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8/9/2019 The Body of Christ is Sick 1/5


27 of October 2009






And you can see this at the way she has become a non functional Army: A not active

body of Christ. Hm, but there is so much activity! So many sermons, preaching’s, Seminars

so much goings-on? Well let me share with you this word as I go on.

 Revelation 3:15,16 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot, nor boiling, fervent:

 Zestos I would thou wert cold or hot.  Zestos 16 So then because thou art lukewarm  chliaros ,

and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.


Before I go on let me first CLARIFY WHAT IS DYSFUNCTIONAL, because SICK,


NOT function! Well we have to see this out of the side from Gods eyes, how He sees it! And

than you could start to bend over from pain and hurt so MUCH is DYSFUNCTIONAL. There

is so much in the body of Christ that looks like functional and in Gods eyes is it nothing else

as unrighteousness.

Yes... "But brother we do so many miracles and we drive out so many demons!"  

Let me share you a minor part out of my second Book: "The Spirit of a Warrior" 

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I indirectly speak here in this part to the false Ministers. I will share with you about what

is one of the many forms of DYSFUNCTIONAL MINISTRY´S! Functionality has to do in

Gods Kingdom with DESTINATION, GOAL AND TARGET! What is your focus, will

DETERMINE if you are functional in Gods eyes or not. I see the following thing:

I s ee a t t h e e n d o f a s t r e e t , dusty of the sand, a Roman centurion entering in thegates of the city upon his horse. He has fought his battles and is going to meet theEmperor to receive his certificate and badge of honor. He is galloping through the streetsand I see how children and woman are falling in the dust of the street and behind him heleaves a trail of injured and hurt people! I think is this clear enough? But we will have a

look in the word of God and we will see what the Apostle Peter and the Holy Spirit haveto say about this.

 2 Peter 1:5-8 And besides this, using all diligence, power, passion and the will to fight; add to

 your faith virtue, (excellency of character Galatians 5:22) and to virtue knowledge,

(Epignosis) 6 and to knowledge temperance, (the control of will) and to temperance patience,

(an enduring patience which does not retreat and a will to be persistent and determined even

under hardships, troubles and tribulations) and to patience godliness, 7 and to godlinessbrotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love for all. (the AGAPE love) 8 For if these

things be in you and abound, they will make you that ye shall be neither barren nor unfruitful

in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Magnified  

B at t l e a n d w a g e a w a r f a r e w i t h f a i t h , with knowledge and understanding on a gallant 

and knightly way of virtue, full off temperance, patiently full of endurance with all the 

divine fruits; taking heed upon t he weakest and all man through t he brotherly love, (t he 

philio love) and this all with the love AGAPE of God.

D o y o u a ll o w m e t o e x p l ai n i t w i t h t h e s e si m p l e w o r d s ? Because I believe that this

is it what Peter and the Holy Spirit are teaching us. Is that a fair way of waging warfare?Or is this a fighting and combating without taking heed and without paying attention to

my beloved ones, or my friends and acquaintances? Of course have I to take moreattention upon the commands and the assignments which God has given me, but after

that and in line with that I should battle and wage a war on such a way that I do notpush aside even one brother or sister. We should always take care of the weakest parts

of the body of Christ.

1Timothy 6:12 (My son Timothy) Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life,

whereunto thou art also called and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

 2Timothy 2:1-7 Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And 

the things that thou hast heard from me among many witnesses, commit thou the same to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also. 3  Endure thou therefore  hardship as a

good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No man who warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this

life, that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 5 And if also a man strive

 for masteries, he is yet not crowned unless he strives battles and fights after the rules

lawfully. 6 The husbandman who laboreth must be the first partaker of the fruits. 7 Consider 

what I say, and the Lord give thee understanding in all things. Magnified 

One of the Major rules is that you as a MINISTER, as a man and woman of God, as a

SERVANT fight and battle with a heart full of the divine love of God; you could also say

with a heart that is always ready to help, brotherly, not ego centered or selfish; one who is

prepared to deny himself for the benefit of the other. It can not be "the way" that in achievingand attaining my goal and destiny, that I kick others to death and leave a trail of hurt and

wounded people behind me? At the end of it you will see that it has nothing to do with who

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comes as first over the line, or who has a big Ministry; no much more is the way HOW you

come and HOW you achieve your destiny your goal and target. So actually is not your goal

the aim, but THE WAY to your goal should be your aim. Because when you do not take heed

HOW you walk the WAY you will not even be able to come to your destiny. Let me explain

this some more.

Your target, your aim and your destiny is that you will be changed, reformed,

restructured and that you go through a process of transformation to become more and

more like Jesus in character and likeness and to be able to do that they bring you in a position

that the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit are able to do this work at you and in you. For this

they choose all different kind of ways and means. But all these different kind of methods and

ways are NOT THE DESTINY OF YOUR AIM. The warfare is not a target of your aim, no

very surely not, much much more is your goal and target, that you know for whom and where

for and for what you are waging warfare! When you do not keep that in mind you will not

come to your goal and your destiny. You will not be crowned and you will have battled and

waged warfare for nothing and all your sacrifices will be of no value anymore. Remember the


Yes but lord I hunted the enemy and I have greatly defeated them?

And than the King has to say: “Yes you did, but not on the way as it was my will,”

Yes, but Jesus I have done great miracles and signs and have I not prophesied in your

name? And than will the Lord God King and Servant say:

“Go away from me, you who are working with and in unrighteous! Did you ask 

after my will, my perfect will? No, you have not! Did you and were you willing

to sacrifice your live, heart and soul like my Son would have done it? No, youwere not! Were you ready and prepared to die for the other; for your wife and 

 your children? Were you prepared to let others pas? You have trespassed so

many of my rules, how do you dare to say that you know me and that you are a

 part of me? From there were you are I have no fellowship with you, I never had!

You are a worker of unrighteousness.”

 Matthew 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom

of heaven; but he that doeth the will 047 'thelema of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many

will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name

have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I professunto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Thelema is that what is decided with a will, SEALED AND WRITTEN DOWN; 

instructions and clarifications which make clear what God wills, how God wills, when God

wills, simply everything what God the Father wills. Well, this all is written down and sealed

and is been kept save in heaven waiting upon you to ask for it so that you can start to work 

together with the will of God to accomplish His will. Only those who have the motivation of 

heart like: “I WILL WHAT YOU WIL” and those who are diligently seeking after Gods will

(Gods Kingdom) relentlessly and persistently will be able to enter that deep into Gods

Kingdom that he or she will be able to receive the Mandate Father God has prepared for them

before the foundations if this world: and he/she will receive this MANDATE/ASSIGNMENT

because the Father knows that you will ALWAYS ask for His will and that you will never

ever do anything motivated from your own!

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“Father what are your thoughts about that, what are the intentions of your heart? Father how

shall I go on with this? When and how Father? Which words and deeds Father?

T h e w a r r i o r , t h e c o m b a t a n t a n d f i g h t e r o f Go d , the Servant, the man/woman of Godhas a heart which is fully and completely surrendered and given away and is verysensitive and attentive to take heed to do NOTHING what is not in HARMONY and IN LINEwith the PERFECT will of the Father; he will take heed to do nothing what is not inagreement with the will The lema of the Father! He will never come with his own ideas

and his own motivations and he will never ever start to show of with the given anointing

rece ived by GRACE!  Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name

have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? (Believe me they have showed 


T h e t r u e Se r v a n t w i l l g i v e a n d la y e v e r y t h i n g w h a t h e h a s a n d w h a t h e i s backinto Gods hands and he/she will WAIT for instructions and commands! He and she willsay just like Jesus: “I can do NOTHING unless I have received the instructions from my 

Father what to speak and to do.” 

The K ingdom o f God and H i s w i l l a re ONE! They a re no t t o separa te . The  

K ingdom o f God and h i s w i l a re in t r i ns i c.

Are w e co -w orke r s WI TH GODS HOLY SPI RI T , or are we co-workers who saysomething like and pray like: “God please bless what I am doing, bless this project of 

m e! Bless MY I DEA, bless my Plans and the t hought s I have th ought out!  

O r a r e w e w a i t i n g u p o n i t u n t i l F at h e r G o d g i v es u s a n A ss ig n m e n t a n d a

c o m m i s s i o n ? Do we wait upon a Mandate or how are we working for God in HisKingdom? Are we working and running without a commission or a mandate; than youhave and you are in big problems because this means that you are a worker who worksunrighteous! And than will the Lord God King and Servant say:

“Go awa y from me, you who are working with and in unrighteous ways! Did you ask after my

will, my perfect will? You have trespassed so many of my rules, how do you dare to say that 

 you know me and that you are a part of me? From there where you are I have NEVER had an

 INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP with you! And therefore I have not commissioned you, nor 

have I given you the command to act, to prophesy or to work for me and with me; you are a

worker of unrighteousness.” 

Je su s s ay s : I a m t h e t r u t h , t h e W a y a n d L i v e , the w ay is to become like Jesus, tobattle and to fight like Jesus, to hold on through like Jesus, to love, to suffer and to havea self sacrificial heart like that of Jesus. Jesus attained his goal and has battled his battle;

but He has not battled for himself, He has given all for the other. He has not died forhimself and He has also not sacrificed himself for himself. Nobody can die for himself. Butwhen we do die in our battles and in our combats, than it is for those we love, ourbrothers and sisters, your wife and children and those who are in jeopardy to be killed

through the rulers of this world. Yes to be killed in our soul, in our heart and our body.


From Latin mandatum, from neuter of mandatus, past participle of mandare to entrust,enjoin, probably irregular frommanus hand + -dere to put —

1  : an authoritative assignment; from a superior to an inferior one

2  : an authorization to act given to a representative

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1Corinthians 13:1-3 Even if I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love

 Agape, I have become like sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And even if I have the gift 

of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so that I good 

even remove mountains, but have not love Agape, I am nothing. 3 And if I would give all my

goods away, and I deliver and sacrifice my body that it may be burned, but have not love

 Agape, It will profit me nothing. It is of nu use! Amplified 

Now you can DECIDE for yourselves if YOU are DYSFUNCTIONAL or FUNCTIONAL in

the Kingdom of God and the Body of Christ? If there still has to take place some form of 


In Gods service and in His commission:

Apostle Prophet Minstrel Johannes John 

zes tos , AV-hot 3; 3

1) boiling hot, hot2) metaph. of fervour of mind and zeal

ch l i a ros AV-lukewarm 1; 1

1) tepid, lukewarm2) metaph. of the condition of the soul wretchedly fluctuating between a torpor and afervour of love

A condition of the water between cold and hot what makes that you have the feeling to 

throw up. The water in Laodicea was already lukewarm when it came down from the hot 

geysers over a long water pipe and had finely reached th e city. When it had been hot or 

cold it would have been useful.

 – @