Download - The Metropolitan Innovation Campus at - Economist ... · Life Science I.C.T. ... operation with advanced “Technology Transfer hubs” abroad ... of the growth engines of the Greek


Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

Ministry Of Development and Infrastructure General Secretariat Of Research And Technology

National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”

The Metropolitan Innovation Campus at “Demokritos”

Can the proposed Metropolitan Innovation Campus (MIC) at Demokritos become a “Greek Silicon valley” and Greece “the start-

up nation” of Southeastern Europe?

Nick Kanellopoulos National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”

Can the proposed Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos become a “Greek Silicon valley” and Greece “the start up nation” of Southeastern Europe?

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

In order to answer the question we compare Greece with Israel, which is considered to be the “start up nation” and has more start-ups than anywhere else outside Silicon Valley’.

•Israel is a country of only 7.1 million people and produces more start-up companies than such large nations as Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada and the United Kingdom, whereas Greece produces an extremely small number of start-ups and spin-offs. •The start-ups in Israel have been able to receive more than 2.5 times venture capital per capita than the US and 30 times as much as Europe, whereas in Greece there is a lack of venture capital and foreign investment.

Comparison of Greece with Israel, which is considered to be the “start up nation”

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

• Israel treats start ups as growth engines of the economy with

reduced taxation and special regulations, whereas in Greece there is still a strong prejudice against spin-offs and researchers involved in the commercialization of their Intellectual property.

• Israel spends on R&D 4.8% of its GDP, whereas Greece spends only 0.6%.

• In Israel there is a very strong cooperation with the diasporas'

scientists, whereas Greece has a very weak interaction with the 10,000 Greek Scientists abroad.

In order Greece to become a “silicon valley of Southeastern Europe”

we propose the establishment the Integration of the fragmented smaller research centers into the Metropolitan

Innovation Campus and the application of an effective innovation policy.

Aims of the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

The major aim of the M.I.C. “Demokritos” is

to become an Intellectual Property Technology accelerator

by propelling ideas from the lab to the market and attracting foreign investments.

Competitive advantage: The scientific excellence of the Greek

researchers who have succeeded in receiving three times higher funding than the Northern Europeans over the past 15 years.

Development phases of the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos

• The integration will be in the first stage “virtual”, but since “Demokritos” has the capacity to build 40.000m2 ,it can readily host all the smaller Institutions scattered in the Attiki area.

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

Phase A: Integration of the smaller Research Institutes

Map: Google Maps




Development phases of the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos

• The goal is the establishment of critical mass of both human and

infrastructure resources following the international trend of establishing high cost “Technology parks”.

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

SISPARK, building area of 1.57 million square meters and investment of more than RMB 4 billion Yuan – 500M€

Development phases of the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos

• One major advantage of the MIC “geographical” integration business

plan is the positive return of 47 M Euros due to the expected revenue from the exploitation of high value real estate of the smaller research centers.

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

102 Μ€

55 Μ€

47 Μ€








Expected revenue from

Exploitation of current Real Estate

Requested investment for MIC


Expected Positive Return from




in M

Development phases of the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

Phase B: Virtual integration of Greek Research Centers with MIC

Development phases of the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

Nuclear Technology

Institute of Nuclear Physics

Institute of Radioisotopes & Radio-diagnostic


Institute of Materials Science

Institute of Informatics & Telecommunication

Institute of Microelectronics

Institute of Physical Chemistry

Institute of Biology

Institute of Nuclear Technology & Radiation


Energy / Environment/



I.C.T. Life Science

Phase C: Integration into national globally competitive “poles of excellence and innovation”

Development phases of the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

Phase C: Identification and matching of the “academic competences” of each pole of excellence with the “industrial needs “ of “clusters” of relevant industries.

CLUSTERS of the “Energy” Operated according to the successful IMEC

CLUSTER in Belgium

Strategic roadmap focusing on a few areas, due to

the limited resources, where Greece presents competitive


“Cluster” of “Energy” MIC


“Cluster” of Energy Industries

• Solar Energy • Natural gas technologies • Clean lignite technologies • Desalination

Development of cost efficient natural gas to liquid process


Clean lignite technology

1000 times more effective carbon

nanotube desalination membranes

1 μm

MIC can be both an “innovation” hub and an “education and training hub”

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

• MIC will become an “education and training hub” in cooperation with the Greek scientists of Diaspora by developing e.g. joint PhD programs, as the ones that have been initiated in cooperation with the Universities of Texas (2 years abroad & 2 years at “Demokritos”). • MIC can host “branches” of European and USA top class research centers (e.g. Max Planck, Berkeley ), which are going to become “catalysts” in further enhancing scientific excellence.

MIC as an “innovation hub” of Southeastern Europe

• by establishing cooperation agreements with Universities and other Research Centers in Greece and in neighboring South European countries. Cyprus, Balkan countries, Ukraine etc).

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

Map: Google Maps

Development phases of the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

Phase D: Establishment of effective Intellectual exploitation policy in co-operation with advanced “Technology Transfer hubs” abroad

Creation of Branches for key Research Centers

Intellectual Property co-Exploitation

On-site Technology Transfer

Map: Google Maps

Development phases of the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

Close cooperation with successful innovation hubs abroad

“Arizona Technology Enterprises” which has succeeded in the past

three years to:

o multiply the number of Start-ups by six o multiply the number of Licenses by four o multiply the number of Patents by three

Arizona Technology Enterprises

Arizona State University


Property Revenue

Integrated Intellectual property Exploitation Plan

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

Effective incubator/ Proof of Concept Units

One-stop-shop for scientific & technological consultation services

Exploitation of patent portfolios in cooperation with IP portfolios agencies

Business Angels & Venture Funding

Research Institutes

Intellectual Property


Metropolitan Technologies Transfer S.A.

4th Generation potential Spin-Off Incubator

Effective “clusters” following the successful effective IMEC model

IP exploitation companies

(Intellectual Ventures)

The spin-offs will acquire independent legal status only when they obtain external funding

Intellectual property Exploitation Plan

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

The core aims of Demokritos Technology Transfer Enterprises S.A. are:

• Significant increase of the MIC Demokritos patents and licences in cooperation with ASU and other partners and establishment of large IP portfolios (e.g. 10.000 patents) to achieve visibility following the model of Intellectual Venture (30.000 patents) and IBM.

•Significant increase of the number of MIC spin-offs and start ups, following the model of Israel and Arizona State Enterprises.

Intellectual property Exploitation Plan

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

• Incubator operated with an effective mentoring and supporting program .

• Effective matching of the “technology needs” of “clusters “ the industrial partners with the “technology competences” of the corresponding MIC “clusters “ following the successful IMEC “cluster” model. e.g. 40 Phillips and 25 INTEL scientists have offices and labs at the IMEC “cluster” facilities, monitoring and supporting the growth of new intellectual property.

Can the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos become a “Greek Silicon valley” and Greece the “start up” nation of Southeastern Europe?

Athens, Greece, July 2nd – 3rd, 16th Roundtable with the Government of Greece

The answer is YES, the Greek researchers are very competitive and the proposed Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos can become one of the growth engines of the Greek economy attracting foreign investments and minimizing the chances of exiting the Eurozone, predicted yesterday by Roubini Global Economics.