Download - The Expedition Package...take a walk on the wild side

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Page 2: The Expedition Package...take a walk on the wild side


Page 3: The Expedition Package...take a walk on the wild side

So you have an amazing vacancy that you can’t wait to fill? Well now it is time to show off and we are the experts at showing off! (If we do say so ourselves) We want to share our creativity, speed and initiative that we pride Discover Retail on, we want to make sure that your vacancy is seen as a beacon of glory and attracts the cream of the crop.

So what can we do? We can offer expert advert writing that creates results! We exceed the average number of applicants per advert and the quality of candidates is unbeatable.

We place your advert on a high amount of job boards and over 25 aggregator sites plus social network sites so we can guarantee that if a person has a gadget and an internet connection they will see your vacancy!

You want more?Don’t worry, we can most certainly help you along your way, we are more flexible than an Olympian gymnast. We can add any extras you may need; we can go through the interview process from phone interview to managing the candidate’s right up until the day they start.

We all enjoy an option that makes life a little easier! If you want something different, call us up and have a chat and we will make it happen. Call us the recruitment guru if you like, we can make your wishes come true (within reason may we add)!

What will happen?• Expert advert writing to the highest standards

so your vacancy is the most desirable out there!• Up to 4 weeks of marketing exposure

and online advertising campaign.• Access to 6+ leading job boards

and up to 25 aggregator sites.• Advertisement on all the leading social network

sites to help attract passive candidates.• Online advertisement on our company

website which attracts a high flow of traffic.• Complete flexibility and a unique

approach to each vacancy.• We will personally screen candidates

that are relevant to save you time.• We can add services such as an interview

screening process or candidate management.

What is in it for me?• We save you time and effort that you

can then focus on your business.• You own all the candidates we put forward.• You can employ as many candidates as you

wish from the advert for no extra cost. • You can build your own database for any

future vacancies at no extra cost.• One small fixed price so you know

exactly what you are spending.• We can offer advice whenever

you need a helping hand.• We offer a personal, down to earth

and relatable relationship with you!

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Page 5: The Expedition Package...take a walk on the wild side

Forget about stress balls and punch bags, we have the ultimate stress release! You won’t even believe this is possible but we are just so passionate about a dedicated and complete service that we felt this is the next step for absolute simplicity!

Do you spend a lot of time managing your PSL? Do you find yourself consistently managing numerous amounts of agencies? Well hold your horses! How about one point of contact from now on? Allow us to screen the candidates so that only the ultimate best approaches you; allow us to answer all the questions for them; allow us to study your business and pass on our knowledge. Therefore leaving you plenty of time to focus on your own recruitment or on your business or maybe just some time to yourself, put your feet up, relax!

This approach means that there is one contact, one style of CV and one phone call when you want to tell everyone something important. It’s like an in house recruitment department without the extra rent, without the extra wage! We won’t even charge you a fee (aren’t we nice?).

A lot less stress with no additional cost. Splendid!

Basically...• One point of contact for everything.

• One style of CV edited to suit you, with all the essential information.

• All agencies managed and coached with our expert knowledge of your company.

• Working with a company that will be the ‘face’ of your brand – we will have worked in your stores!

• No extra fee.

• One monthly invoice.

• Using one agency but getting the results of a full PSL.

What do you achieve?• A lot of free time to focus on your business.

• A simplified process.

• A lot of help without any extra cost.

• You will only receive the highest quality candidates matched to your skill and cultural brief.

• You will never have to repeat yourself, let us repeat for you!

• We offer a personal, down to earth and relatable relationship with you!

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Give me the facts!• A thorough search of all possible candidates.

• A thorough interview competency + cultural screen process to find the best candidates.

• Candidate briefing from store visits to any preparations for interview.

• A close relationship to ensure the highest of communication between candidate and client.

• Candidate management up until the day they start.

• You only have to pay when we fill your vacancy!

Brilliant, but why us?• There is no risk; you only pay when

we find your perfect candidate.

• We have been interviewing and attracting talent for the retail market for over 9 years!

• You can save on time, effort and stress as we handle the whole process.

• A close and professional relationship with candidates to ensure ultimate communications.

• Guaranteed results, it is in our best interest to fill every vacancy!

• We are boutique; our approach is flexible and adaptable to every situation.

• We offer a personal, down to earth and relatable relationship with you!

The tiger, this is our specialty, this is us pulling the rabbit out of the hat, the cherry on top. It’s slick, it’s strong and it is a beautiful package.

This is a no risk package with a lot of content, we will use every possible avenue we have access to and we will use them to our fullest extent to make sure we find your ideal candidate. We will advertise, CV search, headhunt and network to make sure every stone is over turned. We also become your number one fan and we will visit your stores and get right under the skin to help us understand what you are about, we will even work a shift if you give us the chance!

But the fun doesn’t stop there; we then take each and every candidate through a very thorough screening process because if we are quite honest, we don’t want to embarrass ourselves with anyone that’s not the best thing since sliced bread. We have a reputation to keep!

We will take the candidate through the interview process, brief them on store visits and keep a close relationship until the very last stage to make sure we know exactly what is happening at all times.

So they get the job? Fantastic, but we still don’t want to stop, we want the whole process to be very smooth so we will stick with our successful candidate until the day they start, answering all the questions they may have so that no one is left confused. This can be the most difficult stage so we are here to make it run elegantly!

Wow, just thinking about it gets us pumped! This is what we do best and we feel no better thrill than getting the right candidate for you. We even do a little dance around the office but keep that between me and you.

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You want candidates, you want them fast, you want them in the boatloads, you want some choice. Bring on the Cheetah!

Using over 6 job boards and our own unique database we have access to over 11 million candidates, with up to 250,000 exclusive candidates on our own database. We will dedicate our time to make sure we have searched every angle and found the best candidates for you. We won’t just do it once, we will do it every day for up to 4 weeks to make sure we do not miss any new additions. No one will escape our grasp! True to the Cheetah... you tell us what you want and we go out and hunt!

This is absolutely ideal for urgent or confidential vacancies and best of all we do the boring part for you. CV searching can be a long and exhausting process but we don’t mind, call us odd but we kind of enjoy it! You then take the interview process in any direction you want, you have complete control.

You want more?Absolutely no worries, we here at Discover Retail absolutely pride ourselves on our open and flexible work ethic. If you need extra then just let us know, if you need us just for a day then let us know, we want this to work for you! If you change your mind and you would like us to do the whole interview process then just like magic, we can make it happen.

What will happen?• Access to over 11 million candidates.

• 250,000+ candidates on our unique exclusive database that only we can access!

• Fast and precise candidates entering your e-mail in impressive amounts!

• Daily updates straight to your E-mail so you never miss a CV.

• Complete flexibility on what criteria you desire!

• A one off flat fee.

What’s in it for me?• You can keep all the CV’s for future vacancies.

• You have complete control over the interview process

• A very fast service with your first CV’s within 1 hour.

• Constant advice for whenever you need it!

• We offer a personal, down to earth and relatable relationship with you!

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Hold the press! Stop what you are doing! This is an emergency! No really! Stop!

So you have a Senior Executive vacancy that needs to be filled ASAP? No worries we can completely understand, if you choose our ‘Golden Eagle’ we can focus our whole attention completely on this vacancy and we will not stop until it is done! We won’t rest until you are satisfied! We even have the coffee on standby!

We will use our expert knowledge in our Executive Headhunting, Mapping, Professional Networking and our experiences in referrals. The vacancy will be handed to our Senior Executive Headhunter with over 20 years headhunting experience.

We will give you 100% dedication because we understand that this type of vacancy isn’t filled easily, or you wouldn’t require our specialist skills!

We will break down the whole process which will include detailed search and selection, face to face interview, competency and skill based interview, cultural and behavioural interview, a psychometric test and complete candidate management before placing a complete satisfactory shortlist for your selection. This is recruitment at its most passionate.

Facts please!• 100% Dedication from our Senior Executive

Headhunter with 20 years experience.

• None stop attention until filled.

• Complete interview process including a complete psychometric test.

• Candidate management to the highest standard.

• A complete shortlist of candidates.

• A dedicated response!

And what is in it for you?• A dedicated Headhunter working

your vacancy 100% until the right candidate has been hunted down!

• There is no risk, if you aren’t happy then neither are we.

• A completely unmatchable standard of work.

• You don’t pay the full amount until the final stage.

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Page 13: The Expedition Package...take a walk on the wild side

Full store recruitment, need I say more? It kind of explains its self and if that doesn’t grab your attention then what will? Don’t make us get out the maracas!

This is absolutely ideal for a growing company with new stores popping up everywhere, having so many new stores is fantastic but it can be stressful work and that is where we come in. We will take the whole responsibility and fill it like some kind of recruitment fairy. This is a flexible package and we can fit the package around your needs, no matter how many staff you need to fill your store. We can recruit from Store Managers to Sales Staff. All staff included for one fixed price, and we guarantee to fill it!

We will complete interviews for every member of staff, assessment days, psychometric tests, branded or unbranded advertisement, CV searching and expert headhunting! The great thing about us recruiting it all together ensures that personalities match, that everyone is on the same page and that the team is going to get along from day one.

We will supply access to a personal database which you can access 24/7 so that you can follow our progress through every stage. We will also offer you a very personal relationship so that we are only a call away if you ever need us.

Full store recruitment: The facts!• Full store recruitment in all sizes,

all for one fixed price.

• Assessment days, CV Searching, Headhunting, Branded or Unbranded advertisements.

• A full recruited team with guaranteed chemistry.

• Absolutely hassle free with a personal in-house team.

• 100% dedicated team with a complete dedicated recruitment team.

• Regular meetings to ensure 100% commitment.

• A dedicated database of support candidates for free!

How does this help me?• Stress taken out of recruitment so you

can focus on making the store perfect!

• A team with great chemistry to make the initial few weeks a breeze.

• We are very flexible to work around you!

• One simple fixed price – no hidden extra charges!

• We offer a personal, down to earth and relatable relationship with you!

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The Expedition

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So you’ve already pictured that person you want in your business, you have searched the job boards, released the adverts and you are now hoping that everyone you could ever possibly want to hire uses Linkedin? Unfortunately, that is not the case! Stats show that only 15% of employees have a LinkedIn account and it is estimated that over 40% are inactive.

So, do you take the risk and approach who you can on LinkedIn? Or do you pay a ‘search’ agency a fee to do pretty much the same…

Discover Retail offer the low cost alternative. Mapping looks outside the realms of social media and reveals who is invisible within the market, and ultimately perfect for your business.

We will find you that hidden gem as we target the untapped and exclusive market. We do not use a database, our team actively targets the current market, to deliver hot off the press results.

The very best candidates rarely pursue their next role. Managers are usually well networked and exist within the walls of your competition. They will decide when the time is right for them to move!

But what if you have the role they always wanted?

Who are they and how can you get them?

This is where we step in...

Mapping: The Facts!• We explore your needs to identify a

targeted brief.

• We conduct competitor investigations and map and identify targets within an agreed timescale.

• We will produce a list of potential candidates in agreed brands with their job title, name and contact number.

• We provide this service across Retail Store Operations and Head Office.

• We will tailor an individual package to suit your needs.

How does this help me?• It saves you time and money.

• You can be pro-active in your approach and engage with individuals instantly.

• It is a great snapshot of competitor and market activity.

• Engaging in a mapping exercise gives you the reassurance of knowing you will be provided with the latest candidate information and an overview of the current talent pool.

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The Expedition

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Mapping: The Facts!

• One set fee agreed per job title, so you can control your costs.

• No salary driven fluctuation on fee.

• Great costs solution to volume recruitment!

• Candidate management to the highest standard.

• A thorough interview competency + cultural screen process to find the best candidates.

• Candidate briefing and full support with preparation for interview.

• Candidate management through counter offer, until the day the successful candidate starts!

What’s in it for me?

• You are able to strategically plan ahead on recruitment costs.

• Fee’s will not fluctuate.

• Excellent cost effective answer to volume recruitment.

• Working with a retail specialist that will give your vacancies 100% effort - our service does NOT waiver on a fixed cost.

With the fixed fee package you are in complete control. Your costs are rooted in the ground from the outset un-wavering and solid like the oak tree!

We will write and optimise your advert (or adverts) based on your specific requirements or candidate specifications to ensure maximum match.

Once approved your vacancy is advertised across leading job boards, aggregates and social media sites for a 28 day period. We will deliver back filtered or unfiltered responses relevant to the requirements in the original brief, its up to you.

We provide you with daily account management, again to your specified brief to monitor and support and advise with candidate response.

As this is the Fixed Fee package you know the charge from the beginning and this will not change. Having received suitable applicants over the 28 day period you can interview and hire as many as you require and with no additional charge.