Download - The Cave Painting in Mount Sung of Bodhi Dharma

  • 8/3/2019 The Cave Painting in Mount Sung of Bodhi Dharma


    The cave painting in

    Mount Sung of Bodhi


    Bodhi Dharma

    There is a huge confusion amongst people about Bodhi Dharma, Is hefrom Kerala, was he a Kalarippayattu master and was he thefounder ofShaolin Temple

    Bodhi Dharma ( Ta Mo by the Chinese, Dat Mor in Cantonese, Da Mo

    in Mandarin, later called Daruma Taishi in Japanese) , one of the

    outstanding Buddhist monks in the history of Chinese Buddhism, wasmostly known for bringing the (Chan is the Chinese translation for theSanskrit word "dhyana" meaning Yogic concentration, also known as

    Zen in Japanese when it was introduced from China.) even though he

    had few disciples in his lifetime, and is honored as the founder of Kungfu. He is also credited with bringing tea to China . He is said to have

    cut off his eyelids to stay awake in meditation, and so is usually

    depicted with bulging eyes. In this issue, we look at the mysterious lifeand legends surrounding this great Buddhist monk, whose legacy

    influenced many generations to come.

    Bodhi Dharma was born in Kanchiin the Southern

    Indian kingdom (todays Tamil Nadu State )

    ofPallava around year 440. Bodhi Dharma was theyoungest of three brothers in the royal family of thesouthernIndian kingdom of Pallava king

    Sugandan. His father, the king Sugandan, also

    known as Simhavarman was a devoted Buddhist andmanaged state affairs according to the Buddha's

    teachings. At birth Bodhi Dharma was born with abreathing disorder. He was adopted and trained at

    birth in breathing exercises and combat, namely in

    the arts of Dravidian warfare arts of Southern Indiaand self-defense techniques such Kuttu Varisai and

    Pidi Varesai (Punches Series- hand to hand combatwith animal styles and locking techniques Similar to

    Kung Fu and Karate), Malyutham (grappling), VarmaKalai (Secret or Vital Art, Pressure point attacks, In

    healing and Self-defense similar to Tai Chi or DimMak), Silambam (staff fighting), Eretthai or

    Saydekuche (double stick fighting), Madhu or Madi

    (deer horn weapon fighting), Surul Pattai or Surulwall (steel blade whip), Val Vitchi (single sword), and

    Eretthai Val (double short sword) fighting.Bodhidarma also studied Dhyana Buddhism and

    became the 28th patriarch of that religion.

  • 8/3/2019 The Cave Painting in Mount Sung of Bodhi Dharma


  • 8/3/2019 The Cave Painting in Mount Sung of Bodhi Dharma


    The Eighteen Lohan Shou (Lohan meaningenlightened and Shou meaning


    Bodhi Dharma countered this weakness by teaching

    them moving exercises, designed to bothenhance Chiflowand build strength. These sets,modified from Indian yogas (mainly Hatha Yoga,and

    Raja Yoga which was learnt by Bodhi Dharma in

    childhood to cure the breathing disorder,t his style ofYoga was mainly followed by royal famalys),This gave

    raise to the legandary art of Kung Fu, this art was

    based on the movements of the 18 main animals inIndo-Chinese iconography (e.g., tiger, deer, leopard,cobra, snake, dragon, etc.).

    It is hard to say just when the exercises became

    "martial arts". The Shaolin temple was in a secluded

    area where bandits would have traveled and wildanimals were an occasional problem, so the martial

    side of the temple probably started out to fulfill self-

    defense needs. After a while, these movements werecodified into a system of self-defense.

  • 8/3/2019 The Cave Painting in Mount Sung of Bodhi Dharma


    In India the concept of Chakras in human body,the concept of Kundalini and Prana, is the main

    theory behind it. In India people even today

    practice acupuncture in the form of worship andritual to god, Piercing of gold, silver, copper,

    needles, Which is made in all size. Many should

    have come across this ritual in India, if u seeTamil people they do it more then others all

    over the world to there god Lord Murugan (sonof Lord Shiva). The concept of fire walking inIndia is also very popular, these rituals have

    become a controversial issue to the rationalistsin India who protest against such rituals. These

    rituals have strong meaning in it. The Piercingwas made a ritual because of its secrets and


    The Siddhars made the practice of Piercing, this was thought to important peoples, like saints,

    vidhyas(physicians), martial artists, and royal familys, to common people it was shown as a ritual tobe offered to god when they have some health problem. God has blessed people and the problemshave solved when they offer the ritual to god. It is a hidden way of practicing meditation to there

    problems. The person who pearsess well known about the problems and the offerrer and pearse on

    the body for its remides. Today its changed only a blank offering is made to god without knowing thereason what they are doing because it has become a ritual.

    Silambam is a popular art in Tamil Nadu and the credit goes to the people of Tamil Nadu who havekept this art alive for over 5,000 years with its secrets in it.

    One big reason for the survival of this art in Tamil Nadu is the Huts built out of Bamboo and coconut

    leafs. This was a big source of getting their weapon. And the use of bamboo is common all over TamilNadu and south India.

    The art of Silambam not only teaches how to use Staff, it also teaches other form of self defense likeVarmakalai, and Kutthu Varasai

    Silambam is an Indian style of staff fighting. There are a large number of pre-arranged exercises and

    two man sets. It teaches a progressive series of attack patterns and counters along with evasive

    stepping patterns. It is readily learned through this method, and is beautiful to see when it isperformed by a skilled players. It is valid both as a sport and self-defense art. It has given good

    health to the practicers and a strong mental power to concentrate on any work. It is said that those

    how practice this art will get the power of youth, keeping them look young and fit. Silambam is an

    art, which gives full body exercise, if all the 36 lessons are practiced every day. The pearse is nowvery much related to martial arts, since today the people who Pierce, are martial artists. The martialartists are keeping the tradition of vidhya shastra knowing the secrets of human body. Similarly the

    use of foot moments in martial arts and the use of animal forms in martial is also from India if u cometo South India you can see the most popular tiger style of foot moments in the form of dance, which

    is very common, but there are many other styles other then it.