Download - The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful

Page 1: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful

The Mane EscapeThe Mane EscapeA collection of creative work from fellow Lions.

2020 December-January Issue

Page 2: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful
Page 3: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful


It’s a finicky thing. One moment it is calm. A small ember catches light and glows.The next moment it is blazing through the forest. Taking anything and everything away.After much commotion, after everyone had a hand inputting the fire out, the fire slowly sizzles and sighs. No more yelling or screaming. No more angry torrents of heat and ashes.Just the leftover warmth of the drama. Flames, as ifashamed of its tantrum, grow shy and put themselvesout. Sirens die out in the distance. All that is left is the leftover warmth.

Page 4: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful
Page 5: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful

Life Is a Struggle.You will not have a smile on everyday.

There will be days that you’ll feel sadness.But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness.

You will not be cheerful everyday.There will be moments where you are going to be

stressed.Take a deep breath, you will figure things out.

Nobody is perfect, so don’t be afraid of making amistake.

In a perfect world everything would be simple.But sometimes easy things aren’t worth it.

You wouldn’t be who you are.If you hadn’t experienced the things you did in life.

Be proud of the person you have become!

Page 6: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful

Shadows of the PastWe can learn from those memories that call from the past

They follow forever like the shadow we castAt times they stand tall 

and they will cover our lifeBut when the sun is up high they don't matter at all.

We must learn to make peace with our shadowAnd call it our friend

Because after all it will always be with usUntil the very end.

We will grow old together and have quite the laughWhen we realize that alone

We are only halfYou guided and pulled me

Through happiness you’ve taken me to-and-froAnd you’ll continue to to do so

Till it’s my turn to goAnd maybe one day I’ll join you

My shadow so dearA shadow on the earth

Guiding loved ones through their own fears

Page 7: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful
Page 8: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful
Page 9: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful
Page 10: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful
Page 11: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful

Life is like a novelEverybody has a role to play

Your life is planned out but you don’t know which wayTravelling through the hills of life

Like a novel there will always be struggle and strifeSometimes when it seems all that’s left is to hope and

prayWe must remember that tomorrow is a new day.

This time everyone has a story to tell An unexplored journey and only you know it well

We are only humans

Who must live life to the fullestWe have to show not all humans are cruel

We can learn from the purestWe make judgments about things

Things we don't know about othersThat’s how we make assumptions

Though we’re all sisters and brothersAfter all, reading a novel is like a trip through the mind

All the stories and valuesoon you will find.

Page 12: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful

Taking PathsMany times our paths are often avoided, keeping us from

who we are meant to be. Be courageous and take your leap

for the path to happiness is often steep.A path of roses that may seem pretty

but others don’t see the thorns that lay there really.Embrace your weakness and your strengths will rise.

Challenges may just be blessings in disguise.A single star that shines so bright

that too often we struggle at times to keep in sight.For when the world is lost and all seems outrageous 

one spark of love is pure and contagious.And many times we will find our path

on the road we seek to escape itSo we must always remember

that fate finds a way.So it’s better to take it

day by day.

Page 13: The Mane Escape · You will not have a smile on everyday. There will be days that you’ll feel sadness. But don’t let your sadness overcome your happiness. You will not be cheerful