Download - The · PDF file16 images plus a profile and link to ... from 30 May to 2 July. ... Claire is Perry’s female alterego

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www.sculptorssociety.comMARCH – APRIL 2016

B u l l e t i nThe SculptorsSociety

Lee Blattmann - Crystal Consonance

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CONTACT DETAILSFeyona van Stom 0408 226 827

Eva Chant 0418 250 456

email: [email protected]



FRONT COVER:Lee Blattmann - Crystal Consonance - Stainless steel on cut stone base 50x60x20 cms

BACK COVER:Angela Morrell - Empire Builder - Bronze on granite 57x27x17cms


Incinerator Art Space

12 April – 1 May

2 Small St, Willoughby

Opening drinks: Sat 16 April 2pm – 4pm

Exhibition hours: Wed – Sun 10am – 4pm

Open on Anzac Day, 25 April, 2016

MLC Exhibition

29 May - 3 July

Private event 10 June 5 – 7 pm

19 Martin Place, Sydney

Exhibition Hours: Weekdays 8am – 6pm

Further exhibition details will be announced in due course.

Forum Dates for 2016

23 June: Mosman Art Gallery Myagah Road, Mosman

1 September: Mosman Art Gallery Myagah Road, Mosman

1 December: Mosman Art Gallery Myagah Road, Mosman

CHANGES TO MEMBERSHIP FEE STRUCTURE AND BULLETIN MAILOUTSAt the Committee’s last meeting on 6 April, 2016, we brainstormed ideas for defraying rising costs, as well as simplifying administrative tasks for our long-suffering treasurer, Feisal and our auditors.

The production and mail-out costs of the Bulletin have increased enormously. If any members would be happy to get their Bulletin by email only (i.e. no paper copy) please give us your names. This request can always be changed if you decide you would like to receive regular paper Bulletins again. Either email Eva on [email protected] or email Feyona on [email protected]

Furthermore, it was decided to in future make our membership year align with the financial year, ending in June, instead of the calendar year ending in December as we have had it in the past. Thus, in the next issue, we will ask members who are fully paid up financial members to

THE SCULPTORS SOCIETYThe Sculptors Society (TSS) is the oldest sculpture society in NSW, having been founded in 1951. Our mission is to promote public interest in sculpture through regular exhibitions and disseminate relevant sculpture information to our members. We also promote the advancement and appreciation of sculpture to the widest possible audience.

TSS has supported, encouraged & given substance to numerous past & present members of renown such as Robert Woodward, Robert Klippel, Lyndon Dadswell, Clement Meadmore, Gerald Lewers, Margo Lewers, Tom Bass, Bert Flugelman, Alan Somerville, Alex Kolozsy, Larissa Smagarinsky, Terrance Plowright and Blaze Krstanoski to name but a few. (Refer also to our website, in the About Us section).

pay $40 to carry their membership to the end of June 2017.

Those who have not yet renewed their membership will be asked for $120 to carry them for the 18 months from the beginning of 2016 to the end June 2017. Members are reminded that un-financial members will not be able to exhibit with us, nor will they receive our Bulletins, and their names and images will be removed from our website.

Financial members will not be asked for any further money for “Option B” on the website, (where you have 16 images plus a profile and link to your own website) until the end of June 2017. You have our secretary Eva to thank for this gift of 6 months for free website exposure, to our participating artists!!


Within our talented membership we have both professional artists & sculpture teachers. The devotion to sculpture by our artists can be experienced through the realms of public art or private commissions, and especially via our many exhibitions held throughout the year.

Not only does TSS promote our artists' work, we offer a valuable service to the community through our free exhibitions, which can inspire, enthrall and inform individuals of any age, creed or culture. Our extensive network of sculptors offers a broad range of sculptures in many varied styles and materials and of monumental or domestic size.

If you wish to be involved or want to know more about TSS and its upcoming events, please refer to our website

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Our AGM was a successful evening. The Mosman art gallery is a great venue for us, and there were several of our members’ artworks on display in the Mosman exhibition.

We started the meeting with a proposal to accept the minutes from 2015 AGM, which I had constructed from my report, Feisal's Treasurer’s report and the committee selection. Maryann’s paperwork is lost to computers. This seemed a reasonable answer.

Your new committee remains the same with an additional member - Vivienne Lowe. Our committee is wonderful - each member has a busy life with family, friends, art and the life that we are all finding busier and busier. Vivienne Lowe and Sally Aplin are preparing to work as co-Vice Presidents. We are hoping that each member of this team finds their own strengths and runs with it.

Feisal prepared the financial report - we are a little down from last year, but I think we had a good year in 2015, and are still in very good shape.

Our bulletin designer Claudine is stepping down. She has family commitments with 3 young children, and a new business she designed has taken off, and she needs the time to enjoy that. Thank you Claudine for some wonderful bulletins.

Our new bulletin designer Ingrid Conde is stepping in at the deep end with this, her first bulletin. I’ve known Ingrid for several years, and know she will be good for the Sculptors Society.

Sally Zylberberg and Eva Chant and myself are still the people to whom you should send your items of news and reviews of exhibitions that you have been to and think deserve a review. If you’d like to see it in our Bulletin, there is a chance others would like to as well. Any prizes you’ve won or opportunities you’ve had, we always like to promote.

Sally Aplin organised a sketch day for the Sculptors Society in the Chatswood Scout Hall - using clay or paper, or what have you - all who attended had a great day. Our model was terrific, and some good maquettes came out of this opportunity. If you would like this to happen again, let us know. Thank You Sally - you and Peter were outstanding.

Our Incinerator exhibition goes up on April 12 and continues to May 1st. This has always been an interesting collection of our artists’ works. If you aren’t in it, come and support it. Wednesdays to Sundays, we are open from 10am - 4 pm, and we are planning to be open on Anzac day for the people who would like to view the show.

After the Incinerator is the MLC Centre exhibition from 30 May to 2 July. A beautiful venue to visit.

There will be opportunities this year to visit some of our artists’ studios - Gary will be organising this and thank you to the artists who have offered to throw open their doors.


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The most notable thing about Grayson Perry and his work is the demonstration of the human spirit, which he has in spades. His work is astonishing and is crammed with insights, imaginings and razor sharp wit. He is noted as being not only an important artist, but as the most famous transvestite in Britain today. Claire is Perry’s female alterego often appearing in and around the promotion of his work. Perry draws on folk art and craft traditions and at times can feel stiflingly British, and is not necessarily everyone’s 'cup of tea’ but this blockbuster exhibition is well worth a visit. Perry was awarded The Turner Prize in 2003.

Jacky Klein: ”some of the most compelling and admired artists of the modern age have shared a single common trait: an almost obsessive need to create art from the extremes of their personal experience”

A troubled and disruptive childhood set the background to the escape hatch that Grayson Perry's bedroom became. It was covered in airplanes and every surface was covered with models. But more importantly, it was his confidant, his teddy bear that was the pivotal force of this make-believe dominium.

One day Perry got too close to the fire and his teddy’s ear was burned off; a kind neighbour knitted a new ear on. His teddy wore an orange boiler suit that Aunty Mary knitted for him.

In the harsh winter of 1963 Perry spent a lot of time in bed. Having caught the measles he bonded with his teddy and as his next-door neigbour was called Allan, his teddy became known as Allan Measles.

Grayson Perry - Shrine to Allan Measles 2007Grayson Perry - Islamic Allan Measles "Wise Alan" 2007

Grayson Perry - Prehistoric Gold Pubic Alan 2007

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Forever afterwards, Allan Measles was worshipped and became the subject of many of his art works. Allan Measles was a leader, the benign dictator of a made-up land, a glamorous raffish, effortlessly handsome, commanding character. He was supreme, and temples were built to worship him and he rode on horseback like equestrian statues through Trafalgar Square. He was 'wise alan' and 'prehistoric gold pubic alan'.

Grayson Perry is drawn to religion and ritual but has difficulty with belief; the idea of pilgrimage is very interesting to him and he observes it as an important physical ritual. He notes that the actual doing is the most important and significant thing. Perry sees his father’s generation of manual workers who worked in industry as full of maleness. His chosen sculptural medium is cast iron with bunches of metaphorical symbols tied around them including crucifixes as well as Islamic-style decoration. They can be seen as literal cultural baggage. This was made entirely from stuff found lying around in a squat he once lived in, in Camden Town.

More importantly Perry sees himself as a ceramicist, and visitors to the MCA will be overwhelmed not only with the richly adorned and magnificent pots, based on classical forms with their overlaying observations on class and social detail but with the large number of rich tapestries, drawings, etchings, collage and performance.

Grayson Perry's Alterego, Claire (photograph)

Grayson Perry - Our Father 2007

Grayson Perry - Allan Measles on Horseback

Grayson Perry - Baba Yaga's Hut

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Outdoor sculpture exhibition to be held in the grounds of Western Sydney University’s Campbelltown campus from

Friday 6 May until Sunday 5 June 2016

2016 FINALISTSRobert Barnstone, Joseph Bartolo, Senden Blackwood,

Louisa Dawson, Clara Hali, Wataru Hamaska, Akira Kamada, Jan King, Daniel Lafferty, Neil Laredo, Ingrid Morley, John Petrie,

Sallie Portnoy, Michael Purdy, Greer Taylor, Lisa Tolcher and Peter Zappa.

For more information or group and school bookings contact

Monica McMahon (02) 4620 3450 [email protected]

or visit the website:

Image reproduced courtesy of artist. Winner of the 2014 Western Sydney University Sculpture Award,

Greer Taylor, reprieve, 2014. Photograph Greer Taylor.

COMMUNITY POPPY FORGING DAYMAY 7Here is an opportunity to be part of a marvellous international initiative to build a memorial panel of poppies surrounding a cenotaph in honour of the 100th anniversary of World War 1. It will be installed near Ypres in Belgium. Will Maguire, a master artist blacksmith, who has exhibited many times with our Society in the past, has been selected to design and make one of the panels, and will represent Australia; he is amongst 25 such blacksmiths from all over the world to do so. Will says: “This project is not glorifying war. It is the initiative of a group of craftspeople with an international spirit of collaboration and friendship to acknowledge a dark part of our collective history.”

On May 7, at his Elderslie workshop near Branxton, Will is holding an open forging day. Everyone is welcome to come along and try their hand at making a poppy, or sponsor one to be made by an experienced blacksmith on the day. It will cost a donation of a mere $30. Poppy blanks are being generously supplied by the Artist Blacksmiths Association of NSW and international shipping is being coordinated by blacksmiths throughout Australia. 150 blacksmiths from around the world will take part in the September week-long event.

To participate or find out more, please email Will at [email protected] or call him on 0423 289 648.

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The Society is fortunate indeed to have experienced artist and leading portrait sculptor Daniel Dominguez join us as a new full member. Moreover, he has just started up a drawing school which kicks off in late April. He writes: “Although the main crux of my own work in in sculpture, I have repeatedly found drawing to be at the heart of what I do. This is where my sculpting career began and where it continually seems to

return to…. A good sequential order to proceedings is helpful to set the foundations for a sculptors work.”

He is offering 3 classes – for adults, adolescents and kids, with a structure of 3 10 week terms for a year, to be held at the Hunters Hill Croquet Club.

The courses are aimed at the basics, learning to see form and the relationships between, creating

Our website advertisement of our April 2016 Exhibition, “Earth” at the Incinerator Art Space, in Willoughby has borne some unexpected fruit! As a direct result of seeing that, Amarsanaa Bayankhuu from Mongolia (pictured here with his work Tara Goddess) has applied and been accepted into full

membership of the Sculptors Society. He is a teacher of sculpture, and is successful in his home country.

Another teacher, also successful in his home country, China, is our overseas member, Jian-wen Zhou, who also came to us as a result of our website!

Jian-Wen goes to a lot of expense, sending his artworks here for exhibition with us in Sydney. His work Complexity will be displayed at the Incinerator exhibition, showing now. The exhibition is currently advertised on our home page on the web,

Jian-wen Zhou - ComplexityAmarsanaa Bayarkhuu working on his sculpture, Tara Goddess

moods, feelings and patterns of meaning, and ending in the complex analysis of objects. Of special relevance to sculptors is the attention given to “the age old conundrum of how to finish work”!

For more information, email [email protected] or call him on 0407 228 742.

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The Society had another interesting year - in 2015 we were invited to have a 3 venue show, this was an interesting challenge for the committee, but we were up to it. There were renovations in several exhibiting venues, and we were happy to adjust our exhibitions. This looks no different to our start this year. Our finances are in good shape, and we are well supported by the members. Postage prices have gone up, so our bulletin costs will go up as well. Feisal, our treasurer will update you shortly in his financial report. He will talk to you about identification using direct deposits - and cheques. If you use a different name in your art life and we can’t trace you, your deposit may become a donation!Please pay your membership dues on time. We cannot afford to send the Bulletin out to non members. Feisal finds it very difficult to keep our membership list current when the fees come in throughout the year.We are always looking for more members, our membership is strong and we do try to keep you interested. Suggestions for forum ideas are always welcome.We also have a few members who have offered us visits to their home studios and workplaces - this is being organized, and we will let you know. Our members are always exploring new ideas. We had good sales last year, with the most sales happening at the Incinerator Art Space in Willoughby. We have had a very good response to the application form, but get your entries in a.s.a.p. - especially if you would like outdoor space. Where are all the artists who request outdoor areas?This past year - 2015 - we held 9 exhibitions in prestigious CBD locations: Gateway, Governor Phillip and Macquarie Towers, the AMP on Bridge Street, Angel Place and NAB House, the MLC Centre, Darling Park, and Australia Square and 2 in self run shows at Incinerator Art Space and the Concourse in Willoughby. 11 exhibitions.Gateway this year is undergoing renovations; we wait to hear if there is space for an exhibition later in the year. MLC have offered us an exhibition in June, and have asked for good quality photographs of each work early, so they can do internal promotion.

Please get the photographs of your work in to me as soon as possible and follow up with an entry form, which is on the website. In each exhibition the high standard of the work our sculptors are producing is noted. We are advertising our exhibitions to encourage new visitors, and we continue making a big effort to promote the exhibitions with invitations to our mailing list, adding to our mailing list, and advertising both online and in print media. If you have some innovative promotion ideas step forward - I am always looking for new ideas.Our website continues to be your greatest asset. We get many enquiries through the website. We refer sculpture buyers to the website – it serves both to show the work and to tell the buyer more about the sculptor. A big thank you to Eva our web co-ordinator for her work on this and also for her work on the extended website promotion, or option B for participating sculptors. Eva is tireless. Please don’t let your membership or option B lapse as Eva has a bigger job then to renew it. Eva is also responsible for sending out the information we receive, on competitions and opportunities - thank you Eva.An important part of our aim is education. This we continue to do though the Bulletin, our website and our Forums. Our Bulletin is an excellent place to search out information.To this end Sally Aplin has organised a fun sketch day on Sunday, 20 March at the Scout Hall in Chatswood - we would like as many sculptors who would like to, to join us - drawing or sculpting in any medium you would like. A model will pose for us, and we will provide tea and coffee. Bring your own lunch. This is an opportunity to be taken up and enjoyed by anyone. Some clay will be provided but bring your own board, wire, clay, plasticine, paper etc - anything you would like to use. Our venues appreciate the sculptors and their work and this cannot be taken for granted. We have to have new ideas continually. Our artists continue to come up with new ideas. Several of our members are teaching new techniques. Look out for their workshops.

A big thank you to all members of the Committee for their support in our monthly meetings, selection and decision making during the year. I must include the many decisions, answers to questions and ideas that come over the internet in this. Thank you to our secretary & website co-ordinator Eva Chant, our Treasurer Feisal Ramadan, our Bulletin designer Claudine Tucker, Gary Grant who organises the forums, Sally Zylberberg our Bulletin editor and catering organiser, Angela Morrell whose reviews are amazing - we get many artists wishing it was their work being reviewed. To Jolanta Janavicius, Lee Blattmann, Sally Aplin, Meike Davis, Vrej Matossian and Shirley Li: many, many thanks - everyone picks a job that suits and assists in many, many ways.I’ve now been on your board for 9 years - as your president for 4 of those years. It has been an exciting journey for me. I think you know this, and the challenges have been interesting.I hope that I have led the Sculptors Society in a forward direction and that I have listened to all your requests. In taking up this post I was hoping to be an encouraging personality to all our sculptors. I am still doing a lot of the promotion and am still looking for someone who could step in and take over the job of developing advertising. My appreciation goes to all the members of the Society. I feel your support strongly and without your work we would not have such a great programme of exhibitions. The sculpture is of course everything. Thank you for your support and friendship during my past 4 years as President.Congratulations to members who have had their own solo shows - Jenny Green, Paul Pribila and Roger McFarlane, at the moment - and to those who have been involved in other sculpture events during the year. We love you to stay involved even when your galleries don’t allow you to exhibit with us.It is now time for your 2015 committee to step down. Does anyone have paperwork they would like to give to me? I have a proposal for a new committee member.

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This is based on the work of our auditor Alan Mountfield and myself. Alan Mountfield of Sherley and Sherley, Charted accountants is independent and follows Australian audit standards. He completed the audit of the Society’s financial statements and in his opinion, the balance sheet and profit and loss statements present fairly the financial position of the Society and the result of its operation for the year ended December 2015. The audit is in accordance with the Australian Accounting standards.

The financial statements and the auditors report are available for viewing.

The Society position as at end of December 2015 was:


Cash at Bank 23,317

Term Deposit 33,224

Total Assets 56,802

Total liabilities 4,505

Net Assets 52,297

The Society had an acceptable year and is in a strong financial position.

Major source of income:

Membership 14,714

Exhibition Entry fees 11,054

Commission Received on Sculpture 6,198

Web 450

Donations, Advertisement and other 1,719

On the expenditure side your committee has maintained tight control hence the operating profit.

We had no Legal procedures against us and no insurance claims.

I wish to commend on your behalf, the committee for their dedication, smooth operation and leadership. It is a pleasure working with such an efficient group of members.

If there is any question relating to the accounts I will be happy to address them now.

With the President’s permission I now put to you 2 motions:

1. the accounts be accepted

2. the auditor, Alan Mountfield be appointed for the year ending 31/12/2016.

Feisal Ramadan (Hon Treasurer)


12 Society members enjoyed a very energetic and creative sketching and clay-modelling workshop, thanks to Sally Aplin, our co-ordinator, Feyona van Stom who organised clay, the Committee who set it up, and the lovely model Chloe.

Feisal Ramadan, Vera Robinson and Vivienne Lowe at the sketching day

The venue was ideal and well organized, being suited to both the model Chloe and the participants.

Everyone was fully engrossed with working, and we were only distracted by a very enjoyable

morning tea of coffee and delicious home-made cakes, courtesy of the committee.

We were provided with 6 different poses, the last being the longest sitting, which allowed us to further develop details on our maquettes and sketches.

We were each able to capture Chloe’s poses for further development leading to creative figures for future exhibitions.

Stopping for lunch after the modelling session ended, allowed us to share food and stories of the day. We then cleaned and packed up, for a 3pm departure.

The group’s enjoyment of the day increased our enthusiasm for planning further similar events in the Sculptors Society calendar.

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Vale Marilyn Kolozsy

We offer our condolences to our member Alex Kolozsy on the passing of his wife Marilyn just this week. Marilyn has been a true partner and friend to Alex, helping him with his life and Art. Alex will miss Marilyn, and we too will miss her friendly face at delivery and pickup times of sculptures for exhibition. She has been a strong support. We are sorry for your loss Alex.

Vale Kerrie Lester (1953–2016)

Artist Kerrie Lester, who passed away on April 5, was from Sydney. Her distinctive portraits were part of the Archibald prize at least 16 times, and from 1988 until her death, she exhibited in the Portia Geach memorial award nine times. Kerrie also exhibited in many group exhibitions including the Wynne and Sulman Prizes and the Mosman Art Prize, which she won in 2011. We remember her art and we regret her loss.


Bobby Roadhouse - Mysti the Stegosaurus at Confest

Canadian sculptor Bobby Roadhouse is funding his Australian camper van adventure by building dinosaurs from shipping pallets and scrap timber, and creating a dinosaur trail, wending up the East coast from Melbourne to Darwin.

His story and images can be seen on his facebook page at

NEW MEMBERWe warmly welcome Amarsanaa Bayankhuu as a new full member. We hope he might find opportunities to exhibit with us, though it is a long way to come from Mongolia!

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PresidentFeyona van StomPh: 0408 226 [email protected] Rangers Ave, Mosman 2088

Co–Vice PresidentSally Ann Aplin Ph: 9419 645325 Kooba Ave, Chatswood 2067

Co–Vice PresidentVivienne LowePh: 0409 906 653P.O Box 82, Lane Cove,1595

Honorary TreasurerFeisal Ramadan Ph: 9945 026146 Kooringal Ave, Thornleigh, 2120

Honorary Secretary & Website Co-OrdinatorEva Chant Ph: 9481 9060Mobile: 0418 250 45610 Corang Rd, Westleigh, [email protected]

Forum Director Gary Grant: 9785 4686 [email protected]

Bulletin Editor and catering organiser Sally ZylberbergPh: 9909-1799, Fax: [email protected]

Exhibitions ReviewerAngela Morrell Ph: 9498 6341

Bulletin DesignerIngrid CondePh: 0414 416

Committee MembersLee Blattmann – 0432 697 436 [email protected]

Meike Davis – 0411 232 113

Philippa Graham – 0407 202 838

Jolanta Janavicius – 9939 2180

Shirley Li – 0450 255 101

Vrej Matossian - 0409 077 503 [email protected]

ISSN 0728 1293

The Sculptors Society Bulletins provide information, and topical news and views considered to be of interest to our readers. Nothing written here is intended as a substitute for professional advice, and no liability arising from our publications is accepted. Articles and reviews submitted may be edited at the discretion of the editor, and no correspondence in this regard will be entered into. All material (images, graphics and writing) appearing in this publication is subject to copyright interests claimed by The Sculptors Society and should not be copied or transmitted to electronic memory or otherwise without the previous written consent of the said Society. Copyright The Sculptors Society 2013.

This publication was printed by Forestville Printing Sydney 02 9451 9665.


WWW.SCULPTORSSOCIETY.COMOur members are reminded that the website is there for their benefit and helps to promote their work and personal information. All new information from artists can be included onto their webpages but we need this feedback regularly. As well, our website fees require annual renewal and the form is found on our website under Forms. Fees are now overdue and prompt payment would be greatly appreciated.


ATTRIBUTION OF IMAGESArtists have approved the USE of their images


BULLETIN ARCHIVESArchived copies of the Bulletin are available on our website: Find the link in the 'Services' menu.

STAY CONNECTEDPlease like our Facebook page in order to be kept up to date with the latest Sculptors Society News & Events!

If you have some interesting news to share with our members, please email Eva Chant with your articles/news and high resolution images: [email protected]

If you have information (and images) of your exhibition please send to Feyona and she can include on our facebook site: [email protected]

INSURANCE MATTERSCan we remind you that as well as public liability insurance, we carry insurance covering possible damage caused to the properties in which we hold our exhibitions. Our insurance does NOT cover the cost of damage to or theft of our works of art at any time - not on delivery, or removal and not whilst on display. Our sculptures need to be covered by our artists' own home insurance policies. You need to discuss this with your own home insurer. The Society is unable to supply insurance cover for the works themselves.


Please contact Philippa Graham on 0407 202 838 to enquire about our ad rates

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Angela Morrell - Empire Builder