Download - The Innocence of Muslims My rebuttal


My Rebuttal to the Anti-Islam Film

Innocence of Muslims

By BY Magdy Abdalshafy

Recently the Anti-Islam group screened a new film on net to discredit Prophet

Muhammad, the same claims in the film can be traced further back into history,

these began with the Crusades, the priests at that time used to distribute booklets

among people and soldiers with the aim of presenting the prophet of Islam as a fraud

prophet, terrorist, womanizer and murderer.

However, though the crusades ended, anti-Islam group regrugitate the same claims

to discredit our beloved prophet.

The aim is clear: fighting the swift spread of Islam as Islam is reported to be the

fastest growing religion.

The Orientalist W Montgomery Watt when he says:

Of all the world's greatest men none has been so much maligned as Muhammad. It is easy

to see how this has come about. For centuries Islam was the great enemy of Christendom,

for Christendom was in direct contact with no other organized states comparable in power

to the Muslims. The Byzantine empire, after losing its provinces in Syria and Egypt, was

being attacked in Asia Minor, while Western Europe was threatened through Spain and

Sicily. Even before the Crusades focused attention on the expulsion of the Sarcens from the

Holy Land, medieval war-propaganda, free from the restraints of factuality was building up a

conception of 'the great enemy'. At one point Muhammad was transformed into Mahound,

the prince of darkness. By the eleventh century the idea about Islam and Muslims current in

the crusading armies were such travesties that they had a bad effect on morale. The

crusaders had been led to expect the worst of their enemies, and, when they found many

chivalrous knights among them, they were filled with distrust for the authorities of their

own religion.

1. Was Muhammad a Bastard?2. Was Muhammad called, the unknown father?3. Is the narration of the prphet talking to an animal and asking him women true?4. Did Warka dictate the Quran to Muhammad?5. Did Muhammad fell in love with Zeinb so he divorced her from her husband?6. Did Muhammad marry sixty women? Was he a Womanizer?7. Was Muhammad a child Molester?8. Was Muhammad a terrorist?9. Did Muhammad order the murder of children10. Did Muhammad order the murder of certain women?11. Did Muhammad accept any women who offer herself(as a wife)?

What the film says will be refuted so easily in this presentation.So we are going to rebut these points that the film say:

(1) Was Muhammad a Bastard?

The Anti-Islam film states that the great prophet was the son of unknown father. They depend on Wakadi, a narrator, whom all the hadith scientists considered him as a liar who composed many false hadiths and attributed to the prophet. Please note that Hadith scientists never accepted this narrator because of this particular hadith, he also authored hadith which says something good about the prophet but scientists reject them all as he lied about many.

The testimony of one of the bitter enemies of the prophet

When the Roman governor Heracles met the Quraysh nobleman Abû Sufyân who was an avowed enemy of Islam, he asked him a number of questions about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Among the matters that Heracles asked about was the lineage of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Abû Sufyân informed him that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a man of respectable lineage. To this Heracles said: “Likewise, the Messengers share the lineage of the people to whom they are sent.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (1/5-6) and Sahîh Muslim (3/1393-1397)]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Allah chose Kinânah from the progeny of Ishmael and chose Quraysh from the progeny of Kinânah and chose the tribe of Banû Hâshim from the progeny of Quraysh. Then he chose me from among Banû Hâshim.” [Sahîh Muslim (4/1789)]

Thw Lineage of the Prphet MuhammadIbn ^Asakir said reporting the lineage of the Prophet“ Know, may Allah be merciful to you by guiding you to the acceptable deeds, that our Master Muhammad, the son of ^Abdullah, the son of ^Abdul Muttalib, the son of Hashim, the son of ^Abdu Manaf, the son of Qusayy, the son of Kilab, the son of Murrah, the son of Ka^b, the son of Lu'ayy, the son of Ghalib, the son of Fihr, the son of Malik, the son of an-Nadr, the son of Kinanah, the son of Khuzaymah, the son of Mudrikah, the son of Ilyas, the son of Mudar, the son of Nizar, the son of Ma^add, the son of ^Adnan--is the slave of Allah, His Messenger, His Prophet, and His Khalil.

The film producer depends on a story narrated about the prophet by unreliable person that all hadith scholars (Al-Asklany, ibn Heban, and many others) considered him a liar. The rejected story says that the prophet talked to a donkey and asked it about its name. The pophet, wishing to use it in his travels, asked it if it liked females’ donkeys. The donkey said”No”. The false story says that the donkey helped the prophet so much. Please note that the Wakadi who narrated the previous story was the same man who narrated this story. He is unreliable man whom the Hadith scientists branded as a liar.

Some ancient compliers collected stories from the mouth of people leaving the mission of deciding which is right and which is wrong to Hadith scientists. Muslim scholars could have considered this story real and presented it as a miracle of the prophet but they are not like this. They have standards on which they decide what is wrong and what is right.

(2) Is the narration of the prophet talking to an animal and asking him about women true?

Laugh with the corrupted bible stories 27 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, it lay down under Balaam, and he was angry and beat it with his staff. 28 Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”( the number22:27)

In another story the corrupted bible tells us about a donkey which is wiser than a prophet

16 But he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkey—an animal without speech—who spoke with a human voice and restrained the prophet’s madness.(2 Peter 2:16)My question is “ is the Bible a fake since it contains such absurdities?Note the false story about the prophet is not mentioned in the Quran and that Muslim hadith scientists considered it a lie.The Film producer is not honest because he cited a false story a bout the prophet.

(3) Did Warka dictate the Quran to Muhammad?

Who is Warka? Warka had been an idol-worshipper who turned to Christianity before his death. He wasn’t a priest as anti-Islam claim.Accoeding to the prophet BiographyUpon seeing the angel and receiving the first few verses, Muhammas came back to his wife and told her about the story. Khdiga, the prophet’s wife, took her husband, Muhammad to Waraka, her niece, and the prophet told him about his experience.

Warka told the Prophet that what he had received as the same as that Moses had received and whished to have a long life to support him.In Fact, Waraka died three days after his meeting with the prophet. However, nowhere in any biography did Waraka say that he would author a book for Muhammad.

My Rebuttal: mental evidences Nowhere in any biography or historical references did Waraka promise Khadiga that he would write the contents of the Quran to Muhammad. Those who brazenly propagate such fallacies will fail to answer this question: When the prophet met Waraka, he had already received Just one verse from Quran. Waraka died three days after the prophet met him. Had he dedicate the Quran for 23 years from his grave?

Did Warka or any body dictate the Quran to Muhammad? ContinuedThe Quarn is not a man-made book, it is divine

The Holy Quran contains the following important themes:The Holy Quran contains many verses which were relevant to certain events and occasions. Did Waraka know about these events would happen and wrote verses relevant to them?The Quran also contains a complete ethical system which no body could achieve itThe Quran is the Word of God and contains complete guidance for mankind. Much of the Quran is about God, His attributes and man's relationship to Him. But it also contains directives for its followers, historical accounts of certain prophets and peoples, arguments for accepting Muhammad as a genuine Prophet and good news for the believers and warnings for the disbelievers. Broadly speaking, the contents of the Holy Quran fall into five main categories:Nature of the Spiritual World, the Law and Commandments ,historical Accounts the Wisdom and The Prophecies

Did Warka or any body dictate the Quran to Muhammad? Continued

Second Evidence: Prophecies The Holy Quran contains many prophecies; foremost among these is the truimph of the Romans over the Persians who were far stronger than them. What is really stunning about this prophecy is that it tells usWhen this battle would take place.Where this battle would take place.

Another scientific miracle in this prophecy is that it tells us that the place of this battle would be the lowest place on the earth.It is now established that this battle took a place near Palestine which is actually, the lowest place on the earth.

Did Waraka or any body know that a battle between the Romans and the Persians would take place and the Romans who would be defeated first would defeat the Persians within ten years and even determined where this battle would take place and most importantly knew that this place is the lowest place on the Surface of the earth?

For the sake of brevity, we will just mention some of these, we will just mention those that have been fulfilled in our modern times.

The Holy Quran tells us that man will be able to conquer the universe. Did any body imagine that or dare to think about that. The Holy Quran predicted the age of marinesThe Holy Quran predicted the landing on the moonThe Holy Quran the highly advanced means of communicationsThe Quran prophesises that the body of the Pharaoh will be preserved for future generations. This was proved correct when the mummy of Merneptah (the Pharaoh of the Exodus) was discovered well preserved in 1898, and it can be seen on display in the Royal Mummies Room of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Did Warka or any body dictate the Quran to Muhammad? Continued

Prophecies that the prophet gave and were fulfilled in our modern time, for the sake of brevity I will mention just few that we all must have seen by our eyes: The Second world war The Gulf war The age of skyscarpers Moral decadence The murder of some Muslim leaders The economic blockade on Iraq and Syria Surrogacy( womb hiring) The spread of unknown diseases resulting from open

sex The advancement of medicine The sudden death The climatic change

Did Warka or any body dictate the Quran to Muhammad? Continued

Fourth Evidence: The Quranic stories The Quranic stories prove that the Holy Quran wasn’t copied from the Holy Book.If Waraka had dictated biblical stories to Muhammad(please remember Waraka had already died), why do some of these Quranic stories differ from the biblical ones in the most important parts?The story of Haman as being the counselor of the Egyptian pharaoh in Quran is the correct while that of the Bible is wrong, The Rosetta Stone supports the Quranic narration in this regard.

The Story of the Arch of Noah in the Quran being landed on Mountain Goudi is supported by archeological excavation, the bible errs in this regard. However there are stories which have never been told in the Bible.The Bible stories are monotonous and not inspiring while the Quranic ones not only inspiring but also soften your hearts and fill you with ecstasy.

Did Warka or any body dictate the Quran to Muhammad? Continued

Third Evidence: the Scientific Miracles The Holy Quran contains many scientific statements which are in complete agreement with our modern science: Did Waraka know about these facts and dictated them from his grave For example: there are references to The Expansion of the UniverseThe specific characteristics of the Pulsar and the Black holesThe end of the sun as a red giantThe Permanent darkness of the universe Lack of Oxygen in high layers of the horizonsThe internal currents of the internal seasThe sea fissures from which fire comes out.The development of the human embryo in mothers’ wombs The internal currents the spherical shape of the earth and its rotation the nervous system sensors on the human skin

Did Warka or any body dictate the Quran to Muhammad? Continued

Did prophet Muhammad enforce his adopted son( Once-slave) to divorce his wife and marry her because he fell in love with her? This what the Anti-Islam propagates. The trash film propagates that the honourable prophet practiced…with her before marriage and he, according to the film, wrote a Quran to legalize the marriage from the ex-wife of the adopted sons.My Rebuttal How can a man ask for such a shameful act from a woman then asks her to follow him as a prophet?How can a woman follow a man like this as a prophet and bear all the difficulties of worship.Zeinb was the prophet’s niece and he knew her before he was appointed a prophet, the false allegation that the prophet fell in love with Zeinb the moment he saw her is false because:

She was the prophet’s niece and he knew her before he was appointed a prophet and long before Hijab was ordained… if he had loved her, he would have betrothed her and she would willingly accept him.

Lady Zeinb, the wife of the prophet

The Prophet Muhammad married Zeinb, his niece, to his adopted son Zeid who who was the prophet’s slave but the prophet manumitted him and made him his adopted son.The prophet talked to Zeinb’s brother about the matter of her marriage, they were so happy as they thought the prophet wanted her for himself. Later they discovered that they wanted her for Zeid.The prophet was keen to fulfill this marriage in order to make people know that there are not difference between slaves and nobles.Zeid divorces Zeinb Many times did Zeid open a talk with the prophet as regard divorcing Zeinb but the prophet always asked him not to do? In the course of time life became impossible between the couple and Zeinb was divorced as a result.It was a Divine decree that the prophet should marry Zeinb to nullify the law of adoption overwhelming at that time and it was hard on Muslims to break this custom as they had already taken many adopted sons.So it is the prophet, the paradigm and the example, who should first follow the new divine Law.

Lady Zeinb, the wife of the prophet “continued”

Islam cancelled adoption because at that time the adopted son was given the same rights of the genetic son besides he could live among the females of the adoptee.

In Islam, any one from the outside of the family should not live among the the female members of the family.However, Islam places much interest on the care of the once adopted sons but in a different way; you can give him whatever you like to give but there should a distinction between him and the biological son.Also the once-adopted son can marry any female from the family that adopted him.

Though the prophet knew well that God decreed that he should marry the ex-wife of his adopted son, the prophet was reluctant as he knew what people’s reaction would be. However God blamed the prophet for that and the marriage was consummated and this custom was nullified among the Muslims since the prophet broke it himself.

Lady Zeinb, the wife of the prophet” continued”

Anti-Islam group lies about the number of the wives of the prophet saying that they were 60 while the real number was (11), when he died he had (9) because two of them died in his lifetime. So they claim that he was a fraud since he married such a number. My Rebuttal So what they would say when they know that all the prophet in the Torah were polygamousIn Exodus 21:10, a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry. In 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3, King David had six wives and numerous concubines. In 1 Kings 11:3, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubinesIn 2 Chronicles 11:21, King Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines.

Was the prophet Muhammad a womanizer?

In HinduismLord Krishna had 16,000 wives and 36000 concubinesLord Visnu & Brahma also had multiple consorts Ksatriyas are recorded in the itihasas (Mahabharata/Ramayana/etc.) as having as many as thousands of wives & thousands of progeny. Please note the following points regarding the marriages of the prophet:The prophet didn’t marry till he reached the age of 25. His first wife was 15 years older than him. He remained with her for 25 years without any new wife. After the death of the first wife, he remained without a wife for three years. His second wife was 55(other sources says 80) years old, five years older than him, she was a widow who lost her husband and would be tortured if she came back to her pagan family. The prophet’s wives were all widows who lost their husbands (with the exception of Aisha). Had the prophet been a womanizer, he would have married many women while he was still in the prime of youth, not a little over 50.

Was the prophet Muhammad a womanizer?” continued”

Had the prophet been a womanizer, he would have accepted the idolater’s offer of marrying him to as many beautiful noble virgins as he wished but on condition that he left his call. The offer also included amassing money till he became the wealthiest of all and also announcing him a king over them. ( The prophet was still very young when this offer was given to him, also this offer was made several times while the prophet was helpless and was facing the dangers of death on the hands of the pagans.)The pagans set him two choices: either he accepted the offer they gave him or he had to face persecution and death.So was he a womanizer? So do you call the man who marry the helpless widows a womanizer? Reasons for the prophet’s marriages He married them to support them and to protect them from their pagan tribes To attract more people to the fold of Islam, especially if these ladies were daughters of heads of the tribe. He married two daughters of his companions who supported him to honour them.

Was the prophet Muhammad a womanizer?” continued”

Was Muhammad a child molester as the film states? The Plain answer is “NO”The film comments on the marriage of Lady Aisha, who was, according to hadiths nine years. However, some scholars, according to some calculations, say that she must have been over fifteen. However, since hadiths recorded in Bukhari, an authenticated hadith collection, says that she was nine years when the prophet consummated marriage with her, we are going to deal with this point.Before we go neither Abu-Bakr nor his wife object to the proposal of the marriage as the film states.

Was the prophet Muhammad a child molester?” continued”

Customs of Marriage was different a long time agoA man living in the 21st century should not make his culture a model for ancient cultures to follow.It is historically established that the Arab females in the early Arabia, like the other parts of the ancient worlds, used to marry as early as the age of nine. It was a prevalent custom. Amro ibn Al’as, an important Islamic figure , was 11years older than his son( this means that he was ten when he married, so how old was his wife? Please note that Aisha had been engaged before the prophet proposed to her and remained in her engagement for 2 years. Please note that Aisha had been engaged before the prophet proposed to her and remained in her engagement for 2 years. (it was a custom at that time)

Was the prophet Muhammad a child molester?” continued”

The Age of marriage in Ancient Civilization The Age of marriage in Judaism and Christianity

How old was Mary when she gave birth to Jesus? According to the "Oxford Dictionary Bible" commentary, Mary (peace be upon her) was 12 years old when she gave birth to Jesus. Please note that she was engaged to Joseph, ninety years old man, who consummated his marriage with her after Jesus was born. So how old was she when she was betrothed…at least around nine years.

Amro ibn Al’as, an important Islamic figure , was 11years older than his son( this means that he was ten when he married, so how old was his wife ?

An Encyclopedia of ReligionTalmudic law fixed the legal age for contracting marriage at puberty .

The prevailing marriageable age for girls in Europe during the Renaissance was twelve years.

During the 17th century marriage was fulfilled between persons who had not yet achieved puberty, as was also true in India until very recent times …

Was the prophet Muhammad a child molester?” continued”

According to Christian Scriptures"Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with

a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.“ 31:17-18Numbers 

After the conquest of Midian and Moab, and the great venereal plague, Moses (peace be on him) ordered that all the women "who have known a man" be killed but that "all the young girls, who have not known a man by lying with him" be kept alive for the Israelites.According to this verse, the following enactments was issued :

Gemara: Our Rabbis taught: 'A girl of the age of 3 years may be betrothed by sexual intercourse " '.

The Babylonian TalmudSince the only females left fit for marriage and wholesome relations were prepubescent virgins, a Jewish law concerning child marriage was enacted. That law is found in the Babylonian Talmud:

"Rabbi Joseph said, 'Come and hear. A maiden aged 3 years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition.

Was the prophet Muhammad a child molester?” continued”

Mishnah: A girl of the age of 3 years and a day may be betrothed, subject to her father's approval, by sexual intercourse.

The Jewish lawToday, the Jewish law for marriage, sets the age of consent for females at the age of 11 yrs. ) I do not know if modern Jewish law still allows (in theory) betrothal by intercourse as it was practiced in

ancient times .

Was the prophet Muhammad a child molester?” continued”

See it yourself

Was the prophet Muhammad a child molester?” continued”

See it yourselfSee it yourself

Was the prophet Muhammad a child molester?” continued”

See it yourselfSee it yourself

The age of Marriage according to the Hindu ScripturesA girl should be given in marriage before reaching puberty“A girl should be given in marriage before (she attains the age of) puberty. He who neglects it, commits sin. Some (declare, that a girl shall be given in Marriage ) before she wears clothes.”Also read“Let him give his daughter, while she still goes naked, to a man who has not broken the vow of chastity and who possesses good qualities, or even to one destitute of good qualities ; let him not keep (the maiden) in (his house) after she has reached the age of puberty. He who does not give away a marriageable daughter during three years doubtlessly contracts a guilt equal to (that of) destroying an embryo. Such will be the case if anybody asks her in marriage, and also if nobody demands her. Manu has declared that at each appearance of the menses (the father incurs the guilt of) a mortal sin.”-( Baudhayana Smriti ,Prasna 4, Adhyaya 1, verses 11-13)[Translated by Georg Buhler ,Sacred Laws of Aryas Part II,Oxford ,Clarendon Press, 1879]

Was the prophet Muhammad a child molester?” continued”

The Age of Marriage According to the English Common LawHistorically, the attitude of the English common law was that a person under 7 yrs lacked the mental ability to consent to marriage, and that between 7 yrs and puberty there could be consent but not a consummated marriage. At common law, therefore, the marriage of a person between the ages of 7 and 12 or 14 was "inchoate" and would become "choate" on reaching puberty, if no objection was raised. (Encyclopedia Britannica on English Common Law

The Age of Marriage According to the Christian Marital DoctrineThe Church set the age for marriage at puberty, when girls reached the age of twelve and boys, the age of fourteen. Children could be betrothed at seven years of age, although this would not be binding for another five to seven years. The lay authorities accepted the Church's doctrine on marriage, but betrothals and marriages did occasionally take place before the parties were seven years old. Ward, English Noblewomen in the Later Middle Ages

Was the prophet Muhammad a child molester?” continued”

The Custom is still practised : Today, in many parts of North Africa, Arabia, and India, girls are wedded and bedded between the ages of five and nine; and no self-respecting female remains unmarried beyond the age of puberty."(_The Cradle of Erotica_, Julian Press, New York:1962) A recent study about the age of puberty says ".. Until recently, puberty that started at 8 years of age or later in girls was considered normal.“ In the USA was 10 hardly 100 years ago and 11 in the UK, Talmud allowing 3 year olds to get married! etc.In Japan, people can legally have sex at age 13, and in Spain they can legally have sex at age 12In the USA last century, the age of consent was 10 years old. California was the first state to change the age of consent to 14, which it did in 1889. After California, other US states joined in and raised the age of consent too. (Source: French penal code raised the age from 11 to 13 only a century ago. In England, it was only in 1929 (70 years ago) that the ancient Christian minimum age for the marriage of females, which was 12, was abandoned.

Was the prophet Muhammad a child molester?” continued”

Reading the Biography of Prophet Muhammad will prove that he was merciful to the world(s)… for the sake of brevity we will choose the following points:He was merciful towaeds his enemies:The great prophet forgave the Mecceans when he conquered Mecca, among them were those who tortured him psychologically and even physically.Among them were those who laid the disgraceful siege that lasted for three years with result that some of his close relatives died.Among them were those who led wars against him and instigated the Arabs against him.Among them were those who belied him and tortured his early companions to the extent that some of them died.Among them was the man who threw his pregnant daughter from the back of her camel causing her a deadly injury that caused her to die after a short time. Among them those who forced the early helpless Muslims to migrate leaving everything behind to save their lives.

They were all standing in utter humility waiting for their heads to be decapitated, but the prophet forgave them all saying: GO YOU ARE FREE

Was Muhammad a Terrorist

The total number of those who were killed in all the wars that the prophet led in 8 years was” was” 439” person, I say”439” persons in 8 years (28 or 29 wars) ---( the number of the Muslims killed was 317) For the sake of brevity, Compare this to the murder in the bible, (Exodus 32:26-29 NLT) three thousand people were killed in one day. . (2 Kings 19:35 NAB) 185.000 persons. Some estimate says the number of killing in the bible is at least 2,476,633.( please remember that the number of infidel killed in Islam was 439)

Did Muhammad kill children?Nowhere in the biography of the prophet he is reported to have ordered the murder of children. Most amazingly, he considered them better than the believers themselves, he always said “ children are born with pure hearts (born with natural disposition).He also prohibited killing children during his wars with the polytheists.

Was Muhammad a terrorist “continued”

Nowhere in the authenticated books or biographies did the prophet ordered the

murder of any women.

He forgave a Jewish woman who poisoned the food to kill him.

He forgave the women who killed his dear uncle and cleft his belly aside, taking his

liver out and eating it.

How can it be logically accepted that he ordered the murder of women.

He ordered that no woman be killed even caught in the field of the battle.

He rebuked his companions because he found a woman killed on the battle field.

Please note that all the narrations that he ordered the murder of certaim women as

they hurt him are not authenticated by Hadith scholars.

Did the prophet tolerate killing women?

Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not, aggressors” [Quran 2:190]

“And those who, when great wrong is done to them, defend themselves, The guerdon of an ill deed is an ill the like thereof. But whosoever pardoneth and amendeth, his wage is the affair of Allah. Lo! He loveth not wrong doers

And whoso defendeth himself after he hath suffered wrong for such, there is no way (of blame) against them” [Quran 42:39-41]

Islam permits fighting in self-defense, in defense of one's faith, or on the part of those whose basic rights have been violated. It lays down strict rules of combat that include prohibitions against harming civilians and against destroying crops, trees, and livestock.

Was the prophet Muhammad a Terrorist ? Continued

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. ( Samuel(1),3:15)

Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women( Ezekiel ,5:9)

heir children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.

( Isaiah ,13:15:16) But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.(Luke,19:17)

"Do not kill any old person, any child or any woman" (Abu Dawud). "Do not kill the monks in monasteries" or "Do not kill the people who are sitting in places of worship" (Musnad of Ibn Hanbal).

The Bible orders killing children, women and even animals

Please compare this with the prophet saying

 The film tells us that a certain woman whose husband went with a carvan offered herself to the prophet and the prophet looked at the women with a lust and ordered her to wait him in the tent.My Rebuttal

Nowhere in the biography is a woman who gave herself to the prophet in such a shameful way as the film presents.Even the false narration that the film depends on never said what the film said. However, all the women in the time of the prophet aspired to be among his wives.It is reported that a woman came to the prophet asking him to marry her without dowry but the prophet looked at the ground as a sign of gentle respect. However the hadith scholars are divided:Some says that a certain woman( they differ regarding her name) gave herself to the prophet as a wife.The majority says the prophet didn’t accept the women who offered to give themselves in marriage to the prophet.

Did the Prophet accept any women who gave themselves to him

The Anti-Islam group propagate that the prophet killed her husband and her father then enforced her to marry him. After the recurrent attempts of the Jews of Kyber, a place near Madina, of undermining the Islamic state, news reached the prophet that the Jews and some pagan Arabs were going to attack the Muslim state. During this war, Zeinb’s father and husband were killed in this battle. Zeinb’s father fell in captivity and the prophet made a peace treaty and forgave them.Note that Zeinb’s father had a very shameful history against the prophet: Her father had planned to assassinate Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) after the battle of Uhud, He had conspired with the Banu Qurayza to exterminate all the Muslims during the battle of al-Khandaq, however he was killed because he violated the terms of surrender. Zeinb’s father was killed because he violated an agreement with the prophet, he knew well that the punishment of the agreement was murder.

The story of Lady Safyya , the Mother of the Believers

Safyya fell captive in the hands of the Muslim army.

Many women fell captive in the hands of the Muslim army, among them was Safyya whom the prophet never heard about. When a companion came to the prophet asking him for a concubine, the prophet told him to go and choose whoever he wanted. On seeing Safyya the man, knowing that she was the daughter of the leader of the jews, took her.The companions told the prophet that daughter of the leader of the Jews went to one them. However, the prophet told him to take another woman and leave Safyya. The merciful prophet set two choices for her: either she was set free and be returned to her tribe or SET FREE and be married to the prophet. So the Great prophet honored the lady by setting her free. Had she not been taken from the Muslim man, she would have remained not the rest of her life. Knowing that he is truly a prophet from God she refused to come back to her tribe and preferred to marry the prophet.

Why did Safyya accept to marry the prophet?In fact, Safyya believed in the prophet long before the battle of Khybar, the following story tells us how:She said, (may Allah be pleased with her): I was my father's favorite and also a favorite with my uncle Yasir. They could never see me with one of their children without picking me up. When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to Medina, my father and my uncle went to see him. It was very early in the morning and between dawn and sunrise. They did not return until the sun was setting. They came back worn out and depressed, walking with slow, heavy steps. I smiled to them as I always did, but neither of them took any notice of me because they were so miserable. I head Abu Yasir ask my father, "Is it him?" "Yes, it is." "Can you recognize him? Can you verify it?" "Yes, I can recognize him too well." "What do you feel towards him?" "Enmity, enmity as long as I live."

Safyya receives glad tiding of marrying the prophetOne night, before the siege, Safiyya had a dream that a moon fell in her lap. She told her husband, al-Rabi, about what she had seen. Al-Rabi responded saying, “That is only because you are wishing for the king of the Hijaz, Muhammad!” He then slapped her, leaving a bruise on her eye, which remained there until Muhammad took her as his own bride. When the Prophet inquired about it, she told him the truth.In fact the Jews in Madina knew well that the expected prophet would appear first in Baca then he would migrate to Madina. For further information please visit: In fact the biography pf the prophet Muhammad tells us that the prophet Muhammad was recognized or identified as the expected prophet the moment he was born. He had physical sign on his shoulder that is mentioned in some of the books which the Christians regard as uncanonical.

Prophet David blesses the marriage of the Safyya from the Prophet Muhammad long time before it was consumated in the following prophecy from the Old Testement, we read in the Bible Heb. 1.8, 9 8

My heart is inditing a good matter:I speak of the things which I have made touching the King: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.2 Thou art fairer than the children of men ( a refrence to th e beauty of the prophet Muhammad) grace is poured into thy lips( a refrence to the Quran(75:17): therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.3 Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most Mighty,with thy glory and thy majesty.4 And in thy majesty ride prosperously,because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things.5 Thine arrows are sharpin the heart of the King's enemies;whereby the people fall under thee.6 Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.7 Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness ( these words discuss Muhammad not Jesus because Jesus never fought and) therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia,out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad.9 Kings' daughters were among thy honorable women ( Jesus didn’t marray but prophet married daughters of the heads of the tribes such as( Gowyria, Safyya, Habiba bint Aby Sofyan) upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir.( PLEASE FOCUS)10 Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear;forget also thine own people, and thy father's house;11 so shall the King greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him… they shall enter into the King's palace.16 Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children,(The Prophet David advises his grand daughter Safyya which was from among the children of Israelites to forget her people (the Jews) and the house of her father and to subjugate herself to her husband Muhammad and this what actually happened after she married the prophet as explained above. Please note each wife of the prophet was given the apellation” the mother of the believers”, so according to this appelation we consider ourselves the sons of the wives of the prophet and this best explains these words) whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth.17 I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations:therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever.( this what actually happens because when the prophet’s name is mentioned, Muslims says” May Allah’s peace and mercy be upon you.”

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