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Presented by: Younes TAIAPresented by: Younes [email protected]

TEFL&ICT Master programTEFL&ICT Master program

The Natural Approach

University of Ibn-Zohr Methods and Techniques FLSH Prof. Naima TRIMASSE MA TEFL&ICT Semester 2

References :Jack C.Richards and Theodore S.Rodgers. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A description and analysis. Cambridge University Press.

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The theoretical backgroundDefinition Principles and foundations TPR VS NAProcedures and techniquesLearning process.How does NA syllabus look like? Strengths Weaknesses

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The Natural Approach is based on the following


► The Naturalistic view of Child Language Acquisition.

► James Asher’s TPR► Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell ’s works

on Second Language Acquisition (SLA).

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What is the Natural Approach?

The Natural Approach (NA henceforth) is a method of foreign language teaching which aims to apply the

principles of natural language acquisition into classroom. It focus on:

►helping beginners to become intermediate.

►Enhancing communication skills.►The primacy of meaning.

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Underlying principles of NA

► Advocating the use of TPR activities.► Delaying production until speech emerges.► Learners should be relaxed as possible in

classroom.► Comprehensible input is crucial for triggering the

acquisition of language.► Providing understandable input that is little

beyond the learners’ level (i+1).

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► Gaining personal communication skills.► The teacher is the source of the learners' input.► Errors are tolerated at certain level providing,

that they do not hinder or block the meaning.► meaning is paramount.

Underlying principles of NA

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Does the NA have something to share with TPR?

Using TPR activities/learning through actions - learning through imperative, interrogative

and command mood. The call for a “Silent period”

- like child language acquisition, second language learners need a silent phase

at which they receive understandable input.

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Procedures and Techniques

► TPR activities (commands and interrogatives).

► Group activities.► Complex games, role-plays, open-ended

dialogs, and discussions.► visual aids.► Error correction should be minimised.► Creating the ground for learners/ lowering

the affective filter.► demonstrating using body language.► delaying production until speech emerges.

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Learning Processes

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How does NA syllabus look like?

► Communicative syllabus; mainly focusing on enhacing skills both oral and written.

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► following a logical/ rationale order.► attempting to reduce the learners’ inhibition.► a heavy stress is on meaning and vocabulary.► the use of target language.

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► The notion of “Silent Period”► How does a teacher manage such silent

class effectively?► Error treatment► Learners are passive at certain level► Little emphasis was given to grammar

analysis.► what type of input to provide.