Download - Th Eeffective Communication


The Effective Communication “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said”.

BUT !!!!

1- Creating the right environment

Choose the right time

Facilitate an open, intimate conversation.

Remove distractions

2- Organizing your communications


Be crystal clear .

Stay on topic.

Thank your listener(s).

3- Communicating with speech

- Set the listener at ease.

Be articulate.

Enunciate Clearly .

Be attentive when listening and

ensure that your facial expressions reflect your interest.

Be vocally interesting

4- Communicating with body


-Recognize people.

Be clear and unambiguous with your body language, too.

Communicate eye-to-eye .

Use breathing and pauses to your advantage.

Consider how your gestures come across

Keep a check on your other body signals.

5 - Communicating effectively in

conflict-Place yourself on even ground.

Listen to the other party.

Speak in a calm, level voice

Let them know you have heard their point and understand their side.

Don't try to finish the argument at all costs.

Don't try to get the last word in.

Use "I" messages