Download - THE ENDLESS PATH · love can accomplish, ... help injured and old dogs improve their quality of life and renew their ... will inspire people.


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A u t h o r : L a u r i e P l e s s a l a D u p e r i e r C a t e g o r y : P e t s : G e n e r a l I S B N - 1 0 : 0 9 9 1 5 0 6 8 6 3 I S B N - 1 3 : 9 7 8 - 0 9 9 1 5 0 6 8 6 6


Author Bio Laurie fell in love with animals at the age of seven, when she brought home a puppy from the house next door and persuaded her parents to adopt her. She did not have another dog for 25 years until her husband gave her a handsome chocolate Labrador retriever named Ganimedes, “Gunny” for short, as her wedding present. After meeting Gunny - her soul mate and her great love - nothing was ever the same again.

Life with Gunny turned her idea of what animals were and were not capable of right on its head. He taught her about the astounding things that love can accomplish, and ultimately, led her back to who she was truly meant to be.

After graduating from Georgetown University Law School and earning her Masters in Foreign Service, Laurie practiced law internationally for almost twenty years while living all over the world.

In 2008, with Gunny's encouragement, she left the corporate legal world and opened a dog water therapy pool to help injured and old dogs improve their quality of life and renew their spirit. Because of Gunny’s Rainbow, Laurie has helped hundreds of dogs over the years, and continues to operate the pool as well as write.

Laurie Plessala Duperier

The Endless Path chronicles the extraordinary journey of two soul mates who overcame almost insurmountable odds to find each other and to stay together as long as they possibly could. And then one of them died. It is the story of Gunny and Laurie. Gunny was a chocolate Labrador retriever and Laurie is a person, but those are just the forms that their souls took this time around. You’ve never read a memoir quite like this one because Gunny was not only a dog, but also the co-author. He was able to write his part with the help of his gifted animal communicator, Alexandra, who could hear him quite clearly. The book traces their life together from when he and Laurie met, until his death at almost fifteen years old, and beyond. The Endless Path follows Gunny’s struggle to survive rare and near fatal illnesses, as well as their amazing adventures living all around the world. Gunny’s commitment to life —and his reflections on life, love, relationships, and what it all means are astonishing. Gunny tells us the story of his life, his past lives, and incredibly, about the soul pact that he and Laurie had made long ago.

Book Bio

A u t h o r : L a u r i e P l e s s a l a D u p e r i e r C a t e g o r y : P e t s : G e n e r a l I S B N - 1 0 : 0 9 9 1 5 0 6 8 6 3 I S B N - 1 3 : 9 7 8 - 0 9 9 1 5 0 6 8 6 6


“A novel approach to an autobiography with an incredibly moving result.” — Jane Bupp "It's an incredible story that can't be missed. If you are a dog lover you have got to buy this book as it will bring new meaning to your relationships (past and present) with your dog(s). — Scharla Estep “It’s been a long time since I read a book that touched me the way this one did. It opened up a whole new, beautiful world to me and completely changed the way I interact with my animal friends. — Beth, Amazon Customer

“It is not often that we are given the opportunity to participate in a magical and uplifting journey that exposes the soul of inter-being interactions. Reading "The Endless Path" out loud in the evenings took our family on such a trip. We were transported and transfixed by Laurie's and Gunny's story and joined "Gunny's Army" as we walked along with them on this always inspiring, often harrowing but never disheartening journey.” — Mila Luna, Pamela and Irv “I am tempted to begin, “If you have ever loved a dog…”, but the fact is you will be deeply touched by Laurie and Gunny’s story if you have ever loved anyone with all your heart. This intelligent and well-written memoir recounts the challenges of sharing life with a dog who is not completely a dog, from the day Gunny arrives as a wedding present from her husband Juan Carlos, through his improbably long life.” — Mark, Amazon Customer


• dog owners

• animal lovers

• veterinarians

• dog & pet bloggers

• reiki practitioners

• those interested in soulmates, NDE, afterlife

• anyone who appreciates a beautiful love story

Target Audience

BOOK BENEFITS • better understanding of and respect for animals

• help dealing with grief and loss of a loved pet

• awareness of survival of the soul

• role model for a more authentic life

• seeing the possibilities of what animals experience

• understanding of the love our pets have for us

Book Excerpts “I hope this [book] will inspire people. I like to think that this could be a start of the human race understanding the animal kingdom. I hope people will read this to their dogs and cats and horses so they know they have a voice. They can actually be heard. They can communicate their thoughts and feelings. We are all of us alive and are all connected to the same consciousness. Life is life, souls are souls.” — Ganimedes Ganimedes, or “Gunny” for short, was a chocolate Labrador retriever who, as you will come to see, had hopes and dreams for his life, and had a lot to say. Before he was able to communicate in complete sentences, Gunny was talking all the time. I didn’t hear him in terms of an audible voice, other than his barking to demand service. But if you have ever lived with a dog, you know that he or she is communicating with you constantly. The only question is whether or not you understand. As I have now learned, every animal, just like every person, is unique and has his or her own voice. My voice is different from yours, of course. The mere fact that we are the same species doesn’t mean that we think the same, feel the same, or talk the same. Why would it be different for non-human animals? The fact that I can even raise the question represents quite an evolution on my part. I spent two decades as a corporate lawyer, dealing in a very structured world of irrefutable facts. But on some level, I have always believed that animals can communicate. After all, the first book that I fell in love with when I was nine years old was Charlotte’s Web. However, until Gunny, I don’t think that I really ever considered that animals could have articulate and profound observations to share if the right person was listening. Or, shall we say, was able to hear. In Gunny’s case, Alexandra, my long-time friend who also happens to be clairvoyant, was that right person.

How did Gunny come into your life? 1

What was Gunny’s personality like? 2

What was Gunny’s first near-death experience and how did you cope with it?


Why did you engage the assistance of an animal communicator?


How did you react to your first communications with Gunny?


What do dog owners mean by the term “heart dog”?


What did you learn from your relationship with Gunny?


Do you have any advice for people who are trying to cope with the loss or serious illness of their pet?


How did Gunny change you? 9

It must have been exhausting and disheartening to have your beloved pet suffer so much illness. How did you manage to keep your career going at the same time?












Do you think you will see Gunny again? What do you mean when you talk about your dog being your soulmate? Why did you feel you had to write this memoir? What do you miss most about Gunny?

What lessons did you learn from Gunny? From other dogs you’ve worked with?

Tell us how you made the transition from corporate lawyer to canine hydrotherapist.

Do you believe in reincarnation?

What was it like writing this book? What did you learn from the process?

Will you write another book?

Do you have advice for someone considering a career working with animals?

Interview Questions

1. Endless love: What is it like to plumb the depths of our capacity to love and care for another, under the most difficult circumstances? 2. Letting go: How can one navigate a loss that threatens to leave us so bereft we can barely function? How did one person get to the other side of that pain? Is it your experience that people are more devastated when their dog dies than when a human (parent, sibling) dies? Why is that? 3. Animal communication: Wonder what our pets are thinking, feeling and wishing they could tell us? What is the role of the animal communicator and how do they work? 4. Reincarnation: That conviction that you’ve known that other soul from another lifetime – and your reaction to finding out the truth. One person’s revelation that changed her life. 5. Journey: An exploration of the themes of journey: the unbelievable chain of illnesses Gunny suffered and then later recovered from; the two souls who found each other again after lifetimes; the theme of the Camino de Santiago as an integral part of this family’s life 6. Seeing animals in a new way: Laurie’s relationship with Gunny transformed her understanding of the animal kingdom. Serious researchers are working on the topic of how our pets perceive us, and the world, and how we relate. 7. Helping elderly or ill dogs with water therapy: A look at water therapy through the eyes of a professional – how it helps the animals and their owners.


Email: [email protected] Phone: (202) 460-5377 Website: Facebook: Pool:

Connect with Laurie Duperier

Love. Seeking it. Finding it. Holding onto it.

And sometimes losing it. Isn’t that what so much of life is really about?