Download - The Frisco Employes' Magazine, August 1933 and hospital bills ... but Blll insists it was from staylng up ... fected elbow for a few days which

Page 1: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, August 1933 and hospital bills ... but Blll insists it was from staylng up ... fected elbow for a few days which

August, 1933

YOUR PAY-CHECK STOPS when sickness or accident keep you off the job. Doctor and hospital bills rapidly consume savings while reg- ular 1 i v i n g ex- penses g o o n just the same. Protect your family against hardship and want with a


INSURE /// policy, which will assure an income when

you are sick or h u r t . " T h e

Railroad Man's Company" h a s

! already paid its policy h o l d e r e

and their benefi- ciaries over 395,-

000,000 in claims. 1 Ccmtineoe~a~'ahy Chlcago. Toronto. San Francisco

!HAIL1 NG LISTS I Pave the way to mow MI- w l b tcwl names and addnssea of Llve prodpecta.

Get them from the oridnal cornpilea of baaic list information--up to da* aeeurrte--guanntocd.

Tell ur about ywr.bus1ne.s. We'll help you find the prospecb. No ob- ligation for consultation rerrice.

how to use the mails to sell CIS and s e r v i w Write today.

R. L. POLK & CO. Polk B1dg.-Detroit, Mich.

Branches in Principal Ciik World's Lnrgwt City Directory Publishen Mailing List Compilers. Business %lib ti- Produceta oCDirect Mail Advcrtiaing.


GLADYS ROTH, Renor te r

W a t e r servlce repairman C. A. Meath, w l f e a n d faml ly s p e n t t h e month of J u l v v i s i t ing po in ts i n t h e west , Canada k n d Texas.

W. 0. Findlev In B&B g a n g was off f e w d a y s in ~ b l y account sickness.

Roadmaste r W a l t e r Marsh, wife a n d son a t tended the World 's F a i r while on the i r vacation a s well a s spending a s h o r t t h e w l t h relatives.

Account p u t t l n g on new B&B g a n g . F r a n k Jones Is n o w foreman o n g a n g No. 6 a n d C. A. Wilson, T. R. Hai r . Nathan Bray , W a r d Mason Wm. J. Grace a n d H. IV. ahm man; a r e em- ployed in t h e g a n g .

J. Xi. S t ickney h a s been ass lgncd t o foreman position o n sect ion 31-6 a t Jok~lin.

Guy Axrell, foreman o n F-12 a t Altn- mont. Is off account sickness.

F. L. Mitchell or Leon h a s bid In and asslgned to position of sect ion foreman on L - S a t Columbulr. Kans.

Chas. T. Shore h'zs been assigned to position of foreman on t h e n e w pa ln t g a n g jus t recently pu t on.

B&B Carpenters J u d C. H u g h e y a n d J o h n D. P a r k e r have bid in vacancies in B&B s a n g No. 2. F o r e m a n 11. D. r-ihhr -. ., .,-.

F r e d A. Bohne, B&B carpenter , l o now w o r k i n g w l t h g a n g KO. 4.

C. N. Long. foreman at F-21 a1 Piedmont, has been asslgned to sect ion F-27 w i t h headquar te rs a t Leon, K a n - sas.

B & d g a n g Foreman Jones, h a v e been busy d u h n g J u l y d i smant l ing t h e old off'ice bullding a t F o r t Scott. W h e n w o r k comnleted will s r e a t l v im- prove t h e genera l appearance o f s t a - tion si i rroundings.

W. S. Repai rman E. D. W a g n e r s p e n t a s h o r t t ime in J u l y vlsl t ing h i s rela- rives in Wisconsin. J. E. Bcckley re- lieved hlm a t K a n s a s City.


M A R K CASSIDY, Repor te r

C. C. Lacy repor t s a v e r y enjoyable time on hls t r ip to the World 's F a l r in Chicago ~ n d t h e nor thern woods.

F. B. Malcolm h a s successful ly conl- nleted a t o u r of t h e Ozarks. Bonnie, no doubt. had a v e r y good t r ip a n d only wishes t h a t It could have lasted longer. Andy Kranichfield worked Bonnfc's job In h i s absence.

I have been critlclzed about t h e d a t e RldCed for the las t boat-rlde, bu t

onesr folks, I didn't 6et the date. I will adml t t h a t It ralned a n d stormed a n d blew l ike a n ocean gale, b u t a f t e r - w a r d s It w a s del ishtPully pleasant. J a c k Butch , o u r former yardmas te r , n o w atat loned a t JIemphis w a s a m o n g those present. I n sv i te of t h e weather, t h e r e w e r e a few' h a r d y souls w h o made t h e trlp. I suppose t h e w e a t h e r m a n wil l h a v e to be consulted before t h e next Fr l sco affair is rriven.

After al l t h e s e years. filmel- 1,Inde- man ha8 moved. Maybe it w a s just a round the corner, b u t nevertheless. he haa moved.

This 1s t h e t ime of t h e year. t h a t whenever you h e a r t h e whis t le of a n engine a n d t h e rythniic click of whee ls o n rai ls t h a t you g e t t h e wander lus t a n d a r e assal led wi th r i s l o n s a n d d e l siren f o r t h a t longed-for trip. And even fL you don't g e t to m a k e the tr ip, it's a g r a n d spor t a t least to have planned.

S i c k F r a c u l s a y s h l s golf game wilt now improve conuiderably. H e h a s given u p the managersh ip of h i s bal l p m . ("Incidentally," s a y s Bill Walsh ,

t h e bal l t eam will now win ball gamer.") Nick a t t r i b u t e d t h e loss of weight f rom t h e h e a t and hard .work , bu t Blll insists i t w a s f r o m s t a y l n g u p n i g h t s w o r r y l n g a b o u t t h e ball team.

John Anderson h a s le f t the office again. H e bid In a n d w a s awarded t h e position of cal ler in the yards.

Cecll K i n g is g e t t l n g ready for t h e b i g t r l p th rough the nor thwes t to Van- couver. B. C., a n d down t h e Paciflc coast to S a n Francisco.


LEOTA F R I E N D a n d MARY DAILEY, Repor te rs

Mrs. D a n H. SIcCarthy en te r ta ined w i t h a shower In honor of Miss N a r g a r e t Gallagher, o n Tuesday, J u n e 20. On Tuesday J u n e 21, Miss Gal- l a g h e r became t h e brlde of Dr. F r a n k P. Welch. T h e young couple spent t w o weeks in Alabama a n d varlous ~ o i n t s sou th , r e t u r n i n g to K a n s a s City. Ju ly 18, w h e r e Dr. Welch will continue his yract ice afi chiropractor .

J. R. Hammonds, n igh t roundhouse foreman. I'ollon~ed the instructions of H e n r y Ford-the w a y t o improve con- di t ions IS to buy, buy. buy-and pur - chased a new Ford.

J e a n Sfarie Faquln, of Memphis. Tennessee w a s the g u e s t of Mr. a n d Mrs. G. E. D a u a h e r t u t h e first two n e e k s o f J d y . - -

Mrs. Mr. B. B e r r y as v l s l t lng h e r d a u g h t e r In Downs. Kansas. And f rom the scars on Mr. Berry's forefingers. Indicating self-inlilcted k n l f t wounds, w e v e n t u r e to s a y he wil l be g lad t o rel lnauisl i a l l r i g h t s t o t h e cu l inary a r t a 5 soon an t h e Missus returns.

3funsey Jerome Sartain. J r . Is work- i n g a s machinist agpren t lce in ' the K a n - s a s City roundhousc, hav lng been as - s igned t h e vacancy c rea ted bv Loren XI. W a l k e r , who i s just o u t of fils time.

Lce Bufflngton, of SprlngRelrl, as - s ls ted in the office while t h e wr l tc rs took a n exl'ra holiday a n d vislted home fo lks over J u l y 4th.

Corning throuqh t h e y a r d s w e notlced W. 4 . Bullnrd h a s re turned f rom h is recent t r ip to California, b u t a s ye t w e h a v e n o detai ls of t h e convention.

W a l l e r Heck a n d family drove to Ft . Scott' recently to visi t relatives. W e have o u r suspicions the bIg idea war. to see hou! much speed t h e new Dodge would make.

S e w s received in t h i s ofPice of t h e nrriv:~I of a n e w s o n a t t h e R. E. Breedlove home in Memphis, Tennes- see. W e hereby offer congratulat ions.


ROY E. 3IARIXa. Repor te r - - -

Assistant General F r e l g h t a n d P a s - senger Agent E. G. B a k e r h a s been in Oklahoma t h e p a s t f e w w e c k s In con- nection with solicitation nf World 's F a i r t raff ic .

The annual "trek" of t h e Boy Scouts to their summer encampment a t Osce- oIa, hIissourl, in now on. T h e first contlngenl of 135 le f t here Ju ly 5 th and will be Eone t w o weeks, followed by t w o other-groups. The en tnus iasn l of t'hese youngs te rs for c a m p l ife a t - t es t s to t h e values be ing bui l t u p b y t h a t organization. A good exarn1)le i s Billy F innagan , son of o u r n i g h t s t a - tlon mas te r a t Tulsa and f o r i ~ r ~ st?- tion passenger a g e n t here. Hi118 I S the recipient' of t h e h ighes t houors t h a t organizat lon can of fe r a n d a t this t ime is a t tending the Boy Scout jam- boree in H u n ~ a r v . His manv K a n s a s C i t r fr lends r&oicc w l t h hlm.

Miss S tewar t jus t limped in from a meek-end t r in to t h e Chicaoo F a i r a n d has some wdnderful repor& of i t s a t - tractions. Af te r reaching there, s h e had visions of spending t h e n igh t in Lincoln P a r k , d u e to t h e heavy demand for hotel accommodations. Being re - murcefu l she managed however to do

Page 2: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, August 1933 and hospital bills ... but Blll insists it was from staylng up ... fected elbow for a few days which

Pegc 30

h e r bl t towada b r i n s l n g a cercain la rge hotel o u t of t h e "red".

T h e longest d rought In Oklahoma h a s j u s t ended. The f low of beer across i t s border a f t e r t h e zero hour, Jul 1st. m a y be compared w l t h t h e rusK in to the Cherokee s t r i p In t e a r l y days. The Frisco played a n 11 por tan t p a r t in this rush, over o hundred and flfty c a r s belng hand1 t h r o u g h th i s t e rmina l wi th in a week.

Car loadings a t K a n s a s City co

furnish concerts a t Sulphur. Mr. a n d hlrs. Carl Schmidt h a v e jus t

v e r y enthusiastic account of the won- ders to be seen and also some inter- e s t i n g plctures he snapped whlle s t ro l l ing in t h e grounds. Think there will be several decide to go see A Cen- t u r y of Progress. t h a t were n o t going. t f t e r h e a r i n g Harry 's tales.

Helen Horre l l h a s been fee l ing "un- ler the weather", bu t g lad t o r e p o r t rhe Is looking o k e y a g a i n and s a y s he thinks she will survivr.

T h e unusually hot w e a t h e r w e have l a d la te ly h a s cer ta in ly t a k e n t h e s ta rch" o u t of most of us. I t h a s be-

:ome a toplc of t h e d a y to surmise srhen i t might rain-since there has l o t been a ra ln In th l s f a i r c l ty for t h e ,ast six weeks.

Ruslness p ick lnp u p daily, s t o c k s :oing higher. and everybody in gener -

al in a better frame of mind--that's t h e "SEW DEAL". T h r e e cheers , for that ' corner w e finally go t a r o u n d .

F r a n k H u b e r t h a d a very badly In- fected elbow f o r a f e w d a y s which g a v e h im a l i t t le t rouble un t i l It w a s lanced and n o w It looks l lke h e pu t i t in a "meat chopper".

H o w very g lad this town w a s when our Jlmmie Mattern was found. Be- i n g a F o r t M'orth product we were a l l terr ibly anxious for h i s welfare.

re turned f r o m a vacation a round K a n - s a s City. Mr. Schmldt sa id they 'had a heckuva fine time. Mr. Schmidt 1s r a t e c le rk a t F t . Smi th f r e i ~ h t house.

t inue to exceed those of l a s r ye; whlch indicator Is t h e bes t baromet of buslness condltions In t h i s t e r r l t o ~ A l a r g e contr ibutor is t h e Ford Mot Company, whose sh ipments s o f a r t t y e a r have more t h a n doubled t h e to1 for 1932.

We handled approximate ly 1,0 members of t h e Civillan Conservatiurr Corps f rom K a n s a s Ci ty to the l r en- campment a l o n g o u r l ines d u r i n g t h e pas t month. A l lke number w a s h a n - dled th rough K a n s a s Ci ty e n r o u t e to F t . Leavenwor th a n d work c a m p s in the norrhwest .

We, of the trafYic depar tment , v e r y I ~ I I C ~ nnpreciate t h e close cooperat ion

v i c were s u ~ I J LU rear 11 u r r r t e uoaLrk of 311~s Jess ie Arterburg 's f a t h e r who passed a w a y suddenly d u r i n g ' ~ u l y . W e extend o u r deepest s y m p a t h y to J e s s i e In h e r bereavement.

J e a n Mar ie Moore, d a u g h t e r of Mr. a n d Mrs. W. 0. Moore. Is vaca t ion ing wl th re la t ives In B a r n e t t and JeKer- son Ciry. Mo. J e a n is develoninr; in to

given i s by those In o t h e r - d e p a r t - mentu. T h e r e is a n omlnous sl lence here "roundabouts" f rom t h e chorus of

qu i te a promising COW-girl; hav lng r idden a l l t h e cows on t h e farm.

Congra tu la t ions a r e in order t o J o h n V. Brannon. of t h e auditor 's office. w h o w a s marr ied to Bliss A n n a Belle Marvel, Fr iday , J u l y 14th, in a q u i e t home weddlng, a t tended by relat ives a n d close friends. T h e former Miss X a r v e l w a s for th ree y e a r s a popular a n d ac t ive s t u d e n t a t Texas W?ma?lB5 Colleee. W e ex tend

t h a t anc len t game. No longer d o w e h e a r r h a t chort le of low scores: in- s tead a n occasional o u t b u r s t a b o u t g iv ing up t h e game. I t m u s t be t h a t the hea t h a s c rea ted menta l hazards not conducive to reaching t h e lower e i ~ h t i e s .

SOUTHERN DIVISION 1 Do n o t overlook a n oppor tun i ty f o r

"broadcasting" a b o u t o u r pre-cooled sleeplng c a r to Tulsa on t h e "Okla- ffoman" and t h e lounge-dlner on t h e

Kansas City-Florida Special". I t m a y menn a n addlt lonal t i cke t for t h e

for - tEe i r happiness. Another wedding

Fr i sco Iolka w a s t h a T E R M I N A L S - IVEX, Repor te r - rrk, a n d have

re turned f rom a vlsi t t o Pensacola, Fla. R. H. Lamm, chief jolnt Inspector,

a n d Jlrs . L a m m motored Lo A n ~ o r y , >Iiss., to spend J u l y 4th w i t h relatives.

Ferguson , son of J c who w a s marr led on Miss Helen Dean Dav Frisco. T h i s a l so w a s a n wedding, t h e ceremony be ing uer- formed a t the home of t h e bride's

CENTRAL DIVISION I mother. Too bad F. L Perklns. of o u r of-

flce, had to spend his vacatlon n u r s i n g - -vo l len jaw, b u t h e now repor t s h e ? c t s to be in condition to chal- .e Mr. H. S. Penvy of Brownwood , fr ied chlcken e a t l n g conlewt a n y &. (Mr. Peavy to b r i n g t h e ducks . ) arold, y o u n g son of Mr. and l l r s . ,,. E. Evans. h a s jus t re turned f rom

a r l s i t to Marionville, lfo.. S l ~ r i n g - field, a n d points on t h e W h i t e Rlver. Incidental ly Harold g o t in plenty o f plain a n d 1Aft-handed fishing, a n d re- por t s h e enjoyed visit'ing t h e f a r m and tha t good old a p p e t i z i n ~ food and ex- ercise in t h e open spaces.

XIrs. C. J. Thompson. wife o r chlef clerk, i s e n j o y ~ n g a vlal t w i t h rela- t lves In Biloxl Mlss. S h e wil l also visi t s e n - ~ r l k a n s before r e t u r n i n g home.

Mrs. F r a n k 3 r o c k and baby d a u g h - t e r have re turned to the l r home In h'ew Orla""- 9 C f ~ " * VIPi t XVitl, Mr..


FT. SMITH, ARK, - E A R L E. DODD, R e p o r t e r ..,-..., .,..--. - , .-.- .. --..

f a t h e r , Geo. Mart ln, engine . Mrs. Brock w a s accompanied - h e r sis ter , Miss Lols Martin. 11 spend some t ime in New

rock's foreman home b l who wl Orleans.

J. R. Wllholt, traveling accountant , s p e n t several days w i t h u s checking over joint facilities. Mr. Wllhoit w a s a 1 one t h e t h e head o r t h e divlsion accountant 's oRice a t Fr. Smith.

Bob Brocchus and faml ly spent the i r vacation in Minnesota, flshing. Mr. Brocchus is 8ure tel l ing t h e boys s o m e real fish stories. now. Mr. Brocchua is a n engineer w o r k i n g o u t of F t . Smith.

I n t h e las t issue of thls magaz ine Monett Steam Laundry

Monett, Mo.


T RAFFlC D E P A R T l F O R T WORTH, T w e announced w e were go ing to-oger-

a t c a Grotto Special to Chicago. We did, a n d i t w a s a b lg success. The s ~ e c i a l l e f t F t . Smith a t 10:30 a. m., J u n e 25th, a r r ived in Chlcago ?:00 a. m., 26th. This trnln carr ied over 300


H a r r y G r a n g e r h a s ret". ,,CU .. "... t h e World's F a i r ~t Chicago w l t h passengers. The spe'cial w a s a r r a n g e d

under t h e Grot to supervision. T h e Fr i sco w a s h lgh ly pralsed by m a n y pa t rons f o r t h e splendid service ren- dered. BEAMER HANIJLE CO.



A Good. Progress ive Bank in a

Good Railroad Town XOSETT, MO.

-. . . W e a r e n o w looking forward to t h e

speclal t o be opera ted J u l y 23rd f rom Hope. Ark., to Sulphur. Okla., P l a t t Xatlonal P a r k . t h e round t r ~ p t o r a low r a t e of f r o m $1.00 to 31.50 ae- MAKERS OF TOOL HANDLES

AND FISE BALL BATS cord ing to distance. I t is est imated t h a t about 1,000 people will t a k e ad- v a n t a g e of th i s special. T h e HUE^ band wlll accompany this special a n d




F. f. ESGLEBIAN. Prealdent JOS. 31. O'DOWD, Supt., Sprlnglleld, Blo. 0. I. FITZGERALD. \'Ice-Pres. and Sec'y GUY KRESS. Bupt., Sprlnfleld, Jlo. CHAS. GlldY, Manager, SprlngUeld, 310. J[. S. ESGLEMAE;, Vlce-Pres., Dallaa, Tex.

Ganaral Office: Rallway Exchange Bldg, KANSAS CITY, 310. Branch Offlo08: ST. LOUIS, 310.. SPRINGFIELD, >KO., FT. WORTH, TEX., DALLAS. TEX.

Page 3: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, August 1933 and hospital bills ... but Blll insists it was from staylng up ... fected elbow for a few days which

Atrr~ust, 1933 Page 31

Nlss Lenora Gorman, daughter of superintendent of terminals and Mrs. E:. A. Teed, a r e visi t ing relatives in

snent the week-end a t Lookout Noun- - - 1 To m m w w , WANT TO MAKE I

tain, Chattanooga, Tenn.. recently. Mr. R. F. Oxley, chief clerk to traffic

manager, and Mrs. Oxley report a grand and glorious Four th spent on Warrior River.

Mrs. M. G. Cooper, wlfe of clalm

Ohio. 3Iias Alveula Smlth, stenographer fn

t he local agent 's office, is away on a thirty-day leave of absence. Mlss Smlth wlll visi t relatives in Mississippi and Louisiana whlle away. Miss Dollie Hinkle, of Springfleld, Mo.. is supplying for Miss Smlth.

blru. Jeanne Brown and Mrs. Dorothy Graffeno of New Orleans, a r e the house gues ts dr Clerk R. A. Kiloatrick and

agent, has a s her house guests, her sisters and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Vic- t r r Wiberg and son, of Chicago, Mrs. Clifton Trammell, of Rockmar't, Ga., and Jno. E. Faus t of Xew Orleans.

Mrs. ?dartha Allen, secretary to Claim Agent M. G. Cooper, entertained re- cently f o r her guest, Mrs. Zella Stovall of Lena, Miss.

Dld I enjoy the week-end visl t ing wlth friends in Atlanta, Ga.. recently? Well, I certainly did.

m o r e m o n e y 1 YOU d o d t "get" raises these days-

you e m them! I I 51rs. Kilpatrick.

Mrs. Ray Blankenbaker, wife of piecework checker, has returned from a vlsl t with relatlves in Abbot, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Blanlcenbaker have a s thelr guest Mr. Blankenbaker's mother and sister h o m Amory, Miss.

Mary McGowen, daughter O K Mrs. Nellle DIcGowen, 1s visl t lng Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Armstrong In Tupelo, Miss. She will also vlslt Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gregory in Amory. Miss., before re-

THESE are strenuous times. competition b keen I . . . effxiency must be high. SO longer can you "hit the bod' for s raise

and net it "on vmr nerve." I - -

~ G g e t r i iG ihGdG on your training. -

Do you want to earn more? If you do, we challenge you to mark and mail this coumnl It I


has been -the beginninn of succes for men all - - over the world.

But don't bother if you're a quitter, I t takes I fight and hard work to get ahead these days.

If you're a fighter - i f you're willing to risk a three-cent stamp on yourself -mark and mail I VIOLET GOLDSMITH, Reporter . .

turning home. J. L. Griggs, painter, and Mrs. Ifriggs

a r e the proud parents of a baby boy whlch arrived a t their home about two

this coupon loduyl I C. 5. "Pa" Jones, a g e 87, fa ther O K Mrs. W. P. Johnson. wife of engine foreman dled July 13th a t Amory. Mr. ~ o n k s had made his home with Mrs. Johnson for many years. He was a Confederate Veteran and beloved by all who knew him. We all offer our

weeks ago. Jullus Robbe, machlnlst, and W. A.

Rivers, machlnlst, have returned from a ~ i extended vlsit to Los Angeles, San Francisco and other points on the

BOX 86I8-F. Scranton, Panna. E x ~ k i n lullv .bout your mum In the aubieot marked X:

0 Rosdmlurem h u m o l i v s Fireman 0 Section Work n Air Brnka sympathy to Mrs. Johnson and family.

Miss Velma Lea, daughter of Dls- patcher W. E. Lea, left for a ten days' visit to Chicago and the fair. Miss Evelyn Jones, daughter oC Conductor W. F. Jones. 1s also a t tending the

west coast. J. W. Velt, c a r inspector. is scill con-

fined t o hls home account of illness. C. D. Nelson. ca r Inspector, who suf-

Bridge Loginccrinm b Roundhouse Work 0 Office E m ~ l o u e a I3 Mwhinht snd Tool-ker 0 ~Mechaoical Drawing Bailermeking 0 Chemiatry O Tinarnilh and Pipeltten 0 Loeonlotive EnnheorinmU Car Inrocetora tered a s t roke of paraiysls recently,

is conflned to St. Vlncent Hospital. H. M. kIcLemore, n-elghmaster a t Eas t

- Century of Progress.

C. H. Goldsmith, trainmaster. Mrr. Goldsmith and daughter, Vlolet, spent several days in Henderson Kentucky visi t ing Mr. Goldsmith's parents. N i ~ n Evelyn Rhoarles, niece of Mrs. Gold-

............. Name ................... .. .................. A, .... Occnaolton ....................... Bn~pIwrU by ................. .......

Ad&wa ............................................................................... Etnploycrs or lkla Hwd coil: rcccice a we&Z dZ~wunt

Thomas, and Mrs. McLemore, have re- turned from a visit to Daytona Beach, Fln.

J. E. Rucks, roundhouse foreman, has relurned from a visi t to Chntta- nooaa, Tenn.. Memehis and Pensacola. smith from Owensboro. Kentucky, ac-

companied them back to Amory for a few clays' vlsit.

Mrs. TV. C. Colthorpe, wlfe of con- ductor, and son. Jack, spent severat days in Myrtle. Mlss.. r i s l t ing relatlves.

Mrs. R. T. Hynson, wife of dispatcher, had 3Ilss AIerle Hamm, of Llt t ie Rock. -4rk.. for a visitor during the week of

glad hc is now improving nlcely, and we Fla- .

a r s . F. M. Packard, wlfe of chlef clerk to agent , is visi t lng relatlves in Memphls.

wish for him a soeedv recoverv. Gordon ~ o b e r t s o n -and wife, cashler.

spent July 2-4 in Chlcago, attending the Fair. Mrs. Robertson going from there to Hollywood. Calif., to spend the month of July with her mother and sisters.

3Iiss Lucille Linville, daughter of nlght chief clerk, visited friends In Houston, Texas, the flrst week of July.

311-s. H. H. Smith, wife of our boss. en- joyed several dnys in Chicago thc flrst part of July. attendlna the World's Fair. N. R. Walker, clerk, enjoyed July 6-8

In Hardy. Ark.. vlsitlng hls son. Paul Humphrey, son of switch order

clerk, left July 7 for Forrest City, Ark.. to spend the remainder of the summer with his ~randparents.

J. T. Carrigan, bill clerk, took off July 15, B. C. Scruggs taking care of his work.


LAUNA M. CHEW, Reporter July ' 4th.


Mrs. P a t Kendall. wlfe of brakeman, has returned from a tr lp of several weeks in Chicaao. where she visited Dan M c D ~ n o ~ g h , son of D. F. Mc-

Donough executive general ngent. wllo resides ih Dallas, Texas. visited with his parents and frlends recently.

W. W. Wade, ra te clerk, spent a re- cent week-end with relatives in Hack- elburg, Ala.

Sam McDonough, son or D. F. Mc- Donough, executive general agent. is receiving congratulations on his grad- u,ltion in law, a t the University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Mrs. H. H. Thomas, wlfe of local arcent. Townley. Ala.. was a recent

friends and relatives. Mrs. T. N. Trotter, wife of conductor,

and daughters, Mary and Lieuneil, wI11 spend several weeks visi t ing relatives in Texas.

Mrs. R. J. Sullivan. wlfe o t boiler inspector, spent several days In Spring- field. Missouri. visiting her mother.

\\'e were all very sorry to learn of the death of 3Ir. A. Parsons, road- manter on the Pensacola division. We offer ou r sincere sympathy to the fam- ily.




vcsitoi to Birmingham. Bonnie Chew, son of the ivrlter, re-

cently visited in Chattanooga, Tenn.. with LOCAL F R E I G H T OFFICE MEMPHIS , TENN.

friends. Sam McDonough son of Executive

General Agent D.' P. JfcDonough, is recelvinn coneratulatlons on having VfROlKIA GRIFFIN, Reporter i'on t h e ~ e n s s Championship, Birmx Irtgham Country Club. If this keeps

- Cllad to report 311.s. George Barbee. ais-

ter of Mrs. Lelia Lenihan, stenographer, has improved some. She was quite ill the latter part of June.

W. W. Humphrey, switch order clerk, nnd son. Paul, spent June 16-21 in Chi- cago, attendlng the World's Fair. which they enjoyed very much.

B. C. Johnson and F. L AIken spent the week-end of June 17 a t Reel Foot Lake. flshing. and brought back .85 and a lot of ~ o o d Ash stories.

A. 'IV. Holmes, chief clain~ clerk, took off on June 26. to be with hls father. who

Brldne work on the Pensacola Sub dur ing- the month of June set some- what of a record, we belleve. This work was done under toreman W. -4.

u1~1 Sam will soon havc to rent storage s i ace to keep his trophies.

Members and friends of the Women's Traff ic Club a re looking forward to the swimming par ty and picnic, July 22nd, a t Roebuck Country Club. which takes the nlace of their regular monthly

Digman wlth a fourteen-man gang. They covered ballast deck bridges R- 813.5. K-815.2 and R-976.4, a total of flftv-one ~ a n e l s . These b r l d ~ e s were rebuilt in-twenty-one and a half days.

News came to the office. July 6 t h , tha t Roadmaster A. Parsons died a t

meoting. -

C. E. Bowen H. J. Brown and Mr. 11'. Wade, of the 'traffic manager 's oflice, the Frisco hospital in St. Louis, due to

paralysis. While his going means a big loss to the railroad, i t is a much b l ~ s e r loss to the familv. and the enl-

We Fill Your Hospital Prescri~tlonl


S. W. Cor. Main & Wall Phone 1 7 0 FT. SCOTT. KAh'S.

wan hcre for the day. D. E. Creeclen, dispositlon clerk. was

called for jury service, June 27 and 28,

ploses on the s o u t h e r n division ex- tcnii to the family deepest sympathy.

Joe McCartnev has taken the lob a s and then released.

G. R. Humphrey, Jr.. young son of station accountant. had an emergency operation for appendicitis the night of June 26, and had to rcmaln In the hos- pital over two weeks. For rrvrral days he wasn't expected to live. \Vc are all

water service repairman in t h e Yale Terminal, account G, A. Campbell re- t u rn fng to h!s home In Springfleld.

Whlle t ry lng to avoid hit t ing a wagon which pulled ou t In front of her car. Miss Thelma Drashman struck a tree, causing Nlss Drashman to re-

Page 4: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, August 1933 and hospital bills ... but Blll insists it was from staylng up ... fected elbow for a few days which

C E ; , ' ~ a number of bruises and damage to her new Chevrolet, somewhat. We are very glad Miss Drashman escaped without serious Injury.

Division Engineer Koontr a n d daughter. Ruth Anne. spent J u l y 4th in Springfleld and witnessed the ball game between Springfield and Joplin. George Wllson Koontz played on the Joplin team.

Bridge Inspector R. L. Redding visited a few days the week of J u n e 26th wlth relatives in Tulsa.

Mrs. J. E. Shipman has been visltlnp: In West Plains. Mrs. R. E. Gaines and daughter have been visi t ing in Hardy and Memphis the past two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peck and daugh- ter have been vacarioning the past two weeks. While nway thev spent several days a t the World's ~ & i r and report the tr ig very interesting.

" H ERCU LES " -Red Strand- WIRE ROPE *

Made O n l y by A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co.

Tough Sbong Safe

Durable -

Branshes NEW YOUR



I I ONCAN I I i CopperMolybdcnum Iron



Miner on Frlsco. Southern and I. C. Railroads Comer Building


Conductor George Barbee and.daugh- Storekeeper C. E. Wheatley spent ter, Miss Faye, werc also vlsltors at Ju ly 16th. visl t lng home folks in the World's Fa i r the la t te r a a r t of S~r ingf ie id . June and they report having- had .a grand time whlle in Chicago.

Mr. Frazler and family spent par t of their vacation on the Current River Branch, making the t r ip in thelr c l r . From the expression on Mr. Frnzier'5

- - W e heartl ly welcome the n e w mem-

ber to the Frisco fnmily. John Eugene Breedlove arrived to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. "Bob" Breedlove on June 25th. which accounts for the big smile on Nr. Breedlove's face recently.

face on h f s return to the 0ff ic2 . one ~ u c h good has been accomplished need not a sk if he had a good time. by the operation of the Oil Spray ca r

Tommy Scruggs and family drove to over the north end of the line anc? we Chattanooga for a few days and thc are su re iust a s much good w111 be res t of his vacation. Tommy tells us. galned by- the operation- of thls car he spent golfing and fishing. over the south end.



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Page 5: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, August 1933 and hospital bills ... but Blll insists it was from staylng up ... fected elbow for a few days which

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