Download - THE BEE HIVE - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 14. · THE BEE HIVE Has Removed to 22, 24 and 26 South Main Street. (GREENHOOD, BOHM, & CO.'S OLD STAND.) "FASHION'S FANCIES FOR THE

Page 1: THE BEE HIVE - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 14. · THE BEE HIVE Has Removed to 22, 24 and 26 South Main Street. (GREENHOOD, BOHM, & CO.'S OLD STAND.) "FASHION'S FANCIES FOR THE

THE BEE HIVEHas Removed to 22, 24 and 26 South Main Street.



You should hasten to examine the endless variety ofFINE FALL FABRICS that we are offering. Everythingmodern in material, stylish in design and beautiful in patternis being displayed, and the qualities are simply superb. Ladiescome at once and secure a beautiful Dress Pattern. Thelatest and newest styles. Our stock is entirely new and ourprices moderate.

Bargain Counters.Our Bargain counters are replete with many hundred use-

ful household goods at popular prices. Call and examine ourline on the second floor.


Letters for the following persons remainuncalled for at the Helena, Mont., postofliceon Nov. 3,182'. In calling for them pleasesay "advertised."


Armstrong, Charles Atherton, L. M.Bagby, James Oscar Baker, JohnBaker. George C. Benson, 1B.Bolton, Dan Bray, RussellBuckner, D. Burke, Patrick J.Byron, Fred P. Casoy, J. H.Campbell. Bert Cell, James RosarioChoate, Geo. R. Cobb. Albeo:t R.Cole, N. G. Con. Virginia Mng CoCoonly, Thos. Cotton, A. A.Crowley, John Darling, MiltonDealaurie e, A. )epueo, E. A.Dillers, Arthur Dowling, JamesDowney, Win. Eastin, Geo. D.Ellis, John Engstrom, John H.Ermann. John Garland, CharlieGarroa, Joe Gilardi, AngolinoGordon, G. G. Gothner, SamGoyle, John Gilfliu, AllitonHearld, Hugh Hecker, EdHenderson, John C. Hon, Arthur E.Howard, Frederick L. Jamison, Wmn.Jewell, F. W. Jones, John M.Koenig, Louis Lain, Chas.Laiss, Frank Leonard. A. W.Lecrip, Win. Lesaorance, A.Levy, A. K. Lomond & Bros.Loces, John A. Mas., C. H.Mikado Mining Co. Miller, L. K.Millicent, S. T. (2) Mitchell, J, N.Montgomery, Amber Monshausen, N.Mortag, Hlorman Morris, BillyMulligan, Barney Murray, Robert A.MoCague, Rev. 'rhos. McGrath, C. J.MIclntiee. J. I). McKee, Geo.McKnight & Black- Mcllae, Dan

well Naslell, Ge(io. A.Nink, J. A. (2) No, ris, F ankNorthweethern Press- O'Brien, '.

ed B:ick Co. Olson, MartinOlson, Ole 'aaulsen, Lue

'aestoret, Emile Pearson. N.]'ierzsehke, Joe Potter, C. H.]taine. J. C. IRasmussen, K.]t'ly, E. C. ledimond, W. P.Hobson, Alfred Robbins, Chas. A.JRogers, 1). J. Roo, C. E.Rioe, Tom Rudeen, Carlhales, Albert Schmallsee, A. G.hchubach, E. Heat , Geo. 11.hecco, Anthony Semple, G. H.Siegel, I. Elmons, Geo. W.bhsffer, H. J. Shilling, A. C.

Mhounburg, E. L. Spears, WilliamT'andy, W. Wallace, RIt. .Wallum, John Wara., JohnWarm, William Washburn, A. J.Weed, Leonard J. WVills, Samuel S. (2)

Yet Yet Tong & Co.LADIBS' LIST.

Almes, Mrs. J. Blaunohamp, Mrs. L._]igney. Miss Jennie Bullock, Mrs. Maggie'alkins, Mrs. Gso. Carey, Miss Leona "

Connell, Mrs. W. D)avis, MAiss Clara]Dead, Mrs. Ages Ferguson, Miss MollieF•'aser, Mrk Chas. Galindo, Mrs. G. V.Iliggins, Mr, Maria Hlook, Mrs. MaggieIloward, Mie• lattie Kelly., Miss EllaLangstroth, M•se B. Lebrs, Miss Katie (2)Leslie, Miss Jar,, Lloyd, Miss PercyLong, Miss Annie A'svllle, Mrs. T. E.Norris, Mrs. J. L. Morris. Miss E.ileCanna, Mrs. F J. J. tchie, Aliss Bellemonun, MissM. ratrang, Miss Emma

linn. Miss Mary Sommers, Mrs. AnnieVon Virehow, Mrs.E. Ward. Mrs. F. (2)Webber, Mrs. Wedis, Mrs.Wilkin, Mrs. H.

T. II. CiLEWEILi P. M.Ouaranteed Cure.

We authorize our advertised druggist tosell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-sumpstion, Coughs and Colds, upon thiscondition. If you are elllicted with aCough, Cold or any Lung, 'Throat or Chesttrouble, and will use thisremedyasdirested,giving it a fair trial, and experience noIenefit, you may return the bottle and haveyour money refunded. We could not makethis offer did we not know that Dr. King'sNew Discovery could be relied on. It neverileappoints. 'rial bottles free at H. M.' srchen & Co.'s drug store. Large size 50

,ts and $1.

'I he I;e, Ilves's iew r•l tlr is now loatled at"s. B'Aa 2 l Saouil th Main strilat.

HEART DISEASE!BTATISTIOc show that one in FOUR has a weak

or diseased Ieart. 'he flret symptoms are shortbreath, oppression, fluttering, faint arndhungry ospell, pain in side, then smother-lug, swollen ankles. daropsy (nnd death) furwhich (Iit. M11lAES' NEW IIEART ICUREIs a marvelous remedy. "I have been troubledwith heart disease for years, my left pulse wasvery weak, could at times scarcely feel it, thesmallest excitement would always weaken myterove and heeat and a fer of Impending deathtarnred me In the face for hours. DR. ltItlES'

NERVINE nnd NEW HLEART CURE Isthe only medicine thatt his proved of aay benefitand cured me. L. M. DYERr. Cloverdale, Ild.My wife has been taktting Dr. ies"' New C(4trefor

the Heart. She thinks It is wontierful. She haslut been troubled with pain or smothering spellssillce using it. We have also used Dr. Opllles' ils,and we flud them all they are Claimed to hb.

(lEO. L. FIn I, Philaadelphla, PI'aI recommend Dr.i Mles' New lHearwt (ore. I t cured

me after suiyltrig for yltars'wlth heart disease.JO Ehlt MA1SII, Cedar Rtapids, Iowa.

Sold on a posilive guarantee.

Dr. Mieab' Liver Pills are a sure remedy fortil ions.escal nndi Torpid Liver, i11 IDoses2m. elnta. F' lue book n h1Ltart Diserase, ith won-

netfu yolr forc e ft-drlggistut or nthal n s,DR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.

bold by all druiglsth.

50OO IRleward !We will pay the above reward for any ease oa

Liver (otplaint, Iyspeolsia. Sick headalche, isdigestion. tnetipnatin olier Coativnnems we cau-tl ui clur with West's Vegetablt s Live- Pills, when

thel directions are strictly unomplil willth. 'eyare purely vegetable, and never fail to give eat in-faction, Sugar 1', Stt. , largeo itxel, 25 coalllBeware of coanterrelts andl imitations. l'Teenuino sold by 11. M. Parohen & Co., Helaen


A now and Complete Treatmeat, rconsiting ofluppositorieo , t'mtment in (apslemen, also iBox and Pille; a Positivo ('stre frr Exties)nal, Into'rsal. Blind ,.r Bletsding, Itching. t'hruni", Ili0roent ur lt-reditary Pile., anid many othu• di-e.eases and female weaknesses; it is alwayis a greatbesiofit to the gerneral health. TI'he first disorvtyof a tmedicLs cure rendering an operatiotn witlhlho knife unaoeesisary ierssfter. 'Ihis lisiseuyhaa never Ilean knowii to fail. SI lper Iox, i forI.; seaout by mail Why sulter froum this terribleldisease when a written gesarnto is positivelygiven with 0 bs,xes, to reound the lonety IIf notcored. -end itassu for free amilie (iliarant.eilssed by It. M. ierohen & Co.. druggists, soleage'nts. Helena. Mont.

A I.IA S;UMMIONS--IN JuTI'i('Et ('nOUI't,tf Ileeea t.,n uiC.l,. cointty ot' "ow;, anll

tlarke and state of Iountaua. beforet' C. \\.bile ,-hbr, jllsice of tlihe lease

,Iscob i terr. lainlatl, vs. Alex t(ogers, de-

Thre state of Montana mends greoting to thialiote named dittenant.

'oul are htiereby re ulIreIL tl appear In an art.ionbroughllt against )ou by the alIbov nalneld plaintifflitl t,, a ii t - eil,,. t t . till'l tilati. ,lt lu , i. i-sit yof s owlso itd I iire.t aillid tllWrilie ttoiplaisti1ilad thereiu. within forty dlys tesclttsive of tiirday of service), aiter tie strvise on 113011 ,f thisslltltIIoltl. tihe freet •leOd ilIllln havig Iibn inr-tIurnad with)uit ii 'lutg sretrol

'Ilie said actiion is brought to recovser F;t.ailutoed to bditeo le yllou to platlnilt for IllardL

lid lodging ftrnishedl by hiutl to you, antil 'iritonly hald ani reotived y yell front Ilaintiffbiat\i en June ltI, IOli, aliL (t'iibtr ist. 11.2, atty-llUr steoial ilstanre antl t'itlloue ansl Os..ts, asmire , y ully puliars Iy the compilaint oni filebvrein. to whi-l, •ytul are rtltrredl.And you are hereby notified tlhat it you fail to

aitpllar and alswer to sauli -otlainit, at, aliultrelquirled, lith Iplaintift will lato iudmiiaiitacainsat you fur sai.l am unt if 5$11 sal Ooetis ofsuitGiven under my hand this lit day of Noveni-

Iltr. in theyaro of ur lord, orne thousand eiglithundred alid ninety-two.

C. W. FIA•Ih(t'IIlIIt,Juatioe of tilt IPeace.

uEA.hEtl BIDS) WIILL IE I'•iEIVI'I) Al'Iles office of tih city olerk at the lity hall,

Illeena, Mont.. ut1ll t

illlrday., Nov. 8, I]U. !2,o,'clok inon. for llss0ug a ,srain haIlathui pantii thlie aditoriuntm asill Olllo library bluhi iig,al, ar planst ei alictilitati.ns at thle ollice ofthe bulIlding in'luettr at It.i cily Ihall. 'Th cltretserves the righit to rejct asty or all tild.

A. Ii. WIEIIII.,t'otmititn on l'ublio Buildliungs.

lielsna. Ust. i l. lU1..

ALIAS SUMMONS-IN '1111 DISTRI(tTS court of the First judicial district of thestate of Montana. in and for the county ofLewis and Clarks.

;Orge burman, plaintilf. vs. Mary 1. Turman,defendant.

The state of Montana sends greeting to theabove named defendant:

You are hereby requirod to atIpear in an Setteebrought ogainst you by tihe above named plain-tilt in thedistric:, court of the birst judicial dis-trict of tha state of Montana, in and for thecounty of LewisSad Clarke, and to answer thecomplaint filed therein, within ton days(leclutive of tie lday of service) after theservice oil you of tleis cummous, if served withinIthl count ; -r, if sorvel out of this county, buIt•t lin thlis dit rict~within tenouty dayse: otlhrwisewithin forly day., or nudgment by default will1-- taken against you. according to the prayer ofra;d comilaiut.

1 'the said action is brought to obtain a divorcefrom the deenodant " ary r.. burman. ihat thecauseo of action all., ged is the desertion of theplaintiff by the. de endant wiihout reasonablecearse, nd adultery committed by the defendantwitha persen unknown to tie plaintiff at iGal-liou, O., at divers times I nknoen to plaintiff.

And you are hereby notified that if you fail toappear and answer the laid complaint, as aboveteoluired, tie said tplaintiff will apply to tilecourt for the reliof domandlel in the cmtnulaint.

(tven under my ,hand and the seal of the diestrictetort of the -trst judioial dietriot of thiselatto of Montana. in and for the county of Lewis

- and I larke, this 1ith clay of otlt-teat ) o er, in the year of our Lord.

Distriot one thousand eight hundred and(ourt. ) ninety-two.

r-e---- JOHN BEAN. C. W. Mtr,:re, Deputy t lork.

Word, Smith & Word. Attorneys for Plaintiff.

nElI'FF'S S.LEI--IY VIRTUE OF AN EXE-iution iWn i my Ilnds, istol out, of tne dia -

trict court of th1 Ilirst Judicial district of thestate of Monltana, in ntot for the county of Lewisand Ctlarke, in thoe uitof i i\ illi sm txranich. p

1 1 iI-

1Ill, egaitaL . re . Iar aich. dofeiidant. duly at-t (uted the :t!est d'iy if 'tiller, A. )., 1812. :aveIlovied upon all the ri•htt, titlo aind intortit of theraid E ni irrtontll in al to the following de-scrited property, Pituated in Lewis and Clarkecounty, Montana. viz.:

I o:t ntiutter i trIouty-ono t(2, twenoty-two(22), t ente -threte (iBI. twenty-tour (24) aildI' ,lint•- t~ (:i1i, in block cumr'erod onel hn-dr,-d and ninety-nine (11i) in the "\Vest lel te'a"r.lddti.,n to the city of Hielena, county and stateatore-sill.

logi.ther w'tlh all and singular the tenonmente.heredtanments andl altpprtennunco thlereunto beo-lh:niinig or tit i'i a1 C at'tortai:ilnt-

Notle in horebvgiven that to 'T'utdavy. the I"2dday of o-t .".. r A. D. 1t•-. at tihe hour of 2suit clek ii. c. of mid day, at the front dooril thecourt hou,n. iui tiihe itv,f Hliea on i will sellallithe right. title and interest of the , aid t t ihranit, to nit oi t, ! :, above d,'sc'rihodpr.,,wty,to the hi h1 ,l huid,! 1 flireaeh iln hand.

(iivetu under mny hand thii , the ; lt day of

t IAlit F• M. .,'I.Iil ShorilLlly Ru, Iet H. Jollr(. Deputy oit.. riff


The Body of John McPheeWho was lost Sept. 30, 1801, in

Deer Lodge county, west of l-inainlantd south ot Elliston. Was lastseen about three nmles cast oat theOntario mine. Ho wore a dark•suit of clothes and hat, also awatch with his name engravedon inside case.

Address inlormation to'AGNES McPIHEE,

15 South Raleigh St., Helena, Mont


$T H EGENTLEMhl4$FIIENLA rUALIOur Perfuetlon Syprlnge fluo wfth wvry 'I t.'.

Due. not itaim. ?RItVEKN7l HTRIC'TlII E 1.Cure. Ooiirrhma and oelt In 1 nto 4 darn.

a.iDru nitsn Bnt to any adlirunx for 61.60,MALI{ORIIMANUF'U IS.. LACASTER. 0.

TrlrTTlF s >- t ila,: -- TIMOTHY WILCGC1. lia ntiff. o. P'ntrick A. Coomer, defendant.

Under and b)y virtue of an order of sale an 1decree of foroclosure and al el ijseed out of tI'.district Court of the First judicial district, of tlestat of Montana. in and for the county of Lewisand (Clarke. on the 18tlh day of Cftiliber. A. 1).1849. in the above entitled action, wherein 'lim-othy Wilcox. the above name l plaintll., ob.tained a judgment and decree of foreclosure andsale aaainst Fatrick A. Comer, defendant, onthe 111th day of September. A. D. 1192. forthe sum of $hOO. Lbeides interest. costs andattorney fees, which said decree was on the 11thday of lptemhor, A. t. D t.L, recorded in judg-nment book No. ii'" of eaid court. at pag,' Iti Iam commanded to •tll hit ttln eecertain tot(.pieces or parcelo of land, situato lying and beingIn the county of Lewis and Clarke. state of Mon-ltana and bounded and described as follows, to-wit:Sate nanmet thirty-one rt1)ancl thirty-two (32).

in blo-k oumtior onle hunldredand t hirl y-fonur(lI'i.n the Ming addition to the city of lHelena, Mton,-taols, aceording to the officinal pat tilereof onfile in the office of Lo county recorder of caldcounty of I cwis an. r (larkec.

Together with all end singular th• tenements,horeditaments and appurtenances thereunto be-lontlinr. or in anywio sl,yprtaining.Publio notice is lhereby given that on Friday

the4t.h ays of NovembHAc. A. D. 18JlI. stl2 o'clockm. of thlat tiay at the front door of the courthoner. telenan Lewisr tild Clarke county. Mond-tali, ls ill, in oboldiene to said orde.r of l alinnd decree of foreclooure and Fale, nell thoabove described property, or so mnch thereoffic lay be necessary to satisfy said judgmeentwit ilnterest and oasis. to the highest and bestbidder, for cash int hand.

(iivetnl tnlunter my hiand this 11th day of Octo-lber. A. D. lbl

CIIAS. M. JEFlFItltS, SherifLlBy I•, ,l.: ml. •uoansos. )Deut hitcorlIl.

QUMMONS.-IN TIlE DISTRICT COURT OFStilt) icota judlirial district rif thl state of

Montana, iua nd for the county of Lewis andClarke.leirta 1 ongfeldsr. plaintiff, . \\'illiam oW.

Lc ogtelder defendant.'Ihe state ol Mloltatua ends greeting to the

ebohvo ialllel defendant:fl-Il arc hereby rotquiredl t " lppuoar in an action

]r'Otgl t, a':aitl,: t ", et b' t I e alt vo lI:~t•lei plei *itt i

i the dliet ricot court cf tho, First judlicial districtof the state of lMontanla, in land for tle coullnty I•fI.cwls ant Clarke. nnd to aoswor tlhe complaut Itiled therein, within ten days exciusive of the Iday of service) after the serviceo on yOc of thisSlnmlou, if fervell withit this counlty; or. ifctr-ceil out of this county, butl within th- district.

Dwithin tIwetyday s; otllerwie with in forty days.or judgment by default will ht taken acatIn-tytliaccorditg to the prayer of said totolaithL.I ,." snsi It-Lon Is (roulght to, ttt,- tint decree

of the colulrt dtssolvie• the, bonds of Illllttrll Ollybet(wolCt~ tio iphantiff slid d--fetndautt, ol thentrollnto ctcldcerltnoi ant of i' by dlcllefendant,

alllt alhandoltmOlnt sine.t , - -- I -day of AuuIst,Ib01. all a0 mre follly apl ears in tIe collllntilntoi tile Inl ald court, to which reference Is htIr-by

Andl yon are hb'•eby notifiel that if you fail toaltllpIer aod an-w,.r the saitL tonl plait, as aboverequired, the said plaintitt will apply to tic,crtir for tilt ro-lief dlemnan.ded in her cii,,lllaillt.,(;iven under my hnandand the leal of the dis-

trict rourt of tlhe biretjutudicia .listrict (of thestate of Montana., in anti for the

,- ------ cou-nty of oewes ani Clarke,.leed First this 291h day of October, ill till,Jtdud. l)ist. year of our liord one lthuesaidI. Court. eglt hulntdreld artd tinitty-lwad-- -- t. ai J(IIIN IIKAii, l'irk.

David H. Carpcnter, Attorney for L'laintill,

JMontana UniVersity.

University Place, Near HelAna

FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT, B.tOnurse of Instructlonl 1, C'ollegre. 9.Dolleg.W Preparatory. :I, IHulne.s, 4, Nor-

aial, 5. Muslo. 6, Art. 7, llllltary. Ale,Inlltrultlon In eoummon llranches. Able

lastruetluon, legant bullduig.

send for Catalogan to the P'resident,F. P. TOV LER. A. M.. 1). D. j

lUMMONS.-IN THE DISTRTICT (COURTTOthe First judicial district of the state of

"•ohtanna, inand for the county of Lewis and

Sorthwestern suaranty Loan ('ompany, plain-1tl. cd. teorge 11. L ghorn and kranceasLeg-torn. defendants.

Sieh state of iontana sends greeting to theaboe namedrl dafendants:

Yoe are hlereby raiired t) appear in an actionIroneght a: ai-t 'oa be I tie nnnied ilaintiliin the district court of the First judicial districtof the state of Montana. in and for the county ofLewis anl Clarke. and to answer the* complaintfiled therein, within ten days (exclusive of theday of service) after the service on you of thissm mona, if served within this collntiy; or. ifserved out of this countyl but within this liotrict.within tweonly days; otherwise within forty days,or judgment by default will he taken asatnstyuuaccording to the prayer of said complaint.

i he aid a't:on a1 urougtL for tthe iurpoia offor a certain nmortgage, made and oxe-cuts'd by George It. Leghorn and canoes 1 o,-horn, bearing date upon the tith day of Augnet,1890, to secure the payment of a certain promnli-sory note atld thie renewal notts given il letuthereof, made and ex,ocitedl iy ist dolrndant(ieorgs H. Lielghorn to tlnintitl. the lavt ocl sailnots: bearing date upin tlhle 2hlr day of I obruorynlii2, for the sunia of et.050, lawt itiiont y of thtiUnited l tatoe. die on thr e 25th day of ..tuguat.1H2, together with interest ttarnfon frol ai attur-ity until pail, descrit e i in thet cotplaniut hlrein.and which said Iroaanissry note in now dot andtayable. there beila. due thereon tho unitm or

1,05hL prineipal, together with inte:let tltiloinfrom the 25th day of Augu. 18t92, at the rate ofte per cnut er allnom; also for the •ittu 1 ora*27.8paidta for taxoes opn saad prosmiare byp•ailtilt on tve Itlih Cay of n epte'lnbr, It.l12. to-gotheir with inlereAt thereaan from said 16tlh (layof htettlnbaor. 1892. at the rate of ten per elCiltIar annum; at d alao for thte ulat s.f $150 at:or-neoy's fee: and fl r costs of snit: that the prei-sises conveyed by said mortsgage be solt. and theproceeds th.reof appli-,l to the pllayttOlt of saidilot. monuay expended by plaintitff as aforesaid.

anlld coaets of stiftFor further iarticulars reference to the comn-

plaint on hle is haredy in d. snld in caO' iuchliproco dea are Ilot sutliciel t to pay tl a same, tlouto obtain an exe'antilu aga•n~t thI saidl (,eorg,It. l oghorn for the btlance remt: inilng line; ac.dalso that raid dofendantt. and all parsna c aln-ing by, through. o r u tCrih .titay el b arredandl forecluleal of all righlt, titlat alitim, litu.equity of redemlltion. ansuti intrres in aml ,)t aidntortgsg,,d ittonm.,,s; aulll fir faitathea roai f.

And yon are hareby noaatifiehl tlnhat f sI tail toIaltppar anrd alt-wa'r slhe •atll asallclal:la. as ::llBoverequired, tile eaid plaittilt aill tats al-fC,i.tagaintt you and apply to th., court for tile ,';ifldemattdld in the c. ritlaint.

tiveiso under miy hand and the teal Of th. dis-trict courT o t sicial oistrict of tle

tats of lionitaua. In andl for thea1 -r

tt r, a tat of l,etws anti l iurke,

Jucl. aist. ai it" olfc o r laord oatiat hlaltatladiL. 'oirt. J eight ohroda ashd niaict.-te,S -tClltN It"AN, 'otlrk.

Ashburn K. I•oarour, .\ttcaoy fts r ilaintt!f.


* * EAST: " "

Passenglers for tho Eutt fromIHelona andl other wtsternt pointswill l1anl


e N E V: W H.OUTEI via

S1OUX CITY and theo IILINO1SCENT'RAL R. i. lnot only ldesittai•hlas to tiunao atid eqllllullultllt, tutlt outtof[ heo m st att tIrative, paussiiinthroug!lh SIoux City, the only CortaPtlnceo City of the wvorld; DlutLtiue,the hnt'ioa|teas Key City of Iowa;Rlockford, Illinoia, ae new mrutnttofaocItutling city, that ha:s 'econe tm_"wortl within itself," and C(hic;agto,whose llowvvth anid enterprise'lr isthlo wonlelthr uo that world. \'rithielti;snt, lIr•e Clhttr Cars, tant Pull-nein P;.la;ce Sloetpinq Cars oi OVterytratin between Sioux City allld Chit.cagto, and with a close cotnnectioqwith the Unutot Pacilio trains alSioux City, the

Illinois Central R. RIrespctfully preu.lnts its clailnms fqtel new •und every way desirabgSIOU X CITY HOUTEl.

For iolders and further partleiblars call upon local ticket atentit , ,eaddrescs the undersigned at MaLohester, Iowa.

J. F. MERRY,•Lst. General Passonger AgeIa


NEATNESSAre two things which every.body wants when he gives "an order for

Job PrintiRg.

The Independent meets theserequirements in every re-spect. It has just added


To its already fine plant, andis prepared to execute anyorder froPm a Circus Poster toa Wedding Card, without de-lay.

Work for Mining CompaniesIs a sloe: ialty on which wepride ourselves. We are al-ready doing the work for thebitg Conlpoanies of Montanaand Idaho, but we still haveroom for more.

Artistie Work,

Low Prices,

No Delay.Write us for estimates.


SPECIAL SALE.I'llIrsay, Fridlay arnl Saturlay.

LINEN TOWELS.We shall place on sale for Thursday,

Friday and Saturday

100 Dozen Linen TowelsPlain and knotted fringe, assorted quali-ties and patterns, worth from 350 to 50ceach, which we will sell at the uniformprice of

25c. EACH.Only 1 Dozen will be sold to any one


This Sale for 3 Days Only.

) ..--..-- --- . . .. -.

HOSIERY.We have the most complete line of these goods in the city,

in Fast Black and Colors, to lit the smallest INFANT or the

largest MAN, at prices that cannot be equalled anywhere.Men's, Women's and Children's All Wool Hose at prices

from 20 cents to ir.Men's, Women's and Children's Cotton Hose from Io cents

to 75 cents.Also full lines of Lisle Thread and Silk Hosiery in Fast

Black and Colors.

Crockery and Glassware.New goods in this line just received and prices marked

way down. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Chamber Sets, OpenStock, etc.

- HE BE I- II E. Genzberger, Barnett & Co.I H E E 22, 24: and 26 S. Main St.I