assumed / will be acceptedE) assumed / were accepted

3. Look! The other team must be about to play their substitute because he ---- warmed up at the side of the pitch.

A) has gotB) getsC) had been gettingD) is gettingE) will get

4. To the ancient Romans, a census ..... simply counting the people and valuing their estates for the purpose of the taxation, but today the range of information collected by a census taker is very wide, and the statistics gathered ---- to many uses.

A) meant / are putB) was meant / have putC) used to mean / have been puttingD) had been meaning / putE) means / are being put

5. I really dislike ---- to work on Sundays because I feel torn between my family and work.

A) to be askingB) askingC) being askedD) having askedE) to have asked

6. The FBI ---- that he knew where the body ----.

A) has suspected / was buryingB) suspects / had been buryingC) was suspected / will be buriedD) is suspected / had buriedE) suspected / was buried

7. Animal lovers would like industrial testing on animals ---- to medical experiments.

A) being limitedB) to have limitedC) having limitedD) to be limitedE) to be limiting

8. The end of slavery in America ---- by the passage of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution on 18th December, 1865.

A) would have achievedB) was achievingC) had achievedD) has been achievedE) was achieved

9. Medicines and chemical cleaning liquids ---- out of children’s reach.

A) should be keptB) must have keptC) need to keepD) have keptE) used to keep

10. The United Kingdom ---- a period of time until 1995 to clean up its beaches by the European Union, but Morecombe Bay in Lancashire was so dirty that it ---- two more years to bring the area up to the required standard.

A) was given / was allowedB) is given / has allowedC) gives / will have allowedD) has been given / has allowedE) gave / had been allowed

11. Five armed men ---- a Zurich Post Office last night in a van which ---- as a Post Office repair vehicle.

A) were robbing / disguisedB) robbed / was disguisedC) were robbed / had disguisedD) had been robbed / has disguisedE) would be robbing / is disguised

12. Advertising is very old. Examples of advertising ---- as far back as ancient Greece, where criers ---- out messages about their clients’ wares to the public.

A) have found / were shoutingB) would be found / had been shoutedC) might be found / were shoutedD) used to find / had been shoutingE) can be found / shouted

13. The coach driver couldn’t see through the window because it......... properly.

A) doesn’t cleanB) didn’t use to cleanC) wasn’t supposed to cleanD) hadn’t been cleanedE) hasn’t cleaned

14. Portugal’s government ---- down by a military coup in 1974 and the new administration ---- the rights of Portuguese African territories to independence.

A) was bringing / was recognisedB) has brought / recognisesC) was brought / recognisedD) has been brought / is recognisedE) had brought / had recognised

15. In order to keep his land fertile, a farmer ---- animal, plant or chemical fertilizers.

A) had been usedB) has to useC) must be usedD) used to useE) can be used

16. During some of the war years, my father and his brother were separated ---- their parents because they were evacuated from London to the countryside.

A) withB) forC) aboutD) fromE) towards

17. In our company the sales representatives and the managers are provided ---- a company car.

A) withB) fromC) byD) intoE) for

18. The film “Rainmaker” is based ---- the book of the same name by John Grisham and tells the story of a newly qualified lawyer.

A) forB) fromC) onD) withE) by

19. Local residents ---- to radio-activity for weeks now because of the leak at the Nuclear Power station.

A) are exposingB) have been exposedC) will have been exposedD) were exposedE) had been exposing

20. I’m sure they ---- with your gift. They --- a toaster for a long time.

A) will thrill / wantedB) had thrilled / have wantedC) are going to thrill / had been wantingD) will be thrilled / have been wantingE) will have been thrilled / want

21. Under UK equal opportunity laws, an employee ---- against on the grounds of race, religion or gender.

A) didn’t use to discriminateB) should not discriminateC) won’t have discriminatedD) hasn’t been discriminatingE) cannot be discriminated

22. The company ---- the advertisement because several viewers ---- that it was offensive.

A) was being withdrawn / will complainB) withdraws / had complainedC) had been withdrawn / were complainingD) could have withdrawn / complainE) had to withdraw / complained

23. Strict dieting to lose weight ---- only under a physician’s care.

A) has attemptedB) should be attemptedC) is attemptingD) must have attemptedE) had been attempting

24. Are you sure my table ---- by this cleaning fluid?

A) won’t have damagedB) hadn’t damagedC) won’t be damagedD) isn’t damagingE) hasn’t been damaging

25. It’s our principle that the petrol tank ---- before the rental car ---- to the customer.

A) is filled / is deliveredB) must be filled / has deliveredC) has filled / has been deliveredD) was filled / had deliveredE) will have filled / delivers

26. This morning, the attendant ---- a baby who ---- in an old blanket on the steps of the country hospital.

A) finds / wrappedB) was being found / has been wrappedC) is finding / was wrappingD) found / was wrappedE) was found / had been wrapped

27. The sailing ship ---- about like a toy by the strong November wind.

A) threwB) had thrownC) throwsD) was being thrownE) has been throwing

28. All of the trees that ---- by the disease ---- ; otherwise, the problem will spread through the whole orchard.

A) affect / must have been destroyedB) are affected / should be destroyedC) have been affected / destroyD) have been affecting / might be destroyedE) are affecting / will have been destroyed

29. In some states in the USA, prisoners who have received the death sentence ---- by lethal injection, while other states ---- prisoners in an “electric chair”.

A) have been killing / are executedB) had been killed / will executeC) are killed / executeD) will kill / are going to executeE) are killing / are executing

30. Most of the animals which now ---- wild on the island ---- there during the 19th century.

A) live / were broughtB) are living / had broughtC) were living / are broughtD) have been living / broughtE) lived / have been brought

31. I ---- scuba diving lessons since last year, but I still ---- accustomed to breathing with all that equipment.

A) took / hadn’t gotB) am taking / didn’t getC) have been taking / haven’t gotD) am taken / wasn’t gettingE) will be taken / won’t be getting

32. You ---- the dogs in; otherwise, they ---- frightened when the fireworks go off.

A) must have brought / gotB) should have brought / have gotC) are brought / are gettingD) had better bring / will getE) have been brought / get

33. As far as I know, the body ---- by a child who ---- his bike through the park.

A) has discovered / is ridingB) had discovered / was riddenC) was being discovered / ridesD) is discovered / is being riddenE) was discovered / was riding

34. The secretary ---- ---- in the conspiracy, but we don’t know whether she actually shot the senator or not.

A) has been known / to be involvingB) is known / to have been involvedC) will have known / to involveD) knew / to have involvedE) had been known / having involved

35. Robert is so clumsy with words that whenever he ---- his mouth, he ---- somebody.

A) opens / insultsB) opened / is insultedC) will open / has insultedD) will have opened / is insultingE) had opened / was insulted

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I


1. Oh, gosh! You ---- with a shark coming straight towards you.

A) must have been terrifiedB) could have terrifiedC) must have been terrifyingD) should have terrifiedE) used to be terrifying

2. The forest fire ---- an area of the Amazonian rain forest the size of France.

A) was destroyedB) destroysC) will be destroyedD) has destroyedE) had been destroyed

3. Spiders ---- by many people, but most of them ---- to be harmless.

A) had feared / were knownB) have been feared / knewC) are feared / are knownD) have feared / have knownE) will be feared / know

4. Although specifically directed against slavery, the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution ---- since ---- by the federal courts as applicable to all forms of enforced labour.

A) is / being viewedB) has / been viewedC) will / have been viewedD) has / been viewingE) is / viewing

5. My mother is quite old now and sometimes she ---- up and down steps.

A) was to be helpedB) has helpedC) used to helpD) must have helpedE) has to be helped

6. As none of us have been there before, we ---- how much time we ---- for the journey.

A) won’t decide / allowedB) can’t decide / should allowC) might not decide / had allowedD) aren’t decided / allowE) haven’t been decided / will allow

7. As we ---- towards the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, thousands of people ---- in the opposite direction to protest about the increase in telephone rates.

A) were being walked / have marchedB) were walked / are marchingC) were walking / have been marchingD) walked / were marchingE) are walking / had marched

8. After my father ---- me his old bicycle, I ---- to university, which was better for my health.

A) was given / had cycledB) has been given / have been cyclingC) was giving / will be cyclingD) has given / will cycleE) had given / cycled

9. When the meadow behind the farm ----, my brother’s hayfever ----.

A) was mowed / deterioratedB) mows / has deterioratedC) had been mowed / deterioratesD) mowed / had been deterioratingE) will have mowed / is deteriorating

10. The Irish people ---- to Christianity by Saint Patrick in the 5th century and Ireland had been a great centre of peace, culture and learning until it ---- by Vikings in the 9th century.

A) have converted / invadesB) were converted / was invadedC) were converting / has invadedD) have been converting / was invadingE) had converted / was being invaded

11. I ---- to see that the thing which ---- out of the bushes in front of me in the dark alley was only a cat.

A) had relieved / was jumpedB) would relive / was jumpingC) have been relieved / is jumpingD) was relieved / jumpedE) am relieved / is jumped

12. I wonder whether the hotel ---- us with towels or not.

A) is providedB) was providedC) had providedD) will provideE) is being provided

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

13. Fog over a city is usually more intense than over the surrounding countryside because the city ---- a greater amount of moisture into the atmosphere.

A) is dischargedB) has dischargedC) dischargesD) was dischargedE) will be discharged

14. While she ---- the documents, she ---- several new French words.

A) was translating / learntB) translated / is learningC) is translated / has learnedD) has been translating / will learnE) translates / was learning

15. It’s has been a wonderful party! I ---- myself so much in a long time.

A) don’t enjoyB) won’t enjoyC) wasn’t enjoyingD) haven’t enjoyed E)am not enjoying

16. Usually I ---- cash for things because I ---- using credit cards.

A) pay / don’t likeB) have paid / didn’t likeC) am paid / am not likedD) am paying / haven’t likedE) have been paid / won’t like

17. I know that you ---- here in the bathroom, son, because I ---- the smoke at this very moment.

A) smoke / am smellingB) smoked / could smellC) have been smoking / can smellD) were smoked / used to smellE) are smoking / might smell

18. This is the fifth time they ---- this record this morning. I wonder when they ---- tired of it?

A) play / are gettingB) were played / gotC) had played / were gettingD) are played / have gotE) have played / will get

19. Sugar-free chewing gums ---- in the 1950s, and by the 1980s several brands ---- on the market.

A) were introducing / were appearingB) were introduced / had appearedC) had been introduced / will appearD) would have introduced / appearedE) have been introduced / would be appearing

20. I really hate ---- waiting at the dentist.

A) being keptB) keepingC) to have keptD) having keptE) to keep

21. Are you going to hold a party when you ----?

A) were promotingB) will promoteC) are promotedD) have promotedE) will be promoting

22. The twins ---- after by a German nanny for the last three years, so they can both speak German quite fluently.

A) are lookingB) were being lookedC) have been lookedD) will have lookedE) have been looking

23. A: What have you done to your ankle?

B: I ---- over while I ---- on Sunday.

A) was tripped / had hikedB) would be tripping / have hikedC) had tripped / hikedD) had been tripped / would be hikingE) tripped / was hiking

24. Jeff ---- himself how to play the guitar during his years at university, and now he ---- the instrument like a professional.

A) has taught / is playedB) taught / playsC) was teaching / will playD) will be taught / has playedE) had been taught / was played

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

25. I ---- able to understand a lot more Turkish since the principles of vowel harmony ---- to me.

A) will be / explainedB) was / had explainedC) should be / were explainingD) am / are explainingE) have been / were explained

26. By the end of the month, you ---- to lessons for two months, so you ---- to take your proficiency test.

A) are coming / have been allowedB) are going to be coming / have allowedC) will have been coming / will be allowedD) have been coming / are allowedE) had been coming / will have allowed

27. You ---- your machine on the 13th March, so, allowing seven days for delivery, it ---- on or before the 20th.

A) ordered / will be deliveredB) have been ordering / has deliveredC) are ordered / will be deliveringD) are being ordered / is going to deliverE) will have ordered / delivers

28. They ---- the brochures but they haven’t bound them yet, so they ---- them until Monday.

A) have been printed / shouldn’t deliverB) have printed / can’t deliverC) are printing / haven’t deliveredD) are printed / couldn’t deliverE) will print / wouldn’t deliver

29. The teacher was certain that some of the students ---- by the new grammar, but they ---- any questions.

A) had confused / weren’t askedB) were confusing / hadn’t askedC) had been confused / aren’t askedD) were confused / didn’t askE) will be confused / haven’t asked

30. Saturated fats ---- ---- the level of cholesterol in the blood.

A) have known / to be raisingB) know / having raisedC) were known / to be raisedD) knew / to have been raisedE) are known / to raise

31. The results ---- by now, so let’s phone dad and see if he knows the score.

A) should have broadcastB) might broadcastC) ought to be broadcastingD) must have been broadcastE) will have been broadcasting

32. We ---- some sleep when we get home because we ---- on a coach for sixteen hours.

A) will need / will have been travellingB) needed / have been travellingC) are needed / are going to travelD) were needed / had been travellingE) need / are travelling

33. The head chef ---- that only fresh vegetables ---- in the production of their soups.

A) has claimed / will have usedB) was claimed / usedC) is claimed / have been usedD) claims / are usedE) claimed / were using

34. A monastery ---- on this site in the 11th century, but these remains are of a later structure, which ---- in the 13th century.

A) was founding / had builtB) founded / was buildingC) was founded / was builtD) had been founded / has been builtE) have founded / would be built

35. Unfortunately, the student had confused the “present perfect” ---- the “past perfect” and therefore, he scored rather badly on his last examination.

A) forB) withC) aboutD) byE) from

36. As long as I ---- at least three times a week, I’m sure I ---- any stage fright before the performance.

A) rehearse / won’t experienceB) am rehearsing / haven’t experiencedC) was rehearsing / hadn’t experiencedD) will rehearse / am not experiencingE) rehearsed / don’t experience

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

37. Hopefully, I ---- refreshed and invigorated by the time I ---- from holiday.

A) am feeling / have returnedB) was feeling / was returnedC) will be feeling / returnD) am going to feel / am returnedE) will have felt / had returned

38. Why is it always regarded as so funny when someone ---- on a banana skin?

A) is slippedB) slippedC) was slippedD) had slippedE) slips

39. I ---- her only when she ---- that she was wrong.

A) forgave / was admittedB) forgive / is admittedC) will forgive / admitsD) am going to forgive / admittedE) have forgiven / will admit

40. Are you sure you ---- an umbrella? It looks as if it ----?

A) didn’t need / has rainedB) haven’t needed / has been rainingC) don’t need / had been rainingD) won’t need / is going to rainE) hadn’t needed / was raining

41. The party ---- only to employees. The employees’ families ---- as well.

A) doesn’t limit / have invitedB) isn’t limited / are invitedC) wasn’t limited / invitedD) hasn’t limited / had been invitedE) won’t limit / were invited

42. The letters ----- in a drawer, in which Emily ---- all her personal keepsakes.

A) are hidden / was keptB) were hidden / keptC) are hiding / is keptD) hid / was keepingE) had hidden / keeps

43. We ---- the evening until Frank ---- to an emergency.

A) enjoyed / has been calledB) enjoyed / was callingC) were enjoying / was calledD) had enjoyed / has calledE) will be enjoying / had been called

44. The parcel ---- back to the Post Office, because I was at work when they ---- to deliver it.

A) took / were tiredB) has been taking / are tryingC) is taken / are tiredD) had been taken / have triedE) was taken / tried

45. The nations of Central America ---- many cultural characteristics, and except in Belize, Spanish ---- in all of them as the official language.

A) share / is spokenB) are sharing / has spokenC) are shared / has been speakingD) were sharing / had spokenE) shared / is speaking

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I


1. The leader of the “Help the Children” program hopes that every child in the area ---- by a doctor before the end of the month.

A) will be seeingB) is going to seeC) had been seenD) has been seenE) will have been seen

2. Temperature ---- by a thermometer, a glass tube in which the height of a column of mercury or alcohol ---- with variations in temperature.

A) is measured / changesB) measures / has been changedC) measured / had changedD) is measuring / has changedE) has measured / is changed

3. Before steel and concrete ---- as building materials, the carpenter ---- the major role in constructing all building frameworks.

A) had introduced / was playingB) were introduced / playedC) have been introduced / would playD) were introducing / had playedE) would introduce / has played

4. During World War II, the town of Coventry in England ........... almost completely ---- .

A) was / destroyingB) has been / destroyedC) had / destroyedD) was / destroyedE) would / have destroyed

5. Disease ---- ---- by creatures invisible to the naked eye that enter the body.

A) is said / to be causedB) is saying / to causeC) has said / to be causingD) was said / to have causedE) said / to have been caused

6. Rosa Bonheur ---- as a great artist in her ownlifetime, when she ---- a medal in the name of King Louis Philippe.

A) acknowledged / had awardedB) has been acknowledged / awardedC) was acknowledged / was awardedD) has acknowledged / was awardingE) was acknowledging / would be awarded

7. The Olympic Games ---- on television by millions of people worldwide.

A) have watchedB) will be watchingC) are watchedD) will have watchedE) have been watching

8. Many recent works ---- that all children go through the same stages of language development regardless the language they ----- .

A) are stressing / are learntB) have stressed / are learningC) will be stressed / have learntD) stressed / will be learntE) were stressed / learn

9. Mary’s aunt ---- in hospital for some more tests.

A) was supposed to keepB) is keepingC) was keepingD) must have keptE) has been kept

10. If you ---- by the children while you ----, I can send the children outside to play.

A) are troubling / have workedB) trouble / have been workingC) will be troubled / workedD) are troubled / are workingE) were troubled / had worked

11. I ---- excited at the thought that in less than a week we ---- in the mountains.

A) am getting / will be skiingB) have got / have been skiingC) had got / will have skiedD) will get / had been skiingE) will have got / ski

12. Mr. Grunfeld ---- for his humour already, but on this occasion the whole class ---- hysterically.

A) knew / had been laughingB) is known / was laughingC) has known / laughedD) knows / were laughedE) was known / laugh

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

13. She says that she ---- her mind whatever others ---- her.

A) isn’t changed / have toldB) wasn’t changed / were tellingC) won’t change / tellD) didn’t change / were toldE) hasn’t changed / are told

14. Originally, only the Chinese ---- acupuncture, but since the 1970s Western interest in this form of medical treatment ---- .

A) were using / will have grownB) have used / was growingC) used / has been growingD) were used / is growingE) had been using / grew

15. In medieval times mattresses were filled ---- natural materials like feathers, straw and horsehair.

A) ofB) toC) fromD) withE) by

16. Until he ---- his name for the movie business, John Wayne ---- Marion Michael Morrison.

A) was changing / calledB) was changed / had been calledC) has been changed / would callD) had changed / has been calledE) changed / was called

17. New homes ---- in a safer area for the people whose village ---- away by the flood waters.

A) are building / has been sweptB) have been built / was sweepingC) will have built / has sweptD) were building / had been sweepingE) were built / had been swept

18. The water tank on the iron ---- before the iron ---- away.

A) has been emptied / putsB) must empty / has been putC) had to empty / putD) should be emptied / is putE) could have emptied / had been put

19. Mr. Swindle ---- at the moment because of the accusation of fraud.

A) is being questionedB) was questioningC) has been questioningD) is questioningE) had been questioned

20. Social drinking, if it ----, ---- to alcoholism.

A) doesn’t control / must leadB) isn’t controlled / can leadC) didn’t control / might leadD) hasn’t controlled / has ledE) wasn’t controlled / had led

21. I would like these reports ---- as soon as the photocopier is available.

A) to photocopyB) photocopyC) being photocopiedD) to be photocopiedE) having photocopied

22. The French brochure about the new machine ---- so that we can produce a leaflet in Turkish.

A) used to be translatedB) might have translatedC) has to be translatedD) must have translatedE) will have translated

23. Because she is worried ---- walking home in the dark, she doesn’t like working late.

A) ofB) aboutC) fromD) withE) for

24. I hope that the new calf ---- while I’m at home because I want to see it straight away.

A) was bornB) will bearC) bears D) bore E) will be born

25. The first official automobile race ---- in France in 1894.

A) was heldB) heldC) had heldD) has been heldE) would have held

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

26. She thinks that she ---- against at her present work place just because she is a woman.

A) discriminatesB) discriminatedC) is being discriminatedD) will have discriminatedE) had discriminated

27. He used to get so absorbed ---- his paintings that some days he would even forget to eat.

A) ofB) aboutC) forD) inE) from

28. Employees who don’t have a good attendance record ---- on the management training scheme.

A) haven’t acceptedB) didn’t acceptC) couldn’t have acceptedD) don’t acceptE) won’t be accepted

29. When you ---- a product in a foreign country, you ---- customs and cultural differences into consideration.

A) have marketed / might have takenB) market / have been takenC) are marketing / ought to takeD) are marketed / have to takeE) were marketed / had to be taken

30. With the growing interest in tennis, today the sport ---- either competitively or informally by about forty million people worldwide.

A) is playedB) has been playingC) is playingD) has been playedE) was played

31. Drugs ---- into the country mostly by sea and only a small percentage of them ever ---- discovered.

A) had smuggled / gotB) will be smuggling / have gotC) were smuggled / will be gettingD) are smuggled / getE) have been smuggling / are getting

32. Scotland’s national winter sport, curling is similar to bowling, but it is played ---- ice.

A) byB) withC) forD) inE) on

33. We all knew who she ---- , but no one ---- the actor’s name.

A) will mean / should be rememberedB) meant / could rememberC) is meant / must have rememberedD) was meaning / could be rememberedE) means / can remember

34. A ten percent pay rise has been offered ---- the corporation, but the employees aren’t very pleased ---- this amount.

A) of / fromB) in / aboutC) by / withD) at / ofE) from / at

35. You ---- all deliveries before you ---- any paperwork.

A) are checked / have signedB) have checked / will signC) could check / are signedD) must check / signE) may be checked / signed

36. Certain species of fish ---- their life among the corals, for they ---- them as a refuge from predators.

A) are spent / are usingB) spend / useC) will be spent / have usedD) are spending / are usedE) have spent / were used

37. "Coca Cola" ---- in almost every country in the world.

A) is drunkB) has drunkC) is drinkingD) drankE) was drinking

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

38. Don't talk about her award because she ---- embarrassed every time the subject ---- .

A) is getting / has mentionedB) got / was mentioningC) gets / is mentionedD) has got / will be mentionedE) has been getting / mentioned

39. The police inspected the building and it appears that the bolts on the gate were cut ---- bolt cutters.

A) fromB) withC) byD) on E) against

40. If a piece of granite is crushed ........... powder, one can easily pick out tiny fragments of the separate substances, or minerals, that it is composed ---- .

A) by / fromB) on / byC) to / withD) of / forE) into / of

41. The whole evening was spoilt ---- one stupid argument.

A) byB) onC) in D) from E) for

42. She knew that, thanks to the influential acquaintance of hers, she would be hired ---- the position even if the interview didn't go well.

A) withB) forC) aboutD) byE) from

43. The organization "Friends of the Earth" are ---- to the production of any form of nuclear power.

A) obsessedB) blessedC) annoyedD) involvedE) opposed

44. Mother Teresa ---- her life to helping people, particularly ill people and the poor.

A) devotedB) blessedC) involvedD) excitedE) associated

45. Sarah's friends are concerned that she is getting too ---- in charity work and ignoring her studies.

A) dedicatedB) involvedC) estimatedD) convincedE) related

46. I'm sure that she ---- with you. After all you tried every shop in town to get her what she wanted.

A) hasn't annoyedB) won't have annoyedC) doesn't annoyD) didn't annoyE) won't be annoyed

47. Tomorrow is the start of a public holiday, so I guess all the buses and trains ---- with people trying to benefit from the day-off.

A) have been crowded B) will be crowded C) were crowded D) will have crowded E) are crowded

48. The day that Princess Diana got married ---- Prince Charles was a public holiday and flags were hung from houses and offices all over the country.

A) withB) byC) toD) forE) from

49. The United Arab Emirates ---- by Qatar and the Persian Gulf on the north, Saudi Arabia on the west and south, and Oman on the east and northeast.

A) is borderedB) has borderedC) borderedD) bordersE) is being bordered

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

50. On the first day at her new company, she ---- to all of the staff, except for the salesman, whom she still hasn't met.

A) is introduced B) will have introducedC) had introduced D)was introducedE) will be introduced

51.-65 sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakin olan seçeneği bulunuz.

51. Many English words are derived from Latin or Greek words.

A) English people often use Latin and Greek words when speaking.

B) The English language is a mixture of Latin and Greek.

C) Most of the English words are a combination of Latin and Greek words.

D) The origins of a lot of English words can be traced back to Latin or Greek.

E) When there isn't an English word to describe something, English people often use Latin or Greek.

52. The link between smoking and cancer had never been acknowledged before this research.

A) With the findings of this research, it was the first time anyone had acknowledged the link between smoking and cancer.

B) Despite extensive research, the connection between smoking and cancer hadn't been proved.

C) The connection between smoking and cancer hasn't been acknowledged yet, and it requires plenty of further research.

D) The aim of the research was to find whether there was a link between smoking and cancer.

E) No one has yet fully accepted that there is any connection between smoking and cancer.

53. The police kept the names of the suspects secret until after they'd arrested them.

A) Although the police suspected certain people, they did not mention any names.

B) The suspects didn't want their names broadcast until after they were in custody.

C) The names of the suspects were not released by the police before their arrest.

D) The police didn't know the names of the suspects before their arrest.

E) Only after the suspects had been arrested did the secret become known to everybody.

54. A solution will never be found unless both parties discuss the problem openly.

A) A solution can only result from both parties being satisfied with the conditions.

B) Both sides must discuss the problem openly; otherwise, they wil never be able to solve it.

C) There is never going to be a solution because both sides will not discuss the problem openly.

D) lf one party does not turn up to the discussion, then it will be difficult to find a solution.

E) After both sides have discussed the problem in detail, a solution will be found.

55. lt is believed to be impolite to ask a man about his salary.

A) Asking a man how much he earns is supposed to be impolite.

B) A lot of people think a man should never be asked how much money he has.

C) You should never ask a man how much he earns because he will think you are very rude.

D) lt is more impolite to ask a man how much he earns than it is to ask a woman.

E) Asking a man about his salary is the easiest, but also the rudest, way to upset him.

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

56. lt was not until the 20th century that the north and south poles were reached by human beings.

A) Before the 20th century, there were no human beings living at the north and south poles.

B) Many attempts were made to reach the north and south poles, but the first successful one was in the 20th century.

C) Before the 20th century, human beings didn't know that the north and south poles existed.

D) Man was only able to reach the north and south poles in the 20th century.

E) Until the 20th century, man lacked the equipment for a safe exploration of the north and south poles.

57. Many rivers are getting more and more polluted due to our thoughtless disposal of industrial waste.

A) A problem we should look at today is that many factories dispose of their waste by releasing it into nearby rivers, which causes pollution.

B) Because we dispose of industrial waste without thinking of the consequences, pollution levels in many rivers are getting worse.

C) The problem of river pollution should be given more thought; otherwise, it is only going to get worse.

D) River pollution is a growing problem because industrial progress has meant that once clean rivers are now too dirty to swim or fish in.

E) We cannot keep disposing of our industrial waste by pouring it into rivers, and therefore, another solution must be found.

58. The whole team were committed to the project and devoted their spare time to it.

A) Everybody was very excited about the project and spent lots of time planning it.

B) All the members of the team were dedicated people who worked very hard.

C) Everyone in the team was committed to the project, but those with more free time worked harder.

D) The success of the project depends on all the members of the team being committed and devoted.

E) All the members of the team devoted themselves to the project and dedicated their free time to it.

59. lt is claimed, but not proven, that watching violence on television affects children's behaviour.

A) Parents should not let their children watch violence on television because it will have serious effects on their behaviour.

B) Whether or not a child may be allowed to watch violence on television depends on how he reacts to it, but it is safer to restrict his viewing hours.

C) Children's behaviour is claimed to be affected by watching violence on television, but this has not been proven.

D) There are many experts who believe that some children are affected by watching violent films, while others are not.

E) Studies carried out by a group of experts have proved that watching violence on television affects how children behave.

60. The new mayor of our town used to be a colleague of mine a long time ago.

A) l worked for the new mayor of our town for a long time.

B) The new mayor of our town was my colleague for a long time before he was elected

C) One of my colleagues from many years ago is the new mayor of our town.

D) It's a long time that l have known the person who has just been elected as mayor of our town.

E) Many years ago, one of my colleagues was the mayor of our town.

61. Many people think that Sue and Dave are divorced, but they are, in fact, only separated.

A) Sue and Dave don't live with each other any more and a lot of people think that they are going to be divorced soon.

B) lt's widely believed that Sue and Dave are no longer married to each other; they are actually still married but living apart.

C) Although Sue and Dave live apart from each other, the widespread belief among people is that they are still married.

D) Sue and Dave told a lot of people that their marriage was over, but they haven’t got divorced yet.

E) Some people thought that Sue and Dave were going to get divorced, but actually they only decided to get separated for some time.

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

62. The Moon is the only body in the universe, other than the Earth, whose surface features have been mapped in detail.

A) The Moon and the Earth are two of the cosmic objects which have been explored in detail by human beings.

B) When man landed on the Moon, it became possible to map its surface in almost as much detail as the Earth's.

C) Despite the many travels man has made into space so far, he has only been able to map the surface of the Moon in a similar way to the Earth's.

D) Apart from the Earth, the only cosmic object with detailed maps showing its surface features is the Moon.

E) The surface features of the Moon have been mapped in detail and found to be very similar to those of the Earth.

63. Someone should have warned us about the likelihood of being bitten by mosquitoes there at this time of year.

A) We ought to have been warned that we were likely to be bitten by mosquitoes there at this time of year.

B) Before we can decide whether to go or not, we need to know if there will be mosquitoes there at this time of year.

C) We'd better ask someone there about the possibility of our contracting disease if we are bitten by mosquitoes.

D) We didn't know mosquitoes were such a problem at this time of year, so we haven't brought any mosquito repellent.

E) We made a big mistake by going there without asking anyone whether there were any mosquitoes there at this time of year.

64. Your salaries are going to be paid before the weekend.

A) You'll have received your wages by the weekend.

B) We can only pay your salaries at the end of the week.

C) You should receive your wages sometime this week.

D) We're definitely paying your salaries at the weekend.

E) lt doesn't seem possible for us to pay your salaries before the weekend.

65. Our Rotary Club finances the children's home annual outing every year.

A) The expenses for the children's home this year will be financed by the Rotary Club.

B) The Rotary Club paid for the children's home, which has an outing every year.

C) The children's home yearly outing is always paid for by our Rotary Club.

D) The profit we get from the children's home yearly outing meets the expenses of our Rotary Club.

E) Because of their financial problems, the children's home yearly outing will be met by our Rotary Club.

66. – 75. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.

66. The measures the police took at last week's match were severely criticised by the supporters.

A) Polisin geçen haftaki maç için aldığı önlem-lere karşı taraftarların şiddete başvurmaları eleştirildi.

B) Geçen haftaki maçta polisin aldığı önlemler taraftarlarca şiddetle eleştirildi.

C) Taraftarlar, polisin geçen haftaki maçta al-dığı önlemleri aşırı bularak eleştirdiler.

D) Polis, geçen haftaki maçta taraftarlara karşı şiddet kullandığı için eleştirildi.

E) Taraftarların eleştirdiği nokta polisin geçen haftaki maçta aldığı önlemlerin çok aşırı ol-masıydı.

67. The risk of developing heart disease in later life can be reduced by healthy eating and regular exercise.

A) İlerki yaşlarda kalp hastası olma riskini azaltmak için sağlıklı beslenmeli ve düzenli egzersiz yapmalısınız.

B) Sağlıklı beslenme ve düzenli egzersiz ilerki yaşlarda kalp hastalığına yakalanma riskini çok azaltmaktadır.

C) İlerki yaşlarda kalp hastalığına yakalanma riskini azaltmanın tek yolu sağlıklı beslen-mek ve düzenli egzersiz yapmaktır.

D) İlerki yaşlarda kalp hastası olmak isteme-yenler sağlıklı beslenerek ve düzenli egzer-siz yaparak bu riski azaltabilirler.

E) Sağlıklı beslenme ve düzenli egzersiz ile ilerki yaşlarda kalp hastalığına yakalanma riski azaltılabilir.

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

68. Propaganda may be defined as the spreading of information in order to influence public opinion.

A) Kamuoyuna bilgi ulaştırmak ve onu etkilemek için propaganda yapılmaktadır.

B) Kamuoyuna bilgi ulaştırmanın en etkin yolu propaganda yapmaktır.

C) Propaganda yoluyla yayılan bilgi kamuoyunu etkileyebilir.

D) Propaganda, kamuoyunu etkilemek için bilgi yaymak biçiminde tanımlanabilir.

E) Propaganda yoluyla bilgi yayılabilir ve böylece kamuoyu etkilenebilir.

69. Scientists are concerned that the warming of the Earth's surface could reach dangerous extents and cause severe damage to the environment.

A) Bilimadamları, tehlikeli boyutlara ulaştığı takdirde çevre bakımından zararlı olacağı için dünya yüzeyindeki ısınma ile yakından ilgilenmektedirler.

B) Bilimadamlarını endişelendiren, dünya yü-zeyindeki tehlikeli boyutlara varan ısınmadan dolayı çevrenin büyük zarar görüyor olmasıdır.

C) Bilimadamlarını en çok ilgilendiren konu dünya yüzeyindeki ısınmadır çünkü bu ısınma tehlikeli boyutlara ulaşmış ve çev-reye zarar vermeye başlamıştır.

D) Bilimadamları, dünya yüzeyindeki ısınmanın tehlikeli boyutlara ulaşıp çevreye büyük za-rar vermesinden endişe duymaktadır.

E) Bilimadamları, dünya yüzeyindeki ısınmanın tehlikeli boyutlara ulaşabileceğini ve bunun çevreye büyük zarar vereceğini iddia etmek-tedir.

70. The townspeople are closely watching every movement of the stranger, who has recently come and settled in our town and who is said to be a poet.

A) Geçenlerde kasabamıza gelen ve kasaba halkı tarafından her hareketi ilgiyle izlenen yabancının şair olduğu söyleniyor.

B) Kabasa halkı, geçenlerde kasabamıza gelip yerleşen ve şair olduğu söylenen yabancının her hareketini yakından izliyor.

C) Kısa bir süre önce kasabamıza gelip yerleş-tiğinden beri tüm kasaba halkının merakla izlediği yabancı şair olduğunu söylüyor.

D) Kasabamıza gelen yabancının şair olduğu kısa sürede anlaşılınca, kasaba halkı onun her hareketini ilgiyle izlemeye başladı.

E) Geçenlerde kasabamıza şair olduğu söyle-nen bir yabancı gelip yerleşti ve o günden beri kasaba halkı onun her hareketini yakın-dan izliyor.

71. As business becomes more and more global in nature, the likelihood that one country will be affected by a crisis in another increases.

A) İş dünyasında gittikçe büyüyen küresel-leşme sonucu bir ülkedeki krizin diğer bir ül-keyi etkilememesi neredeyse kaçınılmazdır.

B) Giderek daha çok küreselleşen iş dünyası bir ülkede başlayan krizin artarak diğer ülke-lere de yayılacağı olasılığını dikkate alma-lıdır.

C) İş dünyası yapı olarak küreselleştikçe, bir ülkenin başka bir ülkedeki krizden etkilen-mesi olasılığı da artmaktadır.

D) İş dünyasındaki küreselleşme, doğal olarak, bir kriz durumunda sadece bir ülkenin değil diğer ülkelerin de etkileneceği görüşünü kuvvetlendirmektedir.

E) İş dünyasındaki küreselleşmenin doğal bir sonucu da, krizlerin bir ülkeden diğerine sıç-rama olasılığını arttırmış olmasıdır.

72. Dolphins have been observed to be able to communicate with each other by using very high–pitched whistles.

A) Yunusların, birbirleriyle iletişim kurarken kullandıkları ıslıkların çok yüksek perdeden olduğu saptanmıştır.

B) Yapılan gözlemler sonucu yunusların, çok yüksek perdeden ıslıklar çıkararak kendi aralarında iletişim sağladıkları ortaya çık-mıştır.

C) Yunuslar kendi aralarında iletişimi, çok yük-sek perdeden ıslıklar kullanarak sağlamak-tadırlar.

D) Çok yüksek perdeden ıslıklar çıkarabilen yunusların, bu şekilde birbirleriyle iletişim kurdukları düşünülmektedir.

E) Yunusları, çok yüksek perdeden ıslıklar kullanarak birbirleriyle iletişim kurabildikleri gözlenmiştir.

73. The sixth question should be excluded from the test as the students haven't been taught this subject yet.

A) Öğrenciler bu konuyu henüz öğrenmedikleri için altıncı soruyu testten çıkarmak gereki-yor.

B) Altıncı sorunun testten çıkarılması gerekir çünkü bu konu öğrencilere henüz öğretil-medi.

C) Henüz öğrenciere öğretilmemiş bir konudan olan altıncı sorunun testten çıkarılması ge-rekirdi.

D) Testten çıkarılan altıncı soru öğrencilere he-nüz öğretilmemiş olan bir konudandı.

E) Altıncı soru öğrencilerin henüz öğrenmedik-leri bir konudandı ve testten çıkarılması ge-rekiyordu.

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

74. I’m opposed to children being given too much homework for the summer holiday.

A) Yaz tatili için çocuklara çok fazla ödev ve-rilmesine karşıyım.

B) Yaz tatili için çocuklara çok fazla ödev ve-rilmesini doğru bulmuyorum.

C) Bence yaz tatili için çocuklara hiç ödev verilmemeli.

D) Yaz tatili için çocuklara ödeve verilmeli ama çok fazla değil.

E) Yaz tatili için ödev verilmesine itiraz eden çocukların haklı olduğunu düşünüyorum.

75. The ground–floor of the new shopping centre was opened last weekend, but the construction work is still continuing on the upper floors.

A) Üst katlarda inşaat işlerinin hala devam et-mesi nedeniyle yeni alışveriş merkezinin açılışı ancak geçen hafta sonu, giriş katta yapılabildi.

B) Geçen hafta sonu açılışı yapılan yeni alışve-riş merkezinin giriş katı hariç diğer tüm kat-larında inşaat devam ediyor.

C) Geçen hafta açılan alışveriş merkezinin giriş katının inşaatı bitti ancak üst katlarınki he-nüz tam olarak bitmedi.

D) Üst katlarda devam eden inşaata rağmen yeni alışveriş merkezinin açılışı geçen hafta sonu giriş katta yapıldı.

E) Yeni alışveriş merkezinin giriş katı geçen hafta sonu açıldı ama üst katlarda inşaat hala devam ediyor.

76. – 85. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.

76. 1933'te Naziler, güç gösterisi yaparak, Berlin'de tanınmış Alman yazarlarının binlerce kitabını yaktı.

A) in Berlin in 1933, the Nazis demonstrated their power by burning thousands of books by well–known German authors.

B) Thousands of books by many well–known German authors were burnt by the Nazis in Berlin in 1933, in an attempt to display their power.

C) As a means of protest to the Nazis’ display of power in Berlin in 1933, Germany's well known authors burnt thousands of their books.

D) In 1933, demonstrating their power, the Nazis burnt thousands of books by Germany's best–known authors in Berlin.

E) Germany's well–known authors burnt thousands of books as the Nazis entered Berlin in 1933, as a display of their power.

77. Kendisine gerçeğin söylenmediğini anlayınca büyük hayal kırıklığına uğradı.

A) He was extremely disappointed, but he still refused to confess the truth.

B) He was very disappointed when he realised that he hadn't been told the truth.

C) in great disappointment, he realised that nothing he was told was true.

D) It was very disappointing for him to realise that the truth was not what he had been told.

E) To his disappointment, they hadn't told him the truth.

78. Paris'te düzenlenen moda defilelerine dünyanın her yerinden pek çok insan katılır.

A) Fashion shows which are held in Paris attract many people from all around the world.

B) Many people from all over the world attend the fashion shows that are held in Paris.

C) People from all around the world wish to see the fashion shows in Paris.

D) The fashion shows held in Paris are attended by many people from all over the world.

E) Many fashion shows are held in Paris, to which people the world over are attracted.

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

79. Yetkililer bölgede inceleme yapmadan depremin yol açtığı hasarın doğru bir değerlendirmesi yapılamaz.

A) We can only assess the damage from the earthquake precisely after the authorities have completed their survey in the area.

B) For a thorough assessment of the situation in the area, we have to wait for the authorities’ report listing the damage from the earthquake.

C) No accurate assessment of the damage caused by the earthquake can be made before the authorities survey the area.

D) This assessment of the damage from the earthquake cannot be precise as the authorities are still surveying the area.

E) The assessment of the damage caused by the earthquake won't be accurate until we receive the report from the authorities surveying the area.

80. Ulaşım için pek elverişli olmasalar da Japonya'nın nehirleri sulama ve elektrik üretiminde yoğun olarak kullanılmaktadır.

A) Japan's rivers are not used intensively for navigation, but they certainly are for irrigation and the generation of electricity.

B) Although they are suitable for irrigation and the generation of electricity, Japan's rivers are not of any use for navigation.

C) Besides their use for navigation, Japan's rivers are also widely used for irrigation and the generation of electricity.

D) ln spite of having no use for navigation, the rivers are extensively used in Japan for irrigation and the generation of electricity.

E) Though they are not of much use for navigation, Japan's rivers are used intensively for irrigation and the generation of electricity.

81. Dünyadan görüldükleri biçimiyle yıldızların yerini gösteren haritalar asırlardır yapılmaktadır.

A) For many centuries, people have been mapping the stars as they see them from the Earth.

B) Because some of the stars can be seen from the Earth, maps locating them are available.

C) Many centuries ago, the stars that could be seen from the Earth were mapped.

D) Maps locating the stars, as seen from the Earth, have been made for centuries.

E) Only maps of the stars that can be seen from the Earth have been drawn so far.

82. Yaklaşık 9 bin hektar tarım alanına sahip Tunus'ta çoğu ürün kuru tarım yöntemleriyle yetiştirilmektedir.

A) In Tunisia, where about 9 thousand hectares are in cultivation, dryfarming methods are widely used.

B) Tunisia has 9 thousand hectares of farming area and, in most of it, crops are grown using dry–farming methods.

C) in Tunisia, which has about 9 thousand hectares of farming land, most crops are grown by dry–farming methods.

D) Tunisia has no other choice but use dry–farming methods for its 9 thousand hectares of land in cultivation.

E) Of the 9 thousand hectares of cultivated area Tunisia has, most is used for growing crops suitable for dry–farming methods.

83. Sınıf içi çalışmalar kişiye araba kullanmasını öğretemez çünkü bu beceri ancak pratik yaparak kazanılabilir.

A) No classroom activities can teach a person how to drive, for this skill can only be acquired by practical experience.

B) Driving skills can only be acquired through practice, so instead of wasting time with classroom instructions, the person should just practise driving.

C) While practical experience is vital in acquiring driving skills, classroom activities are of little importance.

D) Classroom activities alone can't teach a person how to drive, so he has to practise driving a car in order to acquire this skill.

E) A person doesn't acquire driving skills by listening to the classroom instructions, but by getting practice out on the roads.

Karacan Department of English - Testing and Material Office The Passive Voice: Part I

84. Cilt katmanlarındaki hasarın derinliğine bağlı olarak yanıklar birinci, ikinci ya da üçüncü derece biçiminde sınıflandırılırlar.

A) There are three types of burns, first, second or third degree, classified according to the depth of the damage to the layers of skin.

B) The classification of burns as first, second or third degree shows how deep the damage is to the layers of skin.

C) The three degrees of burns, first, second or third, tell us how deeply the layers o skin have been damaged.

D) In order to classify burns considering the damage to the layers of skin, the terms first, second or third degree are used.

E) Burns are classified as first, second or third degree, depending on the depth of the damage to the layers of skin.

85. Tarih boyunca pek çok faktör insanların giyinme biçimini etkilemiştir.

A) People have been affected by many factors throughout history concerning how they dress.

B) Throughout history, many factors have affected the manner in which people dress.

C) The factors that have affected the way people dress can be traced back through history.

D) For various reasons, people have dressed differently throughout history.

E) Dresses that people have worn throughout history have been of various styles.


SET 11. The statistics ---- that education levels in the

UK ---- in the areas of mathematics and English in recent months.

A) are shown / are improvedB) show / have been improvingC) will be shown / will be improvedD) had been showing / have improvedE) were shown / might improve

2. Due to the pressure which ---- on schools to improve their results in mathematics and English, arts and crafts ----.

A) is placing / were neglectedB) will place / were neglectingC) was placed / have been neglectedD) had been placed / are neglectingE) placed / will have neglected

3. Understandably, his colleagues ---- when John left his job just after he ---- .

A) are shocked / was promotingB) have been shocked / is promotedC) were shocked / had been promotedD) had been shocked / has promotedE) are being shocked / is promoting

4. The sentence ---- out by the judge when the court reassembles after lunch.

A) was readB) had been readC) should readD) will be readE) will have read

5. For today’s writing test, you ---- to write a composition of at least four paragraphs.

A) have requiredB) requireC) requiredD) will have requiredE) are required

6. In my opinion, all the debts of the Third World countries … by the USA and the EU.

A) should be cancelledB) are cancellingC) could be cancellingD) ought to have cancelledE) have been canceling

7. International relations is a 20th-century subject, though foreign policy ---- out between countries for many centuries.

A) is being carriedB) was carryingC) has been carried D) had been carryingE) will have carried

8. To achieve the unique coral red of the Ottoman tiles in the 16th century, craftsmen ---- a mixture of iron-oxide and quartz.

A) used to fireB) were firedC) have firedD) will be firedE) could be fired

9. ‘PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL’ ---- in capital letters on the envelope, but still the letter was open when it ---- on my desk.

A) was written / was putB) had written / was puttingC) is being written / has putD) was writing / has been putE) has been written / will be put

10. The pretty flower Viola ---- in 1863 by a Scottish plant breeder, who ---- wild pansies with a garden variety.

A) is created / had been crossingB) was created / crossedC) has been created / was crossingD) created / was crossedE) could create / had crossed

11. The area around the village of Grange in the Lake District ---- the ‘Jaws of Borrowdale’ because of the jagged rocks which ---- the valley.

A) is being called / are borderedB) has been called / were borderedC) is called / borderD) had called / will borderE) would be called / have bordered

12. The lead mine, which ---- since Roman times, ---- work for the local inhabitants.

A) is using / providedB) will be used / has providedC) has been used / providesD) is used / will provideE) has used / is going to provide

13. Experts say that your chances of a long and healthy life ---- if you ---- plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables

A) enhance / are eatenB) will be enhanced / were eatingC) enhanced / are eatingD) are enhanced / eatE) have enhanced / will be eaten

14. When he ---- his room for the first time in his life, his mother ---- him a look of surprise.

A) will tidy / will be givingB) had been tidying / was givenC) has been tidied / givesD) was tidying / has givenE) tidied / gave

15. Since the 1960s, new roads ---- in Lhasa, Tibet’s capital, and now a highway system ---- the city with the major cities in neighbouring provinces.

A) have been built / connectsB) were built / is connectedC) had built / is connectingD) are being built / has connectedE) could have built / will connect

16. It’s true that life ---- as anything may happen at any time, but some precautions, such as insurance policies, ---- against disaster.

A) mustn’t be predicted / have takenB) shouldn’t predict / have been takingC) doesn’t predict / are takingD) can’t be predicted / can be takenE) hasn’t predicted / might be taken

17. Harry&Senga’s octagonal-shaped home ---- by James Salmon in 1890. It ---- that he only designed ten octagonal properties.

A) was building / thinksB) has been built / was thoughtC) would have built / was thinkingD) had been built / has been thinkingE) was built / is thought

18. When yellow paint ---- with blue, it ---- green.

A) mixes / is producedB) mixed / was producedC) has been mixing / has producedD) will mix / will be producedE)is mixed / produces

19. 1999 ---- a year when many tragedies ---- including the terrible mud slides in Venezuela and the horrific earthquakes in Turkey.

A) is / were happeningB) was / happenedC) is being / will happenD) has been / had been happeningE) had been / have happened

20. The last two times I ---- the health club, I ---- for my membership card, but we had better take them with us today.

A) have visited / haven’t askedB) was visited / don’t askC) visited / wasn’t askedD) was visiting / didn’t askE) had visited / won’t be asked

21. As might be expected from China’s huge area and variety of regional climates, most of the types of plants that ---- in the Northern Hemisphere ---- there, except for those varieties common to the arctic and tundra regions.

A) will grow / have foundB) are grown / are findingC) have grown / were being foundD) grow / can be foundE) will have grown / used to be found

22. Mount Everest ---- as the highest point on the earth until 1852, when the governmental Survey of India ---- the fact.

A) hasn’t been recognised / establishedB) didn’t recognise / has establishedC) hasn’t recognised / would establishD) wouldn’t recognise / was establishedE) wasn’t recognised / established

23. Alternatives to the ‘right to trial by jury’ system ---- , but all the ideas which ---- so far are unacceptable.

A) are being considered / have been discussedB) have been considering / were discussedC) had been considered / are discussingD) have considered / have been discussingE) are considering / are discussed

24. People now can buy and sell shares over the Internet and it ---- that over 50 new millionaires ---- this years by ‘e-commerce’.

A) is estimating / are creatingB) had been estimated / createC) is estimated / will be createdD) estimated / had been creatingE) will have estimated / were created

25. Numerous expeditions, which ---- by various countries, ---- since the first successful climb of Mount Everest.

A) are sponsored / are being undertakenB) were sponsored / have been undertakenC) have sponsored / will be undertakingD) have been sponsored / undertookE) had sponsored / will have undertaken

26. Recently, a new vaccine against measles ---- .

A) will have developedB) had been developingC) had developedD) was developingE) has been developed

27. The lounge carpet ---- after Ralf ---- some bleach on it.

A) is ruined / was spillingB) has ruined / had spiltC) has been ruined / was spiltD) was ruined / spiltE) will have ruined / is spilt

28. All the expenses of shipping your furniture ---- by the company, so you needn’t worry about that.

A) will bearB) will be borneC) are bearingD) were bearingE) might have borne

29. From the 4th to the 18th of next month, contemporary glass and ceramics ---- at the Fenny Lodge Gallery.

A) will be displayedB) are displayingC) had been displayedD) will have been displayingE) have been displayed

30. Before the UN sanctions ---- , 60 to 80 percent of our dates ---- from Iraq.

A) were imposed / were obtainedB) are imposing / are obtainingC) were imposing / have obtainedD) imposed / will be obtainedE) are being imposed / have been obtained

31. A ‘Welsh dresser’ ---- as a piece of kitchen furniture which ---- shelves and cupboards in one unit.

A) should be described / is combinedB) has described / can combineC) can be described / combinesD) used to describe / combinedE) is described / could be combined

32. Since Bernard ---- from the bank, he ---- unable to find another job.

A) was dismissed / has beenB) used to be dismissed / isC) has been dismissed / had to beD) had been dismissing / wasE) will be dismissed / might have been

33. By the time we ---- , all the covered seats ---- .

A) arrive / might have occupiedB) will arrive / have been occupyingC) are arriving / will occupyD) were arriving / have been occupiedE) arrived / had been occupied

34. I’m glad you didn’t give me this essay yesterday after all. We had a long power cut, so I ---- it for you.

A) won’t be able to typeB) couldn’t have typedC) had better not typeD) may not be typedE) must not have typed

35. Experts are not sure whether skiing ---- into the USA for the first time by Scandinavian settlers or by Indians from Canada.

A) is introducedB) will be introducedC) was being introducedD) was introducedE) can be introduced


1. Guns ---- away securely so that children ---- them.

A) had better lock / won’t have reachedB) ought to be locked / weren’t reachingC) may be locking / shouldn’t reachD) should be locked / can’t reachE) could have locked / may not reach

2. China ---- to have extensive petroleum reserves, both on land and offshore.

A) believesB) has believedC) will believeD) believedE) is believed

3. St. John’s Wort, a natural herbal supplement which ---- Hypericin, ---- for centuries to treat minor ailments.

A) is contained / usedB) contains / has been usedC) is containing / is being usedD) was containing / is usedE) has contained / has used

4. Many interesting relies of the Kennedy family ---- in Culzean Castle, Scotland.

A) will have containedB) containC) containedD) are containedE) have contained

5. Peace in Northern Ireland ---- after the two sides ---- for months.

A) was achieved / negotiatedB) is achieved / were negotiatingC) will have achieved / are negotiatedD had been achieving / have negotiatedE) has been achieved / negotiate

6. Animal lovers in England ---- that fox hunting with horses and dogs ---- illegal.

A) are demanded / can makeB) have demanded / is makingC) demand / should be madeD) have been demanded / was madeE) will demand / will have made

7. The UN official ---- by Kosovan villagers to the spot where they believed the mass grave ---- .

A) is taken / is locatingB) is taking / locatesC) will be taken / locatedD) had taken / had been locatedE) was taken / was located

8. I really dislike it when I ….… the incorrect change by the ferry cashiers in Istanbul.

A) have givenB) gaveC) giveD) am givenE) had been given

9. Dogs, which .....… man since ancient times, were mainly used on farms or for hunting in earlier times, but today they ---- to a wide range of uses, such as drug or victim detection.

A) are accompanied / have been putB) have accompanied / are putC) had been accompanying / are puttingD) were accompanying / putE) accompany / are being put

10. In traditional cultures, it is widely believed that when a man ---- a mask, his religious or magical powers ---- by changing identity and becoming another being.

A) has worn / releaseB) is worn / have releasedC) wears / are releasedD) had worn / will have releasedE) will be worn / are being released

11. Obviously, the headmaster ---- that students ---- better to the new teaching methods.

A) is believed / are respondingB) believes / will respondC) has believed / have been respondedD) was believed / had been respondingE) will believe / will be responded

12. We ---- that my father’s new car ---- by Friday. He has promised to give his old one to me and I want to drive to Ankara in it at the weekend.

A) are expected / will be deliveringB) expect / will have been deliveredC) have been expecting / is deliveringD) had expected / was deliveringE) are expecting / will have delivered

13. The book ‘The Lost Continent’ ---- Bill Bryson is based ---- the author’s own experience in America.

A) from / atB) of / withC) with / fromD) by / onE) for / about

14. Of the many attempts to find clues for predicting the location, time and strength of future earthquakes, the best results seem to be associated ---- seismicity studies using earthquake observations.

A) withB) onC) aboutD) toE) in

15. Silvia repairs rush chairs and she is often so absorbed ---- her work that she barely notices the world around her.

A) in B) onC) withD) fromE) to

16. Because of the expense of their traditional wedding, they had to limit the guests ---- their close relatives and friends.

A) towardsB) atC) inD) toE) with

17. The Serbian warlord Zelijco Raxnatovic, who ---- as “Arkan”, ---- in Belgrade in January, 2000.

A) had known / would be assassinatedB) has been known / assassinatesC) was known / was assassinatedD) knew / had been assassinatedE) is known / assassinated

18. When Tiger Woods ---- his sixth golfing title in a row, he equalled the record of Ben Hogen, which ---- 52 years ago.

A) was won / had setB) is won / had been setC) won / was setD) wins / has been setE) has won / was setting

19. Although earthquakes ---- death and destruction through such secondary effects as landslides, tsunamis and fires, the greatest loses in terms of both lives and property ---- from the collapse of man-made structures during the violent shaking of the ground.

A) are causing / were resultedB) have been caused / resultedC) had been causing / will resultD) ought to be caused / have resultedE) can cause / result

20. This year a woman ---- President of Finland for the first time in the country’s history.

A) was electedB) is electedC) has electedD) was electingE) elected

21. The civil war in Sudan ---- for seventeen years now, and so far, two million people ---- .

A) continued / will have been killedB) has been continuing / have been killedC) is continuing / had been killedD) was continuing / were killedE) will have continued / will have killed

22. Most of the 700 protesters the police ---- at Mexico’s largest university---- within days.

A) had arrested / will have freedB) are arrested / will be freedC) will be arresting / have freedD) arrested / were freedE) were arrested / may be freed

23. 20 million seahorses, which ---- in Chinese medicine, ---- from the oceans each year.

A) will be using / are being takenB) were used / will have takenC) will be used / must have takenD) can be used / have takenE) are used / are taken

24. When Thailand ---- as Siam, mighty elephants ---- its kings into battle.

A) had known / were carriedB) is known / have been carryingC) knew / could be carriedD) was known / used to carryE) has known / had to carry

25. In recent years, the elephant’s usefulness for labour and a means of transportation ---- by technology.

A) will be eliminatedB) has been eliminatedC) is eliminatingD) had been eliminatingE) eliminated

26. Today, in many countries, as many as one third of all cancer deaths ---- to cigarette smoking.

A) are attributedB) can attributeC) had attributedD) were attributed E) will have attributed

27. My cousin had emotional problems as a teenage because he ---- up properly.

A) hasn’t broughtB) isn’t bringingC) hadn’t been broughtD) didn’t bringE) won’t be brought

28. Our horse ---- when the fence ---- down in a storm.

A) was escaping / blewB) is escaping / will be blownC) has been escaped / has blownD) must be escaped / had blownE) escaped / was blown

29. Human settlement at Sandford ---- back to Norman times, when a group of monks ---- a monastery there.

A) had traced / were builtB) has traced / are builtC) could have been traced / buildD) can be traced / builtE) should be traced / had been built

30. The old lady ---- by two rottweiler dogs when a Shropshire huntsman ---- her life.

A) had savaged / was savedB) was being savaged / savedC) was savaging / was savingD) could be savaged / had savedE) is being savaged / had been saved

31. Are you sure my tablecloth ---- permanently by this red wine?

A) won’t stainB) isn’t being stainedC) won’t be stainedD) shouldn’t have stainedE) didn’t use to stain

32. The ascent of Ben Nevis, the highest point in British Isles, ---- only in fair weather.

A) should be attemptedB) could have attemptedC) may attemptD) ought to attemptE) will be attempting

33. The team of climbers ---- to return to the campsite because heavy cloud ---- their vision.

A) were decided / was restrictedB) decided / restrictedC) can decide / will be restrictedD) should decide / was restrictingE) have been decided / restricts

34. Although the queen of UK has in fact little authority of her own, she ---- informed of events, and sometimes, she ---- by the government in power.

A) keeps / has consultedB) can be kept / should consultC) is kept / is consultedD) will keep / was consultedE) has kept / had consulted

35. I’m sure he ---- in your lecture. He ---- monarch butterflies for ten years now.

A) had been interested / studiesB) will have interested / is studyingC) interested / will have been studyingD) will be interested / has been studyingE) interests / was studying


1. Your order ---- tomorrow, so you ---- it on Friday.

A) is being sent / have receivedB) will be sent / should receiveC) has been sent / must be receivedD) will have sent / can receiveE) is going to send / are received

2. Apparently, the incident ---- the reputation of the club as it ---- quite a few members recently.

A) was damaged / was losingB) has damaged / has lostC) will be damaged / is losingD) can damage / has been lostE) will have damaged / is lost

3. If the topsoil that ---- much of the Earth’s surface ---- in some way, it can be carried away by wind or washed away by water in a process called erosion.

A) is covering / hasn’t protectedB) has covered / wont have protectedC) covers / isn’t protectedD) is covered / won’t be protectedE) was covered / hadn’t been protected

4. Although their carpets ---- primarily for mosques, sometimes, they ---- designs for restaurants and hotels as well.

A) are designed / produceB) have been designed-were producedC) will be designed / were producingD) have designed / had been producingE) design / are producing

5. The board ---- that a takeover by a foreign company ---- at all costs.

A) was decided / should avoidB) has been decided / was avoidedC) decided / may have avoidedD) has decided / must be avoidedE) decides-would avoid

6. I am attending a presentation by Ford today, but I ---- whether I ---- a really formal suit or something more comfortable

A) won’t decide / have wornB) mustn’t decide / could have wornC) won’t be decided / wearD) haven’t been decided / will wearE) can’t decide / should wear

7. While the injured child ---- to the ambulance on a stretcher, a woman ---- running, saying that she was his mother.

A) had been carried / will comeB) was carrying / was coming C) was being carried / cameD) has been carrying / could comeE) has been carried / has come

8. After he ---- his restaurant, he ---- hard every day to make it successful, so his business became a popular eating place.

A) has opened / will workB) was opened / will be workingC) was opening / had workedD) had opened / workedE) has been opened / is working

9. When the new road around the town ----, the noise levels in our street ---- .

A) was completed / droppedB) has completed / have droppedC) had been completed / dropD) completed / had been droppingE) will have completed / will drop

10. After better lighting ---- in the office, Jennifer’s headaches ---- .

A) is installing / should disappearB) was installed / disappearedC) had been installed / have disappearedD) will have installed / is disappearingE) installed / was disappearing

11. The tourists ---- about the way in which they ---- by the tour operators during the trip.

A) can complain / were treatingB) were complained / are being treatedC) are complaining / have treatedD) have been complained / are treatedE) complained / had been treated

12. I wonder whether the electrical store ---- us tomorrow for the delivery of the freezer or not.

A) is chargedB) will chargeC) has chargedD) is being chargedE) will be charged

13- The Prince Henry car ---- by Vauxball in 1911. Today only eleven ----, all of which are priceless.

A) introduced / are existingB) was introduced / existC) have been introduced / existedD) had introduced / have existedE) used to introduce / will exist

14. I ---- about the famous poet Celin’s tragic personal life while I ---- information for my essay.

A) am learning / researchedB) have learnt / had researchedC) learnt / was researchingD) will learn / have been researchedE) was learnt / had been researching

15. According to archaeological records, chickens ---- for the first time in the cities of the Indus Valley in about 3000 BC.

A) had domesticatedB) have been domesticatedC) were domesticatingD) used to domesticateE) were domesticated

16. The origin of April Fool’s Day, the first day of April, is uncertain, but it ---- to arrival of spring in late March, when nature ---- to “fool” humanity with changes in weather.

A) has been related / has saidB) may be related / is saidC) ought to relate / has been saidD) relates / is sayingE) can be related / will say

17. Generally, Mr Eames ---- by his colleagues, but he ---- to be aware of this fact.

A) isn’t liked / doesn’t seemB) doesn’t like / hasn’t seemedC) didn’t like / didn’t seemD) hasn’t liked / wont have seemedE) won’t have liked / didn’t seem

18. I know you ---- my cosmetics again as right now, I ---- my perfume in the room.

A) are used / am smellingB) used / could have smeltC) have been using / can smellD) were used / must be smellingE) are using / have smelt

19. This is fifth time I ---- a phone call for a hairdresser’s. I wonder if our number ---- by mistake in a hairdresser’s advertisement.

A) am receiving / is printingB) was received / was printedC) had received / were printingD) have received / has been printedE) will have received / printed

20. Every year, more than 200,000 acres of forest ---- in the USA by fires in a single summer.

A) are destroyedB) have been destroyingC) will have destroyedD) were destroyingE) ought to have destroyed

21. Serving as president of the National American Women Suffrage Association, Carrie Chapman Catt ---- success in 1920 when women ---- equal rights to vote in the US.

A) achieved / were givenB) had achieved / were givingC) would have achieved / had givenD) could achieve / have been givenE) has achieved / would be given

22. The disease of cattle, Texas Fever, ---- in the Western Hemisphere during the Spanish colonisation of Mexico, but by 1980, it ---- completely from the US.

A) had introduced / was eradicatedB) introduced / was eradicatingC) must be introduced / could be eradicatedD) has been introduced / had eradicatedE) was introduced / had been eradicated

23. Sait ---- in Salzkammergut, Austria, since prehistoric times, but the town ---- most of its income today from tourism.

A) was being mined / is gainingB) was mined / has been gainedC) has been mined / gainsD) is being mined / gainedE) will be mined / has gained

24. I really hate ---- by salespeople when I’m shopping.

A) to have pesteredB) being pesteredC) to pesterD) pesteringE) having pestered

25. Don’t forget us all as soon as you ---- .

A) were promotingB) will promoteC) were promotedD) have been promotedE) will be promoting

26. The plants in the hall ---- after by the caretaker, who ---- them every day.

A) are looking / is wateringB) were being looked / has wateredC) have been looked / is wateredD) are looked / watersE) will have looked / watered

27. A: What have you done to your wrist?

B: I ---- off a cliff face while I ---- on Saturday.

A) fell / was climbingB) was falling / climbedC) had fallen / have climbedD) have fallen / was climbedE) fall / would be climbing

28. When she ---- her husband, Silvia ---- herself to weave rush seats, and now she repairs them for her livelihood.

A) was divorced / has taughtB) has divorced / was teachingC) is divorced / will be taughtD) divorced / taughtE) was divorcing / had been taught

29. I ---- able to calculate quotations for customers since the company procedure ---- to me.

A) will be / has explainedB) have been / was explainedC) was / had explainedD) should be / were explainingE) am / will have explained

30. At the end of the training session, you ---- a test. Students who pass ---- to scuba dive in the open seas.

A) are given / have allowedB) have given / have been allowedC) will be given / will be allowedD) had been giving / are allowedE) have been giving / will have allowed

31. Oh gosh! You ---- meeting Leonardo Di Caprio in real life. I wish I had been you.

A) could have excitedB) must have been excitedC) might have been excitingD) should have excitedE) are supposed to be excited

32. The garden of our house ---- from the farm next door by a stream.

A) is separatedB) separatesC) will separateD) has separatedE) separated

33. So long as you ---- them a reasonable price, I’m sure they ---- the tiles from you.

A) have been given / boughtB) give / will buyC) had been giving / are buyingD) will give / are boughtE) are given / have been buying

34. Hopefully, I ---- comfortable in my job by the time I ---- my training.

A) have felt / was finishingB) was feeling / was finishedC) am going to feel / am finishedD) will have felt / finishedE) will be feeling / finish

35. Why is it always regarded as so funny when someone ---- in the face with a cream-pie?

A) was slappingB) is slappedC) will have slappedD) has slappedE) had been slapped

36. I ---- him only when he ---- himself to be a decent manager.

A) have trusted / was provedB) had trusted / has provedC) will trust / provesD) trust / provedE) trusted / had been proved

37. Are you sure you ---- your sun hat? It looks as if it ---- quite hot.

A) haven’t needed / has been gettingB) aren’t needed / has gotC) won’t need / is going to getD) hadn’t needed / was gettingE) don’t need / had been getting

38. Festivals and holidays ---- since ancient times.

A) have been celebratedB) are being celebratedC) might have celebratedD) were celebratedE) are supposed to celebrate

39. We ---- into our new flat until the electricity ---- .

A) wouldn’t move / was connectingB) shouldn’t move / has connectedC) don’t move / will be connectedD) haven’t moved / was connectedE) can’t move / is connected

40. The police suspected that the drugs ---- in the basement, but they ---- any.

A) are storing / aren’t findingB) were stored / didn’t findC) could have stored / won’t findD) had been stored / don’t findE) will be stored / weren’t found

41. Carrots ---- to be good for your eyesight.

A) are believedB) have believedC) believeD) will believeE) will be believed

42. Aunt Sue ---- on by now. Let’s telephone the hospital and inquire how she is.

A) should have operatedB) must have been operatedC) might be operatingD) ought to be operatingE) will have operated

43. We ---- something to eat and drink when we have cleared up because we ---- for five hours without a break.

A) were needed / had been workingB) needed / have been workingC) are needed / are going to workD) will need / will have been workingE) need / are working

44. Their salesman ---- the all their cars ---- with air conditioning.

A) was claimed / will be suppliedB) is claimed / had been suppliedC) claims / are suppliedD) will claim / have suppliedE) has claimed / are supplying

45. The original Mill House ---- down in the 19th century, and afterwards, it ---- with striking red bricks.

A) was burnt / was rebuildingB) burnt / was rebuiltC) would burn / rebuiltD) has burnt / has been rebuiltE) had been burning / had rebuilt

SET 41. By the end of the year, everybody who ----

unemployed for over two years ---- on a training scheme.

A) is / will be sendingB) was / had been sendingC) has been / will have been sentD) had been / has been sentE) will be / is going to send

2. The point on the surface of the Earth directly above the focus, the point where the first movement ---- place, ---- the epicentre of an earthquake.

A) takes / is calledB) has taken / has calledC) will be taken / has been calledD) was taken / was calledE) is taking / will have called

3. The Richter Magnitude Scale, which ---- upon the amount of energy released by the rock movements rather than upon surface damage, ---- earthquakes on a 1 to 10 scale.

A) bases / has gradedB) has based / was gradedC) was based / is gradedD) will be based / gradedE) is based / grades

4. Forms of bread ---- as food since prehistoric times. Probably, the first bread ---- from acorns or beechnuts.

A) were used / has been madeB) will have been used / was makingC) have been used / was madeD) are used / used to makeE) were being used / is made

5. Constantin Brancusi, who ---- by the French sculptor Rodin, ---- works in bronze, stone and wood.

A) influences / was createdB) was influenced / createdC) influenced / has createdD) has been influenced / is createdE) will be influencing / is creating

6. Thatched roofs ---- in London in 1212, but they ---- to be used elsewhere even today.

A) are forbidden / are continuedB) have been forbidden / will continueC) forbade / have been continuingD) were forbidden / continueE) had forbidden / have continued

7. The city of Plovdiv, on the Maritsa River in Bulgaria, ---- considerably in an earthquake in 1928.

A) was damagedB) is damagedC) had damagedD) was damagingE) has been damaged

8. All video cassettes ---- before they ---- to the hire shop.

A) have to rewind / returnB) should be rewound / are returnedC) must have rewound / are returningD) will be rewound / were returnedE) can rewind / are being returned

9. Miguel de Cervantes ---- the idea for the novel Don Quixote while in prison. The second part of the story ---- one year before he died.

A) was conceived / was completingB) had conceived / has completedC) used to conceive / completesD) has conceived / must be completedE) conceived / was completed

10. Mecca ---- by tens of thousands of pilgrims annually.

A) has visitedB) visitsC) is visitedD) visitedE) may be visiting

11. Molasses ---- as a by-product of sugar production. Several light and flavourful varieties ---- as table syrups.

A) obtains / have been usedB) is being obtained / will be usingC) was obtained / had usedD) is obtained / are usedE) has been obtained / are using

12. Mark ---- to let us know that they ---- for the party.

A) has phoned / will be delayedB) has been phoning / have delayedC) had been phoned / were delayingD) will be phoned / delayedE) is phoning / had been delayed

13. If the direct sunlight ---- you, I can draw the blinds.

A) has been disturbedB) was disturbedC) was disturbingD) is disturbedE) is disturbing

14. Microorganisms ---- into bacteria, protozoans, algae, fungi and viruses, and the study of each ---- a separate specialty within microbiology.

A) have classified / is formedB) will be classified / has been formedC) are classifying / has formedD) were classified / was formedE) are classified / forms

15. The city of Bremen, Germany ---- into two sections; Altstadt and Neustadt. The two sections ---- by three bridges.

A) is divided / are connectedB) has been divided / are connectingC) was being divided / have connectedD) was dividing / had been connectedE) divides / connect

16. Mr Cartwright ---- at the moment for the promotion. I hope he gets the job as he ---- it.

A) is interviewing / has deservedB) has been interviewed / is deservingC) is being interviewed / deservesD) will be interviewed / deservedE) interviews / will have deserved

17. If eating disorders ---, they can be fatal.

A) aren’t treatingB) aren’t treatedC) weren’t treatedD) don’t treatE) haven’t treated

18. The manager would like these letters ---- out today.

A) to have sentB) having sentC) to be sentD) to sendE) are going to send

19. The guest rooms ---- before your cousins from Canada visit us.

A) will have to be redecoratedB) used to be redecoratedC) will have redecoratedD) must have redecoratedE) had been redecorated

20. The actress Coral Atkins was so appalled by the way children ---- in state homes that she ---- her own children’s home.

A) are treating / was openingB) have been treated / is openedC) had treated / opensD) were treated / openedE) will be treating / is going to open

21. Coral Atkins devoted her life ---- providing a home for unwanted children.

A) withB) forC) toD) aboutE) in

22. I hope we ---- with lunch after the presentation as I haven’t brought any sandwiches.

A) were servedB) have been servedC) serveD) are servingE) will be served

23. Professional microbiologists ---- in a wide variety of positions, but the majority ---- in universities, government agencies or industry.

A) are employed / workB) used to employ / workedC) employ / have been workedD) were employed / will have workedE) can employ / should work

24. John ---- for his directness, but I think his remarks to David ---- as plain rude!

A) has known / should be describedB) is known / can be describedC) knew / will be describingD) has been known / were describingE) knows / must have described

25. I ---- that the car is any good until I ---- it myself.

A) haven’t been convinced / droveB) wasn’t convincing / was drivingC) won’t be convinced / have drivenD) wasn’t convinced / had been drivenE) cant be convinced / have been driven

26. The town of Balboa is situated on the site of a swamp, which ---- with the rocks dug out while the Panama Canal ---- .

A) has been filled / was constructingB) has been filling / will be constructedC) was filling / had been constructedD) was filled / was being constructedE) will be filled / has been constructing

27. The tea tree ---- only in Australia, but recently people around the world ---- the oil for many medicinal purposes.

A) grows / have been usingB) was grown / were usingC) has been grown / useD) is growing / will have usedE) grew / had been used

28. Tom Thumb, the famous dwarf of the 19th century, was born Charles Sherwood Stratton, but later he ---- by his stage name.

A) knewB) will knowC) has been knownD) has knownE) was known

29. Tom Thumb ---- parents of normal height, but he only ---- to a height of 3 feet 4 inches.

A) has / had been grownB) had / grewC) is having / will be grownD) had had / will growE) was having / has grown

30. After the workers ---- from their jobs at the factory, not many of them ---- jobs quickly.

A) were dismissed / had been foundB) have been dismissed / were findingC) dismiss / are findingD) will have dismissed / can findE) had been dismissed / found

31. Residents who live near the nuclear power plant worry that their children ---- to radioactivity.

A) exposeB) exposedC) will have exposedD) had exposedE) are being exposed

32. Our manager usually comes to work dressed ---- a three piece pinstriped suit.

A) withB) onC) inD) aboutE) for

33. The organizers claim that visitors ---- at the exhibits at the EXPO2000 exhibition in Hanover, Germany.

A) will be amazedB) are going to amazeC) will have amazedD) have been amazingE) had amazed

34- When you ---- an advertisement, you ---- into account the type of people you want to be attracted to it.

A) are being designed / must takeB) designed / had better takeC) are designing / have to takeD) will design / have been takenE) had designed / will be taking

35. The National Lottery ---- twice a week in the UK: Wednesday and Saturday.

A) is drawnB) is drawingC) was drawingD) drawsE) has drawn

36. At the beginning of the 20th century, most solid waste ---- of by dumping it onto vacant land near where it ---- .

A) had disposed / has generatedB) has been disposed / generatesC) will have disposed / is generatingD) disposed / has been generatedE) was disposed / was generated

37. Unlike many top tennis tournaments, the matches at Wimbledon are played ---- grass courts.

A) withB) aboutC) inD) onE) by

38. After I ---- ants in the kitchen, I ---- the crack in the wall with ant powder.

A) had discovered / filledB) was discovered / was filledC) was discovering / should fillD) have discovered / was filingE) discover / have been filled

39. Many home appliances, like vacuum cleaners or microwave ovens, ---- for their labour-saving or time-saving capabilities, while others ---- for their convenience.

A) have chosen / will purchaseB) are chosen / are purchasedC) will be chosen / purchaseD) are choosing / have purchasedE) choose / will be purchased

40. Airliners ---- parachutes because it is impractical to instruct passengers in their use in an emergency situation.

A) aren’t carriedB) weren’t carryingC) wont be carriedD) don’t carryE) hadn’t carried

41. You ---- for the name of the caller before you transfer any calls.

A) used to askB) have askedC) may have askedD) should have askedE) must ask

42. It’s surprising that, of the few Viking helmets that ---- in excavations so far, none ---- horns.

A) were found / may haveB) were finding / hadC) have been found / haveD) had found / were havingE) are found / are having

43. The enormously heavy bill which ---- the shoveler bird its name ---- for feeding on the surface of ponds and lakes.

A) was given / had been adaptingB) has been given / will be adaptedC) was giving / has adaptedD) gives / is adaptedE) will give / had been adapted

44. Because air navigation is concerned with direction and distance, the plane must be equipped ---- devices for measuring these factors.

A) aboutB) withC) byD) onE) from

45. Of the many methods that are available today, only radio navigation ---- for all-weather flying.

A) has been usingB) will have usedC) can be usedD) had been usedE) could have used

46. According to the autopsy results, the victim was shot in the back ---- a semi automatic hand gun ---- a left-handed person.

A) for / fromB) from / withC) in / aboutD) with / byE) by / for

47. Although very often the autopsy ---- only with forensic, or legal, medicine ---- in the determination of the cause or details of death from foul play, it ---- a number of other purposes as well.

A) is associated / servesB) has been associated / is servedC) associated / was servingD) was associated / has been servedE) had associated / served

48. The community center can be used ---- meetings of the club whenever needed.

A) withB) aboutC) byD) fromE) for

49. The manufacturer was ---- with excitement at receiving his first large order.

A) influencedB) consideredC) depressedD) filledE) covered

50. After his brother made his fortune on the stock market, Scoot was convinced ---- the wisdom of investing his money in stocks and shares.

A) withB) fromC) forD) atE) of

51. - 60. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.

51. Fransız yazar Albert Camus'un romanları ve oyunları duygusuz, anlamsız bir evreni yansıtır.

A) In his novels and plays, the French author Albert Camus wrote mainly about an indifferent, nonsensical universe.

B) The novels and plays of the French author Albert Camus reflect an indifferent, meaningless universe.

C) Albert Camus's novels and plays are often set in an imaginary, nonsensical universe.

D) The French author Albert Camus wrote many plays and books about an indifferent, meaningless universe.

E) Albert Camus, the French author, has a selection of novels and plays describing an indifferent, absurd universe.

52. Duyduğuma göre, Brown'ların evi, hepsi evde bir filme dalmışken soyulmuş.

A) According to what I've heard, the Browns' house was burgled while they were all at home absorbed in a film.

B) I heard that the Brown's house was actually burgled while they were all at home watching a film.

C) The Browns were so involved in a film that, apparently, they didn't even hear some burglars break into their house.

D) I was surprised to hear that the Browns' house was broken into when they were all at home intently watching a film.

E) Apparently, thieves slipped into the back of the Browns' house while they were all watching a film on television.

53. Bölgedeki personeli korumak ve hassas enstrumanların güvenliğini sağlamak için nükleer reaktörlerin işletilmesinde büyük dikkat gerekmektedir.

A) The safety of personnel and the protection of sensitive instruments are of great importance during the operation of nuclear reactors.

B) During the operation of nuclear reactors, extreme care should be taken by the personnel in the area to protect the sensitive instruments.

C) In the operation of nuclear reactors, great care is required to protect the personnel in the area and to secure the safety of the sensitive instruments.

D) When operating nuclear reactors, the personnel have to take great care with safety procedures as the instruments are highly sensitive.

E) They ought to take great care over the safety of personnel and the protection of the sensitive instruments in the area of the nuclear operations.

54. Eskiden Ortak Pazar ya da Avrupa Topluluğu diye bilinen, Avrupa'nın ekonomik ve politik entegrasyonu için kurulmuş organizasyon, 1993'te Avrupa Birliği adını almıştır.

A) Founded in 1993, the European Union, formerly the Common Market or the European Community, aims to promote economic and political integration throughout Europe.

B) The European Union, renamed in 1993, which had been formerly known both as the Common Market and the European Community, serves to promote economic and political integration of Europe.

C) In 1993, the European Community, formerly known as the Common Market, took the name European Union and began to promote both political and economic harmony within Europe.

D) Formerly known as the Common Market or European Community, the organisation founded for the economic and political integration of Europe took the name European Union in 1993.

E) The institution which has promoted economic and political integration of Europe since 1993 used to be known as the Common Market, and later, the European Community.

55. Sığırlar önce Asya'da evcilleştirilmiş olmalı; çünkü en eski sığır kemikleri, oradaki yerleşim bölgelerinde bulunmuştur.

A) According to evidence in the form of bones, Asians were most likely the first people to domesticate cattle.

B) The practice of domesticating cattle most likely originated in Asia, where the oldest cattle bones have been found.

C) Cattle bones which have been found in Asia are believed to be from the oldest examples of domesticated animals.

D) Because very old bones have been discovered in settlements in Asia, cattle might have been first domesticated there.

E) Cattle must have been domesticated in Asia first, for the oldest cattle bones have been found in settlements there.

56. Dünya Bankası'nın amacı, üye ülkelerdeki ekonomik gelişmeyi destekleyecek projeleri finanse etmektir.

A) The World Bank promotes economic development throughout the world by financing projects.

B) The purpose of the World Bank is to finance projects that promote economic development in member nations.

C) The member nations use the World Bank to finance projects which promote economic development.

D) The World Bank aims to promote economic development in member nations by financing worldwide projects.

E) The World Bank was set up to encourage development in the economies of member nations by financing projects.

57. Gilbert Stuart, özellikle George Washington'ın parlak renkli portreleriyle tanınır.

A) George Washington was a favourite subject of Gilbert Stuart's luminously coloured portraits.

B) Gilbert Stuart is especially known for his luminously coloured portraits of George Washington.

C) Well-known artists, particularly Gilbert Stuart, painted some luminous portraits of George Washington.

D) The famous artist Gilbert Stuart's portraits of George Washington are all luminously coloured.

E) Gilbert Stuart's best-known work is a luminously coloured portrait of George Washington.

58. Zor durumlardaki davranış biçiminin, insanın gerçek karakterini açığa çıkardığı söylenir.

A) It is believed that a person's behaviour under pressure is a test of his or her strength of character.

B) People say that how a person behave in difficult times can show his or her true strength of character.

C) Often people don't act their true selves when they are faced with great difficulties.

D) It's said that the way one behaves in difficulties reveals one's real character.

E) A person's true character is evident in his or her behaviour at times of real trouble.

59. Sence yeni program gelecek ay bu zamanlar uygulamaya konmuş olur mu?

A) Do you think the new schedule will have been introduced by this time next month?

B) You think the new schedule will be introduced about this time next month, don't you?

C) In your opinion, the new schedule should be introduced by this time next month, shouldn't it?

D) Do you believe that they will have introduced the new schedule by the end of next month?

E) I believe we will have been introduced the new schedule before this time next month, don't you?

60. Özel diyetler ve daha bilimsel bakım sayesinde hayvanat bahçelerinde eskiden olduğundan çok daha fazla yavru doğmaktadır.

A) A combination of special diets and scientific care has led to an increase in the number of baby animals born in zoos.

B) The increase in births of animals in zoos recently is due mainly to special diets and more scientific care.

C) Thanks to special diets and more scientific care, many more baby animals are being born in zoos than in the past.

D) In the past, very few baby animals were born in zoos, but recently, this has improved due to scientific care and special diets.

E) The baby animals born in zoos today are given special diets and scientific care, which results in more of them surviving than they did in the past.

61. - 70. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.

61. In world markets, the bigger South American bananas are preferred over the African varieties.

A) Dünya piyasalarında daha çok, Afrika türlerine göre daha irice olan Güney Amerika muzu rağbet görmektedir.

B) Dünya piyasalarında, Afrika'daki türlerine tercih edilen Güney Amerika muzu daha iridir.

C) Dünya piyasaları, Afrika'daki türlerine göre daha irice olan Güney Amerika muzunu tercih etmektedir.

D) Dünya piyasalarında en çok rağbet gören muz, Afrika türlerinden daha iri olan Güney Amerika muzudur.

E) Daha iri olan Güney Amerika muzu, dünya piyasalarında, Afrika türlerine tercih edilmektedir.

62. Many forms of anemia are acquired, which shows that they are not due to genetic disorders but develop after birth.

A) Bulgular göstermiştir ki aneminin, doğuştan gelen genetik bozukluklardan kaynaklanmayıp sonradan gelişen pek çok türü vardır.

B) Pek çok anemi türü sonradan ortaya çıktığına göre, bu hastalığın bazı türleri genetik bozukluktan kaynaklanmıyor, daha çok doğduktan sonra gelişiyor.

C) Aneminin pek çok türü genetik bir bozukluktan kaynaklanmayıp sonradan edinildiği için bu hastalığın doğduktan sonra geliştiği söylenebilir.

D) Aneminin pek çok türü sonradan edinilmektedir ki bu da onların genetik bozukluktan dolayı olmadığını, doğduktan sonra geliştiğini göstermektedir.

E) Bazı anemi türleri genetik bir bozukluktan kaynaklanmayıp doğduktan sonra ortaya çıkmaktadır ki bu da onların sonradan edinildiğini gösterir.

63. At yesterday's committee meeting, very interesting suggestions were made while the programme for the coming season was being discussed.

A) Komitenin dünkü toplantısında, önümüzdeki sezonun programıyla ilgili çok ilginç öneriler tartışıldı.

B) Dünkü komite toplantısında, gelecek sezonun programı tartışılırken çok ilginç öneriler yapıldı.

C) Komite, dünkü toplantısında, gelecek sezonun programını görüşürken çok ilginç öneriler getirdi.

D) Dünkü komite toplantısının gündemi, ilginç önerilerin tartışıldığı gelecek sezonun programıydı.

E) Çok ilginç önerilerin yapıldığı gelecek sezonun program tartışması dünkü komite toplantısında yapıldı.

64. The police think that this assault case is connected with the murder committed last week in the dockyards.

A) Polis, bu saldırı olayının geçen hafta tersanede işlenen cinayetle bağlantılı olduğunu düşünüyor.

B) Polise göre, bu saldırı olayıyla geçen hafta tersanede işlenen cinayet arasında bağlantı olabilir.

C) Polis, geçen haftaki tersane cinayetiyle bu saldırı arasında bağlantı olduğundan kuşkulanıyor.

D) Polis, bu saldırı olayının geçen hafta tersanede işlenen cinayetle ilişkisi olabileceği kanısında.

E) Polis, bu saldırı ile geçen hafta tersanede işlenen cinayet arasında bir bağlantı olduğunu zannediyordu.

65. Children learn to speak without any special training, but reading and writing need to be specially taught.

A) Çocuklar konuşmayı özel bir eğitim olmaksızın öğrenirler ama okuma ve yazmanın özel olarak öğretilmesi gerekir.

B) Çocuklar özel bir çaba sarfetmeden konuşmayı öğrenebilirler ancak okuma ve yazmanın öğretilmesi eğitimi gerektirir.

C) Çocuklar konuşmayı öğrenmek için özel bir eğitim almazlar fakat okuma, yazma öğrenmek için özel bir eğitime ihtiyaçları vardır.

D) Çocuklar konuşmayı kendiliğinden öğrendikleri halde okuma yazmayı ancak özel bir eğitimle öğrenebilirler.

E) Çocuklar konuşmayı öğrenirken özel bir eğitim gerekmese de, okuma yazma öğrenebilmeleri için özel bir eğitim şarttır.

66. Over many centuries people have cleared away great expanses of forests for agriculture and settlement.

A) Asırlardır büyük miktarlarda orman insanlar tarafından tarım ve yerleşim için yok edilmektedir.

B) İnsanlar, asırlar boyunca ormanları büyük ölçüde tarım ve yerleşim için yok ettiler.

C) Asırlar boyunca insanlar, büyük miktarlarda ormanı, tarım ve yerleşim için yok etmişlerdir.

D) İnsanlar, asırlardan beri büyük miktarlarda ormanı yok ederek tarım ve yerleşim alanı yapmışlardır.

E) İnsanların, tarım ve yerleşim için büyük orman alanlarını yok etme eylemleri asırlardan beri devam etmektedir.

67. According to Aztecs law, theft of corn from a field used to be punished by slavery or execution.

A) Tarladan mısır çalma suçu, Aztek yasalarına göre, köle olmayı ya da idam edilmeyi gerektiriyordu.

B) Aztek yasaları, tarladan mısır çalmayı kölelik ya da idamla cezalandırırdı.

C) Aztek yasalarında, mısırın tarladan çalınmasının cezası kölelik ya da idam olurdu.

D) Yasalara göre Aztekler, tarladan mısır çalanları köleliğe ya da idama mahkum ederlerdi.

E) Aztek yasalarına göre, tarladan mısır çalmak kölelik ya da idamla cezalandırılırdı.

68. The relics left in caves have helped greatly in tracing the movements of early people and in understanding their lives.

A) İlk insanların faaliyetlerinin takip edilmesinde ve onların yaşamlarının anlaşılmasında mağaralarda bırakılan kalıntılardan yararlanılmıştır.

B) Mağaralarda bırakılan kalıntılar, ilk insanların etkinliklerinin izini sürmede ve onların yaşamını anlamada çok yardımcı olmuştur.

C) Mağaralardaki kalıntılar sayesinde ilk insanların etkinliklerinin izini sürüp yaşam biçimlerini büyük ölçüde anlayabildik.

D) İlk insanların mağaralarda bıraktıkları kalıntılar, onların etkinliklerini izlememizi ve yaşam tarzlarını anlamamızı sağlamıştır.

E) İlk insanların faaliyetlerini izlemek ve yaşam tarzlarını anlamak için büyük ölçüde mağaralardaki kalıntılar kullanılmıştır.

69. In ancient Egypt, not only humans but sacred animals, particularly cats, were also mummified.

A) Eski Mısır'da kutsal hayvanlar olarak kabul edilen kediler, aynı insanlar gibi, mumyalanırdı.

B) Eski Mısırlılar, yalnızca insanları değil, kedi gibi, kutsal kabul ettikleri hayvanları da mumyalıyorlardı.

C) Eski Mısırlılar, kutsal olduğunu düşündükleri hayvanları, özellikle de kedileri, aynı insanlar gibi mumyalıyorlardı.

D) Eski Mısır'da sadece insanlar değil, kutsal hayvanlar da, özellikle kediler, mumyalanıyordu.

E) Eski Mısır'da insanların yanı sıra, özellikle kediler başta olmak üzere, kutsal hayvanlar da mumyalanmıştır.

70. As a breed, Holsteins are noted for producing the most milk, but their milk ranks among the lowest in butterfat percentage.

A) Sütü yağ oranı bakımından en alt sıralarda yer almasına karşın, holstein cinsi, çok büyük miktarda süt verdiği için rağbet görmektedir.

B) Cins olarak holsteinlar en fazla süt vermekle dikkati çeker ama sütleri yağ oranı bakımından en alt sıralarda yer alır.

C) Cins olarak süt verimleri çok yüksek olsa da holsteinlar, sütlerindeki yağ oranının azlığı nedeniyle en alt sıralarda yer almaktadırlar.

D) Süt verimlerinin yüksek oluşuyla dikkati çeken holstein cinsinin alt sıralarda yer almasının nedeni sütlerindeki yağ oranının azlığıdır.

E) Holsteinlar, süt verimi çok yüksek bir cins olarak bilinir ama onlar sıralamada sütlerindeki yağ oranı bakımından en alttadır.

71. - 80. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz.

71. This morning I drove past a pheasant, which had been run over.

A) I passed a pheasant, which someone had run over, in my car this morning.

B) This morning I overtook the driver who had run down a pheasant in his car.

C) Unfortunately, I ran over a pheasant in my car this morning.

D) I couldn't avoid running over a pheasant, which appeared in front of me so suddenly, this morning.

E) I'm afraid I killed a pheasant this morning as I ran over it.

72. Due to a school boy's protests, a hazard warning sign has been erected at the point where ducks often cross the road.

A) A school boy protested about the hazard warning sign, which had been put up at a place near a habitat of ducks.

B) They put up a hazard warning sign at the place which is frequently used by ducks to cross the road after the protests by a pupil.

C) A school boy suggests that the ducks could be protected if they put a hazard warning sign on the road.

D) A pupil from a nearby school put up a hazard warning sign at the side of the road in order to protect the ducks which often cross there.

E) The hazard warning sign was erected to warn the school boys not to disturb the ducks which live near the side of the road.

73. Not being selected for promotion disappointed him.

A) He will be disappointed if he is not chosen for promotion.

B) To his disappointment, they gave the manager's job to someone else.

C) He was disappointed when he was not chosen for promotion.

D) He wasn't promoted because his performance was so disappointing.

E) His disappointment must have been connected with his colleague's promotion.

74. Despite being criticised by journalists, the Millennium Dome has attracted thousands of visitors.

A) Thousands of people have visited the Millennium Dome even though journalists criticised it.

B) The Millennium Dome had received thousands of visitors before journalists criticised it.

C) Many of the visitors to the Millennium Dome have criticised it to journalists.

D) The criticism of journalists dissuaded thousands of people from visiting the Millennium Dome.

E) The Millennium dome has been criticised by thousands of journalists who have visited it.

75. In England, as in Turkey, many surnames are derived from the skills and professions of ancestors.

A) Most sons in England, as in Turkey, are named after their father's profession.

B) Surnames in most countries, including England and Turkey, are based on the names of former skills and professions.

C) Different from in Turkey, many of our ancestors in England were named after their skill or profession.

D) Surnames in England can often be traced back to the skills and professions of ancestors, as is the case in Turkey.

E) Many skills or professions in both England and Turkey are named after the surnames of the ancestors who carried them out.

76. This course of ours has been developed for users with no experience of Microsoft Excel.

A) We believe that the people who developed this course have never used Microsoft Excel.

B) We require you to have at least some experience of Microsoft Excel to take this course.

C) During this course, we will help you develop your skills on Microsoft Excel.

D) Your skills on Microsoft Excel will be enhanced during this course of ours.

E) We have designed this course for people who have never used Microsoft Excel.

77. An effective antibacterial substance in crocodiles' blood has just been discovered.

A) They have very recently identified an effective antibody in crocodiles' blood.

B) Crocodiles have remarkable antibacterial substances in their blood.

C) The latest discovery in the field of medicine is that crocodiles have an effective antibody in their blood.

D) They have just started looking at crocodiles blood in order to find an antibody which fights resistant bacteria.

E) Scientists have concluded that crocodiles' blood must contain antibodies.

78. Generally, scientists prefer to keep the details of their research secret until something has been proved.

A) Scientists often worry about public reaction to their research if they haven't proved something with concrete evidence.

B) In general, up until they have proved something, scientists would rather not disclose details of their research.

C) Usually, people would like to learn the details of scientists' research even before they have proved their theories.

D) Scientists don't have to release information about their work until they have proved something.

E) Generally, scientists keep their findings to themselves, especially when they are difficult to explain to the public.

79. Before Mozambique can be restored to normal, considerable investment is required.

A) It's normal that Mozambique requires significant investment in order to achieve a higher standard of living.

B) The fate of Mozambique can only be altered with sizeable investment.

C) Normally, stability in Mozambique cannot be achieved without some investment from overseas.

D) They consider investing large sums to help relieve the suffering in Mozambique.

E) Mozambique will need significant investment before the country can return to normal.

80. In Greek mythology, Medusa transformed whoever looked into her eyes to stone.

A) According to Greek myth, anyone who glanced into the eyes of Medusa was turned to stone.

B) The ancient Greeks believed that Medusa was capable of turning people to stone by looking at them.

C) Medusa in Greek myth was a monster who turned lots of people into stone by glancing at them.

D) It's believed that Medusa in Greek mythology was turned into stone when people looked into her eyes.

E) Medusa is a Greek goddess who is believed to turn anything she looks at to stone.

81. Despite a great deal of improvements in public transport, congestion on the roads in Mirmingham is getting worse.

A) The problem of Birmingham’s congested roads could be solved with sigificant improvement to public transport.

B) A great deal of improvements in public transport are needed in order to relieve the congestion on Mirmingham’s roads.

C) Public transport has been improved considerably, yet the roads in Birmingham are getting worse and more congested.

D) More roads are needed in Birmingham to relieve the congestion, which has been increasing due to inadequate public transport.

E) Congestion in Birmingham could not be reduced until they built new roads and improved public transport a great deal.

82. The current English national football team manager used to be a player for Liverpool.

A) At the moment, he manages bith the English national football team and Liverpool.

B) Before he managed the English national football team, he managed Liverpool.

C) At one time the person currently managing the English national team played for Liverpool.

D) He used to play for Liverpool, but now he only plays for the English national football team.

E) Currently, he combines managing the English national football team with playing for Liverpool.

83. Every year, our local florist donates the flowers for the charity’s national annual concert.

A) The flowers for the yearly charity concert are always donated bye the florist in our neighbourhood.

B) This year, the florist in our neighbourhood supplied the flowers for the charity’s annual concert.

C) Our local florist didn’t charge the charity for the flowers which she provided for their concert.

D) Every year, the charity asks the florists in our neighbourhood to donate some flowers for their concerts.

E) Some of the profits from the flowers sold by our local florist go to fund the charity’s annual concert.

84. Why this girl was sacrificed on the mountain submit will probably remain a mystery for ever.

A) It appears that it will take some time to prove why this girl was sacrificed on the mountain submit.

B) The reason for this mountain top sacrifice of a girls has to be discovered.

C) It isn’t yet clear why such a sacrifice of a young girl on a mountain top took place.

D) It is likely that the reason for the sacrifice of this girl on the top of the mountain will never be known.

E) We only have vague theories about why these sacrifices of girls took place on mountain tops.

85. Tom Higdon was dismissed from his job as a teacher in 1911 for suggesting that the children of farm workers should be educated.

A) Tom Higdon was fired from hos job as a teacher in 1911 when he refused to educate the children of agricultural workers.

B) In 1911, the teacher Tom Higdon was fired because he proposed the education of children of farm workers.

C) Tom Higdon’s suggestions in 1911 that the children of farm workers didn’t deserve to be educated led to his dismissal.

D) In 1911, Tom Higdon was fired from his post as a teacher for teaching the children of farm workers who shouldn’t have been educated.

E) After being fired from his teaching position in 1911, Tom Higdon suggested that the children of farm workers ought to be educated.