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The Emerson Legacy 1.3

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It was someone's birthday at the middle Emerson's house. Little Scarlett Emerson was ready to grow up and rid herself of pull-ups forever.

"Ready to be a big girl sweetie?" Grace asked her daughter as the guests, who consisted of Natalie and Margaret sang Happy Birthday. The latter two husbands had chosen to stay home in order to watch their own children.

"Scarlett gonna become big girl!" the child said excitedly.

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Scarlett ended up growing beautifully. It was clear that she would one day be the spitting image of her mother.

We will see more of Scarlett later, but now back to the main family. I just wanted a little interlude since it was little Scarlett's time to grow up.

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Natalie found that motherhood was such a joy. Even though Tara cried incessantly, her laughter made up for all those late nights that the parents spent feeding her, changing her, or just giving her love and affection.

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Natalie had just finished putting Tara down for a nap. She came into the living room where Trevor was sitting and sat down upon his lap.

"Well, hello there," she said playfully, nuzzling his neck. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Why yes, fair maiden. I have been waiting for someone like you to come into my life," Trevor teased as one hand rested on her waist and the other on her knee.

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The two headed into the bedroom where Natalie quickly took advantage of her husband. Well, at least he was willing. Otherwise, this might have been slightly awkward.

"You know, Tara will need a brother or a sister to play with," Natalie said in an alluring tone of voice.

"Mmm, yes she will. We should do something about that."

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As much as Natalie didn't like it, Phil was part of Tara's life whether she wanted him to be or not.

"I'm just saying that you could at least come see your daughter? What the hell am I supposed to tell her when she gets older?"


"Look, just give her a few minutes of your time. Hold her, something!"


"Fine...I'll see you in a few minutes."

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Despite the fact that he was a cheating snake, the first thing Phil did when he arrived at Natalie and Trevor's house was go straight to the nursery to peer in at his daughter.

"'re Tara aren't you? I see you have my eyes. Gonna be a chip off the old block aren't you?"

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Phil was unaware that someone else had just walked into the room and was watching him.

"'re the father aren't you?" Trevor spoke in a cold tone of voice. "Nice to see you actually paying attention to your own kin."

While Trevor did believe in the phrase "judge not" there was something about Phil that he didn't trust.

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Phil could sense Trevor's contempt as a cold smirk touched his lips. He put Tara back into the crib and turned to face his ex's husband.

"And you're the fool who was dumb enough to marry Natalie. Too bad, you get to be saddled with the stupid blonde for the rest of your life."

That really set Trevor off. "You can say anything you want about me, but don't you dare talk about my wife that way! You don't deserve someone like her!"

"Yes yes," Phil said in a bored tone of voice. "Because I really want a house full of screaming brats," he added sarcastically.

"Why you..." But before Trevor could do anything, both men were interrupted.

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Natalie had heard everything and rounded on Phil as soon as she got into the room.

"You have no room to talk, Phil! I've yet to see any money from you when you said you would pay at least a hundred a month! Don't you dare insult my husband. He is a better person than you'll ever be!"

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Natalie approached Phil. "In fact, I want you out of this house and out of our lives forever. I don't care if you're Tara's father. I don't want you near her."

Phil scoffed. "You want me out of your life?" Fine, I'll walk out of it forever, but don't ever expect to see any money from me."

How dare that woman speak to him this way, he thought. She would get what was coming to her.

With those thoughts, he walked out of the nursery and out the front door slamming it hard behind him causing Tara to wake up and cry.

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After Phil left, the tears that Natalie had held back fell as she buried he face into her hands and started to sob hysterically.

Trevor approached his wife and gently put his hands on her waist comfortingly. "Hey now, come one. It'll be okay."

"No it won't! I wanted him out of my life, but I didn't want him out of Tara's. Now she'll never know who her father is!"

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Trevor grabbed Natalie by the shoulders and turned her around. "Stop beating yourself up over this! Phil made his decision when he refused to marry you. As far as Tara is concerned, I'm her father."

"But...her eyes!"

"Didn't you mention that your mother had grey eyes? What about your sister and your niece? From what I can see, grey eyes run in the family."

Natalie sighed and placed her hands on his cheeks. "I just...I don't know what to do!"

"Take it one day at a time, love. Tell you what, why don't you get dinner started and I'll tend to Tara," Trevor said rubbing her back gently before watching her go off to the kitchen.

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Once Natalie had left to go prepare dinner, Trevor looked down into the crib at Tara who had stopped crying. She didn't seem to be one to let drama affect her much. Of course, she most likely didn't understand what was going on around her.

Trevor rubbed the infant's tiny head. "Don't worry, I know I didn't help make you, but I'm sure I can be a great substitute for that poor excuse of a man that is your real father," he whispered.

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Trevor found Natalie in the kitchen preparing dinner. He approached her and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

Natalie smiled softly and enjoyed his comfort. "How's Tara doing?"

"She's in Slumberland right now," Trevor said nibbling lightly on Natalie's ear causing her to giggle.

"Good, good," Natalie said grunting a little painfully as Trevor squeezed her affectionately. "You know I can't cook with you holding me like this."

Trevor chuckled, kissed her neck, then let go of her, but didn't go far.

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Natalie was indeed pregnant once again, but this time, she wouldn't have to be so alone. The doctors had said that it was twins this time. Twins!

The young Founder rubbed her belly. "Now I know why this pregnancy has been so hard."

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It was soon time for little Tara to become just a little older. Her loved ones, save for a few, had come to watch the event.

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Tara turned out to be a beautiful little girl with adorable chubby cheeks. It was clear that she was a real sweetheart without a mean bone in her body.

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Given the fact that Tara was a little active, she sometimes had trouble paying attention when it came to learning the basics.

"Now sweetie, I know it's a very nice wallpaper, but please say Daddy for me?"

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But her activeness did have its advantages sometimes, especially when it came to learning how to walk.

"That's mommy's big girl! Now come on, you can do it!"

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The family was especially close and with two more on the way, it was about to get bigger. Everyday, if it was warm outside, Natalie and Trevor would lead Tara down to the beach that was near their house and enjoy family time there. While they knew that they would need to move sooner or later, they thought that they could use this house as a small vacation home, or perhaps they could leave it to their children and descendants for years to come.

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One day while the family was on the beach, Natalie's water broke. Trevor jumped up. "Okay honey, remember what those classes taught us. Just breathe. In and out. In and out."

"Stuff it!" Natalie screamed in pain.

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Born with light skin, his father's hair, and his mother's eyes was Ryan Emerson.

Born with darker skin, her father's hair, as well as green eyes was little Angela Emerson.

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Another birthday was soon underway. Colby, Natalie's nephew and her eldest sister Margaret's little boy was about to grow up. A party was held, in which their friends and loved ones were invited.

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Scarlett grabbed Colby as soon as he grew up and dragged him out of the kitchen in order to play.

"C'mon! We don't wanna be in there with those grown ups!" Scarlett said.

"Um...Scarlett...don't you think we should play outside?" Colby said worriedly.

"Oh don't be such a fuddy duddy. There's no rule saying we can't play inside."

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The three sisters settled in Margaret's bedroom for some quality time.

"I can't believe you're pregnant again," Margaret said in disbelief, but with also a hint of disgust.

Grace rolled her eyes and ran her fingers through her thick, curly brown hair. "Yeah, some of us are more family oriented than you are."

Natalie spoke up. "You know that Margs prefers the finer things in life, isn't that right, Margs?" Natalie said smirking at her eldest sister playfully.

"Damn straight," Margaret said proudly. "So, what's this I hear about you finally telling that no good Romantic dickwad off?"

Natalie blushed brightly. "I didn't exactly tell him off. I just spoke my mind."

"And it's about damn time too!" Margaret said proudly. "It's about time you grew a backbone."

Natalie and Grace looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "Anyways, Tara will also be having a birthday soon. If you guys wanna come, you can, but I know the both of you are probably busy."

"We'll be there," Grace and Margaret said in unison.

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A triple birthday commenced a few days later. All of the family was there except for Grace and Callahan. Scarlett had informed the others that her mother was down with the flu and that her father was taking care of her.

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After sorting out her hair and clothes, Tara was revealed to be quite adorable with a very winning smile. Who knew what she would be like as the heiress of Generation Two.

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The elder twin, Ryan turned out to be a handsome little man with short red hair and a love of the color blue and purple as seen by his little Hawaiian style outfit.

The youngest twin who we all know as Angela grew into an adorable little girl with long flowing red hair, which her mother tied into two pigtails to keep out of her face. She was already showing signs of being a great beauty.

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What's in store for this big family? Find out next time!