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The GridEnabling Resource Sharing

within Virtual Organizations

Ian Foster

Mathematics and Computer Science Division

Argonne National Laboratory


Department of Computer Science

The University of Chicago

Invited Talk, Research Library Group Annual Conference, Amsterdam, April 22, 2002

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO


The technology landscape– Living in an exponential world

Grid concepts– Resource sharing in virtual organizations

Petascale Virtual Data Grids– Data, programs, computers, computations as

community resources

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Living in an Exponential World(1) Computing & Sensors

Moore’s Law: transistor count doubles each 18 months


star formation

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Living in an Exponential World:(2) Storage

Storage density doubles every 12 months Dramatic growth in online data (1 petabyte =

1000 terabyte = 1,000,000 gigabyte)– 2000 ~0.5 petabyte

– 2005 ~10 petabytes

– 2010 ~100 petabytes

– 2015 ~1000 petabytes? Transforming entire disciplines in physical and,

increasingly, biological sciences; humanities next?

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Data Intensive Physical Sciences

High energy & nuclear physics– Including new experiments at CERN

Gravity wave searches– LIGO, GEO, VIRGO

Time-dependent 3-D systems (simulation, data)– Earth Observation, climate modeling

– Geophysics, earthquake modeling

– Fluids, aerodynamic design

– Pollutant dispersal scenarios Astronomy: Digital sky surveys

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Ongoing Astronomical Mega-Surveys

Large number of new surveys– Multi-TB in size, 100M objects or larger

– In databases

– Individual archives planned and under way Multi-wavelength view of the sky

– > 13 wavelength coverage within 5 years Impressive early discoveries

– Finding exotic objects by unusual colors> L,T dwarfs, high redshift quasars

– Finding objects by time variability> Gravitational micro-lensing



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Crab Nebula in 4 Spectral Regions

X-ray Optical

Infrared Radio

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Coming Floods of Astronomy Data

The planned Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will produce over 10 petabytes per year by 2008!– All-sky survey every few days, so will have

fine-grain time series for the first time

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Data Intensive Biology and Medicine

Medical data– X-Ray, mammography data, etc. (many petabytes)

– Digitizing patient records (ditto) X-ray crystallography Molecular genomics and related disciplines

– Human Genome, other genome databases

– Proteomics (protein structure, activities, …)

– Protein interactions, drug delivery Virtual Population Laboratory (proposed)

– Simulate likely spread of disease outbreaks Brain scans (3-D, time dependent)

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

And comparisons must bemade among many

We need to get to one micron to know location of every cell. We’re just now starting to get to 10 microns – Grids will help get us there and further

A Brainis a Lotof Data!

(Mark Ellisman, UCSD)

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

An Exponential World: (3) Networks(Or, Coefficients Matter …)

Network vs. computer performance– Computer speed doubles every 18 months

– Network speed doubles every 9 months

– Difference = order of magnitude per 5 years 1986 to 2000

– Computers: x 500

– Networks: x 340,000 2001 to 2010

– Computers: x 60

– Networks: x 4000

Moore’s Law vs. storage improvements vs. optical improvements. Graph from Scientific American (Jan-2001) by Cleo Vilett, source Vined Khoslan, Kleiner, Caufield and Perkins.

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Evolution of the Scientific Process

Pre-electronic– Theorize &/or experiment, alone or in small

teams; publish paper Post-electronic

– Construct and mine very large databases of observational or simulation data

– Develop computer simulations & analyses

– Exchange information quasi-instantaneously within large, distributed, multidisciplinary teams

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

The Grid

“Resource sharing & coordinated problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations”

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

An Example Virtual Organization: CERN’s Large Hadron Collider

1800 Physicists, 150 Institutes, 32 Countries

100 PB of data by 2010; 50,000 CPUs?

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Grid Communities & Applications:Data Grids for High Energy Physics

Tier2 Centre ~1 TIPS

Online System

Offline Processor Farm

~20 TIPS

CERN Computer Centre

FermiLab ~4 TIPSFrance Regional Centre

Italy Regional Centre

Germany Regional Centre

InstituteInstituteInstituteInstitute ~0.25TIPS

Physicist workstations

~100 MBytes/sec

~100 MBytes/sec

~622 Mbits/sec

~1 MBytes/sec

There is a “bunch crossing” every 25 nsecs.

There are 100 “triggers” per second

Each triggered event is ~1 MByte in size

Physicists work on analysis “channels”.

Each institute will have ~10 physicists working on one or more channels; data for these channels should be cached by the institute server

Physics data cache


~622 Mbits/sec or Air Freight (deprecated)

Tier2 Centre ~1 TIPS

Tier2 Centre ~1 TIPS

Tier2 Centre ~1 TIPS

Caltech ~1 TIPS

~622 Mbits/sec

Tier 0Tier 0

Tier 1Tier 1

Tier 2Tier 2

Tier 4Tier 4

1 TIPS is approximately 25,000

SpecInt95 equivalents

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

The Grid Opportunity:eScience and eBusiness

Physicists worldwide pool resources for peta-op analyses of petabytes of data

Civil engineers collaborate to design, execute, & analyze shake table experiments

An insurance company mines data from partner hospitals for fraud detection

An application service provider offloads excess load to a compute cycle provider

An enterprise configures internal & external resources to support eBusiness workload

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Grid Computing

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Early 90s– Gigabit testbeds, metacomputing

Mid to late 90s– Early experiments (e.g., I-WAY), academic software

projects (e.g., Globus, Legion), application experiments 2002

– Dozens of application communities & projects– Major infrastructure deployments– Significant technology base (esp. Globus ToolkitTM)– Growing industrial interest – Global Grid Forum: ~500 people, 20+ countries

The Grid:A Brief History

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Challenging Technical Requirements

Dynamic formation and management of virtual organizations

Online negotiation of access to services: who, what, why, when, how

Establishment of applications and systems able to deliver multiple qualities of service

Autonomic management of infrastructure elements

Open Grid Services Architecture

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Data Intensive Science: 2000-2015

Scientific discovery increasingly driven by IT – Computationally intensive analyses

– Massive data collections

– Data distributed across networks of varying capability

– Geographically distributed collaboration Dominant factor: data growth (1 Petabyte = 1000 TB)

– 2000 ~0.5 Petabyte

– 2005 ~10 Petabytes

– 2010 ~100 Petabytes

– 2015 ~1000 Petabytes?

How to collect, manage,access and interpret thisquantity of data?

Drives demand for “Data Grids” to handleadditional dimension of data access & movement

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Data Grid Projects Particle Physics Data Grid (US, DOE)

– Data Grid applications for HENP expts. GriPhyN (US, NSF)

– Petascale Virtual-Data Grids iVDGL (US, NSF)

– Global Grid lab TeraGrid (US, NSF)

– Dist. supercomp. resources (13 TFlops) European Data Grid (EU, EC)

– Data Grid technologies, EU deployment CrossGrid (EU, EC)

– Data Grid technologies, EU emphasis DataTAG (EU, EC)

– Transatlantic network, Grid applications Japanese Grid Projects (APGrid) (Japan)

– Grid deployment throughout Japan

Collaborations of application scientists & computer scientists

Infrastructure devel. & deployment

Globus based

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Biomedical InformaticsResearch Network (BIRN)

Evolving reference set of brains provides essential data for developing therapies for neurological disorders (multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, etc.).

Today – One lab, small patient base– 4 TB collection

Tomorrow– 10s of collaborating labs– Larger population sample– 400 TB data collection: more

brains, higher resolution– Multiple scale data integration

and analysis

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

GriPhyN = App. Science + CS + Grids

GriPhyN = Grid Physics Network– US-CMS High Energy Physics

– US-ATLAS High Energy Physics

– LIGO/LSC Gravity wave research

– SDSS Sloan Digital Sky Survey

– Strong partnership with computer scientists Design and implement production-scale grids

– Develop common infrastructure, tools and services

– Integration into the 4 experiments

– Application to other sciences via “Virtual Data Toolkit” Multi-year project

– R&D for grid architecture (funded at $11.9M +$1.6M)

– Integrate Grid infrastructure into experiments through VDT

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

GriPhyN Institutions

– U Florida

– U Chicago

– Boston U

– Caltech

– U Wisconsin, Madison


– Harvard

– Indiana

– Johns Hopkins

– Northwestern

– Stanford

– U Illinois at Chicago

– U Penn

– U Texas, Brownsville

– U Wisconsin, Milwaukee

– UC Berkeley

– UC San Diego

– San Diego Supercomputer Center

– Lawrence Berkeley Lab

– Argonne

– Fermilab

– Brookhaven

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

GriPhyN: PetaScale Virtual Data Grids

Virtual Data Tools

Request Planning &

Scheduling ToolsRequest Execution & Management Tools


Distributed resources(code, storage, CPUs,networks)

Resource Management


Resource Management


Security and Policy


Security and Policy


Other Grid ServicesOther Grid


Interactive User Tools

Production TeamIndividual Investigator Workgroups

Raw data source

~1 Petaop/s~100 Petabytes

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

GriPhyN Research Agenda Virtual Data technologies

– Derived data, calculable via algorithm

– Instantiated 0, 1, or many times (e.g., caches)

– “Fetch value” vs. “execute algorithm”

– Potentially complex (versions, cost calculation, etc) E.g., LIGO: “Get gravitational strain for 2 minutes around 200

gamma-ray bursts over last year” For each requested data value, need to

– Locate item materialization, location, and algorithm

– Determine costs of fetching vs. calculating

– Plan data movements, computations to obtain results

– Execute the plan

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Virtual Data in Action

Data request may– Compute locally

– Compute remotely

– Access local data

– Access remote data Scheduling based on

– Local policies

– Global policies

– Cost

Major facilities, archives

Regional facilities, caches

Local facilities, cachesFetch item

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

GriPhyN Research Agenda (cont.) Execution management

– Co-allocation (CPU, storage, network transfers)

– Fault tolerance, error reporting

– Interaction, feedback to planning Performance analysis (with PPDG)

– Instrumentation, measurement of all components

– Understand and optimize grid performance Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT)

– VDT = virtual data services + virtual data tools

– One of the primary deliverables of R&D effort

– Technology transfer to other scientific domains

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

iVDGL: A Global Grid Laboratory

International Virtual-Data Grid Laboratory– A global Grid lab (US, EU, South America, Asia, …)

– A place to conduct Data Grid tests “at scale”

– A mechanism to create common Grid infrastructure

– A production facility for LHC experiments

– An experimental laboratory for other disciplines

– A focus of outreach efforts to small institutions Funded for $13.65M by NSF

“We propose to create, operate and evaluate, over asustained period of time, an international researchlaboratory for data-intensive science.”

From NSF proposal, 2001

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Initial US-iVDGL Data Grid

Tier1 (FNAL)Proto-Tier2Tier3 university






Other sites to be added in







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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

iVDGL Map (2002-2003)

Tier0/1 facility

Tier2 facility

10 Gbps link

2.5 Gbps link

622 Mbps link

Other link

Tier3 facility




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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Programs as Community Resources:Data Derivation and Provenance

Most scientific data are not simple “measurements”; essentially all are:– Computationally corrected/reconstructed

– And/or produced by numerical simulation And thus, as data and computers become

ever larger and more expensive:– Programs are significant community resources

– So are the executions of those programs

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Transformation Derivation





“I’ve detected a calibration error in an instrument and

want to know which derived data to recompute.”

“I’ve come across some interesting data, but I need to understand the nature of the corrections applied when it was constructed before I can trust it for my purposes.”

“I want to search an astronomical database for galaxies with certain characteristics. If a program that performs this analysis exists, I won’t have to write one from scratch.”

“I want to apply an astronomical analysis program to millions of objects. If the results

already exist, I’ll save weeks of computation.”

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

The Chimera Virtual Data System(GriPhyN Project)

Virtual data catalog– Transformations,

derivations, data Virtual data language

– Data definition + query

Applications include browsers and data analysis applications

Data Grid Resources(distributed execution

and data management)

VDL Interpreter(manipulate derivations

and transformations)

Virtual Data Catalog(implements ChimeraVirtual Data Schema)

Virtual DataApplications

Virtual Data Language(definition and query)

Task Graphs(compute and data

movement tasks, withdependencies)



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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

NCSA Linux cluster

5) Secondary reports complete to master

Master Condor job running at


7) GridFTP fetches data from UniTree

NCSA UniTree - GridFTP-enabled FTP server

4) 100 data files transferred via GridFTP, ~ 1 GB each

Secondary Condor job on WI


3) 100 Monte Carlo jobs on Wisconsin Condor pool

2) Launch secondary job on WI pool; input files via Globus GASS

Caltech workstation

6) Master starts reconstruction jobs via Globus jobmanager on cluster

8) Processed objectivity database stored to UniTree

9) Reconstruction job reports complete to master

Early GriPhyN Challenge Problem:CMS Data Reconstruction

Scott Koranda, Miron Livny, others

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Pre / Simulation Jobs / Post (UW Condor)

ooHits at NCSA

ooDigis at NCSA

Delay due to script error

Trace of a Condor-G Physics Run

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO





Ingest Services

Management AccessServices

(Model-based Access)

(Data Handling System )














s -




Attribute-based Query


Knowledge orTopic-Based Query / Browse

KnowledgeRepository for Rules



Storage(Replicas,Persistent IDs)

Knowledge-based Data Grid Roadmap(Reagan Moore, SDSC)

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

New Programs

U.K. eScience program

EU 6th Framework U.S. Committee on

Cyberinfrastructure Japanese Grid


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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

U.S. Cyberinfrastructure:Draft Recommendations

New INITIATIVE to revolutionize science and engineering research at NSF and worldwide to capitalize on new computing and communications opportunities 21st Century Cyberinfrastructure includes supercomputing, but also massive storage, networking, software, collaboration, visualization, and human resources– Current centers (NCSA, SDSC, PSC) are a key resource for the INITIATIVE

– Budget estimate: incremental $650 M/year (continuing) An INITIATIVE OFFICE with a highly placed, credible leader empowered to

– Initiate competitive, discipline-driven path-breaking applications within NSF of cyberinfrastructure which contribute to the shared goals of the INITIATIVE

– Coordinate policy and allocations across fields and projects. Participants across NSF directorates, Federal agencies, and international e-science

– Develop high quality middleware and other software that is essential and special to scientific research

– Manage individual computational, storage, and networking resources at least 100x larger than individual projects or universities can provide.

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

Summary Technology exponentials are changing the shape

of scientific investigation & knowledge– More computing, even more data, yet more

networking The Grid: Resource sharing & coordinated problem

solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations

Petascale Virtual Data Grids represent the future in science infrastructure– Data, programs, computers, computations as

community resources

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[email protected] ARGONNE CHICAGO

For More Information Grid Book

– The Globus Project™

– Global Grid Forum

– TeraGrid

– EU DataGrid

– GriPhyN


– Background papers
