Download - The company Started in 1997 16 employees 1 external programmer Development Sales & support Economy.


The company

• Started in 1997• 16 employees• 1 external programmer• Development• Sales & support• Economy

Our market today

• Jupiter Bokningssystem with web• Callisto Restaurantsystem• Callisto Mobile• Rebnis Tidsystem• 400 installations from Riksgränsen to Malmö• Clients range from small restaurants and hotels to

large arenas

How did we get where we areUnderrubrik

• Always try to anticipate what the market wants• Stay close to our clients and their wishes• Never be afraid of challenges• Keep an open mind• Ask for help when needed• Never forget what our company stands for

The help we got

• Almi• Länsstyrelsen

The future

• Next generation of our systems are soon to be released

• Almi• Länsstyrelsen• Norrlandsfonden• Swedish trade council

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