Download - The Fathers of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)




WHAT IS NLP?Neuro Linguistic Programming-(NLP) is an explicit and powerful model of human experience and communication. Using the principles of NLP it is possible to describe any human activity in a detailed way that allows you to make many deep and lastingchanges quickly and easily.

FATHERS OF NLPJohn Grinder & Richard Bandler

A BRIEF HISTORYJohn Grinder & Richard BandlerNLP was developed in the early 1970's by RichardBandler, Ph.D., an information scientist, and JohnGrinder, Ph.D., a linguist. Bandler and Grinder wereinterested in how people influence one another, andin the possibility of being able to duplicate thebehavior, and therefore effectiveness of highlyinfluential people.

NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMINGNeuro- refers to neurology, our nervous system - the mental pathways our five senses take which allow us to see, hear, feel, taste and smell. Linguistic- refers to our language ability; how we put together words and phrases to express ourselves, as well as how our "silent language" of movement and gestures reveals our states, thinking styles and more. Programming- taken from computer science, refers to the idea that our thoughts, feelings and actions are like computer software programs.

NLP GUIDING PRINCIPLESNLP doesn't claim that these guiding principles/presuppositions arenecessarily true, but they turn out extremely powerful,

Experience has structure Our thoughts and memories have a pattern to them. When we change that pattern or structure, our experience will automatically change. We can neutralize unpleasant memories and enrich memories that will serve us.

The mind and body are parts of the same system Our thoughts instantly affect our muscle tension, breathing, feelings, and more, and these in turn affect our thoughts. When we learn to change either one, we have learned to change the other.

The map is not the territory

Our mental maps of the world are not the world. We respond to our maps, rather than directly to the world. Mental maps, especially feelings and interpretations, can be updated more easily than the world can be changed.

We can learn an achiever's mental map and make it our own. If one person can do something, anyone can learn to do it


NLP training, coaching and therapy are effective for a wide range of goals and issues in three major categories. Physical HealthRelationshipCareerSelfSpiritual

MotivationAuthentic AgreementsCreativity & InspirationSpiritual ConnectionInner CooperationMind-body communicationState managementConflict ResolutionCommunication SkillsProblem ResolutionCreative SolutionsGoal Achievements

How can NLP help your business? NLP is a process of discovering and studying the patterns of mind, language, and strategies or programs used by successful people.

One important aspects of NLP training is to model successful people in all walks of life. This system of modeling excellence is based onlanguage and behavior developing from our world experience and perceptions.

In business everyone wants results and nothingelse. Business leaders aims for profitable sales,marketing that works, loyal repeat customers,continuously improving designs and teams ofpeople that make all your plans successfullyhappen for them.

NLP for Success

NLP is the leading edge technology of EXCELLENCE. You may have heard that NLP is particularly powerful in the areas of communication, influence and change. You may be aware of some of the ASTONISHING RESULTS that NLP can deliver. Now is your opportunity to EXPERIENCE IT FIRST-HAND, and begin to harness its power for yourself.

If you are someone who would like to experience a career breakthrough in life, discover your true passion and purpose while creating and building true wealth, Id love to invite you to join me in this remarkable journey of personal breakthrough and transformation

JOIN US TODAY!FOR FREE NLP FAST TRACK FOR SUCCESS WORKSHOP You can find me at ACME ACHIEVERS261 Waterloo Street #04-37 Waterloo Centre180261SingaporeCall us at +65 9822 [email protected]
