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Textual research 1Eve Kingston

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The silent house (2012) trailer

I think this trailer would be enjoyable to create as it would be simple to find locations to be used to film in and create appropriate, effective shots. It begins by not introducing the audience to the characters but showing them shots and giving them a glimpse into the storyline through the voiceover that it begins with. After showing a few clips of the complicating action in medias-res, the equilibrium begins. We only see a short section of equilibrium before we see clips of the complicating action and the state of disequilibrium begins. We are unaware as to what is happening but we can see that the protagonist in in a lot of stress and is in a vulnerable position. This creates tension and makes the audience worried and want to find out what happens next. Also the way only a small amount of speech is used creates a sense of worry and concern for the audience as we can only hear eerie background music and sounds. In this trailer it is clear who the protagonist is, but we are unable to see the antagonist which gives us a sense of fear of the unknown as we cannot see who and what is causing the disequilibrium. During the middle of the trailer at one point all sound stops and then suddenly begins again which would shock the audience at the same time as the protagonist suddenly realises she is in a vulnerable position again and panics.

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Locations and camera shots

The locations in this film trailer are mainly during the night or in the dark to fit the mood and genre of the film. This means in a lot of shots we are only able to see the characters faces or what they are looking at which can create a stereotypically ‘scary’ atmosphere and feel for the audience. Also, a lot of the locations are very empty and lonely which may suggest a theme in the film. When the trailer is showing the shots while in a state of equilibrium, the shots are during the day, therefore, the audience would be unaware that the complicating action was about to occur. The dark, stereotypically spooky house location scares the audience and instantly makes them aware that sometime is not right.

The camera shots in this trailer are very fast pace and change very quickly to the next clip. The fast pace camera movement and fast pace action in the shots give a sense of importance and panic for the audience. Also sometimes the camera angles are altered so we are not able to see exactly what is happening in the shot. This makes the audience want to see more and know exactly what is happening. Towards the start of the trailer there is a shot of a house which is stereotypically scary and a horror movie feature.

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The costumes in this trailer are very simple and normal clothes, this is because the theme of this film isn’t exaggerated and unrealistic. This makes the film a lot more horrific for some people as it is realistic people in frightening situations. There are very few characters in this trailer and only one main character that appears through most of the shots. I think this is effective as if there were lots of characters involved it would take away some of the effect of the silent and empty moments in the eerie clips. Blood is used as well as certain props like lanterns as the protagonist walks round in her vulnerable state. Also stereotypically weapons are used such as a knife for the protagonist to protect herself.

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There is very little speech in this film trailer which has a positive effect as very little sound gives it a scary feel and makes the audience focus more on the camera shots and what action is going on rather than what the characters are saying. The movement of the characters and the fast pace changes between camera shots is much more important than speech in this film trailer. The sound and music in the background changes according to whether the action is in a state of equilibrium or disequilibrium. The music adds to the effect and lets the audience know when the mood of the action is about to change. In one part of the trailer the sound completely stops for a few seconds which alarms the audience and lets them know that something bad is about to happen. When the sudden burst of noise begins unexpectedly the audience are shocked and begin to focus more deeply on the complicating action that is occurring.