  • 7/28/2019 TERMS OF REFERENCE.pdf


    Ministry of Shipping




    Sonadia Deep Sea Port

  • 7/28/2019 TERMS OF REFERENCE.pdf


    Ministry of ShippingDeep Sea Port in Sonadia Terms of Reference




    Content List


    No.Headings Page No.

    1 Background 5

    2 Introduction 5

    2.a General 5

    2.b Contract Objectives 7

    3 Employer & the Financiers 7

    4 Contracting Authority 7

    5 Coordination with Related Organizations 8

    5.a Bangladesh Railway (BR) 8

    5.b Roads and Highways Department (RHD) 8

    5.c Power Development Board 8

    5.d Other Related Agencies 8

    6 Scope of Work 8

    6.a General 8

    6.b Broad Functions of the Design consultants 11

    6.c Design Activities 11

    6.d Establish Quality Management Systems 11

    6.e Electronic Storage of Project Documents. 11

    6.f Software 127 Stage 1- Design 12

    7.a Stage 1A-Review of the Feasibility study and identify

    Additional Studies required


    7.a.i Review the recommendations of the Feasibility



    7.a.ii Confirm the Layout and the proposed essential



    7.a.iiii. Additional


    For the purpose of detailed design

    of the components of the DSP, the

    DC shall under take but not

    limited to the following studies

    and investigations, as

    recommended in the Feasibility


    a) Sediment Transport Model


    For determining the direction of


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    the Approach Channel, location

    and orientation of the Break

    waters and estimating the annual

    maintenance dredging volume of

    the Approach Channel and

    Harbour Basin accurately moreanalysis (In addition to the

    analyses done during Feasibility

    study) of these components are

    required at the detailed design

    stage. For such studies collection

    of the following data and

    Mathematical Model study shall

    be required to be done by the DC:-

    Current observation: At least 5locations(1x14 days, 4x25 hr), 3layers, Dry &Monsoon seasons;

    Water sampling& SS Test: Atleast 5 locations, 3 layers, Ebb &

    Flood tide, Dry & Monsoon


    Shoreline Survey: 5 lines, 3km(Shore to Offshore)/ line, Dry

    & Monsoon seasons;

    Mathematical Model Study: Todetermine the optimal Breakwaterdirection, and to estimate annual

    maintenance dredging volume for

    Approach Channel and Harbour


    b) Soil Investigation.

    For detailed design of the

    Breakwaters, Quay structures and

    foundation of the facilities of the

    Terminal yard, Access road etc.the following additional (In

    addition to the borings done

    during Feasibility study) borings

    with suitable/necessary field and

    laboratory tests shall be required

    to be done/conducted by the DC :-

    Quay Site: 2 lines at 100mintervals.

    Terminal land: Grid of 200mintervals.

    Breakwater Site: 1 line/

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    Breakwater at 200m intervals.

    Approach Channel area: 1 line at200m intervals.

    Access Road cum Rail area: At200m intervals plus Structure

    points. Township Development Area:

    Grid at 400m intervals.

    c) Topographic Survey.

    For determining more accurately

    the volume of soil for Reclamation

    and to determine drainage and

    spans of Bridges/Culverts,

    detailed Topographic survey for

    Terminal yard, Access road and

    Township development area shall

    be required to be done, for

    application in detailed designing,

    by the DC with the followingaccuracy:-

    Terminal Yard : Survey line= 20mintervals, Contour = 0.5m pitch,

    Scale = 1: 1000;

    Access Road: Cross section= 50mintervals, Contour = 0.5m pitch,Scale =1; 1000;

    Township Dev. Area: Survey line= 20m intervals, Contour = 0.5m

    pitch, Scale = 1:1000;

    d) Hydrographic Survey.

    For the detailed design of the

    Breakwaters and Quay structures,

    and the Dredging plan ofApproach Channel and Harbour

    Basin in front of Quay, detailed

    sounding survey around the

    locations of Breakwaters,

    Approach Channel, and Harbour

    Basin shall be required to be

    carried out by the DC with the

    following accuracy:-

    Breakwaters, Approach Channeland Harbour Basin area: Survey

    line =20m intervals, Contour

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    =0.5m pitch, Scale =1: 1000.

    e) Environment and

    Resettlement Survey.

    In addition to the EIA surveyand Resettlement survey carried

    out during Feasibility Study,

    additional field surveys for the

    following as required for

    preparation of complete EIA and

    Resettlement Plan as per

    requirement of DOE shall be

    required to be conducted by the


    Water quality, Sediment quality,Air quality, Noise, Fauna, Flora


    Resettlement survey.Develop Design Criteria

    8.a.v Develop Preliminary Design 16 Project Program 16

    8.a.vii Develop Channel Dredging Maintenance Strategy 17

    8.a.viii Risk Register 17

    8.a.ix Define Required Additional Studies 17

    8.a.x Specifications and Contract Documents forAdditional Studies


    8.a.xi Terms of Reference for Independent Checking



    8.a.xii Assist DSPA with Appointment of Independent

    Checking Consultants


    8.a.xiii Panel of Experts (POE) 19

    8.a.xiv Project Cost Estimate 20

    8.a.xv Economic and Financial Evaluation 21

    8.a.xvi Review Possibilities for Public-Private Partnerships 21

    8.a.xvii Preliminary Design Reports 21

    8.b Stage 1B -Additional Studies and Evaluation 22

    8.b.i Update Final Preliminary Design 23

    8.b.ii Detailed Engineering Design 23

    8.b.iii Design Certificates 23

    8.b.iv Liaison with Independent Checking Consultants 24

    8.b.v Design Checks for Other Structures 24 Special Investigations 24

    8.b.vii Confirm Scope of Each Construction Contract 24

    8.b.viii Design Specifications for Contractor Designed



    8.b.ix Update Project Cost Estimate and Project Program 248.b.x Channel Maintenance Cost Estimate 25

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    8.b.xi Basin and Channel Maintenance Requirements 25

    8.b.xii Basin and Channel Maintenance Manuals 25

    8.b.xiii Prepare Contact Documents 25

    8.b.xiv Prepare Detailed Design Report 26

    8.c Satge 1C- Stage 1 C- Detailed Design Procedure 27

    9 Stage 1D-Stage 1D-Tender/Procurement Action 329.a Contractor Prequalification 32

    8.b Assistance During Tender Period 32

    8.c Tender Evaluation 32

    10 Safeguard Compliance, Land Acquisition Plan and

    Resettlement Plan


    10.a By International Resettlement Specialist 33

    10.b By National Resettlement Specialist 33

    11 Environmental Impact Assessment 35

    12 Gender Specialist 36

    13 Preparation of Technical Specifications 3714 Prepare Construction Details and Provide Technical



    15 Procurement and Contract Supervision 37

    16 Supervision of Procurement, Construction

    Supervision, Monitoring of Project Progress


    17 On-the-Job Training Assistance 39

    18 Required Expertise 40

    19 Technical Deliverables Approvals and Submission of



    20 Facilities 43

    21 Staffing 4322 Payment 43

    Attachment -1 44

    Attachment -2 45

    Attachment -3 46

    List of Abbreviations:

    BGSL, Bakhrabad Gas System Ltd

    BR Bangladesh Railway

    BTCL Bangladesh Tele-commication Company Ltd.

    CPA Chittagong Port Authority

    DC Design Consultant

    DOE, Department of Environment

    DSPA Deep Sea Port Authority

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    EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

    EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return

    FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return

    GoB Government of Bangladesh

    LGRD, Local Government and Rural Development

    PDB Power Development Board

    POE Panel of Counterpart Expert

    PHE, Public Health Engineering

    PPA Public Procurement Act

    PPP Public Private Partnership

    PPR Public Procurement Regulation

    RHD Roads and Highways Department

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    2. BackgroundBangladesh is situated in South Asia with a long coastline of about 580 km along theBay of Bengal. It has two sea ports. Chittagong in the south-east and Mongla in the

    south-west. International sea borne trade of Bangladesh has been using these two sea

    ports, with about 92% passing through Chittagong Port. The Main port installations of

    the Chittagong Port are situated along the banks of the river Karnafuli about 16 km

    from its outfall into the Bay of Bengal. The Mongla Port is located at the confluence

    of Pussur River and Mongla Nulla about 130 km inland from the bay. The maximum

    permissible drafts at the Chittagong Port ranges from 8.50 m to 9.20m with length

    restriction of vessels being 186 m. The maximum permissible draft at Mongla Port

    ranges from 7m to 8.5 m with length restriction of vessels being 225m. Therefore, the

    major problem confronting the two sea ports in Bangladesh is the limited draft andlength, which prohibit the entry and berthing of large vessels in the ports. As a

    consequence lighterage is required for a substantial portion of the import trade from

    anchorages in the Bay.

    Also the trend towards containerization persists and Bangladesh container traffic is

    growing on average @ 12% p.a. Containers are being carried to these ports by feeder

    vessels from Singapore, Malaysia and Colombo. The present trend in world shipping

    is to have bigger ships to derive economy of scale, but Bangladesh cannot realize the

    benefit due to limitations of its ports. The total tonnage of sea borne trade of

    Bangladesh is now over 32 million tones, which is growing on average @ 10% p.a.

    At present, eight export processing zones are operating in Bangladesh and more are

    expected to come up in the future. In addition, cargo can also be expected from Nepal,

    Bhutan. And possibly the northern part of China and the landlocked north-eastern

    states of India. To ensure proper services to the export processing zones and to serve

    the regional markets, deep draft vessels are necessary. Since there is no operational

    deep-sea port in Myanmar and also on the east coast of India, there is possibility that a

    deep sea port in Bangladesh can provide services to these areas in addition to

    supporting Chittagong and Mongla Port in handling increased volume of export

    import cargoes.

    Bangladesh economy is mainly based on import both in value and volume lean. The

    average maritime dependency factor is about 30% and 33% of annual revenue of the

    country is drawn form direct import tax only. With a population of about 141 million

    the economy is moving rapidly towards market economy. The Bangladesh

    government has emphasized diversifying its economy away from agriculture and has

    made industrial development a priority. In this backdrop the importance of an

    efficient port is unquestionable.

    The Bangladesh Government has also adopted the policy of promoting the

    development of infrastructure projects including ports through PPP for facilitating

    accelerated economic growth through the sufficient provision of infrastructure and to

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    this end GOB has recently issued a Bangladesh Private Sector Infrastructure

    Guidelines (BPSIG) and guidelines for PPP model.

    The Bangladesh Government engaged a consulting firm M/s Pacific Consultants

    International (Japan) in association with Asian Engineering Consultants Corp. Ltd.

    (Thailand), Dextrous Consultants Ltd. Dev Consultants Ltd. (Bangladesh) forconducting a full scale techno economic feasibility for construction of a deep sea port

    in Bangladesh. After completion of the study the consultants submitted the final

    report during June 2009 and recommended for construction of a deep sea port in

    Sonadia Island/Moheshkali, Bangladesh. The deep sea port will be developed in three

    phases viz Short term by 2020, Mid term by 2020-2035 and Long term by (2035-


    3. Introductiona. GeneralGovernment of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh (GOB) intends to develop a Deep

    Sea Port at the Sonadia Island. The new port will be able to handle deep draft

    seagoing vessels up to 14m draft and 300m overall length. The port will consist of

    two breakwaters, an approach channel, connecting road and rail, fifty six berths with

    associated pavements, buildings and the required utilities, to be constructed in three

    phases-i) Short Term(~2020) ii) Medium Term(2020~2035) and iii) Long


    The selected area for the new port is situated about 15 km north north west of Cox

    Bazar. The location plan and layouts of the scheme are shown in theattachment-1

    These terms of reference describes the objectives, scope of work and deliverables to

    be provided by the consulting firm for the works related to phase 1 of the DSP which

    consist of two breakwaters of approximately 1.95 and 2.25 km long, a dredged

    channel 3.7 km long 400m wide and 14m depth, a basin of approximately 25 hectors,

    40 km of connecting road with two small bridges, an equal length of rail track running

    parallel to the road, nine berths with associated pavements on reclaimed land and

    terminals with required utility services, to be constructed over a period of

    approximately 5 years.

    Phase 1 activities of the DSP will be implemented in two stages as follows:

    Stage 1 Design stage leading through procurement action to award ofconstruction contracts

    Stage 2Supervision of Construction workThe key issues includes: (i) construction of two breakwaters, (ii) dredging of a

    navigation channel between the breakwaters and a basin up to a depth of 15 meters

    (iii) reclamation of the land with dredged materials (iv) construction quay walls, (v)

    proper handling of social and environmental impacts arising from the project

    including land acquisition and resettlement impacts on affected people and

    environmental impacts on the regional and coastal hydrology and ecosystem and (vi)

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    coordination among organizations involved with the project specially RHD, BR, PDB

    ETC including the government agencies and potential financers.


    Contract Objectives

    The overall objectives of the present Contract is to enable Construction Contracts to

    be awarded for the Project with requirements of the Employer and the potential

    financiers being fully met.

    To enable this Contract Objectives to be achieved the following tasks are required:

    Develop the Design criteria as per the requirements specified inAttachment-3forall components/elements of the Project.

    Develop design options for all the components/ elements of the Project. Determine appropriate procurement arrangements. Prepare Detailed Designs for all the elements/ components of the Project. Define the requirements of necessary surveys, investigations and tests. Prepare bidding documents for construction of all the components/ elements of the


    Assist with the prequalification and appointment of Contractors who will beresponsible for construction of the Project.

    Prepare social and environmental safeguard plans, assist the DSPA in recruitmentof institutions and supervise their implementation of the social safeguard plans.

    Complete other tasks as required by the DSPA for successful implementation ofthe Project.

    The detailed requirements for these tasks are given later in these Terms of Reference.

    4. Employer & the FinanciersThe Employer will be the Deep Sea Port Authority (DSPA) an executive agency

    under the MOS of the GOB.

    The Project will be financed through Public Private Partnership (PPP).

    5. Contracting AuthorityThe Contracting Authority will be the DSPA. The DSPA is an Executive Agency of

    the Ministry of Shipping under the GOB. The DC will be required to work very

    closely with the DSPA and other stakeholders throughout the Project.

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    The organization structure of the DSPA is expected to be available prior to the

    commencement of the Satge 1. It is expected that the DSPA will establish a Project

    Implementation Unit dedicated to the Project.

    The operating relationship between the DSPA, financier(s) and other parties to be

    involved in the Project will be defined by the DSPA, a Panel of Experts (POE)consisting of Nationally/Internationally recognized experts will be appointed by the

    DSPA to provide advice to the DSPA throughout Stages 1&2 of the Project. The DC

    will be expected to co-operate fully with the POE.

    6. Coordination with Related Organizationsa. Bangladesh Railway (BR)

    The DSP is to be connected to the national rail network with a 40 km long rail

    link. Bangladesh Railway is responsible for construction and operation of the

    state owned railway network in Bangladesh. The DC shall discuss with BRabout the construction of the rail track and include in the design of the port

    facility provision for alignment with the rail track.

    b. Roads and Highways Department (RHD)The DSP is to be connected to the national road network with a 40 km long

    road link. Roads and Highways Department is responsible for construction and

    operation of the national high way network in Bangladesh. The DC shall

    discuss with RHD about the construction of the road and include in the design

    of the port facility provision for alignment with the link road.

    c. Power Development Board (PDB)The DSP will require 100 MW of power for its operation and various services.

    In Bangladesh PDB is the state owned power supplier company. The DC shall

    discuss with PDB about the construction of a power plant in the port area and

    include in the design of the port facility provision for establishing a power

    plant in a suitable location.

    d. Other Related AgenciesDC will also co-ordinate with DOE, LGRD, Petro Bangla, PHE, BGSL, BTCL

    etc. for respective components of the Project.

    7. Scope of Worka. General

    i. The Ministry of Shipping (MOS), has the responsibility to establish aDeep Sea Port (DSP) in Bangladesh. Within MOS, an Executive

    Agency which may be called a Deep Sea Port Authority (DSPA) will

    be formed as implementing agency responsible for overseeing the

    detailed design and construction project preparation, procurement,implementation and related activities. A consulting firm of

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    international repute will be appointed for detailed design, procurement

    activities, and construction supervision and to monitor various other

    Project-related activities. The recruitment of consulting services will

    be done in accordance with PPA 2006 and PPR 2008 on the use of

    Consultantsand on the basis of the detailed terms of reference (TOR).

    ii. The main objectives of the consulting services are to ensure that thedetailed design of civil works and procurement of materials are

    undertaken in an economical and efficient manner, consistent with

    widely accepted engineering standards and practices for such works,

    and to the satisfaction of the Government, Counterpart experts,

    Financers, and co-financiers. The international consultants should

    ensure that on-the-job training is provided and transfer of engineering

    and project management experience is transferred to associated DSPA,

    Counterpart experts and project staffs.

    iii. The Pacific Consultants International (PCI) consultant performed theTechno-economic Feasibility Study including concept designs of theDeep Sea Port in a selected site at Sonadia. The PCI consultant has

    identified DSP components for construction and procurement in three

    phases 1, 2 and 3. Contract for civil works of the first phase including

    strategic infrastructure like Breakwaters, Channel, Basins, Berths etc

    financed by Government and/or donors/financers will be procured

    using international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures as per PPA

    2006 and PPR2008 and donors/financers guidelines if any.

    iv. In general the works to be carried out under each civil works contractwill comprise: (i) Construction and alignment of the Breakwaters; (ii)Dredging of the approach Channel; (iii) Reclamation of the terminal

    space; (iv) Construction of quay walls; (v) Constructions of cassions

    (vi) All building works of the port, including access road and rails.

    v. This terms of reference is for consulting services for detailed design,construction supervision, and monitoring under Detailed Design

    Project (stage 1). The Project may be financed by the GoB through

    the Ministry of Shipping. A Feasibility study was undertaken and the

    study recommended for building the DSP facilities on the low lying

    land between the Sonadia Island and the Maheshkhali Island which is

    situated at a distance of about 100km south of Chittagong and 300 kmfrom Dhaka. Under the Feasibility Study program a Preliminary layout

    of the DSP has been prepared. The scheme recommended by the

    Feasibility Report has been consented to by the GOB. During stage 1

    the Preliminary layout has to be reviewed.

    The site is located within Zone-2 in the Seismic Zoning map of Bangladesh.

    The Approach Channel of recommended length, width and depth will be made

    through extensive dredging and the dredged material will be used for

    reclamation of the terminal land. Two Breakwaters will be constructed at the

    mouth of the Approach channel.

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    The port shall be connected by 40 km road with the National highway (Dhaka-

    Chittagong-Coxs Bazar-Teknaf). Through an extension of the Trans Asian

    Railway by about 45 km from the Dohazari Rly station towards Chokoria,

    Railway connectivity with the main system of Bangladesh may be established

    through a branch line from the DSP at Sonadia. The probable distance from

    the DSP to the possible connecting point of the extended Main line will beabout 40 route km. The existing inland waterways (class 1) having a

    maximum permissible draft of 3.96m shall connect the DSP with the sea ports

    of Chittagong and Mongla and the city of Dhaka.

    The power generation capacity being inadequate even for meeting the present

    demand of the national requirement, construction of a new thermal power

    plant dependent on coal or liquid fuel will be required for the DSP. Water for

    the DSP will not be available at the Sonadia Island and the adjoining area of

    Maheshkhali Island. The deep aquifers at the north part of the Maheshkhali

    Island will be the nearest water source for the DSP.

    The Project will require land acquisition and resettlement for the affected

    population. These shall have to be materialized through effective Land

    Acquisition Plan and Resettlement Plan. The Project area is situated in the

    Environmentally Critical Area (ECA) declared under Environmental

    Conservation Act of the GOB. Therefore, a detailed Environment Impact

    Assessment (EIA) and its Environmental Management Plan shall have to be


    b. Broad Functions of the Design consultantsi. review of preliminary concept design done by the PCI consultants;ii. conduct environmental, socioeconomic, geographic, and geodetic,

    surveys at sites;

    iii. provide the technical specifications for the procurement andconstruction contracts, including procurement of related materials;

    iv. prepare detailed designs of all civil works and Breakwater , includinggetting approval of the relevant designs by DSPA;


    prepare the detailed and general cost estimates based on the detaileddesign; and

    vi. review the requirements and the preliminary concept design and comeforward with innovative solutions that will facilitate efficient and

    economic project implementation.

    vii. design work of the breakwater, cassion, quay wall to be carried out in-house, within Consulting firm, the design of the breakwaters to be

    executed in three phases:

    1. Basic design2. Physical Model testing

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    3. Detailed DesignAfter these three design phases, additional steps may include:

    4. Preparation of technical specifications5. Construction supervision

    c. Design ActivitiesThe scope of works in stage 1 is further divided into four sub-stages as


    Stage 1AReview the Preliminary concept design of the Feasibility study Stage 1B - Additional Studies and Evaluation. Stage 1C - Detailed Design. Stage 1D- Procurement Action and Safeguard Compliance.

    d. Establish Quality Management SystemsThroughout the Stage 1 the DC shall operate and maintain an independently

    accredited and audited quality management system that complies with ISO

    9000 & 9001 or an equivalent internationally recognized and approved

    standard for quality management systems.

    The quality management system shall be subject to the approval of the DSPA.

    The DC shall ensure that all the sub-contractors employed on the Stage 1

    comply with the same approved quality management system unless

    specifically permitted by the DSPA.

    The DSPA shall have the right to audit the DCs quality management system,and that of any sub-contractors employed by the DC, to check that the

    approved procedures are followed.

    e. Electronic Storage of Project Documents.The DC shall establish, maintain and operate throughout the duration of Stage

    1 an electronic document storage system (EDSS) for digital storage of all

    documents relating to the Project. This shall include all materials produced by

    the DC and others involved in the Project. The EDSS shall be accompanied by

    a comprehensive operating manual. The EDSS shall incorporate a

    comprehensive register with links to the stored items and an efficient user

    interface for the fast and efficient retrieval of documentation. The system will

    be made accessible to the DSPA and other parties authorized by the DSPA.

    The information incorporated in the EDSS shall include but not limited to thefollowing materials:

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    Outgoing and incoming correspondence (letter, facsimile). E-mails. Reports. Personnel Schedule of the DC. Invoices of and payments to the DC. Drawings (including design drawings and as-built drawings). Specifications. Calculations and computer output. Cost estimates and programs. Draft and final reports prepared by the DC and others. Bidding documents and Contract documents. Site photographs. Progress reports. Any other material prepared in connection with the Project.

    Information shall be placed in the EDSS as soon as is reasonably practicable.On completion of the Stage 1, the system shall be passed over to the DSPA

    and will serve as a long term archive.

    The DC shall establish, maintain and operate a Web based system for

    accessing to the EDSS with suitable security controls in place to permit access

    to each part of the system only by the authorized users.

    f. SoftwareAnalytical software of any type should generally be verified against standard

    benchmark tests or published solutions. Where appropriate and required,softwares should be benchmarked against physical model testing. Analytical

    softwares and techniques used in the design should be described in detail in

    the deliveries where copies of input files should be provided along with a

    summary of key results.

    8. Stage 1- DesignFor Stage 1 the DC shall review the reports, analyses, layouts, drawings etc. of the

    Feasibility Studies, develop Design options, set standards and prepare Detailed

    Engineering Designs for all the components/elements of the Project. As part of this

    the DC will be required to use their expertise to advise the DSPA on appropriateengineering solutions that will achieve the Contract objectives.

    a. Stage 1A-Review of the Feasibility study and identify Additional Studiesrequired

    i. Review the recommendations of the Feasibility ReportThe DC shall thoroughly review the relevant volumes of the Feasibility

    Study Report including any other reports referred by the DSPA. The

    DC shall examine the accuracy and completeness of the data relevant

    for the Engineering Design of the components/ elements of the Projectand make prudent assessment for undertaking further/ additional

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    studies, investigations and data collection required for successful

    implementation of the Project.

    A General Layout Plan for the Short term development of the DSP has

    been prepared within the scope of the Feasibility Study and the

    following major components of the Project have been assessed andrecommended for achieving the Short term development of the DSP :-

    Approach Channel : 3700m; width=400m, depth= -14m CD Harbour Basin : 1700m; width=400m, depth= -14m CD Navigation Aids : 1 Entrance Buoy, 2 Corners Buoys. Dredging volume : 40.6 million cu.m.

    Breakwater : North Breakwater- 2,250m; SouthBreakwater-1,950m Navigation Aid -2


    Land Reclamation : Port Terminal Land 272 ha, Back-upLand 700 ha; fill volume 40.6 Million

    cum (Dredged material will be used).

    Revetment : 12,000 m. Quay wall : -14m Quay wall 3,400m; -5m Quay wall


    Custom fence & gates : 5,900 m. Pavements : Container Terminals-71.5 ha; General

    Cargo terminals- 46.8 ha. Inland water &

    Small Craft berths -28 ha; other areas

    inside Custom Fence-70.7 ha.

    Drainage System : Inside Custom Fenceto be assessed.

    Buildings, Sheds, : Container Terminals -35,000 sqm;

    Workshops, Electric Gen. Cargo Term.- 32,400 sqm.

    Sub-stations, Amenity

    and Operation bldg. etc

    Utilities : Electricity & Water supply system in theContainer Terminals, General Cargo

    Terminals and other areas inside Custom


    Equipment : Container Terminal; Quay Gantry Crane-15 units, RTG-40 units. General Cargo

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    Terminal; Multi- Purpose Shore Crane-4

    units, Jib Crane-4 units. IW Container

    Terminal; Quay Gantry Crane- 5 units,

    RTG-8 units.

    VTS : 1 unit.ii. Confirm the Layout and the proposed essential facilities

    The DC, upon review of the recommended layout of the DSP and the

    proposed essential facilities, shall finalize and confirm layout of the

    DSP and make final assessment of the extent of works required to

    achieve the Project Objectives and complete the Project.

    iii. Additional Survey/Investigation.For the purpose of detailed design of the components of the DSP, theDC shall under take but not limited to the following studies and

    investigations, as recommended in the Feasibility Report:-

    a) Sediment Transport Model Study.

    For determining the direction of the Approach Channel, location and

    orientation of the Break waters and estimating the annual maintenance

    dredging volume of the Approach Channel and Harbour Basin

    accurately more analysis (In addition to the analyses done during

    Feasibility study) of these components are required at the detailed

    design stage. For such studies collection of the following data andMathematical Model study shall be required to be done by the DC:-

    Current observation: At least 5 locations(1x14 days, 4x25 hr), 3 layers,Dry &Monsoon seasons;

    Water sampling& SS Test: At least 5 locations, 3 layers, Ebb & Floodtide, Dry & Monsoon seasons;

    Shoreline Survey: 5 lines, 3 km(Shore to Offshore)/ line, Dry &Monsoon seasons;

    Mathematical Model Study: To determine the optimal Breakwaterdirection, and to estimate annual maintenance dredging volume for

    Approach Channel and Harbour Basin.

    b) Soil Investigation.

    For detailed design of the Breakwaters, Quay structures and

    foundation of the facilities of the Terminal yard, Access road etc. the

    following additional (In addition to the borings done during Feasibility

    study) borings with suitable/necessary field and laboratory tests shall

    be required to be done/conducted by the DC :-

    Quay Site: 2 lines at 100m intervals. Terminal land: Grid of 200m intervals.

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    Breakwater Site: 1 line/ Breakwater at 200m intervals. Approach Channel area: 1 line at 200m intervals. Access Road cum Rail area: At 200m intervals plus Structure points. Township Development Area: Grid at 400m intervals.

    c) Topographic Survey.

    For determining more accurately the volume of soil for Reclamation

    and to determine drainage and spans of Bridges/Culverts, detailed

    Topographic survey for Terminal yard, Access road and Township

    development area shall be required to be done, for application in

    detailed designing, by the DC with the following accuracy:-

    Terminal Yard : Survey line= 20m intervals, Contour = 0.5m pitch,Scale = 1: 1000;

    Access Road: Cross section= 50m intervals, Contour = 0.5m pitch,Scale =1; 1000;

    Township Dev. Area: Survey line = 20m intervals, Contour = 0.5mpitch, Scale = 1:1000;

    d) Hydrographic Survey.

    For the detailed design of the Breakwaters and Quay structures, and

    the Dredging plan of Approach Channel and Harbour Basin in front of

    Quay, detailed sounding survey around the locations of Breakwaters,

    Approach Channel, and Harbour Basin shall be required to be carried

    out by the DC with the following accuracy:-

    Breakwaters, Approach Channel and Harbour Basin area: Survey line=20m intervals, Contour =0.5m pitch, Scale =1: 1000.

    e) Environment and Resettlement Survey.

    In addition to the EIA survey and Resettlement survey carried out

    during Feasibility Study, additional field surveys for the following as

    required for preparation of complete EIA and Resettlement Plan as per

    requirement of DOE shall be required to be conducted by the DC:-

    Water quality, Sediment quality, Air quality, Noise, Fauna, Flora etc. Resettlement survey.

    iv. Develop Design CriteriaThe consultant shall prepare comprehensive design criteria as per the

    requirement specified in Attachment-3, Independent Checking

    Consultants, and any other design consultant such as one that may be

    engaged under a design and construct contract. The design criteria

    shall include all components including the roads and rails inside the

    port area. Similarly, the design criteria shall include all aspects relatingto the installation or future installation of utilities inside the port.

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    The DC shall prepare and continue to develop, throughout the course

    of Stage 1, comprehensive Design Criteria that achieve the objectives

    of the Project. The Design Criteria shall be prepared and presented in

    such a way that they can be readily understood and applied by the DC

    and the Panel of Experts (POE).

    The Design Criteria shall include but not be limited to the following:-

    1. Confirmation of the proposed Approach channel alignmentincluding its length, width, depth of water etc.

    2. Confirmation of the alignment of the Turning Basin includingits length, width, depth of water etc.

    3. Confirmation of the locations and layouts of all otherstructures/ facilities proposed to be built.

    4. Design life, loads/impacts, codes and other applicable standardsand special criteria for creation of the required facilities.

    5. Where appropriate, requirements for static and dynamicanalysis of the structures in respect of functional and

    environmental loads including wind, current wave, storm surge

    and earthquake loads.

    6. Design Criteria for possible alternative proposals for thefacilities proposed to be built.

    v. Develop Preliminary DesignNotwithstanding earlier feasibility studies, the design consultant is

    required to develop outline designs for a number of different options

    for the breakwaters, approach channel, Quay wall, basin jetties to

    enable options to be objectively compared with one another. Each

    option shall be developed in sufficient detail to demonstrate that the

    project objectives and design criteria have been complied with and to

    enable preliminary construction costs to be estimated and a

    construction program to be prepared. The design consultant shall then

    formulate an objective method for comparing the options to select the

    preferred Preliminary design.

    vi. Project ProgramThe design consultant is required to prepare a program for all aspects

    of the whole Project including activities within the design consultants

    scope and those undertaken by others, hereafter referred to as the

    project program. The project program should reflect the agreed

    procurement strategy and Preliminary designs for all elements of the

    Project. It should be achievable and be accompanied by a commentary

    that identifies options or alternative scenarios where appropriate.

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    As a minimum, the Program shall identify the periods and inter

    relationships between the following items:-

    Stage 1

    i) Additional studies, surveys and investigations.ii) Availability of land (Land acquisition and Resettlement)

    iii) All design activities.

    iv) Review at critical stages by DSPA, POE, CPA and other


    v) Arrangement of finance.

    vi) Prequalification of Contractors.

    vii) Preparation of Bidding Documents.

    viii) Bidding for all Construction Contracts.

    ix) Bid assessment and final Contract negotiations leading to Award

    of Contract.

    Stage 2

    i) Construction of all components/ elements of the Project including

    but not limited to the following:-

    Elements designed by the DC. Seasonal influences that affect construction works e.g. monsoon


    Need for and availability of major plant components e.g.dredging equipment.

    Procurement of special items/materials.

    Testing of elements/systems after installation e.g. load testing.

    ii) Commissioning and handover.

    vii. Develop Channel Dredging Maintenance StrategyIt is anticipated that a dredging and channel maintenance contractor

    will be appointed for the Project by the Deep Sea Port Authority

    (DSPA) under a 5-year contract tendered on a competitive basis.

    viii. Risk RegisterThe design consultant is required to prepare and maintain for theduration of the Project a detailed risk register. This register will

    identify technical, commercial, contractual, environmental, program,

    financing, and other risks. It will identify the probability of occurrence,

    mitigating measures required, residual risks, and consequences should

    the risk come to pass. It should identify those responsible for

    addressing the risks and at what stage the risks are to be addressed.

    ix. Define Required Additional StudiesAdditional studies prior to or during the detailed design phase are

    expected to be needed to provide important information that will

    reduce uncertainty associated with technical, program, and commercial

    aspects of the Project. The additional studies are expected to include (i)

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    geotechnical investigations; (ii) mathematical model testing; (iii) a

    topographic survey; (iv) a bathymetric survey; and (v) tidal flow,

    scour, and hydrological studies and physical modeling. (vi) Sea bottom

    configurations by the equipment named Sub Bottom Profiler; (vii)

    Effect of storm surge and negative storm surge as per cyclonic strength

    occurs within the coast of Bangladesh; (viii) To assess the effect ofEarthquake/ Tsunami after determining the changes of movement of

    Tectonic plates (India & Burma plate) passes through the belt of Coxs

    Bazar. (ix) The techno-economic feasibility study includes details of

    traffic forecast for the Deep Sea Port. Which forms the basis for

    decisions regarding the Project, the trade forecasts also form a

    fundamental part of the economic evaluation. In order to verify and

    update the economic evaluation the trade surveys should be repeated

    and future trade forecasts prepared by the DC. The DC should propose

    a trade forecast model with a range of predictions and for future

    growth up to 2055.

    The design consultant shall identify the extent of the above studies and

    any other studies considered appropriate that may serve the overall

    objective of reducing risk to an acceptable level. As part of this

    undertaking the design consultant should define in detail where and, if

    appropriate, how the additional studies should be executed and what

    their objectives are.

    x. Specifications and Contract Documents for Additional StudiesThe design consultant shall prepare and agree a strategy for

    undertaking the additional studies along with cost estimates and, asnoted earlier, a program for completion. The design consultant is

    required to prepare comprehensive detailed technical specification

    setting out the objectives of the studies, the required deliverables, and

    what information will be provided by the design consultant to form

    part of the studies. These technical specifications should, where

    appropriate, set out the minimum requirements for tests, e.g., scale,

    duration, sample type, etc.

    xi. Terms of Reference for Independent Checking ConsultantsThe roles of the Independent Checking Consultants will be to reviewthe design criteria, specifications, drawings, and other documents

    submitted by the design consultant and to check the detailed design to

    ensure that it meets the project objectives and is safe, buildable, and

    economic. The scope of the Independent Checking Consultants check

    is expected to be limited to the breakwaters, quay walls, channel,

    basins and other civil engineering works forming part of the Project as

    agreed with DSPA. The proposed terms of reference (TOR) should be

    endorsed by the POE.

    xii. Assist DSPA with Appointment of Independent CheckingConsultants

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    The Independent Checking Consultants will be appointed by DSPA.

    The design consultant shall assist DSPA with every aspect of the

    Independent Checking Consultants appointment including preparing

    tender documents and submission requirements, prequalification,

    assessment of tenders, and final appointment. The curricula vitae of the

    candidates should be reviewed and accepted by the POE.

    xiii. Panel of Experts (POE)The GOB will appoint a Panel of Experts (POE) to advise on the

    Project. The POE will be selected by the DSPA on the basis of their

    internationally/ nationally expertise in the various specialties required

    by the Project. It is anticipated that the POE will be retained throughout

    the Stage 1 & 2.

    The POE will meet the DC at regular intervals throughout Stage 1 and

    may request explanation or clarification from the DC regarding theDesign or any other aspect of the Project. The DC shall co- operate

    fully with the POE at all times, provide copies of all documentation

    requested and respond to requests for clarification or further

    information of any type in a prompt manner.

    The Panel of Experts (POE) should consist of internationally renowned

    and respected individual professionals who are widely acknowledged

    to be experts in their field. The members of the POE should possess

    among them acknowledged expertise and experience.

    It is possible that some of the members of the POE may possessexpertise and experience in more than one areas. It is to be expected

    that the POE should include some members of the earlier counterpart

    expert staffs for the techno-economic feasibility study project, since

    their experience there would be helpful in this case.

    It is expected that the POE will include some experts resident in

    Bangladesh and familiar with the procedures and systems for design

    and construction in Bangladesh, as well as other experts drawn from

    around the world. Ideally, the numbers of Bangladeshi and

    International experts should be approximately balanced.

    The POE is required to provide expert advice in connection with the

    project as required from time to time by DSPA, and to carry out

    periodic reviews of the procedures followed and the results produced

    by the design consultant, Independent Checking Consultants, and

    construction contractors throughout the Project.

    The POE shall organize itself under the leadership and guidance of its

    chair so that any comments, suggestions, or advice from any of its

    members are assembled, reviewed, and agreed upon by all its members

    and submitted to DSPA as comments, suggestions, or advice from the

    POE as a whole.

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    During the detailed design project, the members of the POE will each

    receive from DSPA copies of monthly progress reports and selected

    other reports prepared by the design consultant and Independent

    Checking Consultants. Any comments and observations on these

    reports made by the individual members of the POE as a result of their

    review shall be assembled by the chairman and submitted to DSPAwithin 21 days of receipt.

    Similarly, during the construction project, the members of the POE

    will each receive from DSPA copies of monthly reports of progress on

    the construction works and selected other reports. Any comments and

    observations on these reports shall be assembled by the chair and

    submitted to DSPA within 21 days of receipt, as in detailed design


    Each mission of the POE is expected to last approximately 1 week and

    should include meetings with DSPA, the design consultant, thecontractors (during construction phase ) and other key organizations to

    discuss matters of importance at that time. During construction project,

    these missions shall include a visit to the site to inspect the works and

    enquire about progress, quality control, materials and workmanship

    standards, etc.

    At the end of each mission, the POE shall submit a report to DSPA

    making any observations, comments, or suggestions that the members

    of the POE collectively consider should be made, and collating

    together any interim comments that have been made by the POE

    members during the previous 3-month period.

    On some occasions, DSPA may request one or more members of the

    POE to visit an off-site manufacturing, fabrication, or testing facility to

    conduct an inspection and provide a written report. This may either

    coincide with a normal 3-monthly mission to Bangladesh or require an

    additional visit.

    In addition, the POE is expected to respond to any specific queries on

    particular technical issues on which DSPA may require independent

    expert advice during the course of the project. Such queries will be put

    to the POE through the chair, and the response will be providedthrough the chair.

    In the event that any disagreement arises between the design

    consultants and the Independent Checking Consultants regarding a

    matter relating to the acceptability or suitability of the design, the

    design criteria or any other matter that cannot easily be resolved

    between them, the POE may be asked by DSPA to review the issues in

    question and provide an independent opinion on the matter to help the

    design consultant and checking consultant reach agreement.

    xiv. Project Cost Estimate

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    The design consultant shall prepare a preliminary cost estimate broken

    down into the different contracts showing the projected expenditure

    profile throughout the Project on a month-by-month basis for each

    construction contract and any other works associated with the Project.

    xv. Economic and Financial EvaluationThe design consultant shall develop economic and financial models

    like those produced in earlier feasibility studies. They shall include

    evaluations that are directly comparable to those produced previously

    but should be expanded and refined in whatever way that the design

    consultant sees as appropriate. The economic evaluation will output the

    predicted economic internal rate of return, benefit-to-cost ratio, and net

    present value for the Project. Sensitivity studies should be undertaken

    in a way similar to those done at the feasibility stage. The financial

    evaluation aims to measure and evaluate financial aspects of the

    Project including, but not limited to, (i) analysis of port tariff andpredicted traffic volume, (ii) analysis of utility companies costs (iii)

    tax and customs revenues, (iv) project construction and port operation

    and channel maintenance costs, and (v) analysis of probable financing

    methods, both private and conventional. From this financial evaluation

    the design consultant shall prepare income and expenditure profiles for

    the Project.

    xvi. Review Possibilities for Public-Private PartnershipsThe design consultant is required to appoint an expert in public-private

    partnership (PPP) and finance to review options for PPP on any aspectsof the Project. Some work has already been undertaken looking at PPP

    options. This is to be reviewed and updated for both the construction

    and post-construction stages. In addition the design consultant shall

    explore, with DSPA and donor agencies, the possibility of gap funding

    on PPP schemes. It is currently considered that there is limited scope

    for PPP involvement in the project but that the greatest opportunity for

    PPP is most likely in the port operation and channel maintenance stage

    of the Project. The design consultant shall report on any identified PPP

    opportunities and pay particular attention to any possible PPP models

    for the operation phase, making recommendations on the preferred


    xvii. Preliminary Design ReportsAt a point in the program to be approved by DSPA, the design

    consultant shall submit an interim Preliminary design report. This shall

    include details and general arrangement drawings of the options

    considered and a preliminary assessment of the preferred option. The

    design consultant shall make a presentation of the interim Preliminary

    design to DSPA, other representatives of the Government, donor

    agencies, and other relevant authorities. Any comments received from

    relevant parties shall be considered and incorporated into thedevelopment of the final Preliminary design. The design consultant

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    shall prepare and submit a final Preliminary design report that will

    include general arrangement drawings and presentation images for

    planning and promotional purposes. The report will include

    comprehensive details of the studies in sufficient detail to allow close

    scrutiny by others. The report must set out a full justification for the

    recommendations made.

    xviii. Obtain Approval for - Preliminary DesignThe DC shall present the results of the Additional Studies,

    Investigations along with an assessment of the implications. If

    necessary and appropriate, the DC shall convene a workshop with the

    interested parties to discuss the final recommendations.

    At this stage the DC shall seek approval to proceed with Stage 1B-Preliminary Design. In this respect the DC must agree, as part of the

    Project Program, time schedule for submission of the

    Outline/Preliminary design documents.

    In seeking the approval to proceed with Stage 1B- Preliminary Design,

    the DC shall also submit the following to the DSPA for review by the

    concerned Government Ministries/ Agencies and the co-financiers:-

    Draft Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report. Draft Resettlement Plan.

    The DC shall present the results of the Additional Studies,

    Investigations along with an assessment of the implications. Ifnecessary and appropriate, the DC shall convene a workshop with the

    interested parties to discuss the final recommendations.

    At this stage the DC shall seek approval to proceed with Stage 1B-

    Preliminary Design. In this respect the DC must agree, as part of the

    Project Program, time schedule for submission of the

    Outline/Preliminary design documents.

    In seeking the approval to proceed with Stage 1B- Preliminary Design,

    the DC shall also submit the following to the DSPA for review by the

    concerned Government Ministries/ Agencies and the co-financiers:-

    Draft Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report. Draft Resettlement Plan.

    b. Stage 1B -Additional Studies and EvaluationThe design consultant shall propose additional studies and surveys required to

    complete the detailed design. The possibility of handling liquid cargo at the

    new DSP should also be taken into consideration for additional studies.The

    agreed additional studies shall be carried out under the full responsibility of

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    the design consultant, regardless of any subcontracting arrangement that may

    be needed. If any subcontracting arrangement is required, the design

    consultant is responsible for recruitment, technical supervision of the

    additional studies, and finalization of the final reports of the studies. The

    design consultant shall assess the implications of the results of the additional

    studies and, where relevant, identify any requirements for further testing thatmay have arisen. The design consultant shall seek approval to undertake such

    further testing. The implications of the results of the additional tests will be

    fully evaluated by the design consultant. The design criteria should be revised

    as required to reflect the results of the additional studies. In addition, the

    design consultant shall ascertain the technical, commercial, economic, and

    other implications arising from the results of the additional studies. Further

    detailed analysis and development of the Preliminary design is assumed to be

    undertaken at the commencement of tender actions. After completion of the

    additional studies, the design consultant will be required to update the project

    cost estimate and the project program. As in Preliminary design, the project

    cost estimate and project program must be comprehensive in their coverageand should include sensitivity studies.

    i. Update Final Preliminary DesignAs soon as possible in the detailed design phase, the design consultant

    shall update the final Preliminary design based on the results and

    findings of the additional studies. This update shall take into account

    any reports prepared as part of the additional studies and any

    interpretative reports prepared by the design consultant or others.

    ii. Detailed Engineering DesignBased on the agreed contract strategy, the design consultant is required

    to prepare detailed designs for all parts of the Project except those

    identified as being for detailed design by contractors. The design

    consultant shall use state-of the-art techniques and standards to

    produce an efficient, robust, and buildable design that complies fully

    with the agreed design criteria developed in Preliminary design. The

    design shall conform to international codes and standards, and, where

    relevant, reference shall be made to published design and detailing

    guides. Proprietary analytical software should generally be

    independently verified and in all cases benchmarked against known orpublished solutions. Analytical techniques used in the detailed design

    should be described in the design report.

    iii. Design CertificatesThe design consultant shall submit to DSPA design certificates signed

    by the design consultants project director that itemize all drawings for

    all detailed design elements of the Project except where detailed

    designs are to be prepared by contractors. The certificates shall be in

    an agreed format and reflect the design consultants obligations under


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    iv. Liaison with Independent Checking ConsultantsThe design consultant is required to liaise and cooperate in a proactive

    manner with the Independent Checking Consultants supplying design

    information for checking in accordance with an agreed schedule. The

    Independent Checking Consultants will be required to provide checkcertificates as a key deliverable. The check certificates will state that

    the Independent Checking Consultants are satisfied that the design

    complies with the design criteria. It is the design consultants

    responsibility to resolve all technical issues raised by the Independent

    Checking Consultants relating to the design in order to get to the stage

    where the Independent Checking Consultants are in a position to sign

    the check certificates.

    v. Design Checks for Other StructuresAll detailed engineering designs for structures other than majorcomponents that are not checked by the Independent Checking

    Consultants shall be subject to a check by separate teams within the

    design consultants organization who have not been involved in

    preparing the detailed design. The design consultant shall submit a

    design check certificate for all such designs in an agreed format to


    vi. Special InvestigationsSpecial Investigations may be required to prove the validity of

    particular aspects or details of the detailed engineering design. If thedesign consultant or DSPA determines that special investigations are

    required during the detailed design stage, the design consultant shall

    prepare all necessary technical specifications and other tender

    documentation; tender, supervise, and assess the results of these tests;

    and report on the same to DSPA.

    vii. Confirm Scope of Each Construction ContractTaking into consideration the detailed design, the design consultant is

    required to confirm or modify, as required, the precise scope of each

    construction contract as proposed in the Preliminary design.

    viii. Design Specifications for Contractor Designed ElementsThe design consultant shall prepare illustrative designs and design and

    construction specifications, based on the final Preliminary designs, for

    all contractor-designed elements.

    ix. Update Project Cost Estimate and Project ProgramThe design consultant is required to update the project cost estimate,

    project program, and expenditure profile on a month-by-month basis to

    reflect the detailed design. Estimated construction supervision costs

    should be identified along with anticipated running costs of DSPA staff

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    dedicated to the DSP project during the construction phase. The cost

    estimate should clearly identify the estimated value of each contract in

    both local and foreign currency, including supervision contracts, along

    with contingencies and allowances for currency fluctuations.

    x. Channel Maintenance Cost EstimateWith due consideration for the choice of standard contracting

    arrangements PPP or otherwise, the design consultant shall develop a

    channel maintenance dredging schedule for the short term period (till

    2020). The schedule should identify the likely activities and anticipated


    xi. Basin and Channel Maintenance RequirementsBased on the basin and channel maintenance strategy developed, the

    design consultant shall advise DSPA regarding the organizationalstructure of DSP for channel maintenance. This shall include staff

    levels and requirements and equipment to enable it to operate and

    maintain the Deep Sea Port effectively.

    xii. Basin and Channel Maintenance ManualsFor elements of the works for which the design consultant is

    responsible in the detailed engineering design, the design consultant

    shall prepare maintenance manuals that include outline method

    statements for key maintenance procedures, e.g., basin, channel, quay

    fenders, navigational aids etc.

    xiii. Prepare Contact DocumentsThe design consultant shall prepare all additional contract documents

    for each construction contract including materials and workmanship

    specifications, bills of quantities, instructions to tenders, and any

    further documentation required to complete the tender packages to the

    satisfaction of the DSPA and other interested Government


    The DC shall prepare all Bidding Documents for the Construction

    Contract(s) including Materials and Workmanship Specifications, Billof Quantities, Instruction Bidders, General and Particular and

    Particular Conditions of Bid and any other documentation required to

    complete the Bid packages to the satisfaction of the DSPA, the Co-

    financiers, and any other key stakeholders.

    The Bidding Documents shall generally comprise of the following:-

    Part 1 Bidding Procedures( Includes Instruction to Bidders, Bid Data sheet,

    Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Bidding Forms

    including Bill of Quantities, and other relevant

    information). Part 11 Employers Requirements.

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    ( Includes the Specifications, the Drawings, and other

    relevant information that describes the works to be


    Part 111 Conditions of Contract.( Includes the General and Particular Conditions of

    Contract and Contract Forms).

    Contractors will quote price for the items in Bills of Quantities which

    will then be used as the basis of re-measuring and final valuations. The

    method of measurement shall be either an existing or some other form

    to be agreed by the DSPA. The method of measurement shall be

    defined in the Contract documents. The DC shall prepare

    comprehensive Bill of Quantities for the Contract(s) strictly in

    accordance with the agreed method of measurement.

    The Bidding documents shall include Employers Requirements that

    set out the basic requirements for the Contract. Comprehensive stand-alone Materials and Workmanship specifications shall be provided.

    The specifications shall adopt international codes or standards for

    supply of components materials, measurements and testing wherever

    possible and appropriate. The specifications shall include defect

    acceptance criteria and tolerances that reflect assumptions made in the


    The Materials and workmanship specifications shall recognize and

    promote the use of locally sourced materials and skills, wherever

    practicable and appropriate. The specifications shall recognize and

    provide appropriate coverage for likely source of key materials such as

    cement, aggregate and rock. In particular, the scarcity of aggregates for

    production of High Strength concrete and rocks for construction of

    Breakwaters should be considered.

    For the Contract(s) the DC shall define the minimum quality assurance

    procedures for the Contractor(s). These shall include requirements for

    approval of method statements and inspection of temporary works and

    permanent works on site.


    Prepare Detailed Design Report

    The design consultant shall prepare a detailed design report for the

    Project that comprehensively describes the design process, methods,

    assumptions, analytical techniques, and software used to develop the

    detailed engineering design and final Preliminary designs (for design-

    and-build contracts).

    xv. Present Detailed Design for ApprovalThe DC shall present all of the deliverables for the Detailed Design

    Phase for approval by the DSPA and, where relevant, other concerned

    parties. This shall include all draft Bidding Documents and DesignReports forming part of the Detailed Engineering Design. The Draft

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    Bidding Documents shall incorporate requirements to be fulfilled by

    the Contractors, which will have been identified through finalization of

    the Environment Impact Assessment, the Land acquisition plan, the

    Resettlement plan and other safeguard studies.

    The DC shall obtain comments from the DSPA and other relevantparties and address these in revised deliverables as required.

    c. Stage 1 C- Detailed Design ProcedureThe principal elements of the infrastructure works are

    i. two breakwaters1.8 and 2.2 kilometer (km) in lengthin a waterdepth of up to 14 meters (m), the core of the breakwaters is to be

    formed using the sand dredged from the navigation channels and this isto be protected by rock and concrete armour units;

    ii. a two-way navigation channel of approximately 3.5 km length with awidth of 400m and depth of 14 m plus ancillary dredging works

    together with navigation aids;

    iii. Quay wall to enclose a basin of about 25 hector with a depth of 14meters

    iv. internal roads, paving, services, buildings, and miscellaneous works.v. In the basic design phase all activities are to be carried out for the

    purpose of defining a basic design of the preferred breakwater


    1. Initial data gathering2. Additional data collection3. Compilation of design criteria

    vi. The objective of the initial data gathering is to build up an overallappreciation of the extent of existing data available. Typically, duringthe initial data gathering the following data need to be looked for:

    1. PCI Techno-economic feasibility study reports2. Admiralty maps3. Detailed bathymetry4. water levels5.


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    6. currents7. sedimentation rate8. winds9. geotechnical data10. earthquake conditions11. availability of construction materials

    vii. Following the initial data gathering, the data will be screened forcompleteness. In case considered incomplete, additional data gathering

    should be proposed to be carried out. Additional data collection may

    include (but not be limited to):

    1. bathymetrical,2. topo-graphical,3. quarry,4. soils and seabed investigations.

    viii. In addition, data may need to be collected on coastal processesincluding tidal observations, current measurements and sediment


    ix. If required, Consulting firm will draft Terms of References foradditional survey campaigns and assist in letting the same works.

    Consulting firm will supervise the execution of the survey campaigns

    (of crucial importance for any sub-soil investigations) and incorporate

    the findings of the campaigns in the following steps of the design


    1. Retrieving Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler2. Compilation of design criteria

    x. Following the collection of all data, the data will be analysed andprocessed to compile all required design criteria. The studies will

    determine the key parameters for the design of the breakwater.

    Amongst other this will cover the assessment of wave and tidal

    conditions at the site and will include the following:

    1. Assessment of water levels (tide, surge, sea level rise)2. Assessment of waves (offshore and near shore)3. Assessment of tidal currents4. Assessment of geotechnical design parameters

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    xi. To compile all relevant design criteria, the following mathematicalmodeling should be carried out:

    1. Wind/wave hind cast analysis to predict offshore waveconditions

    2. Offshore to near shore wave transformations to assess waveconditions at the location of the breakwater

    3. Current modeling to assess current patterns around thebreakwater

    4. Wave penetration to assess wave conditions behind thebreakwater

    5. Sediment transport modeling to assess sedimentation anderosion around the breakwater

    xii. The mathematical modeling exercises can be carried out locally byWMA using internationally recognised software from any recognized

    Hydraulics Institute. Alternatively, it may also be subcontracted to

    specialized institutes.

    xiii. When contemplating the basic design of the breakwaters, a range ofbreakwater types should be considered. These include:

    1. Rubble mound breakwaters (composed of rock and/or concretearmour units), either statically or dynamically stable,

    submerged or emerged (with or without overtopping)

    2. Monolithic breakwaters (like a caisson, block wall or masonrystructure), generally emerged and with limited overtopping

    3. Composite breakwaters (combining a monolithic element witha rubble mound berm or base), generally emerged and with

    limited overtopping

    xiv. The optimum choice of breakwater design should be made byconsidering the following factors:

    1. Availability of construction materials (and costs)2. Site conditions (soil and water)3. Methods of construction4. Future maintenance of the structures5. Wave penetration to assess wave conditions behind the


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    6. Sediment transport modeling to assess sedimentation anderosion around the breakwater

    xv. The methods of dealing with the foundation problems of thebreakwater posed by foundation layers should be addressed in details.

    xvi. Depending the boundary conditions for the design and based on theexperience and engineering judgment, Consulting firm should propose

    1 to 3 most promising concepts to be worked out in a basic design.

    xvii. Having developed a number of alternatives, quantities and costestimates should be determined by the consultants to support the

    selection of a preferred alternative.

    xviii. The results of the basic design should be reported in a basic designreport, which should include but not limited to the following


    1. Design brief2. Calculation notes3. Drawings4. Bill of Quantities5. Costs

    xix. After selection of the type of breakwater the consulting firm shouldarrange a physical model test to investigate the following:

    1. In case of a Rubble breakwater:a. stability of armors.

    b. overtopping and transmissionc. stability of rock aprons at the toe of the structure .


    For a monolithic breakwater:

    a. (impacting) wave pressures on the structure.b. overtopping and transmissionc. stability of rock aprons at the toe of the structure

    3. For a composite breakwater:a. stability of armour.

    b. (impacting) wave pressures on the structure.

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    c. overtopping and transmissiond. stability of rock aprons at the toe of the structure

    ii. When the breakwater is subject to predominantly normal incidentwaves a 2D test (Flume) should be sufficient. However, in case ofoblique incident waves the use of a 3D test (basin) should be


    iii. When physical model test are subcontracted to specialized institutesthe consulting firm should drafts Termsof References for the tests. The

    consulting firm should supervise the execution of the tests and

    incorporate the findings of the campaigns in the design exercise. Either

    by including the results in the basic design or by including the results

    in the final design, depending on the timing of the physical model tests.


    The final design process of the breakwater will confirm and refine thepreliminary cross-section selected earlier on in the design process and

    will cover:

    1. Final design of the breakwater cross section, including theresults of model tests

    2. Final design of filter layers, including either granular filters ofgeotextiles

    3. Final design of monolith elements (reinforcement, connections,floating and

    4. sinking facilities)5. Final design of transitions in breakwater cross sections6. Preparation of design drawings7. Preparation of bills of quantities8. Cost estimates

    v. A Final Design Report will be prepared to draw together all thedetailed design information for the development and will include butnot be limited to the following:

    1. Design brief2. Calculation notes3. Drawings4. Bill of Quantities5. Costs

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    9. Stage 1D-Tender/Procurement Actiona. Contractor Prequalification

    The design consultant shall assist DSPA with the prequalification procedure

    for each of the contracts. This shall include preparing prequalification andselection criteria, assisting with advertising, reviewing and assessing

    submissions, interviewing, and preparing a prequalification report that shall

    include a recommended list of prequalified contractors.

    b. Assistance During Tender PeriodDSPA will be responsible for administering tender procedures including

    issuing all tender-invitation documents and responding to queries raised by

    contractors. The design consultant shall provide whatever support to DSPA

    required throughout the tender period. The design consultant shall attend

    briefing sessions with contractors as required by DSPA throughout the tenderperiod.

    c. Tender EvaluationThe design consultant will be responsible for assessing all tenders and making

    recommendations as to which contractor should be selected for each contract.

    This shall include preparing, in advance, a tender evaluation strategy based on

    agreed technical and commercial criteria. The design consultant shall review

    each tender for completeness and compliance with the tender documentation,

    thereafter thoroughly reviewing each tender to ensure the technical and

    commercial feasibility of the proposals.

    10. Safeguard Compliance, Land Acquisition Plan and Resettlement PlanDuring Stage 1 period, the DC shall review the previous studies/ survey undertaken

    during feasibility Study and undertake additional study and carryout survey and

    prepare Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Land Acquisition Plan (LAP) and

    Resettlement Plan (RP) and incorporate requirement to be fulfilled by the

    contractor(s) in the Bidding documents.

    The design consultant is responsible for preparing a resettlement plan as required,

    ensuring that resettlement studies are conducted in line with Donors Policy on

    Involuntary Resettlement (if any), Operations Manual on Involuntary Resettlement

    (if any) and other related policies so that donors can prepare the required documents

    for project financing. The consultant may use the Handbook on ResettlementA

    Guide to Good Practices as a guide. The consultant will ensure that affected people

    are consulted and that resettlement information is disclosed to affected people.

    Specifically, the consultant will conduct tasks including, but not limited to, those

    listed below. The consultant will also refer to the recent findings of the feasibility


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    To prepare and update the resettlement plan, the design consultant will undertake the

    following tasks:

    a. By International Resettlement SpecialistThe following are tasks specific to the international resettlement specialist:

    i. Provide overall guidance and instruction to the national resettlementspecialist in all aspects and take overall responsibility for the delivery

    of expected results.

    ii. Identify the project-related interests of key stakeholders (in particularof poor and vulnerable groups) and barriers that are likely to prevent

    them from participating in and benefiting from project resources.

    Suggest possible strategies for addressing their concerns.

    iii. Design a methodology for assessing the poverty impact of the maininvestment project and develop procedures for collecting and analyzing

    data required for the evaluation of such impacts and benefits.

    iv. Identify covenants or policy changes necessary to ensure the protectionof people at risk and vulnerable groups during project implementation.

    v. Review and finalize (a) a resettlement plan prepared by the nationalresettlement specialist and confirm compliance with donors safeguard

    policies (if any) and (b) a gender action plan prepared by the gender

    specialist and confirm compliance with donor's Gender and

    Development policy objectives (if any).

    vi. Provide guidance and training workshops to the DSPA andnongovernment organizations (NGOs) on donors Policy on

    Involuntary Resettlement, Operations Manual on Involuntary

    Resettlement (if any), and other related policies, as well as on

    procedural requirements and required activities for each stage of

    resettlement plan implementation.

    vii. Identify requirements for additional capacity building for the DSPAsimplementation of land acquisition and resettlement activities.

    b. By National Resettlement SpecialistThe following are tasks specific to the national resettlement specialist:

    viii. Conduct a 100% census survey that is based on the detailed design andassesses the impacts on people, property, common property resources,

    and loss of livelihood.

    ix. Record all untitled occupants so that identity cards can be issued toensure there is no further influx of people into the project area. The

    recorded date will serve as an eligibility cut-off date for untitled

    occupants. Document fully all consultations with affected people,including the list of participants and the participation of officials of the

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    DSPA, as applicable and to the extent possible, and make the records

    available to the DSPA.

    x. Work closely with (a) the design engineer to ensure designs that avoidor minimize land acquisition to the extent possible, documenting all

    the information, and (b) relevant local government authorities, whilestaying in close touch with developments currently underway in

    preparing a national resettlement policy.

    xi. Assess and analyze land-for-land options to the extent possible foraffected households that are dependent on such land-based livelihoods

    as livestock raising and do not have the skills and capacity to undertake

    alternative livelihoods.

    xii. Based on the identified direct or indirect impacts by the Project, designa detailed plan and scooping for the income-restoration program for the

    short and long term (including a social development fund) inagreement with DSPA. Conduct needs assessments of the affected

    people for skills development, capital support feasibility, and

    marketing facilities while designing the income-restoration program.

    Assess the availability of those facilities at the resettlement sites.

    xiii. Develop a detailed mechanism of grievance redress. Formulategrievance redress committees in each union where land acquisition and

    resettlement will take place and provide a list of them in the updated

    resettlement plan.

    xiv. Develop a management information system and enter all the baselinedata generated by the census/socio-economic survey, joint verificationteam/property valuation advisory team surveys and the monitoring and

    evaluation system.

    xv. Prepare TOR and tender documents for NGOs for implementing theresettlement plan and help the DSPA recruit NGOs.

    xvi. Revise implementation budgets, sources, and timing of funding and thetask schedule.


    Develop a detailed internal and external monitoring mechanism tomonitor land acquisition and resettlement.

    xviii. Consult with affected people and disclose to them final resettlementplan in accordance with Donor.sPolicy(if any).

    xix. Identify whether the Project will be located in, or pass through, areasof significant indigenous people's settlements based on detailed design

    and, if any impacts on indigenous peoples are identified, prepare an

    indigenous peoples development plan in accordance with Donors

    Policy on Indigenous Peoples or integrate specific actions in favor of

    indigenous peoples in the resettlement plan.

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    xx. Incorporate any other suggestions of Donor or the DSPA until theyaccept the reports.

    xxi. The design consultant will (i) prepare a screening and impactcategorization form for involuntary resettlement for the Project, (ii)

    finalize an updated resettlement plan based on the detailed design, (iii)prepare an indigenous peoples screening and impact categorization

    checklist, (iv) prepare an indigenous peoples development plan if

    required, and (v) prepare the summary poverty reduction and social

    strategies after incorporating comments from Donor and the DSPA.

    xxii. The design consultant will prepare a detailed engineering design for (i)all resettlement sites, which should include both commercial and

    housing plots, civic facilities, and basic utility infrastructure as

    necessary; (ii) affected common resource properties

    xxiii. The design consultant will (i) prepare a land acquisition plan (asrequired by the Land Acquisition Act 1894) for land to be acquired forthe Project, including resettlement sites based on the detailed design,

    and (ii) help the DSPA to prepare all necessary documents for

    initiating land acquisition as stipulated in land acquisition laws in


    11. Environmental Impact AssessmentFor environmental impact assessment (EIA), the design consultant will undertake the

    following tasks:

    a. Review all available reports from previous initial environmental studies andtake into account Donor and Government requirements on an EIA.

    b. Based on this review, prepare a scoping document with detailed informationon the boundaries of the study, the environmental aspects to be included in it,

    and its approach and methodology, including sampling methods. The scoping

    document should be presented as a draft TOR for the EIA study.

    c. Submit the draft TOR for the EIA to the Department of Environment (DOE)for approval.

    d. Undertake the EIA.e. Prepare the EIA report and its summary. This EIA report should include the

    detailed environmental management plan, which will be included in the

    bidding document.

    f. The EIA should address all potential direct and indirect environmental impactsof the Project. The assessment of environmental impact should be presented in

    project cycle order: pre-construction, construction, and operation. In each

    stage of the project cycle, include the environmental impacts of all project

    components (Breakwater works, Jetties and port facilities, and connecting

    roads and rail).

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    g. The environmental aspects to be studied should cover physical environment,ecological environment, and social areas related to environmental concerns.

    h. During