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Page 1: The mighty atom

The mighty atom

Pecha Kucha PowerPoint

Page 2: The mighty atom

• Cartoon on an atom drawn by Mosheera next to the title

Page 3: The mighty atom

• Nadine Shiaty will talk.(script) ‘All things are made of atoms.’ 20 seconds

• While she talks pictures of a man, a cow, icecream, mosquito, car, nuclear bomb, flower will apear simultaneously.

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• Nadine will talk in the background and say that till this very day now people are skeptical about the existence of atom since it was never physically proved to exist. But since the process to develop it was scientific it was reliable and we will demonstrate how by the concept of falsifiability.( cartoon demostrated while speech)

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Powerpoint slide: She will say: In order to come up with a theory there are:

1.Characteristics( scientist)2.Pebble in water example( picture)( talks more

about it)Lets begin..

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• (Picture of Einstien and greeks while shes talking)

• Einstien and the greeks wer the 1st to introduce the idea on paper, but never cared to develop it.

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• Introduce Dalton ( picture) was the 1st to think about the size and introduced the atomic number, and check if it was scientific.

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• A short clip of a poor looking man and thinking about the size and gave atomic numbers to hydrogen and oxygen since it was 7 parts)

• (picture of hydrogen molecule and oxygen)

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(Checklist again with unbais checked))Nadine says: but since it was not empirical,

many were skeptical ( cartoon of crazy scientists appears) and nadine quotes, “ atoms cannot be percieved by senses, they are things of thought”

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• (picture of electron)• She says : the electron was discovered after

that time by JJ thompson ( picture) along side with neutron by james chadwick

• ( picture of neutron)

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• She introduces Rutherford, with help of the discoveries of the electron and neutron he came up with a theory:

• “At the heart of the atom there is a nucleus that is very dense.”

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