Download - The literary elements2

Page 1: The literary elements2

The Literary Elements

Page 2: The literary elements2

Objective: By the end of the week the students will be able to recognize all 5 of the literary elements and will do so with

100% accuracy, they will show their knowledge of the elements by creating their

own books using all 5 of the literary elements.

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Page 4: The literary elements2

CHARACTERThere are major

characters and there are minor characters.

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Page 6: The literary elements2


Setting will

most likely be the time

period or

place that a

story is taking place.

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Page 8: The literary elements2


The plot is the main events presented in a sequence.

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The theme is the main subject or idea of a book.

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Style: The way that

an author

presents his

illustrations and or
