Download - The Messenger ~ November 20194 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him… 19 Then he [Jesus] said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” -Luke 17:16a,

Page 1: The Messenger ~ November 20194 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him… 19 Then he [Jesus] said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” -Luke 17:16a,

The Moment itself is beautiful! “Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10

This past month I was reading an interview with

musician Peter Mayer. Mayer is both a secular and

Christian artist and at one point the interviewer was

asking a question about how a musician can

possibly find new life in the same old songs,

especially when you play them over and over again.

I found Peter Mayer’s answer to be extremely

moving and challenging at the same time as he

connected music and scripture together. “When you

are in the moment, with Jimmy [Buffett] onstage, it

has to be new. And that’s the beauty of Scripture

too. When it is taken and applied and lived [out] in

your life, it just has to be new. That’s God’s word

among us. So when I’m playing “Margaritaville”—

and that’s a whole lot of [the chord] D—in the

moment, complexity doesn’t have anything to do

with beauty. The moment itself is beautiful because

it’s passing, and we are meant to live it. So when I

live that D, I just try to be right there in the moment

making the best D I can play.” (October 10, 2019.)

“The moment itself is beautiful because it’s passing,

and we are meant to live it.” This little statement hit

me like a ton of bricks and caused me to stop and

reflect. Do I understand each moment to be beautiful

or do I try and rush through the moments in my life

to get to something else? Goal setting is great.

Having a plan to follow is often very important. But

I wonder if sometimes in our efforts to ‘arrive’ we

forget to see the wonder in the journey itself.

Having done many years of youth ministry and

logged thousands of miles on youth trips I know

firsthand that the greatest ministry and impact you

often have on the lives of kids is not the actual event

itself, but the time it took to get there! Once while

traveling in the midst of rural Utah one of our

vehicles suffered a near cataclysmic failure. It

meant a complete disruption in our plans and it was,

to be honest, quite stressful. Taking stock of the

situation I came to the conclusion that the most

important thing we could do with the kids in that

moment was walk to Dairy Queen and eat ice

cream! Then we went to a park and played a game.

Afterwards one of the youths came up to me and

said, “I don’t understand. When everything was

going so bad, why didn’t you yell and get mad? I

didn’t know it was ok not to get angry.”

It was a powerful reminder to me of the importance

of each and every moment—as an opportunity to

actually live out the faith we proclaim. Thanks to the

Holy Spirit, I somehow had the strength and courage

to see the beauty in the moment, even if the moment

also carried with it concerns and challenges.

As we enter this time of Thanksgiving, I encourage

you to see the beauty in the moments that God has

given you. I am not naïve; I know that often life

brings stressful and anxious times; but I wonder if

there isn’t also beauty within. As we get inundated

with bad news and political spin that is meant to rile

us up—perhaps we need to focus on the beauty that

surrounds us as well. It reminds me of the often-

quoted advice that Mr. Rogers gave in regard to

helping children in the midst of disasters or tragic

events. “When I was a boy and I would see scary

things in the news, my mother would say to me,

‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people

who are helping.’”

Here’s to making the most of each and every

moment. Be thankful. Be generous. Be kind. Be

open. Be loving. Be on the look-out for the beauty

that God has given you, right now!


Pastor Jeff

The Messenger ~ November 2019

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and School ▪ San Clemente, California “Inspired to Love, Encouraged to Think, and Sent to Serve”

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November Birthdays, Anniversaries & More

Lois McClure 11/02

Elsa Keisker 11/03

Tammy Peasley 11/04

Charles Simon 11/04

Kiana Breshears 11/06

Linda Howard 11/07

Arlene Ross 11/08

Dennis Breshears 11/09

Brandi Davies 11/09

Karyn Martello 11/11

Calissa Hoye 11/12

Sean Peasley 11/13

Joyce Quade 11/14

Emily Simon 11/18

Steve Butkus 11/19

Debbie Cloninger 11/19

Erin Crowe 11/20

Ashton Peasley 11/23

Alexandra Gordon 11/24

Libby Kubr 11/24

Tracy Hallinan 11/25

Barbara Cameron 11/26

Colin Davies 11/26

Jim Smoot 11/26

Hunter Peasley 11/27

Judy Pridham 11/27

Susan Warden 11/28

Sharon Cebrun 11/29

Leo Schrickel 11/29

Eric & Sara May 11/03

Peter & Michelle Lawrence 11/16

Steve & Sandy Kos 11/20

Iain & Joelie Buchan 11/21

Steve & Flora Thomsen 11/21

~ Birthdays ~

~ Anniversaries ~

Thank you for the


A heartfelt thank you for your many

personal affirmations during

“Pastor Appreciation Month.”

It is a joy to be in ministry together.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Pastor Jeff and Family

November 3, 2019

We remember these

members of our

congregation who

have died this past year.

And all of our loved ones.

April 7. 2019

April 25, 2019

June 1, 2019

Karleen Marienthal

Gloria Densham

Marla Lund


Saturday Night

November 2

Set your clocks back

one hour before bed.

Sprout Class Wed & Th, Rm 5

Manna Bible Study, FR

Messy Blessings Wed & Th, Sanc

Adult Bible Study, FR

Youth Band, YR

Middle School Youth Group, YR

Celebration Singers, Sanc

6th Grade Confirmation, Sanc









Page 4: The Messenger ~ November 20194 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him… 19 Then he [Jesus] said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” -Luke 17:16a,


16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him… 19 Then he [Jesus] said to him,

“Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” - Luke 17:16a, 19

Pastor Jeff preached on this Scripture in October. I am so thankful for Pastor Jeff for many, many reasons - not the least

of which are his wonderful sermons each Sunday. In his sermon, he highlighted the end of verse 19. To paraphrase, the

point that Pastor Jeff made was that although Jesus healed 10 lepers, he only told the one who returned to say “thank

you” that he was “well”.

well·ness /ˈwelnəs/ noun

noun: wellness 1. the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.

"measures of a patient's progress toward wellness"

I Googled “Wellness” and came up with 1,470,000,000 results in 0.66 seconds). If there are over a billion “hits” on

Google, it must be important, right? Of course it is! We all want to be well. With the Thanksgiving holiday

approaching, we would do well to copy that 10th leper in being thankful and expressing our thanks for all the good (and

even the bad) in our lives. Thank you, Pastor Jeff, for your wonderful teaching (and for all the other gifts you bring to

our church).

What are some other ways for us to “be well”? The “Global Wellness Institute” lists the following “wellness


Physical: A healthy body through exercise, nutrition, sleep, etc.

Mental: Engagement with the world through learning, problem-solving, creativity, etc.

Emotional: Being in touch with, aware of, accepting of, and able to express one’s feelings (and those of others).

Spiritual: Our search for meaning and purpose in human existence.

Social: Connecting with, interacting with, and contributing to other people and our communities.

Environmental: A healthy physical environment free of hazards; awareness of the role we play in bettering rather

than denigrating the natural environment.

As I read this list, it occurred to me that we can get each of these dimensions fulfilled by being active in our church. The

OWLS (Older Wiser Lutherans) offer an opportunity to get physical at their walk each Tuesday morning. Singing in the

choir, Bible Study, book studies, Sunday services provide opportunities for mental engagement. The Our Savior’s

Lutheran Church Mission Statement reinforces our emotional wellness by inspiring us to love and encouraging us to

think. Spiritual - come to church and hear the message. Social - come to church and worship with our community.

Environmental wellness is our care for God’s creation. Dennis and Heidi recycle our used bulletins each week. We use

environmentally responsible materials for our hospitality. Can you think of other ways we can be more responsible?

Give thanks Be Well Make a difference

In His Service ~ Karen Skipper, Director of Music

November 2019

1 Thessalonians 5:18 – “18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

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Youth and Children’s Ministry

by Bob Cooper - Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries

The “Jan Brady” of Holidays

Here we are in November, the month in which we are

reminded to “count our blessings”. With Halloween

candy still a lingering temptation and Christmas

decorations dominating the retail world I would like

to take a moment to be thankful, thankful for the

wonderful life that our gracious God has allowed me

to have. Thankful for the people that have been put in

my life to support me, challenge me, and love me,

thankful in the knowledge that even if all of these

things are taken away from me that I will never walk

without the unconditional love and mercy of almighty

God. But those are the big things, I also love to find

the smaller things to be thankful for such as:

I flipped on the light switch and the light came on

I turned on the shower and hot water came out

I opened the refrigerator and it was cold inside

I opened a can of peaches and there were peaches


My car still had air in all four tires and started

right up

I arrived to work without incident

Look, my computer has not crashed!

You see? The list is much larger than might be at first

apparent, if we just look we can be constantly

grateful! As I tell the kids, “the problem we have with

God is not that he is so far away that we can’t see

him, it’s that he is so close that we overlook him”

I’ll be seeing the power of our gracious God on full

display in the month of November as the preschool

choir “Messy Blessings” joins our Celebration

Singers for a Veteran’s Day tribute. We will also be

going with 300 or so of our middle school friends to

the annual Synod Middle School Youth Gathering

held at the Anaheim Sheraton later in the month.

So let’s remember to be grateful as the “Middle

Child” holiday (wedged in between Halloween and

Christmas) seeks to keep us in a state of gratitude for

all of the blessings we have to be thankful for.

God’s Grateful Servant,

Bob Cooper

Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry

November Youth Calendar

November 3 - Sunday No 4th/5th Grade Confirmation


November 5 - Tuesday Kids Club 3:30pm, YR

November 6 - Wednesday Messy Blessings Noon, Sanctuary

Youth Band 6:00pm, YR

MSYG 6:30pm, YR

November 7 - Thursday Messy Blessings Noon, Sanctuary

November 10 - Sunday 4th/5th Grade Confirmation 9:50am, YR

HSYG 6:00pm, YR

November 11- Monday Welcome Inn 4:00pm, Doheny

November 12 - Tuesday

Gilchrist House 6:00pm

November 13 - Wednesday Messy Blessings Noon, Sanctuary

Youth Band 6:00pm, YR

MSYG 6:30pm, YR

November 14 - Thursday Messy Blessings Noon, Sanctuary

November 16 - Saturday Mexico Service Trip

November 17- Sunday 4th/5th Grade Confirmation 9:50am, YR

HSYG 6:00pm, YR

November 20- Wednesday Messy Blessings Noon, Sanctuary

Youth Band 6:00pm, YR

MSYG 6:30pm, YR

November 21 - Thursday Messy Blessings Noon, Sanctuary

November 22 - Friday MSYG Synod Gathering @ Anaheim Sheraton

November 24 - Sunday No 4th/5th Grade Confirmation


November 27 - Wednesday No Messy Blessings

No Youth Band, No MSYG

November 28 - Thursday

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What’s Happening at Our Savior’s

C hristmas is coming and the

Worship & Music Ministry is

already planning the decorations for

our Sanctuary and Narthex!

As in past years, the congregation will

have an opportunity to purchase

Poinsettias “In Honor or In Memory” of a loved one.

The price is $15.00 each and more than one may be

purchased. These beautiful Poinsettias will adorn the

Altar and Sanctuary Christmas Eve. The Poinsettias

may be taken home after Christmas.

Look for the insert in the Weekly Messengers

beginning November 17 through December 16.

Thank you for your support and don't forget

Christmas is just around the corner. We will have

beautiful candlelight services that you won't want to

miss. Come and sing praises and celebrate the birth

of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Christmas Eve Worship Services

Tuesday ~ December 24, 2019

Noon | 4:30pm

6:30pm | 11:00pm

An Abundance of Thanks


Sunday Evening ~ November 24 at 6:00pm

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

November 24th at 6:00pm we will hold a special

“Thanksgiving Worship” here at Our Savior’s

Lutheran Church. Why not come and take some time

amid a busy week to really center yourself on the

source of all good things—and give thanks!

Refreshments to follow.

If you have a prayer request for the

Weekly Messenger and/or Prayer Chain please call

the church office at (949) 492-6164 or send an

e-mail to [email protected]

SPROUT Families

Join our Thanksgiving Feast

12:30pm - Room 5

Wednesday Class | November 20

Thursday Class | November 21

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Women's Bible Study Schedule

Monday ~ November 18th

9:30am-11:30am, hosted by Evey Thomsen

Tuesday ~ November 26th

9:00am-11:00am, hosted by Bonnie Little

Weekly Walking Group

The walking group continues to meet each Tuesday

morning at 8:00am on the corner of Vista Hermosa

and Costa Azul, to walk the Sea Summit Trails.

All OWLs and OWLs in training

(those below 55) are welcome to join us!


November 9, 2019

7:00am - 8:30am

Calling all men…

You are invited to join us for

a men's breakfast at OSLC.

RSVP: John Mulligan at [email protected]

Sunday Morning Bible Study

9:50am to 10:25am ▪ Founders Room


Join us as we look each Sunday morning at the

Gospel according to Mark through the lens of a

piece of literature meant to be spoken orally in order

to bring us the Good News of Jesus. We’ll watch a

professional storyteller perform pieces of the Gospel

each week and then explore how ‘hearing’ the

Gospel helps us grow in our faith.

Wednesday Manna Bible Study

11:00am to 12:15pm ▪ Founders Room

No Class Wednesday - November 27

Thanksgiving Eve

A look at the coming lessons for Sunday Morning.

There is no better way to prepare for Sunday

morning that attending the Manna Bible Study. No

experience necessary as we take a first look at the

appointed lessons. Often Manna Bible Study directs

the sermon and what is shared on Sunday morning.

Everyone is welcome!

No Biblical experience necessary. Join Us!

Wednesday Evening Bible Study

5:30pm to 6:30pm ▪ Founders Room

No Class Wednesday - November 27

Thanksgiving Eve


What are the fundamental parts of the Christian

faith? What does it mean to be a Lutheran Christian?

How do you answer the question: “What do

Lutheran’s believe?” Together we’ll take a look at

our Christian roots and our Lutheran identity as we

explore the Ten Commandments, The Creed, The

Lord’s Prayer, the Sacraments and our life together.

Join us each Wednesday.

(Childcare Pastor Jeff)


We are in the process of gathering a new member’s

group for the Fall of 2019. If you are interested in

becoming a member of Our Savior’s please sign-up in

the Narthex or call/e-mail the church office at

(949) 492-6164 or [email protected].

Register Now For Our Fall Class

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Welcome Inn Meal Service | Monday | November 11th Sent to Serve with Love

Thank you to all of you who have served the past months. Our low-income and homeless

neighbors are so appreciative of the nutritious hot meals and kindness they receive. We

can’t solve homelessness but we can be sure they don’t go hungry. If you would like to

donate food or help serve, please watch for the Sign-Up Genius emails from the church office. If you have

questions, please contact Heidi Works, [email protected] or (949) 212-0803. If you are not comfortable using

Sign-Up Genius, contact Kelly Frohner, [email protected], or Gay in the church office. White athletic

(tube) socks always needed! Please leave donations in the Narthex.


Just a friendly reminder that ALL activities are open to all: Congregation,

School Families and Friends. We are all Sent to Serve!


Our Fall Food Drive for families in need kicks off Nov. 1, and goes through the end of the month! All

donations should be dropped off in school classrooms or the Narthex. All donations will be given to Family

Assistance Ministries (FAM). With your help and service, each year FAM provides: 1.6 M meals and 1.9 M

pounds of food to the hungry in our community!

For the most urgently needed items check online here:

ITEMS MOST NEEDED (No Glass Please!)

Meals: Chili | Mac & Cheese | Pasta | Beans | Tuna | Baby Food | Soup

Lunch Box Items: Peanut Butter | Jelly | Fruit Cups |

Granola Bars | Crackers | Juice Boxes | Water

Please NO GLASS or perishable items.

Thank you for your generosity.

Christmas Giving Tree | Family Assistance Ministries

Shoe Collection | November 10 - December 11

Our Giving Tree will be devoted

to collecting NEW athletic

shoes (sneakers) for preschool

and elementary age children. The shoes will be

distributed at FAM’s annual Christmas party on

Saturday, December 14, which means we MUST have

all shoes by Wednesday, December 11. You may

choose a tag from the tree or simply purchase a pair of

sneakers Child Size 5 – Adult Size 7 and bring to the

narthex. We especially need shoes for elementary boys

and girls. Our goal is 200 pairs of shoes, and FAM is so

appreciative of our dedication to this project every year.

Invite your family and friends to contribute a pair of

sneakers. We can’t have too many!

This project requires many volunteers on the day of the party: deliver shoes to the community center, set-up the

shoe store, assist children with trying on shoes and tear-down at the end of the party. Watch for a Sign-Up

Genius email if you would like to help. It is a fun and joyful event and you will be rewarded with lots of

smiles! If you have questions, please contact Linda Howard, [email protected] or

Kelly Frohner, [email protected].

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Mary’s Feast & Baby Shower

Wednesday | December 4 | 6:00pm

Bella Collina Golf Club | San Clemente

Cost | $50.00 per person

The annual Mary’s Feast is a joyful event in which

to participate and a wonderful opportunity to connect

with other women as we begin Advent leading up to

Christmas. The evening allows us to be in fellowship

with other women and grow closer to each other as

well as to God as we consider the gift that God gave

us in the birth of his son, Jesus. And Mary’s Feast is

also a chance to serve God, here in our community

by supporting under resourced military families at

Pendleton through San Clemente Military Family

Outreach (SCMFO). Each guest is invited to bring

unwrapped baby items to the event, which are used

for a baby shower in January for young, expectant

military mothers. For more information, contact

Hallie Stohler at [email protected]

For more information contact

Hallie Stohler

[email protected]

or (949) 291-3611

Make checks payable to

SCMFO/Mary’s Feast

mail to: Chris McCann

2307 Via Zafiro

San Clemente, CA 92673

Recent Events Thank you to everyone who came

out to assemble LWR personal care kits on

September 22 and who joined us at worship for the

blessing of the beautiful quilts and kits on October

13 before they were taken to ingathering! This year,

your donations and your work, resulted in 216 kits

and 118 quilts! What a blessing! Since quilting is a

year-round service, our quilting team can use

monetary donations for supplies at any time. If this

ministry interests you, please feel free to make a

donation to the church office, with quilts in the


Save the Date | Purpose Jewelry Sale

Sunday | November 17

Join the fight against human trafficking by supporting

International Sanctuary at our annual Purpose

Jewelry sale event on Sunday, November 17 in the

Founders Room. Hand-crafted jewelry, Christmas

ornaments and candles will all be available. All

proceeds support iSanctuary’s sanctuaries in India,

Uganda, Mexico and Irvine.

Purpose Jewelry is giving freedom and independence

to girls and women around the world who have been

rescued from the horror of human trafficking. Every

piece is handcrafted with love by a survivor of human

trafficking. The art of jewelry making paired with

employment, education, and holistic care ensures

every artisan has dignity and hope for the future.

Each tag is hand-signed by the young woman who

made it. You can see their beautiful creations at

Purpose products make great Christmas gifts and

teacher gifts. And, they are a special treat for

yourself. Invite a friend. Bring your credit/debit card.

Donations also accepted!

Special note: If you have friends who cannot come to

the sale on Sunday morning, a “preview” sale will be

held at the home of Linda Howard on Saturday,

November 16, 10:00am - 2:00pm. Please contact

Linda, [email protected] or (949) 422-5258,

for the address.

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H appy November Everybody! We are

definitely into the Church Council busy


We have Reformation Sunday with our famous

Bratwurst sandwiches and also we have Yellow

Tail fish (so…YUM).

We have our Trick or Trunk (so… Yummier).

Stewardship campaign will be in high gear

(Tithing is your best option here).

Quilts and Health kits have been boxed up and

delivered to Lutheran Social Services to be

dispersed in the world (boxes filled with comfort

and love).

Buildings and Grounds is a year round event

(Chuck Simon is the Man!)

Sunday School is growing each week (give them

candy and they will come).

Youth is constantly in motion and have a new

youth room in the 300 building (try to keep up).

Everything that happens here at Our Savior’s is

through the time and talents of many. Your church

council, although to most is running in the

background as a well oiled machine is actually a

group of Christ centered, fun loving, joke telling,

Church loving folks who help each other out and

discuss the options (donut gate was very intense) for

all of us to have an awesome place to worship and

have fellowship.

Respectfully Submitted by,

M’Liz Kelly, Council Secretary

Blessing of the Animals! What a great opportunity to bless and give thanks for

our pets and to gather as different faith traditions

here in San Clemente.

Hope to see you next

year! Let us know if

your pet would like a

“St. Francis” medallion.

Benevolence Contributions July - September 2019

World Hunger 1,734

Habitat for Humanity 1,224

Pacifica Synod 6,600

Lutheran Social Service 499

FAM 3,881

Total Benevolence $13,938

OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Treasurer’s Financial Report

September 30, 2019

The gap has closed a little.

We are short on our Congregational commitment as

voted on at the Annual Meeting.

Can you help towards filling this gap?

Building Fund Balance - September 30, 2019:


Building Fund Balance - October 29, 2019:


Mortgage Balance - September 30, 2019:


Thank You For Your Stewardship!


Karen Coffee


Average September Attendance 133

Congregational Commitment Jul-Sep $143,043

Offerings Received Jul-Sep $103,760

Congregational Shortage ($39,281)


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November 2019 - Preschool News

Thanks so much to everyone who helped with the

Outlets of San Clemente Shopping Extravaganza by

either volunteering to work the event or purchasing a

ticket and shopping. Our Savior’s made a profit of

$1,450.00. It was a really fun day to be out in the

community and talk to all the great people who

stopped by our table. We donated ChapStick with

our logo on it for the goody bag and people stopped

by just to thank us for that!

We also had a great Preschool Sunday and are so

grateful to all the preschool families who attended.

We have almost 40 children in our children’s choir –

Messy Blessings that we started this year. It is a

blessing to hear the children sing.

In November the preschoolers will be focusing on

language and we participate in Read for the Record

day which is the world’s largest shared reading

experience. Children all over the world will be

reading Thank You, Omu!

The preschool will have a craft table at Trick or

Trunk and each of the classrooms will have a

decorated car. The event is not just for kids. We

hope you can come and enjoy the fun.

We started a two year old class in October and are

now using all six preschool classrooms. We are

filled with gratitude for all the many blessings that

have been given to our preschool.



Parent and Child attend class

together once a week for 13 weeks.

Parents interact and guide his/her

child through age-appropriate

learning, play activities, art and


Parent Discussions about Parenting

Topics led by the teacher while

children play outdoors with

supervision by aide and several


Occasional Guest Speakers and local

field trips.

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Kid’s Page | November 2019

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 “World Hunger” “All Saints’ Sunday”

8:30 Bold Worship

9:50 Adult Ed, 4/5 Conf

10:30 Classic Worship

6:00 HSYG, YR


9:15 Mommy and Me


8:00 OWLs Walk

3:30 Kids Club, YR

6 9:00 Sprout, Rm 5

11:00 Manna FR

Noon Messing Blessings

5:30 Adult Bible Study, FR

6:00 Youth Band, YR

6:30 MSYG, YR

6:45 Celebration Singers

7:15 6th Gr Confirmation


9:00 Sprout, Rm 5

9:15 Mommy and Me

Noon Messy Blessings



7:00 Men’s Breakfast



8:30 Bold Worship

9:50 Adult Ed, 4/5 Conf

10:30 Classic Worship

6:00 HSYG, YR

11 No School

4:00 Welcome Inn Dinner


8:00 OWLs Walk

6:00 Gilchrist House

6:30 Council Meeting

13 9:00 Sprout, Rm 5

11:00 Manna FR

Noon Messing Blessings

5:30 Adult Bible Study, FR

6:00 Youth Band, YR

6:30 MSYG, YR

6:45 Celebration Singers

7:15 6th Gr Confirmation


9:00 Sprout, Rm 5

9:15 Mommy and Me

Noon Messy Blessings



Service Trip to


17 “Building Fund”

8:30 Bold Worship

8:30 Purpose Jewelry Sale

9:50 Adult Ed, 4/5 Conf

10:30 Classic Worship

6:00 HSYG, YR


9:15 Mommy and Me

9:30 Women’s Bible

Study, Evey Thomsen


8:00 OWLs Walk

20 9:00 Sprout, Rm 5

11:00 Manna FR

Noon Messing Blessings

5:30 Adult Bible Study, FR

6:00 Youth Band, YR

6:30 MSYG, YR

6:45 Celebration Singers

7:15 6th Gr Confirmation


9:00 Sprout, Rm 5

9:15 Mommy and Me

Noon Messy Blessings


MSYG Synod Gathering

@ Anaheim Sheraton


24 “Habitat”

8:30 Bold Worship

9:50 Adult Ed

10:30 Classic Worship

6:00 Special Service of


25 Thanksgiving Break 26 Thanksgiving Break

8:00 OWLs Walk

9:00 Women’s Bible

Study, Bonnie Little

27 Thanksgiving Break

No Wednesday


28 Thanksgiving Break

Church Office Closed

29 Thanksgiving Break

Church Office Closed


First Sunday of the month Last Sunday of the month Served every Sunday

Holy Communion


Third Sunday of each month

Page 16: The Messenger ~ November 20194 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him… 19 Then he [Jesus] said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” -Luke 17:16a,


Non-Profit Org



Permit No. 40

San Clemente, CA

Pastor’s Page 1

Birthdays, Anniversaries & More... 2

Generosity is the Hallmark, Did you miss this? 3

Music Notes 4

Youth & Children’s Ministry, Youth Calendar 5

What’s Happening @ OSLC 6/7/8

Annual Christmas Dinner 9

Inside this issue:

Social Concerns 10/11

Treasurer’s Report, Council Notes 12

Mommy and Me Spring 2020, Preschool News 13

November Kids Page 14

November 2019 Calendar 15

November 2018 Calendar, Ways to Help Our School 15

Inside This Issue 16

Church Office

(949) 492-6164 ▪ Fax (949) 492-2904

[email protected]

School Office

(949) 492-6165 ▪ Fax (949) 492-2904

[email protected]

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and School

200 Avenida San Pablo San Clemente California 92672

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church & School

The Messenger | November 2019

“Inspired to Love, Encouraged to Think, and Sent to Serve”


8:30am ~ Bold Worship, Sunday School

9:50am ~ Adult Education

9:50am ~ 4th/5th Grade Confirmation

10:30am ~ Classic Worship, Sunday School

6:00pm ~ High School Youth Group

Nursery Care available all at all services for children 4 and under!