Download - The English Reformation. King Henry VIII Lived 1491-1547 Reigned 1509-1547.


The English Reformation King Henry VIII Lived Reigned Henry is married to Catherine of Aragon but... Catherine has a lady- in-waiting named Anne Boleyn. The Pope says... Henry Does What Any Proud, Arrogant Desperate Man Would Have Done... So Is Born The Anglican Church. Anne has a daughter named Elizabeth (yes, that Elizabeth) but no sons. Henry Meets Jane Seymour. This Does Not Well For Anne. Queen Elizabeth I Lived Reigned Elizabeth Refuses To Marry The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada She Is Anglican But Tolerates Private Catholicism. She Supports Shakespeare. Really. King James I Lived Reigned He Is Scholarly And Moderately Protestant. But He Rules As An ABSOLUTE MONARCH. His reign is peaceful & prosperous but scandal plagued. Rex fuit Elizabeth, nunc est regina Jacobus. Robert Carr, Duke of SomersetGeorge Villiers, Duke of Buckingham King Charles I Lived Reigned Charles Attempts To Rule As An Absolute Monarch. This will not end well.