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The Bridge Association

The Bridge Association GRUNDTVIG PROJECT 2012-2013 Traditional village for future life

Cultural roots of our region Most people are the children and grandchildren citizens of East part of Poland before II World War .After II World war they went old German areas . So we have old German material culture and culture of every day living of peple from regions present Lithuania, Bielarus and Ukrainian. Our villages culture iis like this : food, songs, handicraft are from east Poland but material reamains (old coutries buildings, churches, cementeries,) are connected with past of German people living here for years.

The workshops We ve prepared: The Frivolits workshops The workshop of regional Kresovian songsThe Google Creator Maps group SwiebodzinThe Google Creator Maps group Sulechw The journalist workshops group Swiebodzin Trip 1 The journalist workshops group Swiebodzin Trip 2 The journalist workshops group Sulechw The sculpture workshop RusinwThe ceramic workshop Cigacice

In cooperation with The members of 3rd Age University Swiebodzin

August-September 2012.: Information about the project was disseminated in our organization,

August-December 2012.: Creation of a logo design,

August-September 2012.: Created survey forms (5pcs) for research,

August-September 2012. : Set a target group (40 persons) and discussed the tasks of the project,

September 2012-a trip to the Regional Museum-Museum in Ochla (5).


In the period August 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 we have completed the following activities at the partnership:Report October 2012 Partners meeting - Romania, (one person) presentations of the partner institutions, division of labor, a traditional village in Romania February 2013-May 2013: press articles on the implementation and objectives of the project:, Day by Day,

Report -December 2012-April 2013.: Tatting handicraft workshops, a total of 18 hours for 15 people.

- March-June 2013: English course (4 person-a total of 40 h),

-February-March 2013: feast songs Borderlands (8h) for 38 people. It was established rules and songbook songs borderland.

- February-March 2013: Media and ICT courses, a regional computer map, for 23 people, 26 hours

Report - February-April 2013: journalism workshops for 21 people, part II interviews, videos, photos, meetings with mayors, wheels housewives, church in traditional villages (Jordanowo, Gocikowo, Rusinw , Glisk, New Wioska ), Part I ( Rudgierzowice, Lubinicko, Jeziory, Ojerzyce).

-February 2013 - carving handicraft workshops, 4 hours, for 10 people.

- April 2013 Project meeting - Italy (2 persons).

-June 2013: workshops journalism-in the footsteps of organs for 9 people.

Report of progress- August-June 2013: Work on the base of the project website.-August 2012 - June 2013: collection of materials: photos, list of attendees, press releases. Project Accounting.-August 2012 - June 2013: constant contact with project partners-June 2013: a report on the progress of the project.

Frivolits workshop Cultural Centre Swiebodzin

Frivolits workshop Cultural Centre Swiebodzin In action . with instructor Stanislawa Kelm

Instructor : Mr Waclaw Kondratiuk

Folk songs activities Meeting in The Kresovian house Kresovian songs workshops in cooperating withThe 3rd Age Univesity & & The Kresovian Society

Common feast songs singing And The Choir and even young solist

The best song competition

The Kresovian songs workshop Swiebodzin

The Kresovian songs workshop diplomas

The Google maps studies Group - wiebodzin GroupSulechw

The computer studies - diplomas Sulechw

Instructor Mr Adam Gonciarz Swiebodzin group

The computer studies group and diplomas

Swiebodzin and Sulechw region Excursion Swiebodzin region Excursion Sulechw region

We prepared 2 excursion via villages of Swiebodzin Region and 1 trip close to Sulechw.The journalist workshopCOLLECTING INFO ABOUT VILLAGES . Two groups of students prepared fotos, films and interviews materials about the most valuable aspects of villages living.We noticed old German remais and Polish folk culture that can be presented for tourists and visitors of those areas.THE GOOGLE MAPS PREPARED AFTER WORKSHOPS SWIEBODZIN REGION The map of northern part of Swiebodzin Komun trip 2The map of southern part of Swiebodzin Komun Trip 1

The map of Northern part of Swiebodzin Region (2nd )

The southern part of Swiebodzin region (3rd)

The journalist workshop Swiebodzin trip number 1 Lubunicko - Palace Jeziory - old German cementery

The journalist workshop Swiebodzin trip number 2 Nowy Dworek Palace Interview with local priest

Journalist workshops 2The interview with Major of Jordanowo village The famous post - Cisterian Monastery in Parady

The ceramic workshop Sulechw Group Ceramic and pottery workshop in cigacice Magorzata Bukowicz studio

The journalist workshop Sulechw Adam Olejnik organic restouration workshop Ars organum - gogusz

The sculpture in wood worskhops Group Swiebodzin in Mr Bardelas arts studio ..

The sculpture worskhops sculpture master Mr Bardelas Rusinw

Paparazzi zone www. okolicenajblisze.plSTART / Aktualnoci / Biesiada kresowianA A A al|2013-02-22 11:28:46 Ciekawe przedsiwzicie realizuje stowarzyszenie Pomost. Te, podejmowane obecnie, ma na celu stworzenie pewnego modelu kulturowego charakterystycznego dla naszej czci Ziemi Lubuskiej, a zwizanego z adaptacj wzorcw przywiezionych tu wraz z fal repatriacji i wdrwk Polakw na Ziemnie Odzyskane.W pierwszej poowie lutego, w siedzibie wiebodziskiego Zwizku Kresowian, odbya si Biesiada pieni i piosenki kresowej wieczca cykl warsztatw powiconych tradycyjnym utworom wywodzcym si z rnych tradycji i krgw kulturowych cigle obecnych w kulturze spoecznoci regionu wiebodziskiego. Spotkanie zorganizowao Stowarzyszenie Pomost we wsppracy ze ZK oraz Uniwersytetem Trzeciego Wieku w wiebodzinie.Spotkanie poprowadzili Wacaw Kondrakiewicz (prezes wiebodziskiego Zwizku Kresowian) wraz z Janin Adamczyk. Wzili w nim udzia oczywicie czonkowie zwizku, w tym chr Kresowe Wizi z instruktork Agnieszk Stoczewsk. Przez dugi czas, przy wsplnym piewaniu, wszyscy wietnie si bawili.Dorobek kulturowy i tradycje Ziemi wiebodziskiej zostan zaprezentowane na arenie midzynarodowej jako swoisty, niemajcy prawdopodobnie swojego odpowiednika w Europie fenomen kulturowy. To, co przetrwao z tamtych lat, a co zapewne bdzie wsptworzy przyszo, zostanie pokazane zagranicznym partnerom projektu The Traditional Village for a Future Life realizowanego w ramach programu Gundtvig finansowanego ze rodkw Fundacji Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji w Polsce.

Certificates for members of workshops

OUR planes August 2013

Interanational exibition During the regional village festival Regional clothes competition dolls Common biesiada Exibition in Cultural Centre in Swiebodzin The Regional Food Thank you for your atention