Download - The Messenger - · The editor decided to go back to his office and ... For her life held no ...

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This month’s Messenger is sponsored by

Dan Saucier

Thank you, Dan, for sponsoring the Messenger

Emmanuel members who own or operate their own business or

members who would like to recognize a significant events in their

lives are invited to sponsor the Messenger. Full sponsorship of the

Messenger is $100. This covers a portion of the cost of mailing the

Messenger each month.

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from the pastor

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ;

In one little Midwestern town, Miss Jones had the distinction of being

the oldest resident in town. So when she died, the editor of the local

paper wanted to print a little article remembering this dear old lady,

except he couldn't think of anything to say when he sat down to write the

article. Miss Jones had never done anything terribly wrong. She had

never spent a night in jail or had ever been drunk. On the other hand, she

had never done anything significant.

With this still on his mind, the editor went down to the local café, and

there, ran into the local funeral director. He too was having the same

trouble. He wanted to put something on Miss Jones' tombstone besides

"Miss Nancy Jones, born such-and-such a date and died such-and-such a

date," but he couldn't think of anything to write either.

The editor decided to go back to his office and assign the job of writing

up a small article for both the paper and the tombstone to the first

reporter he saw. When he got to the office, he ran into the sports editor,

who got the assignment. So somewhere in some little community in the

Midwest there is a tombstone which reads:

Here lie the bones of Nancy Jones,

For her life held no terrors.

She lived an old maid. She died an old maid.

No hits, no runs, no errors.

For most people, one of their greatest fears is not being remembered after

they have died. They want to know that their life had meaning and made

a lasting impression upon those whom they loved or were close to.

As Christians, the church provides these opportunities for us. During the

month of October we will celebrate the continuing life of our church

through our annual stewardship campaign. While often the focus of this

campaign is on the financial gifts that our members pledge, it must not be

forgotten that we also offer our time and talents to the work of the

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church. In other words, October is the perfect time for us to find a place

in the church in which we can discern and nurture the gifts that God has

endowed each one of us with. For several weeks there will be sign-up

sheets in the narthex for the various committees of the church. I

encourage you to prayerfully consider where you may be called to help.

Ask questions. Pursue the mission and focus of each committee/group of

the church. What you are willing to offer may very well be the missing

ingredient to enhancing a particular ministry of our church. Your

willingness and efforts not only will be remembered after you are gone,

but, more importantly, make a monumental difference while you are still

here, and that’s what being a disciple of Christ truly means.

In Christ,

Pastor Mark

On Sunday, October 2nd, During our 10:00 worship, we will

formally dedicate the Baby Grand Piano in our worship space.

A very special thank you to Jim Walter who so graciously has

provided the financial means to secure the purchase of this piano.

We look forward to many years of joyous music!

Property Committee

You may have recently noticed that we have addressed the

deterioration of our parking lots, which is the first of several

building and maintenance projects that Emmanuel is currently

undertaking. While we are budgeted for these projects, any

additional financial help to offset any of these projects would be

very much welcome and appreciated. If you would like to know

what these projects are, please contact Pastor Mark or Darrell

Eland, Emmanuel Property Committee Chair.

Please remember to return the information sheets that you received

in your September Messenger to the church office at your earliest


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From the Director: Patti Treptow

Our programs that have started up this fall are off to a great

start! The most wonderful thing that happens each fall is the

coming together of our members of all ages to participate in

various activities. From learning opportunities that deepen our

faith, to fun fellowship events such as picnics and tailgate parties

that build friendships, to service opportunities that allow us to

share the love of Christ with others, to worship enrichments such

as choir and special musical presentations that help us praise our

Lord, fall definitely is a time when we come together and re-


It is so wonderful that Emmanuel's members get involved

and provide ways for us to grow in our faith. All of these

opportunities would not be possible without your support and the

sharing of your time and talents.

Thank you for all you do to make the work of the church

fun and meaningful! In the following pages you will find

information on our youth and family programs and activities, and

ways for you to get involved……………

The October edition of "Parenting Christian Kids"

will be available Sunday, September 2nd. This

contemporary newsletter is filled with articles,

parenting principles, pointers and more, all focused

on a relevant, monthly theme. It also contains

reviews of movie and music releases and cultural

trends and statistics that provide insights for parents. Additional copies

of all editions will be available in the narthex and on the church website


Youth and Family Ministry

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Confirmation Class Orientation meeting is set for Sunday,

October 23rd at 9:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall for all 7th

and 8th

grade students and parents. Confirmation requirements, service

activities, and class schedule will be discussed.

Acolyte Training for all 7th

graders and any 8th

graders who would

like a refresher will be held on Sunday, October 23rd at 11:00 a.m.

Please meet Pastor Mark in the sanctuary. Parents are welcome to

attend. During the meeting we will cover the following subjects:

The importance of the role of the acolyte as a leader in worship,

finding and wearing the acolyte robe, lighting candles, and other

kinds of assistance that the acolyte provides during worship.

Confirmation Service Activities for the fall will start with a leaf

raking event on Sunday, November 6th

at 11:30 - 1:00. Cocoa and

snacks will follow at the church. This is a great way for students

to get in their community service requirement.

Rite of


The Rite of Confirmation for our 9th

graders who have completed

their confirmation instruction will be held on Reformation Sunday,

October 25th during the 10:00 a.m. worship service. A cake and

punch reception for the confirmands will be held following

worship service. A letter will be sent to the families of the

confirmation students with additional information on this

important event.

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2016 Confirmation


The weekend of September


through 18th

, twenty three

of Emmanuel's youth attended

this year's confirmation retreat

at Camp Bird in Crivitz. It was

a beautiful weekend where we

built friendships and deepened

our relationship with God. Our

students enjoyed faith

reflection times, outdoor

worship, team building

activities, making crafts, nature

hiking, boating, fishing, and

even swimming. Our leaders for the retreat were Pastor Mark,

Patti Treptow, Holly Bayerl, Mary and Bob Villas, Jackie

Kolaszewski, Tim Leinonen, Kerry Delgoffe, and Deb Clausen.

Look for more photos of our retreat displayed in the narthex.

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Sunday School

Our monthly Bible Story Sunday will kick-off for the new program year

this month. Sunday, October 2nd

all of the Sunday school children will

gather in the fellowship hall after the children's message during the 10:00

a.m. worship service. The children will participate in devotions, sing

songs, watch a Bible story video, make a craft, and enjoy a snack.

Parents may pick up their children in the fellowship hall at the end of

worship. Bible Story Sunday is held the first Sunday of each

month…..don't miss out on the fun!


Grade Bible Presentation

Sunday, October 9th

during the 10:00 a.m. worship service, our 3rd

grade students will be receiving their gift Bibles from the

congregation. More information regarding this important step in

our children's faith life will go home with the students.

Sunday school parent reminders…..

In an effort to keep your child safe and accounted for, we are

asking that at the end of worship, you pick up your child directly

from their Sunday school classroom.

Also, if you have not done so already, please complete a Sunday

school registration form for your child. These forms are available

in the church office. Thank you!

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High School Youth Bible Study

The Emmanuel Youth Advisory Council will be hosting a youth Bible

study based on the movie "God's Not Dead". Led by Jacob Laatsch, high

school youth grades 9th through 12

th are invited to join us in a fascinating

exploration of our Christian faith. It will be held at the home of Jacob

Laatsch, 412 45th Ave., Menominee, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Wednesday

evenings starting October 5th through November 2


Leaf Raking

EYAC members will join confirmation students to rake leaves of our

members who need assistance on Sunday, November 6th 11:30-1:00 p.m.

New Member Party/Bon Fire

To kick off the new EYAC program year and to welcome new members,

a bonfire party will be held at the home of Lauren Clausen on

Wednesday, November 9th from 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Youth-led Worship

Sunday, November 13th at the 10:00 a.m. worship service, our high

school youth will lead worship by ushering, reading the lessons, sharing

a children's message and the providing the sermon.

Emmanuel's Youth Advisory Council is open to all of Emmanuel’s high

school youth and is a great way to grow in faith and to engage in fun and

meaningful activities. Please join us at our next meeting - Sunday,

October 16th at 9:00 a.m. Contact the church office for more information

on participating in any of these activities.

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Sharing the Gifts We Have Been Given

This fall our stewardship ministry centers on God’s generosity and our

response to it. Over the next month we will think together about God’s

gifts and our Christian response to his amazing Grace. You are asked to

come worship each week. Join the bible study offered - “Prayer – does it

make any difference?” on Monday evenings. Attend the Tailgate Party

on October 2. We believe that God is interested in how we live our lives,

how we spend our time and all of our money. God wants us to worship

him! We worship God with our time, our talent, and our treasure.

Stewardship means “belonging to God" - all that we are and all that we

have comes from God. We are grateful to God for it all, and responsible

to God for how we use it. There is a connection between stewardship and

spirituality: generous giving as a spiritual discipline helps us to grow in


Why do you give your money, your time, or your talent to the work of

God’s church? If you answer “Because the church needs it,” or “There

are bills to pay,” listen to what Pastor Mark Powell, a seminary teacher

in Columbus, Ohio, says about why he gives.

“The Bible says that we should each give according to our means and do

our ‘fair share’ to support the congregation (2 Corinthians 8:3, 11-13).

But that is the ‘duty’ part. The ‘delight’ comes in giving as a grateful

response to God’s grace. So, I give to this church as a way of expressing

my love for God, of touching God’s heart with my own. This brings me

incredible joy.

Together, duty and delight represent the conscious motivations for my

giving, but if we go deeper, I think the real reason I give has little to do

with me. It is the work of the Holy Spirit and a result of the

transformation that God has worked within me. Left to my own devices,

I would be too selfish to ever give anything to anyone. But I have become

a new creature in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). He lives in me

(Galatians 5:22-23).”

Over the next few weeks, we will listen to faith stories, share God’s word

and prayerfully consider how we will respond to God’s generosity. On

October 16 we will have information about our various committees on

display. Pledge packets will be distributed on October 23, and on

Commitment Sunday, November 6, we will joyfully offer our pledge

responses during worship. Celebration Sunday will be November 13,

when we will announce and celebrate the pledges of time, talent and

treasures offered by our members to carry out God’s work in our church,

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our community and around the world. Refreshments will be served after

each service.

Stewardship is more than just putting money in the plate. It is also

testifying to the truth, sharing the faith, and loving God’s people. Your

congregation wants you to grow in your spiritual life, and one of those

spiritual disciplines is giving. Be generous! This year we are asking you

to increase your giving to the work of our congregation. Thank you for

your ongoing commitment to the life and work of Emmanuel. God

provides! How shall we respond to God’s grace?

“It is our duty and delight that

we should everywhere and

always offer thanks and praise

to you, O God, through Jesus

Christ, who calls us to follow

his way of humble service and

love . . . ”

Emmanuel’s Stewardship Committee



Adult Bible Study

"Prayer - does it make any difference?"

Come and search God's Word together as we explore the

vast topic of prayer. We will look to answer some of the questions

that all of us ask. Is God listening? If God knows everything,

what's the point of prayer? Why do answers seem inconsistent?

Why should God care about me? How can I make my prayer life

more satisfying. Join Robin Gustafson as she leads us in the

subject of prayer, Monday nights at 6:30 p.m. Now - October 31st,

in the "Friendship Room".

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Wednesday Morning Men’s group

Join us each Wednesday, 7:30 a.m., at the Serving Spoon for a

wonderful time of fellowship with friends, sharing stories, and

enjoying a cup of coffee. Bring a friend!

WoMen’s Ministries

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America The Sarah Circle will meet on Tuesday, October 11, at 1:00 p.m. in the Friendship room with Ivon Butman as hostess.

Seeking Enlightenment Group will be meeting on Thursday,

October 20, at 6:30pm. It is a time of sharing and encouraging

each other on our Christian journey, contact Robin Gustafson at

906-290-1003 or Jackie Kolaszewski at 906-290-1158 for location


Cup of Joe Ministry”

Everyone is invited to enjoy coffee and other beverages,

baked goods and treats, and fellowship during our 9:00 a.m. coffee

hour between worship services in the narthex.

After you get your "Cup of Joe", join us in the "Friendship

Room" for the "Ministry" part of our coffee hour where we will

enjoy conversations about our faith and other topics of interest.

We are looking for people to help with this important

ministry. We need people to sign up for hosting the coffee hour.

This entails making the coffee (which the church provides),

setting the serving table in the narthex, and then doing clean-up.

We also need people to donate treats. Please sign up in the

narthex. If you have any questions, please call Amy Laatsch at


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Emmanuel is helping the Salvation Army with their Coats for Kids

campaign. The Salvation Army is accepting new and gently used

winter coats, snow pants, boots, sweaters, sweatshirts, jeans, and

warm blankets which will be given to needy families in the

counties of Marinette and Menominee. The collection has begun

and will go through November 14, 2016. We have a box in the

narthex for this purpose. Let’s see if we can fill it!!!

Upcoming Fall Service Projects Bell Ringing for Salvation Army

Christmas Bake Sale

Christmas Food Baskets

Local Tree of Love

It’s not too early to start thinking of our upcoming service

projects. Please consider sharing the love of Christ with our local

community by getting involved in helping with Emmanuel's Bell

Ringing for Salvation Army, the Christmas Bake Sale, Christmas

Food Baskets, and the local Tree of Love. Through your donations

of time and talents, we can bring care, compassion, and hope to

many families who are in need.

In the next couple months we will be providing different

opportunities where you can serve our church as well as our

neighbors. Your involvement will make a huge difference in what

we can do for our community. Even small actions make a huge

impact. Watch for more details in next month’s Messenger!

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Rally Sunday Picnic, Henes Park

September 11, 2016

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Pictures are in color on our web site


Emmanuel will host its, annual Tailgate Picnic in the church parking lot on Sunday, October 2nd. Brats, hotdogs, hamburgers and all the fixins will be available for a cost per item. The event will start following the 10:00 a.m. worship service. Be sure to wear your favorite team colors! The community is invited. Spread the word and invite a friend!

There was

fun and

games for

all ages at


Rally Day


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Emmanuel will be providing a "Trunk or Treat" on Monday, October 31st, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. in the 13th street parking lot. Neighborhood children and congregation children are welcome to trick or treat in our parking lot. We are inviting any

interested congregation members to join in the fun by hosting a "trunk". Host a trunk individually or join up with your family or friends! Decorate your trunk in a non-scary Halloween or harvest theme and provide treats to the children as they trick or treat in our parking lot. We hope you can join us in this safe and fun event for our children. There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex if you are interested in participating.

Resurrection Afterglow – October 23rd

They will play at the 10:00am Service. This group is a Dixieland jazz praise band and has been

playing for about ten years. The personnel includes:

Dr. Kelly McGuire, piano Roman Davis, trombone Tom Polkinghorne, clarinet John Wills, trumpet and vocals

Elaine Mayer, bass William Schubert, drums In addition to performing here at Emmanuel, they have also performed at Bethel Lutheran Church and First Presbyterian Church in Menominee, and Pioneer Presbyterian Church in Marinette.

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Hadley Mae Jensen daughter of Jacob and Katelyn

on September 25, with Kelsey Evans and Matt Spear as sponsors

We welcomed new member, Donna Cramer, at our 8:00 service

on September 25. Thank you to Jeanne Anderson for organizing a prayer vigil in

thanks for and offering up prayers of safety and support for law

enforcement officers, firefighters and first responders, to mark the


anniversary of September 11.


Finance Update

Through August, our total offerings and other receipts are $163,049.00.

Total expenditures as of this date are $161,262.00, which leaves us with a year to date excess of $1,787.00.


Please help us keep in touch with our college students by

turning in the following information to the church office:

Student's Name: _______________________________________

Name of School: ______________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________


Email address: ________________________________________

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October 23rd, 2016, has been designated as “Bread for the World”

Sunday. On this day we will learn more about and take up an

additional offering for this world hunger organization. As well,

our 10:00 worship service this day will incorporate alternative

worship featuring “Resurrection Afterglow,” a Dixieland jazz

praise band. We look forward with great joy to these wonderful

musicians leading worship and sharing their musical gifts with us

on this day.


Thank You

Gary Marineau and I would like to thank Mike Bellisle for his

instruction and use of his carpet shampooer. Also, thank you Kathy

Lemire for providing paper towels for the church. This provided a

huge savings on our budget.

Gary Marineau and Judy Seglund

Maintenance and Custodial Staff


Would you like to see the photos that are in this month's Messenger in color? Check out Emmanuel's website and click on the newsletter link under "Our Work". You can find our website at

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8:00 & 10:00am Nursery care provided at 10am

Sunday Church School at 10:00am


Phone: (906) 863-3431 Fax: (906) 863-4193

Email: [email protected] Council President, Jackie Kolaszewski Email: [email protected]

or Visit us on the Web at

Follow us on Facebook at Emmanuel Lutheran Church Menominee Michigan ELCA

STAFF: Pastor

The Rev. Mark Laatsch

Director of Programs & Operations Mr. Jerry Gentz

Director of Youth & Family Ministry Mrs. Patti Treptow Church Secretary Mrs. Judy Raygo

Custodians Ms. Judy Seglund & Mr. Gary Marineau

We are a congregation of the Northern Great Lakes Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America