Download - The Integral Designer: Developing You

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from superhero to zero

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What does it take to be


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Self-Awareness Social Awareness

Self-Management Relationship Mgmt

Social + Emotional Intelligence

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Self-Awareness Social Awareness

Self-Management Relationship Mgmt

Social + Emotional Intelligence

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Self-Awareness• Emotional Self-Awareness• Accurate Self-Assessment• Self-Confidence

Social Awareness• Empathy• Organizational Awareness• Service Orientation

Self-Management• Emotional Self-Regulation• Transparency• Adaptability• Achievement Orientation• Initiative• Optimism

Relationship Mgmt• Developing Others• Inspirational Leadership• Change Catalyst• Influence• Conflict Management• Teamwork & Collaboration

Social + Emotional Intelligence

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What am I missing?

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My SEI Profile (early 2013)

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My SEI Profile (early 2013)

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Most workplaces

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Self-Management Relationship Mgmt

Social Awareness

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Self-Management Relationship Mgmt

Social Awareness

Presence Empathy


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մեose struggling with presence:

☐Get distracted easily ☐Have overactive mental chatter

☐Find themselves easily irritated

☐Treat people abrasively without realizing it

☐Feel imbalance in their work life, health and family

☐Feel unexplained aches and pains

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մեe Oblivious Applicant(a story)

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Benefits of presence:

✓Greater awareness and understanding of your own feelings and emotions

✓ Easier to focus on the task at hand

✓Heightened experiences and stronger memories

✓ Peacefulness and inner stillness

✓ Connection to your personal truth

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Developing your presence

1. Write morning pages

2. Observe your thoughts

3. Pause and breathe

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մեose struggling with adaptability:

☐Find it hard to juggle demands

☐Get frustrated by change — even when positive

☐Find changing priorities stressful

☐Slow to see things from another perspective

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When Development is Done(a story)

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Adaptability =



from Dr. Michael O'Connor and Dr. Tony Alessandra’s մեe Platinum Rule

• Confidence

• Tolerance

• Empathy

• Positiveness

• Respect

• Resilience

• Vision

• Attentiveness

• Competence

• Self-correction


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Benefits of adaptability:

✓Know how to negotiate agreements so that everyone wins

✓ Accept surprises whenever they arise

✓ Able to generate alternative solutions

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Developing your adaptability

1. Brainstorm alternatives

2. Observe your reactions to change

3. մեrow away old work

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Social Awareness


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մեose struggling with empathy:

☐Assume they know how the other person feels

☐Believe everyone thinks like they do

☐Wait for their turn to talk, planning their response

☐Have a hard time “reading” people

☐Are oen surprised by what someone has said or done

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BlahBlahBlah(a story)

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#1 Job Skill in 2020

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Five Levels of Listening:

1. Ignoring

2. Pretending

3. Selective

4. Active

5. Empathic

from Stephen Covey’s մեe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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Benefits of empathy:

✓More accurately read people’s moods and non-verbal cues

✓Respect and relate well to people of diverse backgrounds

✓Understand how others’ perspectives differ from your own

✓ Better predict others’ reactions

✓More effectively serve their needs

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Developing your empathy

1. Assess your level of listening

2. Watch for cues

3. Read more literary fiction

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Relationship Mgmt


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մեose struggling with influence:

☐Take little notice of audience’s needs or interests

☐Deliver same argument or presentation regardless of audience

☐Rely on their position of authority, or are resigned to having not having any

☐Find it hard to communicate a common vision that involves others

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մեe Incredible Hulk(a story)

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Principles of Persuasion:

1. Reciprocity 2. Consistency 3. Social Proof 4. Liking 5. Authority 6. Scarcity

from Dr. Robert Cialdini’s Influence: մեe Psychology of Persuasion

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մեe Salesperson Effect

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Benefits of influence:

✓ Build consensus and support for ideas ✓ Appeal to others’


✓ Adapt your approach by anticipating people’s responses

✓ Turn others into evangelists

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Developing your influence

1. Consider your available strategies

2. Observe an influencer

3. Be a helper and accept thank you

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Self-Management Relationship Mgmt

Social Awareness

Presence Empathy


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Corporate Mindfulness

• Google’s Search Inside Yourself

• Awake@Intel

• Meditation at Medium

• meditating CEO

• SAP’s Mindfulness Program

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What would it be like if I had more _________?

What kind of invitation am I to others?

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What do I need to do to be


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Plot Your Course — personal development coaching

Learn մեe Ropes — user experience career coaching

Take մեe Helm — UX leadership coaching

Run a Tight Ship — product strategy workshops

20% discount on all programs when you mention Slideshare

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Other Resources

Booksմեe Intuitive Body, Difficult Conversations, Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence, մեe Power of Now

ToolsOprah & Chopra, Headspace, Li app, Insight Timer

ProgramsSearch Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, Wisdom 2.0, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, HayGroup’s Emotional & Social Competency Inventory