Download - The Intuition Quiz! Higher Consciousness 2015 NEWEST Handouts... · 2015-08-29 · 3. Protection and safety due to better “radar” for people, places and situations 4. Health,

Page 1: The Intuition Quiz! Higher Consciousness 2015 NEWEST Handouts... · 2015-08-29 · 3. Protection and safety due to better “radar” for people, places and situations 4. Health,


LIVING  MORE  INTUITIVELY  (Excerpted  from  Higher  Consciousness  Program)  

By  Rev.  Sage  Taylor  Kingsley-­‐Goddard,  CHT,  RM  Copyright  2013-­‐15

I am living my Dream Life! It is not just luck. I struggled for decades with everything from disability to divorce, 21 moves in 20 years, the loss of our home, bankruptcy and more Mr. Wrong relationships than I care to count. Today I AM married to my Twin Flame Soulmate (18 years and glowing strong!), living in our Dream-Come-True Home, making 6 figures out of my home while serving thousands of people & doing what I love… And I know that I owe it ALL to my guides and angels. J I would have none of these blessings and BLISSings (and neither would my happy clients and students) if I were not living so intuitively. On a daily & truly almost continuous basis. As an Archangel Michael Channel, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Ordained Interfaith Minister, Reiki Master and Teacher and Abundance Acceleration Coach, I have dozens of proven, powerful techniques that will help YOU connect more with Spirit, hear and heed the higher guidance from your angels, and enjoy the life of health, love and prosperity that you desire so very much. How will YOUR life change when you are more connected? Let’s take a look now at some key benefits of living more consistently with strong GBS: “Guided by Spirit” – Feeling tuned in and lovingly embraced and counseled by your highest angelic and other guides, and your own Highest Self….

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THE 7 KEY BENEFITS OF LIVING INTUITIVELY: By living more intuitively, you will experience greater: 1. Peace, trust & contentment, balance and sense of flow... 2. Sense of spiritual connection, you know you are “All one” not alone. Faith and trust. 3. Protection and safety due to better “radar” for people, places and situations 4. Health, wealth & love, because you get much better at manifesting & creating success in ALL areas of your life! 5. Miracles, synchronicities, magic and wonder! 6. Ability to help others with your clear Seeing, Hearing, Feeling and Knowing 7. Inner joy, energy & radiance In fact, if there were ONE life skill that were the “Meta” skill which could help in every single area of your life, not just temporarily but for the rest of your life and beyond…. That one skill is INTUITION.

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition….

Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

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Wow! So how can you enhance your own natural intuitive abilities? You will hear some tips in this introductory program. The truth is, having a more opened Third Eye a) is just one of many aspects of intuition, and b) enhancing your intuition is not something that happens in an instant; it is a process. If you decide to join us for the full HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS program, you’ll get to learn DOZENS of powerful metaphysical practices for healing, energy and awakening that will steadily help you live more intuitively every day. This is the ONLY Shamanic Angelic Intuition & Energy Mastery Course designed and taught by Archangel Michael. Depending on when you are reading this Ebook, enrollment may be happening right now. Details are here if you are called to learn more: Today we are gifting to you this TelAttunement, excerpted teachings as well as an enlightening quiz to help you assess your own intuitive abilities. We honor your commitment to Spirit by receiving this gift today. If you’d like to go even higher and deeper, we invite you join us on an incredible journey of enlightenment, peace and happiness… And whatever you decide, please enjoy these gifts with my blessings and love. ~ Sage Next Up: You get to identify more specifically the 13 Essential Intuitive Skills then personally assess and set intentions as you take The Intuition Quiz…!

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The 13 Essential Skills for

Enhancing Your Natural Intuitive & Psychic Abilities Higher Consciousness Level I

By Rev. Sage Taylor Kingsley-Goddard, CHT, RM Karmic & Legal Copyright 2008-2015

When you desire to develop your INTUITIVE SKILLS, what you are really striving for are several things, all of which need to be strengthened simultaneously. During the Higher Consciousness program, you will be powerfully supported in developing all 13 of these intuitive skills and practicing them so you build confidence and consistency. Often, we already “know” intellectually what we “should” be doing for our spiritual path yet we don’t do it consistently enough to build energy, or we only have partial knowledge on which tools to use when and how to use them properly. Thus we end up progressing slowly, feeling frustrated or even stuck. Now, with the support of a highly intuitive mentor, Archangel Michael & The Alliance of Light, your buddies and a very positive, committed community, and practices that are 100% positive and proven to work, you will finally be able to quickly advance spiritually, creatively and intuitively, which will help you align with your best path romantically, financially and healthfully. Above all, JOYfully! Self-Assessment: Tap your 3rd Eye a few times and imagine a glowing Light opening your intuitive center… Now allow Spirit and your own Highest Truth to guide you. For each of these intuitive skills, ask yourself: *  Is  this  in  place  for  me  in  a  consistent,  satisfying  way?  *  Or  is  this  something  I  need  to  develop  further  or  improve?  *  And  if  so,  how  can  I  do  so?  You  will  get  MANY  tips  for  all  of  these…  (And  if  you  get  any  “hits”  on  this  directly,  write  them  down  “write”  away!) STRONG = 2 points DEVELOPING = 1 point WEAK = 0 points

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SELF-ASSESSMENT OF MY 13 ESSENTIAL INTUITIVE SKILLS: 1. CENTERING, BEING PRESENT & AWARE 2. CREATING & HONORING SACRED SPACE (Ritual, Altar, Self) 3. SPIRITUAL CLEARING & PROTECTION (Many people need help with this!) 4. BECOMING A BETTER MEDITATOR (Having  a  varied  toolbox,  showing  up  for  your  meditation  practice  daily,  and  finding  that  over  time  you  are  experiencing  more  of  the  silence  and  “spaces  between.”  ) 5. STAYING GROUNDED & IN YOUR BODY (WHILE YOUR SPIRIT SOARS) 6. MASTERING THE FLOW OF ENERGY (Aura, Chakras, Earth, Sky, Chi, etc.) 7. OPENING YOUR THIRD EYE - Seeing Spirit & Energy - Clairvoyance 8. CLEARING YOUR INNER EAR - Hearing Divine Messages – Clairaudience 9. FEELING SPIRITUAL ENERGY IN YOUR BODY & HANDS - Clairsentience 10. DISCERNMENT: UNDERSTANDING WHEN IS IT SPIRIT DOING THE TALKING? HEEDING THE VOICE OF INTUITION/SPIRIT VS. HOPE/FEAR Clairgnosis or claircognizance, clear knowing. 11. HONORING & STAYING CONNECTED TO YOUR GUIDES & ANGELS (This would include knowing who many of them ARE) 12. JOURNEYING TO OTHER REALMS & RETURNING SAFELY (Including dreams, using your dreams for spiritual awakening, altered states, Out of Body Experiences, shamanic journeying) 13. ATTUNING & DEDICATING YOURSELF TO THE POWER OF LOVE (ALWAYS, IN ALL WAYS, AS MUCH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE!) Next, to quantify where you are at today, give yourself 2 points for every Strong, 1 point for each OK, and zero points for every Weak/Inconsistent. My Total Score = _____________ out of 26 Today’s Date: ____________

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FAQS About Higher Consciousness Program: 8-Month Intuitive Energy Mastery Course & Certification! Q: Is there a way I can tell from my score whether this course is a fit for me or not? A: Yes. If your score is 23 or lower, this is a great program for you. If you are already at a 24-26,you are already at a high enough level and can just keep doing what you’re doing. Ideally Higher Consciousness is perfect for you if your score is between 10 and 23. Q: Where do I sign up & learn more? A: Get details at the registration page here: Q: How long will enrollment doors be open? A: Not much longer. We teach this course with live support and an energizing group, going through the program together to build motivation, synergy and momentum, only every 2 years. Seats for the upper tiers will fill especially quickly as there are a very limited number of VIP and Silver Certification spots because of the individualized coaching and private sessions provided to you at those levels of support. Q: How does Certification work? I’m not sure if I need to be certified or not. A: Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you determine whether one of the Certification Track program options is best for you. * Is it possible I may want to do the Professional Level II in and learn how to be an Intuitive Angelic Miracle Healer? * Will I do best with this course and my intuitive and spiritual growth if I have more access to Sage or another qualified coach, more accountability, support and structure? * Do I feel that I need the extra healing from private 1:1 sessions and additional Acceleration Calls and HeartSeats? * Do I like the idea of working toward an accomplishment and getting a beautiful certificate? If so, certification is ideal for you! With Silver Wings Certification, you will work closely with a highly qualified graduate of both HC1 AND HC2 who is a fully certified I AM Healer & Reader, as your coach and healer. With Gold Wings VIP, this personal support via healing and coaching is provided directly from Sage & Archangel Michael. If you said no to most of those questions, then you may not need certification and can just do the Silver Wings Home Study Plus.

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Q: I want to develop spiritually but I am a little afraid of it. How can I be sure that as I open intuitively, I stay safe and not be too “spacey” or ungrounded? A: This is a very important question. We’re glad you asked that. A lot of people shut down their intuitive gifts because of either a past-life trauma, or because negative experiences/energies create problems. Or simply because they don’t know how to run the higher energy from altered states and stay grounded, happy and healthy. In Higher Consciousness we begin the program by teaching you an incredibly powerful Spiritual Clearing that is over 400 years old and will clear out any darkness. (This clearing is so amazing it has been known to save people’s lives as well as their sanity, literally and figuratively.) We teach you to do spiritual protection and ensure that your spiritual guides are 100% POSITIVE, LOVE & LIGHT. We also teach skills for grounding so you build a strong foundation. If you want to stay ONLY on the side of Good, God, Love & Light, this is your program. Q: Can I use PayPal Credit to pay for an installment plan low monthly tuition? A: You can use PayPal Credit for any of the one-pays. PayPal does not integrate with other shopping carts for installment plans. You can either choose the Best Price Onepay OR the Installment EasyPays through our cart. RECOMMENDATION: Choose the one-pay and see if you can get PayPal Credit to work, that way you have the best of both worlds: Pay the lowest one-pay amount total AND have 6 months to pay. J If PayPal doesn’t authorize enough credit, then either do the one-pay if you are able to do so, or choose the easypay installments. The tuition is still reasonable for all you are getting, and remember that you will have Facebook support for all 10 months or lifetime. By the way, because we are stretching our EasyPay plans out 10 months, and PayPal only does 6, your payments will actually be a lot lower with our 10-pays. We do this to make it easier for you. One nice thing about PayPal Credit is that you can purchase with only $10 down (seriously). We are often told that the quality and value of our programs is worth 10 times the tuition (Sage is often told she is crazy to keep her rates so low, but maybe a little crazy is a good thing sometimes, right? Because she is committed to having program levels for ALL.) By now you may be getting the sense that this is a very important decision that can have a tremendous positive impact on your life, and the lives of others you touch, for many years to come. We know that your angels will guide you to the right decision for you. Full program details are at:

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Q: I tend to sign up for things then get distracted and not complete them. How can I be more likely to succeed if I do this program? A: You will have TONS of support in this course. Archangel Michael and I are well aware of this very common human tendency and we help you every step of the way. You will literally have angelic spiritual energy supporting you as well as human support. Also, the BONUS Motivation Activation will boost your stick-to-itiveness and ENERGY from deep within and help you stay on track. Many of our students say this is one of their very favorite, and most powerful meditations of all those we created. And if you are a Certification Track student, you will have coaching & accountability throughout the program as well as the tremendous benefit of private session time 1:1. PLUS Our Facebook tribe will be incredibly supportive and inspiring! The last time we taught this program, 83% of our students who enrolled in Certification and were engaged in our Facebook community completed all 8 modules and got certified. If you compare this to the statistical average that only 20% of people who buy a self-help book or course actually finish it, we feel very good about our ability to support our students so you can not only move forward and complete but also IMPLEMENT. Maybe this is one reason why we have so many rave testimonials for the program. (Archangel Michael is of course another. J) Here’s where you sign up for Higher Consciousness! If you have any other questions, post them on the webcast if you are attending live, on our private Facebook if you are registered in the course, or email [email protected]. Enjoy the quiz and this live/replay audio experience. We are honored to serve you. This printout you are reading right now is imbued with angelic blessings & Reiki.