Download - The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

Page 1: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

The Human Survival Blueprint


Author: Ven Bunce

Find Me @


Ven Bunce

Copyright Ven Bunce © 2012

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.


Page 2: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.Contents

Introduction .................................................................................. 4

The Power Of Emotions: ..................................................................................................... 5

Agent TV1: ..................................................................................................... 6

Telepathy: ................................................................................................... 10

Do We Control Our Identity? ................................................................................................... 12

The Power Of Love: ................................................................................................... 14

Subliminal Images + ESP? ................................................................................................... 17

Consequences Over the centuries; ................................................................................................... 19

THE INTERNET. ...................................................................... 22

The Thought Police: ................................................................................................... 25


Page 3: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

‘David Icke, Was He Right?’ ................................................................................................... 26

In The Beginning ....................................................................... 28

Light Across The Universe ........................................................ 32


Page 4: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he


The Human Race is on a precipice. We are all just teetering on the edge of our own destiny.

If we DO NOT do something this very moment, we will fall ‘over’ that edge and fall to our demise like lemmings.

This is not some uncontrollable fate.

Not something that’s written in the stars for us so that it can’t beavoided.

This is a ‘controlled’ manipulation of the Human Race by ‘The Few’

Who, as you are reading these words, are 'usurping' what very little liberty you have left, and using it to control your every thought and every movement.


Page 5: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

The Power Of Emotions:

The fact that you are even considering ‘doubting’ that truth mustshow you that the process has already started and that you are a victim of the very doctrine that will control you, your children and ALL future generations of the human species to come.

As a race, we humans have compassion and empathy. We feel the POWER of love and will ‘kill’ another to protect those we love most. But we are all just sleep-walking through our journeyof life on this planet in total oblivion to what is REALLY happening, and how those who you LOVE the most in this world are being drawn into a destiny that you wouldn’t want to see in your worst nightmare. Let alone wish on your nearest and dearest.

But because you are being conditioned on and hourly basis, 24/7for all of your life, the reality is hidden from you by your own sub-conscious mind which is acting in total compliance with that ‘professional’ conditioning.

Now, before we go any further down this road, I need you to open your mind to the possibility that WHAT I am telling you ‘could’ be 100% the truth.

I’m hoping to use the very ‘tool’ that is being used to lead you down this path into oblivion to actually AWAKEN you to the very real dangers we all face.


Page 6: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

Agent TV1:

The TV. Yes, sorry folks but that box in the corner of your room is being used to ‘control’ your every thought, emotion and action.

(It also gives people like me a few weapons to use ‘against’ it.)

Whatever part of the world you live in, if you have a TV then I’ve no doubt that you’ve watched Magic or Illusionist shows. People like David Blaine and Derren Brown automatically spring to mind. If you’ve somehow NOT heard of these two people, you should ‘Google’ their names and be sure to see some of their work.

The reason I mention these two in particular is because they show us ‘Very Clearly’ how the human mind can be ‘tricked’ into believing that even the most ridiculous things suggested to us can be totally believed. Even though we ‘know’ differently asonlookers, the ‘subject’ or ‘patsy’ of this deception is ‘totally’ convinced.

They both go on to tell us quite categorically that they are NOT dealing in magic. That they have ‘no powers’ which are any different to the rest of us. But what we see them doing completely blows our minds, because what we see, is somethingthat is ‘impossible’ to comprehend in the realm of existence thatwe experience as ‘LIFE’.


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David Blaine can be seen pushing his hand through a plate glass shop-front window and taking out a ring from a display cabinet without damaging the glass in any way. HOW?

He can also be seen to ‘levitate’ quite literally before our very eyes. Grown men and women ‘crying’ because they know that what they are seeing is totally ‘impossible’ in our own realm of ‘comprehension’.

An American football team filled with big HUNKS of men ran away screaming like girls because what they saw was IMPOSSIBLE.

Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he did to show us that we are all much the same as each other and are all susceptible to ‘manipulation’ was when he got a group of people in a room from different age groups and walksof life. He told them that he could ‘read’ their personality from just holding something of theirs that they hold dear to themselves. They all gave him things like rings, lucky talismans,mobile phones etc, etc. They put these personal belongings into large brown envelopes and wrote their name in bold felt-tip on the outside of their own.

Derren left the room for several hours and let them all have a good old chat together while ‘he’ was doing their ‘personal readings’ for them and getting them typed up.

He eventually came back into the room and put all of the envelopes down on the table. He asked them all to take their


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own envelope, to go off to a quiet part of the large room and read the contents to themselves. Not to discuss those contents with any other person in the room. He then called them back to the centre and asked each one to ‘rate’ his reading of their personality.

There were about 12 or 14 people as I remember, and almost everyone gave him at least nine out of ten for accuracy. They were literally ‘gushing’ about how precise he was with details he couldn’t ‘possibly’ have known about them before. There were just two who gave him a seven out of ten, but agreed he was ‘pretty accurate’.

He then told them to exchange their envelopes with each other and to go off to their ‘quiet part’ of the room to read what he had written about THEM. Very soon they all started to exchangeenvelopes again with each other un-prompted and with a quizzical look on their faces. This repeated itself a couple of times before Derren stepped in to ask them ‘what’ was the matter?

They all said that they kept getting their OWN readings back.

With this, Derren smiled and confessed. He’d not left the room to write their readings at all. The readings had been prepared ‘weeks’ before he even knew who he would be doing the experiment with. (Each reading was exactly the same. He just


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did the one reading and copied that reading to give to anyone and everyone).

He went on to say that the human race ALL have the very same traits. We all have the same dreams and emotions. That we all act almost identically ‘inside’ under pressure. But most importantly of all. That we are ALL susceptible to manipulation by ANYONE who knows how to press those emotional buttons that we ALL have.


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Another example is when we watch wildlife shows on the TV. Have you ever marveled at the spectacle of a shoal of fish as it acts as ‘one’. All turning and swirling as ‘one entity’, acting as if controlled by ‘one’ mind? Or the flock of birds as they swirl in unison over our skies?

Surely they MUST be telepathically linked mustn’t they?

How do they all know the ‘exact’ moment to change direction when there are sometimes ‘thousands’ in a flock, or shoal?

OK, you know what I mean there, but they are birds and fish, they’re not human beings. Humans have ‘Free Choice’. WE decide what we do, where we go, what we say, what we think. –

Don’t we?

Sorry to disappoint you here, but good old TV comes to my rescue again. See if you can summon up old or new newsreels on the inter-net of ‘Arial Footage’ of mass demonstrations. Watch how the crowd reacts to just ONE person, or just ONE very small group of people. They TOO act like the ‘shoals’ of fish or the ‘flock’ of birds. You’ll see them all ‘swirling’ in motion. Keeping in perfect synchronisation with others who are possibly hundreds of yards away.


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This is fact! Something you can find and ‘prove’ to yourself. Not just something that I’m making up to express a point of my own.

Still not convinced? Watch any football match. Hear them all start singing in unison, word-perfect. Hear them come out with ‘random’ chants. All at the same time. It’s uncanny when you realise how unnatural this ‘should’ be but how ‘normal’ it actually is.

We all like to think that we’re different. We like to think our thoughts are unique to us. Nobody could think or feel the same as we do as individuals.

Could they?


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Do We Control Our Identity?

Get a group of individuals from all walks of life and put them together in a large hall. It’s a pretty good bet that you’d have a fair idea who was rich, poor, badly educated, intelligent, confident etc, etc. Your opinion, even though probably WRONG, would be based on the way they dress, and their posture. The way they make eye contact or not. Even the symmetry of their facial features would help you form an opinion in the first few seconds of meeting them.

Now put the same group into the hall. Only this time they’re all naked, sitting cross-legged on the floor, looking down. No-one making eye contact. Try and form an opinion now and you’d be 'flummoxed'. You wouldn’t have a clue.

They are now just a crowd of human flesh. No more, no less.

It’s only the way we dress, hold ourselves and exude confidence(or not) that helps people form opinions of us. Take any good actor. Are they ‘better’ than the rest of us, or worse? NO, they’re exactly the same. Jack Nicholson for example. He can play a tramp, a psycho', a smooth talking lover-boy, or a president. It doesn’t matter to him as he can be whoever he wants to be. He’s learned the craft of ‘acting’ and all of us will believe he IS who-ever he portrays.


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We all ‘act’ everyday of our lives. Every one of us is trying to impress somebody. No Exceptions.

Job interviews, we act. Business presentations, we act. Out having fun on the town, we act. We act according to the ‘impression’ we’re trying to portray of ourselves.

I know. You’re different. You’re cool. You’ve got life sussed and you don’t give a **** what anybody else thinks of you.

CRAP! We’re all the same I’m afraid. We all have the same hopes, dreams and ambitions as each other. We all need to feel ‘loved’ by those that WE love. LOVE is the power that drives us, and if we don’t get it, we decay from the inside out. FACT!


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The Power Of Love:

As babies we crave love and babies will do almost anything to make sure they get it. Nothing changes no matter how old we get.

So what has this got to do with our minds, and mind control?

‘The Few’ know that we’re all the same psychologically. (Bar a very small percentage of us). They know the ‘triggers’ that set off our emotions. Whether that be aggression, humour, romance or subservience. There are ‘trigger’ words and phrases that control the vast majority of the World's population. There’s nothing we can do about it, so if you’re of the majority, as you very likely are, you will believe what you hear on the news and in the daily papers. You’ll believe that the many wars are ‘necessary’ for our own protection. That the restrictive laws that are passed every day to curtail our liberties are done to ‘protect’ us from those ‘Bad Guys’ out there.

If we are threatened in any way of ‘losing’ a source of ‘love’, we will normally do ‘anything’ to be able to protect and keep it. No exceptions for the majority of us.


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Depending on the ‘source’ of love that is being threatened, we will act in different ways.

Sometimes it’s ‘aggression’, stoked by an outside threat to your environment or homeland. (Your Roots). Which is useful to get you to ‘want’ to go to war.

Sometimes it's ‘subservience’ if your home life is threatened inany way you will conform if ‘that’s’ what will remove the threatsoonest.

“Saddam Hussain has weapons of mass destruction that he can launch within four minutes that will obliterate us all. He HAS to be stopped”.

Now that must be true. Our governments have said so, and the media are backing it up. How can it not be true? “Let’s go get him”.

“You are under constant threat in your homes by ruthless burglars who will rape and kill your wife and children”.

“Your car is likely to be stolen or attacked by vandals”.

“Your child is very likely to be snatched in the street and sold tothe human traffickers”.

All are possibilities. And they always have been. But NOW the governments want ‘Big Brother’ to play a more important role in our lives.


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We ‘need’ monitoring 24/7 ‘for our own protection’, so we obviously NEED CCTV cameras on every corner, and microchips in our arms. Especially the children in case they get ‘kidnapped’.

The UK is obviously the 1st ‘trial ground’ for these ‘Big Brother’ tactics. With more CCTV cameras per head than ANYWHERE else in the World.

Now, whether you like it or not, you are being ‘frightened’ first into thinking your sources of ‘LOVE’ are being threatened. Then, they throw the ‘solution’ to the problem at you. As you can’t abide to lose your sources of ‘LOVE’ you will act exactly how ‘The Few’ want you to act.

These tactics are being deployed World-wide ‘as’ you’re reading this book. The human race as a whole will follow the course mapped out for them. If they don’t, they fear they will ‘lose’ their sources of love.

The very energy that all humans totally depend upon.

Big Brother Rules - OK?

‘The Few’ only need to implant the ‘fear’ into the minds of a ‘minority’ for it to be transmitted to the ‘majority’ through telepathic means that we ‘all’ have as human beings. Remember


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the swirling crowds? We DO have telepathic powers, especially between those we love or are close to.

We can all be controlled by ‘suggestion’. David Blaine and Derren Brown prove it to us time and time again. Surely we can’t ALL be so blind that we Can't SEE what’s going on?

Subliminal Images + ESP?

YES! Yet another gift for You and Me from the TV in the corner. The device used by ‘The Few’ to control our every thought and action is used against ‘themselves’ here.

A documentary a while ago on British TV exposed the undoubted fact that ‘identical triplets’ are ‘linked’ mentally and emotionally like nothing we should be able to comprehend. Without going into too much detail here, I will relay just ‘one’ of the experiments.

They have their three grown lads who do everything together, (even perform in their own band as a single unit), and they link each one up to separate laptops loaded with software that reads their brain activity by transferring brain signals through a special cap that they each wear that’s wired up to the laptop.


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Tests are done to show that each laptop is taking individual readings from each of the lads successfully. So two of them are led into one room, the other is led to a room right at the other end of the building on his own, to be ‘tested’. All are wired up independently and their brain activity is being recorded.

The lad who was led off on his own was given the ‘shock’ gameto play. It’s a game that tests your reactions, and if you don’t react fast enough, you get quite a severe electric ‘shock’.

After a few of these shocks, data from the three laptops were examined in front of the three triplets together. Neither would admit that they believed they were telepathic and both of the lads who weren’t given the shock agreed that they felt no pain ordiscomfort at all. But when the data was revealed to them in ‘real time’ as it happened, it showed that all three had abnormal brain patterns that were identical at exactly the same time as the ‘single lad’ was being ‘shocked’.

Yes, they too gasped in amazement, but couldn’t deny that telepathy WAS at work deep inside their sub-conscious minds.

Before I continue:

Are we as one with the fact that we CAN all be manipulated by forces that ‘The Few’ have complete control over?


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Then please read on with that thought in your now ‘OPEN’ mind?

Consequences Over the centuries;

Mankind has been held in check, or governed by ‘fear’.

If we don’t obey certain rules, then there are 'consequences'. Nothing too wrong with that ideal, it’s called ‘civilization’. Where we are all encouraged to behave morally and ethically towards one another. Something every one of us should strive todo. We can’t have killing, raping and pillaging going on all overthe place. That’s what most of us would call a ‘living hell’, so civilization was one of the better ideals gifted to us by ‘The Few’.

They do give us sweeteners from time to time, but their focus is always there. The end game is total control of this planet and thehuman race as a whole.

We are required to become drones. Worker beings for the greater good of ‘The Few’ who wish to use the combined ‘energy’ that the human race produces for their own ends.

Our minds will not be our own. ‘Free will’ is being diminished by the hour with more and more ‘petty’ rules and regulations World-wide (with consequences) being used to grind down our resistance.


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We are accepting these rules by the thousands because we are being told by ‘The Few’ that run our media that we MUST have them to protect us from the bad guys. (In the main, imaginary bad-guys) Dreamed up in our imagination by the ‘programmes’ we watch. The ‘video games we play. The ‘blockbuster films’ that we see. The list goes on with ‘advertising hoardings’ and ‘sponsorships’ all playing their part in ‘The Big Game’.

Tell me you’re not influenced by all of these things?


Of course you are, that’s why they’re there. They are our Sweeteners. Our Gifts from ‘The Few’ to keep us happy and entertained while ‘THEY’ get on with their real agenda.

Are you a parent?

Have you ever sat your child down with a load of toys, or in these days of the early 21st century, in-front of the TV or a computer game, maybe a child’s video? You’ve asked your child to just sit there and play while YOU get on with the ‘important’ things in ‘Your’ life. That may be housework, it may be studying, or may just be time out to have a chat with a friend. It could be anything you like. But you ‘cannot focus’ your whole existence on your child or children. You DO have to


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give your child ‘sweeteners’ to allow yourself time for the important ‘other things’ in your life.

‘The Few’ give us sweeteners for the same reason. To keep our minds occupied while ‘they’ get on with their ‘more important stuff’. They use those very sweeteners to help them in their quest to impose total control over us all ‘en-mass’.

'Big Brother' the popular TV show is now a global franchise which is nothing more than the biggest psychological experiment known to modern man.

Yes, it's entertaining, we all love to see a bit of 'human-baiting' from time to time. But 'sweeteners' and 'consequences' are used to their full effect there and it’s a lesson we could all learn some very valuable defense tactics from.


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Possibly one of THE most important developments since ‘civilization’ began. Everyone can speak to anyone they like, about anything they like, in any part of the World. Absolutely fantastic! FREE SPEECH is now a reality.

The ‘Internet’ I’m afraid, is just another ‘sweetener’ to get you hooked on the idea that you are being ‘given’ unlimited freedomof speech. After all, you can set up numerous websites and blogs. You can E-mail millions of people with a click of your mouse. This HAS to be ultimate freedom doesn’t it? Surely if there were some ‘secret force’ at work trying to deny us our freedoms, they would never allow us so much FREE access witheach other. WOULD THEY?????

Of course they would. ‘The Few’ need you to open up your soul into your virtual memory which is the PC you type it all into. They want you to express yourself, your dreams and your desires to ‘the ether’ that is the internet.

WHY? …. Because ‘The Few’ have had the technology for years that stores and records EVERY phone call that has ever been made by you and me. Every E-mail that’s ever been transmitted by ‘any’ computer or phone in the World.

WHY?? … Because it also has the software in place that picks out ‘keywords’ in phone calls, blog posts and E-mails which


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will activate warning signals to be placed on that transmission for possible further inspection. Also, to ‘categorise’ every person so that they can be monitored if necessary when their plan for world domination becomes complete.

Have you noticed lately, (This is being written in 2012) how our‘freedoms’ on the inter-net are being slowly limited? SPAM laws supposedly designed to ‘protect’ us, are in fact a way of getting everybody to give all of their vital information away with EVERY E-mail they ever send out. If you don’t comply with this order you are in very real danger of prosecution, whichmeans ‘fines’ and possibly having your internet access limited or removed completely. (Consequences).

Everyone and their auntie has been ‘suckered’ into believing this is being done for our own good, to protect us from ‘the bad guys’ again. Those people who persistently send us the dreaded ‘SPAM’ that we all hate so much.

I have to admit, I hate spammers that fill my in-box with so much rubbish that I have trouble finding the genuine E-mails. But have you noticed that even though we law-abiding citizens of the world are complying with the orders relayed to us from above, (to the letter), that the ‘spammers’ are pushing out even MORE of the stuff.

How are they able to get away with it?

Weren’t we all TOLD of the severe ‘consequences’?


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(I’m sure you don’t need me to explain further).

It’s about ‘control’ of our minds.

About conditioning us ALL into thinking that WE are being ‘protected’ from the bad guys, but only if we comply with everynew ‘protection’ law unchallenged.

(Under threat of ‘consequences’ don’t forget).

Gradually, new threats to our ‘on-line’ experience will be exposed, and more ‘restrictions’ will follow for ‘Our Own Protection’. The inter-net will not be the ‘information highway’ that we all know and love at present. It will become that ‘dark alley’ where the ‘Bad-Guys’ lurk, waiting to pounce on you and slap you in the face with yet another ‘consequence’ because you ‘dared’ to speak out of line.

A keyword you entered quite innocently has been ‘filtered’ into the ‘suspected anarchist’ file, or some other suspect file that allows the ‘Jack-Boot-Warriors’ to come and stamp all over youat will. After all, you’ve dared to express an opinion or a random Free Thought. You must expect to take the consequences for the GOOD of all other inter-net users worldwide.

Mark what I’m saying here, and remember it well.


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The Thought Police:

In the past, I’ve made reference to the ‘thought police’ in blog posts, comments on other peoples blog posts, and in forums. Only to be ridiculed and called a ‘nutter’ (to put it mildly). Already, in the UK, people are having their computer equipment‘seized’ and confiscated because they ‘dared’ to talk about ‘Muslims’.

An amateur radio enthusiast had all of his equipment worth thousands of pounds, which he had spent years adding to, because he loved to sit in his room and speak to ‘The World’.

One day, he mentioned ‘Muslims’ in a conversation with another ‘radio-ham’ as they’re called. Someone listening in, heard the conversation around the Muslim faith and reported it.

A short time later, all that time and money spent by this gentleman (of otherwise good character), building up his own amateur radio transmission station (which is perfectly legal and above board) was washed down the pan.

The government sponsored ‘Jack-Boot-warriors’ came along, and without proper explanation, ripped it all out and confiscated it.


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We in the UK are constantly being reminded just how lucky we are that the government ‘always’ has our best interests at heart.

That they will move mountains to ‘protect’ us from these ‘Bad-Guys’ that threaten those freedoms.

YES! People like the lonely radio ham who ‘dared’ to have an opinion about the Muslim faith.

Were he to have had an opinion about the Christian, Jewish or Bhuddist faith, he could have kept his equipment and nothing would have been said.

‘David Icke, Was He Right?’

David Icke, (if you don’t know him, Google him NOW!) went along to a well-known spot in the centre of London in the UK tointerview a chap who had been protesting there for some years now about ‘The Big Brother State’ and all of it’s ramifications. He took his partner and his trusty camcorder along to record the event. Within ‘minutes’ he was encircled by our Drone police officers, (who were obviously only doing so to ‘protect us’ fromthis ‘Bad-Guy’) and told to turn off the camcorder and move on or he would be arrested and his camcorder confiscated.

(Don't we have our FREEDOM still in the UK?)


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This is fact, and was shown in a UK TV documentary in 2007.

The recording was placed on ‘YouTube’ at the time. As this book is being written, it is still on that channel and can still be viewed. Just enter the keywords 'David Icke' and you’ll hopefully still be able to view some very important information.

It serves ‘The Few’ to have people like David Icke exposing their schemes so that they can use their ‘superior might’ of the worlds media to show what a madman he is. After all, he believes with every sinew of his body that ‘The Few’ are actually ‘Shape-Shifter’ reptilians who have taken on the humanform so that they can walk among us undetected.

I mean, someone who believes ‘that’ load of old codswallop ‘must’ be stark raving mad, SURELY???

That is why David Icke still walks the planet. Because he is portrayed as the ultimate ‘Nutter’, so how can ‘any’ of his claims be true?

Whether ‘The Few’ are reptilians or not, I don’t know. All I do know is that everything David Icke says about ‘The Few’ he hasbacked up with the most comprehensive research that would make most of our minds ‘boggle’.

Luckily, we don’t have to do it. It’s been done for us by David Icke and his team. All we have to do is to verify it as true or false for our own peace of mind.


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I could put links in here for you to follow, but there is so much work on the internet, and in the public domain worldwide that you need only enter ‘David Icke’ into any search engine to comeup with all of the videos, interviews and writings that will blow your mind with their profound sincerity.

In The Beginning

The Cosmos and all ‘matter’ is held together by……… ‘vibrations’.

The Cosmos ‘sings’ through infinity. (We have scientific instruments that ‘prove’ this).

All ‘matter’, no matter how insignificant, ‘vibrates’. (Solid concrete, iron etc)

Everything is held together by frequencies of vibrations… FACT!


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Music is probably the most powerful tool we have at our disposal. It can heal the sick. It can create and 'power' action. It can stimulate ‘imagination’ itself.


‘The Few’ know of it’s power, and while they give us the ‘sweetener’ of unlimited access to as much music as we can possibly handle, they give us ‘with’ that sweetener, the power todestroy ourselves through drink, drugs and debauchery. All the things that many people now accept as ‘normal’ because we have been conditioned (mainly through the power of music and the ‘media’) to accept such 'negative' behaviour as normal.

Yet when we honestly ‘search’ our conscience in the privacy of our own company we KNOW we are acting in conflict with what is TRULY healthy.

‘The Few’ are the agents of that dark 'negative' energy who are trying to return everything back to ‘the status quo’ where the rich and powerful rule without question or complaint.

We have the ‘Black Army’ (negativity) fighting the ‘White Army’ (positivity).


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If the ‘Black Army’ win (as they are doing) we destroy ourselves, society ‘implodes’ and a state of ‘social destitution’ isrestored.

If the ‘White Army’ wins. Which it ‘must’ for the future of all we love and hold dear, then we will enter the next stage of human development, and the development of the Cosmos; ‘UTOPIA’.

Did you think that ‘CHESS’ was developed as a ‘game’?

Sorry, but it was developed so that the ‘wise men’ of the ‘White Army’ could work out strategies to predict and defeat the actions of the ‘Black Army’.

War as we know it will become unnecessary and irrelevant because the ‘positive’ energy of the ‘White Army’ doesn’t consider the ‘taking of life’ as acceptable in any way.

Wars will be fought with the power of 'WORDS' and 'THOUGHTS'.


Page 31: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

When ‘The Few’ are defeated, their main weapon which is ‘WAR’ in all of it’s ghastly, gory forms will be defeated with them.

The dreams of John Lennon, Ghandi and Martin Luther King will become very much a reality. 'PEACE without WAR'.

But FIRST! We have to stand up and be counted. We have to listen to our inner conscience which is telling us all the time when we're sober in thought and mind exactly 'how' to behave ina 'positive' manner.

We are all capable of acting in a moral and ethical manner, it's just not so easy for some because they live in a world of total confusion, brought about successfully by the actions of 'The Few' over many years.

If you believe that this book represents the truth, then share it with your friends and relatives so that they too can wake up from their semi-conscious state and defeat the Black Army through the power of Music, Love, Decency and a Mutual Respect for each other.


Page 32: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

Light Across The Universe

It was a long, hot summers day,

when we all stood and shone the way.

We took our power from the sun,

then shared it out with everyone.

As we stood in awe through a veil of tears,

we gave light to the world for future years.

We showed that love was a power within.

If we use it right, we’ll always win.

As we witnessed love with our own minds.

Did YOU feel a strong force rise?

Through the shoulders, up the neck,

between the ears and eyes?


Page 33: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

I know you’ve felt it many times.

It’s the reason for our being.

We generate this energy,

and seeing is believing.

It only comes with true love,

and it can be mistaken,

for the love of lust,

and this my friend,

is the course that can’t be taken.

To get back to that magic day,

when all the groups came out to play.

A light shone through this universe,

as we put our hands into life’s purse.

The light so bright we couldn’t see.


Page 34: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

But it helped to forge our destiny.

It showed the Black Queen we’re not beat.

We won’t accept her tasty treat.

All she could do was stand and stare.

She didn’t have an answer there.

Our love of life she couldn’t handle.

We have to keep alight that candle.

If John were here, you’d hear him say,

“We must relive that special day.

You have the chord.

You have the words.

You have the love of millions.

So go and show the Black Queen

You won’t settle for oblivion”.


Page 35: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

When all the world has witnessed

the power for themselves.

They can’t deny this force of love,

that we first take from heaven above.

They can’t deny we give it back,

to help our love grow stronger.

The Black Queen now looks down on us,

beside herself with anger.

She cannot live on love you see,

and love will forge her destiny.

She’ll starve herself to death, and then.

Fall into the world of her Black King.

Excerpt from ‘Visions Of The Future Past’


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This book is short for a very good reason.

Information overload is a debilitating modern curse that actually'stunts' development and action by confusing our mind with superfluous information.

By giving your mind short chunks of reliable information you give it the best chance to digest it properly then act or react in a measured, calculated way afterwards. Rush your dinner and you get indigestion – it's the same thing when you try to cram too much information into your mind at one sitting. (It loses it's value and it's original attraction)

There will be follow-up volumes of 'The Human Survival Blueprint' series.

Please Keep In Contact With Me @


Page 37: The Human Survival Blueprint - · 2020. 2. 13. · Derren Brown has also shown us similar feats, and one other thing he

If this book has left 'You' confused, please re-read it again and again. Light bulbs will definitely spark up in your mind during each read. It is deliberately short enough to read in a single sitting so that you find re-reads easy to do.

Please be kind enough to leave a review if you have bought or borrowed this book through Amazon and be sure to visit my Author Page to see if there are more titles there yet. Then of course, please visit my website at to send me your thoughts about this book and any other matter you'd like to discuss with me.

Ven Bunce - Author