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  • 7/26/2019 Terrestrial Reference System and Frame


    TerrestrialReference System and Frame

    Datum transformations

    E. Calais

    Purdue University - EAS DepartmentCivil 3273 [email protected]

  • 7/26/2019 Terrestrial Reference System and Frame


    Need for aTerrestrial Reference GPS geodesy ! estimate position and

    displacement (velocity) of points on Earth Positions and velocities:

    Are not direct observations, but estimatedquantities

    Are not absolute quantities

    Need for a Terrestrial Reference in which(or relative to which) positions and velocitiescan be expressed.

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    Need for a Terrestrial ReferenceIn practice, GPS data processing can beseen as a 2-step process:

    1. From phase and pseudorange observablesto (relative) site positions (and their associated variance-covariance = the wholething is sometimes called quasi-

    observations)2. From quasi-observations to positions andvelocities in a well-defined reference frame

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    Need for a Terrestial Reference:Datum Defect

    Geodetic data are notsufficient by themselvesto calculatecoordinates!

    Ex. of triangulation data(angle measurements):origin, orientation, andscale need to be fixed

    Ex. of distancemeasurements: originand orientation need tobe fixed, scale is givenby the data

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    Datum Defect 3 points (in 3D):

    2 independent distance measurements 2 independent angle measurements 2 independent height difference measurements But 9 unknowns

    4 points: 12 unknowns, 9 data Datum defect = rank deficiency of the matrix that relates

    the observations to the unknowns Solution: define a frame!

    Fix or constrain a number of coordinates 3D network: rank deficiency is 7 (or 6) => fix 3 (or 2) points

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    Fixing a Frame, but Too many constraints?

    Ex.: fixing 2 points in a geodetic solutions means that onefixes:

    Scale Orientation Origin twice

    A priori constraints used on site positions have an

    impact on the final uncertainties: overconstrainingtypically results in artificially small uncertainties The Frame has to be well defined (stable) through

    time: time-dependent model

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    System vs. Frame Terrestrial Reference System (TRS):

    Mathematical definition of the reference in which

    positions and velocities will be expressed. Therefore invariable but inaccessible to users in


    Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF):

    Physical materialization of the reference systemby way of geodetic sites.

    Therefore accessible but perfectible.

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    The ideal TRS Tri-dimensional orthogonal (X,Y,Z). Base vectors have same length. Geocentric: origin close to the Earths center

    of mass (including oceans and atmosphere) Equatorial: Z-axis is direction of the Earths

    rotation axis Rotating with the Earth.

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    3D similarity Under these conditions, the transformation of

    cartesian coordinates of any point between 2 TRSs

    (1) and (2) is given by a 3D similarity:

    Where: X (1) and X (2) are the position vectors in TRS(1) and TRS(2) T 1,2 = translation vector

    ! 1,2 = scale factor R 1,2 = rotation matrix

    X (2) = T 1,2

    + " 1,2


    X (1)

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    3D similarity

    Also called a Helmert, or 7-parameter,transformation. If translation (3 parameters), scale (1

    parameter) and rotation (3 parameters) areknown, then one can convert between TRSs

    If there are common points between 2 TRSs,one can solve for T, " , R: minimum of 3points.

    X (2) = T 1,2

    + " 1,2


    X (1)

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    Linearization 3D similarity between TRS1, X 1 and

    TRS2, X 2 can also be written as:

    With D = scale factor and:

    X 2

    = X 1

    + T + DX 1

    + RX 1

    T =

    T 1

    T 2

    T 3



    $ $ $



    ' ' '

    R =

    0 " R 3 R 2 R

    3 0 " R1

    " R 2 R1 0



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    ( ( (

  • 7/26/2019 Terrestrial Reference System and Frame


    Time dependence X 1, X 2 , T, D, R are generally functions of time

    (plate motions, Earths deformation).

    Differentiation w.r.t. time gives:

    D and R ~ 10 -5 and Xdot ~ 10 cm/yr !

    DXdot and RXdot negligible, ~ 0.1 mm/100years, therefore:


    = X1

    + T + D X 1

    + D X1

    + R X 1

    + R X1


    = X1

    + T + D X 1

    + R X 1

  • 7/26/2019 Terrestrial Reference System and Frame


    Estimation The above equations can be written as:


    The least-squares solutions are:

    Where P x and P v are the weight matrix for station positions andvelocities, respectively


    = X1

    + T + D X 1

    + R X 1

    " X2

    = X1

    + A #

    X 2

    = X 1

    + T + DX 1

    + RX 1

    " X 2

    = X 1

    + A #

    " = T1, T 2 , T3 , D , R 1, R 2 , R 3[ ]

    " = T 1,T 2 ,T 3 , D , R1, R 2 , R 3[ ]

    A =

    . . . . . . .1 0 0 x 0 z " y0 1 0 y " z 0 x0 0 1 z y " x 0. . . . . . .



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    ( ( ( ( ( (

    " = ( A T P x A )# 1 A T P

    x ( X 2 # X 1)

    " = ( A T P v A )# 1 A T P

    v ( X 2 # X 1)

  • 7/26/2019 Terrestrial Reference System and Frame


    Summary If we know the position and velocities of a number of geodetic sites

    that define a reference frame, we can:1. Use observations at these sites in addition to observations at sites of

    unknown position and velocity = reference, or fiducial, sites

    2. Equate the position and velocity at these reference sites to theseknown values

    3. Solve for 7 or 14 transformation parameters4. Apply the transformation to the position and velocity of the other sites.(3 and 4 can actually be done in one step)

    Choice of reference sites: Global distribution Position and velocity precise and accurate Error on their position/velocity and correlations well known

    So, now we need to define a reference frame

  • 7/26/2019 Terrestrial Reference System and Frame


    The international TerrestrialReference System: ITRS

    Definition adopted by the IUGG and IAG Tri-dimensional orthogonal (X,Y,Z), equatorial (Z-

    axis coincides with Earths rotation axis) Non-rotating (actually, rotates with the Earth) Geocentric: origin = Earths center of mass, including

    oceans and atmosphere. Units = meter and second S.I. Orientation given by BIH at 1984.0. Time evolution of the orientation ensured by

    imposing a no-net-rotation condition for horizontalmotions.

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    The no-net-rotation (NNR) condition Objective:

    Representing velocities without referring to a particular plate. Solve a datum defect problem: ex. of 2 plates ! 1 relative velocity to solve for 2

    absolute velocities (what about 3 plates?)

    Mean: describe velocities in a frame that minimizes plate velocities (actuallytheir angular momentum), over the whole Earths lithosphere:

    Can be discretized as:

    Where Q p = inertia tensor of plate p , " p = angular velocity of plate p , P = totalnumber of plates

    Q p : depends on plate geometry, but thickness variations are ignored.

    X " Vdm = 0 L #

    Q p" p = 0 p # P$ (= condition equation)

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    The no-net-rotation (NNR) condition

    The no-net-rotationcondition states that the

    total angular momentum of all tectonic plates shouldbe zero.

    See figure for the simple(and theoretical) case of 2plates on a circle


    VB/A P l a

    t e 1 P l a t e 2 VA/A=0VA/NNR


    BEarths radius R

    MA = R X V B/NNR MB = R X V A/NNR

    # M = 0 ! V B/NNR = V A/NNR

  • 7/26/2019 Terrestrial Reference System and Frame


    The no-net-rotation condition The NNR condition has no impact on

    relative plate velocities. It is an additional condition used to

    define a reference for plate motionsthat is not attached to any particular


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    The international TerrestrialReference Frame: ITRF

    ITRF is defined by the positions (at a given epoch)and velocities of a set of geodetic sites (+ associated

    covariance information) = dynamic datum These positions and velocities are estimated by

    combining independent geodetic solutions andtechniques.

    Combination: Randomizes systematic errors associated with each

    individual solutions Provides a way of detecting blunders in individual solutions Accuracy is equally important as precision

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    History of the ITRF 1984: VLBI, SLR, LLR, Transit 1988: TRF activity becomes part of the IERS => first

    ITRF = ITRF88 Since then: ITRF89, ITRF90, ITRF92, ITRF93,

    ITRF94, ITRF96, ITRF97 Current: ITRF2000 ITRF improves as:

    Number of sites with long time series increases New techniques appear Estimation procedures are improved

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    Solutions used: 3 VLBI, 1 LLR, 7 SLR, 6 GPS, 2 DORIS Up to 20 years of data GPS sites defining the ITRF are all IGS sites Wrms on velocities in the combination: 1 mm/yr VLBI, 1-3 mm/yr SLR and GPS

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    ITRF and the user ITRF distributed as:

    A table (incomplete covariance information)

    A Solution Independent Exchange format file =SINEX file (complete covariance information)

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    ITRF and the User

    Coordinates precise to better than 1 cm and velocities to better than 1 mm/yr for sites with long (10 years and more) observationspans (figure from Altamimi et al., 2002).

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    ITRF and the user

    Velocities in ITRF2000 a t som e IGS sites

  • 7/26/2019 Terrestrial Reference System and Frame


    ITRF and the user Why use it?

    Because it provides the most accurate globalreference frame available

    Because precise GPS orbits (from IGS) use it If everyone uses it, then, by default, all positions

    and velocities will be expressed in the same (and

    globally consistent) geodetic frame!

    easy tocompare

  • 7/26/2019 Terrestrial Reference System and Frame


    ITRF and the user Decide on a number of GPS sites to include in your

    data processing

    Estimate daily station positions by inverting phaseand pseudorange data = daily solutions Constrain the solutions to ITRF by:

    1. First possibility: Fixing, or tightly constraining, the position(and velocity) of reference sites to their ITRF values:

    2. Second possibility:1. Estimating a 14 parameter transformation between a loosely

    constrained solution and the ITRF, using common sites2. Applying the transformation to the loosely constrained solution

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    ITRF and the User Since the ITRF is global, the best procedure is

    actually to:1. Include a minimum of reference station in daily GPS

    solutions = regional solutions2. Combine (loosely constrained) daily regional solutions with

    global solutions3. Estimate 14 parameter transformation using a global set of

    reference sites, well distributed4. Apply the transformation.

    Also, constraining station positions and/or velocitieswill bias the solution if their coordinates and/or theassociated variance are incorrect.

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    ITRF and the User Does ITRF solve the datum defect

    problem? Yes, but it is a space-based technique,

    therefore: If orbits are fixed => reference frame

    already tightly imposed If EOP are fixed => network orientation


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    ITRF and the User How to ensure that the implementation of the

    reference frame minimally affects the final solution(estimates and their variance)?

    Minimal constraints : for a solution to be in a givenframe, the transformation parameters between thatsolution and the frame must be null.

    Application of minimal constraints: Remove constraints from solution if they were implemented

    => loose solution Decide on a number of sits that will be used to estimate the

    transformation parameters (= to implement the referenceframe)

    Add condition equation that reflect the null transformation

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    Minimal Constraints

  • 7/26/2019 Terrestrial Reference System and Frame


    Link with Inertial System Conventional Inertial System :

    Orthogonal system, center = Earth center of mass, defined at standard epochJ2000 (January 1 st , 2000, 12:00 UT)

    Z = position of the Earths angular momentum axis at standard epoch J2000

    X = points to the vernal equinox It is materialized by precise equatorial coordinates of extragalactic radio

    sources observed in Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) = InertialReference Frame .

    First realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) in 1995.

    Systems are defined and frames are realized in the framework of aninternational service: the International Earth Rotation Service, IERS( )

    ! Mission of the IERS: To provide to the worldwide scientific and technical community reference values for Earth orientation parameters and referencerealizations of internationally accepted celestial and terrestrial referencesystems

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    Link with Inertial System The Earth's orientation is defined as the rotation

    between : A rotating geocentric set of axes linked to the Earth (the

    terrestrial system materialized by the coordinates of observingstations) = Terrestrial System

    A non-rotating geocentric set of axes linked to inertialspace (the celestial system materialized by coordinates of stars, quasars, objects of the solar system) = Inertial System

    The transformation from Inertial to Terrestrial can bemade using a standard matrix rotation:

    precession nutation spin Polar motion terrestrialinertial

    t i xW S N P x =

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    Link with Inertial Frame Rotation parameters are given in astronomical tables

    provided by the IERS: for the most precisepositioning, they are used as a priori values andsometimes adjusted in the data inversion.

    In practice, the IERS provides five EarthOrientation Parameters (EOP) : Celestial pole offsets (dPsi, dEps): corrections to a given

    precession and nutation model

    Universal time (UT1) = UT corrected for polar motion,provided as UT1-TAI 2 coordinates of the pole (x,-y) of the CEP with respect to

    Earths geographic pole axis = polar motion

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    Questions? How to transform ITRF velocities to

    plate-fixed velocities? Are velocities at reference sites really

    constant? Most legal reference frames are static