Download - Textual analysis of posters


Main image in triangle to draw eyes in.

Characters eyes looking straight into the camera, creating eye contact with the audience.

Looking over the camera, making the audience want to know what we can’t see.

Fade to black to show the “Dark Side”

The added “alien” ships in the background make the audience want to know who they are, what they are doing here and if they destroyed the city behind.

The main colours of the poster are very muted, with some flashes of colour (the red and blue of Optimus and the glowing yellow of his sword).

The flash on the F draws the readers eyes in to the middle of the poster.

This poster conforms with the rule of the thirds.

Billing block centred at the bottom of the poster and written in slim, white font to make it readable but not to take the attention away from the main image.

This poster conforms with the rule of the thirds.

Only the main character is on the poster, showing this story is about him. This also implies that this character is

The plain white background and black clothing focuses all of the audiences attention on him and the bright colour of the landmarks.

Mentioning other films that the director has made to draw in people that have seen and liked those films.

Although it is not clearly stated, the tag-line hints at the narrative, that he is able to teleport.

The global landmarks shown at the bottom link to the tag-line, “ANYWHERE” and show all the places the character will go.

“JUMPER” is written in a large, light font to stand out from the dark clothing that the character is wearing and so the audience knows that this is the title of the film.

Film title, tag-line and release date are all written in the same size and font to keep it consistent.

This poster conforms with the rule of the thirds.

The positioning of the characters could imply that those in the foreground are more important then those in the background.

The majority of the poster is muted with a blue tint to the whole thing. The only bright colours on the poster are the red of the Marvel logo, Iron Mans' suit, Captain Americas shield and Thor’s cape, and the orange of the flames.

The main actors names are written in a white font to stand out from the background. Well known actors are used to draw the audience in as many people will recognise them and know of previous films they have starred in.

The film title is centred and in a metallic font to attract the audience. This suits with the rest of the poster as the two closest characters, Iron Man and Thor, are wearing metallic armour. The silver font fits with the glowing of Iron Man's arc reactor, Thor’s armour and the glowing light on the top of the tower in the background. The A from the “Avengers” logo is also used on the release date to keep it consistent.

Billing block centred at the bottom of the poster and written in slim, blue font to make it readable but not to take the attention away from the main image.