Download - The elementary German Level Superior


Sprichst du Deutsch? This elementary course of the German language provides you commonly used phrases related to areas of most immediate relevance (such as personal and family information, shopping, work, nearby environment). You will be able communicate in simple, routine situations that involve a simple and direct exchange of information about familiar things.


Deutsch A2 The elementary German Level Superior

DAF-SHOW © 2018

Wir sprechen Deutsch

Speak German from day one. Our

courses are held in German as a target


Choose between subscriptions, groups, and

individual course structures. Learn

German - and set it up to your taste.

Subscription With

a subscription you can download your respective chapters

for one month.

COURSE ACTIVITY Choose your individual

tempo for learning. Repeat and solidly

learned vocabulary and learn regularly new.


The individual exercises will help you to learn

what you have already learned and will give

you the necessary language skills in this



Test your knowledge after each chapter,

keeping control of your progress.


Each chapter contains specific vocabulary under a typical subject and grammatical structures adapted to the respective knowledge. After each chapter, the progress is checked in a short test, so you can monitor the progress of your learning at any time

10 chapters - 12 units This course is divided into 10 chapters. After each 5 chapters, you can test your knowledge in a level test. In a 30 minute roleplay, you can practice all your skills with a native speaker.

At the end of the course, you will know how to ask and answer questions, as well as respond to simple findings. You can clearly show when you understand topics. how to introduce yourself in German, give personal information, how to name the objects in your office and your house, how to reserve a hotel room, what people like to eat and drink, how to describe your daytime, how to have a small talk about the weather, how the body parts are called and what you can say at a doctor's visit.

The material is suitable for self-study as well as for learning in a group or individual private courses. You decide your learning time. After each chapter, you will be given a level test, and at the end of the fifth and tenth chapter of the course, by mutual agreement, an appointment for a conversation with a native speaker.

After successful participation, the course is concluded and you have the opportunity to take the next course or take an official exam.

On request, we can arrange the registration procedure in an examination center in your area for you.


DAF-SHOW © 2018

HOW TO So let's get started. Sign up for a course or take the placement test. Then we know exactly how your German language is and which course is the right one for you. If you are not quite sure whether you want to take a course, you can register for a subscription. As you want to turn and turn, the best moment to catch up with German is now. So, what are you waiting for? Here we go! Choose the appropriate course for you and start today with your first sentences in German. You'll see how easy it is! Choose a trial if you may have direct questions to us or first you want to know us personally. We are looking forward to seeing you and how we could go forward.