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  • The Foundational Principles of Morality

  • When you carry out acts of kindness , you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside your body responds and says , yes, this is how I ought to feel. - Harold Kushener

  • Even on your worst day on the job, you are still some children best hope.

    A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stop."

  • For you be able to cope with expectations you should be anchored on a bedrock foundation of moral and ethical principles.

  • What is morality? - it refers to the quality of human acts by which we call them right or wrong, good or evil.

  • It is contrary to mans nature when man and woman do as the dogs do. To do so is to go down to the level of the best.

  • Meaning of foundational moral principle

  • What is meant by foundational moral principle?

    The word principle comes from the Latin word princeps which means a beginning, a source.

    A principle is that on which something is based, founded, originated, initiated.

  • A foundational moral principle is, the universal norm upon which all other principles on the rightness or wrongness of an action are based. It is the source of morality.

  • The foundational moral principle is contained in the natural law.

  • What is the natural law?

    It is the law written in the hearts of men. It says do good and avoid evil.

  • (Romans 2:15) For theist, it is mans share in the eternal law of God.St. Thomas defines it as the light of natural reason, whereby we discern what is good and what is evil. . . an imprint on us of the divine light..It is the law that says do good and avoid evil, THIS IS THE FOUNDATIONAL MORAL PRICIPLE.

  • Panizo says: writing, customs, and monuments of past and present generations point out this conclusion: that all peoples on earth, no matter how savage and illiterate , have recognized a supreme law of divine origin commanding good and forbidding evil.

  • All men have a mind which cannot bear (to see the suffering of) others..If now men suddenly see a child about fall into the well, the will without exception experience a feeling of alarm and distress. -Mencius

  • Do not do others what you do not like others do to you. -Kung-fu-tsu

    Do to others what you like others do to you. -golden rule of Christianity

    Act in such a way that your maxim can be the maxim for all -Immanuel Kant

  • Two Great Commandments

    Love God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength and Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

  • Buddhists Eightfold PathStrive to know the truth resolve to resist evil say nothing to hurt others respect life, morality and property engage in a job that does not injure othersStrive to free their mind of evilControl their feelings and thoughts and Practice proper forms of concentration

  • Buddha taught that hatred does not cease hatred; hatred ceases only by love.

    The Islamic Koran forbids lying, stealing, adultery, and murder. It also teaches honors for parents, kindness to slaves, protection for the orphaned and the widowed, and charity to the poor. It teaches the virtues of faith in God, patients, kindness, honesty, industry, honor, courage, and generosity. It condemns mistrust, impatience and cruelty.

  • The Five Pillars of Islam

    PrayerSelf-purification by fastingFastingAlmsgivingPilgrimage to Mecca for those who can afford.

  • Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possesses dignity and reputation with high moral values as well s technical and professional competence. In practice of their profession, they strictly adhere to, observe and practice this set of ethical and moral principles, standard and values.

  • Good Moral Characters

    being fully human you have realize substantially your potential as a human personbeing a loving person you are caring in an unselfish and mature manner with yourself, other people and God.being a virtuous person you have acquired good habits and attitudes and you practice them consistently in your daily life, and being a morally mature person you have reach a level of development emotionally, socially, mentally, spiritually appropriate to your developmental stage.

  • You are on the road to moral development when you strive to develop your potential, you love and care for yourself and make this love flow to others, you lead a virtuous life, and as you advance in age you also advance in your emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual life.

