Download - The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    The Crown Capital Management

    International Relations US LookingAt Action Against China

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    WASHINGTON (AP) - The Obamaadministration is considering moreassertive action against Beijing to combat apersistent cyber-espionage campaign itbelieves Chinese hackers are wagingagainst U.S. companies and government


  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    As The New York Times and WallStreet Journal reported Thursday that

    their computer systems had beeninfiltrated by China-based hackers,cybersecurity experts said the U.S.

    government is eyeing more pointed

    diplomatic and trade measures.

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    Two former U.S. officials said theadministration is preparing a new

    National Intelligence Estimate that,

    when complete, is expected to detail thecyberthreat, particularly from China, as agrowing economic problem. Neither ofthe former officials was authorized todiscuss the classified report and spoke

    only on condition of anonymity.

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    One of the former officials said theNIE, an assessment prepared by theNational Intelligence Council, also willcite more directly a role by the Chinese

    government in such espionage. Theformer official said the NIE willunderscore the administration's

    concerns about the threat and will put

    greater weight on plans for moreaggressive action against the Chinese


  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    Secretary of State Hillary RodhamClinton, in an interview with reportersas she wound up her tenure, said the

    U.S. needs to send a strong message that

    it will respond to such incidents.

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    "We have to begin making it clear to theChinese - they're not the only peoplehacking us or attempting to hack us -

    that the United States is going to have to

    take action to protect not only ourgovernment's, but our private sector,from this kind of illegal intrusions.

    There's a lot that we are working on that

    will be deployed in the event that wedon't get some kind of international

    effort under way," she said.

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    "Obviously this can become a veryunwelcome and even dangerous tit-for-

    tat that could be a crescendo ofconsequences, here at home and around

    the world, that no one wants to seehappen," she said.

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    "The U.S. government has started tolook seriously at more assertive

    measures and begun to engage theChinese on senior levels," said James

    Lewis, a cybersecurity expert at theCenter for Strategic and International

    Studies. "They realize that this is a majorproblem in the bilateral relationship that

    threatens to destabilize U.S. relationswith China."

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    Internet search leader Google focused

    attention on the China threat three yearsago by alleging that it had traced a seriesof hacking attacks to that country. The

    company said the breaches, which

    became known as "Operation Aurora,"appeared aimed at heisting some of itsbusiness secrets, as well as spying onChinese human rights activists who

    relied on Google's Gmail service. Asmany as 20 other U.S. companies were

    also said to be targeted.

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    A four-month long cyberattack against

    The New York Times is the latest in along string of breaches said to be byChina-based hackers into corporate andgovernment computer systems across

    the United States. The Times attacks,routed through computers at U.S.

    universities, targeted staff members'email accounts, the Times said, and were

    likely in retribution for the newspaper'sinvestigation into the wealth amassed by

    the family of a top Chinese leader

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    Media organizations with bureaus in

    China have believed for years that theircomputers, phones and conversationswere likely monitored on a fairly regular

    basis by the Chinese. The Gmail

    account of an Associated Press stafferwas broken into in China in 2010.

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    Richard Bejtlich, the chief security officer at

    Mandiant, the firm hired by the Times toinvestigate the cyberattack, said the breach isconsistent with what he routinely sees China-based hacking groups do. But, he said it had a

    personal aspect to it that became apparent: Thehackers got into 53 computers but largely looked

    at the emails of the reporters working on aparticular story. The newspaper's investigation

    delved into how the relatives and family ofPremier Wen Jiabao built a fortune worth over $2


  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    "We're starting to see more cases where there is a

    personal element," Bejtlich said, adding that itgives companies another factor to consider. "Itmay not just be the institution, but, is there some

    aspect of your company that would cause

    someone on the other side to take personalinterest in you?"

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    Journalists are popular targets, particularly in

    efforts to determine what information reportershave and who may be talking to them.The Chinese foreign and defense ministries calledthe Times' allegations baseless, and the Defense

    Ministry denied any involvement by the military.

  • 7/29/2019 The Crown Capital Management International Relations US Looking At Action Against China Cyberattacks


    "Chinese law forbids hacking and any other

    actions that damage Internet security," theDefense Ministry said. "The Chinese military hasnever supported any hacking activities.Cyberattacks are characterized by being cross-

    national and anonymous. To accuse the Chinesemilitary of launching cyberattacks without firmevidence is not professional and also groundless."