Download - The Hardest Lesson


Ive been there where you are

Ive been there where you areWhen the light is dim and far

Ive been there in your shoes

And Ive learned to fail and lose.

Ive wet my pillow late at night,

Ive met my demons and my fright

I yelled to heaven and to hell

From the corner of my cell.

The hardest lesson was to knee

To squash my pride without a plea

But even harder was to crawl

To save at least, from all, my soul.

You can stand, you crawl, you knee,

Hard is just the ABC,

Hard is just to tune your mind

To look forward, not behind.

You can fail and you can stumble,

Be too proud or be to humble,

Learn to fall, to knee, to stand

When its windy learn to bend.

And since now youre in your knee,Maybe its where you should be,

Maybe you should learn to pray,

Someones there night and day.

November 26, 2005
