Download - The NTPC Power Plant

  • 7/21/2019 The NTPC Power Plant



    Indias largest power company, NTPC was set up in 1975 to accelerate power

    development in India. NTPC is emerging as a diversiied power ma!or wit" presence

    in t"e entire value c"ain o t"e power generation #usiness. $part rom power

    generation, w"ic" is t"e mainstay o t"e company, NTPC "as already ventured into

    consultancy, power trading, as" utilisation and coal mining. NTPC ran%ed &'( t"int"e )*+1&, or#es -lo#al *+++ ran%ing o t"e orlds #iggest companies. NTPC

    #ecame a /a"aratna company in /ay, *+1+, one o t"e only our companies to #e

    awarded t"is status.

    T"e total installed capacity o t"e company is (&,1+' / 0including 2s3 wit" 17

    coal #ased and 7 gas #ased stations, located across t"e country. In addition under

    2s, 7 stations are coal #ased 4 anot"er station uses napt"a6N- as uel and 7

    renewa#le energy pro!ects. T"e company "as set a target to "ave an installed power

    generating capacity o 1,*',+++ / #y t"e year *+&*. T"e capacity will "ave a

    diversiied uel mi comprising 58 coal, 18 -as, 11 Nuclear and 17

    :enewa#le ;nergy er. -overnment o India "as urt"er divested 9.5 s"ares t"roug" >< route in

    e#ruary *+1&. it" t"is, ->I@s "olding in NTPC "as reduced rom '(.5 to 75.

    T"e rest is "eld #y Institutional Investors and t"ePu#lic.

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    Sipat Super Thermal Power Station or Rajiv Gandhi Super Thermal

    Power Station [1]is located at Sipatin Bilaspur districtin state

    of Chhattisgarh The power plant is one of the coal!ased power

    plants of "TPC[#]The coal for the power plant is sourced from $ipi%a

    &ines of South 'astern Coal(elds )imited

    The project has an installed capacit* of #+,- &. consisting of two

    stages/ stage one which got commissioned late was of 0 units of

    - &. each invojving super2critical !oilers technolog* and stage

    two consisted of # units of 3-- &. eachP& &anmohan Singh

    inaugurated the Sipat Thermal Power Plant on Septem!er #-/#-10

    Stage UnitNumber

    Installed Capacity(MW)

    Date ofComisioning


    1st 1 - #-11 4une Runni

    1st # - #-11 $ecem!er Runni

    1st 0 - #-1# 4une [5] Runni

    #nd 5 3-- #--6 &a* Runni

    #nd 3 3-- #--, 7ugust Runni

    otal 8ive !"#$

    ! | P a g e,_Chhattisgarh,_Chhattisgarh
  • 7/21/2019 The NTPC Power Plant


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    Power Plant is an industrial setup w"ic" is meant or generation o t"e electric

    power. In a power plant, water is "eated into steam w"ic" is urt"er used to rotate

    t"e tur#ine or power generation.

    T"e t"ermal power plant normally wor%s on t"e ran%ine cycle. T"is cycle was

    deduced rom Carnot cycle, w"ic" is an imaginary cycle and consists o two

    reversi#le isot"ermal process and two reversi#le adia#atic process too. $s t"is cycle

    was practically impossi#le, ran%ine w"ic" now #ecomes t"e #ase o all t"e power

    plant proposed new cycle.

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    verall it "elps to increase t"e eiciency.

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    S W I T C H Y A R D / G R I D

    G E N E R A T O R T R A N S F O R M E R

    G E N E R A T O R

    T U R B I N E

    B O I L E R

    P U L V E R I Z E R

    B U N K E R

    C R U S H E R

    T R A C K H O P P E R

    M G R

    M I N E S

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  • 7/21/2019 The NTPC Power Plant



    -:$G; DC$6D-

    $ K8*++

    = 58++A8*++

    C ((9+A58++

    G (*++A((9+

    ; &&8+A(*++


    - 1&++A*(++

    ig.1 >pen cast dipi%a mines

    # | P a g e

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    ig.* /ined coal #y surace miner



    0/;::H -> :>ENG

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    In NTPC

  • 7/21/2019 The NTPC Power Plant


    ig.( agon #ottom disc"arge 0Pneumatic3



    0C>$6 F$NG6IN- P6$NT3

    Coal Fandling Plant is a plant w"ic" "andles t"e coal rom its receipt rom Coal

    mines to transporting it to =oiler and store in =un%ers. It also processes t"e raw

    coal to ma%e it suita#le or =oiler operation.Transport coal rom Trac% "oppers

    to =un%ers at main plant.


    4.1.1 Unloa!n" P#o$%&&

    Normally t"ermal power station receives t"e coal #y t"ree modes o operation

    =y :ailway

    =y :oad

    =y $rial ropeways

    $erial ropeway is availa#le only to t"e power stations w"ic" are near t"e coal mines.

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    Cost o coal transportation #y road is muc" "ig"er t"an t"at or rail transport and

    "ence most o t"e coal re?uirement o t"e power stations is ulilled #y railway

    transport #y wagon tipplers or #y =>=: 0=ottom open disc"arge wagons3. TRAC' HOPPER

    Trac% Foppers are mainly used or coal storage 4 "andling in power plants. T"ecoal is generally transported rom coal mines eit"er #y =>=: wagons 0=ottom

    >pen =ottom Gisc"arge3, Top open wagons 4 rarely #y truc%s.

    NTPC "ave

    T:$CD F>PP;: 14* >: PP;: * B &*++ T>N PADDLE FEEDERS

    $ter t"e material is disc"arged rom t"e wagons, t"ey got stored in t"e :CC

    "oppers. Paddle eeder is mec"anism used or t"e evacuation o coal rom t"e

    #ottom o :CC "oppers. $s t"e name suggests, t"e eeder ploug"s t"e accumulated

    coal rom t"e #ottom o t"e "opper and eeds it into a moving #elt conveyor.

    4.1.2 F%%!n" P#o$%&&

    T"e eeding process involves continuous and control coal low to meet t"e

    re?uirement. T"e eicient and economical storage, movement and control o large

    coal "andling installations, coal car unloading, storage 4 reclaim system depend on

    t"e proper application o eeders.

    ;;G;:/ 1++ mm J*+ mm E: C:E

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    ig.5 Trac% Fopper

    ig.8 Paddle eeder

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  • 7/21/2019 The NTPC Power Plant


    ig.9 =un%ers




    $ pulverier or grinder is a mec"anical device or t"e grinding o many dierent

    types o materials. or eample, a pulverier mill is used topulverie

    coal or com#ustion in t"e steamAgenerating urnacesoossil uel power plants.

    PE62;:I;< C>$6 :>/ *+ // *++ /;: $NG & :>66;:< $T 1*+ G;- $P$:T

    0=>6 /I663.

    PE62;:I;G C>$6 I< T$D;N T> =>I6;: =H F>TMC>6G

    P:I/$:H $I:.

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    ig.1+ =low /ill



    -.1 BOILER

    $ =oiler is a central component o a power plant, and it is t"e unit w"ere t"e steam

    re?uired or driving t"e tur#ine is generated. T"e "eat a#sor#ing parts su#!ected to

    internal pressure in a #oiler are called as pressure parts. T"e main pressure part in a

    #oiler are Grums, ater walls,

  • 7/21/2019 The NTPC Power Plant






    ig.11 $ir and uel pat"

    $ #oiler is "ig" pressure device t"at needs sae guarding. or t"e saety and eicient

    running o t"e #oiler t"ere are various mounting, itting and accessories.


    -.2.1 ECONOMIER

    T"e economier gets t"e eed water at a#out *&+MA5c rom t"e =P. It pre"eats t"e

    eed water #eore it enters t"e #oiler drum. Pre"eating o eed water "elps in

    prevention o under "eating and t"e water t"ermal stresses, w"ic" can eventually

    lead to puncture o #oiler drum and t"e water wall tu#es. T"e tu#es orm a strong

    mes" o pipes, w"ic" are eed water wit" t"e "elp o a water, w"ic" "elps in #etter

    "eat a#sorption. T"e economier as t"e name suggest "elp to economie t"e steam

    generation process #y pre"eating and reducing aord in t"e #oiler drum. T"e outlet

    pressure o economier is around 1+5%gcm* and outlet temperature around *7+c.

    T"is water is ed into t"e #oiler drum or conversion o water into steam.


  • 7/21/2019 The NTPC Power Plant


    T"e com#ustion air entering t"e urnace s"ould #e pre"eated rom t"e "eart o lue

    gases o downstream o economier to prevent "eat losses. T"is eplains t"e

    re?uirement o air pre "eater as it pre "eats t"e air supplied rom P$ and G ans and

    "ence preventing t"e etra "eat to "eat t"em up t"us saving t"e uel a lot.

    -.3 FITTINGS


    T"e gauge or devices used to measure t"e pressure o t"e luid lowing t"row a pipe

    are termed as pressure gauge.

    -.3.2. SAFET VALVE

    ;very material "as its #earing capacity or pressure and temperature, t"e ecess o

    w"ic" can lead to "eavy loses and even eplosion in t"e #oiler. T"is is prevented #y

    introducing saety valves in t"e #oiler. T"e saety valves "elps to release t"e ecess

    pressure in t"e #oiler. T"e ecess pressure lits t"e cap o t"e saety valves "ence"elping it to escape and release t"e pressure. T"ere are t"ree saety valves installed

    in t"e #oiler. Fence, two valves on t"e drum and one at inal super "eater outlet is



    T"e water level indicator is glass tu#e, w"ic" indicates t"e level o water in t"e

    #oiler drum. T"is is Important as low water level can lead to over"eating o t"e

    #oilerdrum t"e "ig" water level causes t"e entry o water in t"e super "eater tu#es

    and "ence damage t"em. T"e water level indicator is an important mounting in t"e

    #oiler drum. Industrially it is termed as gauge glass. In addition digital indicators

    called as "ydra step are used t"ese days to c"ec% t"e water level in t"e drum.


    T"e eed c"ec% valves c"ec% t"e entry o water in t"e #oiler. T"e valves are setup in

    a station called as eed c"ec% station or #etter operation o t"e #oiler. T"ese are

    t"ree line setup, eA1++, &+ line and t"e #ypass line. T"e 1++ line is used w"en

    t"e #oiler runs in its ull capacity. &+ line is used at start up or s"ut down o t"e

    #oiler. T"e t"ird line called as #y pass line is used w"en eit"er or #ot" o t"e 1++

    and &+ line "ave pro#lem suc" as c"oc%ing. T"is "elps t"e #oiler to overcome t"e

    water scarcity during t"e #oiler pro#lem.


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    !oiler feed pump

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    -.4.1 BOILER DRUM

    It is a vessel, w"ic" stores #ot" water and steam. It separates and supplies t"em to

    various outlets. T"e water rom t"e #oiler drum comes down t"roug" t"e down

    comers and is ed t"e water wall tu#es or re"eating. T"e #oiler drum is usually "al

    illed wit" water and ot"er "al wit" steam. T"is increase t"e temperature o water

    and is converted into steam, w"ic" returns to t"e drum wit" t"e "elp o riser tu#es.Fere t"e steam water miture is separated wit" t"e "elp o various accessories in t"e



    T"roug" t"e #oiler is ed wit" "ig" ?uality treated water, still it is essential to "ave a

    ine conditioning o t"e #oiler water #y dosing certain c"emicals to t"e water in t"e

    #oiler drum. T"is is to ensure.

    $ny scale orming salt in t"e #oiler water is converted into sludge acilitating its

    removal t"roug" low point drains.

    T"e pF value o t"e #oiler water is maintained at t"e desired level to prevent

    corrosion as well as to avoid silica carry over steam.

    T"roug" various solid al%alis can #e used, t"e common practice in our country is

    dosing o T:IGIE/ PF>(AAAAAAAAA Ca 0P>(3*M8NaCl

    It improves t"e pF o water as it gives sodium Fydroide ater reacting wit" water.


    -.* FUEL

    Coal is used as t"e uel used in #oiler. :aw coal is irst was"ed in coal was"ers t"en

    it is transported rom coal was"er plant to power plant #y road and it is crus"ed to

    re?uired sie #y t"en ed to t"e #oilers #y networ% o #elt conveyors #y t"e C>$6

    F$NG6IN- P6$NT 0CFP3 and t"en it ed into com#ustion c"am#er #y coal


    sie o coal 8mm

    caloriic valueA &+++%Cal%g

    !% | P a g e

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    ig.1& =oiler Grum

    ig.1( Feader

    -.*.1. COAL BUN'ER

    It is situated on t"e upper part o t"e #oiler. T"e conveyor #elt eeds it in t"e urnace

    or com#ustion. T"e GC is connected to varia#le re?uency drive, w"ic" drives t"e

    GC and control t"e eedings o coal in t"e urnace. T"e coal mies up wit" t"e

    luidied #ed and catc"es ire.

    -.*.2. FURNACE

    T"e coal is #urnt in t"e urnace over t"e #ed in t"e com#ustion one. T"e urnace

    consists o #ed material, w"ic" is a miture o sand and alumina. T"e #ed material

    provides a suita#le medium or "eat a#sorption, transmission and providing a

    luidied medium or complete com#ustion o coal. T"e urnace temperature is

    maintained around '5+c wit" t"e suita#le iring o coal t"e com#ustion one is

    luidied #y air ans.

    -.- AIR PATH

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    -.-.1. PRIMAR AIR FANS

    $ primary air ans w"ic" means or transporting t"e coal into t"e urnace. T"is an

    develops "ig" pressure 015++A1'++mm C3 to pus" t"e coal particles t"is ta%es

    suction rom disc"arge o G ans.


    T"e air is pumped in t"e urnace #y two G ans, w"ic" "elps in luidiing t"e #ed.

    T"e #ed material needs to #e luidied or complete com#ustion o coal. It also "elps

    in preventing t"e settlement o "eavier coal particles on t"e #ed. T"is is done #y

    alternate arrangement o t"ree super "eaters and two deA super "eater. T"e super

    "eaters are termed as primary 0P

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    ly as" is captured and removed rom t"e lue gas #y electrostatic precipitators or

    a#ric #ag ilters 0or sometimes #ot"3 located at t"e outlet o t"e urnace and #eore

    t"e induced drat an. T"e ly as" is periodically removed rom t"e collection

    "oppers #elow t"e precipitators or #ag ilters. -enerally, t"e ly as" is pneumatically

    transported to storage silos or su#se?uent transport #y truc%s or railroad cars. T"e

    as" generated in t"e system in t"e t"ree ones o #oiler i.e. ;

  • 7/21/2019 The NTPC Power Plant





    It is a mec"anical device t"at etracts t"ermal energy rom pressuried steam, and

    converts it into rotary motion. $n ideal steam tur#ine is considered to #e an

    isentropic process, or constant entropy o t"e steam interring t"e tur#ine is e?ual to

    t"e entropy o t"e steam leaving t"e tur#ine. Fe steam tur#ine is truly QisentropicR,

    "owever, wit" typical isentropic eiciencies ranging rom *+A9+ #ased on t"e

    application o t"e tur#ine. T"e interior o a tur#ine comprises several sets o #lades,

    or Q#uc%etsR as t"ey are more commonly reerred to. >ne set o stationary #lades is

    connected to t"e casting and one set o rotating #lades is connected to t"e s"at. T"e

    seats intermes" wit" certain minimum clearances, wit" t"e sie coniguration o sets

    varying to eiciently eploit t"e epansion o steam at eac" stage.

    T"ere are #asically * types o tur#ines.


    $n Impulse tur#ine "as ied noles t"at orient t"e steam low into "ig" speed !ets.

    T"ese !ets contain signiicant %inetic energy, w"ic" t"e rotor #lades, s"aped li%e

    #uc%ets, convert into s"at rotations as t"e steam !ets c"anges direction. $ pressure

    drop occurs across only t"e stationary #lades, wit" a net increase in steam velocity

    across t"e stage.

    $s t"e steam lows t"roug" t"e nole its pressure alls rom inlet pressure to t"e

    eits pressure 0atmosp"ere pressure, or more usually, t"e condenser vacuum3. Gue to

    t"is "ig"er ratio o epansion o steam in t"e nole #lades is a large portion o t"e

    maimum velocity o t"e steam w"en leaving t"e nole. T"e loss o energy due to

    t"is "ig"er eit velocity is commonly called t"e Qcarry over velocityR or Qleaving



    T"e reaction tur#ine, t"e rotor #lades t"emselves are arranged to orm convergent

    noles. T"is type o tur#ine ma%es use o t"e reaction orce produced as t"e steam

    accelerates t"roug" t"e noles ormed #y t"e rotor.

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    "ead into %inetic energy wit" t"e "elp o nole, and t"en inally converted into

    mec"anical energy #y stri%ing t"e tur#ine #lades.

    T"is mec"anical energy is t"en transerred to t"e generator t"roug" a gear #o and

    s"at couplings, w"ic" t"en converts it into electrical energy. T"e speed o generator

    s"at is dependent on two actorA

    re?uency o $C output re?uired

    No o poles present is given #y t"e ormula

    T"e speed o t"e generator is given #y t"e ormula


    "ere N is t"e rpm, is t"e re?uency and P is t"e num#er o poles in t"e generator.

    Now, or a two pole $C generator t"e valve o N comes out to #e &+++. T"e tur#ine

    ied "as a rated rpm o 7*++.

    ig.18 or%done in Tur#ine


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    $ condenser is a "eat ec"anging device, w"ic" ec"ange "eat o t"e steam rom t"e

    tur#ine outlet to t"e cooling tower. T"is condensation is do not get maimum energy

    output. T"e condensed water and its level are monitored #y ma%eup pumps. T"ese

    ma%eup pumps connect to t"e deAmineraliing plant w"ere it treats t"e water and

    ma%es it eicient enoug" or use in t"e #oiler. T"e water is t"en passed t"roug"various accessories ied and are used to increase t"e temperature o water to

    increase t"e overall cycle eiciency. T"e main purpose o t"e condenser 0vacuum is

    increased3 t"e ent"alpy drop o epanding steam will also increase. T"is will

    increase t"e availa#le wor% rom t"e tur#ine. =y lowering t"e condenser pressure t"e

    ollowing will "appen.

    Increased tur#ine output

    Increased plant eiciency

    :educed steam low



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    T"e condensate etraction or C;P is a pump to etract t"e condensate rom t"e "ot

    well. T"e C;P pumps t"e condensate into t"e e!ector. It "as a rated rpm o &+++.


    T"e tur#ine is a device, w"ic" "as #ot" a rotor and a stator. or ree movement o

    #ot" some space s"ould #e let out. T"ereore, some space is let out in t"e tur#ine

    too. $s t"e continuous supply o steam is maintained t"roug" t"e tur#ine, t"is is a

    c"ance o lea%age o t"e steam t"roug" t"e tur#ine.

    $tmosp"eric air is on one side o t"e casing and "ig" or lowA pressure steam is on

    t"e ot"er side. Fig"A pressure steam eists at one end o t"e tur#ine and steam under

    vacuum eists at t"e ot"er end.

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    ed into t"e 6P "eater. T"e water entering t"e 6P "eater "as a temperature o around



    T"e lowA pressure "eater pre"eats t"e water #eore it is ed into t"e desecrator. T"e

    steam rom t"e tur#ine etraction pump around 8+c to '+c at t"is "eater ta%es. T"e

    wear tu#es rom t"e drain cooler enter "eater t"e #ottom and eist rom t"e top,

    w"ic" is reserve in case o steam condensate low. 6P "eater is t"e last around o

    "eat etraction #eore eeding into deaerator.

    7.1.-. DEAERATOR

    T"e "ot water rom t"e 6P "eater enters t"e deaerator or t"e removal o dissolved

    gases rom #oiler eed water is an essential process in a steam system. T"e pressure

    o dissolved oygen in eed water causes rapid localied corrosion in #oiler tu#es.

    Car#on dioide will dissolve in water, resulting in low pF levels and t"e production

    o corrosive car#onic acid. pF levels in eed water causes severe acid attac%

    t"roug"out t"e #oiler system. "ile dissolved gases and low pF levels in eed water

    can #e controlled or remove t"ese gases mec"anically. T"is mec"anical process is

    %nown as desecration and will increase t"e lie o a steam system dramatically.

    Geaerator is #ased on two scientiic principle can #e descri#ed #y Fenrys law.

    Fenrys law asserts t"at gas solu#ility in a solution decreases as t"e gas partial

    pressure a#ove t"e solution decrease. T"e second scientiic principle t"at governs

    deaerator is t"e relations"ip #etween gas solu#ility and temperature. ;asily

    eplained, gas solu#ility in a solution decreases as t"e temperature i t"e solution

    rises and approac"es saturation temperature. $ deaerator utilies #ot" o t"ese

    natural processes to remove dissolved oygen, car#on dioide, and ot"er nonA

    condensa#le gases rom #oiler eed water. T"e eed water is sprayed in t"in ilms

    into a steam atmosp"ere allowing it to #ecome ?uic%ly "eated to saturation.

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    insuicient deaeration and "ence can create pro#lems or usage in #oiler. T"is water

    is t"en suc%ed #y t"e =P to #e ed into t"e #oiler.


    T"e =P receives water at around *%gcm* and 1*5c temperature. T"is is t"empumped into t"e #oiler at 1*+%gcm* and 1*5C temperature. T"e =P outlet is

    ied two #alancing lines, w"ic" #alance t"e pressure in main eed water "eater and

    t"e pressure pumped #y =P. T"e rated voltage or =P is 88++ 2 and *978 rpm.

    ig.17 Condensor

    CHAPTER 15


    %! | P a g e

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    $ generator is a device t"at converts mec"anical energytoelectrical energyor use

    in an eternal circuit. T"e source o mec"anical energy may vary widely rom a

    "andcran%to an internal com#ustion engine. -enerators provide nearly all o t"e

    power or electric power grids.


    :ated parametersB

    /aimum continuous D2$ rating *(7 /2$

    /aimum continuous D rating *1+ /

    :ated Terminal 2oltage 15.75 D2


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    T"e steam in t"e condenser is cooled using water. T"e cooling water is ed into t"e

    condenser using C pumps. T"e cooling water is stored in a pool. T"ere is a tower

    a#ove t"is pool, w"ic" "as a an wit" #ig #lades. T"ese #lades remove t"e "eat rom

    t"e water t"roug" suction. T"e water is cooled in a cycle and stored in a pool. T"e

    water is t"en pumped #y t"e C pumps to t"e condenser. T"ere are t"ree C and

    t"ree $C 0$uiliary3 pumps. T"e $CP pumps t"e water to a "eader, t"roug"

    t"is "eader, t"roug" t"is "eader, t"roug" t"is "eader, t"roug" t"is "eader water is

    passed to t"e passed to t"e oil cooler and generator air cooler. T"e "eader o t"e

    $CP and CP is connected at a point so t"at w"en any one o t"e pumps is not

    wor%ing t"e ot"er pump can supply water to t"e systemS preventing any %ind o

    water draug"t in t"e system.

    Cooling towers are a very important part o power plant and t"e primary tas% o a

    cooling tower is to re!ect "eat into t"e atmosp"ere. T"ey represent a relatively

    inepensive and dependa#le means o removing lowAgrade "eat rom cooling water.

    T"e ma%eAup water source is used to replenis" water lost to evaporation. Fot water

    rom "eat ec"angers is sent to t"e cooling tower. T"e water eits t"e cooling tower

    and is sent #ac% to t"e ec"angers or to or urt"er cooling.


    Cooling towers all into two main categoriesB A

    Natural drat

    /ec"anical drat

    Typical closed loop cooling tower system is s"own inA

    11.1.1. NATURAL DRAFT

    Natural drat towers use very large concrete c"imneys to introduce air t"roug" t"e

    media. Gue to large sie o t"is towers, t"ey are generally used or water low rates

    a#ove (5+++ m"our. T"ese types o towers are used only #y utility power station.


    /ec"anical drat tower utilied large ans to orce or suc% air t"roug" circulated

    water. T"e water alls down word over ill suraces, w"ic" "elp increase t"e contact

    time #etween t"e water and t"e airA t"is "elp maimie "eat transer #etween t"e

    two. Cooling rates o mec"anicaldrat towers depend upon t"eir an diameter and

    speed o operation.

  • 7/21/2019 The NTPC Power Plant


    ig.19 Induced Grat Cooling Tower

    ig.*+ Natural Cooling Tower

    %' | P a g e

  • 7/21/2019 The NTPC Power Plant


    CHAPTER 12


    $t t"e end we understand "ow electricity is developed #y #urning o coal, and w"ole

    t"e department o power plant is playing very muc" important role or generatingpower. $nd NTPC is one o t"e plant w"ere electricity is generated. $nd I saw all

    t"e views o all department o power plant. $nd I come to %now t"at a#out t"e

    controlling system o power plant.